Wednesday, June 19, 2024

  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

I watched much of the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism that was held on Monday night in Toronto.

Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff argued that anti-Zionism is antisemitism;  Mehdi Hasan and Gideon Levy argued against.

Murray and Hansdorff won the debate handily, with the audience supporting their side 66% to 34%. But I didn't really see where they refuted Hasan's main argument that he made in his opening statement; much of the debate got sidetracked in discussions about Gaza and college campus protests.

Hasan was loose and fast with the facts. He took quotes by Arthur Balfour and Theodor Herzl out of context; (Hansdorff had the real Balfour quote and showed how Hasan lied.)

But Hasan's main argument did not seem to be addressed directly by the other side. So, I'll do it.

Here is what Mehdi Hasan said:
In 1917, over 100 years ago, Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, a card carrying anti-Semite, a man who had denounced the evils of Jewish immigration into the UK, a man who referred to Jews as an alien and hostile people.

Balfour was not an antisemite and he did not refer to Jews as an "alien and hostile people." He wrote, in his forward to Nahum Sokolow's History of Zionism, that antisemites refer to Jews that way, calling Zionism "a serious endeavour to mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile,." (The idea that Sokolow, in a book surveying Jewish peoplehood and nationalism from 1600 to 1918, would allow an antisemite to write the forward only makes sense in the minds of antisemites.) 

He issued his Balfour Declaration, which promised a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.

It was the first time a major world power had come out in favor of Zionism, which at the time was a pretty new and pretty controversial movement, calling not just for a Jewish homeland, but for the building of a Jewish majority state in Palestine.

And yet the only Jewish member of the British cabinet at that time, a man named Edwin Samuel Montague, adamantly opposed both Zionism, which he called a mischievous political creed, and the Balfour Declaration, which he referred to as anti-Semitic and a rallying ground for anti-Semites in every country in the world. 
The only Jewish member of the British cabinet. That is what he said.

And yet tonight, here in Toronto, over 100 years later, we are being asked to vote for a motion that would damn Montague as the anti-Semite while praising Balfour as the champion of Jews and Judaism.

That's ridiculous.

Another false argument Mehdi and others use is to argue that Jews before 1948 who were ambivalent or argued against Zionism are comparable to today's anti-Zionists. That is false. Before 1948, there were valid arguments about whether a Jewish state would be good for the Jews - some Jews were concerned that their host countries would expel them if there was a Jewish state, for example. 

But once Israel became a fact, wanting to see an existing country get destroyed is a much different and extreme idea than not wanting the country  to be set up to begin with. No one talks about dismantling Pakistan or Syria or China; only Israel. And the only reason for that is because it is the only Jewish state. 

In fact, this entire motion tonight is ridiculous, disingenuous, ahistorical. It says. "Be it resolved, anti Zionism is anti-Semitism."

It doesn't say some anti Zionists engage in anti-Semitism, which I don't disagree with.It doesn't say some anti-Semites hide behind the cloak of anti Zionism, which again I don't disagree with....

The motion says anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

No ifs, no buts, no caveats, no exceptions.

Anyone, anyone who takes an anti-Zionist position is automatically, inherently, unavoidably anti-Jewish, an anti-Semite, a racist.

Throughout this statement, Mehdi relies on a straw man argument.  Saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism does not mean that everyone who has an opinion against Zionism is an antisemite. Some people become anti-Israel out of ignorance or from believing propaganda; the bar for calling a person an antisemite is much higher than calling anti-Zionism itself antisemitism. 

[The debate is] about the legitimacy of anti-Zionism.

Whether you can be anti-Zionist, opposed to Zionism, which remember is a political ideology, a nationalist movement, not a religion, not a race, not a protected class. Whether you can be anti-Zionist, without being smeared, tarred, demonized as an anti-Semite.

And I want to be clear tonight, you could be the most pro Israeli person in this room tonight, the most proud and ardent Zionist here, and still vote against this motion with a clear conscience.

Still vote with our side, the right side.

Because this motion is not about whether you are pro Israel or pro Zionist.

It's about whether the rest of us have the right, the freedom to take a different view, on Israel, on Zionism, on Benjamin Netanyahu, even without being silenced, without being told we're racists. We're not.

 Everyone has the right to be anti-Zionist just as everyone has the right to be antisemitic. There is no law against it. No one is being silenced. It is another straw man. Hasan wants the right to make antisemitic arguments and not be called out on it.

Anti Zionism is not anti-Semitism. I'll tell you three reasons why.

Number one, if you vote for this motion tonight, you're throwing logic, history and the English language under the bus. Because anti-Semitism is hating Jews, the people, and Judaism, the religion.Anti Zionism is opposing Israel, the state, and Zionism, the ethno- nationalist ideology that underpins that state. 
Zionism is not Judaism. It's a very modern, secular political ideology movement that was founded less than 150 years ago by an atheist named Theodor Herzl,....

Hasan is right that Zionism is not Judaism, although Judaism is Zionist. However, anti-Zionism is not being a critic of Zionism - it is a fanatic obsession, a pure hate that can only be compared to classic antisemitism. 

Anti-Zionists keep trying to find new ways to make others hate the Jewish state. Whether it is "colonialism" or "ethnic cleansing" or "occupation" or "apartheid" or "genocide" or "Jewish supremacism" - all of these are falsehoods meant to make antisemitism palatable. 

Hasan wants to look at anti-Zionism in a vacuum, but it is part of a continuous tradition of hate for Jews that has morphed over time to be identical to whatever is most unpopular in every age. Only after the Holocaust has naked antisemitism become unfashionable, hence the arguments that Israeli Jews (never Israeli Arabs) "Zionists" are the worst people in the world, which is merely an update of the Nazi racial antisemitism and the Russian conspiracy theory antisemitism, the "philosophical" antisemitism of Voltaire and the rabid Christian antisemitism of Luther. Just as with the earlier versions, the practitioners of the new antisemitism have a missionary zeal to convince the rest of the world that Jews in Israel and their Jewish supporters in the Diaspora are uniquely immoral and evil. 

Notably, before and soon after Israel was reborn, Arab antisemites claimed to be anti-Zionist in international forums, but they made clear that they were boycotting Jews, not Zionists, from every country. This is the DNA of BDS.

 ...[Herzl] ho said, and I quote, "The anti-Semites will be our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries, our allies." His words, not mine.

