Tuesday, February 20, 2024

  • Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've spent years reading various antisemitic accusations by Muslims in Arabic media. The things blamed on Jews are extensive and wide-ranging. I've mentioned them in this site literally hundreds of times.

I just looked at Martin Luther's infamous 1543 work ,"On the Jews and Their Lies." The style and substance of Luther's crazed polemic resembles today's Arab antisemitism in many ways.

Some examples:

They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hope of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther. … O how they love that book Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope! The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. 

They are condemned because they have God’s Commandment and do not keep it, but act against it without ceasing. …

Be on your guard against the Jews and know that where they have their schools there is nothing but the Devil’s nest in which self-praise, vanity, lies, blasphemy, disgracing God and man, are practiced in the bitterest and most poisonous way as the Devils do themselves. 

Even now they cannot give up their insane raving boast that they are the chosen people of God, after they have been dispersed and rejected for 1500 years! Still they hope to get back there because of their own merits. There is no promise for that on which they could lean for comfort, except what they smear into the Scriptures according to their own imagination …

Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen, since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they (the Jews) as can be noticed in their cursed usury. 

Since childhood they have devoured such poisonous hatred against the Goyim from their parents and Rabbis, and still devour such without ceasing, that according to Psalm 109, it has gone over into their flesh and blood, bone and marrow, and has become their life and being.

Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the Devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. ...In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weiszensee, etc. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the full, ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. Know this for a certainty and act accordingly!

Should they at times do something good, however, know full well that it is not done out of love for you, nor for your good. In order to have space to live among us they must of necessity do something. But their heart is and remains as I have said. 

A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their mugs (mouth) open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are in exile.

Do not their Talmud and Rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is sin if he kills a brother in Israel! It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their usury) from a heathen, is a divine service. 

Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us. Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago and during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. For nearly 300 years (as stated above) we might well complain that during that time they captured and killed the Christians, which is the clear truth. On top of that, we do not know to this day which Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem!

On top of all that, no one is holding them now. Land and highways are open to them; they may move to their country whenever they care to do so! We would like to add a present in order to get rid of them. They are a heavy burden to us in our country, like a plague, pestilence, and nothing but misfortune.

Whenever you see or think about a Jew, say to yourself as follows: Behold, the mouth which I see there has every Saturday cursed, execrated, and spit upon my dear Lord, Jesus Christ who has redeemed me with His precious blood; and also prayed and cursed before God that I, my wife and children, and all Christians should be stabbed and perish in the most miserable manner—would like to do so himself if he could that he might come into possession of our goods.

Those Jews professing to be surgeons or doctors deprive the Christians who make use of their medicaments, of health and prosperity, for such Jewish doctors believe they find especial favour with their God if they torment and furtively kill Christians. 
The similarities with how Muslims write about Jews today are uncanny. Claiming that Jews had all the rights they needed in diaspora and are ungrateful; that Jews are oppressing non-Jews, the blood libel, projection that Jews teach hate in these very treatises filled with bile. 

Although Muslims always showed disdain for Jews, their hate did not have this kind of intellectual underpinning for antisemitism until they were exposed to Christian missionaries and the schools they built in the Levant in the 19th century.  There are a number of articles on Christian influence on building Arab nationalism and spreading other Western concepts, but the Christians of the time were virulently and doctrinally antisemitic, and it seems highly likely that their antisemitic ideas gave an pseudo-intellectual rigor to the Muslims who already disliked Jews. 

Being given justification for one's pre-existing hate is a very seductive idea.  It is the only explanation for the enthusiasm,  huge turnouts and party atmosphere seen in the current anti-Israel protests. 

Today, the cross-pollination of antisemitism is coming from all directions - from the Arabs to the Western world, from Russia and Iran and the neo-Nazis.  The previous paradigms of pretending that they were only "anti-Zionist" and only against the "occupation" and that they found terrorism abhorrent have been supplanted; the support for antisemitism and even terrorist attacks are now explicit and justified after the fact. The Internet allows ideas from the Soviet Union to easily travel to the far-Right, from the anti-religious Marxists to the devoutly religious Muslims. Arguments no longer take centuries to morph from being used by one type of antisemite to another - it now takes hours. 

Luther's short book ended up with a series of actions he recommended all right-thinking Christians should take to counter the pernicious Jews. These included 
To burn down Jewish synagogues and schools and warn people against them
To refuse to let Jews own houses among Christians
To burn and censor Jewish religious writings
To forbid rabbis from preaching
To offer no protection to Jews on highways
For all Jews' silver and gold to be removed, put aside for safekeeping, and given back only to Jews who truly convert
Then as now, intellectual antisemitism leads to actions. We are seeing arson and other attacks on Jewish establishments. we are seeing Jews excluded from public spaces, we are seeing attempts to ban any pro-Israel events, we are being told that terrorism is a human right and Jews do not have a similar right to defend themselves. Like Luther, terrorist-supporting media are convinced of the righteousness of their demands. While the progressive protesters are claim they are against violence, their Arab co-protesters have no problem with attacking Jews and the progressives are justifying rather than denouncing their violent cadres. 

Maybe we aren't yet at 1939, but it sure sounds a lot like 1543.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Washington Post reports that "Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, was moved to tears Feb. 19 during the International Court of Justice hearing on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory."

I watched his performance on a large screen and cannot see a single tear, nor does he wipe his eyes. 

This is not the first time Mansour has done this stunt.

In 2011, YNet reported:
A routine Security Council debate on the Middle East and Palestine became Israel's and the Palestinian Authority's dress rehearsal for September's General Assembly conference where the Palestinians will seek UN recognition.
Palestinian observer Riyad Mansour called on the UN to recognize a Palestinian state. It's time to end the occupation, he said before bursting into tears. 

It wasn't quite as spontaneous as the news media made it appear. 

The point at which he started his acting performance is notable. His pretend crying began when he said, "The state of Palestine appeals to this court to guide the International Community in upholding international law ending in justice and achieving a just and lasting peace, to guide us towards a future in which Palestinian children are treated as children, not as demographic threat."

