Monday, May 15, 2023

From Ian:

David Collier: Things you really need to know on ‘Nakba Day’
The current Nakba narrative is a masterpiece of deception and antisemitic propaganda.

The conflict of 1947 – 1949 happened just like we say it did. It was an unnecessary conflict that the Arabs wanted and started because they could not accept Jewish self-rule in any part of British Palestine. Casualties were high on both sides and the fighting was brutal. The Jews declared independence, fought off the invading armies and won the war.

It was a war of extermination launched by Arabs to destroy the world’s only Jewish state. The Arab ‘catastrophe’ is that the Jews survived. This is really what their Nakba Day is all about.

Nobody should mourn the Arab failure to eradicate the Jews.

Everything that they say about the Nakba today – changed as they needed it to evolve. In reality the Nakba myth only expanded in the last few decades, as extremists wanted to make it more difficult to negotiate a settlement over the refugees.

This simple explanation – that the Nakba was the Arab failure to destroy Israel – is how the Nakba story was being reported in 1975:

That is the advantage with myths – you can just make it all up as you go along.
NGO Monitor: NGOs Mark 75 Years of “Nakba”
Each year around May 15, the network of anti-Israel non-governmental organizations (NGOs) marks the “Nakba,” an Arabic word meaning “catastrophe” used to describe the establishment of the State of Israel. The NGOs repeat this term to declare Israel as inherently illegitimate and to push for a Palestinian “right of return” that would result in the elimination of the Jewish state. These efforts often rest on false historical claims and portrayal of Jews as “alien” or “foreign” to the Middle East. They erase Arab rejection of the UN partition plan and the launching of war against the fledgling state of Israel in the immediate aftermath. These activities are enabled by extensive funding from foreign governments, primarily from Europe.

In their commemorations, the NGOs accuse Israel of “ethnic cleansing”, “colonialism,” and “apartheid” to characterize all Jewish aspects of Israel as inherently racist, thus denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination. As stated in the consensus working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), this is an example of antisemitism.

This year, as seen in the selections below, many of the NGO events reference the 75th anniversary of 1948 in promoting divisive campaigns. Palestinian NGOs
On May 19, Al-Haq founder Raja Shehadeh will participate in a “book talk” at the Museum of the Palestinian People’s “series of events…to commemorate the 75th year since the Nakba began.”
Since 2020, Al-Haq has received funding from Denmark, Sweden, European Union, Italy, France, and Norway.

In April 2023, BADIL held a poster competition “under the slogan: “75 years of ongoing Nakba… 75 years of ongoing Resistance.” The competition called for submissions to “reflect the ongoing resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime.” The winning posters will be featured in an exhibition at the UN headquarters in Geneva and New York.
Donors have included Ireland, Spain, DanChurchAid (Denmark), Diakonia (Sweden), and Trocaire (Ireland).
US, UK are responsible for the Nakba - Abbas tells United Nations
There is no proof of Jewish ties to the area of Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday at the United Nations. He mentioned Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount and its adjacent Western Wall.

“They [Israel] dug under al-Aqsa… they dug everywhere, and they could not find anything,” Abbas said.

He spoke during a special session of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to mark the 75th anniversary of Nakba Day, Arabic for “Catastrophe Day,” the term Palestinians use to describe the 1948 war. The UN also planned to hold a second Nakba Day event on Monday evening.

Israel has in the past waged a stiff diplomatic battle against Palestinian attempts at the UN to disavow its connection to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif, the third-holiest site in Islam.

It also protested the UN General Assembly resolution approved last November to hold Nakba Day events for the first time at the organization’s headquarters in New York.

In his speech, Abbas emphasized that “the ownership of al-Buraq Wall [the Western Wall] and al-Haram al-Sharif [Temple Mount] belongs exclusively and only to the Islamic Wakf alone.” He cited a 1930 League of Nations report that he said affirmed this conclusion.

Abbas also repeated the claim, which Israel has denied, that Palestinians were not given freedom of worship on the Aqsa Mosque compound.

During his speech, Abbas said the US and the UK were responsible for the permanent displacement of what he said was close to a million Palestinians during the 1948 war.

These two countries “bear political and ethical responsibility directly for the Nakba of the Palestinian people because they took part in rendering our people a victim when they decided to establish and plant another entity [the Jewish people] in our historic homeland,” he said.

The US and the UK did this for “their own colonial goals and objectives,” Abbas said, adding that “Israel would not have continued its hostility and aggression without the support it receives from these two countries.”
  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Today there was a special "Nakba Day" event at the UN, with special guest liar Mahmoud Abbas!

