Friday, August 19, 2022

Mahmoud Abbas has made many trips around the world over the years. I have never seen a crowd greet him upon his return, let alone with the enthusiasm that he received upon returning from his trip to Germany on Thursday.

What makes this trip different? 

It was Abbas' antisemitic statement that Palestinians have gone through "50 holocausts" from Israel. The rally was to show support as the world condemned him.

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency reports (Arabic version only):

Our Palestinian people received President Mahmoud Abbas, this evening, Thursday, with a huge and solemn reception, as the Palestinian masses turned around on the outskirts of the road the president passed through near the northern entrance to the city of Al-Bireh, returning from an official visit to Germany, to confirm his positions which was confirmed on his trip, which reflects the aspirations and dreams of our people .

This reception came after popular public calls to receive the president, and the emphasis on our people's support for his statements and political stances .

Those lining the road carried pictures of the president with the words, "You are not alone, Mr. President."

The Secretary of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement, Majid Al-Fatiani, said that this reception is a stand of loyalty to Abu  Mazen, who carried the message of the Palestinian people, their concerns and history with all boldness and courage, armed with the will of the people and the Palestinian national memory, which is still full of Zionist criminality.

He continued, "Why are the Israelis angry? Were we accomplices in their massacres? Rather, they were the ones who drowned us in our blood in dozens of massacres over 74 years."

He added, "The president told the truth and confronted the world with it..."

In turn, the Secretary of the Fatah movement in Ramallah, Muwaffaq Sahweil, said that the rally came to confirm that everything the president stated in his speech, statements and positions represent the Palestinian people.

This was no spontaneous demonstration, but one organized by Mahmoud Abbas' own Fatah party, as every speaker was from Fatah. 

Which shows that his "apology" wasn't an apology. Abbas is a wily politician and he knows that his antisemitism is a political asset among his people.

What he said in Germany wasn't a dog whistle to extremist Palestinians - it was a bullhorn to mainstream Palestinians, who have the highest rate of antisemitism in the world. His political party isn't even pretending that his words were embarrassing or offensive. Jew-hate is a feature, not a bug, of the "moderate" Palestinians.

That is a much bigger story than Abbas' repeated and consistent antisemitism over the decades. Even when Abbas leaves the scene, the Jew-hate of the Palestinians will remain, and no one is doing anything about it.  

This is the most under-reported story in the Middle East.  

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, August 18, 2022

From Ian:

Meir Soloveichik: Two Providential Nations
Let us ponder the Blackstone Memorial, one of the most fascinating occasions in the history of the American relationship with Zionism and one almost entirely forgotten today. It was drawn up in 1891 by William Blackstone, a prominent evangelical minister, and personally presented in the White House to President Benjamin Harrison. The petition proclaimed, several years before the epiphany of Theodor Herzl, that the world powers should seek to alleviate the suffering of Jews by restoring them to the Holy Land: “Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Servia to the Servians now give Palestine back to the Jews? These provinces, as well as Roumania, Montenegro and Greece, were wrested from the Turks and given to their natural owners. Does not Palestine as rightly belong to the Jews?”

The memorial’s signatories were not merely men of the cloth; among the 400 who appended their appellations to the document were the speaker of the House of the Representatives and the Supreme Court of the United States. And yet, while prominent Gentile politicians, jurists, and businessman readily signed, Blackstone attempted in vain to convince one of America’s most prominent Reform rabbis to join him. Emil G. Hirsch summarily informed Blackstone that he no longer embraced the biblical promise of Israel’s return to the Holy Land: “We, the modern Jews, say that we do not wish to be restored to Palestine.”

The tale of the Blackstone Memorial is one of many fascinating stories in Walter Russell Mead’s sweeping new work, The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People.1 For Mead, it highlights how, long before modern Israel came into existence, the fate of the Holy Land and the Jewish people was a subject of enormous interest, fascination, and speculation for Americans, and how this is still reflected in the American-Israel relationship today:

Israel occupies a unique place in American foreign policy because it occupies a unique, and uniquely charged, place in the American mind.… America’s long immersion in biblical Christianity and in a theory of progress that both secular and religious Americans have built on those foundations has given the Jewish people and the Jewish state a distinctive place in American historical consciousness and political thought. The state of Israel is a speck on the map of the world; it occupies a continent in the American mind.

As Mead explains in his introduction, his motivation in writing this volume was to offer a response to critics of Israel and American foreign policy who wrongly attribute the special U.S.-Israel relationship throughout the years to American-Jewish political and financial power. These critics fail to understand, Mead argues, that it is America’s Gentiles, with their unique history, who have been central to America’s focus on the Middle East in general and on the Holy Land in particular. Mead compares these critics to French astronomers who once posited the existence of a nonexistent planet and interpreted all other cosmic phenomena as being founded on this faulty premise. He seeks to show these critics what they have been missing, because “the mistaken impression that Zionism is an agenda that powerful Jews imposed either on the United states or on the gentile world at large remains a major reason why so much of our national conversation about Middle East policy consumes so much energy but produces so little good policy.”
Arnold Roth: A Terrorist Lingers in Plain Sight. Why Is She Still Free?
Tamimi lives free in Jordan today, as she has since 2011. That TV show ran for five years and was widely viewed wherever in the world there are Arabic-speaking audiences. It made her a star.

Until the DOJ charges were announced, she traveled to wherever in the Arab world there were audiences wanting to embrace her message and attend her rallies. In Arab-world terms, she has extraordinary prominence for a woman who is neither an entertainer nor some potentate's wife.

Tamimi has not been in hiding for a day in all that time. Her home address is no secret. This is noteworthy because the Rewards for Justice office at the State Department put a $5 million prize of on her head in 2018. No one has collected it.

Jordan, a tightly run monarchy, is a notably unfree society. Freedom House calls its media laws "restrictive, vague, and arbitrarily enforced". If your message to the world finds disfavor in the eyes of the Hashemite palace, you will likely be shut down. But Tamimi's TV show went on for years. There are no signs it ran into Jordanian government interference.