You know who regarded Palestinian children as nothing more than a demographic threat? Yasir Arafat, who said on many occasions a variant of “The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon.”

The Palestinian Authority does not treat its children as children. Their textbooks are filled with appeals for children to become martyrs while killing Jews. 

It is the height of hypocrisy to see Mansour fake-tearfully pretending to care about Palestinian children when the best thing for them - peace - has been flatly rejected by Palestinian and Arab leaders for over 85 years.


Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, February 19, 2024

From Ian:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Islamism is exploiting Britain’s political vacuum
When observing this downward spiral, it’s fashionable to blame America; it is, after all, the nation that birthed the mantra of multiculturalism. But if America created the seeds of today’s chaos, the European climate allowed it to blossom. It is no coincidence that the European surge in Islamism came just as the continent’s dechristianisation began to take hold. This surging fanaticism was met with a spiritual vacuum — and therefore thrived.

Faced with the arrival of a new community with such a strong belief system, Europe’s political elites sought refuge in the soft bigotry of low expectations. Denying them agency, we shrouded Muslim immigrants in a rhetoric of victimhood. A set of false assumptions were developed to characterise them as a casualty of exclusion and discrimination. It became just another form of “common sense”.

After 2001, when Jihadi terrorism started to take place in Europe, and survey after survey showed that most Muslims quietly supported the belief system that justified the terrorists’ activities, European leaders doubled down on those assumptions. Rules were relaxed, standards were lowered, and excuses were made whenever their estrangement tipped over into violence.

Meanwhile, the phenomenon of data manipulation became the political norm. Academics and think-tankers lined up to produce reassuring outcomes on paper that refused to acknowledge the rising tide of Islamisation, either by ignoring it completely or downplaying the number of Muslim migrants. The establishment of Sharia tribunals was barely registered, while we were told the construction of gigantic Mosques, madrassas, and Islamic centres were led and manned by moderate Muslims. Those brave enough to still speak out — for example over grooming gangs — were silenced or expelled.

This is the backdrop to the rise of Islamist attacks in Europe and the West, but it is also the cause of today’s political crisis in Britain. Across the country — from Rochdale to Tower Hamlets, Salisbury to Manchester — we are starting to witness what happens when Islamism is given licence to flourish. Many were fooled into thinking that 2024 would be a “boring year” for Britain: that, after the turbulence of the Tories, the reign of Starmer would, at worst, be benignly insipid.

But this was always a fantasy. Starmer, like so many of his predecessors and counterparts in Europe, is simply focused on the short-term goal of winning the general election. And, again like so many of them, he now finds himself wrestling with a Muslim base that will require compromise if he’s to win their vote: only yesterday, he called for a “ceasefire that lasts” in Gaza, without explaining how that might come about. It is, in other words, increasingly starting to feel like 2005 redux: a replay of the VVD’s electoral conundrum, and an allegedly “common-sense” response that inevitably backfires.

It’s hard not to conclude that this is the “new Britain” promised by its next Prime Minister, where scenes like those we have witnessed in Rochdale become repeated over and over again. This is, after all, what happens when a nation’s foundational principles are eroded — and when, faced with a moral and political vacuum, Islamism is the only potent force in town.
The Moral Bankruptcy of the West: Accepting Terrorist Propaganda as Truth
The U.S., UK and Europe all are warning Israel not to go into Rafah, even though Israeli hostages were rescued there last week - and despite knowing that destroying the Hamas infrastructure there is key to ensuring that it will not be able to rebuild. Instead of asking why two Israelis were being held in Rafah, the media was more focused on claims by a terrorist organization that people had been killed during the rescue operation.

The Western media continue to lap up the falsehoods and fabrications that Hamas regularly spins. This is evidence of moral bankruptcy. There is something seriously wrong when people are willing to accept lies by a murderous terrorist group over claims made by a democratic, liberal, progressive country. How does it make sense that people think it's normal for hostages to be held against their will and that a country shouldn't do what is necessary to get its people back?

Most of the condemnations today come from the U.S., the UK and Europe. They don't come from Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, or Saudi Arabia. Why do you think that is? The answer is that these Arab countries want Israel to succeed in removing Hamas, while the other countries appear to want Israel to fail.

While I don't expect the world to stand on the sidelines and applaud the IDF, we should be able to expect some semblance of integrity. Sadly, there isn't, and Western media, thinkers, and politicians continue to accept Hamas propaganda as the truth. It's an incredible double standard soaked in a deep undercurrent of antisemitism.
Jonathan Freedland: Those Who Attack Jews in the UK Are Behaving as Antisemites Always Have
Many Jews in Britain can hardly bear to hear the news, not least because they're in it so often. 2023 saw more than 4,100 episodes of anti-Jewish hate across the country, most of which came after Oct. 7. Some of the incidents involved knives, others saw Jews struck with metal bars. Some victims were punched or kicked or spat on, others had stones, bricks or bottles thrown at them. Slogans were daubed on walls, windows were smashed. Hundreds of incidents involved children, whether making their way to or from school or inside it.

When some people want to express their apparent anger at Israel's actions, they direct it at Jewish targets. They are holding a British minority responsible for the actions of a foreign government several thousand miles away, a response that does not seem to happen with other distant conflicts: after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian Orthodox churches in Britain did not brace themselves for attack.

The biggest surge in anti-Jewish activity came immediately after the Oct. 7 attacks, when Israelis were still counting their dead and missing and had scarcely responded at all. This indicates that it was in celebration of Hamas' attack, rather than anger towards Israel's military response in Gaza.

Most Jews feel bound up with Israel. They are deeply connected to it. Given the central place of the Land of Israel in Judaism's holiest texts, as ancient as the Jewish people itself, it could hardly be any other way. They recognize that Israel is the world's largest Jewish community, the world's only Jewish country. More deeply, they hold to the idea that after two millennia of endless and deadly persecution, the Jewish people need one place, a haven, where they can govern and defend themselves.

