Wednesday, April 10, 2024

From Ian:

Phyllis Chesler: Will the world admit it was wrong?
The dense fog of war will clear after Israel has finally destroyed every last Hamas tunnel loaded with weaponry and the fact-based truth about Hamas and Iran’s war against Israel becomes transparent. When that happens, I wonder about those people who believe that Israel deserved Oct. 7 because they have swallowed the lie that Israel is not only an “oppressor, apartheid entity” but a nation that thirsted for “revenge” and allegedly went on to deliberately target women and children, cause famine and commit a “genocide”? Will they finally admit they were wrong?

I doubt it. They are unlikely to accept that the crimes attributed to Israel are Hamas and Iran’s crimes. Nor that diabolic paranoids and indoctrinated haters are essentially confessing their own crimes when they project them onto their victims.

People may always refuse to understand that accidents happen in war and most other countries—Muslim armies, American armies, British armies, Russian and Chinese armies—have caused far more civilian deaths in a single war than Israel has caused over 80 years of war.

In Hitler’s era, it was only the Nazis, the preexisting Jew-haters in Europe and Muslim lands, who brayed for the death of the Jews or minimized and denied what was happening to the Jews.

Now almost the entire world has spewed that bloodthirsty cry. Mobs are in the streets everywhere, cheering Hamas’s barbarism. Never has Israel been in such danger before.

What will the world say, if it says anything, when its allegations have been proven completely false? Will they still insist that they did not know, that no one told them?

Many, of course, will claim that they were right all along. Like Holocaust deniers, they will assert that whatever facts Israel presents are lies and disinformation.

Once again, Israel stands almost alone, accused of crimes it never committed. At this point, no matter how much Israel tries to do the right thing, it will never be credited for it. Thus, Israel must do whatever it takes to survive against the most fiendish odds.
Seth Mandel: The New Rednecks
Also in 2021, academics John Bitzan and Clay Routledge surveyed a thousand students at more than 70 U.S. colleges and found that a third had a positive view of socialism while only a quarter said the same about capitalism. But don’t worry—the students apparently don’t know what socialism is. So it’s not that they’re evil gulag goons, it’s that they are idiots who will blindly follow the crowd to save themselves the trouble of having to think. Reminder: That’s the good news.

All that should put the eruption of anti-Semitism on campuses in context. After Hamas’s Oct. 7 rampage started the current war, college students were polled on how to characterize the attacks. More than ten percent said they were justified resistance. But I don’t know if that’s better or worse than the one in five who “describe it as something else other than an act of terrorism or resistance.” Perhaps they see it as interpretive dance?

My personal favorite was what happened when Berkeley political-science professor Ron Hassner hired a firm to survey U.S. college students on the genocidal slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Most of those polled said they supported the slogan, but fewer than half could name the river and the sea referenced in the line. “Some of the alternative answers were the Nile and the Euphrates, the Caribbean, the Dead Sea (which is a lake) and the Atlantic,” Hassner reported.

That’s not all these sparkling young minds didn’t know. About 10 percent of those who supported the chant thought Yasser Arafat was the first president of Israel. A quarter of them denied the existence of the Oslo Accords, one of the most thoroughly documented signing ceremonies in modern times, the photos and videos of which are harder to avoid than they are to find.

Of course, these students are young. They’ll have their whole lives after college to get an education. Meantime, once you’ve seen a third billboard for the Ivies, might be time to turn around and go home.
From Stalin to Hamas: The Return of the Left that Doesn’t Learn?
An Interview with Mitchell Cohen
Mitchell Cohen is co-editor emeritus of Dissent in New York and professor emeritus of political science at Bernard Baruch College of the City University of New York. His books include Zion and State: Nation, Class, and the Shaping of Modern Israel and The Politics of Opera. He was interviewed in late February. A version of this interview is to appear in Spanish.

The Western Left, the Israeli Right and the Delegitimisation of the Jewish State
Question: Efforts to delegitimise the Jewish state are at full and loud throttle since Israel’s response to the October 7 massacres. This is taking place both the diplomatic and the intellectual worlds. In 2007 you seem to have perceived an earlier phase of this phenomenon in “Anti-Semitism and the Left that Doesn’t Learn,” your widely discussed article in Dissent. In it you pointed to a particular problem coming from the “liberal and left intelligentsia in the United States and Europe.” Are we now seeing the same thing in 2024? Are there new dimensions to it?

Mitchell Cohen: The attack on Israel’s legitimacy has intensified but it is part of a larger story. Opposition to Zionism within the left goes back to the founding of Zionism, although there has been real sympathy too. The current situation has long and short-term contexts. I wrote that article a few years after the UN’s Durban conference of 2001, which unleashed a wave of attacks on Israel for racism. But the problem also descends from decades of political developments, one of which was the assassination of Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin by a rightwing Jewish zealot in 1995.

That murder also targeted the Oslo Accords, the best chance since 1949 for an Israeli-Palestinian peace and the signing of which put anti-Zionism on the defensive. Oslo’s foes gained mounting strength in the later 1990s. One was the Israeli right-wing led by Netanyahu, which always sought to blur reckless, ultra-nationalist goals with real security questions. The other was Hamas, whose bombing campaign in the spring after Rabin‘s murder played an essential role in electing Netanyahu. Hamas has always opposed compromise and its ultimate purposes have been to displace secular Palestinian nationalists with Islamists and to replace Israel with a Muslim state including the West Bank, Gaza and what is now Israel proper. In 2000, at Camp David, Ehud Barak offered a far-reaching compromise to Palestinians but Arafat did not accept it and the Second Intifada began. In this context an anti-Zionist campaign in the intellectual world was ushered along from Durban.

Israeli foreign policy has been dominated for almost three decades – with some interludes – by Netanyahu. One, and it is only one, staggering bungle was to allow Hamas to be strengthened in Gaza in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority and thereby to thwart Israeli-Palestinian compromise. It played, finally, into Hamas’s already blood-stained hands, as 7 October showed. This wasn’t just shortsightedness but fits into a long-standing pattern in the history of the Zionist rightwing, which I explored in my book Zion and State (Columbia University Press). That pattern consists in very consequential errors of political judgement based on a resentment-filled, misbegotten ideological orientation. It contrasts sharply to the social democrats of Mapai (Israel Workers’ Party) which, led by David Ben Gurion, dominated the struggle for Israeli statehood. Crucial decisions made by Ben-Gurion and Mapai were almost always measured and perceptive. Nowadays anti-Zionists seek to rewrite Israel’s history, demonising the Jewish state as a creation of Western imperialism – this is an historically spurious charge – by excising the role of the left in creating Israel. At the same time they dance around or excuse the fact that Palestinian nationalists allied themselves to Hitler and Mussolini.

To answer your question more fully, we must take into account what has happened within a highly visible part of the intelligentsia in recent decades. There has been in the university and intellectual worlds a rise in what is called ‘post-modernism’ and the like, which made it a point of turning many things upside down through selective use of history and ideological language games. Ironically, this even includes part of this intelligentsia’s own history. Edward Said complained that he could not convince Jean-Paul Sartre, who was not a post-modernist but an intellectual hero of the left and Michel Foucault, who was a seminal post-modern influence, of his position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They understood something he didn’t – or didn’t want to understand.

