Wednesday, January 19, 2011

  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From al Masry al-Youm:
Leaders participating in the Arab Economic Summit issued a statement rejecting foreign interference on the issue of minority rights in the Arab World.

The summit opened Wednesday in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh resort.

Earlier this week, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said Egypt planned to demand that the summit denounce external meddling in its domestic affairs.

The call was triggered by an appeal made by Pope Benedict XVI along with a number of Western states urging the protection of Christians in the Arab world following deadly attacks on churches in Iraq and Egypt.

The statement said that Arab leaders reject attempts by foreign powers to intervene in Arab domestic affairs.

It added that such attempts demonstrate an ignorance of the history of the region, and reflect a lack of understanding of the nature of terrorist attacks, which have not neglected any area of the world.
The disappearing Christian minority in every Arab nation is testimony to how well the Arabs are handling this issue on their own.

And it gives me reason to quote another section from the Martha Gellhorn article on Palestinian Arabs in 1961:
I directed myself toward the nearest church steeple, rang a doorbell beneath, and was admitted by an enormous, rotund priest in a brown cassock. He looked like an Arab but was an Italian. He had lived in this country for nearly thirty years and had learned how to survive: by laughter. He laughed at everything, and it was an awesome sight, as if a hippopotamus broke into silent mirth....
With another mute roar, he told me that the Arabs said, First we will finish with the Shabbaths, and then with the Sundays. They never changed their ideas. They went around looking at the women and the houses they would take when they managed to get rid of the Jews and the Christians. He laughed himself into a good shake over this one.
Unfortunately, the Arab Christians who are the targets of the Muslims are no more tolerant themselves towards Jews:
I asked about the Eichmann trial and the reaction of his Roman Catholic parishioners. Well, his Christian Arabs thought Eichmann was right, because the Jews were the enemy of the German state. They were always the enemy of the state; the Pharaohs had to drive them out of Egypt, the Persian King tried to clear them out, Ferdinand and Isabella kicked them out of Spain. No one could live on good terms with them, so Eichmann was right. (Horrified, really horrified, I said, "Surely. that is not a Christian attitude to the most appalling murders we know about?" He found it terribly funny that I should expect a Christian attitude from Arabs.)
(h/t Just Journalism)
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Backspin reports on a CNN story where their reporters talk about covering the Tunisian riots, as they downplay any dangers from tear gas (start around the 2:30 mark):

As Backspin notes,
Can you imagine Western journos covering Bilin security fence protests breathlessly gushing for the IDF? Why is the world only uptight about tear gas when Israel is involved?
But it is even worse. While there have been rare deaths during the weekly Bil'in and Nilin riots, for the most part they are set up as circuses, with activists dressed as Avatar characters or Santa Claus. In Tunisia, they were very deadly, with 78 people killed in a couple of weeks - including one journalist from a tear gas canister!

So why do reporters cover Bil'in as if it is incendiary and Tunisia as if it is a joke?
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Hours after Russian President Dmitri Medvedev declared his country recognizes an independent Palestinian state, Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat described the statement as "an historic move to make the Palestinians proud for a very long time to come."

Medvedev said Tuesday during a visit to Jericho that Moscow had effectively recognized Palestine back in 1988 and has no intention of changing its position now. He noted that all would benefit from the establishment of a Palestinian state, including the Israelis.

Talking to Ynet Erekat noted, "We appreciate the Russian recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders whose capital is east Jerusalem."
Medvedev didn't say a word about "1967 borders." He simply said that Russia continues to recognize "Palestine" in the way that the Soviet Union did in 1988, which didn't mention borders at all and which was pretty much ignored by the world community at the time. But it is hardly the first time Erekat has been caught lying.

The YNet article does mention that Israel's Foreign Ministry strike is severely hampering Israel's efforts to fight this latest wave of PLO diplomatic victories. One result is that Medvedev didn't even visit Israel. This strike is really hurting Israel and it needs to be resolved quickly.
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ron Dermer, advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, writes a nice letter to Time magazine in response to their latest ridiculous anti-Israel article:

Dear Mr. Stengel,
I wanted to bring to your attention a recent article in Time entitled "Israel's Rightward Lurch Scares Some Conservatives." I hope that you will agree that the article's obvious bias and numerous distortions are not worthy of the standards of your prestigious magazine.
Israel is depicted in the article as essentially sliding towards fascism. Your correspondent refers to Israel's Shin Bet (the equivalent of the FBI) as a "secret police," claims that the Israeli government "increasingly equates dissent with disloyalty," and accuses the Prime Minister of "taking a page from neighboring authoritarian states."
The evidence offered for these outrageous allegations includes a preliminary vote in our parliament that would require naturalized citizens to make a pledge of allegiance, a proposal to strip citizenship from Israelis convicted of espionage and terrorism, a motion to investigate foreign government funding of local NGOs, calls on Jews to not rent property to Arabs, and demonstrations demanding prohibitions of Arab boys from dating Jewish girls.
But your correspondent did not find it necessary to inform your readers of a few facts.
Oaths of allegiance are commonplace in most democratic countries, including the United States. Naturalized citizens in America swear an oath to its Constitution and to defend the country against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." Israel's proposed pledge would require naturalized citizens to swear an oath to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, words taken directly from our Declaration of Independence.
Moreover, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy are just some of the many countries where citizenship can be stripped for various infractions that are defined as undermining "national interests." Are these European countries not democratic?
In the United States, Senator Joe Leiberman proposed a bill last year to "add joining a foreign terrorist organization or engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States or its allies to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality." Is American democracy threatened by such a bill?
As for questioning the legitimacy of foreign government funding of Israeli NGOs, mentioning America's Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) may have presented a more balanced picture.
FARA requires that any organization engaged in lobbying in the U.S. that receives money from foreign individuals, let alone foreign governments, must among other things register as a foreign agent with the Department of Justice and permit the Attorney General to inspect all of its activities.
It is hard to imagine any democratic country accepting foreign governments intervening in its domestic affairs by funding domestic groups engaged not merely in criticism of a particular government's policy but also attacking the very foundations of the State.
What would Britain do if the French government was actively funding a British NGO that sought to eliminate the monarchy? What would the United States do if the Iranian government was funding American NGOs pressing for a withdrawal of US forces from the Middle East?
There is a vigorous public debate in Israel, including within the Likud party, over the best means to address the problem of foreign government funding of local NGOs. Proposals range from launching a parliamentary investigation to laws banning or restricting such funding to measures to ensure full transparency. Far from being a sign of Israel's slide toward fascism, the current debate in Israel is a testament to how vibrant our democracy truly is.
Finally, contrary to the implication of your correspondent, Prime Minister Netanyahu has publicly and forcefully condemned the racist sentiments that were mentioned in the article. For example, this is what the Prime Minister said at the opening of Israel's annual Bible Quiz to an audience of mostly observant Jews a few hours after he learned of the letter calling on Jews not to rent apartments to Arabs:
There are non-Jews among the citizens of this country. How would we feel if someone said not to sell apartments to Jews? We would have been outraged, and indeed we are outraged when we hear such things in neighboring countries or anywhere else. Such statements should not be made, neither about Jews nor about Arabs. They must not be made in any democratic country, let alone a Jewish-democratic country that respects the moral values of the Jewish heritage and the Bible. Therefore, the State of Israel categorically rejects these things.
Contrast this unequivocal condemnation by the leader of Israel to the Palestinian Authority law that mandates the death penalty for any one who sells land to Jews. Such laws are all too common in a Middle East in which Christians are persecuted, gays are hanged in public squares and women are stoned for adultery.
In Israel, things are different. Here, we protect the rights of women, gays and minorities, including the 20% of Israelis who are Arabs, who enjoy freedom of speech and religion and the protections afforded by independent courts and the rule of law.
Every decision in Israel is put under the microscope by one of world's largest foreign press contingents, the hundreds of human rights organizations and NGOs that operate freely here, a famously adversarial local press and most critically, by a vociferous parliamentary opposition.
Israel has upheld its democratic values despite being threatened like no country on earth. In defending itself against wars of aggression, unparalleled terror campaigns and continuous promises to annihilate it, Israel has a track record on the protection of rights that would compare favorably to the record of any democracy, much less democracies under threat.
Even in peacetime, other democracies enact laws that would be inconceivable in Israel. The Swiss ban on minarets and the French restrictions on headscarves passed in Europe, not Israel.
One final point regarding media coverage in the Middle East. In 2000, after an Italian television station (RAI) was threatened by the Palestinian Authority for broadcasting the film of a Palestinian mob lynching two Israeli soldiers, RAI issued a shameful apology. Similarly, in 2003, CNN admitted to burying negative coverage about Sadaam's regime so that its personnel could continue working safely in Baghdad.
I can assure you that no matter how biased and unbalanced your correspondents' coverage of Israel, they will always be free here to write whatever they want. Of course, Time is also free not to print it.
Ron Dermer 
Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister

(h/t Backspin)
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, the PLO mission in Washington placed their flag outside their building. U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), new Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, reacted appropriately.
Raising this flag in DC is part of the Palestinian leadership’s scheme to manipulate international acceptance and diplomatic recognition of a yet-to-be-created Palestinian state while refusing to directly negotiate with Israel or accept the existence of Israel as a democratic, Jewish state.

