Thursday, May 30, 2024

From Ian:

Israel’s Great Strategic Failure
It has become conventional wisdom after Oct. 7 that Israel for years had the wrong policy toward Gaza. While the unfathomable catastrophe of that day has rightly forced a critical examination of all the factors that led to it, it’s arguable that Israel’s broad pre-Oct. 7 policy toward Gaza, in contrast to its strategic conception and military preparation, was at least understandable, if not correct. In contrast, there has been less criticism of Israel’s policy toward Hezbollah in Lebanon over the past two decades. Not only does the policy toward the northern front raise even more troubling questions than Gaza, but also, now more than ever, it looks like a major strategic failure.

Ever since Hamas took control of Gaza by force in 2007, Israel has fought several small wars with the genocidal terrorist organization, in response to rocket attacks from the Strip: in 2008-09, 2012, 2014, and 2021. There were also shorter Israeli military campaigns against the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in 2022 and 2023. In each of these conflicts, Israel would have been justified to enter Gaza and destroy Hamas in self-defense, but never felt so compelled—until Oct. 7.

It has been frequently reported that Israel, or at least its military intelligence agency, had a faulty strategic conception, the so-called “konceptzia,” that Hamas was deterred for now and more focused on governing Gaza than on attacking Israel. Many pundits in the Israeli and American media, who are overwhelmingly hostile to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, contend he was driven to prop up Hamas over the years with the help of Qatari money in order to divide the Palestinians and reduce pressure for a Palestinian state in the West Bank. Netanyahu, who has waged several wars against Hamas, has repeatedly denied this claim. While there have been plenty of leaks in the media already, Israeli military and government probes are expected to reveal what the military intelligence’s konceptzia was, what was motivating Netanyahu and other Israeli political and military leaders, and what contributed to the IDF inadequately preparing for, and/or ignoring signals of, a major Hamas attack.

In the meantime, it’s worth exploring why Israel did not invade Gaza and uproot Hamas from power years ago, based on the premise that Oct. 7 was not inevitable.

The threat from Gaza, however challenging, appeared increasingly manageable to most Israeli military and civilian leaders, despite the short wars with Hamas and PIJ. This misplaced confidence appears to have been partly driven by an overreliance on technology and missile defense. The 2011 deployment of Iron Dome, Israel’s 90%-plus-effective, short-range air defense system, seemingly minimized the rocket threat. With Iron Beam—a laser version that will be at the very least a powerful supplement to Iron Dome—soon to be deployed, Israel believed it was poised to have an even better counter to rockets fired from Gaza. One Israeli military expert told me a few years ago that once Iron Beam was deployed Israel won’t care what happens inside Gaza.

Hamas’ subterranean (tunnel) threat, which already seemed significant a decade ago, was thought neutralized with the installation along the border of underground sensors and barriers. Israel also believed it had neutralized the threat of a land invasion by installing an expensive fence with sensors and cameras. Moreover, the Israeli Air Force continued to operate at will in Gaza, often successfully killing Hamas and PIJ commanders and destroying terrorist infrastructure with precision strikes.

Secure in the belief that these measures had militarily neutralized the Hamas threat, Israel’s civilian and military leaders were mostly averse to destroying Hamas and removing it from power in Gaza.

Israel remained loath to reoccupy Gaza, which it occupied in 1967 and from which it withdrew in 2005, out of concern that any attempt to do so would result in significant Israeli military casualties. Worse, it would bog Israel down in an unwanted occupation of Palestinians in what was viewed as a secondary or tertiary theater compared to the far more potent and immediate threat of Hezbollah to its north and Iran’s nuclear program. Also, Israel had tried its hand at shaping domestic Arab political arrangements in Lebanon in 1982, where it failed spectacularly, and its leaders opposed trying it again ever since. Further, Israeli leaders understood that such an effort in Gaza would be met by fierce international opposition. Indeed, it faced such opposition every time it launched a military campaign in retaliation for Hamas or PIJ firing rockets.

Moreover, when it comes to who could or would responsibly rule Gaza post-Hamas without threatening Israel, there simply never were serious candidates. Egypt did not want Gaza back after losing it to Israel in the 1967 war. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wisely sought every inch of Sinai and not one inch of Gaza in Egypt’s peace agreement with Israel four decades ago. After the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) spectacular rout at the hands of Hamas two years after Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Israeli governments increasingly doubted they could rely on the PA to govern the Strip. The PA’s endemic mismanagement, corruption, and radicalism helped spawn overwhelming support for Hamas among its West Bank populace, and its financial rewarding of terrorism is especially anathema to the Israeli political right.
Live by the Law or Die on the Cross
Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other

The Jews do not venerate the image of a more-divine-than-usual human who achieved an abstract victory for all of humanity by dying horribly. And because we do not, we cannot accept the Western exhortation to be suicidally gentle with our enemies in order to receive a Christian burial on their “moral high ground.”

There are many things about the Jewish state, both as it currently is and as the Torah imagines it could be, that meet the loftiest ideals of the liberal, crypto-Christian West. Jews by and large love living in the liberal, secular West because our culture has great intuitive affection for freedom of speech and conscience, as well as the need for each unique individual to be given the freedom to discover his God-given purpose.

But as a reflection of the oneness of the God described therein, the Torah is obstinately balanced when it comes to simple principles. It insists on justice, but makes room for mercy. It cherishes human life, but acknowledges deadly violence can be correct. It sees all people as created in the image of God, but it commands the nation of Israel to play a unique priestly role, through example rather than through world-dominating force, in leading the world to greater knowledge and service of God.

Put into practice in 2024, this means that Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other, begging to be judged fairly by whatever standards the current hegemon has decreed we all agree upon. We need to look for standards from within our tradition to set a moral example for the whole world, while making it more practically possible to defend our homeland.

Instead of bragging about the extra danger our soldiers experience for the sake of sparing enemy noncombatants, we should reject the premise that we Jews bear any responsibility for protecting the human shields employed by our enemy.

Instead of threatening Jews with arrest for praying on the Temple Mount, we should take a hint from the “Al-Aqsa” moniker our attackers gave to their day of savage invasion and let kohanim up there on the hill to slaughter lambs for Passover.

And above all—given that land is nearly all that matters to this death-worshipping foe—instead of repeatedly withdrawing troops from areas we have just taken over so we can deny having unchristian territorial ambitions, we should conquer, annex, and resettle parts of Gaza so that Jews and friendly gentiles both can live there safely.