Here is some of what he supposedly said, based on an Arabic Wafa article:

In his speech at the United Nations on the anniversary of the catastrophe, today, Monday, the president said that Britain and the United States in particular bear direct political and moral responsibility for the catastrophe of our people, as they are the ones who participated in making our people a victim when they decided to establish and plant another entity in our historical homeland, for special colonial goals. with them.
Interesting how he doesn't mention, say, the Soviet Union which voted for partition and recognized Israel. I wonder if it has anything to do with Abbas' KGB background...

He formally called on His Excellency to oblige Israel to respect Resolutions 181 of 1947 and 194, or to suspend its membership in the United Nations, especially since it did not fulfill the obligations to accept its membership in the UN organization.
The same Resolutions 181 (1947 partition resolution) and 194 (1949) that every Arab nation rejected? Let's get a time machine and undo our mistakes!

By the way, 194 says Jerusalem should be an international city. But Abbas wants it to be his capital! Does that mean he rejects it, too? Does that mean the "State of Palestine" should be suspended from the UN as well?

It is a lie that Israel's membership was conditional on accepting 194. 

His Excellency pointed out that Israel is making other false allegations to cover up its aggression and crimes, and claims that its wars against the Palestinians and Arabs were defensive wars, asking: How can committing massacres, destroying villages, and displacing half of the population of Palestine in 1948 be a defensive war?
Um, because the Arabs were attacking with the stated aim to destroy it?

His Excellency referred to another false narrative propagated by Israel and picked up by its supporters, without scrutiny or scrutiny, which is the claim that the Palestinians do not miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and that there is no Palestinian partner for peace, asking: What does it mean, then, for the Palestinian people to accept a state on only 22%  of their historical homeland, recognize Israel and prepare to live alongside it in security, peace and good neighbourliness?
And less than a decade later, starting a terrorism war killing a thousand Israelis with suicide bombs and bus bombs! It seems that this pledge for peace was, let's say, less than honest.

He stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation of our land and the imposition of the blockade on the Gaza Strip is the real reason for the continuation of the cycle of violence, and if the occupation is gone forever, there will be no justification for violence and wars.
There's no justification now. And there were wars and terror before 1967. Clearly the "occupation" is an excuse, not a valid reason, for violence, and it is the existence of Israel itself that Abbas is against - hence his insistence that Palestinians move to Israel and not to the areas under his own control. 

By coincidence, I found this today.

That is the real issue. Everything else is a smokescreen to make genocidal desires palatable to the West.

Apparently, Abbas ad-libbed a bit from this official account, and landed in hot water with other Palestinians. 

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  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree stating that it is a crime to deny the so-called "nakba."

The decree states that states that "the Nakba of Palestine is an integral part of the Palestinian national narrative based on historical right and international resolutions, and the denial of the Nakba is a crime punishable by law with imprisonment not exceeding two years, and the competent authorities will prosecute the perpetrators both inside and outside the country."

Among the things forbidden to say or write under the decree:

* Questioning some or all of the implications of the Nakba 

* Claiming that the Palestinian people left voluntarily and without coercion

* Denying the classification of the nakba crime as a crime against humanity

* Absolving Zionist groups of their responsibility for the crimes

* Denying the role of the British Mandate authority in facilitating the occurrence of the Palestinian Nakba.

It turns out that Mahmoud Abbas himself is guilty of "Nakba denial." In 2009, he gave an interview about the circumstances of how his family left Safed in 1948, and he admits that they left without any coercion:

 Fatah's cofounder reminisced at length about his Safed origins and haphazardly let the truth slip out. "Until the nakba", he recounted, his family "was well-off in Safed." When Abbas was 13, "we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work. 

"People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
This was the case with most Palestinians who left in 1947-48. 

This decree violates international law. It violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, among others. 

This law obviously violates the human rights of Palestinians, as it infringes on their freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. Palestinian researchers can no longer publish anything, or make a TikTok video,  that contradicts what this law says. 

And the chance that "human rights organizations" will denounce this law for explicitly violating the freedom of Palestinians is exactly zero.

We'll see if the media covers this at all. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Jonathan S. Tobin: Israel Immediately United in the Face of Palestinian Rocket Fire
As Israel was subjected to a barrage of over 1,000 rockets fired by Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Israelis pulled together, united behind their government, and carried on with normal life as much as possible. The resilience of Israelis in the face of challenges that might break other people is one of the most remarkable aspects of life in the Jewish state. This past week's events demonstrate that the vast majority of Israelis are able to rise above their differences and present a fairly united front against people trying to kill them.