Anti-Zionism is part of a larger intellectual crack-up on the left with distant roots. There is now a kind of meeting point between simplistic post-modernism and simplistic anti-imperialism. This conjuncture can be called ‘the anti-imperialism of fools,’ a phrase that echoes the famous criticism of antisemitism on the left in the late 19th century by socialist August Bebel. When some on the left tried to blame ‘Jewish capitalists’ for Europe’s woes, he called it ‘the antisemitism of fools.’ Formulations of both the antisemitism of fools and anti-imperialism of fools depend on intellectual twisting and turning until somehow, no matter what, blame is ascribed to, respectively, Jews and Zionists. Ominously, that ascription is often there before the twisting and turning.
Matti Friedman: Why I Got a Gun
The decision to expand private gun ownership is certain to have unintended consequences, and not just because the number of guns will mean more accidents, homicides, and armed extremists. At the shooting range where I got my license, it was clear that some of the new owners were hardly competent to use a weapon in the sterile condition of the range, let alone in an actual attack where we would have to make life-or-death decisions in a matter of seconds while beset by adrenaline and fear. Those with combat training have a chance, though no guarantee of success. When I came home with my new license and a Glock 43X, I told my kids that if they’re ever near a shooting attack they need to lie down flat and wait until it’s over—the main danger being less the terrorist than other Israelis who will open fire and hit something other than their target.

One incident in particular has become a case in point. On November 30, two Palestinians from Sur Baher, a Jerusalem neighborhood near mine, began shooting Jews waiting at a bus stop, murdering three of them before a lawyer named Yuval Castelman, who happened to be passing by, jumped out of his car with his handgun. He engaged the terrorists with admirable bravery—only to be mistaken for a terrorist himself and killed by an army reservist exercising something between bad judgment and criminal negligence. Guns solve some problems and create many others. It’s hard to say how we’ll remember all of this in a decade or two.

But even in the weeks of my work on this essay, an Israeli with a handgun managed to kill a terrorist, another Palestinian from Jerusalem, who was shooting innocent people on a road in southern Israel, two of whom died. That was on February 16. On March 14, a noncommissioned officer waiting in line at an Aroma café didn’t notice the Palestinian kid in a black sweatshirt who lunged at his neck with a knife—but did manage to draw his handgun and shoot the assailant, preventing more fatalities, before he bled to death.

A friend from America told me recently that every Jewish person he knows has a contingency plan, sometimes secret or scarcely admitted even to themselves, for where to hide or escape if things get really bad in the diaspora—the kind of thought borne of a good education in Jewish history mixed with a close read of current events, like aggressive protests outside synagogues, shots fired at Jewish schools, and the growing fever about “Zionists.”

Mulling this, I asked friends here in Israel if they had a similar plan. No one did. Zionism has clearly failed to change everything in the Jewish condition, but it seems to have changed that, for what it’s worth. I don’t know anyone preparing a hideout. But I do know a remarkable number of people with a new Glock.

I didn’t find myself in a tunnel; see a mystical light; encounter a deceased loved one; or watch my entire life pass before me when I died on March 15 for 40 seconds. What I remember is coming up out of black. That is the only way to explain things. I saw blackness recede as a medic slapped my face and my husband, seated directly across the room from me cried, “Varda, Varda! Varda, wake up!”

As they prepared to carry me out on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance, I wailed, in a continuation of the moments before my “pause,” “I don’t want to go to the hospital. No. No. I don’t want to go in the ambulance!”

“Varda, your heart stopped for two seconds. You have to go,” said the ambulance medic. I think he knew it was more than two, but wanted to keep me calm.

Two seconds? I thought. That’s not so long. It didn’t sound serious—not like a real heart problem. More probably, I thought, it was just simple dehydration, as one of my sons suggested when I first felt unwell. Or perhaps, as my husband had insisted before I died, that I was just overwhelmed.

My husband Dov, you see, had just undergone major surgery on his spine. At present he required a great deal of care—my son therefore thought I wasn’t taking care of myself, wasn’t drinking enough fluids, while Dov figured it was all too much for me and I was having a nervous breakdown.

That is until I died right in front of him, right before his eyes.

In fact, I was lucky that there were any medics around me at all at the time I died. Otherwise, there would have been no compressions administered and no Varda, too. Every one of my family members was sure I was waking them up at 5am for spurious reasons. So they didn’t call for help.

Now I understand them, being that I have a knack for drama, and perhaps a mild tendency to hypochondria. As a child, for example, I perfected the art of faking symptoms to get out of school, which I hated. I knew just how long was long enough to run a thermometer under the hot water tap to yield a believable temperature—believable enough that my mother would sigh and let me stay home. (She suspected I was scamming her, but could not argue against the empirical evidence of risen mercury in a milky glass tube).

All of which is why the first son I approached on that strange, dark morning, got annoyed when I asked him to call Hatzalah. He groaned and “tzatzkied” and put his head under the pillow to make me go away.

I went to him because in that otherworldly dawn, I felt as though the blood had drained from my hands and face. That is the only way I can describe the sensation. But no one I spoke to seemed to understood that description. None of the medics had any inkling what I meant, nor any of the doctors in the hospital. That is to say barring one, the affable South African cardiologist who visited me in the intensive care cardiac unit (ICCU) the day after my cardiac arrest.

When I told him it felt as though the blood had drained from my hands and face, he said, “That’s because it had.”

The doctor asked me how long the feeling had lasted. “Hours,” I said. “Even after I arrived at the hospital.”

“Interesting,” he said, his eyes alight.

On that chaotic morning, the strange sensation in my hands and face told me I needed help. At the same time, I didn’t want to leave my post-surgery patient, my husband, alone. So I decided to wake “very dependable son”—the one who schleps his aging parents around to doctors and hospitals—to tell him to stay with Dov. Once I had Dov covered, I could call for help.

But man plans and God laughs. By the time I managed to stumble up the three steps leading to the upper level of our small apartment where our boys’ bedrooms are located, I felt truly ill. I changed tack. I was in trouble. I had to get help. Now.

“Call Hatzalah,” I said, stumbling into “very dependable” son’s room.

I knew exactly what he was thinking when he groaned and pulled the pillow over his head. “There’s Eema, being overdramatic again.”

I understood him, honestly. So I figured I’d call them myself, but then I got sick in his doorway. “Be careful where you walk,” I called to him as I stumbled out of his bedroom. “I puked in your doorway.”

“UGH,” he cried out, springing up from bed to see. “What should I do?” he said.

“There are Clorox wipes in the kitchen,” I said.

He goes, gets three wipes, throws them at me, goes into his bedroom, and firmly closes the door.