If our own, unsurpassably subtle ethical tradition guides us to these policies, then it is only our lingering ideological subjugation to the Western tradition that makes them seem scandalous. Like the Jew among nations, Israel constantly struggles with its half-successful attempt to blend in with the crowd and pretend to be a member like any other, and it is time to put an end to this paralyzing charade. We did not stick to our Law through 3,000 years of human civilization to continue national life as the perpetual defendant. It is our job to know that Law, to teach what we know—and, most of all, to live by it.
UNRWA Head Demonstrates Moral Bankruptcy in Whiny New York Times Op-Ed
How do children react when they are caught red-handed? They blame someone else and cry.

Which is exactly what the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) did on Thursday (May 30), in an op-ed published by The New York Times.

In the article, titled “Israel Must Stop Its Campaign Against UNRWA,” Philippe Lazzarini whines that his organization is under attack by the Jewish state, which has accused it of having links to Gaza terror groups.

The gist of his over-simplistic argument, that omits Hamas as the real target of Israel’s war effort, is as follows: UNRWA is attacked by vicious Israelis for no reason, and the world must do something about it.

Related Reading: Media Outlets Continue To Conceal the Appalling Truth About UNRWA

In his own dramatic words, it sounds like Israel’s war aim is to target and harass innocent UNRWA employees and not Hamas terrorists:
As I write this, our agency has verified that at least 192 UNRWA employees have been killed in Gaza. More than 170 UNRWA premises have been damaged or destroyed. UNRWA-run schools have been demolished.
Israeli officials are not only threatening the work of our staff and mission, they are also delegitimizing UNRWA by effectively characterizing it as a terrorist organization.
How can this be possible? Where is the international outrage? Its absence is a license to disregard the United Nations and opens the door to impunity and chaos.
While Israel has long been hostile to UNRWA, following the abhorrent attacks of Oct. 7 it unleashed a campaign to equate UNRWA with Hamas and depict the agency as promoting extremism.

All of the above allows Lazzarini to deflect criticism and avoid holding himself and his organization accountable in the face of Israeli allegations.

While he refers to the dozen UNRWA employees who have been accused by Israel of participating in the October 7 massacre, he treads lightly: He says that UNRWA investigates Israel’s allegations but at the same time creates the impression of a false dichotomy between the organization and its employees.

In fact, he ignores evidence suggesting that UNRWA has become a Hamas front:
Israel has said that 190 UNRWA employees, including teachers, have doubled as Hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists.
Israel uncovered a Hamas facility under UNRWA headquarters in Gaza.
The IDF regularly releases data showing that Hamas terrorists use UNRWA schools in Gaza.
UN Watch exposed that 3,000 UNRWA teachers were in a Telegram group that celebrated the October 7 attack.

Why does Lazzarini not address these allegations head-on in an apologetic op-ed?

Interestingly, in his frenzy to attack Israel, he seems to admit that Hamas uses UNRWA facilities in Gaza.
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
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I'll Testify At The ICC That Israel Killed Me By Starvation  
by Muhammad al-Masri, Gaza resident

Rafah, May 30 - Sometimes life surprises you with opportunities on a scale you never thought possible. I thought my little self could never contribute in any significant way to a larger cause, but that has changed: I can form an instrumental piece of the world-changing criminal proceedings against Israeli leaders if called as a witness to the proposed charges against their prime minister and minister of defense. I hereby offer to be called as just such a witness in The Hague, to the effect that those men and their military knowingly and by design deprived me and my family of food until we died.

My family will also testify, if necessary. We're waiting here in an Israeli-made refugee safe zone outside Rafah, in case you need to reach us.

It was horrible! Starting long before October 7, when Gaza was an open-air prison under harsh blockade, we had plenty of access to all the food and luxury restaurants the heart desires. But now Israel has destroyed that paradise, and only allows in hundreds of trucks per day, meaning that the quantity of food that enters the territory now is a paltry 1.5 times the amount we had before the genocide.

We died in late November. Then again in January and April. It was horrible! Local independent media can confirm this in multiple video clips that made their way around social media. Please ignore any lack of resemblance between the skeletal corpses in the images and our appearance in other, concurrent materials, and any non-skeletal appearances we have in those other media.

Also please disregard the parts of the videos labeled "Syria," "Yemen," or "Sudan." We had a hard time cropping them out during post-production, being dead of starvation and all.

Not that the application for an arrest warrant addresses this specifically, so my testimony in its regard might not prove strictly necessary, but I am also willing to testify that the IDF fatally shot me and three of my sons during the Gaza border demonstrations a few years ago. My sons might be unavailable, though, come to think of it. Something about "Sabaya" women. the point is, they might be busy. But my wife will testify she was raped by Israeli soldiers, which is why I had to have her killed to preserve the family's honor.

Her brother Anas did it, but then he, too, fell victim, crushed under the rubble of an Israeli bomb. He was also burned to death after that, by white phosphorus, He can testify as well. Just call us!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Why we fight
It would appear that Hamas’s amen chorus is worried about having to face the truth of their evil deeds and intentions. The recently released horrifying video of the confessions of a Hamas father and son, who on Oct. 7, together with a cousin, gang-raped a woman and murdered her is nearly impossible to watch. So is the video depicting a group of handcuffed young women kidnapped on Oct. 7 being referred to as sex slaves by their disgusting Hamas captors. But these videos ignited the moral conscience of many.

To the hideous Oct. 7 deniers and others suffering from the Goebbels Syndrome: Watch these videos and end your moral malaise.

Efforts to propagate false narratives are failing because the truth is coming out and it will triumph. The overwhelming majority of the American people are not buying into the propaganda generated by Hamas and American supporters.

The good people of America are waking up and rejecting the evil that is Hamas and its repugnant sponsor the terrorist Iranian regime. Some 79% of Americans polled in the latest Harvard-Harris poll rightly support Israel in the war started by Hamas. 69% correctly believe Israel is seeking to minimize civilian casualties. 78% agree that Hamas must be eliminated. 74% favor Israel proceeding with its Rafah operation and finishing off Hamas. The poll also showed a nuanced understanding of what a ceasefire means to the American people. 66% oppose a ceasefire unless the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power.

Interestingly, even the International Court of Justice didn’t wholly buy Hamas’s propaganda. It didn’t outright order a halt in military operations in Rafah. Its order stated that Israel should “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Thus, the order was qualified and may be interpreted to apply only to those military operations in Rafah that may inflict such “conditions of life” on the Palestinians. In essence, Israel can continue with military operations so long as Israel complies with international law, which Israel is doing anyway. It is reported that a number of the ICJ judges support this interpretation.

It’s time for Israel to enlist a prominent Hollywood director like Steven Spielberg to make a documentary that uses documentary footage of the horrible events of Oct. 7 to explain why Israel is fighting the evil that is Hamas.