IsraeliGirl interviews Professor Dina Porat about anti-Israel rhetoric, Muslim propaganda and anti Semitism. It is nice to see a pro-Israel blog move do MSM-style interviews, and IsraeliGirl has already done a few.

Backspin notes that Great Britain's bizarre advertising rules now seem to force the Daily Mail to advertise visits to "the Holyland," Jerusalem, Galilee, the Dead Sea - but never mentioning any country's name. My suggestion is the use "The Land of Israel" which is completely accurate and shouldn't run afoul of any rules.

Jenny Peto, the person who wrote a master's thesis with the general theme that all Jews are racistssays that the controversy over her paper has strengthened Canada’s Palestinian Arab solidarity movement. Now, one might wonder, why Palestinian Arabs regard brazen anti-semitism as beneficial to their cause?

Haaretz has a decent op-ed - by an Arab, naturally - saying that Tunisia will not herald any real change in Arab regimes:
The Arab world has a ready explanation for all its troubles: a Jewish, Zionist and imperialist conspiracy. Expressions of this conspiracy include distributing chewing gum that causes sexual arousal in women, an intent to corrupt Arab culture and society, and dispatching guided sharks to attack tourists on the Sinai coast in order to destroy Egypt's tourism industry. Spreading infantile tales such as these is a type of opium for the ignorant masses, who seize upon the "Zionist conspiracy" and fall into a stupor. In the Arab world, the "Zionist conspiracy" opiate provides an easy and safe way to avoid genuinely confronting the problems at home.
I didn't talk about "BraGate" but one can find opposing viewpoints from an Israeli Jew - on Al Jazeera's side - and an Israeli Arab! (h/t L. King)
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Washington Times has a nice interview with Dani Dayan, head of the Yesha Council in Judea and Samaria.

He says some surprising things, and it is worth reading, but I like his anecdote at the end:
Mr. Dayan took a lobbying trip to Washington in September, when the White House presided over the launch of direct Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. ...

On his flight back from Washington, Mr. Dayan recounts that he found himself seated across the aisle from Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator. After some hesitation, he introduced himself.

"We chatted for 30 minutes," Mr. Dayan says. "I suspect that he tried on me the speech he has prepared for Jewish communities in the United States, full of empty slogans and cliches, and after some 30 minutes, a British guy that was sitting in the row beside us told us, 'Guys, it's very interesting, but I want to sleep.'"

"And so, once again, Great Britain damaged the prospects of peace in the Middle East," he says.
(h/t GPOIsrael tweet)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
Coalition for a Free Palestine and Amnesty International, South Africa members hold a candlelight vigil in Johannesburg, Tuesday Jan 18, 2011 to commemorate Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2009.

Indeed, Amnesty co-sponsored this event with the Coalition for a Free Palestine.

And who exactly is that?
The Coalition for a Free Palestine (CFP) is a COSATU led coalition representing a wide range of civil society organizations and trade unions. Some member organizations include the South African Council of Churches, South African Young Communist League, South African Communist Party, Muslim Judicial Council, Muslim Students Association, Palestine Solidarity Alliance, Palestine Solidarity Committee, Palestine Solidarity Group and the student society, the Wits University Palestine Solidarity Committee.

Their webpage, which seems to have been created solely to condemn Israel for the flotilla incident, includes such lovely items as this:

It also calls for an absolute boycott of Israel.

One of the members of this coalition, the Palestine Solidarity Committee, says that "Zionism is a theory of ethnic cleansing and racism."

Another, the Palestine Solidarity Group, says that its aim is to destroy Israel and create a single state on "historic Palestine."

This demonstration also called for the arrest of Tzipi Livni, who is visiting South Africa.

Does Amnesty International support these groups' goals of eradicating Israel and using lawfare to single out only the Jewish state for harassment and boycotts?

Amnesty is certainly not distancing themselves from these haters.