The contrast between the Israeli and Palestinian casualties is depicted as the result of a disproportionate IDF response to the rockets. Yet what it really shows is the difference between the two sides' priorities. In Gaza there are plenty of bomb shelters (underneath the entire Strip lies a massive network of tunnels and fortified strongholds used for terrorist purposes), but they are used as weapon storage facilities for the people firing them. Israel has prioritized the defense of its people with both defense systems and mandatory bomb shelters.

Americans should be inspired by Israel's resolution in defending its people against those who seek their deaths, as well as by the ability of Israelis to temporarily put their differences aside in the face of deadly threats. This is a moment to recognize that the Israeli people's strength and determination represent the future of the Jewish people.
The Rocket Attacks from Gaza Brought Out the Best in Israelis
Even the leader of the opposition in the Knesset, Yair Lapid, offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu support for the government's actions against Islamic Jihad rocket fire from Gaza, and there was no question of reservists refusing to respond to a call-up. Perfect strangers offered home hospitality to residents of the Gaza envelope seeking refuge.

There were also the familiar touching pictures of newborn babies being moved from maternity wards to rocket-proof, subterranean units. No country should have to act as if this is normal.

The plight of the elderly struggling to reach safety with just a few seconds' warning of incoming rockets is less photogenic but no less serious. Sderot and the nearby communities must be among the few places in the world where wearing a seatbelt is at times forbidden - for safety reasons - when you have just seconds to seek shelter from an incoming rocket.

Don't forget who is the aggressor and who is the victim. If the Palestinian terror organizations were to cease their murderous campaigns, there would be peace.
IDF Showcased Improved Capabilities, Restored Deterrence
Hizbullah and Hamas have now witnessed how Israeli intelligence identifies and targets senior operatives, striking them one after another, even during combat, despite their attempts to remain hidden. All of this was accomplished while Israel maintained international and public legitimacy to continue its operation, as it demonstrated that it does everything possible to avoid harming uninvolved civilians. Strikes against non-combatants were carried out only when Israel determined that the targeted individuals posed an immediate danger to the well-being of hundreds of thousands of Israelis.

The Gaza Division's "Fire Canopy" system demonstrated impressive capabilities to target Islamic Jihad missile launchers and mortar teams. It represents a significant advancement since Israel's last operations.

Operation Shield and Arrow reassured us all that in times of national and personal security threats, we know how to unite and defend ourselves. Civilians on the home front demonstrated both self-discipline and high morale.
  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Saturday, there was an incident that is depressingly familiar:

A Palestinian man who allegedly attempted to stab Border Police officers at a checkpoint in the northern West Bank was shot dead on Saturday afternoon.

A Border Police spokesman said the suspect ran toward the checkpoint near the settlement of Shaked, known as “checkpoint 300,” while brandishing a knife.

“Border Police troops operating at the crossing fired at the terrorist and neutralized him,” the spokesman said.

The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry identified the man as 33-year-old Ahmed Muhammad Atatreh, and said he had died of his wounds.
"Lone wolf" stabbing and car ramming attempts that result in the death of the attackers happen about once a week; there have been at least 13 of them this year

But the perpetrators of these attacks have different demographics than the Palestinian terrorists killed in arrest raids. They are usually older, often with families of their own, and they are sometimes women.

These incidents happen often enough that the attackers know very well what is going to happen. The soldiers they attack will almost never be injured, and the attackers will probably end up dead.

It doesn't take much thinking to realize that these aren't terror attacks. They are suicides. 

If you are a troubled Palestinian, with emotional, relationship or money problems, traditional suicide is not an option. It is a major sin in Islam; Muslims who commit suicide are taught that they do not enter Paradise, and a suicide would bring shame on the rest of the family.

But martyrdom is the opposite: it is honorable, and brings honor as well as monetary compensation to the families. 

There are two guaranteed consequences of these attacks: the attackers will be honored as heroic martyrs, and their families will get a guaranteed income from the Palestinian Authority.

Suicidal Palestinians have an easy decision on how to kill themselves: one path towards shame and hellfire, and the other towards honor, Paradise, and guaranteed family income and security.

Although this is only a theory, it seems to be a compelling one. There are huge disincentives to traditional suicides and giant incentives to "suicide by IDF." The way to verify it would be if the media would investigate the personal lives of the would-be stabbers and car rammers to see what their family situations were like, what their personalities were, and to dig beyond the relatives claiming that they were angry at Israel to see of there were any other things going on in their lives. 