Israel is winning its just and legal defensive ground war against Hamas. It can win the PR war, too.
Melanie Phillips: The Rafah blood libel
Israeli jets had used two small bombs to minimise civilian casualties. The IDF said it had taken steps ahead of the attack to ensure that no women or children were in the Hamas compound. The strike took place more than 100 metres away from the shelters that caught fire.

So what actually happened?

Earlier, Israeli officials told the Biden administration that shrapnel from the strike may have ignited a nearby fuel tank. Further information that has come to light, however, suggests that the tents were actually ignited by Hamas munitions.

This video footage, reportedly filmed by a Gaza resident in the immediate aftermath of the Israeli strike and obtained by the website Abu Ali Express, features an onlooker saying that what was hit was a Hamas Jeep “filled with ammo and weapons,” and he expressed a worry that “any moment a [Hamas] rocket can fly at us…”

The IDF says it now suspects that ammunition, weapons, or some other inflammatory material was stored in the area of the strike, causing a secondary blast and the fire that spread to the civilian tents.

The IDF has released an intercepted conversation between two Gazans suggesting that an ammunition store in the area had ignited. The first speaker says:
… and they say that they (the Hamas terrorists that were bombed) sat in a meeting and that there is a facility and in addition they had ammunition because all of the ammunition that started exploding. Bags of money were flying in the air, Abu Rafiq.

Second speaker:
These (the ammunition that exploded) were really ours?’

First speaker:
Yes, this is an ammunition warehouse. I tell you it exploded….I mean the Jewish bombing wasn’t strong, it was a small missile because it didn’t create a large hole.

Second speaker:
And afterwards a lot of secondary explosions.

The IDF has also released a satellite photo of the area indicating that there was at least one Hamas rocket launcher near the compound that was bombed.

So since this was not the designated humanitarian area, why were any civilian tents in this danger zone? Possibly these Gazans had been forced to remain there by Hamas; we don’t know. And we don’t yet know all the details of what actually happened, which await an Israeli military inquiry.

What’s now clear, however, is that Hamas was once again using Gazan civilians as canon fodder and human shields by situating amongst them terrorist leaders, rocket launchers and ammunition — incorporating civilians into what international law regards as legitimate military targets.

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, described the fire as “a tragic mishap”. Not, note, a “mistake”, as some media outlets have wrongly reported him as saying — which would have meant Israel erroneously bombed civilians. This was an event that was as unforeseeable as it was terrible. It was not Israel’s fault.

But of course, it has been turned into yet another weapon with which to demonise Israel by those wishing for its destruction, including the western media which promotes murderous blood libels about Israel as facts.
Seth Mandel: Israel Is Doing What Biden Asked of It
On Wednesday, however, one more piece of evidence came to light, like shrapnel flying into the debate. According to the New York Times: “Munition debris filmed at the strike location the next day was remnants from a GBU-39, a bomb designed and manufactured in the United States, The Times found. U.S. officials have been pushing Israel to use more of this type of bomb, which they say can reduce civilian casualties.”

So the strike was carried out by American weapons the Israelis were specifically directed to use because they are best able to avoid civilian casualties. Seen in this light, the administration’s lukewarm but disapproving tone—that Israel must do more to limit civilian casualties—isn’t quite as generous as it first appeared to be.

It turns out it’s very difficult to micromanage a war. Biden told Israel to come up with a mass-evacuation plan for Rafah. Israel did so. He demanded the Israelis expand humanitarian aid. They did so. He demanded the IDF use every piece of technology available to prosecute the Rafah incursion with precision instead of power. The IDF has done so.

The only question left is whether members of the administration, as well as our allies in Europe, really do support Israel’s mission to defeat Hamas. This is no longer an argument over means and methods to reach a shared goal. There are no more nits to pick. Israel has done everything we have asked of it. The president should say so.
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei wrote to American student protesters. Here are excerpts:
Dear university students in the United States of America, this message is an expression of our empathy and solidarity with you. As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it.

You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government's ruthless pressure—a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime.

The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today, has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you. The goal of this struggle is to put an end to the blatant oppression that the brutal Zionist terrorist network has inflicted on the Palestinian nation for many years.

The United States government and its allies refused to even frown upon this state terrorism and ongoing oppression. And today, some remarks by the US government regarding the horrific crimes taking place in Gaza are more hypocritical than real.

The Resistance Front emerged from this dark environment of despair, and the establishment of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran expanded and fortified it.

The global Zionist elite – who owns most US and European media corporations or influences them through funding and bribery – has labeled this courageous, humane resistance movement as "terrorism".

...The oppressive leaders of global hegemony mercilessly distort even the most basic human concepts. They portray the ruthless, terrorist Israeli regime as acting in self-defense ­– yet they portray the Palestinian Resistance which defends its freedom, security and the right to self-determination, as terrorists!

I would like to assure you that today the circumstances are changing. A different fate awaits the important region of West Asia. The people's conscience has awakened on a global scale, and the truth is coming to light.

Moreover, the Resistance Front has grown in strength and will become even stronger.

And history is turning a page.

...The Quran's lesson for us Muslims and all of humanity, is to stand up for that which is right: "So be steadfast as you have been commanded" (11:112).

The Quran's lesson for human relations is: "Do not oppress and do not be oppressed" (2:279).

The Resistance Front advances by a comprehensive understanding and the practice of these and hundreds of other such commands – and will attain victory with the permission of God.

My advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
People think this is an anti-Israel letter. It isn't. 

It is an anti-American letter.

Khamenei takes as a given that Israel is evil and that Jews control world governments and media. That part is not even up for debate. But he is trying to get the students angry at the US government for allowing itself to be hijacked by Jews, and urging them to fight the US - not Israel.

He says that by their uprising, they have already joined a much larger cause, the "Resistance," which means they are on the same side as the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria - which he calls "the right side" of history.

The Islamic republic's goal has always been global domination. It has tried to be seen as the leader of the Islamic world, but the Sunni Muslims have not generally gone along with that, and in fact regard hi, as the enemy. 

So Khamenei is trying a different tack: to influence students who are restless to appear like they are making a difference , that they are moral creatures, and that their anger at the establishment represented by university leaders and the US government is part of a larger, transnational project that they have already joined.

Everyone wants to feel that they belong to a group of like-minded individuals. Khamenei is trying to subvert the fairly aimless protest movement that is looking for leadership into becoming a branch of the Iranian "axis of resistance."

Khamenei understands what the protesters themselves insistently deny: that their movement is fundamentally antisemitic. He play the game of pretending he is against the "global hegemony" and only briefly mentions to the "global Zionist elite" - but by conflating Jews with the West altogether, he is both leveraging existing antisemitism and trying to spread it further. 