And by participating with a coalition of groups who have every desire to destroy the Jewish state, and whose fake "solidarity" with Palestinian Arabs ends at the borders of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Egypt,  Amnesty is showing yet again that it is far from an impartial observer in its analyses of the Middle East.

UPDATE: Challah Hu Akbar notes that an Amnesty chapter is also sponsoring a talk by Israel hater Norman Finkelstein. In that case, however, there seems to be a little bit of effort to distance Finkelstein from official Amnesty positions.

But can you imagine an Amnesty-sponsored talk of any member of Israel's government?
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Some 200 Omanis protested on Monday against high prices and corruption, a rare phenomenon in the Arab Gulf monarchy that seems to have been touched off by the revolt in Tunisia. 
“Rising prices have destroyed the dreams of ordinary citizens,” read one banner carried by the crowd gathered outside the housing ministry, where police manned a security cordon but did not intervene.

The protesters, who appeared after they received emails and messages on their mobile telephones calling for the demonstration, chanted slogans against corruption and the high cost of living.

“No to corruption. No to corruption,” shouted the protesters who called for “higher wages” and “fixed prices” for basic food items, the cost of which have swelled since the global financial downturn.

Demonstrations are rare in the Sultanate of Oman, as in most other Gulf oil monarchies, where street protests are strictly prohibited and where trade unions and political parties are banned
Things are spreading...
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
This article appeared in today's Al Riyadh newspaper, by Fahad Amir Ahmadi. Here are the parts I could understand via auto-translate:
This is the painful truth, gentlemen ...

You can differ with me however you like .. But the truth is established by objectively comparing the numbers ..

Israel is better than all the Arab and Islamic countries with regard to democracy and political integrity (evidenced by the annual lists issued by various organizations of the world)...

For lack of space I will just focus on technical and military superiority.

At a time when the Arab peoples suffered from illiteracy, Israel was engaged in building the Dimona nuclear reactor and the formation of the first agency for space research in 1959 .. In spite of our superiority in encrypting our satellite TV channels (!) Israel has always excelled in sophisticated security technologies. While our efforts have failed to raise the women's cloak from the shoulder of the head, Israel succeeded in raising the missile "Horizon" and "Amos" above the atmosphere ...

Today, Israel is in third place globally in the export of weapons, and first place in the world in the production of drones (even with their small size and small population) .. It is also the smallest country that can produce tanks and fighter planes, and the fifth state in terms of possessing nuclear bombs, in fact, twenty years ago and I hear they had between 300 to 400 nuclear warheads, and between 2500 to 3000 missiles. (God alone knows how many they have nowadays)!

I personally believe that the Zionist plan for the transfer of technology is going today with the same momentum, which began sixty years ago .. In the area of space, for example, Israeli scientists participated since the sixties in the U.S. programs and build the first station to monitor their own space in 1964. In 1976, Jewish scientists from America contributed to the construction of the first Israeli satellite .. At the beginning of the seventies they had developed a missile, "Shavit" and "Tonan" .. In 1983, the re-structuring of space institutions and resulted in the establishment of the Israel Space Agency (Sala) ..

Israel exploited the collapse of the Soviet Union, attracted by Russian scientists in the manufacture of rockets. ...

All this made it possible for Israel in 1988 to launch the first of its own spy satellite Horizon 1, and in 1990 Horizon 2. Then, in 1995 Horizon 3 and Amos 4 military communications satellites... And it continues to launch these satellites, which was a dream cherished since the 1973 war when they relied on American satellites to monitor the Arab armies!!

... In fact, the best description is in this article written in the Israeli newspaper Maariv, the day after the launch of spy satellite Horizon 3:

"The gap between Israel and the Arabs in the technology space are measured in light years. While Israel is able to launch rockets orbiting Earth, ... the most developed country among the Arab countries, Iraq, is producing crude rockets using World War II-era technology!"

[Remember,] this was written 15 years ago. 
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
David Solway says "Forget peace. It's not going to happen."

The IDF explains why an Arab man was killed last week.

Palestinian Media Watch notes that the PA hasn't really eschewed violence.

Alana Goodman talks about how NGOs will find any excuse to slam Israel.