Herzl was writing in his diaries about a fantasy he had that Jews in the Diaspora should turn antisemites into friends, by having the Jews liquidate their assets in their host countries when they leave to go to Israel, so the antisemites couldn't argue that they are taking national treasures with them. 

Just as with the Balfour quote, this is the opposite of what Hasan is claiming.

#2 If you vote for this motion, you're throwing Palestinians as a people under the bus.

You're telling an occupied people, a dispossessed people, to accept their own occupation, their own dispossession meekly in silence.

Otherwise they're racists.

As my friend Yusuf Munayyer  the Palestinian American activist, says to ask Palestinians not to be anti Zionist is to ask Palestinians not to be.

Well, every poll shows that Palestinians are indeed the most antisemitic people there are. That's reality. No amount of whitewashing can obscure that fact. They overwhelmingly support the most vicious terror attacks against Jews (way before October 7.) Look at Palestinian Media Watch. And then see of you can find Mehdi Hasan ever condemn Palestinian or other Arab antisemitism. 

And #3.

Last but not least, if you vote for this motion you throw a lot of Jews under the bus as well. If you vote for this motion tonight, you'll say my debate partner Gideon Levy, whose grandparents were killed in the Holocaust, who served for Shimon Peres, who's written for Haaretz for over 40 years, just won Israel's top journalism prize three years ago - he's an anti-Semite.

You're saying the Satmar, the world's biggest Hasidic Jewish sect, which says it is fighting God's war against Zionism, is anti-Semitic.

You're saying Jewish college students on campus, maybe some of them your kids, members of If Not Now and Jewish Voices for Peace, they're anti-Semites.

You're saying some of the most respected Jewish voices in the world, like Abraham Berg, the former speaker of the parliament, Miriam Margonis, the actress from Harry Bloody Potter. They're all anti-Semites.That is what you are saying.

No, although some of them undoubtedly are. We are saying that today's anti-Zionism is the modern manifestation of antisemitism.

And again, it is worthwhile to look at the history of antisemitism. The original racial antisemites swore they had nothing negative to say about Judaism, just the inferior Jewish race - they were more cultured than Christian antisemites. Nazis justified their antisemitism as a defense against Jews polluting their pure Aryan blood.  Every single flavor of antisemitism justified its hate for Jews as logical and even sophisticated - just like today's version which justifies its hate on the basis of creating false and twisted definitions in the lexicons of human rights and international law. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

From Ian:

Israel Is Not a Colonial State. If Anything, It's the Reverse
The distorted narrative painting Israel as a country of "colonizers" is a tawdry falsehood.

Given that many Israelis were driven out of surrounding Middle Eastern countries and many others were survivors of the Holocaust, branding them "colonial" is laughable.

My own grandfather was nine when, in 1935, his parents managed to get him out of Mashhad in Iran - a city where being Jewish was punishable by death.

Following pogroms in Mashhad a century earlier, those who weren't murdered or didn't manage to escape were forced to convert to Islam.

At home, his family preserved their identity and traditions. My grandfather would tell me about their underground synagogues, clandestine matzah baking on Passover, and secret Shabbat observance.

In Baghdad, my husband's grandfather wasn't having a great time either. After Iraqi independence, Jews were no longer allowed to hold public office, their houses were regularly looted.

Riots saw them murdered and abducted. Most of the Jews fled, leaving everything they possessed behind.

If you can spot a colonialist in this story so far, please do stop me.

Some 850,000 Jews were driven out of their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran and Libya. The Holocaust survivors also don't fit the colonial bill.
NGO Monitor: Commission of Inquiry’s 5th Report: Denying Security Threats to Israel
On June 12, 2024, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)’s permanent “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel” (COI) published its newest report detailing Hamas’s brutal attack in Israel on October 7th and Israel’s defensive military response. The report contained two accompanying “conference room papers” – a 59-page report on “attacks carried out on and after 7 October 2023 in Israel” and a 126-page report on the “military operations and attacks carried out in the Occupied Palestinian Territory from 7 October to 31 December 2023.” While the COI discusses the Hamas atrocities, it minimizes their severity, ignores the geo-political context, draws false moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas, engages in victim blaming, and denies Israel’s right to self-defense and self-determination. Absurdly, the COI ultimately concludes that while both Israel and Hamas are guilty of war crimes, only Israel is guilty of “crimes against humanity.”

In one of the most egregious lines from its report, the COI claims, “there is no evidence suggesting that the events of 7 October, as tragic and outrageous as they were, at any time posed a real threat to the continued existence of the State of Israel or of the Jewish people.” The COI seems to be ignoring the multitude of Hamas officials’ public statements claiming “October 7 was just a rehearsal” and “The Al-Aqsa Deluge [the name Hamas gave its October 7 onslaught] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth.” The COI also disregards that the Hamas Charter clearly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and the elimination of the Jewish people.

The Commission has consistently minimized and negated Israel’s right to self-defense against Palestinian terrorism, implying that terrorism is not a valid justification for Israel’s security concerns and claiming that the term “is not clearly defined under international law.” It has also whitewashed terrorists as “human rights defenders,” abusing this framework. The COI’s last report (October 2023) also placed scare quotation marks around the words terrorism, terrorist, and terror every time they appeared, belittling the term and discounting Israel’s legitimate security measures. It similarly ignores the role of Iran and the ongoing and serious security threats posed by Iranian proxies, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and of course Hamas.

The COI itself also must be held accountable for its role in inflaming the conflict. By denying Israel’s right to self-defense against terrorism, drawing equivalences between Israel and Hamas, and denying the existence of Palestinian terrorism, the Commission ultimately emboldens and encourages terrorist organizations and violent acts against Israel, such as what occurred on October 7.

The report relies heavily on unverifiable, anonymous testimonies and politicized NGOs. It is unclear if and how the COI attempted to independently corroborate these sources and to what extent it engaged in any investigation beyond a narrow selection of source material and individuals confirming the COI’s predetermined conclusions.

According to the report, “The Commission conducted remote interviews with victims and witnesses and consulted other sources of information inside Israel, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in several other countries…the Commission was able to gather valuable first-hand accounts, including from children, of acts committed in Gaza since 7 October 2023. It met with more than 70 victims and witnesses, more than two thirds of whom were women.”