I’m faint, half-lying on the floor, which feels cool and soothing. I feel a bit better, and try to clean up the small mess. But then I begin to feel increasingly ill. Meantime, all the commotion has woken the son down the hall. He comes out of his room. Yells, “What’s going on??”

“Call Hatzalah,” I say in distress.

“Eema. You’re just dehydrated. Take a drink.”

“I’m not dehydrated,” I tell him. “Something’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong?”

I try to explain the feeling in my hands and face. He says, “Pins and needles. Right. Like I got when I was dehydrated in the army.”

Well, it isn’t like pins and needles, I thought, but going over in my mind my son’s dehydration symptoms during his army stint, I was almost convinced he was right.

Almost, but not quite. “Call Hatzalah. Please!”

But he kept on with the stuff about me needing to drink. Went and got me a drink, in fact. I drank. And then I called Hatzalah.

Before I continue the saga it must be said there was a third son. He’d been up very late that night and didn’t so much as bother to stick his head out of the bedroom door to see what all the fuss was about.

The whole thing was real life tragicomedy. I was the The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I recognized it for what it was and called Hatzalah, myself. This, also is a story.

You see, three days earlier, having concerns about my husband’s surgical wound, I schlepped with him to the ER, with very dependable son as our driver. I had a lot of trouble managing Dov in the wheelchair, and a nice Hatzalah volunteer, seeing my difficulties, helped me as much as she could

Once Dov was released from the hospital, we thanked this kind caring Hatzalah volunteer profusely as she escorted us from the hospital, “For what?” she asked in all modesty, seating us safely in the shade to wait for very dependable son to bring the car around.

As she left us, this lovely angel of a volunteer told me that in future, if I have any question about a surgical wound, or need a surgical dressing changed, or any minor injury, to just call Hatzalah. In an emergency, she told me, I should always call Hatzalah, because unlike Magen David Adom, Hatzalah’s services are free. Furthermore, Hatzalah operates everywhere, all over the country, including in my area. “Just call Hatzalah. 1221. That’s the number,” she said nodding, as if to confirm the information. “You can call from anywhere in the country. 1221.”

Much of what this angel in the form of woman said to me about Hatzalah’s services turned out to be incorrect. They won’t come, for example, to change a surgical dressing. Because, I was later informed by a different volunteer, that can only be done by a nurse or a doctor. In the end, however, none of the misinformation mattered. What mattered was that the number 1221 stuck in my head, so that when said head became fuzzy and unclear, and no one would call for help, I was able to remember that number and call for help, myself.

This, in and of itself, was a miraculous feat, as I have dyscalculia—like dyslexia, only with numbers instead of letters and words. Numbers don’t stick in my mind or make much sense to me. But 1221 somehow made it into my memory bank and stayed there long enough to save me.

So I called 1221, and the Hatzalah guy starts asking me questions. In Hebrew. At first I’m fine, but then it begins to be too much for me in my addled, native English-speaker state of mind, so at about the time he asks me to describe what I am feeling, I just can’t speak anymore. I am faint, and half-standing, half-lying on the tiled floor in the narrow hallway that leads to my sons’ bedrooms, clutching my bathrobe and snood in one hand and my phone in the other. These items I had had the presence of mind to grab from my bedroom as I began to feel unwell.

It was like this: I got up while it was still dark, to use the bathroom. Like most women my age, this is not an uncommon occurrence. I got back into bed. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 4:45. I sighed. By the time I fell back asleep, it would already be time to get up, so it was futile to try. Instead I let my mind wander, just thinking about stuff. Nothing big or important.

I felt fine. But then I had a bit of pain under my left ribcage. “Well, it’s not a heart attack,” I assured myself. “Women don’t get chest pain when they’re having a heart attack.”

This too, turned out to not be quite the truth. The many nurses and doctors who subsequently treated me in the intensive care cardiac unit (ICCU), got a kick out of me when I repeated the bit about women and heart attack symptoms. “That’s right,” they’d say, smiling and nodding, “most of the time.”

At any rate, the pain was not that bad. A minor annoyance. Then it began to hurt a bit more, a burning pain. Still lying in bed, I tried shifting position.

That didn’t help, and I was anyway thirsty, and as I wasn’t going to be going back to sleep, I got up very quietly to go get a drink. I didn’t want to wake my sleeping post-surgery husband. It occurred to me to bring my phone with me so I could play Dr. Google and self-diagnose my pain.

On the way to the fridge, I boot up my phone, and look for “pain under left rib.” This comes up: “Pain under the left rib cage is commonly a sign of pancreatitis, kidney stones, or inflammation in the stomach.”

Tummy Ache, I think. No biggie.

I shrug, and pour myself a glass of soda water, thanks to my trusty, blue-and-white Soda Stream™ machine. Ahh. I think with delight as I take a deep draught of cool soda. I leave the kitchen, turn into the living room and my head begins to swim.

Next I feel nauseated. I run back into the kitchen, knowing I won’t make it any farther than the kitchen sink, but I manage to hold it back. My head is still spinning. I make my way back into the living room, and that is when I begin to realize that something is really not right.

To be continued. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

The West’s cowardice over Israel is nothing short of abominable
Defeating Hamas is not merely technically possible but existentially vital – for both Israel but the wider West. Hamas is not just some small-time gang of thugs that is best ignored. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, it has upgraded from a guerrilla ragtag force primarily engaged in hit-and-run attacks to a modern terror army skilled in asymmetric urban warfare that has been prepared to plunge the entire Middle East into chaos in order to seize power from the Palestinian Authority.

A perceived victory for Hamas would spell the normalisation of a terrorist government as a viable alternative to peaceful democracy in the Middle East. It would plunge Israel into a nasty power struggle between orthodox hardliners and moderates and leave it vulnerable to further incursions by bordering terror groups. This risks distracting Israel from its intelligence and diplomatic work in partnership with the West to tackle by far the biggest security challenge facing the Middle East – Iran’s development of nuclear weapons.

Moreover, the West’s prevarications risk fuelling the Gaza “PR disaster”. Israel’s global status as an avatar for oppression backed by the imperialist West epitomises the inability of leaders in Europe and America to counter anti-Western worldviews that are both fundamentally misguided and feverishly popular, in part because they do contain sparse grains of truth.

The view, passionately held from the university campuses of London to the townships of Johannesburg, that Israel is an expansionist colonial-apartheid regime draws on the undeniable reality that the Israeli authorities routinely restrict the movements of Palestinians and deny them the same rights as their Jewish counterparts.

Proponents of this view point, also to the established fact that Israelis have illegally built settlements on occupied land beyond their internationally recognised borders, with some Orthodox communities declaring a religious claim to the land. But what Israel’s critics overlook is that it is not the result of an elaborate colonial plot, but rather a messy multi-generational struggle to shore up security in a hostile region.

If Israel’s political class has pursued a settlement programme with gusto, it is as a security buffer rather than an imperialistic project. Many of the repressive restrictions in the West Bank came into force after the Second Intifada. If anything Israel is not an grotesque ode to imperialism but a cautionary tale on the compromises on freedom and human rights that a country will make when it is threatened by perma-terrorism.