But, of course, no media bother to do that. Even though they have enormous resources at their disposal - look at how they reported on Shireen Abu Akleh's death - as far a I know, no mainstream media have ever investigated the circumstances of these attackers' lives.

And the reason for that is just as obvious: they have a narrative of Israeli evil, and they have no desire  to disprove what "everybody knows." Especially when doing so would bring the exact dishonor to the victims that they were trying to avoid. 

This is another example of media bias by omission. And the world only sees the simplistic lies of  desperate Palestinians driven to act by how terrible their lives are under "occupation." 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
As with every incident involving Gaza airstrikes, no matter how limited it was against civilian structures, Gaza's photographers are eager to stage photos with old women carefully placed in the midst of rubble.

Here, an old woman took a seat for a helpful photographer in the middle of rubble that could seriously injure her if she fell.

A woman sits amid the rubble Saturday of a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip.
Said Khatib / AFP via Getty Images

When Gaza photographers find a good old woman to be a model, everyone wants to pose her differently:

A Palestinian woman from the Abu Khatir family reacts next to their destroyed house after Israeli air strikes in Beit Hanun town in the northern Gaza Strip, 12 May 2023. EFE-EPA/MOHAMMED SABER

A woman gestures next to rubble, in the aftermath of deadly Israeli strikes, in the northern Gaza Strip May 12, 2023. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

A woman reacts near a damaged house following an airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, May 12, 2023. . (Photo by Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua)

One Gaza photographer that is excellent at finding women and children to pose for him is Mohammed Abed.

A woman sits among the rubble of her house at Nusseirat refugee camp in Gaza, on May 14, 2023. Mohammed Abed/AFP

Getty Images/Mohammed Abed

Children amid the rubble of a building hit by an Israeli airstrike in the center of the Gaza Strip on Saturday....Mohammed Abed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A child looks towards the sky (Beit Hanoun) Mohammed Abed at USA Today

A child watches from a window as people sift through the rubble of a building hit in an Israeli airstrike in Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, on Friday. Credit: MOHAMMED ABED - AFP

Abed just happened to be on the other side of this hole catching this person looking through it and up:

By an incredible coincidence, he caught an image  just like it in 2020:

Abed went to Islamic University of Gaza - which is run by Hamas. He knows his job is not to record history, but to create it.

And major media still pay for Gaza photographers to stage these photos.

I couldn't find a single wire service photograph of a sad Israeli sitting in the rubble of the building struck by a rocket in Rehovot. No, that only happens in Gaza.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Reuters reported Sunday:

Gaza militants fired a rocket at southern Israel on Sunday, a day after an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire ended five days of cross-border fighting, and Palestinian militant groups said the launch had been a “technical error.”
Ah, a "technical error." That explains everything!

Because usually they blame natural causes.

In January 2022, two rockets were fired from Gaza towards central Israel, terror groups blamed "the weather."

In November, 2020, two rockets were shot towards southern Israel, and Hamas blamed "lightning."

In October 2018, two other rockets were shot at Israel, one damaging a house in Beersheva with the other landing off the coast of Tel Aviv, and lightning was blamed then. The IDF seemed to accept that explanation. 

I'm just wondering if other devices just go off by themselves in Gaza regularly. Do their toasters mysteriously start themselves? Their motorbikes? Do taxis self-drive at night after a lightning storm?

Or is it more likely that some Islamic Jihad member on Sunday decided that shooting a lone rocket would mean "victory"?

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Sunday, May 14, 2023

  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Richard Kemp: Israel under Fire and The West's Pusillanimous Response
Neither Ukraine nor Israel has any territorial ambitions or aggressive intent against their attackers — both Ukraine and Israel are fighting purely defensive wars to protect their civilian populations.

There is another common factor. Islamic Jihad in Gaza is an Iranian proxy terrorist group, funded and directed from Tehran. Iran's hand is behind this conflict....

I do not recall any Western government or international body suggesting moral equivalence between the aggressor and the defender in the Ukraine war, but that is exactly what we have seen repeatedly in this and previous conflicts between Israel and Gaza with the UN Secretary General calling on "both sides" to exercise restraint.

Unlike the immediate condemnation of Russian violence, we have seen only silence in the US and Europe since Islamic Jihad's rockets began to fall on Israel. The best we have heard from the White House is that "Israel has the right to protect itself", a statement of the blindingly obvious. None of this is good enough when what is needed is the strongest support for Israel and the most blunt condemnation of Islamic Jihad, along the lines we see over the Ukraine war.