Antisemitism is a strategy for his own desire for global hegemony. 

And if he manages to attract even 1% to his brand of Islamic extremism, he is recruiting scores of domestic terrorists to destabilize the US.

There is one test, and only one test, that the leaders of the student movement will fail. If they really were against antisemitism, they would denounce the Jew-hatred that this letter is trying to spread, and they would respond that they are on the side of the protesters in Iran against their own autocratic, illiberal government where human rights are non-existent.

Their inevitable non-response - and probable quiet pride in this letter - is the real story that the media must expose. Because it would show that they indeed condone antisemitism in the name of anti-Zionism, and that they support the Iranian mullahs against the millions of Iranians who yearn to be free of their control.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The New York Times has managed something remarkable. It wrote an entire article about Americans trying to leave Gaze without saying a single negative word about Egypt.
"Americans Raced to Get Their Families Out of Gaza. Then the Border Slammed Shut" says the headline. The border just slammed shut on its own, of course, nothing at all to do with Egypt. And the inability of the Americans to leave for the previous seven months also, amazingly, had nothing to do with Egypt.

The story, written by immigration reporter Hamed Aleaziz,  ensures that no one knows that a corrupt Egyptian businessman with close ties to Egypt's president has had the exclusive rights to allow Gazans to leave and he extorted millions in bribes to call the lucky few "VIPs" so they could leave.

Instead, the story blames the inability of some Gaza Americans and their relatives to leave on just some sort of unknown bureaucratic problems from - someone.

The criteria are strict: Only parents, spouses and unmarried, under-21 children of American citizens are eligible for the assistance. The United States gathers the names and provides them to Israeli and Egyptian authorities, who control the border, and ask that they be allowed to cross.

Since the start of the war seven months ago, more than 1,800 American citizens and their families have left Gaza with the assistance of the State Department, U.S. officials say. They are only a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of Gazans desperate to leave as the already dire conditions there deteriorate.

...And then they wait. Families check a Facebook page run by the authorities in Gaza, which gets updated as people are approved to cross into Egypt. If their name appears, they are advised to go immediately to a border crossing.
Compare to how NPR reported on the story in March:

The border fee service, known as "coordination," is operated by a singular entity: Hala Consulting and Tourism, an Egyptian company with reported ties to Egypt's security services, whose sister company runs the business in charge of aid transportation into Gaza.

Hala provides a crucial service: registering names on the Egyptian list of travelers approved for entry from Gaza, and operating transportation from the border to Cairo.

Applying is complicated, fees have fluctuated and the rules often change. Palestinians in Gaza need a relative in Egypt to apply to the Hala company on their behalf. Hundreds wait outside the company building in Cairo to pay the fee in dollars, with cash. Some say they have paid thousands of dollars on top of the standard fees just to get in the door. Approvals can take months.
....Egypt's economy is struggling, inflation is high and the country is desperate for dollars to purchase wheat and pay off its mounting debt. Since the start of the Gaza war, Suez Canal revenue has tanked, as cargo ships avoid it because of Houthi missile attacks in the Red Sea.

The high fees also reflect Egypt's policy on absorbing Palestinians during the war, Hassanein says. Egypt does not want a permanent mass displacement of Palestinians, and does not want any Islamist militants to enter from Gaza.

"They are trying to condition mainstream Palestinians that coming to Egypt wouldn't be an easy option," says Hassanein.

Gazans wanting to leave has an arduous procedure to go through even before the war. From OCHA in 2022:

 Palestinians wishing to leave Gaza via Egypt must register with the local Palestinian authorities two to four weeks in advance. People may also apply directly to the Egyptian authorities, using the services of a private company. The procedures and decisions by both authorities lack transparency. Those that are approved exit through the Rafah Crossing, controlled by the Egyptian authorities, which operates from Sundays to Thursdays. The journey through the Sinai desert is often lengthy and includes multiple stops for checks by Egyptian security forces. 

Ask any Gazan. They know Egypt is the reason they cannot leave. Israel is supposed to approve the names, but that is automatic - no one outside known terrorists are being denied, and it sure appears that Egypt can allow Hamas terrorists to leave without Israel's permission too. 

This is a perfect example of lying by omission. Both before and after May 7, Egypt has been the single major roadblock on any Gazans leaving. Today, Egypt is not even allowing Gazans who need medical attention to leave. 

Egypt can open the border within the next hour if they wanted and allow not only Americans but every Gazan who wants to leave- and they refuse. 

Hamed Aleaziz and the New York Times do not want their readers to know this. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Earlier this week, I described how NGOs and the New York Times have been twisting the statistics of goods being brought into Gaza by not reporting on two important facts: 

1. Aid organizations are refusing to cooperate with COGAT on coordinating deliveries of aid trucks that have already been brought into Gaza

2. Trucks bringing in commercial goods are not being counted in their statistics.

UN OCHA's latest report admits the last point, and buries it: "The amount of food and other aid entering Gaza, already insufficient to meet the soaring needs, has further shrunk since 7 May, with a daily average of 58 humanitarian aid trucks reaching Gaza between 7 and 28 May compared with a daily average of 176 aid trucks between 1 April and 6 May. These figures exclude private sector cargo and fuel. "

But that private sector cargo includes plenty of food. The amount of food going into gaza has increased, not decreased, since May 7. 

Here was my chart showing the number of trucks the NGOs and NYT are counting, and the actual number entering Gaza.

By refusing to count those thousands of trucks of goods being brought into Gaza, the media and the NGOs are deliberately misleading the world and demonizing Israel.

In fact, Israel has changed the paradigm of how to deliver goods to Gaza, and over the past month (after some initial speedbumps) things are more efficient than they were before.

The commercial trade is the key. 

Before, the only source for commercial trucks into Gaza came from a single Egyptian company that had a monopoly on commercial trade. Al Jazeera, in a report on the high cost of food in Gaza markets shortly before Israel took control of the Rafah crossing, quoted a seller saying "one company alone controls the items that enter, so it prohibits what it wants and allows what it wants, according to its interests. The presence of meat in all of Gaza became linked to [that company's] approval to bring it in, and the interruption of fruits came after that company banned its entry into the Strip."

Now, there are lots of commercial trucks entering Gaza, and the prices in the markets have gone way down.

The NGOs claim that they cannot deliver the goods already in Gaza because of how dangerous it is, or they claim that Israel is impeding them.  Yet the commercial trucks are successfully reaching all of Gaza, according to COGAT. 

Since reporters aren't interested in the story, we can only speculate as to why this is. 