The Jawa Report brings us another PMW video - about PMW itself!
Another insufferably self-righteous rant from a lying, terror supporting Israel-hater Richard Falk:
As someone who is both Jewish and supportive of the Palestinian struggle for a just and sustainable peace, I am often asked about my identity. The harshest critics of my understanding of the Israel/Palestine conflict contend that I am a self-hating Jew, which implies that sharp criticism of Israel and Zionism are somehow incompatible with affirming a Jewish identity. Of course, I deny this. For me to be Jewish is, above all, to be preoccupied with overcoming injustice and thirsting for justice in the world, and that means being respectful toward other peoples regardless of their nationality or religion, and empathetic in the face of human suffering whoever and wherever victimization is encountered.
And what makes this "Jewish"?
As the great Rabbi Hilal teaches, “[T]hat which is hateful to you do not do to another. The rest (of the Torah) is all commentary, now go study.” Not hateful only to another Jew, but clearly meant to encompass every human being.
Falk, whose Jewishness is so pronounced that he cannot figure out how to spell "Hillel," wildly misinterprets Hillel's words. Hillel in no way meant that every human being has veto power over what every other human being can do, which is what Falk pretends he is saying. Falk's Hillel would be against freedom of speech if it hurts someone's feelings, the real Hillel wouldn't.

The real Hillel simply inverted "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Falk is clueless.
But in a more fundamental respect my own evolution has always been suspicious of those who give priority to tribalist or sectarian identities. In other words, it is fine to affirm being Jewish, but it should not take precedence over being human or being open and receptive to the insight and wisdom of other traditions. We have reached a point in the political and cultural evolution that our future flourishing as a species vitally depends upon the spread of a more ecumenical ethos. We have expressed this embrace of otherness in relation to food, with the rise of ‘fusion’ cuisines, and with regard to popular culture, particularly music, where all kinds of borrowing and synthesis are perceived as exciting, authentic, valuable.

Falk is here slyly accusing most Jews of racism by simply wanting to prioritize the security of their people. Of course, he would never say similar words in terms of the racial and religious superiority endemic in Arab or Muslim culture.

Prioritizing your own people - family, tribe, religion, nation - is not in itself racism. It is often necessary for survival. Should native Americans not fight for their right to maintain their culture?

If Falk would take his self-righteous words seriously, that means that he would not accept a kidney transplant for his own daughter if someone across the world might be a better candidate. I somehow doubt that his fake morality would withstand that test.

Yet by his accusing Jews of giving priorities to their own, he is charging them - and them alone, because that is the topic of this essay - with bigotry. If he would ever say anything remotely similar about Islam, I'll eat my words. The next time he sees a Saudi leader, let's see him demand that the Gulf Arabs be more amenable to accepting Hindu, Buddhist and Christian culture as being equal to their own.

There is of course no contradiction between giving priority to one's own people and learning from, and borrowing from, other cultures, and Falk's implication that (in this case) Jews resist that is ridiculous. Ever hear of Yiddish and Ladino? Ever listen to Jewish music from Arab lands? Ever notice the difference of Jewish cuisines depending on where one's ancestors came from? Jews are hardly the poster children for intolerance of other cultures. I can think of some people who might fit that criticism a bit better, but Falk would be loathe to go there.
For me this rejection of tribalism takes two forms, one negative, the other positive. I do not feel exclusively Jewish. Also, even if I did, I would never claim the superiority of the Jewish religion over other religions. I have felt uncomfortable since childhood with biblical claims, often repeated in contemporary social settings, that Jews are ‘the chosen people’ of God, even if this is understood benevolently and temporally as a special destiny associated with doing justice rather than as a matter of societal achievement via wealth and professional success. As soon as exclusivity or superiority is claimed for any ethnic or religious fraction of the human whole, there is implicitly posited a belief in the inferiority of ‘the other,’ which unconsciously and indirectly gives rise to the murderous mentality of warfare and gives a moral and religious edge to many forms of persecution, culminating in a variety of inquisitions.
Hey, Richard, do you admit that most people are either exclusively male or exclusively female?  If so, are you not using "exclusivist" terminology that will inevitably go down the slippery slope to murder of the "other"?

Judaism sees different roles for different groups of people. That brings with it a host of concomitant obligations. Within Judaism, descendants of Aaron have a different role than others, but that does not make them "superior" in any sense. Falk's lie about this basic concept of Judaism shows that his knowledge of the religion he pretends to take pride in is virtually nil.