The usual media suspects, such as the BBC and CNN, both cheerleaders for Ukraine's defensive operations, have predictably been doing their best to slant their coverage against Israel.

As we can see from the Western approach to Ukraine as well as wars everywhere, no other country that is unlawfully attacked by a foreign power is portrayed as the aggressor or at best on a par with the attacker.... The IDF takes the greatest possible care to defend its civilians while avoiding unnecessary casualties among civilians on enemy territory, frequently aborting attacks when there is the risk of killing innocent people....

Gaza terrorist leaders, on the other hand, make sure their wives and children are nearby and ready to die whenever there is the risk of attack against them. They deliberately position their weapons stores, missile launch sites and fighters among the civilian population, including in schools, hospitals and occupied residential buildings. The IDF will frequently warn civilians to get out of the area when preparing an attack. Understanding how this undermines their policy of causing maximum casualties on their own civilians in order to achieve international condemnation of Israel, terrorists in Gaza have warned their citizens that anyone who complies will be punished.
David Collier: The Gaza Strip – always remember how we got here
These are the lessons Israel learnt – the hard way. This is why the Israeli peace camp imploded – as Israelis became aware that there is no Palestinian peace partner. It does not mean that there are not Palestinians who would make peace – but that the Islamic terrorists – those who want war – control the Palestinian street.

This means that every time Israel moved towards peace with the Palestinians – it paid a bloody price. It is worth remembering that in the 1990s there was enormous pressure to get Israel to give up the Golan. Given what happened in Syria we can only be thankful that the naivety of the Israeli ‘peace bloc’ did not leave ISIS just a few miles from Tiberias.

Egypt wanted peace – and got it. Jordan wanted peace – and got it. The Palestinian leadership has no interest in peace – it just wants Israel gone. This is why there is still conflict.

The truth is that everything we see in Gaza today is a result of Israel ‘playing nice’ and doing whatever it could to make peace. Every time Israel ceded ground, or did what the west was telling it to, the price was paid in Israeli blood.

If there was a radical Islamic enclave firing rockets and cities in the US, UK, France, or any other western nation – these nation’s forces would have obliterated the terrorists long ago – at whatever cost. In consistently showing self-restraint, Israel is – as always – going above and beyond what every other nation would do.

Never forget this when reading the distorted news reports that circulate during times of conflict.
Bassem Eid: Iran is Waging War on the Palestinian People
I have reason to understand how these foreign states manipulate the Palestinian people. When I was a child, our family was forcibly moved from our East Jerusalem home to the Shuafat refugee camp, not by Israel, but by Jordan. Today, Gaza has devolved into a base for terror groups that follow an Iranian, not a Palestinian, agenda. About a quarter of all PIJ rockets launched in this week’s fighting fell short and landed within Gaza; at least four Palestinian civilians, including children, were killed in Gaza on May 10 alone as a result of failed rocket launches. And yet day after day and night after night, the brutal rocket onslaught continues, rendering normal life impossible in many Israeli communities, necessitating a targeted defensive response from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Operation “Shield and Arrow,” that has brought daily life in the Strip to a screeching halt.

Strategically, the tragedy of the ongoing escalation represents a loss of opportunities, political and economic, for the Palestinian people. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip have much in common with Israel, the Middle East’s most remarkable economic success story that can’t be attributed to fossil fuels. The Palestinians have repeatedly been invited to join their neighbors in a zone of peace and prosperity, which the late Israeli statesman and peacemaker Shimon Peres called “the New Middle East.” Simultaneously, the Palestinian leadership at least three times (in 2000, 2001, and 2008) rejected comprehensive peace agreements with Israel that would have created an independent Palestinian state, solved the refugee problem, and ended the crisis. Instead, our leaders – the terrorist mastermind Yasser Arafat and the perpetual dictator Mahmoud Abbas, now serving the nineteenth year of his four-year term – have committed us to endless war.

What is happening in the Middle East right now is very simple. The theocratic regime of the Ayatollahs in Iran, not content with quashing women’s dignity and hanging youthful protesters at home, seeks to impose its apocalyptic medieval vision upon the whole region. Just as the terrorist factions that claim Palestinian leadership were used as enthusiastic pawns in the fascist-style wars of aggrandizement waged by the pan-Arab regime of Gamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt and the Ba’ath totalitarianism of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, PIJ and Hamas are now attempting to pull the Palestinian people into Iran’s bloodthirsty schemes. I have a better idea. Let’s give our families and our children peace and prosperity, not projectiles and pain. Let’s have an agreement and understanding with Israel, instead of endless fighting and religious tyranny under Iran.