Moreover, the COI claims that “Information that met the criteria of reliability and authenticity was included and analysed under the standard of proof of ‘reasonable grounds to conclude’.”
Welcome to The Omnicause, the fatberg of activism
I’d like to talk about The Omnicause. Oh, you haven’t heard of The Omnicause? How embarrassing for you, because it’s quite the dernier cri! The Omnicause is, simply, every cause you must care about if you’re A Good Progressive rolled into one, because everything in the world is connected.

So trans rights are connected to Palestinian rights are connected to environmental concerns, and any self-respecting progressive who cares about one has to care about the other two. Queers for Palestine; headlines in the Guardian such as “Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have immense effect on climate catastrophe”; standfirsts in the New York Times such as “In many students’ eyes, the war in Gaza is linked to other issues, such as policing, mistreatment of Indigenous people, racism and the impact of climate change.” Too long, didn’t read? “Everything that I don’t like is fascism.” I’ve lost count now of the number of Democrat senators whose social media biographers finish with “she/her. Palestine.”

Gender, environment, Gaza: they’re all the same, even though LGBT people live under the threat of death in Palestine, and I haven’t heard too much from Hamas about the environment. According to The Omnicause, they’re all magically connected. It’s the fatberg of causes, and the fat gluing them all together is Western narcissism.

Fossil Free Books, for example, is very much part of The Omnicause. You have doubtless read about FFB: the shadowy pressure group that has decided the best way to fight climate change is to campaign against wealthy investment companies from funding arts events. Yeah, shut down a little book festival in the north of England: that’ll fix the environment! But of course, FFB aren’t only interested in the environment – that would be impossible. Despite their name, their social media feed suggests their main interest is – can you guess? - Palestine, or, more specifically, campaigning against Israel. Their main complaint against Baillie Gifford, which – until FFB had its way – supported most book festivals in the UK, was that it had a tiny amount of investment in companies connected to Israel.

If you had any doubt of the clod-hopping, philistine stupidity of Fossil Free Books and all who travel on its dead-end coattails, Jeremy Corbyn has been cheering it on, tweeting triumphally after Barclays withdrew its funding for UK music events, “We will continue to demand all arts festivals stand on the side of humanity and peace.”

Ah yes, because there’s nothing that screams “war-mongering genocide” more loudly than, say, a music festival in a London park on a summer’s evening. Still, it must be hard for Jeremy to care about the arts when his cultural hinterland begins with regular appearances on Russian TV and ends with similar gigs on Iranian TV. Thank God he’s taken a stand against that true cultural evil: British book festivals.
From Ian:

Why Israel Will Never Back Down
Hamas terrorists murdered 61 of the 950 residents of Kibbutz Kfar Aza and kidnapped 19. Kfar Aza is just 60 miles from the center of Israel. The implications of this fact seem to be lost on those in the West who are bewildered by Israel's refusal to end its war against Hamas.

Israel's founders understood that Jewish powerlessness was no longer viable. After nearly 2,000 years of exile and persecution, Israel promised to radically alter the Jewish condition: Jews could now defend themselves; they would determine their own destiny.

As Israeli philosopher Micah Goodman has written, the horrors of the Oct. 7 massacre awakened Israelis to "the fragility of Israel's existence." While much of the world has moved on from the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, Israelis have not. When, post-Oct. 7, Israelis describe Hamas as an intolerable threat, they mean it. Israelis understand that their ability to defeat Hamas will determine whether or not Israel has a future in the region.

The Jewish state can secure its existence in the Middle East only if the forces that wish to destroy it are deterred. But if Israel loses the war in Gaza, Goodman explained, "the Middle East loses its fear" of Israel. In other words, "if there is no victory, there is no survival." And no amount of international pressure or outrage can convince Israelis to sacrifice their very existence.

If Israelis feel they are being forced to choose between international opprobrium and death, they'll choose the former without thinking twice. Perhaps more than any other nation, Israelis understand that nobody else can be trusted to secure the Jewish state's existence. Israelis have learned to believe their enemies' threats, and not to rely on their friends' promises.

In 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush promised Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that should Israel pull out of Gaza, "the United States will lead efforts...[to] prevent the areas from which Israel has withdrawn from posing a threat." That promise was not kept.
Seth Frantzman: Experts: ICC, UN blamed Israel for a famine that never happened in Gaza
The experts say they followed the data closely since the beginning of the war. “We do that professionally. We don’t rely on stories. The hard data on food supplies are not difficult to obtain. Our analysis is based on data from COGAT, as well as reports and data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report.

These data display a totally different picture from what the ICC and UN are trying to paint, and directly refute the baseless claims that Israel is causing a famine or using starvation as a method of war.” COGAT is the IDF coordination unit that is responsible for dealing with aid entering Gaza. It also publishes information on the amount of aid entering.

Aid that enters Gaza enters through Israel, especially after Egypt closed the Rafah crossing on May 8. “The first part of that food supply chain is in Israel’s hands because Israel is the major force that controls what comes into Gaza. Once the food enters Gaza, however, the supply chain is no longer under Israel’s control, as the food is taken over by NGOs, the UN, and interventions by Hamas,” the academics note.

“We found that the food supply entering Gaza is more than sufficient to feed all 2.2 million Gazans according to what is considered a normal diet in North America. This is because if just 250 truckloads enter Gaza every day (more actually enter), and assuming the food is adequately distributed, every Gazan would receive the amount of food that the average individual consumes in North America. This is in addition to the food that Gazans continue to produce themselves.”

They note that their calculation is based on each truckload carrying 20 tons of food. This means that 250 truckloads provide five million kilograms, about 2.25 kilograms per person in Gaza. “This is almost identical to the 2.36 kg of food per day that the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimates the average individual consumes in North America.”

The professors note that “our findings have been recently independently corroborated by a working paper written by researchers from Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University, University of Haifa, Ben Gurion University, Shaare Zedek, and The Israeli Ministry of Health. The conclusion of that paper is that every Gazan was provided 3,374 Kcal a day, while only 2,100 Kcal is needed.”

While enough aid is entering Gaza, they note that it may not always be distributed to people due to other factors, such as war and Hamas control. “We can say with a high degree of professional confidence that if there was a famine somewhere in Gaza, it was not instigated by Israel. To the contrary, Israel is engaged in a variety of efforts to ensure that sufficient food enters Gaza through land crossings,” they state.