Jordan faces a range of enormous challenges with which, to a remarkably generous extent, the U.S. helps it cope. Jordan is the world's second-largest recipient of U.S. taxpayer-funds received as aid. King Abdullah II, who has ruled since 1999 is a frequent welcome visitor to the Congress and the White House. U.S. leaders including President Biden, praise him lavishly.

My perspective on these aspects is narrow. The person who took my Malki's life and brags about it is kept safe from U.S. justice by someone Biden calls "a stalwart ally in a tough neighborhood... You have always been there, and we will always be there for Jordan".

The multiple efforts my wife and I have made to engage with the White House, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and with the State Department have not gone well. In July, when the president was about to arrive in Jerusalem, we sent him a letter asking to be heard as the parents of an American child blown to pieces by America's most wanted female fugitive. The White House didn't answer us then or since. But it did tell Associated Press that there would be no response to the Roths.

Something is seriously dysfunctional if American justice can get this badly derailed. Tamimi is one of only two females on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list—a fugitive whose whereabouts everyone knows. Her prosecution under US law isn't about things she says or believes. It has to do with dead children.

We aren't in this for the politics because it's abundantly clear our cause has been demeaned by Republicans and Democrats to the same appalling extent.

If thwarted pursuits of justice can be more clear-cut than this one, it's hard to imagine how. As Malki's parents, we don't ask for favors, understanding or pity. We simply want justice, years too late, to finally be done.
Yisrael Medad: NYT continues to minimize Jews' claim to Temple Mount
COULD IT be that, as Ricky Hollander of CAMERA claims, we are witnesses to “a political advocacy campaign of journalists that diminish Judaism’s claim to its holiest site, while elevating the Muslim one?”

For example, the site was known for centuries as al-Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary). Now, though, it is almost exclusively referred to, aligned with Arab political propaganda, as “al-Aqsa Mosque.” And that name usually precedes the Jewish terminology, as in “al-Aqsa compound, which is known to Jews as Temple Mount” even though “the Temple Mount” can be found in the Bible and Talmud, predating Islam for a very long time.

The site is regularly observed on social media platforms as a gymnastics work-out area or where soccer is practiced, many times on the open-air prayer platforms with the mihrab structure indicating south, the direction of Mecca, as the goal. All that is ignored.

Even a factual report such as “Jews now pray openly there, guarded by police – leading to fears of more confrontation,” fails to question whether that “confrontation” is justified. After all, Muslims demand equal prayer rights at the Cordoba cathedral in Spain (last a Muslim-occupied country in the 15th century) just as Jews do in Jerusalem (their historical and spiritual capital). In Istanbul, the Sofia Hagia has lost its status quo but that mostly passed under the radar. Even less will a reader find an explanation as to why a country created in the 20th century should possess custodianship over a seventh-century holy site.

And there was this eyebrow-raiser in The New York Times on August 24, 2021: “The Western Wall, which is now used mostly by Jewish worshipers despite its also being important to Muslims.” Up until the 20th century, the location of where al-Buraq, Muhammad’s mythical winged horse that transported him on his night journey, was tethered was acknowledged to be inside the Temple Mount. But as the Jewish presence at the Western Wall alleyway increased by the end of the 19th century, the location was moved to the Western Wall itself.

On April 23, 2022, Kingsley published “the al-Aqsa compound, which is known to Jews as Temple Mount.” Why did he ignore that many millions of Christians, as well as members of other religions and atheists, know that site as the Temple Mount? In fact, he “liked” a May 7, 2021 KAN News tweet that noted that “[Muslim] worshipers wave Hamas flags on the Temple Mount.” Who is the guilty party?

PERHAPS THE guilty parties at The New York Times are the editors? The proofreaders? Fact-checkers? Is there, then, perhaps a more invidious systemic bias at work here? After all, this is how Isabel Kershner, who really does know better, awkwardly wrote on May 12 this year, in her “Coalition gets lift in Israel with return of Arab party”: “…the Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, a site sacred in both Islam and Judaism, and known to Jews as the Temple Mount.”

Whoever is the guilty party, we need be aware that there appears to be a determined textual manipulation to raise up and bring to prominence a Muslim claim that supersedes a Jewish one.

There is an effort to frame the Temple Mount as foremost and very legitimately a Muslim site. For Jews it is passé. It is an area to which Jews have no contemporary history or connection. In doing so, they go along with the propaganda messaging emanating from the Palestinian Authority and Islamist inciters around the world. For sure, the New York Times is not alone in this go-along-with-Palestine effort. Reuters, CNN, NPR and others have been found to follow suit.

I would hope that if the Gray Lady alters its stylebook on the Temple Mount, we may yet merit seeing the change in other outlets.

The New York Times saw to it that Gladstone’s 2015 article was corrected. They clarified that the “article misstated the question concerning the two ancient Jewish Temples. The question is where precisely on the 37-acre Temple Mount site the Temples had once stood, not whether the Temples had ever existed there.” On May 12, Gladstone displayed improvement, writing “For Jews, the Temple Mount, known in Hebrew as Har Habayit, is the holiest place”.

We await how Kingsley will describe the Temple Mount in a future article of his.
Lately there has been a flurry of articles about whether recent harsh criticism of George Soros is antisemitic.

Since I have written my definition of antisemitism, I have been keenly interested in boundary cases to see if my definition can clarify the issue of whether a specific utterance or act is antisemitic or not.

My definition says:

In an academic paper that I submitted along with my presentation on the topic at ISGAP earlier this month, I tackled this exact topic, comparing specific criticisms of Sheldon Adelson and George Soros to see whether they are antisemitic or not. There is no doubt that some criticism of both of those men is antisemitic, but each case must be judged on its own.

Here is what I wrote in the paper:

How does this definition do with more controversial or ambiguous cases of potential antisemitism?

George Soros is a Jewish billionaire who funds many left-wing causes. Sheldon Adelson was a Jewish billionaire who funded many right-wing causes. Both have been the object of conspiracy theories. Are those theories antisemitic?