I would guess that there is a combination of factors that account for this. The commercial traders have their own security. They have financial incentive to take risks. Their trucks are probably not marked with giant logos that tell Gazans that "here's the food you are supposed to get for free, come and get it."

It is also hard to escape the conclusion that Hamas was embedded in the old system where there was a bottleneck of all goods entering Gaza and Hamas could freely confiscate what it wanted and tax the rest. The NGOs worked well with the corrupt system which essentially ensured Hamas would maintain control indefinitely. It worked for seven months, and finally Israel decided to replace Rafah with its own crossings that have higher capacity and no corruption. Rafah could re-open anytime Egypt allows it to, but Egypt profited off the old system as well and has little incentive to support a system where it cannot skim off millions of dollars.

Notice that there has not been a single reported case of starvation since February even though the "experts" had predicted famine well before today. The commercial goods entering Gaza is one big reason. 

So the NGOs are pivoting from "food" to "medicine," saying that Israel is stopping lifesaving equipment. I have no idea if this is true - they appear sometimes to discuss specific hospitals that are in areas meant for evacuation - but the answer is, again, capitalism.

Instead of NGOs trying to do the very difficult logistics work, they can work with the private sector to arrange to bring in what they need, when they need it.

And it is not only my idea. The Gisha NGO made this demand from Israel in January:
Israel must allow the entry of commercial goods to the private sector in Gaza
Restoring private sector activity through Kerem Shalom is an essential step towards increasing residents’ access to commodities. It would enable aid agencies to resume purchasing from the private sector within the Strip, facilitate distribution of goods throughout Gaza, and allow aid agencies to provide aid in different ways, such as through distribution of vouchers for purchase of food and other supplies.
It would be much easier for the aid agencies to administer a voucher system than to try to do everything end to end, which as we've seen, they are ill-equipped to do. 

If they are offering money for medicine and equipment, the traders will be happy to do the logistics to bring them in. It is a much more efficient system and far less prone to abuse and corruption.

It is hard not to conclude that the aid agencies prefer the abuse and corruption.

Too bad the media is not interested in reporting about this and researching this further. If there is any consistency in reporting, it is that anything that benefits Israel and hurts Hamas is automatically considered bad.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, May 30, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Palestine Scholars Association, which is based out of Turkey,   issued a fatwa in March mandating that all Muslims boycott Israeli goods.
  The economic boycott is one of the most powerful weapons of pressure. It is an effective weapon in confronting the Zionist enemy and its supporters, and it is one of the forms of insulting him and rejecting him that God Almighty has commanded His servants to do. ...One of the most obligatory duties for Muslims is to boycott this criminal entity, its companies, and the companies of its supporters, and to boycott them economically, and to prevent goods from reaching them, or to disrupt their arrival to them, or to target them by any means of jihad imposed specifically on every Muslim. Economic boycott is nothing but a type of jihad with money for the sake of God. ...

Naturally, the fatwa must find a precedent for boycotting Israel, and it finds one - from Mohammed himself!

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used the weapon of economic warfare against the Jews after they broke the covenant. After the incident of the Jew’s attack on the Muslim woman in the Bani Qaynuqa market and the killing of the companion, he boycotted them economically before besieging and expelling them. 
Today's BDS advocates claim that BDS is only against Israelis, not Jews. This fatwa helps prove that it was always about Jews, for over a century.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

From Ian:

Eve Barlow: All Eyes On Rafah!
Rafah is a horrible situation because it’s war. An explosion happened. Civilians died. It wasn’t Israel, but as per usual, everyone blamed the Jews. Even the Jews jumped the gun this time. All the Jewish advocates blamed themselves, so accustomed to being gaslit. The IDF strike happened outside the humanitarian area, and then a Jeep packed with explosives inside the humanitarian area mysteriously set fire and ripped through the tent village. Awful. Hamas are awful.

You know what is more horrible than even Rafah? Selective outrage. So everyone is upset about civilian deaths in Gaza (reminder: caused by HAMAS). I get it. I see them. In droves. They’re so loud. Where were they on October 7? Oh they were drinking mimosas. Where were they when we released video footage of our young women being taken captive by rapist terrorists? Oh they were in the streets chanting for Free Palestine. They are the problem. This isn’t about them and their selective outrage and their Instagram stories proving they’re a good person. This is about life and death, and they are marching both Israelis and Palestinians to death at the hands of Hamas.

This here is for the morally bankrupt after the worst day online since October 7. Israel is uncovering all the evidence of a genocide on October 7 from the depths of Rafah in Southern Gaza, and guess what - the world is working overtime to stop it. And they have a new slogan to be spread across all forms of social media:

“All Eyes on Rafah” but the Red Cross didn’t find the bodies of the dead hostages underneath the UN buildings. Israel did.
“All Eyes on Rafah” but the UN never revealed that a tunnel system hid beneath the ground that goes into Egypt. Israel did.
“All Eyes on Rafah!” but nobody spotted the Jeep packed with Hamas explosives in the civilian area that caught fire and killed 45 people.
“All Eyes on Rafah!” but everyone is blinded by propaganda.

This is the propaganda. It appeared on everyone’s Instagram account today. I’m sure none of you escaped seeing this monstrosity in your stories. Behold, the snow-capped AI mountains of Gaza.

Yes that’s 35.3 million shares of this image. The faces in this post are people I used to be friends with. No more.
What is the ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ graphic and who is behind it?
“All eyes on Rafah” is a phrase that’s been shared more than 40 million times on Instagram in less than 24 hours. The giant text, superimposed over an AI-generated image of Gaza has been posted by major celebrities, world leaders, and activists across the world.

The graphic, which depicts an endless sprawl of tents in a dusty landscape, can be reshared onto Instagram ‘stories’ with just one click. Users can see which of their friends have shared the post and can add their names to the list, which neared 40 million on Wednesday morning.

The story remains on a user's profile for 24 hours.

Numerous celebrities including model sisters Bella and Gigi Hadid, Bridgerton actress Nicola Coughlan, singer and presenter Michelle Humes, Ted Lasso star Brett Goldstein and actress Suranne Jones, have all shared the graphic.

The viral AI-generated graphic appears to come from a Malaysian/Singaporean photographer and content creator who goes by the usernames @shahv4012 and on social media.

Most of Chaa’s posts are snaps of daily life in Singapore, including photos of his wife, animals, and cars.

His other posts about Gaza include an AI-generated image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a blood-stained prison uniform and the name “Satanyahu”.