The examination of the data by the professors joins a growing body of evidence pushing back on the claims of famine in Gaza. However, the chaos of the war in Gaza and other factors mean that Israel will continue to be blamed for what is occurring in Gaza, even if Israel is not to blame for the failed distribution of food.

Hamas not only appears to hijack aid trucks but it also benefits from claims of famine because Hamas can then try to leverage these claims to pressure Israel to stop the fighting.
The International Criminal Court Betrays the Legacy of Nuremberg
The mandate of the International Criminal Court is "the continuation of the Nuremberg trials," according to its first president, Philippe Kirsch. President Harry Truman credited the Nuremberg trials with "the blazing of a new trail in international justice" that "will be long remembered" for serving "faithfully and well the cause of civilization and world peace." The actions of today's ICC are the exact opposite and threaten to undo Nuremberg's legacy.

The ICC's arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas military leader in Gaza, equate the attacker and defender in the context of war. This fallacy was itself highlighted at Nuremberg in the Einsatzgruppen Trial of the Nazis' paramilitary death squads. One defendant at that trial, a commander named Otto Ohlendorf, insisted that the murder, under his supervision, of tens of thousands of innocent Jews was no different from the death of civilians from Allied bombs.

The judges rejected the argument: "A city is bombed for tactical purposes....It inevitably happens that nonmilitary persons are unavoidable corollary of battle action...that is entirely different, both in fact and in law, from an armed force...dragging out the men, women and children and shooting them."

The Nazis committed their acts so that millions would die; the Allies killed the people they did so that millions more wouldn't die. The opposite purposes of the Nazis and the Allies are clear.

Today, unaccountable terrorists - the new death squads - can massacre and kidnap babies, women and the elderly and hide behind innocents, and accountable governments are powerless to defend against such tactics without taking steps that inflict unwanted casualties. Legal strategies that erase the distinction between the two sides invert Nuremberg's accomplishment. It isn't just the legacy of Nuremberg that is at stake; it is the defense of civilization.
  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Remember the freak out before Passover where Arabs were convinced that Israeli Jews were about to slaughter a red cow and then destroy Al Aqsa?

Nothing happened, but it is a shame to waste a good conspiracy theory.

Egypt's Youm7 produced a short documentary on the subject, interspersing video of red heifers with scenes of planes bombing what looks like Gaza. While I don't think they say it directly, the implication is that once Jews have burned the red cow, then they will start not only to carpet bomb the Temple Mount but all Palestinians. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Donald and Robin Kennedy Undergraduate Award honors the best essay and thesis written by an undergraduate at Stanford on a Jewish theme. 

It has given the award three times. One is for a study of Jewish identity and self-perception during the Balkan Wars of 1912-13. Another was on "the emergent role of yoatzot halakha (‘halakhic guideswomen’) in Modern Orthodox life, especially in relation to rabbis."

Both of those sound like they involve true scholarship and research. 

But then there is this other recipient of the award, Joey Friedman:
Honors Thesis: The Soul of the World Weeping Through Us: Constructing a Grief Ritual Performance as a Counter to Colonial Violence

This thesis explores Indigenous and Jewish diasporic wisdom to confront colonial violence and collective trauma. I draw upon on the scholarship of Healing Justice activists as well as my own Jewish lineage to grapple with diasporic survival amidst colonial violence. From the rich tapestry of diasporic Jewish wisdom, I unearth insights about grief enshrined within the yearly ritual process of Tisha B’av and the poetic tradition of communal lament which offer spiritual and political frameworks for redistributing power in the face of colonial catastrophe. These threads inform a ritual performance grieving the Israeli occupation and destruction of Gaza, heightened since October 2023.
This is a word salad that essentially says that Mr. Friedman decided to create his own "grief ritual" for Gaza, taking whatever he felt spoke to him from both Jewish and non-Jewish sources. He is comparing the millennia of Jewish suffering that is detailed in the Tisha B'Av kinot to Palestinians who cheer the exact same types of attacks on Jews. 

This isn't scholarship. I don't have access to the paper, but judging from the summary, Friedman does not try to find any differences between Jewish and Palestinian suffering but only manufactured commonalities.  It is as much "scholarship" as the Jewish Voice for Peace "Haggadah." It is an egotistical project that has nothing to do with Judaism and everything to do with subverting Judaism for Friedman's own self-centered goals. It is egoism pretending to be Judaism.

Friedman attended a Jewish high school, Kehillah. Here are the Jewish studies classes it offers:

While they teach algebra, English, history and chemistry, this Jewish high school does not teach Tanakh, Talmud or the Siddur. Instead, Jewish texts are only an excuse to teach something else that sounds like fun. 

It would be as if instead of teaching physics, there was a course in building a Rube Goldberg-type machine and pretending that this is a physics course.  

And the end result of such an education is what we see in this thesis.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
I reported yesterday that the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) incorrectly said Gaza was in famine partially because it discounted any data on food entering Gaza from COGAT. It classified data from the IDF COGAT unit as "R0," meaning unreliable without corroboration, while UNRWA's statistics on incoming food was considered R2, or the most accurate.

The truth is the opposite.

COGAT issued its own report on the discrepancies between UNRWA data and its own, and it found that UNRWA doesn't have the experience, ability or transparency necessary to accurately count the amount of aid going into Gaza.

The UN figures not only inconsistently record humanitarian trucks from the private sector and other NGO trucks, but is also missing data on UN aid entering Gaza. These gaps have existed throughout the war, but have become extreme since the end of April and through the month of May 2024. 

Prior to October 7, 2023, UN OCHA was responsible for collecting data and publishing reports. However, since October 7th , UNRWA has taken over data collection and reporting. Their methodology is deeply flawed, lacks transparency, and is presented in such a way that makes it nearly impossible to understand the aid numbers they record. After a thorough review and analysis of the data collected by COGAT and UNRWA – we have identified underreporting of over 8,000 trucks from the beginning of the war, with 4,880 ‘missing’ trucks in the month of May alone.

 We have previously discussed some of the discrepancies. UNRWA only seems to count  trucks once they are collected, not when they enter Gaza. UNRWA does not count trucks at all crossings. UNRWA does not count most commercial trucks.

But as the COGAT report notes, UNRWA does not even accurately count the trucks that go to UN agencies. 