Frank Gaffney said about Soros:

 Is George Soros the anti-Christ?  While former New York mayor Rudi Giuliani has put the question in play, theologians may be better equipped to debate it than politicians.

The decades-long record of this billionaire financier and philanthropist, however, is one of such malevolence and destruction that he must at a minimum be considered the anti-Christ’s right-hand man. [i]

This was regarded by the ADL as being antisemitic[ii]. Is it?

I’m no expert on Christian eschatology, but I have seen that non-Jewish rich people like Bill Gates[iii] and Jeff Bezos[iv] have also been accused of being the Antichrist, so without any mentioning or hinting of Soros’ religion, it does not fit my definition of antisemitism – the attack on him is as an influential rich person, not as a Jew, at least on the face of it.

In contrast, Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters had this to say about Sheldon Adelson[v]:

Sheldon Adelson believes that only Jews – only Jewish people – are completely human. That they are attached in some way…and that everybody else on Earth is there to serve them.

There is no record of Adelson ever saying anything remotely like this. Waters is – consciously or not – invoking antisemitic interpretations of the Talmud and ascribing that to Adelson.

Both Waters and Gaffney are accusing rich Jews of being puppet-masters, but only Waters is couching that accusation is clearly Jewish terms. Under my definition, he is showing hostility toward, denigration of and malicious lies about a Jew as an individual Jew. While Gaffney’s slur can be interpreted as being against any rich person, Rogers’ invective cannot be interpreted any other way except for being antisemitic.

To be sure, the puppet-master motif has been associated with Jews for more than a century. Yet it is not exclusively applied to Jews, so without additional evidence, we cannot say that the accusation itself is antisemitic when applied to an influential Jew.

This brings up another issue in determining whether something is antisemitic or not. The IHRA Working Definition takes pains to point out that much of the determination of whether something is antisemitic or not depends on context. I would be a little more specific and note that much of that determination depends on the mindset of the potential offender. Their intentions may have been wholly innocent, they may have been malicious, and they very possibly may have been clueless or careless as to the implications of their offensive actions or statements.

We cannot read minds, but we can take educated guesses based on other statements or actions by the person or group that is behind the offensive words or actions. In this example, if Gaffney has a history of antisemitism, or he has previously specifically referred to Soros’ being a Jew, or he has cited sources saying that the Antichrist must be a Jew, then we can reasonably assume that his statement was indeed antisemitic, because in that case it would also be hostility toward, denigration of and malicious lies about Soros as an individual Jew.

Knowing the motivation of the person making the offensive comment is key in any determination. I believe that we should err on the side of caution and not assume antisemitic motives unless there is a compelling reason to do so, typically a history of other obviously antisemitic comments or a consistent pattern of singling out Jews for opprobrium.

[i] Frank Gaffney, “George Soros, The Anti-Christ, or Just His Right-hand Man?”, Center for Security Policy, October 11, 2018

[ii] “The Antisemitism Lurking Behind George Soros Conspiracy Theories,” ADL Blog, October 11, 2018

[iii] Christopher James Blythe, “Bill Gates’ Comments on Covid-19 Vaccine Enflame ‘Mark of the Beast’ Worries in Some Christian Circles,” Religion Dispatches, May 4, 2020

[iv] “Could Jeff Bezos possibly be the Antichrist?”, Reddit r/Christianity, March 13, 2022

[v] “Musician Roger Waters on Hamas-Affiliated News Agency: Crazy Puppet Master Adelson Has Donald Trump’s Tiny Little Pr*ck in His Pocket; Israelis Teach U.S. Police How to Murder Blacks,” MEMRIReports Twitter,  June 21, 2020

If criticism of Soros or Adelson invokes or implies his Jewishness, then it is antisemitic. But the fact that they are Jewish does not automatically make criticism antisemitic, any more than criticism of Andy Levin or Henry Kissinger can be assumed to be antisemitic without additional context and evidence.

The most difficult cases, in my experience, are dog-whistles - or alleged dog-whistles. By their nature, they have a built in layer of plausible deniability, so sophisticated antisemites can use them to great effect without being explicitly antisemitic. But people can innocently invoke dog-whistles as well without meaning to - terms like "cosmopolitan," "New York," "bankers," "puppetmaster" and "East Coast" can be used maliciously or innocently. When I said at the conference that I would prefer to err on the side of giving the benefit of the doubt, others disagreed. But to me, unless there is additional evidence that the person who uses the problematic phrase had Jews or Judaism in mind, it is better not to assume that it is an antisemitic criticism. 

And just as a plug for my definition of antisemitism: no other definition I am aware of gives any useful guidance at all whether these boundary cases are antisemitic or not. With a good, precise definition, we can describe exactly why something is - or isn't - antisemitic.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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crowded park rideTel Aviv, August 18 - The director of a large outdoor facility offering rides, games, and other diversions acknowledged this afternoon that the miserable experience you and your loved ones had during your visit there resulted from a specific effort on her part to destroy your outing by arranging for more than the usual number of summertime day camp visits at the same time.

Tzula Hakhis, who runs Superland in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rishon LeTzion, admitted at an end-of-the-day staff meeting that she had deliberately scheduled two dozen groups of at least forty children each for the sole purpose of ruining the family outing that you and your spouse had planned for weeks. "I commend all of you for handling the crowds today," she told the workers. "Together, we succeeded in spoiling an entire outing, and, I hope, contributing to the undermining of a family's entire summer."

Hakhis reserved special mention for the staff who ran the water flume ride. "You did a fantastic job of moving the line as slowly as you could and never letting it get shorter than a hundred people. thanks to your hard work, our target family wasn't able to go on the ride more than once, and even then, it was the catalyst for endless bickering."

The only ride that allowed your family on without significant wait or hassle was the paddleboat attraction, which by nature gets exhausting after the first minute and keeps the riders in the summer sun and its water-reflected intensity for an unbearable ten or fifteen minutes. That ride, as well, touched already-fraught nerves and prompted one parental overreaction.

