Monday, January 30, 2023

In late 2021, when Israel declared Al Haq and several other Palestinian NGOs to be illegal, the reaction from "human rights" groups was immediate and fierce. Amnesty and Human Rights Watch called the move "a brazen attack on human rights" and referred to their members as "human rights defenders." The New York Times called them "human rights groups," as did AP.   The UN issued a statement from 17 "experts" calling it "a frontal attack on the Palestinian human rights movement, and on human rights everywhere."

As usual, Israel is right and the "experts" are wrong.

Meet Isam Abdeen, "human rights defender." Although it is unclear whether he stills works there, he was the head of the Local and Regional Advocacy Department at Al Haq when Israel labeled it a terror group and his papers are still on its site. As of last summer he was described as a legal advisor for the Al Haq Foundation.

Abdeen, considered one of the more prominent Palestinian human rights activists, fully defended the murder of seven Jews outside the synagogue in Neve Yaacov on Friday night.

His immediate reaction on his Facebook page was to say, "The shooting by the son of the capital alone in occupied Jerusalem is legitimate in international law, and no justification is needed."

Abdeen expanded on that in a full article where he wrote, "What happened in the occupied Jerusalem, that a holy young man of the capital, alone, committed a resistance act on Palestinian land (occupied Jerusalem) the land of his parents and ancestors, a legitimate act under international humanitarian law, human rights law and dozens of United Nations resolutions that all pour into the pot of the original right of peoples in destiny determination; And he is a legal argument on the world."

Murdering civilians is illegal under international law under all circumstances. The entire Fourth Geneva Convention is meant to protect civilians in a time of war. In 2004, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan directly dismissed the argument of terrorists and their supporters: "There is nothing in the fact of occupation that justifies the targeting and killing of civilians."

This Al Haq "human rights defender" is directly supporting, advocating and praising murdering Jews.

And this supporter of murdering Jews also trains other human rights professionals! 

There cannot be a more grotesque perversion of human rights than having a "human rights lawyer" train others that murdering humans is not only allowed but praiseworthy. 

And this is who  Amnesty and Human Rights Watch and the UN support.

Al Haq is funded by the European Union, Norway, Ireland, Italy, France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Spain.. It has never condemned any terror attack against Jews, to my knowledge. it has ties to the PFLP terror group which recruits and brainwashes child soldiers - another human rights violation the group has never condemned. 

And now one of its prominent members directly praises the murder of innocent civilians.

The only way this can be considered a human rights organization is if it considers Jews to be subhuman. 

Exposing this hypocrisy is the single most important thing that can be done to combat terror. In this sense, the media has failed in its most basic responsibility. 

(h/t NGO Monitor)

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Former HRW head Ken Roth and other haters of Israel like to claim that antisemitic attacks by Muslims to Jews are often a response to Israel's actions, and therefore Israeli actions is partially responsible for those antisemitic attacks.

There is a tiny grain of truth there, but the modern antisemites are looking at the issue from the wrong angle.

We need to have a short overview of Islamic attitudes towards Jews.

Many apologists claim that Jews thrived under Muslim rule, and insist that Jews had a "golden age" in Spain under Islam. They purposefully airbrush two major but critical features of Jewish life in Muslim countries.

The first thing they ignore is that, while Jews under Islam did not suffer nearly as much as they did under Christendom, there were still some periods of serious persecution. Jewish Virtual Library summarizes some of the worst cases:
On December 30, 1066, Joseph HaNagid, the Jewish vizier of Granada, Spain, was crucified by an Arab mob that proceeded to raze the Jewish quarter of the city and slaughter its 5,000 inhabitants. The riot was incited by Muslim preachers who had angrily objected to what they saw as inordinate Jewish political power.

Similarly, in 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in an offensive manner. The killings
touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.

Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300 hundred Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.

Decrees ordering the destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293-4, 1301-2), Iraq (854-859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). Despite the Koran's prohibition, Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165 and 1678), Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790-92) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344).

Even so, these persecutions and pogroms did not approach the horror of those under Christian rule, for two reasons: Islam did not have the same antipathy towards Judaism as a religion as Christianity did, and Muslim leaders would allow Jews who were forced to convert to convert back in later generations. At the same time, most Jewish rabbinical leaders in Muslim lands said that conversion to Islam was not considered idol worship and did not require martyrdom; Jews could accept the Muslim declaration of faith without violating Torah law and remain secret Jews much easier than the crypto-Jews of Spain and Portugal.  

The second thing that the apologists ignore is the pervasive issue of dhimmitude. Jews were legally defined as second class citizens, and usually had to submit to humiliating rules and the jizya tax, in exchange for state protection. By any yardstick, this was official persecution of a minority - apartheid, if you will - limiting how Jews could act, dress, pray, work, travel and interact with Muslims. 