Even if you discount the trucks coming from other aid organizations, donor countries or the private sector, the UNRWA data is also missing data for other UN agencies. This is significant because it means that even when it comes to tracking UN aid – ignoring all other sources of humanitarian goods entering Gaza – the UNRWA system fails to accurately track and tally the UN trucks entering Gaza. For the month of May, they are missing 1,239 UN aid trucks that entered Gaza.

Yet the UNRWA dashboard is considered the gold standard on aid statistics, and the statistics from COGAT - the only organization that counts every single truck entering Gaza - are all but ignored. 

The report is written diplomatically, but it is clear that UNRWA is incompetent at keeping these statistics.  Even COGAT's careful language shows its frustration at why the world believes a UN agency whose expertise is not data gathering.

COGAT has a daily coordination meeting every evening with representatives from the UN, the US and Egypt to review that day’s humanitarian effort, trouble-shoot and agree upon efforts for the following day. Part of this meeting is devoted to reviewing the data, specifically the trucks going through the various crossings.
Within the format of the daily coordination meetings, the UN is informed on the COGAT data and daily tally. The UN has not objected or endeavored to correct or align the COGAT data with theirs during these meetings.
UN data is used widely and considered accurate by the international community and is the basis on which professional bodies and studies evaluate the humanitarian situation and needs in Gaza. The sizable and growing gap in the reported data is contributing to an increasing disconnect between reporting and the reality on the ground There are no disclaimers on the UNRWA dashboard that would enable professional bodies or other users to understand the limitation and methodological restrictions in their data. 
UNRWA does not have the mandate or the capabilities to be collecting and presenting the aid data. Historically and according to the UN mandate, OCHA is the professional body that should be collecting this data, and they have not since Oct. 7, 2023. 

Perhaps some of this is because UNRWA uses a very sophisticated PowerBI interactive graph system while COGAT's website does not easily allow anyone to see and analyze historic data. Researching COGAT's statistics involves looking at their tweets, which do not include daily data and is not how data should be presented.  

Nevertheless, COGAT is the one central source of data for all trucks entering Gaza, and as such should be considered more reliable than UNRWA figures. FEWS is not the only organization that discounts COGAT data - newspapers and other UN agencies as well as all NGOs consider UN data to be the gold standard, and the data gathered by Israel is treated as propaganda.

It is a failure of the NGOs, the UN, the media, as well as COGAT itself for not presenting its own data in a more professional manner. 

This report is only a small step to fixing the problem, and of course it is being ignored by the organizations who profit from portraying Gaza as being worse off than it really is.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
As we've been reporting, Israeli companies, Israelis themselves and perhaps even Jewsperhaps even Jews have been banned from the gigantic Eurosatory arms expo in Paris. 

But somehow potential customer of Israeli defense firms seem to find ISrael anyway.

From Reuters:

 Israeli defence exports rose to a record $13.1 billion in 2023, a government report said on Monday, citing hundreds of contracts signed at various defence firms.
Some 36% of exports came from missile, rocket and air defence systems, followed by radar and electronic warfare, weapon stations and launchers at 11% each, with crewed aircraft and avionics at 9%, the Defence Ministry said.
Defence exports, which totalled $12.5 billion in 2022, have doubled over the past five years.
Israel's defense department released this graphic showing the increase in Israeli arms exports over the past 24 years.

And it also turns out that despite the attempts to stop any Israeli technologies at Eurosatory, some are apparently being shown anyway.

Israel Defense reports that German defense giant Rheinmetall is showcasing a selection of Israeli suicide drones from UVision, and Polish company PGZ Group is showing an armored vehicle which features a pair of Spike LR/LR2 anti-tank missile launchers manufactured by Israel's Rafael.

The decision by a French court prohibiting the entry of Israelis to a defense exhibition was suspended on Tuesday as well as the  French government's decision to prevent those manufacturers from showcasing their products in the pavillions.
...The government's decision at the end of May to prevent Israeli companies from exhibiting at the fair – which led to the cancellation of the participation of dozens of Israeli companies that were supposed to exhibit there – was also effectively overturned on Tuesday.
Of course, they cannot re-open their booths at this late date. The Israeli section was turned into a cafe.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Monday, June 17, 2024

From Ian:

Silence in the face of global antisemitism isn't an option anymore
What people of conscience must begin doing when such events happen is for the entire community to identify as Zionists or Jews, as the case may be.

Communities need to realize that these attacks, while seemingly catalyzed by Israel’s war against Hamas, have relatively little to do with Jews or Israel. Rather, the people who are probably well remunerated to organize these scenarios are actually attacking Western values using antisemitism as a convenient excuse to do so. After all, as was noted at so many of the recent university encampments, the shouting often turned from antisemitic vitriol to chants of “Down with America” and its values, which seems to be the real driving force behind this latest manifestation of the world’s oldest hatred.

In 1994, the citizens of Billings, Montana, then a town of 80,000 with less than 50 Jewish families, rose up in unison against spreading antisemitism. After a spate of incidents leading up to Hanukkah, when several Jewish homes bearing visible holiday markings had their windows broken by Jew haters, the local paper printed a picture of a Hanukkiah so that the entire community could place the picture in a window of their respective homes, in effect saying to the antisemites, as did Master Sgt. Edmonds in 1945: “We are all Jews.”

Jewish communities under threat need to engage urgently with non-Jewish community leaders and mount a well-organized campaign to educate the greater community about the danger to everyone if antisemitism goes unchecked.

Community organizations, religious communities, the press, and the entertainment industry need to get on board to project the message that hatred of a single group will not be tolerated. History is replete with sorry examples of communities where the non-Jewish population looked the other way and eventually found themselves, too, locked in the vise of hatred and prejudice. That cannot be allowed to happen again.

It is still not too late to respond. Those people in the subway car who remained silent last week should be ashamed for letting themselves be cowed by a gang of masked people who represent the worst of America. Hopefully, they will not one day also have to pay a price for their silence. But continuing the silence makes them complicit in the crime.

Elie Wiesel, humanity’s conscience for the last 80 years, said: “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.”

It would seem that the world has not yet learned this lesson.
The Photo-Negative Ideology
The woke take America’s foundational “city on the hill” mythos and reverse it—creating a photo-negative version of our national fable grounded in the same exceptionalist and Zionist mythos. In the new woke myth, America is no longer the global savior or promised land. Instead, America is responsible for everything bad in the world. There would be no human tragedies if not for Judeo-Christian “settler colonialists.” If it wanted to, the U.S. government could fix all contemporary injustice and even historical wrongs—the legacy of slavery, colonialism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, you name it. All it must do is wave its imperial magic wand and bring global misfortune to an end—starting in Gaza.