By Daled Amos

The UN really put its foot down this time!

On May 10, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres issued a statement condemning "the latest security developments in Gaza" -- not "the attack by terrorists," and not "the conflict." Just "the latest security developments in Gaza." 

He began, naturally, by condemning Israel:

The Secretary-General condemns the civilian loss of life, including that of children and women, which he views as unacceptable and must stop immediately. Israel must abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the proportional use of force and taking all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of military operations.

The implication is that Israel is not being careful, and that if Israel really was being careful, no civilians would be injured at all -- conveniently side-stepping the issue of terrorists using human shields, a detail which Guterres does not mention at all.

He then addresses the terrorists afterwards, as if they are merely retaliating:
The Secretary-General also condemns the indiscriminate launching of rockets from Gaza into Israel, which violates international humanitarian law and puts at risk both Palestinian and : Israeli civilians.
It's nice of him to mention that the terrorists are firing rockets randomly into Israel, but Guterres does not condemn PIJ by name at all. Apparently, he is holding the rockets themselves responsible -- "the indiscriminate launching of rockets."

Of course, this is not unusual at this point. We are used to the media reporting on terrorist attacks by guns without shooters and cars without drivers. Rockets launching themselves is an obvious next step.

It is at this point that Guterres politely asks the terrorists to please get a grip:
The Secretary-General urges all parties concerned to exercise maximum restraint and to work to stop hostilities immediately. [emphasis added]

On the heels of asking that the rockets not be fired indiscriminately, Guterres now asks that the terrorists who are launching the rockets show restraint? Is he trying to appeal to their better nature?

Finally, he addresses the legal experts among PIJ:

He reiterates his commitment to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of relevant United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements.
Right. Because international law and UN resolutions are the bread and butter of terrorist organizations. And just what bilateral agreements have the PIJ signed on to?

...We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint, promote calm and work towards a political horizon and regional stability in line with the commitments in the Aqaba and Sharm el Sheikh declarations. [emphasis added]
Again, a terrorist group that wants to destroy Israel and has no qualms about killing unarmed civilians, is being urged to exercise restraint. These same terrorists are also being asked to work towards "regional stability." Does the EU seriously think that stability is a goal that the PIJ -- again, not mentioned by name -- has utmost in their minds?

This is the same mentality that wants to claim that terrorists are really freedom fighters -- as if history was full of groups that fought for freedom for their people by targeting innocent, unarmed civilians.

Why can't the UN and EU bring themselves to at least refer to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad by name? And why do they make believe that the terrorists are a moderate, democratic that will listen to reason -- if only they are reminded of the legal ramifications of their actions?

Have things sunk so low that they are afraid of implying any sort of support for Israel?
Or has the pro-Palestinian propaganda been so successful that Palestinian terrorists can now kill Jews with impunity because no one dare criticize them?

The UN and EU go out of their way to avoid identifying the Palestinian terrorists behind the violations of international law. This is just a more circumspect way of covering up for the Palestinian Arabs than Francesca Albanese's strategy to claim that Palestinian terrorist attacks are just their exercise of self-defense.

Can you imagine what it would be like if either the UN or EU could just issue an unambiguous statement like what Austria tweeted?

Nah, me neither.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad media is reporting that this morning, Gazans are waking up to the "euphoria of victory" even though they admit they suffered "painful losses" as many of their leaders were "martyred."

Let's look at their "victory."

Over 1,200 rockets were fired by Islamic Jihad and its allied terror groups. Those rockets killed six civilians.

Five of them were Gazan, including three children.

Layan Belal Mohammed Modawikh, 8
Killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket on  5-story house on al-Sahaba Street in Gaza City

Yazan Jawdat ‘Eliyan, 16 or 17
Killed in same incident

Rami Shadi Mousa Hamdan, 16
Killed by Islamic Jihad rocket on his house in Beit Hanoun, Gaza

Ahmed Mohammed al-Shebaki, 50
Killed by Islamic Jihad rocket in Qleibo area in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza

Abdullah Abu Jaba, 34
Gazan killed when a PIJ rocket hit a building near Shokeda, Israel, where he was working

Inga Abramian, 80
The only Israeli victim of PIJ rocket fire, Rehovot

This the the "victory" that they say Gazans were celebrating this morning - killing five of their own civilians and one elderly Israeli woman. As far as I can tell, they did not damage a single military asset. 