 Given that Jews didn't have any better options, they generally accepted this tradeoff, because most Christian countries were worse. Muslims were of course quite comfortable with this class system with Muslims on top, dhimmis in the middle and infidels on the bottom, not to be tolerated at all. 

For the better part of a millenium this was the situation of Jews in the Muslim world - second class citizenship that was accepted, punctuated with occasional cases of major persecutions. 

This was the status quo. 

And Zionism has upset that status quo.

Zionism is the philosophy that Jews deserve to be treated exactly like other peoples. It is compatible with modernity - and utterly incompatible with the Muslim view of Jews since the 8th century. 

Today's Muslims don't attack Jews because Jews are mistreating Muslims and Arabs. They know that Muslims are treated far worse in other Muslim countries. They attack Jews because they cannot stomach a world where Jews assert their rights, and they want to put the Jews back in their proper place. They do not want Jews to challenge their worldview. They want to turn back the clock to the good old days where they could strike Jews for riding a donkey. 

That's why they claim to want a binational state - but only one where they are the majority. It would be a step towards re-asserting their control over Jews and placing Jews back to dhimmitude. Anything less is an insult to their pride and honor. 

How better to assert your superiority than to attack Jewish institutions and Jewish people? How better to revert to a situation of Jews fearing to upset their Muslim overlords than to instill fear through terror today?

So in a narrow sense, Israeli actions do prompt Muslim antisemitic attacks - because Israeli actions are showing the world that Jews will not be pushed around anymore, no longer depending on gentiles for their safety. Jews are ready to pro-actively stop terror attacks on their own terms, not weakly surrender to the whims of the current ruler. 

So, yes, some attacks by Muslims against Jews are indeed a reaction to Israel's actions - but they are not tit for tat, nor a cycle of violence. They are an attempt to take Jews back down a few notches to what Muslims consider their proper place. 

This is only part of the story. Antisemitism goes much deeper that that. It is a remarkably adaptive hate, and this is only one component of the Palestinian version. Palestinian Christians maintain the supersessionist ideas of the Church; Palestinian socialists frame the conflict as a class issue where Jews are the oppressive class, Islamists like Hamas believe that killing Jews is a necessary step to salvation in end times. Amazingly, all these conflicting philosophies of antisemitism co-exist beautifully because antisemitism itself is, I believe, an independent mindset that can find an infinite set of excuses to justify hate, and it is the only belief system that Palestinians have in common with each other. (And this is also why today's "progressives," who should oppose dhimmitude and support Zionism as a Jewish minority rights movement, instead find other excuses to oppose Jewish assertions of self-determination.)

But within the historical Muslim frame of reference, modern antisemitism is a desire to put the Jews back in their place. And every time Israel asserts Jewish rights, mainstream Muslims get angry enough at this humiliation to want to kill Jews and terrorize them to submit, as they did in what they consider the good old days.

Obviously, a crazed psychological linkage between Jews acting assertively in their defense and Muslima attacking Jews is not the Jews' fault. Only bigots think Muslims cannot control their emotions, that they cannot accept a multicultural world where all peoples have rights, and that they are not responsible for their actions. And only antisemites would blame Jews for antisemitic attacks.

But the linkage is there. 

And if we are going to fight a war against all the kinds of antisemitism that are out there, we need to understand the different and often contradictory motivations that make hating Jews so appealing to so many. 

(Some information from Professor Mark R. Cohen)

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

From Ian:

Ruthie Blum: Terror in Jerusalem, PLO flags in Tel Aviv
Neither the terrorist slaughter of seven Jewish worshipers and the wounding of three others in Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov neighborhood, nor the near-fatal shooting the following morning of a father and son at the entrance to the City of David National Park in the Israeli capital, prevented the anti-government protests from proceeding as scheduled.

Lest they lose an inch of their self-claimed moral high ground, however, those who came out in disputed numbers for the fourth Saturday night in a row—ostensibly to decry Justice Minister Yariv Levin’s plans to overhaul the judiciary—kicked off their demonstrations with a moment of silence for the victims.

Given the personal and national tragedy of the previous 24 hours, the gesture was warranted. Still, nixing the rallies would have been far more appropriate under the circumstances.

Organizers reportedly considered this option, but decided against it. That the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee was set on Sunday to step up discussions on judicial-reform legislation tipped the scales in favor of virtue signaling in town squares.

As if that weren’t bad enough, the business-as-usual spectacle that followed the 60-second acknowledgement of the occasion was abhorrent. Participants prancing around bemoaning a concocted danger—the so-called “death of Israeli democracy” at the hands of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition—made a mockery of the actual mass murder of innocents.