Most Western amusement park visitors would find Superland's selection of games underwhelming. "American guests turn their noses up at our measly four or five game booths," acknowledged Hakhis. "Not to mention our non-functioning video arcade. Even the plush toys don't compare to what you can find at a third-tier park in North America. But that doesn't matter to provincial kids. They don't know what they're missing. So the disappointment and frustration for a family that has to wade through throngs of misbehaving day-campers just to miss a shot at a bad stuffed imitation of a popular animated character... that's what it's all about."

Sources within the family hinted at reports that the debacle has not swayed you or your spouse from following through on a separate planned trip to Luna Park in Tel Aviv next week, with whom Hakhis has already shared your information.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: Why the world won’t care about Abbas’s ‘Holocaust’ lie
There’s something almost pathetic about the outrage generated after the latest comments by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. In Berlin for a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was standing with him, the Palestinian was asked about his role in funding the 1972 Olympic massacre of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches in Munich, and whether he ought to apologize on the 50th anniversary of that infamous crime. In response—and speaking in English so that there could be no doubt about his meaning—he said: “If we want to go over the past, go ahead. I have 50 slaughters that Israel committed … 50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts.”

Of course, this unrepentant and libelous comment deserves to be harshly condemned. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid was entirely correct to say that for Abbas to falsely claim that the Jewish state had committed “holocausts” while standing on German soil “is not only a moral disgrace but a monstrous lie. Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, including one and a half million Jewish children. History will never forgive him.”

Other condemnations, such as that of Scholz, who, to his shame, did not contradict Abbas when he uttered these words in his presence, were also angry and entirely justified.

But the fury about this seems both oddly misplaced as well as somewhat hypocritical, especially when it comes from those in Israel, Europe and the United States who have spent so much energy and time puffing up Abbas as a partner for peace and doing their best not only to appease him, but to pressure the Jewish state to accommodate his every demand.

This was no gaffe. Abbas’s long career has been nothing of a series of offensive actions, decisions and statements that should have long ago convinced the civilized world to shun him completely. After a lifetime of criminal behavior in which he has aided and abetted the slaughter of countless victims of terrorism, coupled with corruption and opposition to peace, the real question about this incident is why anyone should bother getting upset about a mere offensive comment from such a person?

Caroline Glick: Biden ushers in an era of nuclear chaos and war
The Biden administration is on the verge of closing its long-sought for nuclear agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Europeans distributed a “final draft” of an agreement to the Americans and the Iranians last week. While the text was billed as a “take it or leave it” offer, neither the Europeans nor the Americans walked away after Iran returned with reservations. Instead, President Joe Biden and his advisers are avidly looking into Iran’s positions and are reportedly trying to incorporate them into the agreement, which will likely be concluded quickly, if only the Iranians will agree.

Back in 2015, news that the Obama-Biden administration was closing in on a final draft of what became its nuclear deal with Iran provoked a mass public outcry. The majority of Americans opposed the deal. Many key Democrats opposed it. The entire Republican Party opposed it. News of the deal was greeted by mass protests in Washington, New York and countrywide.

Today, the opposite is the case. News of Biden’s deal is greeted with yawns and apathy.

The difference is doubly striking because since 2015, the warnings the deal’s opponents sounded have all been borne out by events. Just as the opponents warned, Iran began cheating on the deal the moment it was concluded: Iran stockpiled uranium beyond what was permitted and refused to come clean to inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency on its previous nuclear work.

Even worse, Iran exploited the deal’s loopholes—first and foremost its non-limitation of research and development work. While ostensibly abiding by the agreement, Iran developed advanced centrifuges capable of enriching uranium 10 times faster and to much higher levels of purity than the centrifuges it fielded in 2015. Although administration officials and their allies insist that Iran only began to use the advanced centrifuges in response to then President Donald Trump’s abandonment of the nuclear deal in 2018, in truth, Iran’s activities were dictated by its operational timeline. Iran completed development of the centrifuges in late 2020, and immediately put them to use.

As the deal’s opponents had warned, Iran used the tens of billions of dollars it received from sanctions relief in 2015 and 2016 to massively expand its funding of terror proxies. The Iranian people got no dividend from the deal. Their economic privation and suffering only grew. But the Iranian proxy Houthis attacked Saudi oil installations with guided missiles and drones. Iranian proxy Hezbollah massively expanded its capabilities as did Iranian proxies Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other Iran-backed terrorist groups and militias in Iraq and Syria.

The nuclear deal was supposed to keep Iran a year away from breakout, but last month Teheran announced it had already crossed the nuclear threshold and could develop bombs at will. The nuclear deal Biden is now negotiating won’t push Iran’s nuclear genie back in the bottle. Iran will enter the deal—if it agrees—as a threshold nuclear state. And it will exit the deal as a nuclear power.

Yet, despite the manifest dangers Iran poses, and everything we have learned since 2015, no one is in the streets protesting today. No one is campaigning against Biden’s deal.
Caroline Glick: ‘In Israel and the US, an assault on democracy using the language of law’
In Israel and the U.S., unelected jurists and police forces are arrogating themselves the right to decide what is the law and to use it as a political tool, Caroline Glick and Abraham Bell, a Law Professor at Bar Ilan University, argue on this week’s episode of “Mideast News Hour.”

“[Criminal] charges are part of the political game and are designed to drive people out of office or out of positions,” Bell tells Glick. “[They] are used selectively in order to achieve political aims.”

Bell explains how in his view these mechanisms are behind the trials of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to Bell, “no matter how much the prosecution continues to show that it acted corruptly in putting together this case, and it acted incompetently in believing that it has a case, no matter how much that happens, I think that at the end of this, there is a conviction.”
Arabi21, a pan-Arab news channel, published an unusual op-ed by Abdullah Al-Ashaal, a former Egyptian presidential candidate and former assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister. He is described as an ambassador, but I cannot find to where.