He then makes his hatred for Jews more explicit:
And, of course, the historical climax of inverted exclusivity was the Holocaust, a process in which Jews (along with the Roma and others) were chosen for extermination. Claims of exclusivity often usually pretend to possess privileged access to truth that helps disguise monstrous intentions and behavior. To have such access, whether from a divine or secular source, treats all those outside the select circle as tainted by falsehood, the logic of which generates a societal license to kill, even to exterminate. Extreme tribalism is genocidal at its core given material scarcities and inequalities that exist in the world, which would otherwise be indefensible.
Again, Falk's only example of this "extreme tribalism" is the Jews. Is there any real difference between what he is saying here and what one can find at neo-Nazi sites?
...In my case I have at various times been inspired and enlightened by the practices and wisdom of Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, and indigenous peoples. And in a more mundane sense, I think that the future of humanity will be greatly enhanced if these various religious and wisdom traditions are ecumenically and inclusively embraced by more and more people throughout the world, providing a thickening societal and civilizational fiber for human solidarity....In this sense, I want to say, yes I am Jewish, and proud of it, but I am equally indigenous, Sufi, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian to the extent that I allow myself to participate in their rituals, partake of their sacred texts, and seek and avail myself of the opportunity to sit at the feet of their masters.
Falk says he is proud to be Jewish, yet he cannot point to a single example of Jewishness that he admires. On the contrary, he only has terrible things to say about most Jews that he dismisses as tribalist and exclusivist, and any parts of the religion that treat Jews differently from non-Jews are evil.

Falk's Judaism has no room for proud Jews, nor for Jewish tradition, nor for Jewish history, nor for the Judaism practiced for thousands of years. For Falk to be "proud" of his Jewishness he must demonize the entire religion and all of its adherents.

How is that not anti-semitism?

I have criticized Falk many times in the past, but have never called him a self-hating Jew because of his anti-Israel positions. This essay, however, proves that he really is. And it can hardly be a coincidence that this anti-Zionist is also anti-semitic.

(The same post is on his blog. Feel free to comment there - he clearly reads all the comments.)
Reader Greg points out the Australians for Palestine website, where we see this graphic prominently featured:

So-called "pro-Palestinian" advocates don't even try very hard to say they believe in a two state solution or in Israel continuing to exist.

Even though Australians for Palestine's Statement of Principles pretends to advocate for a two-state solution, they say:

...all of Jerusalem remains the subject of final status negotiations because of its strategic importance in reconnecting the northern region of the West Bank to the southern region.

In other words, Israel has no rights over even the parts of Jerusalem west of the Green Line.

Australians for Palestine upholds the inalienable right of Palestinian refugees to return home. This right is enshrined in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948. No agreement, negotiations or parties which purport to trade away the right of return or any other inalienable rights can have any legal basis and cannot bind or compel the Palestinian people to accept them. The right of return is as much an integral part of the Palestinians’ right of self-determination as it is of individual and collective human rights.
Meaning that even if the PA agrees to forgo this "right" in any peace plan, AfP and similar groups will not accept that peace proposal and will continue to agitate to destroy Israel demographically. (I do not need to mention that UNGR 194 does not give this right, it certainly does not apply to descendants and it was roundly rejected by all Arab states.)

Australians for Palestine adopts the position that Israel has the right to exist as does Palestine based on the 1967 borders according to UN Resolutions 242, 338 and 194. The right of Israel to exist is not exclusive to, or more valid than, the right of Palestinians to exist. How they shall exist is the issue still to be resolved.
So Israel's existence is still up for grabs. Maybe it will end up being ensconced in a cafe in Tel Aviv.

Australians for Palestine recognises the right of Palestinians to legitimately resist Israel’s oppressive occupation within the territories occupied in 1967. ...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states quite clearly: “It is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected under the rule of law.” By failing to protect Palestinian human rights, the international community has driven the Palestinians to resist their occupiers and oppressors.
So Arab terrorism is the fault of the West!

Australians for Palestine adopts the position that terrorism violates the right to life, and therefore, is contrary to the fundamental principles of humanity embodied in international humanitarian law. This applies equally to the oppressor and the oppressed.

How to resolve these two paragraphs? Clearly the first one justifies terror, but the second pretends to condemn it. Chances are that they simply define "terror" as something only Israel does. Problem solved!

Australians for Palestine adopts the position that pressure must be put on Israel to end its occupation and apartheid policies against the Palestinians through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. The failure of diplomacy and dialogue, and an international community led by the United States unable and/or unwilling to confront Israel and demand that it respect international law and United Nations resolutions condemning its policies, leaves this as the only non-violent option to bring about change. Therefore, Australians for Palestine will appeal to our government to uphold international law and apply sanctions on Israel; appeal to institutions such as churches and universities to divest from corporations that do business with Israel; and, appeal to the general public to use their own power to boycott products and services that benefit Israel.
Even though these sanctions hurt Palestinian Arabs, and if Palestinian Arabs would divest from Israel their economy would crash and burn.