These were 14-year-old Asher Natan, married couple 48-year-old Eli and 45-year-old Natalie Mizrahi, who were gunned down while attempting to administer aid to the wounded; Raphael Ben-Eliyahu, 56; Shaul Hai, 68; 26-year-old Ilya Sosansky; and Ukrainian national Irina Korolova.

The disrespect shown to the shattered families of the slain and injured didn’t end there; among the sentiments voiced at the intersectional happenings was empathy for Palestinian terrorists.

Channel 14 correspondent Moti Kastel asked a group of “judicial reform” opponents in Tel Aviv whether they weren’t “ashamed” to be waving PLO flags, particularly on such an evening, in the immediate aftermath of the murder of Jews.

“Not at all,” one answered. “I’m proud of it. We [Israelis] murder in return.”

Another replied by pointing to the “murder” of nine Palestinians in Jenin. It was an interesting way to describe the elimination on Thursday of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists plotting a major, imminent attack on Israelis.
David Collier: No! The Jews were not ‘living happily’ in Arab lands
According to the anti-Israel narrative, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together – until of course the ‘Zionists’ arrived to spoil the ‘beautiful’ relationship.

This is one of the most offensive rewrites of history. It may be true that the Jews had a worse time in Europe – a deflective phrase I have even heard academics use – but let’s face it, is the industrial slaughter of 6 million Jews really the bar we want to measure things by?

The reality is that Jews in Islamic lands knew their place. Jews in Islamic lands were often third class citizens, with special taxes to pay, and a myriad of degrading rules to live by. Even looking a Muslim in the eye could result in death. This from Algiers (current Jewish population = zero) in the 19th century:

Sometimes, specific periods of acceptance or calm in nations such as Morocco are held up as examples – but this too is deceptive. Whilst a few Jewish families may have been given privileges now and again – the majority still lived in perpetual fear, and at the mercy of the Muslim majority population that surrounded them. Jews could be brutally attacked – but dared not complain.

Whilst doing research I have stumbled on numerous newspaper reports laying out the horror of the treatment of Jews in Islamic lands. All of them long before Israel’s war of Independence in 1948. I intend to create country-specific pages on the website to let others use them as a reference – part of a wider plan to greatly bolster the historical evidence available on this site. A depository of truth to help do battle with the revisionists. For now, I will just give an example or two from each country.

This is what it was really like for Jews living under Muslim rule:
Seth Frantzman: The ‘cycle of violence’ dehumanizing cliches after Jerusalem massacre
It’s not a cycle, it’s a one way conflict in which the Iran-backed PIJ stockpiles illegal weapons and threatens Israel from places like Jenin. PIJ is an illegal armed terror group. There’s no cycle, it’s Israelis trying to pre-empt the group from expanding and carrying out attacks.

On the other hand the attack in Jerusalem, apparently carried out by one perpetrator who targeted Jewish civilians, is not a cycle. It’s two different incidents, one in Jenin and one in Jerusalem. Is there evidence that PIJ is involved in both? Not according to reports. Just because long wolf terrorists are angered by other incidents doesn’t turn their actions into a cycle.

The reason the “cycle” cliché is problematic is also because it is trotted out almost every day without introspection. The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process condemned a “cycle of violence” on January 26 and back on January 18 France’s mission to the UN also said the “cycle of violence” should end. January 18 was even before the Jenin raid and the Jerusalem attack.

These kinds of statements are banal and they are becoming so common that it reads like one of those articles written by artificial intelligence, where you just plug in the new parameters and the statement comes out the other end.

Victims deserve better. Not every Palestinian and Israeli is a victim of a “cycle.” There are individual actions behind these tragedies. This is not a script for a play, but human lives cut short. The “occupation” or “Israeli control” is not an excuse for attacks or a mitigating reason or them. Perpetrators who purposely target civilians are not fighters targeting an “occupying force,” they are committing a murderous crimes.

It's possible for commentators to write about the Jenin clashes and also about the attack in Jerusalem and see each as its own incident, and each civilian death as a tragedy. When commentators try to churn this into one process it not only wreaks of “all lives matter” excuses but also is not helpful either for peace or for humanizing the victims on both sides.

When Israeli forces entered Jenin and eliminated a major terror threat, with only one innocent person killed among nine terrorists, Amnesty International issued a press release filled with false Palestinian accusations and not even reporting Israel's version of the events, culminating in accusing Israel of "apartheid."

When a Palestinian slaughtered seven Jewish civilians outside a synagogue, Amnesty seized the opportunity to...again accuse Israel of "apartheid."

There was no press release - Amnesty hasn't issued a press release about any mass murder of Jews in years - but they did send out this short Twitter thread:

We @amnesty  are horrified by last night's deadly attack on Israeli civilians in Neve Yaakov, a settlement in the occupied #WestBank, in which 7 people were killed and 3 wounded. Deliberately attacking civilians shows contempt for humanity & can never be justified.
It doesn't condemn the murderer, or the Palestinian leaders for making terrorists into heroes, or the hundreds of Palestinians who celebrated the massacre.