Palestinian "human rights groups" know very well that the four Palestinians killed in Gaza were victims  of  Palestinian rockets. PCHR admits this explicitly, saying "PCHR’s preliminary investigations indicate casualties fell after homemade rockets had fallen in three incidents" which were the three incidents listed here; Al Mezan says they were killed by "projectiles" which is their euphemism for Gaza rockets that fell short. 

Even though these deaths are documented by Palestinians themselves, I have yet to see a single "human rights group" condemn Islamic Jihad for killing four civilians in Gaza and two in Israel. 

Every single civilian killed this past week was either killed by Palestinian rocket fire or were involuntarily acting as  human shields for Palestinian militants who were legitimate targets under international law. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Saturday, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights issued a press release claiming that a statement by Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) was part of a "smear campaign" against them.

Yet in that very statement, PCHR published this bullet point:

PCHR affirms the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all available means, including armed struggle, all the way to achieve their legitimate rights, end the occupation, and establish their independent state.
"All available means, including armed struggle" means that this "human rights" organization officially supports terror attacks against civilians. There is no caveat there.

Indeed, PCHR has never, to my knowledge, said a word against Palestinian terror attacks or rocket salvos towards civilian areas. 

Yet this terror -supporting "human rights" organization is still respected by the international community. 

It is becoming more and more apparent that killing Jews and "human rights" are not considered incompatible by an  increasing umber of people and organizations that style themselves as supporting "social justice." 

In a sane world, this statement would result in an immediate outcry and end to international funding of PCHR, which are listed on their website:

1 Al Maqdese for Society Development
2 Al-Quds Association Malaga-Spain
3 Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF)
4 Bertha Foundation
5 Christian Aid
6 Dan Church Aid
7 European Commission through Oxfam
8 Foundation to Promote Open Society
9 Grassroots International
10 Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat
11 Iris O’Brien Foundation
12 Irish Aid
13 Kvinna Till Kvinna Foundation (KTK)
14 KZE through MISEREOR
15 NGO Development Center (NDC)
16 Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
17 Oxfam Novib
18 Representative Office of Finland
19 Representative Office of Norway
20 San Sabastian
21 San Sabastian council
22 Spanish Cooperation
23 Terre des hommes foundation (TDH)
24 Trocaire

Email these organizations and ask them if they are aware that they are funding a pro-terror organization. They might not have been impressed with the news that PCHR is strongly linked to the PFLP terror group, but when the organization says it supports terror explicitly, that is a little harder to ignore.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Saturday, May 13, 2023

From Ian:

Sweden wins 2023 Eurovision, while Israel’s Noa Kirel finishes in 3rd place
Sweden won the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool early Sunday morning, with Israel’s Noa Kirel finishing in third place.

The win for Sweden’s Loreen, with her power ballad “Tattoo,” marked the Scandinavian country’s seventh-total win at the competition, tying it for most overall victories with Ireland. It was also the second Eurovision win for Loreen, who took home the top prize at the 2012 contest with “Euphoria” — becoming only the second artist to ever win twice. Finland took second place, and Italy fourth.

Kirel, 22, finished with 362 points overall — 177 from the juries and 185 from the televote. Israel received top marks from the juries of Italy, Azerbaijan, France, Armenia and Poland, and finished the jury vote in second place overall. Among just the audience vote, Israel finished in fifth overall. The third place finish for Israel is the best showing for the country since Netta Barzilai won the competition in 2018 with “Toy.”

After completing her powerhouse performance on Saturday night, Kirel broke down in tears just before exiting the stage.

“Wow, I don’t have the words to explain how exciting it was to represent my country when millions of eyes around the world are watching every movement and note,” Kirel said in a statement shared by the Kan public broadcaster following her performance.

After the final results were announced, Kirel said she was “so proud to complete this incredible journey in the top 3!” adding that she was thankful “for the privilege to hold the flag of Israel on the biggest musical stage in the world.”
The Holocaust is not why they fought, say 1948 veterans of Israel’s War of Independence
Many see the creation of the modern-day State of Israel as part of a historical narrative, in which Israeli independence was a reaction to the Holocaust. “The catastrophe which recently befell the Jewish people—the massacre of millions of Jews in Europe—was another clear demonstration of the urgency of solving the problem of its homelessness by re-establishing in Eretz-Israel the Jewish State,” the provisional government of Israel declared on May 14, 1948.

But when JNS interviewed nearly 30 veterans of the 1948 War of Independence in Israel from October 2022 to January 2023, all of the octogenarians, nonagenarians and centenarians said that 3,000 years of Jewish history—and not the Shoah—drove them to help reclaim the Jewish historic homeland.