Now, note what these principles do not say.

Not a single word of responsibility for Arab countries to treat their Palestinian "guests" as equal citizens of their countries. Not a word about the systemic discrimination that Palestinian Arabs suffer in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and elsewhere. Not a thing about the conditions in the camps that hundreds of thousands still live in, nor a call to dismantle them. Nothing about inter-Palestinian Arab squabbles and unifying the cause.

All of its concrete demands are against Israel. It advocates "resistance" against Israel, it advocates boycotts and sanctions against Israel and advocates destroying Israel demographically.

So why exactly is it considered "pro-Palestinian"?
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas leader Saleh Aruri met with Israeli intelligence representatives in a secret meeting in the Czech Republic.

PalPress says that Aruri was released from an Israeli prison several months ago under condition that he goes into exile. He lives in Syria.

Sources say that Israeli intelligence initiated the meeting.

Hamas is apparently interested in extending the current calm. It is unclear whether Gilad Shalit was part of these talks, although Hamas says that a German mediator had presented some "new ideas" to help release him.
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas is pleased to announce that they decisively won the elections of representatives to Gaza's Nursing Association, with a solid 70.5% of the vote.

The moderate terror group prevailed handily over its competition.

And who was the competition?

Islamic Jihad, which garnered the other 29.5%!

Who says that Hamas is against democracy?
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Qassam website says:

Al Qassam Brigades mourns one of its heroes martyr Zaher Ahmad Jarghoun from Khan Younis south of Gaza Strip who was martyred during his duty for path of jihad.

Since they are not blaming Israel for his death, this means that either he offed himself or another Hamas member killed him.

Either way, let us all hope and pray for many more such sacrifices for jihad!
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is classic! From crazy far left Online Journal:
Captain Israel- A sickening hasbara magazine for Jewish diaspora youngsters
By Gilad Atzmon

Look at this new Jewish-cartoon magazine -- PDF version.

It has become pretty obvious that that Israelis and Zionists do not try to disguise their morbidity anymore. Zionism is clearly a threat to humanity and humanism.

Airplanes and tanks, decorated with Jewish symbols, are consigned to spread death and carnage in the name of the Jewish people.

Captain Israel, a kosher superman, is holding a Menorah torch. He is there to set the entire region on fire.

Endowed with the ‘strength of Samson’ and the ‘wisdom of Solomon,’ Captain Israel is a genocidal hero who profoundly personifies the disastrous state of current Jewish national affairs

Israelis and Zionists are proud of their pathological, murderous intentions. They are a threat not just to their neighbors, but to humanism and humanity in general.
You can almost feel the spittle hitting the keyboard as he angrily types in his bile.

And what is driving Atzmon so crazy?

 Does Captain Israel glorify war? Hardly.

Atzmon proceeds to get this Captain Israel mixed up with a different character at the SuperJews website that can be found here.

(h/t Lenny and Challah Hu Akbar for the correction immediately above.)
  • Tuesday, January 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Commenter Al has put together a table of how many reports Human Rights Watch has issued for each country, which should be a more accurate measure of how much time they spend on each country than the Google method I had used.

Using his numbers, the worldwide correlation between the amount of effort HRW puts into countries versus the Freedom House score of the same countries is still a very weak 0.21. (One would expect that number to be well above 0.50.)

The most disproportionate attention is paid to the US (210/4), UK (33/2), Indonesia (88/5), Israel (39/3), Serbia, India, Croatia, Chile and Canada.

The countries with severe human rights issues that are all but ignored by HRW are Laos, Brunei, Oman, and Qatar, each with zero HRW reports. Countries with the worst Freedom House scores of 13 or 14 that had the least reports are Equatorial Guinea (2), Turkmenistan (4), Belarus (4), Eritea (5)  and North Korea (6).