Perhaps the world would be more open to such a perspective if the West were more assertive about Israel’s right to defend itself. Instead, it has chosen moral cowardice. In suddenly threatening to withdraw arms support after aid workers are killed, it indulges the myth that it is somehow possible for Israel to take on Hamas without heavy Palestinian casualties. And in urging Israel to negotiate a ceasefire before Hamas has been neutralised, the West legitimises the view that Israel is a bully, using monstrously disproportionate force in Gaza, that must be reigned in for the sake of the world’s conscience.

Instead of acting like the leader of the free world, the West is behaving like a civilisation under siege. The world is a darker place for it.
Lahav Harkov: How much influence does the US really have over Israel?
The Biden administration’s influence over the war effort in Gaza is apparent: the President and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, have taken part in Israeli war cabinet meetings and this week’s increased aid is not the first time Israel has changed its plans after meetings and conversations with White House officials.

The danger is that if this withdrawal is part of a mini-ceasefire or a brief pause, the US will try to make it permanent, as Biden administration officials have said they hoped to do in the past. Then, Israel will be faced with the choice of either going it alone, without American support, or giving in, thus allowing for Hamas’s remaining brigades in Rafah to continue posing a threat.

But it should also be noted that the US continues to supply weapons to Israel, and the Biden administration has yet to set additional conditions on its military aid, despite unprecedented backing for such a policy from within the Democratic Party. The President has not backed down from his support for the war aims of eliminating the Hamas threat and bringing home the more than 130 hostages remaining in Gaza.

What’s more, influence does not mean omnipotence. Biden also demanded that Netanyahu “empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home” — yet the deal still fell through.

The question, then, is whether this influence is such that Israel will make any major changes due to US influence, such as backing down from eliminating the final Hamas battalions in Rafah.

Recent remarks from Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, someone so close to Netanyahu that he has been nicknamed “Bibi’s brain”, indicate that Jerusalem is determined to push forward regardless of the pressure from Washington.

“If Israel does not take care of Hamas in Gaza after what it did on October 7th,” Dermer said, “I truly believe that this country has no future because all the buzzards circling around this country are going to think that you can pick apart this carcass […] That’s why the determination to take them out is so strong, even if it leads to a potential breach with the United States.”
In Eid greetings, Blinken mentions West Bank Palestinians alongside world’s most oppressed Muslims
In a statement marking Eid Al-Fitr, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlights the plight of Palestinians in the West Bank alongside Muslims suffering in some of the world’s worst conflicts.

“Our thoughts turn to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, civilians in Syria, women suffering under the Taliban in Afghanistan, Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China, Rohingya in Burma and Bangladesh and far too many others,” Blinken says.

The decision to lump Palestinians in the West Bank along with those enduring war crimes and genocide highlights the severity with which the Biden administration views the Palestinian plight in the West Bank, where they live under Israeli military control.

“Far too many have lost loved ones over the past year and many more are concerned for the safety and security of their families today. I hope that this year’s Eid al-Fitr marks a moment on a path to more hopeful, free, and peaceful times ahead,” Blinken says.

“The United States is committed to standing up for human rights for people around the world, to providing humanitarian aid where it is desperately needed, and to working to bring about enduring peace, dignity, and safety of all communities,” he adds, wishing Muslim communities around the world an Eid Mubarak and praying for a more peaceful year ahead.
  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

I received this from a trusted source:

A friend is querying their literary agent about their novel which has a pro-Israel element and got this response:

Dear xxx,  
Thank you for sending me the manuscript for XXXXX. You write incredibly well and I really enjoyed what you sent me. While the subject is matter is incredibly timely, books that are sympathetic to Israel in any way at the moment are just not selling at acquisitions- I can say this because I have another client with a manuscript we've been out on submission with since Oct. 7 and it's not been going well. I really wish things were different, but feel obliged to let you know the reality of the landscape, in my experience currently. If you get similar feedback and would like to hold off for a little while and resubmit my way, I'd be open to that.

Thank you for the opportunity to read your work, and good luck on this journey.

There is explicit censorship, and there is implicit censorship. Refusing to consider publishing novels (!) "that are sympathetic to Israel in any way" is the latter.

In some ways it is worse. At least an explicit anti-Israel policy can be combatted in court or with publicity; this kind of censorship would be denied and the people complaining would be characterized as being paranoid babies.

This means the next generation will have no opportunity to read any books that are fair to Israel, and plenty of opportunity to read anti-Israel literature. (Unless they specifically buy from Jewish or Israeli publishing houses) 

Multiply this by TV shows, movies, and poetry and we have the makings of a generation of Israel haters and, by extension, antisemites.

Which is the entire point. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Hamas has been trying to parlay its popularity among Palestinians to gain political and possibly military power in Lebanon at the expense of the PLO, which has generally been in control of the Palestinian camps and treated like the sole representative of the people.

An interesting January essay at the Arab Reform Initiative website describes Hamas' most visible attempt to gain power:

Amid the Gaza war, Hamas is seizing its political opportunity in Lebanon, forming what is called the “Al-Aqsa Flood Vanguards”. The movement said in a statement: “In confirmation of the role of the Palestinian people, wherever they are, in resisting the occupation by all available and legitimate means, and in continuation of what Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has achieved, and as a victory for the patient steadfastness of our Palestinian people and our valiant resistance, and the sacrifices our people have made, and in an effort to share with our men and youth in resisting the occupation and benefiting from their energies and scientific and technical capabilities, the Hamas movement in Lebanon announces the establishment and launch of the Al-Aqsa Flood Vanguards, calling on our people, the youth, and heroic men, to join the vanguards of the resistance, and to participate in shaping the future of your people, and in liberating Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Lebanese and even some Palestinians expressed concern at another militant group in Lebanon, and Hamas backtracked a little, claiming that "Al Aqsa Flood Vanguards"  is “to organize the youth within a specific political and social framework, and to seek to educate them politically, religiously, morally, and ethically,” but not necessarily militarily.

All Christian Lebanese parties denounced Hamas's declaration of Al-Aqsa Flood Vanguards and reiterated their call to disarm all Palestinian camps completely. 

The author, Marie Kortam, is an Associate Researcher at the French Institute of the Near-East (IFPO - Beirut). She is sympathetic towards Hamas: "Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but rather a Palestinian and Arab resistance movement with an Islamic ideology, elected by the Palestinian people. " To write this after October 7 is just another indication of the immorality of today's academia. 

Her downplaying of Hamas' military aims in Lebanon are contradicted by a YNet article quoted in Times of Israel last December about the new Hamas military group:

Hamas deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri, who splits time between Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon, was charged with leading the unit, Yedioth reported. The branch has initially been tasked with opening up a new front against Israel, with the recognition that its military capabilities will be limited.

Nonetheless, the goal has been to distract Israel’s attention away from Gaza during subsequent wars as much as possible, the Israeli paper said. Hamas recruited ideologically-aligned Palestinian activists living in Lebanon to fight in the unit, which is believed to be made up of several hundred members who operate covertly under the guise of civilian activity.