JNS found the interviewees by visiting nursing homes, kibbutzim and other sites in Israel and abroad, often asking to speak with the oldest people present. The roughly 30 who agreed to talk about their experiences spoke with JNS—the majority in English with some Yiddish—for more than 60 hours collectively.

The veterans spanned Israeli-born sabras who were active in the Jewish militias Irgun, Lehi and the Haganah, as well as foreign fighters who came to assist what would become the Israel Defense Forces in Machal units. Both sabras and foreign volunteers knew a great deal about the Holocaust, and many had lost relatives and friends. They met survivors who recounted their experiences. But invariably, the veterans told JNS that they were motivated in their service by a long cultural and historical memory rather than World War II itself.

Ahead of Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israel’s Independence Day, which begins on the evening of April 25 and continues through the following day—JNS shares a few of those stories.

Haganah messenger
JNS spent some eight hours at kibbutz Gan Shmuel with Itzik Mizrachi, 90, who shared his story, gave a tour of the kibbutz where he lives and invited JNS to lunch at its dining hall. The Jerusalem-born Mizrachi said he was a messenger in Haganah’s youth wing, Gadna.

During the outbreak of the war in May 1948, Itzik and his family were in the Mount Scopus area, and Arabs blocked them from taking roads to other safe areas. A mob mobilized to try to kill them, he said, but the patriarch of an Arab family, Abu Mustafa, who shared their home stood guard at the door and told the mob it would have to kill him first.

Soon thereafter, Haganah members came in an armored truck and told the family it had half an hour to gather its things and come to safety.

Mizrachi, who remains in good health, and walks and drives on his own, told JNS that he is the seventh generation in his family to live in Israel, after his ancestors, Sephardic Jews, left Spain during the expulsion.

As a Haganah message runner, he studied KAPAP—an acronym for krav panim el panim, or close-quarter fighting—which Haganah used to disguise its weapons training. Mizrachi later studied with Imi Lichtenfeld, founder of krav maga, and his son Rhon Mizrachi is now one of the recognized experts in that area.

Mizrachi told JNS that the Holocaust was only one chapter in Jewish history. “Why would we allow that moment alone to define us as Jews?” he said. “Long before the Holocaust, we said, ‘Next year in Jerusalem’ every year during the Passover seder.”

The Holocaust was a motivator, but not the main one. “For generations, we yearned for our independence. There were many pogroms, massacres and expulsions in our history. We never let any of these define us either,” he said.
The Guardian Plays Public Relations for an Antisemitic UN Official
Some lies are clever. Then there are The Guardian’s lies.

Take a May 12, 2023 article by Patrick Wintour titled “Israel treats Palestinian territories like colonies, says UN rapporteur.” That rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, has a lengthy rap sheet of extreme bias and overt antisemitism that should raise alarm bells for any credible journalist. But rather than contextualize and challenge this UN rapporteur’s remarks, Wintour’s 600-word article simply quotes her at length, including demonstrable, but unchallenged, falsehoods. What is particularly disturbing is that these lies and misleading characterizations, some of which are Wintour’s own, are so easily disproven with minimal investigation.

Wintour begins by downplaying the controversy Albanese’s rank antisemitism and bias have caused, depicting it as just “Israeli government ministers” and “Zionist groups” who hold such beliefs. Notably, the author didn’t think to provide any examples of Albanese’s remarks that have prompted charges of antisemitism. For example, when she claimed the “Jewish lobby” has “subjugated” the United States, while a “sense of guilt” has “subjugated” Europe to the same “Jewish lobby.”

Who else has charged Albanese with antisemitism and bias? The U.S. Ambassador to the Human Rights Council, the U.S. Special Envoy on Antisemitism, members of the U.S. House of Representatives and European Parliament, and a U.S. Public Delegate to the General Assembly, to name a few. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called Albanese’s “public stances completely unacceptable.” More recently, Italian Senator Giulio Terzi, a former Italian Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the UN, called on the Italian government (Albanese is Italian herself) to take action over Albanese’s antisemitism and bias.

Wintour leaves unchallenged Albanese’s denial that she has equated the “Nakba” with the Holocaust. Here she is on video doing exactly that, even beginning by acknowledging the problematic nature of what she goes on to say anyway. A glance at her Facebook profile (before she hid her account after a Times of Israel report exposed her antisemitic remarks) revealed she has a fondness for comparing Jews to Nazis.


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