But then Amnesty kept tweeting, proving that this wasn't a condemnation - but an excuse to libel Israel:
We are also extremely concerned about retaliatory measures against Palestinians. 30+ Palestinians have already been killed by Israeli forces in 2023, and last night there were further attacks and sweeping arrests.

Incitement to attacks against civilians is pouring fuel on the fire that burns everyone. To protect civilians there must be meaningful accountability – including for the crime of apartheid. Impunity will lead to further bloodshed. @IntlCrimCourt
It is almost like Amnesty is happy when attacks like this happen, because they can issue a pro-forma "condemnation" that doesn't condemn anyone and then pivot to the real issue they want their followers to understand. 

That everything is ultimately Israel's fault.

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The Jordanian Foreign Ministry issued a statement that condemned the attack at the Jerusalem synagogue in the middle of a "both-sides" warning against escalation:

Amman, January 28 - Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs stressed the need to take urgent and effective steps to stop the dangerous and condemnable state of escalation, which has claimed the lives of Palestinian and Israeli civilians, and threatens to erupt into cycles of violence for which everyone will pay the price..

Today, the official spokesman for the ministry, Ambassador Sinan Majali, said that Jordan condemns the attack that targeted civilians in a synagogue in East Jerusalem, as well as all acts of violence targeting civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories..

He added that Jordan condemns violence against civilians in all its forms and stresses the need to respect the sanctity of places of worship.

Majali stressed the need for immediate action to prevent the escalating cycle of violence from worsening, to intensify efforts to restore calm, and to stop all unilateral and provocative measures that push for further escalation and tension..

Majali stressed the need to stop the dangerous deterioration that perpetuates despair and fuels extremism by joining efforts to restore confidence in the feasibility of the peace process by resuming serious and effective negotiations to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution so that everyone can enjoy security and peace.
When it was posted on Twitter, it was strongly condemned - and in fact, the tweet was "ratioed," a rare tweet where there were more comments against it than "Likes." Typical was this comment, "30 martyrs since the beginning of the year, we haven't heard anything from you, and when 10 pigs [Jews] died, it became necessary to calm things down..." Many pointed out that this may be the official government statement but most Jordanians support murdering Jews. 

In Amman, Jordan, sweets were handed out in celebration of the attacks.

The Egyptian condemnation of the attack was stronger than Jordan's:

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday morning, January 28, 2023, the Arab Republic of Egypt expressed its total rejection and strong condemnation of the attack that took place in East Jerusalem on Friday, January 27, which resulted in the death of 7 people and a number of injuries, stressing its condemnation of all operations targeting civilians.

Egypt warned of the severe risks of the ongoing escalation between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, calling for the exercise of the utmost restraint, and an end to aggression and provocative measures in order to avoid falling into a vicious circle of violence that worsens the political and humanitarian situations and undermines de-escalation efforts and all chances of reviving the peace process.
Moreover, Egypt offered its sincere condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured.

This drew hundreds of angry reactions on Facebook and expressions of joy at the Jerusalem massacre.

Similarly, an Egyptian businessman with nearly 8 million followers, Naguib Sawiris, tweeted that both the Israelis in Jenin and the murderer in Jerusalem were terrorists. Thousands of Egyptians denounced his statement. 

Interestingly, Saudi Arabia issued a "both-sides" statement that included a general condemnation of targeting civilians without saying anything about the Jerusalem attack. It did not get nearly the amount of angry responses as Egypt or Jordan did. 

Incidentally, both Turkey and the UAE described the Jerusalem attack as "terrorist," angering Hamas

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This video from Hamas' Al Resalah shows celebrations interspersed with scenes of the terror attack on Jerusalem on Friday night. 

This video is enough to prove that there is no moral equivalence between the sides. Not even close. 

It is worth reminding people that surveys done after major terror attacks show that Palestinians overwhelmingly support specific terror attacks on Jewish civilians. And the more "Jewish" they are, the more they support their deaths.

In 2008, 83.5% of Palestinians approved of the massacre of eight yeshiva boys at Mercaz Harav. In 2014, 80% said they support recent attacks including the massacre of four rabbis in a Har Nof synagogue.

There is no reason to think that the number supporting this latest attack on Jews outside a synagogue have any less support than those other attacks. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Saturday, January 28, 2023

From Ian:

1st Jerusalem terror attack victims named as couple who ran to help those shot
Two of the seven people shot and killed in a terror shooting attack in Jerusalem’s Neve Ya’akov neighborhood were named Saturday as couple Eli and Natali Mizrahi.

Eli’s father, Shimon, said the pair had gone outside to try and help those who had been shot, and were killed by the terrorist at point-blank range.