Another of Chaa’s “shareable” posts shows a map of Israel with the country's name crossed out and replaced with Palestine. It has been reshared over 15 thousand times.
The All Eyes on Rafah Instagram post is another vapid, lazy way to say “I care”
I understand that there is outrage at the way Israel is conducting its war. The images coming out of Gaza often feel indefensible. As those of us who care about Israel know only too well, every mistake Israel makes puts more lives at risk both in Israel and outside. Every Jew feels the anger of the world towards Israel every day. We don’t need to be reminded to follow this war; we have no choice. That is not to say that well-meaning people from the safety of London or Berlin or wherever else can’t voice their anger. If they feel passionately, they should. That’s what makes the West different from places like Gaza under Hamas, for example.

But what does sharing an AI image that looks nothing like Gaza actually do? Does it improve the material conditions of civilians in Gaza? Does it make Israelis and Jews feel more likely to compromise, to accept a version of the future that ends in peace for both sides? No, it doesn’t. Just like the BLM squares before it, and the myriad “explainers” before that, the All Eyes on Rafah post is another vapid, lazy way to say “I care”, not “I care about bringing the conflict to an end with as little human suffering as possible”, not even “I care about all civilians killed”. It says nothing productive. Which is presumably why so many people have shared it.

To learn about the conflict and to formulate an opinion that maintains dignity for all sides is something that cannot be accomplished by sharing an Instagram post. The learning that so many people on and off line refuse to do will not happen with an Instagram post. All it does is make Israelis, who will have to be involved in any future peace process, feel, yet again, that the world doesn’t care about their suffering. That their pain is meaningless. There was no “All eyes on the Nova festival”, there were no eyes on Kibbutz Be’eri, people didn’t want to see Jewish pain, it didn’t fit the simplistic narrative they’ve concocted.

So while the All Eyes on Rafah sharers may feel like they’ve done something powerful, the truth is they don’t really care because their interest in the story will die when it drops out of the headlines. And the rest of us will have to live with the consequences.
From Ian:

Bret Stephens: Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?
Right now, the Biden administration is trying to restrain Israel and aid Ukraine while operating under both illusions. It is asking them to fight their wars in roughly the same way that the United States has fought its own wars in recent decades — with limited means, a limited stomach for what it takes to win and an eye on the possibility of a negotiated settlement. How is it possible, for instance, that even now Ukraine does not have F-16s to defend its own skies?

In the short run, the Biden approach may help relieve humanitarian distress, allay angry constituencies or eliminate the possibility of sharp escalations. In the long run, it’s a recipe for compelling our allies to lose.

A “peace deal” with Moscow that leaves it in possession of vast areas of Ukrainian territory is an invitation for a third invasion once Russia recapitalizes its forces. A cease-fire with Hamas that leaves the group in control of Gaza means it will inevitably start another war, just as it has five times before. It also vindicates the strategy of using civilian populations as human shields — something Hezbollah will be sure to copy in its next full-scale war with Israel.

President Biden gave a moving Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, honoring generations of soldiers who fought and fell “in battle between autocracy and democracy.” But the tragedy of America’s recent battle history is that thousands of those soldiers died in wars we lacked the will to win. They died for nothing, because Biden and other presidents belatedly decided we had better priorities.

That’s a luxury that safe and powerful countries like the United States can afford. Not so for Ukrainians and Israelis. The least we can do for them is understand that they have no choice to fight except in the way we once did — back when we knew what it takes to win.
Arsen Ostrovosky: Hamas bears ultimate responsibility for Rafah
Immediately following the incident, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted that, “despite [Israel’s] utmost effort not to harm non-combatants, something unfortunately went tragically wrong,” and that “we are investigating the incident.”

Israel has also announced that the incident is being investigated by the General Staff’s Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism, an independent and professional body, including what caused the ignition of the fire beyond the target and the tragic result, despite the precautionary measures, including surveillance, precise munitions and additional intelligence to limit civilian casualties.

This is how a democracy operates — when mistakes are made, however unintended, they are admitted. People take responsibility and appropriate lessons are learnt.

The response by the international community to the incident in Rafah has also been telling, with immediate worldwide condemnations and the United Nations Security Council already scheduling an emergency session. One cannot help but wonder, where was this same international community when a video was released last week of five terrified young Israeli girls, bloodied, beaten and being abducted by Hamas, with horrific threats of being impregnated? Where was the international community when Hamas rained down a barrage of rockets from Rafah on central Israel, including Tel Aviv?

We would not be in this situation at all were it not for Hamas carrying out the October 7 massacre and continuing to hold in Gaza more than 100 hostages, including five U.S. nationals.

This of course does not absolve Israel of its obligation to abide by the rules of war and international humanitarian law — a duty it has fulfilled and in many documented respects exceeded. However, it is Hamas, an internationally designated terrorist group, that continues to willfully violate every imaginable international law, including embedding combatants in civilian areas.

It is therefore Hamas that bears ultimate responsibility for every innocent life lost, Palestinian and Israeli. The West’s failure to make this distinction only emboldens Hamas and perpetuates the violence.
Brendan O'Neill: Rafah reminds us of the evils of Hamas
And yet many in the West, especially those of a woke persuasion, hold Hamas responsible for nothing. Their collective finger points permanently at Israel. No doubt they consider this a ‘progressive’, even ‘anti-imperialist’ position, but in truth there is a sinister streak of racial paternalism to their ceaseless exoneration of Hamas. Their view seems to be that Israel is the only consequential actor in this conflict, and the Palestinians mere victims. Israel makes decisions, Palestinians suffer the consequences – The End.

This denudes the Palestinian side of agency entirely. It lets even the fascists of Hamas off the hook. It represents the globalisation of identity politics, where the idea is that only ‘white’ forces can be held responsible for what they do, while ‘non-white’ forces must be excused, apologised for, forgiven. Behind the phoney anti-colonialism of the Israelophobic left there lurks the nauseatingly colonialist belief that Arabs are essentially overgrown children who must never be judged – not even when a small section of that people launch a pogrom against the Jewish State and invite war across the Palestinian territories. Behold the double racism of the woke left: the racism of hating the Jewish State above all others, and the racism of refusing to condemn Palestinians for anything, ever. The racism of unrealistic expectations of Israel, and the racism of no expectations of Palestine.

We see this so often in the Western coverage of the Israel-Hamas War – the invisibilisation of Hamas. Think about how rarely we hear about Hamas operations. Its gun battles with IDF soldiers. Its booby-trapping of its vast network of tunnels. Even its firing of missiles at Israel. And, most importantly, how many of its operatives have been slain by the IDF. There has been next to no effort by the mainstream media to figure out how many of the Palestinian fatalities in this war were armed fascists of Hamas, killed as part of the war against the Jewish State that they started. Hamas is being written out of a catastrophe that it itself authored, by observers who see Israel as the only blameworthy actor in the region. It is deceiving war propaganda disguised as reportage.