When British Jews are attacked, their attackers are not striking a blow for the Palestinians. They are placing themselves alongside the antisemites and racists who have always treated Jews this way, reminding Jews why they needed a refuge in the first place - and why they need it still.
  • Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
There are numerous reports today quoting an anonymous Hamas official in Qatar as saying that Hamas estimates only 6,000 terrorists killed, not the 12,000 Israel estimates.

Who is telling the truth?

Let's look at the full Reuters quote in context:
Furthermore, according to Hamas, the total victory promised by Netanyahu won't be quick or easy.
A Hamas official based in Qatar told Reuters that the group estimated it had lost 6,000 fighters during the four-month-old conflict, half the 12,000 Israel says it has killed.
Gaza's ruling group can keep fighting and is prepared for a long war in Rafah and Gaza, said the official, who requested anonymity.
"Netanyahu's options are difficult and ours are too. He can occupy Gaza but Hamas is still standing and fighting. He hasn't achieved his goals to kill the Hamas leadership or annihilate Hamas," he added.
The context around the quote is that this official is trying to get the world to pressure Israel not to fight in Rafah. If the fighting is going to be protracted and impossible to achieve its goals, then no one would support it.

Israel has already shown that predictions of how the war would go were all wrong. We can objectively see that the number of rockets fired from Gaza has gone down to close to zero, that Israeli forces have control over most of the sector, and that Hamas is disorganized and has little in the way of a command structure. 

As we've noted from the start, Hamas' strategy is based on lying. It knows that whatever it says is assumed true even by the media that knows it is being lied to. This is partially a cognitive war and Hamas is fighting that part very well.

Now, realistically, how can an anonymous Hamas official in Qatar have any idea of what the real casualty count is? It appears that communication between Gaza and Hamas leaders outside have been sporadic at best. And Hamas in Rafah probably has no ability to even know how many of its members have been killed or captured elsewhere in Gaza.

The "6,000" figure is indeed the first admission by any Hamas official that any terrorists have been killed since the first week of the war. It is high enough to be believable, low enough to convince Western nations that this war will go on for another year with tens of thousands of additional civilian casualties (based, again, on Hamas numbers.)

But it isn't an admission. It is a number made up by Hamas propagandists, just as they decided that a figure of "70% women and children" sounded realistic enough not to check and the daily statistics sent out adjusted to bring the "official" tally in sync with the diktat. It should be looked upon as a bare minimum number that even Hamas cannot deny, not an actual estimate. It is quite realistic to assume that the real numbers are double that figure. 

Oh, and another Hamas official denied the figure. 

Everything Hamas says is a lie meant to get military advantage by portraying Gaza as being victim of a genocide and Hamas as a ghostlike, unbeatable fighting force that has destroyed a significant number of Israel's tanks.  

Here's yet more proof.

The official Hamas ministry of health wrote about Nasser Medical Center yesterday: "The electricity is still cut off at Nasser Medical Complex for 3 days, which has led to the shortage of oxygen from patients." And today they added, "25 medical teams and 136 patients in Nasser Medical Complex without electricity, water, food, oxygen and treatment capabilities for difficult cases"

Now, here are screenshots from a video in Sky News Arabia showing Nasser Medical Center yesterday, after three days of "no electricity:"

It sure looks like the lights - and medical equipment in the middle photo - are on. Which means they are also lying about patients dying because of no oxygen due to the power shortage. If they only have a limited amount of electricity, perhaps from solar panels, real doctors would direct all the electricity towards the ICUs and dim the lights in the hallways, removing 2 out of every 3 light panels in the ceiling. They clearly have not done that. 

So who are you going to believe, the Hamas health ministry that also claims 29,000 dead, or your own eyes?

For some reason, reporters simply cannot believe that a smiling terrorist would lie to their faces. And this has been a problem for many years. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've seen and reported before about Turkish conspiracy theories that say that the famous false messiah Shabbati Zevi only pretended to convert to Islam but in fact founded a movement for hidden Jews to secretly subvert the Ottoman Empire and take over its media, banks, and politicians.

Today I saw a new twist, going back even earlier.

According to  Dr. Muhammad Abdo Hatamla (they're always PhDs!) writing in Jordan's Addustour, the schemes of Shabbati Zevi were preceded by another Jewish plot to destroy the Ottoman Empire from within.

The unlimited tolerance shown by the Ottoman Empire in its dealings with the Jews led to the prosperity of their lives, and the sixteenth century was considered one of their golden eras in this region. However, the Jews began implementing their plans to destroy the state in preparation for the occupation of Palestine. Through money and intrigue, they corrupted the strongest army the Ottoman Empire had ever known, which was the Janissary army, which was founded by the Ottoman Sultan Orhan (726-763 AH / 1326-1362 AD). The mint (coin) factories were under their control. They minted fraudulent currency, and when the Janissaries discovered that the currency in which their salaries were paid was fraudulent, they revolted, and their revolution developed into a massive sedition that ultimately led to the weakening and demise of the Ottoman Empire.
This isn't at all what happened to the Janissaries, of course. Wikipedia goes into detail of how they descended from the elite fighting force to a squabbling, political group, and the Jews (while they had good relations with the Janissaries, as well as with all of Ottoman society) had nothing to do with this.

Note how the author ties the fictional Jewish backstabbing to Zionism. This shows that the distinction that Muslims pretend to make between Jews and Zionists was never there. But anyone who knows a little history already knows that.

Hatamia is a professor of history who has received honors from King Abdullah. This is mainstream "scholarship" in the Arab and Muslim worlds. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Stephen Harper: Israel's war is just, Hamas must surrender or be eliminated
There is an even bigger picture, however, that we in the West must grasp. This war is not an isolated conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. It is the product of a much larger and more dangerous force.

Before Oct. 7, we were on the cusp of a new Middle East. It was being created by a new generation of Arab leaders. Determined to be world-leading societies, they were setting aside the religious hatreds of the past and putting the Abraham Accords in their place. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia itself was deepening its relationship with Israel while continuing an ambitious modernization agenda that remains sadly underappreciated in the West.