Al-Ashaal argues that Egypt should abrogate is peace treaty with Israel - and that Sadat was under Zionist influence when he decided not to destroy Israel completely in the Yom Kippur War.

His delusions are apparent throughout the article:

"Israel is not an ordinary country, but rather the spearhead of the Zionist project and was planted in this particular region to destroy Egypt."

"Israel insisted on forcing Egypt to violate the principles of international law in many of its provisions" of the peace agreement.

"If Sadat had better planned the October War with the best of the Egyptian military,.... the end of Israel would have been the October War, but there is a contradiction between the management of the war in the first week and the setback [in following weeks.]"

"The [peace] treaty does not prevent Egypt from supporting the resistance, nor does it prevent Arab solidarity and the restoration of the joint Arab defense treaty. Egypt can, at its own will, amend the peace agreement...A state may review or cancel some provisions of the treaty or suspend some of its provisions."

He says he is writing a book about how terrible the peace treaty is. 

Al-Ashaal is apparently still living in 1975.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Yesterday, Israel shut down seven Palestinian organizations with ties to the PFLP terror group.

I have recently shown how the PFLP remains a terrorist organization, which explicitly calls for violence and killing Jews as part of "legal resistance."  Organizations like Al Haq, Addameer and Defense for Children-Palestine are dominated with PFLP operators. The idea that terrorists are also human rights advocates is obscene, yet the UN and groups like Human Rights Watch support them (and the PFLP itself.)

The PFLP website is the best place to see how, to them, human rights is just another weapon. Two articles are juxtaposed: praise for the terror attack in Jerusalem and a meeting between PFLP representatives and UNRWA to discuss "human rights" in Gaza.

But now, the Palestinian Authority has responded to the Israeli closure - by saying that they will soon publish their own list of Jewish organizations that they claim are terrorist!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Dr. Riyad Al-Maliki, expressed the readiness of the State of Palestine to announce a large list of names of Israeli organizations to be placed on terrorist lists, as part of steps the leadership is working to take in response to the ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people, and its denial of international legitimacy resolutions.

Al-Maliki said in an interview with "Voice of Palestine" radio this Thursday morning, that work is underway to complete the legal procedures to put Jewish organizations on terrorist lists, and mobilize international support to classify them as terrorist organizations and demand the international community not to deal with them so that this list will be announced in the appropriate time.
Notice that the Palestinian Authority calls them "Jewish organizations."

This sounds like the Palestinian response to MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch reports on incitement in Palestinian media - they now regularly publish their own examples of what they call "incitement" in Israeli media, which is usually nothing of the sort.

But if Israel accuses Palestinians of something, they respond with the "I'm rubber, you're glue" strategy of saying that Israel is always the more guilty party in every single sphere.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



The Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council warns against Israeli interference in Palestinian schools:

The Supreme Fatwa Council warned against targeting Palestinian education in Jerusalem and the rest of the Palestinian territories by canceling the Palestinian curriculum, closing and demolishing schools, and attempts to impose the Israeli curriculum on Palestinian students studying in Jerusalem schools, in order to market the Zionist narrative, related to the religious and historical rights of Jews. 

The council explained, in a statement today, Thursday, that the occupation authorities had developed an Israeli education curriculum for Arab citizens in the city of Jerusalem after its occupation in 1967, in an attempt to confront the Palestinian narrative and impose the Israeli narrative in its place..., claiming that these schools practice incitement in their curricula, while the real goal lies in trying to impose the Israeli curriculum.
Of course, Israel should impose the same standards on Arab Jerusalem schools as in Arab schools elsewhere in Israel. And Israel has been encouraging that in various ways for years. And many Arab schools have embraced and supported that!

The Council also condemned the decision of the occupation court, to demolish and destroy the Ain Samia Basic School, stressing that these attacks against education and schools constitute a heinous crime added to the series of continuous crimes of the occupation against the educational sector, noting that these crimes constitute a flagrant violation of the right of students to safe and free education. They call on international legal, human rights and media institutions and organizations to assume its legal and moral responsibilities towards the escalating violations of the occupation, and work to curb these aggressive practices, expose them and provoke them in all forums and fields, and provide protection and advocacy for our students.  
We see rhetoric like this all the time, escalating and threatening in the most extreme terms whenever anything doesn't go their way.

Let's look at the Ain Samia school:

It is an illegal structure. And it is unsafe.

According to this article that is sympathetic to the desire to build these ad-hoc schools as land grabs in the West Bank:

Although construction was not completed, the educational process began with the attendance of ten students, with about 50 others joining their colleagues within days.

The tin-built school looks like a skeleton, and lacks the main facilities such as yards, laboratories, water and electricity networks, and even the blackboard, while activists and parents are trying to complete the construction.  

No one would tolerate such a school that doesn't even have a bathroom.  But the Palestinians tell the world that Israel is violating Palestinian human rights by stopping classes in such a dangerous structure. 

This is a small example of how they lie, constantly, consistently, and in a way to appeal to ignorant Westerners who don't bother to Google the information to learn the truth.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

From Ian:

Anti-Israel orgs plan to protest 125th anniversary of the first Zionist Congress
BDS Movement-affiliated organizations are planning a number of demonstrations at the end of the month in Basel, Switzerland, opposing a series of events commemorating 125 years since the first Zionist Congress.

The World Zionist Organization will be marking 125 years since the historic first Zionist Congress in Basel on August 28. The events will take place at different sites related to the 1897 congress.

“This commemorative political event, supported by the Basel government and secured by a massive police and military presence, affirms the supremacy of right-wing organizations over the importance and history of Zionism,” the official Swiss BDS Facebook page stated.
“We once again urge the Basel government to withdraw from any involvement in the Zionism celebrations and to end any cooperation with official Israeli institutions and state representatives.”
Swiss BDS
“Along with the WZO, this anniversary is also organized by an organization that plays an important role in illegal settlement building and systematic expropriation of Palestinian land,” the BDS group claimed, but didn’t specify which organization it was referring to. BDS Switzerland's post on Facebook regarding their upcoming demonstrations. Posted 9 August, 2022. (credit: Zvika Klein) BDS Switzerland's post on Facebook regarding their upcoming demonstrations. Posted 9 August, 2022. (credit: Zvika Klein)

“The history of violence of Zionism is denied at the celebration,” the Facebook post said, adding that “the colonial character of the Zionist occupation in Palestine is obscured and, in continuity with the Zionists of the time, the mere existence of Palestinians made their suffering invisible.”