Eli, 48, and 45-year-old Natali had been married for just two years.

“We were in the middle of our meal, and there were several shots and my son jumped up. We yelled at him, ‘Don’t go anywhere,'” Shimon said.

“It seems that he was speaking with the terrorist, who pulled out a gun and killed him. [Eli] and his wife were murdered,” Shimon said. ‘[The terrorist] was standing next to his car and he shot them. He got into the car and fled.” Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Newsletter email address

The other five victims killed when the terrorist opened fire on Friday evening were not immediately named.

At least three others were wounded — Hadassah’s Mount Scopus Hospital said Saturday morning that a 15-year-old boy injured in the attack was now fully conscious and his condition defined as moderate.

However, a 24-year-old remained sedated on a ventilator. His condition was serious but stable. In addition, a 60-year-woman was also in moderate condition.

Police said Saturday that 42 people were arrested in connection with the attack, many of them relatives or acquaintances of the terrorist, Alqam Khayri, 21, a resident of East Jerusalem with no prior terror-related offenses.

Palestinian media said the gunman’s father was among those summoned by police for questioning.
Additional victims of Jerusalem terror shooting ID’d as 14-year-old boy, father of 3
Additional victims killed in the terror shooting in Jerusalem’s Neve Ya’akov neighborhood on Friday night were named Saturday evening.

The attack left seven people dead, two of whom were identified earlier in the day. The shooting was followed by another terror attack Saturday

The third victim was named as Rafael Ben Eliyahu, 56.

Ben Eliyahu, a resident of the area, was survived by his wife and three children. He worked for the state-owned Israel Post.

The fourth victim of the shooting attack was identified as 14-year-old Asher Natan. There was no immediate further information about him.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said another of the victims was a Ukrainian citizen, who he did not name. According to Hebrew media reports, the woman worked as a caretaker.

The other two victims have not yet been publicly identified.

Friday, January 27, 2023

On the Facebook page of Jerusalem terrorist Alqam Khairi, there is a photo of a gun that resembles the one he used to murder 7 Jews outside a synagogue tonight.

The text accompanying the photo is a poem, which clearly doesn't translate well with Google tools, but it appears to be showing anger at an absent father who doesn't notice that his son is turning more and more violent in an effort to gain attention:

You are not a father..
When your son makes all the car windows black and you don't ask why? You are not a father.
When your son starts to bully and run wild and talk only about power and you don't ask why? It means you are not a father.
When your son starts wearing a black cap and puts a knife and stick in the car, and you don't notice. Excuse me, you are not a father.
When your son comes back in the middle of the night and can't explain to you exactly where he is (if you asked him at all), you can't be a father.
When your son puts a picture of an individual on his Facebook, and is pictured with a weapon, and maybe a weapon is tattooed on his body, you are not a father at all.
And when your son comes back wrapped in a bag and they want to attend the funeral.. For God's sake, don't cry because you weren't a father at your age.
Allow me to tell you that we are a cheap people. Can our enemy buy us money to kill my countrymen and my cousin? The story is clear. There is no outside hand hiding help from sick souls.

Indeed, his Facebook shows someone, maybe him, with this tattoo:

He also has a photo of a terrorist from several years back, who may be the cousin he is referring to. 

He's been posting photos of weapons since he was 15.

From what we know, Khairi  had no known affiliation with a terror group. If this poem is any indication, this is another case of suicide by martyrdom - of a mentally ill person who lives in a sick society  where losers can turn into heroes by trying to kill Jews.

His Facebook page is filling up with congratulatory messages on even his older posts. He is getting the attention he may have always been looking for. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Irwin Cotler: Int'l Holocaust Remembrance Day: 10 universal lessons
I write on International Holocaust Remembrance Day – marking the 78th anniversary of the liberation of the death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most brutal extermination camp of the 20th century – about remembrance, and a reminder of horrors too terrible to be believed but not too terrible to have happened.

I write also in the aftermath of the oft-ignored, if it is even known at all, 81st anniversary of the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942, convened by the Nazi leadership to address “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question” – the blueprint for the annihilation of European Jewry – which was met by the indifference and inaction of the international bystander community.

We are on the eve also of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, begun on April 19, 1943 – the most courageous civilian uprising in all of the Holocaust. There is a straight line between Wannsee and Warsaw; between the indifference of one and the courage of the other.

I write also in the wake of the 78th anniversary of the arrest and disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg on January 17, 1945 – Canada’s first honorary citizen, and an honorary citizen of the US, Australia and Israel. Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat whose leadership and mobilization of other courageous diplomats and Jews was able to rescue some 100,000 Jews in the last six months of 1944 alone – more than any other single government or organization. He demonstrated how one person with the compassion to care and courage to act can confront evil, prevail and transform history.