For your edification, here's the entire list I put together so you can have fun number-crunching as well (and perhaps coming up with a better formula than I did to rank them; perhaps separate lists for "not free" countries and "free" countries:)

HRW Reports
Freedom House score
Laos 0 13
Brunei Darussalam 0 11
Oman 0 11
Qatar 0 11
Fiji 0 10
Maldives 0 7
Solomon Islands 0 7
Tonga 0 6
Antigua and Barbuda 0 5
Montenegro 0 5
Mongolia 0 4
Samoa 0 4
Trinidad and Tobago 0 4
Vanuatu 0 4
Grenada 0 3
Monaco 0 3
Taiwan 0 3
Andorra 0 2
Bahamas 0 2
Barbados 0 2
Cyprus 0 2
Finland 0 2
Iceland 0 2
Kiribati 0 2
Liechtenstein 0 2
Lithuania 0 2
Malta 0 2
Marshall Islands 0 2
Nauru 0 2
New Zealand 0 2
Norway 0 2
Palau 0 2
Portugal 0 2
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 2
Saint Lucia 0 2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 2
San Marino 0 2
Slovenia 0 2
Tuvalu 0 2
Uruguay 0 2
Swaziland 1 12
Congo (Brazzaville) 1 11
Gambia 1 10
Madagascar 1 10
Equatorial Guinea 2 14
Moldova 1 7
Djibouti 2 11
Gabon 2 11
Paraguay 1 6
Seychelles 1 6
Armenia 2 10
Niger 2 9
Guyana 1 5
Burkina Faso 2 8
Guinea-Bissau 2 8
Turkmenistan 4 14
Belarus 4 13
Central African Republic 3 10
Comoros 2 7
Suriname 1 4
Cameroon 4 12
Singapore 3 9
Eritrea 5 14
Mauritania 4 11
Lesotho 2 6
Nicaragua 3 8
North Korea 6 14
Bahrain 5 11
Bhutan 4 9
Malawi 3 7
Papua New Guinea 3 7
Belize 1 3
Italy 1 3
Latvia 1 3
Panama 1 3
Togo 5 9
Mozambique 4 7
Kazakhstan 7 11
Kyrgyzstan 7 11
United Arab Emirates 7 11
Honduras 5 8
Botswana 3 5
Mali 3 5
Libya 10 14
Bolivia 4 6
Ecuador 4 6
Azerbaijan 10 11
Tanzania and Zanzibar 5 6
Jamaica 4 5
Benin 3 4
Namibia 3 4
Cape Verde 1 2
Costa Rica 1 2
Denmark 1 2
Switzerland 1 2
Tunisia 12 12
Guinea 10 10
Venezuela 9 9
Cuba 12 11
Yemen 12 11
Cote d'Ivoire 15 13
Syria 15 13
Kuwait 10 9
Tajikistan 13 11
Somalia 17 14
Algeria 14 11
Macedonia 7 6
Jordan 15 11
Zambia 10 7
Vietnam 19 12
Saudi Arabia 21 13
Ukraine 7 5
Albania 9 6
Malaysia 13 8
Morocco/Western Sahara 15 9
Chad 23 13
Burma 25 14
Angola 20 11
Cambodia 20 11
Senegal 10 6
Argentina 6 4
Japan 4 3
Austria 2 2
Estonia 2 2
Ireland 2 2
Sweden 2 2
Haiti 18 9
Thailand 18 9
Iran 25 12
Bangladesh 14 7
Dominican Republic 7 4
Ethiopia 26 12
Guatemala 19 9
East Timor 15 7
Uzbekistan 33 14
Zimbabwe 28 12
Lebanon 18 8
Nepal 18 8
Philippines 13 6
Georgia 19 8
Rwanda 28 11
Sierra Leone 14 6
Burundi 27 10
Sri Lanka 24 9
South Korea 6 3
Netherlands 3 2
Slovak Republic 3 2
Peru 13 5
Bulgaria 10 4
Pakistan 28 9
Ghana 7 3
Liberia 22 7
Romania 11 4
El Salvador 15 5
Uganda 31 9
Democratic Republic of Congo 43 12
Belgium 4 2
Hungary 4 2
Poland 4 2
Sudan 58 14
Egypt 46 11
Brazil 14 4
Kenya 29 7
China and Tibet 59 13
Colombia 30 7
Czech Republic & Former Czechoslovakia 5 2
Afghanistan 56 12
Nigeria 38 8
Greece 11 3
Bosnia and Herzegovina 36 7
Germany 6 2
Russia 61 11
Iraq 64 11
Mexico 28 5
Australia 7 2
France 7 2
Turkey 44 6
Spain 9 2
South Africa 29 4
Canada 10 2
Chile 10 2
Croatia 21 3
India 53 5
Serbia 50 4
Israel 39 3
Indonesia 88 5
United Kingdom 33 2
United States 210 4


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