Two major events are planned to take place as a demonstration against the Zionist events in Basel and the existence of Israel. The first event will take place on Saturday evening, where a “panel discussion on Palestine will relate to the critical contributions to the situation in Palestine,” the Swiss BDS site has disclosed.

In addition, a protest will take place on Sunday afternoon against the Zionist Congress events. Swiss BDS shared that “the route will be discussed with the authorities, any expression of antisemitism is prohibited; only flags of Palestine desired.”

Gil Troy: If you're being silenced, ask yourselves: What would Salman Rushdie do?
Iran’s ayatollahs, the countries that banned The Satanic Verses and the twitterdummies, who applauded Rushdie’s butchering, all want to create what the Soviet-born human rights activist Natan Sharansky calls fear-societies. Traditionally, fear-societies, like Iran, impose terror from the top down. Increasingly in Western democracies, fear-societies are springing from the bottom-up, as peer-censorship and self-censorship spread. Even if they defend basic liberties, democracies falter if their loudest and most influential citizens lose faith in the free marketplace of ideas.

Building trust combats such grassroots fear and bullying. We need to trust one another. We must remember the basic democratic lesson that those who come to different political conclusions are not evil, while fostering more faith in the democratic process. Vigorous, respectful debate among different political factions can keep us talking together, then building together.

In that spirit of candor, we also should acknowledge that we are in a civilizational war with brutal enemies. As hard as it is to imagine any 24-year-old attacking a 75-year-old author, it is even harder to imagine anyone stabbing a person again and again in the eye, the abdomen and the chest, as the blood spurts and people yell. What kind of incitement riles someone up like that and what kind of people cheer such evil?

Similarly, closer to home, it’s hard to conceive how a 26-year-old east Jerusalemite this Sunday morning could shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach, an older man in the neck and head, and five other Western Wall worshipers waiting to board a bus and a taxi also wins applause.

It’s not just Hamas and so many others who have called that terrorist heroic, the masquerading moderates of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called this latest attack proof that “the resistance of our people continues in all forms and throughout the occupied Palestinian land.” Although their Western enablers don’t like noticing, these maximalists define “the occupied Palestinian land,” as every inch of territory they covet, leaving zero room for Jews or anyone else they detest.

Ultimately, we can only fight fear and cultivate trust by regaining confidence in ourselves and our Western democratic values. Confidence is not arrogance. It can include self-criticism. But today’s new nihilism, with unpatriotic patriots and illiberal liberals, with conservatives who don’t conserve institutions, progressives who don’t appreciate progress and uber-partisans who don’t respect their rivals’ democratic rights, reflects a crisis of democratic faith, a vacuum of trust and totalitarian culture of fear that spawned Rushdie’s attacker. Right now, only doctors can save his body, but all of us must preserve and expand Rushdie’s bold, freedom-fighting, democracy-affirming legacy.
‘Different rules’ apply with Islam
Society has just agreed people can’t publish novels criticising Mohammed as “different rules apply” with Islam, says author Douglas Murray.

It follows the stabbing attack on novelist Sir Salman Rushdie in New York.

Mr Rushdie has had a fatwa calling for his death for his novel The Satanic Verses since 1989.

“This is of course intolerable,” he told Sky News Australia.

“It’s the demand of one fanatical sect of Islam to dictate not only what all Muslims will be able to say, but what everybody else is too.

“And that should be deemed totally intolerable with any sense of pride.”

What, exactly, is an Israeli settler, from the point of view of the Arab terrorist? I ask because Sunday morning I woke up to news of an Arab terror attack in Jerusalem on private cars and a bus that all told, wounded 8.

Some of the victims were tourists from Brooklyn, yet according to Elder of Ziyon (Data point: Palestinian media calls terror victims "settlers," Arab media calls them "Jews" (or "Israelis")), local Arab media referred to the collective victims as “settlers.”

Elder correctly notes that calling the victims “settlers” implies that they are guilty and deserved to be attacked. But Jerusalem is a cosmopolitan city and a major tourist magnet. Anyone could have been riding in that bus or in a private car on the streets of Jerusalem: a Thai worker, religious pilgrims of various faiths and nationalities, a Jerusalem Arab, Nancy Pelosi. Or, as in this case, Jewish tourists from Brooklyn. The percentage of actual settlers that are likely to have been on that bus or in passing cars—that is to say Israeli Jews who actually  live in Judea and Samaria—is likely to mirror the percentage of actual settlers in Israel, fewer than five percent.

The world, of course, likes to play fast and easy with the definition of “settler” when it comes to Jews. To the haters, every Jew who lives in Israel is a “settler” because the haters deem Jews living in their indigenous territory as European squatters on Arab land. But even if you consider every single Israeli Jew to be a settler, the tourists from Brooklyn certainly do not qualify. They don’t live in Jerusalem. They don’t live in Israel. They aren’t staying. They haven’t made Aliyah. How then, does the media get away with calling these Brooklyn tourists “settlers?”

The answer is, no one cares. The word “settler” is an excuse, a pretext for murder. The accusation is enough: the passengers MIGHT have been settlers. Therefore terrorists can kill them. But the only reason terrorists try to kill them is because they might have been JEWS. 

The others who die? Not a problem. They can be martyrs for the cause.* That is, if they’re Muslims.

Well, that covers any Muslims who happened to get in the way. But what about the others? Through the years, many non-Jews have been killed in Arab terror attacks. And they are definitely not settlers.

The answer? Who cares? Maybe they weren’t Jews, but they MIGHT have been Jews. Good enough reason to eliminate them. Because they might have been settlers.