I write amid the international drumbeat of evil – on the eve of the first anniversary of the unprovoked and criminal Russian invasion and aggression in Ukraine, underpinned by war crimes, crimes against humanity, and incitement to genocide; the increasing assaults by China on the rules-based international order; the Iranian regime’s brutal and massive domestic repression met with the Iranian people’s courageous response of “women, life, freedom”; the mass atrocities targeting the Uyghurs, Rohingya, Afghans and Ethiopians; and the increasing imprisonment of human rights defenders like Russian human rights hero Vladimir Kara-Murza – the embodiment of the struggle for democracy in Russia and the critic of its invasion of Ukraine.

And I write also amid a global resurgence of antisemitic acts, incitement and terror – of antisemitism as the oldest, longest, most enduring, and most dangerous of hatreds; a virus which mutates and metastasizes over time, but which is grounded in one foundational, historical, generic, antisemitic, conspiratorial trope: namely, that Jews, the Jewish people, and Israel are the enemy of all that is good and the embodiment of all that is evil, regardless of what moment in time we are experiencing or living in.

And so, at this important inflection historical moment, we should ask ourselves: What have we learned in the last 78 years – and more importantly – what must we do?
Netanyahu: ‘The difference now is that the Jewish people have the State of Israel’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day by vowing to ensure that the Nazi genocide of 6 million Jews during World War II will never be repeated.

“Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day and exactly 78 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. We in Israel mark this event by honoring the sacred memory of those who perished at the hands of a murderous Nazi regime. And we vow that this will never, ever, happen again to our people,” said Netanyahu.

“The difference now is that the Jewish people have the State of Israel. Israel protects itself by itself. We are a strong and vibrant nation and we have built up a powerful state that will not allow our enemies to inflict the very pain, suffering and devastating loss our people experienced during the Holocaust,” he continued.

“And there are those who still call for our destruction, day in and day out. We will not cower in fear nor will we allow the threats of these tyrants to intimidate us. For this enemy knows that at the end of the day, if needed, we can and will defend ourselves, and we will not allow our enemies to possess an ability to carry out its murderous agenda. We see them on their steady march towards obtaining the most lethal of weapons and I say to them here and now—we will stop you from obtaining them. And we do not forget or forgive the evil deniers of the Holocaust, which for them, one Holocaust was not enough,” said the prime minister.

“On behalf of the State of Israel and the Jewish people, on behalf of the survivors and those who perished, I vow to you as Prime Minister of the one and only Jewish state, that we will remain vigilant, strong and never allow the Holocaust to happen again. Never,” he concluded.

RT reports:
Lawyer Ashraf Farahat announced that the security services at Al-Maasara Police Station in Helwan, Egypt, arrested the owner of the “Anoosh Diary” YouTube channel, accusing her of spreading immorality and outraging public decency.
The accused appears in sexy clothes that highlight her body, to attract followers, saying: "I am divorced and I have two young children," explaining that she was broadcasting these videos because there was no source of income for her and her family.

The accused confirmed that she broadcast these videos after one of her neighbors advised her to commit this act due to quick profits, and the accused added that she was earning two thousand dollars a week, and she was sharing the amount with the marketing company that was sponsoring her communication sites.  

The videos I could find were more modest than one could see in any street or market in the West. She is wearing a nightgown as she does her household chores. 

Meanwhile, in Egypt, weddings feature belly dancers wearing far more revealing clothing and far more provocative movements, and they don't get arrested.

Seven of the 50 most popular websites in Egypt are porn sites. No one is arresting the men who frequent those sites.

Egyptian misogyny is the reason this woman was arrested, which is the same reason nearly all women in Egypt are subject to sexual harassment, which is the same reason why men can harass women with impunity but women can't make videos like this. (Anoush's YouTube channel was taken down.)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Return to Jenin
"The history matters here," noted the BBC's Jerusalem correspondent, Tom Bateman, in a report on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in the West Bank city of Jenin last Thursday that resulted in the deaths of nine Palestinians – eight of them men affiliated with terror groups, one of them a woman civilian.

In the annals of anti-Zionist demonization of the State of Israel, Jenin occupies a special place. The city was the location, in April 2002, of one of the most treacherous myths about Israel's military conduct that spilled over into open antisemitism.

As Bateman summarized it, back then "Israel launched a full-scale incursion – known as the Battle of Jenin – in which at least 52 Palestinian militants and civilians and 23 Israeli soldiers were killed. It had followed a campaign of Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel, many of which involved perpetrators from the city." That wording is technically correct and marks a vast improvement of the BBC's original 2002 reporting of the "Battle of Jenin," which the broadcaster described as a "massacre" perpetrated by the Israelis.