The branch is based in Tyre on the coast of Lebanon but it is believed to have other outposts throughout the country, according to Yedioth. Training for the fighters is being provided by unnamed Iranian actors and members are currently focused on building additional homemade rockets with a range of dozens of kilometers.

Their operations are funded in part by smuggling and drug sales. Hamas envisions the group eventually acquiring the capabilities to operate more advanced weaponry such as UAVs, Yedioth said.

The Shiite Hezbollah terror group, which controls much of southern Lebanon, is aware of the Sunni branch’s operations and has given them a green light. However, Hezbollah has veto power over the Hamas branch’s activities.

Unless the Lebanese people start to protest these attempts to take over their country, Lebanon is doomed.

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  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Over the past couple of years, I have repeated the story of the death of Moshe Tamam by Walid Daqqa's PFLP cell in 1984.

The narrative that Tamam was castrated and his eyes were gouged out all came from a 2012 blogpost (I won't link) that said:
When the terrorists realized that they could not get him across the border into Syria, they decided to kill him.

First they gouged out Moshe’s eyes, and then they mutilated him by cutting off parts of his body starting with his sexual organs. Finally, they shot him in the chest, and dumped his body in an olive grove near Jenin.  Moshe’s body, or what was left of it, was found on August 10th. The DFLP immediately claimed responsibility for the heinous murder.
It wasn't the DFLP but the PFLP, which should have been the first indication that this report was not accurate.

This story of Tamams' gruesome torture and mutilation spread, including in a Times of Israel blog last year and other normally reliable sites.

But it does not appear to be true.

People I know contacted the prosecutors in the case, and there is no evidence for either the castration or gouging accusations.

An Israeli government website says that Tamam's body was found with signs of trauma on his head and a bullet hole in his chest, without a word about mutilation. 

Israel Hayom described Tamam's murder in 2021:

A year and a half after the attack, the circle was closed, and the four terrorists, residents of Bekah al-Gharbiyya, were captured. In May 1986, an indictment was filed against them that exposed the atrocity. The four, Ibrahim Razak Badasa, Walid Daqqa, Ibrahim Naif Abu Mokh and Rushdi Abu Mokh, all members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, were tasked with kidnapping an Israeli soldier and transporting him to Syria. The four were looking for a soldier, and when they saw Tamam at the Netanya interchange they stopped for him and he got on. 

While driving, two of the terrorists pulled out the guns they had, tied his hands with a rope and covered his eyes with a rag. They drove him to the squad leader's house and imprisoned him for two days, then they decided to execute him, because they were afraid they would be caught on the way to Syria. They drove near the settlement of Mevo Dotan, took out Tamam and placed him in an olive grove. Ibrahim Razak pulled out his gun and fired a shot at Tamm that grazed his forehead. After the soldier fell to the ground, Ibrahim leaned towards him and fired once more towards his chest. After that, Razak and Naif returned to the car where Rushdi was waiting for them. 
Walid Daqqa deserved to die in prison for his role as the leader of the murderous PFLP cell.  Amnesty's treating him like a hero is unconscionable. But we on the Zionist side need to be careful that what we say is accurate. The other side will accuse us of being liars no matter what, but our standards must be as high as possible - and higher than most of the mainstream media's. 

(h/t Daled Amos)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

A group called the Joint Action for Palestine in Tunisia has issued a threat against any Zionists who will participate in the annual pilgrimage to the Djerba synagogue.

Thousands of Jews visit the site every year on on Lag B'Omer, which this year is on May 26.

The group issued a statement warning against "normalization with the Zionist entity."

It insists that the Jews in Tunisia must “confront the abnormal rhetoric issued by some Tunisian Jews who applaud the crimes of the occupation,  especially those who hold Israeli citizenship and who are serving in the occupation army."

I doubt that a single Tunisian Jewish citizen has ever served in the IDF.

The group added that “this religious occasion has always been an opportunity for the lobbies for normalization with the Zionist entity to mix the Jewish religion with the Zionist issue and deliberately bring hundreds of people with Israeli nationality into Tunisia surreptitiously using Tunisian, European and American passports to blend in with the rest of the world’s Jewish visitors.”  "These practices constitute blatant normalization with the Zionist entity that contradicts the national constants of the Tunisian people,."

The group further claimed that any Israeli who visits should be brought to trial for being a reservist in the IDF.

The came the real threat. 

The committee called on the Tunisian state to “issue an official statement declaring its refusal to allow any holder of Zionist nationality to enter Tunisia on the occasion of the Hajj al-Ghariba,” holding it responsible for “each of them who infiltrates, for the legal and popular consequences that could affect them.”

To make it clear, they said they "will pursue everyone who brings a Zionist into Tunisia by all necessary legal and combative means." 

But after claiming that some Tunisian Jews are really secret Israelis, the group made sure to say they have nothing against Tunisian Jews.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

From Ian:

Surprised at anti-Israel hatred?
I cannot ignore the similarity between the smear campaign reaching new heights in the last four years against Israel abroad compared with the demonization of the Kohelet Policy Forum here in the past and still ongoing today. On a 16-hour break I had from fighting in Gaza, I got messages from people threatening to “settle accounts after the war” and accusing me of having the blood of the Oct. 7 victims on my hands. The people writing such things have not read a single Kohelet policy paper. One of the “Brothers in Arms” members attempting to scare voters in municipal elections about Kohelet influence repeated the lie about the “Kohelet civics textbook,” and another member affirmed in a TV interview that he does not regret their invasion and blockage of our offices. The fact that many of my Kohelet colleagues and I have been called up to serve in the war has not moved such haters to so much as wait for our return home.

Both the State of Israel and Kohelet Forum could have done more to fight for an image that aligns with reality. In both cases, however, a well-organized and well-funded smear campaign has succeeded in pushing decent people to take too firm a stance and avoid dialogue. Just this week, a lecture by a well-known, leftist Jewish-American professor who wanted to discuss “the two-state solution” was canceled in California, and a talk by center-left former Knesset member Tzipi Livni was transferred to Zoom for fear of disturbances. Even having a dialogue with someone defined as a “Zionist” is off the table.

And here?

In the past year, an established high school canceled a lecture by a law professor after discovering that he participated in a doctoral program at Kohelet Forum around eight years ago.

Perhaps we should be a little less impervious to other opinions and stop attributing ill intentions to the other side before we complain about the treatment Israel is getting on the world stage.
Horror and Humiliation in Gaza
Like the Nazis, Islamist terrorism weaponized horror to demoralize the West. Christianity has a soft underbelly: It struggles to reconcile belief in a God who so loved the world that He sacrificed Himself for its salvation with the suffering of innocents. That was the nub of Voltaire’s attack on theodicy after the Lisbon earthquake killed 12,000 in 1755, as well as Ivan Karamazov’s protest that “if the sufferings of children go to swell the sum of sufferings which was necessary to pay for truth, then I protest that the truth is not worth such a price.”