The end result of this dishonest depiction of Rafah as a crime scene of Israel’s making is that Hamas gets moral cover to continue its war on the Jews. When the International Court of Justice haughtily demands that Israel stay out of Rafah, it is essentially saying ‘Leave Rafah to Hamas’. When the Biden administration condemns Israel for its ‘devastating’ missile attack on Rafah, it unwittingly emboldens the Rafah-based terrorists who attacked Israel first. And when the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court compares Hamas to the IRA, and says Britain didn’t bomb Belfast in the Seventies and therefore Israel shouldn’t bomb Rafah today, he demonstrates the shocking historical and moral illiteracy of the globalist elites; their inability to grasp how existential is the threat posed by Hamas to Israel, and how vulnerable Western civilisation itself is to the menaces of radical Islam.

At this stage in the Israel-Hamas War, if you are not condemning Hamas, if you are not calling on it to return the hostages and surrender to Israel, then it’s clear your concern is not with saving Palestinian life but with humiliating the Jewish State. You are not fighting to end the war – you are giving cover to Hamas’s war. All morally serious people who, like spiked, want to save Rafah and the rest of Palestine from further violence should have as their priority the complete and final defeat of Hamas.
Expulsion of the Jews from Seville, oil on canvas, Joaquín Turina y Areal

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

Spain has a nasty habit of expelling Jews. First from Spain, then from Portugal, and now, most recently, from Israel, the Jewish State. The Jews were informed of the coming expulsion by way of a televised speech given by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Jews are to be expelled from Judea, Samaria, and the Western Wall, and the Temple Mount, among other places. With the Arabs to be ensconced there, in their stead.

The last time around, Spain expelled the Jews because they wouldn’t accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. This time it’s because they want the Jews violently crushed; pushed into the sea; and eliminated, once and for all. Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz made this clear, made Spain’s intentions clear when she declared, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” in a video she published on May 24, for public consumption.

 The expulsion of the Jews from Spain was one thing. At least then, in 1492, Spain was expelling the Jews from sovereign Spanish territory. They didn’t want the Jews; they didn’t like the Jews; they wanted to punish the Jews, so they ousted them from their country.

Not that they did it nicely. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, the expulsion was rough and many Jews did not survive:

Tens of thousands of refugees died while trying to reach safety. In some instances, Spanish ship captains charged Jewish passengers exorbitant sums, then dumped them overboard in the middle of the ocean. In the last days before the expulsion, rumors spread throughout Spain that the fleeing refugees had swallowed gold and diamonds, and many Jews were knifed to death by brigands hoping to find treasures in their stomachs.

The Alhambra edict of expulsion

But at least in 1492, Spain expelled Jews from its own sovereign territory: Spain. Today, in 2024, Spain is spearheading an expulsion of the Jews from territory not its own. This time, Spain is expelling Jews from the sovereign State of Israel, holy indigenous Jewish land.

The Grand Inquisitor friar Tomás de Torquemada in 1492 offers to the Catholic Monarchs the Edict of expulsion of the Jews from Spain for their signature. Oil on canvas, Emilio Sala y Francés (1889)

All of Israel is holy to the Jews, of course. But Jerusalem is the holiest of holy Jewish real estate, and Spain is not Israel. Spain doesn’t get to decide that Israel is now “Palestine.” The Spanish prime minister doesn’t get to declare that Jews can no longer pray at the Western Wall or visit the Temple Mount—even if 140 other countries have already declared it so. Even if all the countries in the world declare it so. It doesn’t matter. This is land that will always belong to the Jews.

Yet here Spain is, declaring that it now recognizes Judea, the place from whence the Jews hail, the place that gave the Jews their name, as “Palestine.” Here is Spain, saying that from now on “East” Jerusalem is really “Palestine.” Here Spain is, stealing Jewish indigenous territory and giving it to terrorists who have promised not to stop massacring Jews until all of them are dead—it’s in their charter.

It’s surreal the way Spain and its cohorts have cut up and parceled out bits of the holy unified capital of Israel to the very people who beheaded Jewish infants, raped Jewish women, and burned families alive in their homes a short time ago. It’s not as if anyone can deny these things happened (though they do). The perpetrators proudly recorded it all for posterity with their GoPro cameras.

From PMW: "Following Norway, Ireland, and Spain’s recognition of a Palestinian state last week, PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement published the above cartoon. It shows exactly what
'Palestine' the PA and Fatah say, the European countries endorsed. 
"The cartoon shows 'Palestine' having replaced the entire State of Israel and the PA areas. The map is formed by three arms painted in the colors of the flags of the three European countries. The 'Norwegian' arm writes the word 'Palestine,' the 'Irish' arm waves a Palestinian flag, while the 'Spanish' hand makes a V-sign with its fingers, signifying 'victory.'”

Here is the key point that Spain will need to absorb: Israel. Doesn’t. Belong. To. Spain. Israel also doesn’t belong to Ireland, or Norway, or to any of the other 140 countries that, according to Pedro Sanchez, have already decided that Israel has no claim to its own sovereign Israeli territory.

And yet, Israel is a sovereign country. Spain, Norway, Ireland—and the others chiming in—not one of them has the right to declare “Palestine” on land that belongs to others—it’s pure hubris—but the world especially has no right to “recognize” Palestine on Israeli soil, and certainly not after the atrocities of October 7, and while Israeli hostages are yet being starved, raped, and tortured by the very people recognized by Spain et al., as the new owners of Jewish Israeli land.

We don’t want these Hamas and Hamas-loving people next to us or near us, especially when 71 percent of them still think October 7 was “correct.” Give them Madrid, Dublin, or Oslo—territory that belongs to you and your ilk—you deserve them.

Once upon a time, in Spain, the Jews had no agency. But in Israel, now, we do. It’s our land, and you are not the boss of it. You have no say over our territory. And you surely will not push us into the sea. 

On a lighter note, I would be remiss in not finding a way to work in the following classic Inquisition-themed comedy clips. Only Mel Brooks or Monty Python could get away with this--only they would see the Inquisition as comedy gold. (Viewer Discretion Advised)

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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Israel's current offensive to the Philadelphi corridor adjacent to Egypt keeps finding tunnels.
Israeli Army Radio reported on Tuesday morning that "The IDF has so far located more than 10 smuggling tunnels along the Philadelphi axis, which cross from the Gaza Strip to Egypt. Some were destroyed, the IDF is working to destroy the rest."