Wokeness, or whatever you choose to call it, is a photo-negative ideology that merely inverts the country’s old Ku Klux Klan-style ethnopolitical mythos and updates it for today’s secularized—pseudo-multicultural and self-hating—era of Anglo American liberal culture. In wokeness’s new mythic ideal, no longer should the dreaded “white working class” MAGA Trump supporters be on top; rather, they should be on the bottom (double entendre intended), while their opposite-world enemies—Black, trans, handi-capable, antifa sex workers—should instead receive institutional preferences via DEI and whatever more aggressive social engineering project is planned next.

Wokeness represents modern American culture’s inability to come to grips with the failure of the country’s greatest LASP myth—the “American dream.” A mythos that denies the importance of socioeconomic class and tells us everyone can live in their own liberal-individual “success” bubble; occupy a home bubble with an individual fenced in yard; arrive at work in a protected individual metal automobile bubble. Watch personalized entertainment and, at all times, have a fully liberal-individual experience—judged entirely on its own personal merits. In the end, wokeness represents the post-liberalism of the fools. For, it recognizes the indelibly unfair outcomes of liberal capitalism but—as with the “socialism of the fools” that antisemitism so often represents—wokeness scapegoats its way toward a new system of racial stigmatizing as the solution. Instead of all non-Anglos and non-Protestants being the source of inferiority, a photo-negative KKK mythos has erected from the frustrated minds of academics disgusted with their own society. A wannabe multicultural nativism where “deplorable” “straight white men” are the source of all cultural backward inferiority and, therefore, everything wrong with the world. In the end, wokeness is not a true rebellion but merely a bizarro redrawing of old American ethnopolitical prejudices.

Yet bizarro Superman is still Superman. All the distinguishing aspects of the character remain recognizable even when artists draw his color scheme differently and reverse the giant “S” on his chest. The same principle applies with wokeness’s photo-negative, white supremacy mythology, which consists of the LASP-exclusivist bigotries of the Klan now inverted to target “white people.” Key to photo-negative thinking is its attempted reversal of the postwar Judeo-Christian alliance, which features radical Islamists—not as backward terrorists—but as the progress parade’s lead baton twirlers. At the core of the Marxist paradigm lies something scholars call the “labor metaphysic.” The phrase connotes the idea that only the working class can bring about true revolutionary change—not the peasants, nor the farmers, nor the bourgeoisie. In wokeness’s new revolutionary metaphysic, Marx’s beloved proletariat has been replaced with a progress-flag collage of morally superior, third world “people of color” and they/them nonbinary heroines. The discordance of queer activism with Palestinian activism is ignored by the woke because to acknowledge that Islamist political culture is violently anti-queer destroys their QTPOC revolutionary metaphysic, which the woke must believe is actionable for the rest of their photo-negative fantasy to hold. As with Marx’s folklore of all the workers of the world uniting to overthrow capitalism, global “decolonialization” can arrive only when all non-European “persons of color”—and “LGBTQ2SIAA” non-heterosexuals—unite and lead humanity to the intersectional Shangri-la.

Here the Palestinians play a central role. Palestinians—as reigning intersectional grand champions—represent the “true Jews” of the bizarro America that the woke wish to manifest into existence. And if, as prophesied in Deuteronomy, Jews must return to their homeland for Christ’s second coming then, through photo-negative logic, the Palestinians—as bizarro Jews—must have a state, which will be the true Israel. Then, and only then, can the day of true global liberation finally arrive.

While wokeness daguerreotypes old-fashioned white supremacism, there’s no “reverse racism” here. To label wokeness’s photo-negative thinking this way is to concede the argument—seeing ethnic prejudice as something that’s only existed historically in the pro-European and pro-Christian sense, as if each continent and country has not witnessed a kaleidoscope of racial and religious bigotries over time. Along with the new mythology of “only Europeans have ever been racist historically,” the woke must also insist on a new matching, present-focused mythology. It looks something like this: Today’s people of non-European “color” can never be racist, for racism entails “institutional power.”
Qanta Ahmed: The devastating reframing of Israel’s just war against Hamas
Correct ICC legal procedure, according to Zimeray, takes into account the concept of complementarity. When a nation has a functioning judiciary, the ICC no longer has jurisdiction, so the nation itself is responsible for the investigation, prosecution and sentencing of any war crimes, crimes against humanity, or other violations of international human rights.

Where such organizations are lacking, the ICC lawfully steps in.

ICC Chief Prosecutor Khan and his team were due to arrive in Israel to assess Israel’s judicial capacity concerning exactly such complementarity when the ICC team abruptly changed course and delivered their decision regarding Israel.

True, no one is above the law, including Israeli leaders, but this latest move bears a political dimension. By deliberately choosing to establish a symmetry between Israel and Hamas in the announcement, the prosecutor creates an equivalence between the two camps. Now we know how this also plays into Hamas’s overall strategy. The more Israel is delegitimized the more Hamas is legitimized.

Add to this that Jews historically have been subjected to false accusations which served as excuses to attack them with diabolical consequences, the projected symmetry becomes incendiary.

Many vilify Israel, and many more remain silent on the Hamas atrocities. This silence is perhaps the most powerful weapon in Hamas’s arsenal. In the 1992 treatise, ‘Bearing Witness or the Vicissitudes of Listening,’ psychoanalyst Dori Laub observes the fundamental betrayals of trust in humanity. One example was when the world witnessed the Holocaust for years in plain view, yet allowed it to continue unwitnessed.

It is this aspect of denial that is devastating to so many in Israel. It has fundamentally ruptured the sense that the lives of Jews and all Israelis, including Druze, Muslims and Christians, matter.

While a conclusion of this war in Gaza is necessary and a new war may be unfolding in the North, just as vital, perhaps more so, is a more just framing of the injustices to the Jewish people.
  • Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The previous linkdump included the news that the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s Famine Review Committee concluded in May that there was no evidence of famine in Gaza as of April, and that the analysis done in March by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS) warning of famine was not plausible. As the IPC notes, FES did not count commercial trucks of food going into Gaza, which more than doubled the amount of food entering the sector that FEWS counted.