Yet, even with these developments, some in western capitals chose to continue seeking reconciliation with an Iranian regime whose vision could not be more different. And so, we turned a blind eye to Tehran’s continued preaching of medieval jihad and its ongoing construction of a theocratic empire. We watched as it slowly took over Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and, of course, Gaza. We ignored advice from both Arab and Israeli allies to counter these threats, and even criticized actions designed to do so.

In this context, the West’s support for Israel’s war effort goes beyond moral obligations. It is but a small step in responding to a much larger challenge coming at us. I am not talking just about reoccurrences of 9-11-style terrorism. Nor am I referring only to the growing attacks on key international shipping lanes, as alarming as they are. I mean the real, potentially global, threat of a powerful regional state that mixes an aggressive and malevolent ideology with the pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. I am hoping that we understand this bigger picture before it is too late.

Almost exactly 10 years ago, I addressed the Israeli Knesset. I said that the Canada I represented would stand with Israel “through fire and water.” I meant it, and the Canadians I spoke for believe it still, as do hundreds of millions like us all over the world.

For we know what history has shown us: that antisemitism and anti-Zionism are always the proverbial canaries in the coalmine. Those who embrace such tribal and sectarian hatreds will invariably, in time, aim their guns well beyond the Jewish people. Indeed, if we open our eyes, we will see that they are already doing so.

This is, in short, a time to support Israel with clarity, consistency, and strength, not only because it is right, but because it is in the best interests of global peace and security.
JPost Editorial: A ceasefire cannot take place without hostages' release and Hamas vanquished
Now is the time for the people of Israel to remain unified and steadfast in fighting terrorism and defeating Hamas. Hamas has sought to divide us and it is trying to get its supporters abroad to save it in Gaza so it can return to threaten us again. Hamas is a vile terrorist organization that has shown what its real ideology looks like on October 7. Any ceasefire is a way for Hamas to prepare for more genocidal attacks.

Today there is a push for a ceasefire that would not bring the hostages home and also not lead to the defeat of Hamas. Israel’s leadership has made it clear that we have several goals in Gaza, two of which are victory over Hamas and bringing all the hostages home.

We must remain steadfast and committed. The war is long but the enemy is too dangerous to leave it in control of the border of Gaza, where it feasts off international aid while it stockpiles weapons.

We have an opportunity now to complete our mission in Gaza. We must continue on this path and at the same time work with our partners abroad to prevent any kind of push for a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza or does not release all the hostages.
NYTs: After Oct. 7, Israelis Can't Live with an Armed Gaza
After the Hamas invasion on Oct. 7, Doron Shabty, his wife, and their two small children hid in Sderot, near the border with Gaza, and survived. A reservist in the infantry, he went into the army the next day.

After more than 100 days in Gaza, Shabty, 31, said that to restore Israelis' faith in their country's ability to protect them, there cannot be a return to the situation of Oct. 6. "We can't live with an armed Gaza - we just can't do that," he said.

The shock of Oct. 7 reminded Israelis that they have powerful enemies next door who wish them dead.

Accompanied by a powerful new sense of Israel's vulnerability, Israeli attitudes toward the war, which Israeli Jews overwhelmingly support, inform virtually their every expectation for the future. It is likely to do so for a long time to come.

According to the latest Peace Index survey from Tel Aviv University, 94% of Israeli Jews and 82% of the total population think the Israeli military has used "adequate or too little force" in Gaza.

Some 88% of all Jewish Israelis think the number of Palestinians killed or wounded in Gaza is justified by the war.

Only 27% of Jewish Israelis (and 24% of Palestinians) support a two-state solution.
US proposes UN resolution supporting temporary ceasefire in Gaza
The United States has proposed a rival draft United Nations Security Council resolution that would underscore the body's "support for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza as soon as practicable," according to the text seen by Reuters on Monday.

Washington has been averse to the word ceasefire in any UN action on the Israel-Hamas war, but the US draft text echoes language that President Joe Biden said he used last week in conversations with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The US draft text also "determines that under current circumstances a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries."

Israel plans to storm Rafah in southern Gaza, where more than 1 millions Palestinians have sought shelter, prompting international concern that such a move would sharply worsen the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The draft US resolution says such a move "would have serious implications for regional peace and security, and therefore underscores that such a major ground offensive should not proceed under current circumstances."

It was not immediately clear when or if the draft resolution would be put to a vote in the 15-member council.
  • Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

There are lots of articles about Israel supposedly attacking hospitals in Gaza. Most are skeptical about Israeli claims and evidence that many hospitals have been used by terrorists - or even run by terrorists. 

But there is another hospital story in Gaza that the media has nearly universally ignored. 

Israel has allowed many countries to set up field hospitals in Gaza to help Gazans who need medical attention. 

COGAT reports:

Field hospitals donated by Jordan and the United Arab Emirates are operational, treating patients in Khan Yunis and Rafah. An additional field hospital is operated by the Red Crescent as an extension to the Al Amal hospital in Khan Yunis. A field hospital operated by the IMC has also begun treating patients in Rafah. 

These field hospitals bolster the medical response for the civilians in Gaza, and provide necessary medical treatments. 

With a capacity of 41 beds and a personnel of 154, the Jordanian hospital has treated over 27,500 patients, while the United Arab Emirates field hospital, with a capacity of 200 beds and staffed with 100, has treated over 3,775 patients. With a capacity of 64 beds and a personnel of 120, the Red Crescent hospital operates on the basis of an emergency room as an extension to the Al-Amal hospital.  With the capacity of 50 beds and a personnel of 200, the IMC field hospital provides surgical care for trauma, physical rehabilitation, emergency obstetric and newborn care, advanced mental health services and more, and treats an average of 400 patients a day.  

Additional field hospitals are currently in progress to enhance the medical response in the Gaza Strip.

A French floating hospital was docked at the Al-Arish port for a month. Gazan patients exited the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing for treatment. Over 2,000 patients have been treated and advised on the ship. On Jan. 28 the French vessel completed its mission and returned to its country of origin.