But again, I’m left with the question: What is a settler? It can’t be someone like me who lives in Judea. Because the Arabs are the latecomers to the region and my people have been in Judea for thousands of years.

You and I know, of course, that this is the entire point of the settler designation: to make it seem the other way around: as if the Jews originate in Europe, while the Arabs originate in “Palestine.” Which is complete bullpucky, and which is why I won’t call Arabs “Palestinians.” That narrative is an inversion of the truth.

Arabs are not Palestinians, because there has never been a state called Palestine, and certainly not an Arab state by that name. Hence there can be no such Arab nationality, there being no nation with which such a nationality might be associated.

Arabs are Arabs. They come from Saudi Arabia. Jews, meanwhile, are Jews. They come from—HELLO—Judea.

The Arabs and their worldwide fan club want you to think they come from Eretz Israel, so they gave themselves a fake name—Palestinian—and the media swallowed it whole. But that doesn’t mean you or anyone else has to believe it or use it. Just as no one needs to invent the name "settler" for Jews who happen to live in Judea, to make it sound as if the Jews have never been there before—as if the Jews invented the history of their sojourn in their God-given indigenous territory.

Some swallow whole the line that all Israeli Jews are settlers, no matter where they live. Others believe that only those who live over the Green Line are "settlers." But all those who use the word "settler" as epithet, fall into one or both of the following two categories: Ignorant, stupid sheeple with no critical thinking skills, or antisemites—and yes, that includes progressive, self-hating Jews—who think that throwing around words like “Zionist” and “settler” lends legitimacy to their hate for the Jewish people.

After all, if the media, who does this for a living, can call tourists from Brooklyn, “settlers,” then who are they—the masses—to question this?

The fact is, they don’t have to. So they don’t. Because all’s fair in love and war and stealing Jewish land.

*'cause they want our land.

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In an op-ed at Arabic21 TV, Ahmed Al-Hila writes:

[Israel] was founded on the concept of gentiles, the concept of human slavery to the Jews, the concept of humans in the service of Judaism, the concept of the ego god that resembles humans in their bodies, eyes, noses, hands and feet, but in fact they are a state of human nausea, a cloud of hatred and loathing, and a source of the racism that permeates the chest of humanity.

Many prestigious international institutions spoke about the racism of these people and their entity, and the level of sadism that they love to the point of death...
He must be an expert on Judaism!

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From Ian:

Mahmoud Abbas’s lifelong falsification of Jewish history
First came Yasser Arafat, who repeatedly and clear-headedly chose to forgo the opportunity of winning statehood for the Palestinian people on much of the territory they sought — notably during the Clinton administration, in negotiations with prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak. Ultimately, he could not bring himself to abandon terrorism against the Jewish state, to transition from terror chief to national leader.

And then came Mahmoud Abbas, who did not so much as respond to departing prime minister Ehud Olmert’s hurriedly scribbled offer of a state that met almost all of the Palestinians’ ostensible demands, including control of much of East Jerusalem and shared sovereignty in the Old City. While not directly orchestrating the killings of Israelis, Arafat-style, Abbas evidently shared and continued to promulgate Arafat’s murderously incendiary narrative that the Jewish people have no legitimacy in their ancient homeland.

Abbas’s remarks in Berlin on Tuesday, accusing Israel of carrying out “50 holocausts” against the Palestinians, are the pernicious, logical culmination of the false narrative he set out in his 1982 People’s Friendship University of Russia doctoral thesis, which in turn shaped his failed leadership.

As published in book form in 1984, he sought to minimize the scale of the Holocaust, writing, according to a translation by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, “It is possible that the number of Jewish victims reached six million, but at the same time it is possible that the figure is much smaller – below one million.” And he blamed the Zionists for such murders as did take place, claiming that Zionist leaders gave “permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine… More victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege [for Zionist leaders] to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over.”

Four years ago, in a speech in Ramallah, Abbas amended and expanded his inflammatory falsification of history, to allege that the Holocaust was caused by the Jews’ “social behavior, [charging] interest, and financial matters.” As for Zionists, Israelis and Israel itself, the Palestinian leader pronounced, “Their narrative about coming to this country because of their longing for Zion, or whatever — we’re tired of hearing this. The truth is that this is a colonialist enterprise, aimed at planting a foreign body in this region.”

“It’s classic antisemitism,” and “classic blame the victim,” Deborah Lipstadt, the scholar who in 2000 had triumphed in a libel suit brought against her by British Holocaust denier David Irving, told The Times of Israel after that May 2018 Abbas speech. “This brings one back directly to his dissertation, to his distortion of history.”

Added Lipstadt, “Here’s a man who started his career denying the Holocaust and now, at the latter stages of his career, seems to be engaging in rewriting the history of the Holocaust.”
Palestinian President Abbas' holocaust comment is not new - analysis
It is foul because it is a vile falsification of history. It is foul because it obscenely trivializes the Holocaust. It is foul because it is an antisemitic libel aimed at demonizing the Jewish state.

It is foul because it plays into the narrative that still holds sway in much of the Mideast that the West created Israel as a form of “compensation” for the Holocaust. However, if the Jews themselves perpetrated “50 Holocausts,” as Abbas believes, then there is no justification in the world for the creation of the State of Israel as compensation for “just one.”

Abbas has in the past already denied that there were any Jewish temples in Jerusalem, thereby denying any historical or religious justification for a Jewish state in this part of the world. Now he is undermining any moral justification.

It is also foul because it pollutes any chance of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. CNN, the BBC, The New York Times and Fox News will report his statement and Abbas’s “clarification,” and then move on. It will be forgotten by the next news cycle.

Israelis, however, will remember it, maybe not the exact words, but the overriding sentiment.

And, wouldn’t you know it, it is with those Israelis – not Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, two organizations that will surely give Abbas a pass for these comments – with whom Abbas needs to make peace. These comments don’t build a whole lot of confidence among Israelis that there is anyone on the other side right now with whom they are able to make peace.