The reality is that the IDF suffered heavy losses as it battled Palestinian gunmen precisely because it was unwilling, out of concern for the city's civilians, to take more drastic measures like aerial bombardment to pacify Jenin – the sorts of measures that Russia, Iran or China would take without blinking an eye. But within 24 hours of the alleged massacre, the late Sa'eb Erakat, the Palestinian Authority's principal negotiator with Israel, was fabricating lurid stories about the IDF's operation. "They want to hide their crimes, the bodies of the little children and women," Erakat told The Guardian without a shred of evidence to support this monstrous claim.

Other Palestinians in positions of authority told similar lies. The director of the main hospital in Jenin alleged that the Israelis had deliberately destroyed its west wing – a wing that never existed – as well as its water and power supplies. "IDF soldiers took care not to enter its grounds even though we knew that it was serving as a refuge for several wanted fugitives," a former IDF officer, David Zangen, wrote over one year later in November 2003. "We guarded the water, electricity and oxygen supplies to the hospital all throughout the fighting and assisted in setting up an emergency generator after the city's electrical system was damaged."

Nevertheless, the myth of a massacre persisted, not just in the Arab media, but in Western outlets too. The massacre that wasn't became a new blood libel for the 21st century, one that took painstaking efforts by Jewish groups to counter effectively. In the process, Jewish communities were confronted with a form of antisemitism that took spurious assertions as uncontested facts, rooted in turn in an antisemitic mindset that encouraged the worst beliefs about Jews.
Caroline Glick: The Israeli Left Begs the World To Protect Its Power
In 2007, then-editor of Israel's far-left Haaretz newspaper David Landau implored then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to "rape" Israel. Landau told Rice that Israel "wants to be raped by the United States" into making territorial concessions to the Palestinians.

Landau's statement, which was widely reported at the time, was and remains shocking. But over the past quarter-century, it has become common practice for the Israeli Left to turn to foreign governments and other international actors for help subverting democratic processes in Israel.

In 1977, Israel's Left lost its political majority forever when working-class Israelis abandoned it for the political Right. Over the past 46 years, the Left has held power for a total of just under 13 years.

To compensate for its loss of political power, the Israeli Left expanded the power of Israel's already powerful bureaucracy, which its members controlled. Over the past 30 years, using its control over the Supreme Court and the attorney general's office, the Left enacted a judicial revolution that transformed the unelected justices into the most powerful arm of government, with no checks on its power or accountability to the public. Through judicial fiat, the justices and their allies in the attorney general's office have clipped the wings of Israel's elected leaders, and made all policies and laws dependent on their prior or retroactive approval.

As the years passed, more and more Israelis fell victim to the legal fraternity, which rules in accordance with its leftist values and political interests. And as more Israelis became aware of the problem, the issue of legal reform became increasingly salient in elections. In last November's elections, the right-religious bloc won 64 seats to the Left and center-left's 46. The central campaign issue of both sides was legal reform. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling Likud party, and its three coalition partner parties all ran on platforms that laid out detailed plans for judicial and legal reform.

On the other hand, opposition leader Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party and his partners on the political Left all ran on platforms that rejected judicial and legal reform.

The election results constituted the first real prospect that the legal fraternity's unlimited powers would be checked, and actual power restored to the government and Knesset. The Left's response to this turn of events has been unhinged from reality, but disciplined. All elite groups in Israeli society have gathered as one to warn of the impending destruction of democracy, the rise of fascism, the collapse of minority rights, and the destruction of judicial independence. With the lockstep participation of the media, the Left has gathered in mass protests on successive Saturday nights. This week, hi-tech workers blocked traffic and assaulted motorists, and several companies declared a one-hour strike.
During the State Department briefing yesterday, Said Arikat badgered spokesperson Vedant Patel trying to get him to condemn Israel, and in part of his diatribe he said, "Now, who guarantees that equality? Who will guarantee that Palestinians and Israelis can actually have the same equal measures, as you keep repeating? It’s not the Palestinians that keep going day after day into Israeli villages and towns and so on and attack them during night raids..."

Actually, Palestinians attack Jews literally every  day. They brag about it. They keep detailed statistics, is this poster of last week's attacks shows:

Today, Islamic Jihad issued a press release: "The Al-Quds Brigades - Jaba Groups announced, this morning, Friday 27-1-2023, that they were able to target the Homesh settlement with dense and successive salvoes of bullets." 

What exactly does that look like? 

On January 15, another division of the Al Quds Brigades published a similar statement saying they attacked the village of Hermesh. This time they included a video showing automatic machine gun fire aiming at random Jewish homes.

Do the residents of Hermesh deserve to live in peace, without worry that they would be subject to automatic gunfire randomly shot at their houses?

Does any human rights group ever say that?

Do any of the reporters at the State Department even know that this happens every day?

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Amnesty International's response to Israel's raid at a terrorist nest in Jenin yesterday is yet more evidence of its anti-Israel and ultimately antisemitic bias.