Italy has also dispatched a floating hospital. The ship was equipped with surgery, trauma care, and other medical capabilities, treated over 100 patients and completed its mission at the end of January 2024.

A United Arab Emirates floating hospital is expected to dock at the El-Arish port in the coming days. The floating hospital will be treating patients from Gaza. 
Also, here's the truth about Nasser Hospital and Al-Amal hospital that is also unreported in the media:
Currently, the IDF is carrying out precise operations against the Hamas terrorist organization in Khan Yunis. IDF intelligence indicates that Hamas terrorists are operating from inside and around the Nasser hospital and Al-Amal hospital in Khan Yunis. The IDF has been liaising with the hospital directors and medical staff, on the phone and on the ground, to ensure that the hospitals can remain operational and accessible. Prior to the commencement of our operations in the area, we took proactive measures to ensure that the hospitals had sufficient fuel and supplies to maintain functionality throughout the duration of our operation against Hamas. On Feb. 10, The IDF recently facilitated the delivery of over 20 oxygen tanks and additional medical equipment to Al Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis, coordinated by COGAT officers, the hospital and international aid organizations. Due to the use of the hospital by terrorists as an operational hideout, the intricate coordination was carried out with an international aid organization and local officials.
All this information is freely available. And nearly all of it is ignored by the media.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Times of Israel reports:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sided on Sunday with far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, endorsing restrictions on Arab Israelis’ access to Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount during Ramadan, according to multiple reports.

Channels 12, 13, Haaretz, and other outlets reported that the decision diverged from the recommendations of parts of the security establishment.

A governmental source told Channel 12 news that the decision was not final, and was still being considered.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office later pushed back at the reports with a vague statement that said the premier “made a balanced decision that allows freedom of religion with necessary security limits, which have been set by professional officials.”

“Any other report is incorrect,” the statement added, without elaborating on what decision was made and what restrictions will be put in place.

A decision has yet to be made regarding Ben Gvir’s demand that no Palestinians from the West Bank be permitted to enter. The Shin Bet’s position reportedly calls for allowing Palestinian men over 60 and women over 50 who have undergone Shin Bet background checks to be allowed in.

It is interesting in all the reporting on the matter that everyone agrees there should be age restrictions on who can enter the Temple Mount during Ramadan and that the restrictions should be wider than those last year, both for Palestinians from the West Bank and from Arab Israelis. The arguments are over the details, but not the basics.

Because what happened last year cannot be allowed to happen again, not during wartime, and especially not when the war was partially justified by Hamas by the scenes of Muslim rioting last year.

Last Ramadan, Israel held summits with leaders of Arab countries in  Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh and one topic was how to avoid clashes on the holy spot during Ramadan.  Israel came to an agreement with Jordan, which officially controls the Waqf, that no one be allowed to stay overnight in the Al Aqsa Mosque (a ritual called "i'tikaaf'") except for nights before days that Jews would not be allowed to visit - Thursday and Friday nights and the last ten days of Ramadan.

Here is the letter that the Waqf issued on the agreed policy, which was in line with policy on previous years.

The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
The Administration of Jerusalem's Awqaf and Al-aqsa Mosque Affairs

His Excellency the Director of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you

The Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites in Jerusalem decided, by its Resolution No. 32/2023 dated 03/21/2023 AD, that seclusion in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque should take place during the last ten nights of Ramadan and on the Friday and Saturday nights of each week during the holy month.

Peace be upon you,,,

Director General of Jerusalem Endowments and Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Muhammad Azzam Al-Khatib Al-Tamimi

Israel arranged that other nearby Jerusalem mosques would be able to accommodate any Muslims who want to adhere to the custom of i'tikaaf without causing any friction.

But others wanted blood. They wanted scenes of rioting and Israeli police response. They wanted an excuse to start a wider conflict.

Last year, Ramadan coincided with Passover. (Luckily, that isn't the case this year.) There were absurd rumors that "settlers" would slaughter and burn sacrifices on the Temple Mount ahead of the holiday, which was used as an excuse by Palestinian leaders to call for violence to "protect" Al Aqsa from a threat that the Israeli police would never allow. 

The police don't allow small prayer books to be brought into the Mount. A goat is a little harder to hide. 

When this letter from the Waqf was publicized, Palestinian religious leaders were incensed. The Forum of Palestine Scholars and Preachers explicitly urged all Muslims to stay overnight in the mosque every night of Ramadan to block any Jews from visiting the following mornings, and they specifically called on Muslim youth to stay overnight on the days of Passover. It had nothing to do with Islamic tradition and everything to do with blocking Jewish access to the Temple Mount.

The Waqf and Kingdom of Jordan decided to tear up the agreement to limit clashes because they didn't want to look weak and like they were not adequately defending Al Aqsa. 

For several nights, the worshipers who stayed overnight in violation fo the agreement did leave peacefully in the morning. This upset the Palestinians hoping for violence and the "shabab" youth chose to force a confrontation.

Muslim youths stockpiled stones and fireworks in the supposedly holy mosque on the nights before Jews would be allowed to visit.

The results were predictable. 


They threw large stones and shot fireworks at the police when asked to leave peacefully. 

Videos like this were used to incite more violence. 

Hamas shot rockets to Israel, and at least one landed and damaged a factory. Their excuse was this video. 

Lebanese factions, whether Hezbollah or sanctioned by Hezbollah, shot rockets into Israel as well. Their excuse was this video. 

As usual, the mainstream media reported the events as if the Israeli police were initiating the clashes and the rocket fire was justified as a "response,"  when the police were just trying to keep the Temple Mount open to all during the month and during Passover.  None of the major media reported on the agreement to disallow overnight stays on weeknights and the Waqf's about-face. 

Israel learned that the Waqf and Jordan cannot be trusted to keep their word or to keep the peace. It learned that blocking only West Bank youth from the Mount is not enough to avoid rioting. It learned that the Palestinian Authority is an ally of Hamas in stoking violence instead of calming the situation. It learned that any clashes will be misreported as if police enthusiastically beat Palestinians even though they did everything possible to avoid violence

Now, during wartime when truth is in even shorter supply than it was last year, and when there is not even a pretense of good-will from the Palestinian and Jordanian leaders, why even give an opportunity for a new set of fighting on the holy spot?