How did FEWS get it wrong? 

One reason is that FEWS doesn't trust Jews.

FEWS, which still says as of May 31 that "it is possible Famine is ongoing in northern Gaza, is not on the ground in Gaza and relies on third party reports. It lists all of its sources that it gets information from - and judges their reliability.

Here's the beginning of the appendix listing all of FEWS' sources.

The third column rates the perceived reliability of the source of information.

Here are its definitions of R2, R1 and R0 reliability:

Evidence is only reliable if the method used is robust and evidence depicts current conditions. If evidence is yielded through a reasonable but less rigorous method, such as evidence with limited representativeness, or if evidence needs to be extrapolated to the current analysis period because it was collected in past seasons or years, the evidence can be at most R1. Evidence that has either limited soundness of M and T scores R1+, while evidence that has both types of limited parameters scores R1-. Reasonable evidence that scores less than R1 (such as field trip reports and local knowledge) can be referred to as R0 and may still be used in the IPC to support the analysis. However, it should be carefully reviewed and cannot be counted towards achieving minimum evidence needs, except for areas with limited humanitarian access for collecting evidence if the data adhere to specific parameters included later in IPC Manual Version 3.0.
So R0 is the worst level of evidence, somewhat useful but to be treated skeptically.

Now, look how they rate COGAT reports that accurately say how many trucks of aid enter Gaza.


The official and most accurate statistics on how much food enters Gaza is considered less reliable than secondhand reporting in the New York Times and about as reliable as anecdotal evidence in newspapers. 

They define COGAT's statistics as being unreliable unless other sources confirm them.

COGAT has been counting every truck going into Gaza - commercial and humanitarian. When it is contradicted by other sources, COGAT invariably is discovered to be more accurate. 

Why is COGAT considered less reliable when it gives more details than everyone else? It counts aid going in through crossings that UNRWA does not count. It coordinates every single truck from every source. 

The only reason is because the people behind these reports simply do not believe that Israel, or Jews, tell the truth. 

Can anyone come up with  better explanation? 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Seth Mandel: The Famine Has Been Canceled
Hamas’s desire to maximize Palestinian suffering is well known, but there’s an easy way to tell whether supposed pro-Palestinian advocates share that revolting instinct: How do they react to good news?

For example, thanks to a report issued quietly earlier this month by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s Famine Review Committee (quite the name), we now know there is no famine in Gaza. Yet you will only see this discussed among pro-Israel Jews online. The vast digital army of Twitter martyrs is quiet. Western media appear to be experiencing a self-imposed blackout. The Palestinian cause seems nothing less than deflated at the news that children will not be dying of hunger.

As of this morning, two weeks after the UN agency that monitors “food insecurity” debunked its own hysteria, the closest thing to a reference in the New York Times is an item in a running liveblog that mentions Israel’s latest humanitarian pause. The Times says this brief pause could help “alleviate a severe hunger crisis.” But —hilariously—those words link to the paper’s April report warning that a famine would set in by May. Which is to say, there’s no mention of the fact that famine has been averted. But the Times does mention its own past report, which has been discredited by actual subsequent events.

The cherry on top of this agitprop sundae comes when the Times quotes a British activist complaining, “This is not what a famine response looks like.”

In fact, according to the international organizations that beat the steady drumbeat of famine, this is exactly what a famine response looks like. Sorry to disappoint the pro-Palestinian movement, but it appears the children will live.

The Famine Review Committee “does not find the [famine prediction] analysis plausible given the uncertainty and lack of convergence of the supporting evidence.” As Avi Bitterman, who spent months predicting there would indeed be no famine based on the available evidence, points out: “The food trucks FEWS NET used for its analysis is significantly less than reported by other sources. One of the reasons for this is the complete exclusion of private sector food trucks (something the UN currently still does, by the way — take note @UN). They also excluded [World Food Programme] deliveries to bakeries in northern Gaza in April.”

  • Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Washington Post today offers another anti-Israel article, this one an op-ed by Tariq Kenney-Shawa who works at the Al-Shabaka pro-BDS think tank.

Imagine you’re a citrus farmer. You have spent months making sure your orange trees get just the right amount of water and nutrients. You have harvested your oranges, packed them carefully into crates and sent them off to be shipped abroad. But instead of reaching international markets, your oranges are held up by authorities unaccountable to you for seemingly arbitrary “security inspections.” Days, sometimes weeks, pass as your crates sit in the blazing sun, their contents wasting away. By the time the oranges pass the checkpoints, they are rotten and unsellable.

This was life for Palestinian citrus farmers for decades under Israel’s occupation. And their story proves one thing: Israel is and has always been the biggest obstacle to Gaza’s prosperity.
He goes on to claim that Israel is maliciously trying to destroy Gaza's agriculture, with arbitrary rules and restrictions on exports.

Here's what Kenney-Shawa doesn't mention.

Hamas routinely used to use citrus groves to hide its rocket launchers. That's why so many groves have been bulldozed. 

Israel has been encouraging Gaza farmers to switch to more lucrative crops, like strawberries, spices and flowers.  Israel's COGAT unit used to hold meetings with Gaza farmers on the  latest agricultural methods and would even provide them with seeds.

That isn't exactly how a country hell bent on destroying an economy would act.

But the biggest crime of omission in the article is that it doesn't mention how much Gaza was exporting before October 7.

Israel has been coordinating with Gaza to increase the number of exports of crops and other goods for ten years.

The only reason for the drop in 2023 was the shutdown after October 7.

Which is the big story that the media refuses to cover. Israel believed that Hamas was acting pragmatically and working against groups who wanted to attack Israel, and as a result it worked hard to boost Gaza's economy to encourage more moderation and fewer attacks. The statistics disprove Kenny-Shawa's main point, that Israel acts capriciously to hurt Gaza farmers and trade. On the contrary, when the attacks from Gaza were reduced, the trade flourished, and was only getting better. 

Israel had every reason to encourage Gaza's economy to grow, without knowing that Hamas was going to use all that economic boon to fund a genocidal attack on Jews. 

The op-ed only mentoons Hamas once, offhandedly, as if Israel's treatment of Gaza is divorced from what Hamas has been doing. He doesn't even consider that the reason exports have gone to zero now is because Hamas started a war. 