This is especially true this week. Just two days before Abbas’s comments in Munich, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad labeled “heroic” the act of a Palestinian terrorist who opened fire in Jerusalem and wounded eight people, including critically wounding a 26-year old pregnant woman whom he shot in the stomach.

Peace begins in the hearts and the minds. These comments from both ends of the Palestinian leadership spectrum, Hamas on one end and Fatah on the other, are not exactly winning over the hearts and minds of Israelis who will have to agree to any concessions for peace.
From Human Rights Watch:

 Israeli authorities should immediately release the French-Palestinian human rights worker Salah Hamouri from administrative detention and reverse the decision to revoke his residency status in his native Jerusalem, Human Rights Watch said today.

...The military courts based their decisions to detain him on secret information they allege points to Hamouri’s involvement in the activities of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Palestinian political movement with an armed wing. 
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese tweeted, "French-Palestinian Salah Hammouri is a human rights defender who has been persecuted for years. Israel may call him a 'terrorist' but the reality says otherwise. "

Let's look at reality.

HRW used to mention that the PFLP does not distinguish between its terror and "political" wings. Now it treats it as a political organization - even though nothing has changed.

The PFLP's own political platform explicitly supports terror: "It it is a natural right, and duty that the Palestinian people should defend itself, resist the occupation through various means of struggle, including armed struggle. ..[T]he form of armed struggle should be dealt with at each stage as a means to serve the inclusive political vision which is responsible for determining the function to be done at each stage of the struggle..."

And the PFLP still engages in terror. They were responsible for the murder of Rina Shnerb in 2019.

There is no doubt that Hamouri is a member of the PFLP, even though HRW says it is "alleged."  Here is an article (archived) from the PFLP website that calls him a "comrade" and notes that he planned to assassinate the Chief Rabbi of Israel - and he justified it years afterwards.

Comrade Salah Hamouri, the former Palestinian prisoner freed as part of the prisoner exchange on December 18, 2011, said upon his release that “there is no option for the Palestinian people except resistance, because it is the only way for us to achieve our people’s rights, our freedom, and our self-determination.”

He served nearly seven years in Israeli prison, charged with planning to assassinate Ovadia Yosef, the leader of the Shas party and the Chief Rabbi of Israel. “This man is and will remain a symbol of racism and fanaticism in Israel,” Hamouri said.
And when he says "resistance," he means murdering Jews. 

A PFLP envoy to Cuba claimed the organization supports human rights - and one of those human rights is to murder Israeli Jews. 
We reaffirm our commitment to our goals, principles and inalienable Palestinian national rights. Some of these have been recognized and approved by the norms, principles, conventions, international resolutions, international law and human rightsThe first of these rights is the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all means and methods.
"All means and methods" means terrorism. And its main website is filled with praise and support for terror attacks. 

The PFLP is a terrorist organization. It is designated as such by the US, EU, Canada and other countries. No major Western nation distinguishes between a "political party" and "armed wing." Neither does the PFLP itself. This was something apparently created by Human Rights Watch.

But "human rights" leaders are claiming that this convicted and admitted terrorist, who calls for violence, is a "human rights defender." Which indicates that they subscribe to the PFLP philosophy that the first and most important human right is to murder Jews. 

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After Mahmoud Abbas yet again spouted antisemitic lies in Germany on Tuesday, Palestinian officials and pundits unanimously supported him. 

Bassam al-Salihi, head of the People's Party and PLO Executive Committee member,  wrote that Abbas' statement that Israel committed fifty "holocausts" against Palestinians was true. "President Abbas' statements express the position of all the Palestinians, and the unrelenting Israeli incitement against the Palestinian president is totally and completely rejected," he wrote on his Facebook page.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement also supported his statement. Fatah spokesman Munther al-Hayek said that Abbas' words were meant "to remind the world of the suffering of the Palestinian people and the massacres committed by Israel." If there is to be any apology, al-Hayek said, it should be to the Palestinian people "whose land was occupied and the most heinous crimes were committed in front of the eyes and ears of the world without the killer being held accountable."

Ma'an News Agency reported Abbas' statements as "bold" and dismissed criticism by Israel as "hysteria."

The editor of Amad strongly defended Abbas' antisemitism, saying that "the patriot must stand without hesitation, conditionality, or thinking in the battle to defend President Abbas’s words, and that they represent what every Palestinian inside and outside the homeland believes… It is a political moment that never accepts neutrality. Silence on the fascist entity's war against the content of President Abbas's words is a partnership in it..there is no consolation for the cowards and the trembling." even went beyond Abbas' words, with a Jew-hating screed that said that Israel is guilty of far more than 50 "holocausts." By insisting that the Holocaust is a unique event, the editorial says, Jews believe that their lives are worth more than anyone else's. "The Zionist extremist voices that have become addicted to blackmailing the world are nothing but a follow-up to the idea of ​​ethnic or religious discrimination linked to the illusion and myth of 'God’s Chosen People'  attributed to a racist god, and a real estate and land dealer who is intolerant of a part of his creation, which does not fit the description of the Creator."

I could not find one condemnation of Abbas' words in Palestinian media. 

For his part, Abbas' fake apology was an excuse to insult Israel again. He didn't apologize at all, but merely said that he "condemned the Holocaust in the strongest terms," which is as low a bar as one can imagine. 

But Abbas then attacked Israel, and implied that what Israel does is worse than the Holocaust, saying, "the crimes and massacres committed against the Palestinian people since the Nakba at the hands of the Israeli forces... have not stopped to this day." Meaning, the Holocaust ended in the 1940s but Palestinian suffering has lasted for over seven decades. (This theme has been used often in Palestinian media.)

Among the anti-Israel activists I follow on social media, I could not find one condemning Abbas' words besides J-Street. This includes the self-described experts on antisemitism who follow he Middle East extensively like Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Marc Lamont Hill, and Peter Beinart. Because to them, if antisemitism doesn't come from a white nationalist, it isn't antisemitism

Their silence condones Abbas.

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