Anyone who could use the mosque for political purposes must be banned from visiting the site for the entire month, whether Israeli or Jerusalemites or from the West Bank.  The entire area must be cleared after night prayers every single night. 

Palestinians last year deliberately incited and started the violence and used Muslim antisemitism to stoke tensions.  Their actions then have consequences now. 

Anyone who truly cares about peace should support Israel's decision to severely limit access to the flashpoint site to only allow Muslims who will not use it for political purposes.

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Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've already shown how the Independent Arabia published pure antisemitism. Now it is the turn of the Independent Turkey to make up lies about Jews. 

An article by Mehmed Mazlum Celik spins new lies to give the impression that Hamas is destroying the IDF - and the IDF uses Ethiopian citizens as cannon fodder.

Faithful sons of Gaza with their sandals on their feet have destroyed 40 percent of the tanks known as  "Merkava-4" since October .

Moreover, this figure is the official data of the Israeli army, not Hamas.

The Israeli army fielded Merkava-3 tanks, which it described as garbage. They were planning to sell them to some countries in Africa.

While the human population is so valuable to Israel, there is a group that it does not hesitate to send to the front of the front and to the most dangerous points: Falasha Jews!

In fact, most white Jews think that the Falashas are actually Christians and have nothing to do with their religion.

Considering that the Israeli Blood Bank throws away the blood of Falashas even today, the question of why Jews from Falashas were sent in the front units to the oppressed people in Gaza is easily answered.

 Where to start?

Israel has about 600 Merkava fourth generation tanks; the number destroyed has not not released but it is probably in the single digits,, nowhere close to the hundreds claimed here. The author's claim that these are official Israeli army figures are a figment of his imagination. 

The Merkava-3 tanks are still an integral part of Israel's forces. They are not garbage by any measure.

Israel's blood bank ha not thrown out Ethiopian blood for years. It used to not accept their blood because of (valid) fear of HIV.  

At the same time they also banned donations from British Jews who lived in the UK from 1980-1996 because of fears of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Does that make them anti-British, too? 

A look at photos in Haaretz' list of soldiers killed in battle in Gaza show very few who might be Ethiopians. I count only 10 with dark enough skin that maybe they could be Ethiopian, but most of those are probably Mizrahi and only about 4 seem certain. On the other hand, at the end of December, some 40% of soldiers killed had graduated from religious Zionist schools. 

As far as Hamas' military achievements goes, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant described a Hamas military that is disintegrating and its members suffering low morale, eager to surrender to the IDF rather than be killed. 

In Khan Younis, Gallant said some 200 terror suspects had surrendered to troops at Nasser Hospital, and dozens more at Al-Amal Hospital, which he argued indicated the loss of Hamas’s “fighting spirit.”

Gallant said Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade had been “defeated and does not function as a military entity in any way.”

“Hamas is left with marginal [forces] in the central camps and with the Rafah Brigade, and what stands between them and a complete collapse as a military system is a decision by the IDF,” he said.

I trust an Israeli defense minister far more than some Turkish nobody who cannot point to a single source. 

That's a lot of lies in one Indy-Turkey article. 

If this was only in Arabic media it wouldn't be worth mentioning, but this is associated with the Independent and as such it shows how Turkey is making hating Israel a major political goal.

Of course, Al Jazeera picked up on this article and parrots its lies as truth. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

  • Sunday, February 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Washington Post reports on a sophisticated social media manipulation campaign by Russia against Ukraine:

When news first emerged last month that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was preparing to fire his top military commander, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, officials in Moscow seemed jubilant. They had been trying to orchestrate just such a split for many months, documents show.

“We need to strengthen the conflict between Zaluzhny and Zelensky, along the lines of ‘he intends to fire him,’” one Kremlin political strategist wrote a year ago, after a meeting of senior Russian officials and Moscow spin doctors, according to internal Kremlin documents.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration ordered a group of Russian political strategists to use social media and fake news articles to push the theme that Zelensky “is hysterical and weak. … He fears that he will be pushed aside, therefore he is getting rid of the dangerous ones.”

The Kremlin instruction resulted in thousands of social media posts and hundreds of fabricated articles, created by troll farms and circulated in Ukraine and across Europe, that tried to exploit what were then rumored tensions between the two Ukrainian leaders, according to a trove of Kremlin documents obtained by a European intelligence service and reviewed by The Washington Post. The files, numbering more than 100 documents, were shared with The Post to expose for the first time the scale of Kremlin propaganda targeting Zelensky with the aim of dividing and destabilizing Ukrainian society — efforts that Moscow dubbed “information psychological operations.”
The details are fascinating - and sound very familiar to Zionists. But while this campaign was centered around troll farms that had people paid by the Kremlin, anti-Israel propaganda seems more taking advantage of the many antisemites who are already out there and eager to do their part to destroy Israel.

Indeed, an earlier campaign against the late Russian dissident Alexei Navalny in 2021 sounds virtually identical to those that now accuse Israel of "genocide:"

Amnesty International has stripped the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny of his "prisoner of conscience" status after it says it was "bombarded" with complaints highlighting xenophobic comments that he has made in the past and not renounced.

A spokesman for the human rights organisation in Moscow told the BBC that he believed the wave of requests to "de-list" Navalny was part of an "orchestrated campaign" to discredit Vladimir Putin's most vocal critic and "impede" Amnesty's calls for his release from custody.

But on review, Amnesty International concluded that comments made by Navalny some 15 years ago, including a video which appears to compare immigrants to cockroaches, amounted to "hate speech" which was incompatible with the label "prisoner of conscience".

"We had too many requests; we couldn't ignore them," spokesman Alexander Artemev told the BBC, explaining that the team initially discounted Navalny's previous statements - which he has not repeated - as "not relevant" in the light of his current, political persecution.