Times of Israel's military correspondent Emanuel Fabian adds more today:

The Israeli military says it has established "operational control" over the entire so-called Philadelphi Corridor — which runs for a total of 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) all along the Gaza-Egypt border.

IDF troops are physically located in most of the corridor. There is a small section near the coast where ground forces are not present, but the IDF says it controls the area with surveillance and firepower.

Along the corridor, adjacent to Rafah, the IDF has located so far some 20 tunnels that cross into Egypt. Hamas has been known to use such tunnels to smuggle weapons into Gaza.

The IDF believes Hamas can now no longer smuggle in weapons from Egypt, as the military controls the area.

Some of the tunnels were already known to the IDF, and others were discovered for the first time. Some have already been demolished, and Israel has also been updating Egypt on the developments.

Another 82 tunnel shafts have been located in the Philadelphi Corridor area, according to the military.

Dozens of rocket launchers were also discovered along the corridor, some only a dozen meters from the Egypt border. The IDF believes Hamas positioned the rocket launchers along the corridor in an attempt to prevent Israel from striking them, thinking the military would fear overshooting into Egypt.
It sure sounds like cash-strapped Egypt has been complicit in the smuggling. 

After all, they had cleared out the area in 2014, claiming to have destroyed thousands of smuggling tunnels. But Hamas' supply of weapons and ammunition during the war has appeared inexhaustible - Gaza might be running out of food, water and medicine, but it isn't running out of rockets, mortars or bullets.

The impression I get is that the media only knows about 20% of what is going on and only reporting on 20% of what they know.  There is a lot happening that we cannot even guess. But in the absence of information, the vacuum is being filled up with anti-Israel lies.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a meme that was not one of my better ones.  It did not make the point I meant to make very well. 

The intended point was that if the "State of Palestine" is represented by a watermelon, it would not be the type of watermelon anyone would enjoy.  It would be a corrupt, terror supporting, misogynist, gay bashing, antisemitic dictatorship and probably an Islamist fundamentalist ally of Iran. I wanted to create an unappealing watermelon picture.

But for some reason, anti-Zionists went crazy, convinced that the seeds represented Palestinian children that I was advocating to murder. Some went much further, looking at the history of seedless watermelon breeding and tying it to racism. The amount of analysis in some responses took more time than I did in creating the meme to begin with. 

That insane interpretation made this tweet the most popular thing I have ever posted, by far. It gathered over ten million impressions, with thousands of angry responses. 

Yes, more people were exposed to this failed watermelon meme than the number of people who live in Israel altogether.

Now that the furor has died down, I have a couple of thoughts.

While the meme itself was not an extreme opinion by any measure, people's antisemitic assumption that it called for genocide drove its going massively viral. Which means that the reverse is true: extreme opinions and hate generally tend to attract more attention than the types of more cerebral, thoughtful and fact-filled posts I try to create. Even my usual cartoons and memes are meant to highlight irony and hypocrisy to make people think,, not to bash people over the head with blunt messages.

 I can see how the desire to get posts to go viral can prompt people to post extreme opinions, and they get rewarded for doing so. If I accepted ads on X, I would have made a tidy sum of money from that post alone. (I typically get about 2 million impressions a month.)

When money, fame or egos are involved, objectivity suffers. This applies to even the most prestigious newspapers. Whether they are conscious of it or not, the choice of stories to cover and the wording in the stories, whether in a newspaper or TV show or social media post, affects the amount of attention one gets, and attention for most people leads to either a psychic or monetary reward. This is what drives what we see online and in print far more than any desire for true objectivity and truth. 

There is a reason that Human Rights Watch and Amnesty build so many "human rights" campaigns around anti-Israel themes - because they attract more donations than fundraisers for Rwanda. 

Money, and fame, make the world go 'round. And they are both the enemies of objectivity.  

I learned two other things from this episode.

One is that I wa unaware of trypophobia, the fear of repetitive patterns of holes. Several commenters mentioned that the picture triggered them. For that, I'm sorry.

The other (mentioned by columnist PreOccupied Territory) is that watermelon was originally grown not for its flesh but for its seeds, which would be toasted and eaten. If I had known that, I would have never made the meme since it no longer would make any sense even by my original intent. 

So, I ordered some toasted watermelon seeds from a Florida company called Yossef Roasting/IL Nuts, although the products themselves do not seem to be from Israel. 

I really wanted to like them, but I'm sorry to say that watermelon seeds are not to my taste. The flavor was OK but I don't like how they felt in my mouth as I was chewing them. 

Live and learn.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

La Croix reports:

Just a handful of pilgrims attended the first day of the Jewish pilgrimage at Djerba’s El Ghriba Synagogue in Tunisia, where ceremonies were kept to a minimum due to security concerns fueled by the Gaza conflict. Normally, thousands of pilgrims worldwide, especially from Europe and the United States, flock to Ghriba, Africa’s oldest synagogue, for three days of festivities marked by several processions beginning this year May 24. According to legend, the temple's construction dates back to the escape of Jewish religious dignitaries from Jerusalem after the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by Babylonian armies in 586 BC.

“The international situation does not allow us to organize a pilgrimage of such importance,” explained René Trabelsi, one of the event’s organizers, referring to the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

This year, the ceremonies were limited to religious rituals (prayers and candle lighting) without the festive procession behind the large Menorah, a Jewish candelabrum mounted on wheels and decorated with colorful fabrics. According to Trabelsi, “between 30 and 50 pilgrims are expected May 27, compared to 6,000 to 7,000 normally.” However, “the most important thing is that we are here” to convey “the message that Djerba is a land of peace and tolerance,” he said.
Last year a guard killed four people at the pilgrimage.  

The public celebration was canceled this year not by the Jewish community, as the article implies, but by the government of Tunisiathe government of Tunisia itself,  

This occurred after a Tunisian group that purports to be pro-Palestinian threatened to attack any "Zionist" who arrives, or any Tunisian Jew who helps bring in any "Zionists." 

After the decision, one writer was happy that Tunisian Jews could not celebrate. "Because we are an Arab Muslim people, we do not accept that the Jews rejoice over our precious land while they kill our people in Palestine, and the Zionists must understand that things have limits, and that the Islamic and Arab peoples boil like a pot boiling over a quiet fire..."

This is the pattern we are seeing worldwide. Jewish events are blocked, ostensibly because of "security considerations," but the security issue isn't from the Jews but from the antisemites who threaten the Jews. Then the antisemites celebrate their successful banning of Jews. 

These threats are a form of terrorism. Terrorism, after all, is the use of fear for political purposes, to force people to act in certain ways to avoid potential injury or death. And in Tunisia, as elsewhere, the threats accomplish what they set out to do: to limit the human rights of Jews. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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