The post-Christian world, which eschews the mystery of Divine Providence in favor of a squeamish urge for earthly salvation, is all the more vulnerable to the theater of horror. The post-Christian West has become paralyzed by the fear that the world is beset by forces hostile to humankind, which J.R.R. Tolkien called “the black breath.”

All too well have the Western-educated, multilingual leaders of Hamas gauged the spiritual state of the West, and invented an atrocious way of conducting war in order to psychically paralyze it. Hamas cannot win a war against Israel, but it has sufficient power to force Israel to fight a war that cost many civilian lives. Whether the civilian death toll is the 32,000 that Hamas claims or the 18,000 estimated by pro-Israeli analysts is of minor importance.

During the U.S. Marines’ siege of Fallujah 20 years ago, I wrote that the battle for that city brought into focus the vulnerabilities of both the Americans and the Sunni resistance. Horror—the perception that cruelty has no purpose and no end—is lethal to the West, which cannot endure without faith in a loving Heavenly Father. For the Islamic world, meanwhile, humiliation—the perception that the ummah cannot reward those who submit to it—is beyond its capacity to endure.

The Muslim world said nothing when between 9,000 and 40,000 civilians died in the 2016-17 campaign against ISIS in Mosul. That involved Muslims (the Iraqi Army with American support) killing Muslims. But Gaza is not merely a slaughter but also a humiliation, the reduction of Hamas, and the displacement of most of the Gaza population. Muslims can accept Muslims killing Muslims, but they can’t abide Jews humiliating Muslims.

This toxic combination of horror and humiliation poisons world opinion against Israel. There is no near-term remedy. Horror elicits irrational responses. Never mind that Hamas forced an urban war upon Israel through unspeakable acts of brutality against Israeli civilians, and that it embeds terrorists in hospitals, schools, and other civilian installations to maximize casualties among its own civilians. Never mind that Israel’s response has occasioned fewer civilian casualties in urban combat than any other fighting force on record. As West Point urban warfare expert John Spencer wrote in Newsweek:
The UN, EU, and other sources estimate that civilians usually account for 80 percent to 90 percent of casualties, or a 1:9 ratio, in modern war (though this does mix all types of wars). In the 2016-2017 Battle of Mosul, a battle supervised by the U.S. that used the world’s most powerful airpower resources, some 10,000 civilians were killed compared to roughly 4,000 ISIS terrorists.

Russia and China denounce Israel simply because it is an ally of the United States, and many former colonies of the West, prominently South Africa, shoehorn the Gaza war into their own traumatic narrative of national liberation. That’s to be expected.

What’s new and dangerous is the extent to which the Hamas theater of horror has demoralized the remnants of the Christian world. Support for Israel in the United States has dropped to 36% in March from 50% in November, according to the Gallup Poll.
The Prophet of October 7?
In America and Western Europe, the progressive left’s response to the October 7 attacks has largely been one of hostility toward Israel. There are many reasons why this is so, but among them is the malign and outsized influence in intellectual circles of Frantz Fanon. Born in Martinique 1925, Fanon wrote extensively on race and the evils of colonialism, and did much to shape how both topics are thought about in universities. Fanon spent the last years of his life collaborating with the terrorists who liberated Algeria from French rule. He died in 1961, just before his comrades drove the Jews out of the country.

Reviewing a new biography of Frantz Fanon by Adam Shatz, Leon Hadar writes:
The fighting in Algeria radicalized Fanon. His writing about the colony and the meaning and utility of political violence was militant. “At the individual level,” he wrote, “violence is cleansing. It rids the colonized of his inferiority complex, of his passive and despairing attitude.” In other words, killing colonizers was not only tactically expedient, it was also therapeutic for the colonized. “The colonized man liberates himself in and through violence,” he wrote. What the colonized needed was not concessions granted by the master but “quite literally the death of his master.” . . . And readers of Fanon are left in no doubt that he believed attacks on civilians to be the “logical consequence” of colonial oppression.

Nor did Fanon express much interest in limiting what forms redemptive violence takes. Hadar observes that in a different work he posed the question: “Just as there are faces that ask to be slapped, can one not speak of women who ask to be raped?”

Shatz, Hadar notes, is an editor for the virulently anti-Israel London Review of Books, and is “an anti-Zionist polemicist who believes that Israel is ‘the world’s last settler-colonial state.’” And that may not be unrelated to Shatz’s “sympathetic” treatment of his subject:
Shatz has told a Ha’aretz journalist that he doesn’t know if Fanon would have supported the October 7 massacre. The point is moot, but since Fanon never met a murderous militant he didn’t like, it’s plausible that Shatz is simply being coy in his judgment. He does, after all, remark that Hamas’s terror operation on October 7 was a “classic example of Fanonian struggle.”

There can be little doubt that Fanon’s writing influenced and radicalized Palestinian nationalism. Shatz reminds us that the first Arabic translations of Fanon’s work, which appeared in Beirut’s bookshops in 1963, helped to shape the emerging Palestinian nationalist movement.
Daniel Greenfield: Swastikas Are Progressive Now
Flying a progressive swastika is the climax of making antisemitism into “something honorable”.

The path to the progressive swastika and the “honorable antisemitism” had plenty of stops that all involved mainstreaming antisemitism while swearing up and down that it was only anti-Zionism. The media mainstreamed hate sites like Mondoweiss where editors and contributors admitted that, “I do not consider myself an anti-Semite, but I can understand why some are” and “Liberals like to deceive themselves about Jewish power.”

The DSA, which has led the campaign for Hamas, had invited a representative of Melenchon’s Communist allied party from France, who claimed that when a “man of the left” is “called an anti-Semite, it means he’s not far from power.” That same party became the only one to refuse to condemn Oct 7 and political figures from the party accused Israel of killing its own children.

In 2014, academia and the media were justifying antisemitism. By 2024, they’re rehabilitating the swastika as a progressive symbol. And this change is about more than the Jews.

Jews tend to be the canaries in the coal mine. Fanatics and totalitarian movements may start with the Jews, but they never end there. The Jews are just a convenient inciting incident.

Both the Nazis and Communists understood that the persecution of Jews would legitimize the worse crimes they intended to commit. When the Nazis began rounding up and killing Jews with no protest, it became easier to justify the killing of the German disabled and mentally ill, and later the larger eugenics program that would have wiped out the Slavs and many other peoples. And when the Communists began shutting down synagogues and executing rabbis, it became easier to justify the takeover of the church and to build a cult of personality around Stalin.

While there are single-issue antisemites out there, major movements that start waving fascist or progressive swastikas don’t intend to limit their plans to just killing Jews. The Jews are a symbol of the power they want, as Melenchon put it, and the justification for it, as Islamists contend.

Hamas, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, originally financed by the Nazis, claims that it just wants to destroy Israel. But other arms of the Brotherhood tried to seize control of the entire Middle East during the Arab Spring, have been integrated into Al Qaeda, and operate in America and Europe to aid Islamic terrorists around the world. When they brandish the swastika, it’s not cautionary, it’s aspirational. And the same is true of their leftist allies.