Amnesty's offices worldwide, including that of the secretary general, were then hit with complaints from "so-called concerned citizens", Mr Artemev says, in an apparently co-ordinated move.
Even though Amnesty knew it was a coordinated campaign, it still caved. 

As the article shows, much of the campaign was spearheaded by Max Blumenthal's Grayzone site and writers, which is also a major source of anti-Israel lies like denying any rapes occurred on October 7. 

There are tiers of propagandists. The top tier creates the lies and makes them sound somewhat believable. The second tier isn't that imaginative but they eagerly spread these lies. What these articles shows is that there is a Tier Zero, where Russian (and presumably Iranian, Syria, Chinese and other) leaders decide what they want the lies to be and the goals they want to accomplish.

For example, as I've mentioned, there is a large set of bots on Twitter who pretend to be patriotic Israelis but who are trying to split Israeli society. The scope of that campaign is way beyond the abilities of a couple of individuals, and opinion is divided as to whether it originates in Iran, Iraq or Egypt. 

Some of the tactics resemble those used in academia. Anti-Israel academics will write social science papers accusing Israel of something, and then other academics will refer to those papers as if they are established fact and build on them. This is how the "settler-colonial" lie became ubiquitous; even though it is absurd on the face of it since Jews were returning to their own ancestral land and aren't "settlers," it is accepted as undeniably true.

The "apartheid" and "genocide" memes have gone through similar cycles but accelerated, and helped by so-called "human rights groups." Again, their arguments are bogus, and anyone who knows anything about those topics knows this. But they recruit academics and "experts" who have a track record of hating Israel, and, surprise, these "experts" all agree Israel is guilty of anything and everything - and no one else is.

This is why it is critical to always, always look at source materials and verify everything and anything that people accuse Israel of. I've shown hundreds of times that the claims fall apart very quickly,. But as the world shortens its attention span and TikTok and Hollywood star opinions are prized more than real experts, this is a  very uphill battle. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Eugene Kontorovich: Let Terror Victims Sue Unrwa
The nature of such entities’ complicity with terror groups is different from that of states. International organizations typically don’t sponsor such groups, but they may conspire with or assist terrorists, or simply fail to prevent themselves from being infiltrated and directed by them. The right way to reconcile the principles of FSIA with the International Organizations Immunities Act is to amend the latter to allow suits by Americans against organizations that provide material support to designated terror groups.

A bill written by Sen. Ted Cruz currently being circulated in the Senate would do this. The draft bill would give victims—such as the families of the more than 30 U.S. citizens killed by Hamas on Oct. 7—an opportunity to receive the compensation they deserve. But it would also give U.N. leaders—who seem completely to have buried their heads in the sand about the conduct of their agencies in Gaza—an incentive to provide meaningful oversight and control.

Such a reform would allow the White House to maintain executive control by limiting liability to those organizations that provide support to groups on the official terrorist list. Some will howl that groups like Unrwa also do important humanitarian work, but it isn’t too much to ask of U.N. agencies that they internalize the costs of forming partnerships with designated terror groups and compensate victims.

Some in Congress are now calling to defund Unrwa. That is certainly appropriate, but if that happens, it shouldn’t be the end of the story, especially since it does nothing for American victims. Moreover, defunding by the U.S. isn’t necessarily permanent and other countries can fill the gap. Damage awards, by contrast, present more than a liquidity problem. And if other international organizations provided material support for terrorism, even short of direct participation in attacks, there is no reason they shouldn’t also be forced to pay damages to victims.
Mike Pompeo: What I Saw in Israel Proves Why We Must Support Our Ally’s Righteous Mission To Destroy Hamas
This Administration should worry less about the impression it makes with its radical, progressive base and instead consider what is right and wrong. In one kibbutz Susan and I visited, K’far Aza, 70 terrorists had infiltrated the small community and murdered at least 60 residents. These were not IDF forces or even police units Hamas was attacking; these were innocent families, many with young children and elderly. In Ra’im, Susan and I saw memorials to the hundreds of innocent people slaughtered by Hamas while at a music festival and met a survivor of that massacre. In Okafim, we saw a community that managed to fight off waves of Hamas militants with only a small police force and some civilians helping – but not before over 50 innocent Israelis were brutally murdered. To walk through these streets lined with burned out cars and the blackened ruins of what once were the vibrant, colorful homes of thriving families and to walk past makeshift memorials to loved ones who were killed by Hamas simply for being Jewish – to see what these terrorists did on October 7 was to see true evil. Israel now has a righteous mission to eliminate the perpetrators of that evil so that it never happens again, and the Biden Administration should stand beside them – not criticize the Jewish state in an effort to placate its liberal Left base.

Despite the tragedy Susan and I saw across Israel’s south and the trauma felt by so many around the country, we also encountered something else that was truly remarkable: the resilience of the Jewish people. Every Israeli continues to sacrifice and give so much to help their countrymen and women and to defend their nation. In Okafim, Susan and I met with a remarkable Rabbi who has built the initiative "Standing Together" that has provided financial support for the families of victims, hospital visits to wounded soldiers and citizens, packages of essentials and toys to displaced families, Tefillin and other religious articles to soldiers and families, and charitable provisions for soldiers. We spent time with many of the soldiers this initiative has helped: men and women who have put their lives on hold to help defend their country and ensure the unimaginable horrors of October 7 never happen again.

The people we met inspired us. America must continue to support and stand by the people of Israel, not simply because Israel’s continued existence supports America’s security and interests, but because it is the right thing to do. Of primary importance is our continued support and assistance in Israel’s efforts to bring the hostages, of which eight are Americans, held in Gaza back home. Right around the time Susan and I arrived, Israeli forces undertook a successful rescue mission and saved two of those hostages; we should be doing everything we can to help Israel continue this success. Indeed, we should do everything we can to continue to stand with Israel, stand with the Jewish people, and support the resolute victory of Israel in this war against evil.
US envoy: UNRWA funding freeze is permanent
American funding to UNRWA has been stopped for good over its ties to Hamas terrorism, and alternative U.N. agencies are being considered to funnel humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, a top U.S. envoy said Friday.