Responding to the killing of at least nine Palestinians by Israeli forces during a military raid on Jenin refugee camp this morning, Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Research and Advocacy Director at Amnesty International, said: 

“In the space of just a few hours this morning, Israeli forces killed at least nine people and injured 20 more; blocked ambulances from accessing the wounded; and fired tear gas at a hospital, reportedly causing suffocation injuries to sick children. 

The charge that Israel fired tear gas at a hospital came from PA health minister Mai Al-Kaila who absurdly claimed that the IDF "stormed" the hospital and "deliberately" fired tear gas to the children's ward. 

Luther knows that she is lying, because he doesn't mention her charge about "storming" the hospital, which makes no sense. 

Israel's army denied a Palestinian claim that soldiers deliberately fired tear gas at a hospital during a raid in the occupied West Bank on Thursday.

"No one shot tear gas on purpose at a hospital," an army spokesman told AFP. "But the activity was not far away from the hospital and it is possible some tear gar entered through an open window."
Amnesty's statement was published ten hours after Israel's emphatic denial.

Which means that Amnesty chose to parrot the obvious lies of a Palestinian minister, watering it down a little because they knew her  entire statement was propaganda. Then they chose to ignore Israel's denial as not being even worth considering.

To Amnesty, Palestinians are trustworthy and Jews are simply liars whose words aren't even worth considering.

And what really happened in the hospital? Middle East Monitor published video that they claimed shows the mothers and children choking:

There's no panic, no running, no choking, no one looking like their eyes hurt, and the women aren't even covering their own or their children's faces to protect from the tear gas.  

The IDF explanation makes perfect sense - the mothers and nurses smelled the tear gas and are looking for a room that didn't have an open window, and hospital staff directs them where to go.

Middle East Monitor knows this, so they caption the video with what they want you to believe, not what you are actually seeing - a time honored Pallywood propaganda technique. People are conditioned to implicitly trust captions and then view the photo or video through the lens that the propagandists helpfully provide.

But even worse than repeating obvious lies and treating Israeli rebuttals as not even worth considering, from reading Amnesty's  statement one wouldn't even know that there was a three hour battle going on. Amnesty makes it sound like the IDF went into Jenin to kill a bunch of civilians because of "impunity." No one reading Amnesty's statement would know that this is what nearly all of those killed were doing at the moment of their deaths:

The statement also doesn't even hint at the reason the Israeli forces must go into Jenin to begin with  - because a wave of deadly attacks in Israel last year where Jenin was the source. 

While Amnesty rushes to condemn Israel going after armed terrorists, Amnesty did not condemn a single one of those attacks on Israeli civilians. Here are their press releases during the time period between March and May 2022 when there were five multiple-casualty terror attacks in Israel:

This is beyond simple bias. This is the world's leading human rights organization actively choosing to support Islamic terrorism over the Jewish state. 

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Earlier this week, Francesca Albanese - the UN Special Rapporteur for the territories - tweeted out a call for issues she should write reports about. 

responded asking her to write about Palestinian terror groups recruiting children.

Of course she didn't answer. But  in a way, she did.

Shortly thereafter, Albanese tweeted "As I took office 8m ago, I committed to making children & youth a priority for my mandate," then calling on Israel to release a Ahmed Mansara who, at 13, had stabbed and critically injured a 13-year old Israeli boy on a bicycle outside a candy shop.

Clearly, she doesn't consider the human rights of Jewish children to be under her mandate.

But she doesn't seem to care about many Palestinian children, either.

Joe Truzman, of Foundation for Defense of Democracies, unearthed a video made last summer from Jenin. It shows masked terrorist going around the city, followed eagerly by children. Sometimes the terrorists give the children guns. 

During a parade, the terrorists - and teenagers -  are firing into the air in the middle of the crowded streets with young children all over.

Between this video and the five child militants who were killed this year after being recruited and brainwashed into wanting to become martyrs, it is pretty clear that there are serious human rights violations happening against Palestinian children - by other Palestinians. 

Truzman tweeted, "The amount of militants in Jenin, guns, and children walking around who are seemingly armed in this video is astounding, yet not surprising. There's a serious problem in the West Bank, especially in Jenin, and this video demonstrates it perfectly. "

In an astounding response, Albanese tweeted, "Yes there is a serious problem and not only in Jenin. It is called colonial occupation."

Yes, when children are exposed to gratuitous violence by Palestinians, Albanese blames...the Jews.

It is quite clear that Albanese's claim that she "committed to making children & youth a priority" for her mandate only applies to a specific subset of children: only Palestinian children whose situation she can blame on Jews. 

All the others can go to hell because they don't advance her anti-Israel, antisemitic agenda.

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Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

I searched for the word "Jews" in newspapers from 80 years ago today, and saw many versions of this  story:

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