By defining the Jews as the new Nazis, leftist movements like the DSA justify the mass murder of the Jews, and the violent tactics they use to seize power to fight the Jews. But the DSA’s vision of totalitarian socialism, National Socialism one might say, will not end with the Jews.

The swastika, whether used as a banner or a symbol of reversal, mainstreams antisemitism, not just to call for the murder of Jews, but for the killing of all those who stand in their way.

The progressive swastika is a symbol of death for Jews and for everyone else.
Naharnet adds a crucial detail to the assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guards general Mohammad Reza Zahedi last week.
An Iranian general killed in a strike in Syria's capital was a member of Hezbollah's Shura Council, the powerful Lebanese group's decision-making body, a source close to the movement said.

The April 1 air strike levelled the Iranian embassy's consular annex in Damascus, killing seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members, including two generals.

One of them was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the Quds Force, the Guards' foreign operations arm.

Zahedi was the only non-Lebanese on Hezbollah's eight-member Shura Council, the equivalent of the powerful Shiite Muslim movement's political bureau, led by secretary general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the source said, requesting anonymity because the matter is sensitive.

Nasrallah in a speech Monday paid homage to Zahedi and his colleagues killed in the strike, which Tehran and Damascus have blamed on Israel.

Zahedi "lived with us for long years, away from the spotlight, and provided important services to the resistance in Lebanon and the whole region," Nasrallah said Friday during a televised address.
Zahedi was essentially a top member of Hezbollah, not merely an adviser. That might have tipped the decision to kill him in the Iranian embassy compound. It appears to have been a legal strike anyway, but this strengthens Israel's legal case, as they were attacking a member of a group that they are actively engaged in hostilities against. 

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From Ian:

Western Democracy's Future Depends on Israel's Victory
If the Biden administration forces a "ceasefire" that leaves our closest ally in the region short of victory over an enemy that seeks to destroy it, sooner or later we shall all pay the price.

Israel is battling, above all else, for its own survival. In a hostile region, it is also the sole standard-bearer of individual freedom, tolerant pluralism and self-rule. Contrast the condition of ethnic minorities, women, gays and dissidents in Israel with that of their counterparts anywhere else in the Middle East. We should give thanks every day for the sacrifices Israelis make at the fragile frontier of freedom.

Every Islamist terrorist Israel kills is one fewer threat to the rest of us. Every setback Israel can deal to the Iranian puppet masters of Hamas, Hizbullah and others inflicts a loss on the regime that is sworn to eliminate us, the "Great Satan."

There is no historical evidence that appeasing enemies committed to our extinction ever keeps us safe.

If Israel can somehow be bullied into forgoing victory over this enemy, our own capacity to wage wars inflicted on us will be dramatically diminished, setting a standard no nation taking necessary measures to protect itself would ever be able to meet, a standard to which our enemies will certainly never hold themselves.

If this is the way we fight modern wars, our enemies will have freedom to commit acts of bestial savagery on us, knowing that our own scruples will give them an insuperable advantage.

In World War II, the British political and military leadership decided on a strategy called "dehousing" German civilians: bombing cities to a level of destruction that would demoralize their inhabitants and make them turn on their Nazi government. The British people tolerated this morally doubtful approach because they had fresh in their minds the memory of the Blitz, when the Nazis successfully "dehoused" many British citizens.

Israel suffered an atrocity on Oct. 7 comparable to the Blitz, yet has worked with restraint to limit inevitable civilian losses. If it can't even be allowed to do that, we are placing impossible shackles on the fighting ability of democratic nations.
WSJ: Denying weapons to Israel in the middle of a war is betrayal
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board slammed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in an editorial on Tuesday for their signing of a letter urging President Joe Biden to stop the transfer of weapons to Israel.

"Denying weapons to an ally in the middle of a war is the definition of betrayal," the newspaper's editorial board wrote, labeling Pelosi a "sunshine ally."

The letter was signed by dozens of Democrats after Israel mistakenly killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers last week.

American hypocrisy?
In the editorial, the WSJ noted that the US was holding Israel to a standard that it, itself, had failed to meet.

"They ignore the Hellfire missile attack that killed seven children as the US sought to avenge the deaths of 13 Americans in Kabul as Mr. Biden pulled US forces from Afghanistan in 2021," the editorial said, adding that, unlike the US in that instance, "Israel has a history of accountability for such mistakes."
Are the American Hostages American Enough for Biden?
Joe Biden knows something about accusations of dual loyalty. In 2016, then-Vice President Biden delivered a speech at Dublin Castle heralding the “progress” Catholic Americans have made since John F. Kennedy made the trek to Ireland 50 years ago and was “attacked for being too close to a pope.”

Now, as five American-Israelis languish in Hamas captivity, Biden is turning his back on that progress.

This Sunday marked a grim milestone—six months since Hamas terrorists took hundreds of Israelis hostage on Oct. 7, including six American citizens—hopefully five still living—who remain in Gaza. But Americans can’t be blamed for forgetting. Joe Biden is more likely to call on Israel to accept an immediate ceasefire than to call on Hamas and Qatar to release our own citizens. We hear more about humanitarian aid for Gazans than about American citizens being killed and tortured in Gaza.

At a time when the president’s party insists we “Say his name!” or “Say her name!” Biden has not mentioned dual citizens Edan Alexander, Omer Neutra, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Sagui Dekel-Chen, or Keith Siegel. The president released a statement about Itay Chen on March 12, five months after the attack. This was only after his murder was announced, which supports Dara Horn’s poignant observation that dead Jews are more beloved than living ones.

The White House talks regularly about Evan Gershkovich (70-plus hits on the White House website), the Jewish Wall Street Journal reporter being held on false charges in Russia, as it did about Brittney Griner (more than 200 hits), a basketball player imprisoned by Russia until she was released in a controversial prisoner swap.

The six Jews whom Hamas kidnapped are as American as Gershkovich and Griner are, which raises the question: Why does the White House ignore these Jewish U.S. citizens?

It seems that Alexander, Neutra, Goldberg-Polin, Dekel-Chen, Siegel, and Chen are only half-American. One of the oldest anti-Semitic tropes in history is that Jews are only in business for themselves and their homeland. They just pass through countries without any sense of loyalty. They weren’t European enough in the Middle Ages, not German enough to the Nazis, and not American enough for the Biden administration to “say their names” and move heaven and earth to secure their release.

In today’s society, we like to pretend these disgusting sentiments are a relic of a less enlightened time. Stop pretending. The accusation of dual loyalty is a go-to attack on both the left and the right.

“They forgot what country they represent,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) wrote on Jan. 6, 2019 of those opposing the anti-Semitic boycott-Israel movement. Less than two months later, Tlaib’s sister-in-hate Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said about AIPAC, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”
  • Tuesday, April 09, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
This JTA story is a perfect representation of what is wrong in the American Jewish community today.

When the inaugural California Jewish Open exhibit opens at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco in June, the gallery walls will have several blank spaces where works of art were supposed to hang.