The unequivocal remarks follow a bombshell Israeli intelligence report, shared with the U.S. administration, which showed that dozens of UNRWA employees actively participated in Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, while 10% of the agency’s 13,000 employees in Gaza are Hamas members.

The revelations prompted about 18 countries, led by the US and Germany, UNRWA’s biggest donors, to suspend funding to the agency totaling $438 million, or more than half this year’s expected funding.

At least in the case of the United States, the suspension is permanent.

“Congress has made clear…that U.S. funding for UNRWA will stop,” said U.S. special envoy for Middle East humanitarian issues David Satterfield during an event hosted by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Friday. “It’s not a suspension. It is a prohibition on providing further funding.”

At the same time, the United States wants UNRWA’s functions of aid delivery and support to Palestinians to continue.

“We are working aggressively as possible with the U.N. family, with U.N. agencies, to see how these key functions can be sustained, as we look at the months ahead,” said Satterfield.

On Friday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant released new revelations of UNRWA malpractice, saying Israeli intelligence had “significant indications” that more than 30 additional agency workers joined the Oct. 7 attack. One video released this weekend showed an UNRWA worker participating in the kidnapping of a body from an Israeli agricultural community near the border with Gaza.
  • Sunday, February 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi participated in meetings at the Munich Security Conference last night with other foreign ministers, emphasizing how important it is to pressure Israel to abandon its war against Hamas as well as the importance of continuing funding UNRWA. 

He has also spoken to other world leaders about how important UNRWA is to Palestinians. 

But the real reason Jordan cares about UNRWA has little to do with Gaza, and everything to do with Jordan's own economic crisis..

Reuters reported last week the real reasons Jordan wants UNRWA to continue to be funded - because it doesn't want to take responsibility for its own citizens:
Jordan's already struggling economy will face even tougher times if several donors continue to suspend funding for the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees and its services have to be shut or reduced as a result, UNRWA's country head said on Tuesday.

"The current funding suspension is putting the continuation of these services at risk after the end of February. It will have severe consequences (on UNRWA's operations)," said Olaf Becker, Jordan director of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency.

UNRWA was already helping the economy with 7,000 employees on its payroll, making it one of the largest employers in the kingdom, injecting over $120 million in salaries into the economy annually, Becker said.

Its services support over one million Palestinian refugees in the kingdom with, on average, 20% lower cost than the state in providing comparable services, Becker added.

 "Our first option would be scale down our services and it might take different modalities but it's very difficult -- what do you choose, health care versus education or sanitation?" he said.

"School children might not have anywhere to go... It will be very detrimental to social cohesion in Jordan," Becker said.
Let's read Becker's words carefully, keeping in mind that the vast majority of Palestinians in Jordan are full Jordanian citizens and should have all of their social services provided by Jordan, not by the entire world.

Those 7,000 employees are doing functions that Jordan should be doing for its own citizens. Health care, sanitation, food and education are Jordan's responsibility, not the world community's. The 20% per person lower cost is meaningless because there would be economies of scale if Jordan extended its own social services to include Palestinian Jordanian citizens. Separate buildings, separate infrastructure and a separate bureaucracy is not exactly efficient.

And social cohesion? Native Jordanians have always been upset that in some cases their Palestinian "brothers" have better services than their own. A separate education and health care system does not promote social cohesion - it impedes it. Not to mention free living expenses to those who live in "camps."

Those who oppose UNRWA funding often frame the issue as a false choice between Palestinian "refugees" getting critical services or going without. It isn't true. If UNRWA should disappear tomorrow, all the funds that now go to UNRWA would be redirected to the states that host Palestinian "refugees." Jordan would be able to move most of those 7,000 employees into its own social services system. No one would go without medical care or education or food. And over a few years, Palestinians in Jordan would not be treated differently from other Jordanian citizens as they are today. 

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  • Sunday, February 18, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Human Rights Watch again twists international law in its latest press release on Gaza:

Israel: Rafah Evacuation Plans Catastrophic, Unlawful

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the Israeli army and other officials to submit to the cabinet a plan to evacuate Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost governorate. Netanyahu said this action is necessary to attack Hamas battalions in the area.

With a pre-war population of 280,000, Rafah is now housing the majority of Gaza’s population, including most of the 1.7 million displaced Palestinians. Conditions are increasingly desperate, with people sheltering in makeshift camps—tents built with flimsy materials—and in overcrowded apartment buildings. Many have been displaced multiple times amid intense Israeli airstrikes and ground operations, as well as the continued blockade.

International humanitarian law prohibits the forced displacement of civilians except when temporarily required for their security or imperative military reasons. During the hostilities in Gaza, Human Rights Watch has warned that forced displacement, a war crime, is becoming more of a risk. 
So according to Human Rights Watch, Israel trying to defeat Hamas is not an "imperative military reason."  

HRW is saying Hamas must not be defeated.  Because if HRW admits that Israel's war against Hamas is legitimate, it has to admit that Israel is not only allowed but mandated to evacuate as many civilians as possible from Rafah to get them out of harm's way.

There is only one conclusion. In Israel's war ro destroy Hamas, HRW is solidly on the side of the murderers, kidnappers and rapists.

Which is an interesting position for a "human rights group" to take. 

But then again, why be surprised? HRW's UN director wrote an article in The Nation claiming that Israel's evidence that UNRWA workers had participated in the October 7 massacre was "scant," "if any." He is broadly implying that Israel is making up evidence. Yet the Washington Post found video footage of one of the UNRWA workers carrying the body of an Israeli at Kibbutz Beeri on October 7, and putting it into his own Nissan Terrano II.

Not exactly "scant" evidence, is it? 

But HRW will never correct itself, just as it hasn't in hundreds of other cases where it was found to have reported things that weren't true. 

HRW's defense  of UNRWA workers-cum-terrorists shows which side it is on: the side of the murderers, kidnappers and rapists.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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