But the facts show otherwise, no matter how many tear-jerking articles about the plight of Gaza farmers are written. Israel has nothing against the innocent civilians of Gaza and would like to see them thrive - in a territory where they are not controlled by an antisemitic Islamist group that treats its own people like cannon fodder. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Pity the poor antisemitic analyst. They have to keep coming up with new ways to express their hate, when so many before them have already seemingly picked over every possible angle on attacking Jews.

How can they not simply repeat what others have already said?

Yet every once in a while I find a new way for antisemites to express their hate. 

Retired Lebanese Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Husseini finds that the Torah has lots of examples of people acting surreptitiously, and therefore concludes that Jews have learned to be liars and spies from the Torah itself.

He starts with Cain and Abel, with a version of the story I have never seen before:
Cain watched his brother Abel in secret, wondering how was his brother’s offering accepted and not his? So he resorted to devious methods in the hope that his would be accepted. He first disguised himself as Abel to obtain the blessing of acceptance, but he did not succeed. He tried a second time to cover up the lack of information he had by obtaining it from his mother, hoping that he would discover the secret for accepting the offerings, but he did not succeed. He tried a third time to double the size of the offering, but he did not succeed. He had no facts available to him except Abel himself, and when he heard the reason, envy had overtaken him, so his enemy made it easy for him to kill his brother. 
We are the told that Moses studied espionage growing up in Pharaoh's palace. This prompted him to send spies to Canaan. Or, as Al Husseini says, 
The first 'Israeli propaganda' operation was launched by the 'ten spies,' which became the foundation on which Zionist propaganda was later built....The clear text about spying in the Torah became, for the Jews, a divine command, according to the opinion of some rabbis, and Zionism later relied on it to permit prohibitions...

Left unsaid is that the Torah makes it quite clear that both Cain and the ten spies were wrong.

The next example is even more absurd:
 After the death of Moses, Joshua took over the leadership, and after him he continued the “state project,” and field work developed as he sent two spies to Jericho, “so they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and lay down there” (Joshua 2:1) so that the biblical moral discourse changed regarding espionage. When their matter was revealed, she immediately worked to smuggle them to become the first “spy” from the Canaanites. She changed to “Israeli” when they entered Jericho, where they exterminated its inhabitants except for the house of Rahab...and in this way they were the first to use prostitutes as a source of information. Hence, they prepared the rabbis’ fatwa for former Minister Tzipi Livni, who was active with the Mossad, using sex to trap people and obtain information...
Arab media takes as a given that Tzipi Livni slept with her targets when she worked at the Mossad, making up fabricated quotes where she admits it (she actually has said the opposite). For a while, they assumed that every time an Arab leader appeared somewhat friendly towards Israel it was because.Livni slept with him.

And now we know it is all because she wanted to be like a Canaanite prostitute.

The article goes on to say that Jews have been secretly spying on gentiles for centuries:
Mercenary spies who serve the ruler, whoever he may be, for the purpose of financial gain.
“Double agents” with several rulers were active in sowing discord between countries.
Economic espionage for the purpose of blackmail: conditions of agricultural lands, financial activity, industrial...
It is classic "Elders of Zion" style antisemitism, but now it is tied to the Torah, proving that Jews are hardwired for duplicity. 

Apparently, the supply of antisemitic conspiracy theories is indeed unlimited.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy published an article by respected Israeli analyst Ehud Yaari about how Hamas is positioning itself to remain in power as a major military force after the current war.

With thousands of its fighters still alive, Hamas is feverishly searching for new ways to stay in charge once a ceasefire is in place. Behind the facade of a Palestinian alliance, it has offered to relinquish civilian control—but only for the sake of refreshing its military arsenal, rebuilding its tunnel networks, and recruiting fresh manpower.

If Palestinian factions not directly involved in the war agree to provide such cover by forming a new Hamas-backed administration, it would make Israel’s continued task of pursuing the group’s fighters much more complicated. Even if Hamas was not formally part of said government, the flow of international aid to such a body would still benefit Hamas’s armed “wing,” which has invented many methods to cut profits from the local economy over the years. For example, according to estimates by the author and other researchers, the group has already gleaned around $120-200 million from taxing humanitarian convoys during the current war.
This Hamas tax on what is meant to be humanitarian goods is something everyone sort of knows about and one discusses. It, along with stopping arms smuggling to Hamas, is a major reason why Israel took over the area of the Philadelphi corridor between Gaza and Egypt.

Yaari's estimate appears to be quite conservative. The amount of aid that entered Gaza so far during the war is approaching $2 billion, and this estimate appears to assume about a 10% tax on humanitarian goods,  something that UN agencies certainly know about and turn a blind eye to. 

To put it another way, the estimate would indicate a tax of about $5,000 on each of the 26,000 humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza counted by the UN during the war. This is an amount that would be overlooked since it appears to be part of the overhead costs of  distributing food and medicine, but enough for Hamas to continue its fighting.

Things are not good in Gaza for civilians. But the exaggerated attention to Gaza suffering, compared to other humanitarian crises worldwide, allows Hamas and its allies to appeal to the international community to send billions in aid - and this aid helps fund Hamas' war effort and desire to remain in power indefinitely. This explains why, even though the amount of aid entering Gaza has increased since Israel took over all the crossings, the UN and NGOs keep insisting that things are worse - because they want to keep things the way they have been. 

The world is funding Hamas. 

(h/t Irene)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
An Egyptian preacher in  Kafr El-Sheikh was praying for the death of Jews for Eid:

"O Allah, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, grant victory to the oppressed in Gaza.
O Allah, grant them a mighty victory.
O Allah, turn against the Jews and those who ally with them.
And turn against the Jews and those who helped them. And turn against the Jews and those who supported them.
And turn against the Jews and those who stood with them.
O Allah, divide their gathering.
O Allah, scatter their unity.
O Allah, tear apart their ranks."
I was curious where else these prayers might be posted in the Internet, and I found a similar the Arabic section of a British Christian school website.

The Terling Church of England Primary School has an Arabic section that includes various prayers. Under the heading of "A prayer for Palestine 2024: A prayer for the people of Palestine and Gaza" it redirects to an apparent Saudi site Saudi site, which published a prayer that includes, "Oh God, protect Al-Aqsa Mosque from the deceit of schemers. Oh God, kill those who kill Muslims. Oh God, grant victory to the people of Palestine over your enemies, their Jewish enemies."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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