The spaces will represent the “missing perspectives” of seven self-identified Jewish anti-Zionist artists who withdrew their pieces in a coordinated protest after museum officials said they would not meet several of the artists’ demands.

The artists, who are part of a group calling themselves California Jewish Artists for Palestine, had requested, among other things, that the museum divulge the names of its funders and divest from all funding sources associated with Israel. They also expressed concern about their art appearing alongside works that reflected different ideas about Israel from their own.

... {T]he artists sought extraordinary control over their artwork. They requested that the museum amend the terms they agreed to by giving them the ability to modify or withdraw their works from the exhibit at any time, and to have autonomy over wall texts, artists statements and other framing. (In their Instagram statement, the artists wrote that they were concerned about “potential curatorial both ‘sides-ism’” and about the possibility that their pieces would appear next to ones that “grieve Jewish deaths without acknowledging the genocide of Palestinians.”)

So these Jewish artists submitted their artwork to be included in a Jewish museum, and then refused to show their artwork alongside other artists who aren't as anti-Zionist as they are. 

Artists initially chose to make a statement to the @jewseum by submitting to the Open Call in a coordinated effort to bring visibility to anti-zionist Jewish artists in California, with anticipation that their works would be rejected by museum curators. While several of the pieces were accepted, the museum’s responses and inability to meet artists’ demands, including transparency around funding and a commitment to BDS, reaffirmed for artists the importance of adhering to and demanding PACBI (The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel) in the Arts. The artists call on all cultural workers worldwide to join the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement to abstain from collaborating with institutions that continue to normalize genocide and Israeli Apartheid.

They are saying that they really never had the intention of exhibiting alongside any Jewish art that disagreed with their extremist anti-Israel positions. They wanted to be rejected and then blame the museum for "censorship." 

When the museum accepted some of their artwork, they had to create unacceptable demands,  like the museum supporting BDS and (implicitly) for the museum to censor any Zionist artwork as a precondition to exhibit theirs. This then gave themselves an excuse to withdraw with what they consider honor.

Yet, amazingly, they are still claiming that they are the ones being censored!

Look how hard the liberal Jewish curators of the museum tried to accommodate the people who hate them and wanted only to embarrass them. Indeed, the theme of the exhibition is supposed to be "connection." The only rules for artwork is that it not include "antisemitic, Islamophobic, or xenophobic tropes, sentiments, or undertones." The haters wanted to prove that the curators were hypocrites - and they only proved that they were. 

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By Daled Amos

There has been a huge spike in antisemitism following the Hamas massacre on October 7. The riots and chanting border on the bizarre, accusing Israel of deliberate genocide while attacking Jews around the world.

But of course, not all antisemitic claims are of recent vintage:

The Holy Week referred to here is the week before Easter, where in Leon, Spain, it is popular to say, "Let's kill Jews!" but the actual meaning is supposed to refer to "drinking carbonated, spiked lemonade during Holy Week.”

How does that work?

According to UCLA's Jewish newsmagazine, Ha'Am, the history of the phrase goes back to the Middle Ages:
The strange usage is rooted in Middle-Age pogroms in Spain during Holy Week. Eventually, around 1320 CE, authorities decided to permit the consumption of a soft alcoholic beverage, overriding the usual prohibition against alcoholic drinks during Holy Week in the hopes that people forming mobs would drink themselves into a stupor and be unable to assemble against the Jewish communities. The drink evolved into carbonated lemonade and the original description of the traditional Holy Week practice was applied to the drink’s name instead.
Interesting solution.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely to help control the antisemitic riots we hear about on a nearly daily basis.

Another explanation ascribes the source for this custom to a 15th-century knight, Suero de Quiñones, who owed money to a Jewish merchant. In 1449, he incited a mob of his fellow knights to follow him into the Jewish quarter, where they murdered the lender and others on Good Friday.

But despite the bloody history behind the phrase, the phrase "Let's kill Jews!" is now merely a custom:
Today, residents say the phrase is a social custom devoid of any connection to murder, religion or real-life Jews.

People are used to it here, it’s an expression that is not racist at all,” said José Manuel, who works at Vychio Cafe Bar. “It’s an expression from a time period of racism but now, no, it’s an expression out of custom.” [emphasis added]
The idea that "Holy Week" is an occasion for the 'custom' of calling for the death of Jews is reminiscent of the additional aspect of Ramadan. As The Christian Science Monitor pointed out in 2003:
For Islamic militants, Ramadan allows them not only to reaffirm their religious observance but to strengthen their political ideological convictions as well. "Ramadan is a month of commitment and renewal to their faith and also to their cause, whether by military or nonmilitary jihad," says Prof. Nizar Hamzeh, a specialist on political Islam at the American University of Beirut. "It is a month of martyrdom and commitment to one's Islamic ideology."

Throughout Islamic history, Ramadan has been seen as a time of victory for Muslim armies - and a period when those who are martyred have a greater assurance of a place in paradise. [emphasis added; hat tip: Elder of Ziyon]
Elder of Ziyon has written about Ramadan: The month of fasting, prayer, and murdering Jews where he points out numerous Palestinian terrorist attacks that have taken place during Ramadan.

The Ha'Am article lists other "popular" phrases of antisemitic origin. There is the "Wandering Jew" plant. The Kurds have a phrase, knishta Juhiya, (Jewish synagogue) describes a noisy, unruly gathering. The chant "Hip, Hip Hooray" is believed by some to be a corruption of the phrase "Hep, hep," which is an acronym for Hierosolyma est perdita -- "Jerusalem is lost," which was chanted during German Jew-hunts in the Middle Ages.

Sometimes, these antisemitic phrases and names are corrected.

The tiny Spanish village of Castrillo Matajudios — which means “Camp Kill Jews” — on Monday officially changed its name back to Castrillo Mota de Judios (“Jews’ Hill Camp”) following a referendum and regional government approval.

The village, with about 50 inhabitants, voted to change the name in 2014 after Mayor Lorenzo Rodriguez argued that the term was offensive and that the village should honor its Jewish origins. [emphasis added]
Apparently, the name of the town was changed to "Camp Kill Jews" in 1627 when a 1492 Spanish edict giving Jews the choice of either converting or leaving was enforced. Those Jews who remained faced the Spanish Inquisition and many were burned at the stake.

Others believe the antisemitic name was given by the Jews themselves. According to this theory, Jews who converted to Christianity wanted to emphasize their repudiation of Judaism and convince the Spanish authorities of their loyalty.

Another theory is that the name change from Castrillo Mota de Judios to Castrillo Matajudios was just a slip of the pen.

Although no Jews currently live there, the town reportedly has Jewish roots, a claim which is supported by the town's shield:

The article reported that the mayor was planning to open a center to promote the study of Sephardic Jewish culture.

In 2016, they "twinned" with the Israeli town of Kfar Vradim in the north and a delegation from the Castrillo Mota de Judios arrived in Israel for the official ceremony linking the two towns.

That's one small victory in the fight against antisemitism.
We badly need many more.

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