Monday, July 18, 2022

This doesn't happen often, but Amad published a column by Abdulaziz Al Zayed that emphasizes that Palestinians should hate Zionists, not Jews.

Is Judaism really an insult? I say: “Wake up the nation of Islam, for this is not from the religion of Muhammad.” I say: “Wake up my people, for your blame on the Jews is a mistake that must be corrected."

So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us. And they have many commonalities and ties.... Is the Islamic religion really a religion of tolerance and kindness? So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us. 

Unfortunately, there are thinkers who have overstepped their position and floated in the balance, and did not do justice to the Jews from themselves, and the Qur’an threatens by saying: (Woe to the delinquents), when will we sheath the sword of grudges? And when will we raise the banner of love? 
Of course, Zionists should be loathed. But this is a very rare article that calls out Muslim antisemitism. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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NGO Monitor has a website where you can see how various NGOs refer to Palestinian minors who are killed - and the truth about the terror attacks they were performing at the time, along with their terror affiliations.

The most recent one is  Sanad Abu Atiyeh:
On March 31, 2022, 17-year-old Sanad Abu Atiyeh was shot dead by IDF forces during a gun battle in Jenin. According to the IDF, Abu Atiyeh was among three Palestinian “armed men” who fired at Israeli forces. 

During his funeral march, Abu Atiyeh was wrapped in a PIJ flag and wore a PIJ headband, a practice reserved for the terror group’s members.
It is a nice resource.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: Eight things that happened during the Biden's Middle East trip
From I2U2 to Centcom and Morocco
Israel, India, the UAE and US are now working on a new framework called I2U2, which brings together countries with common interests. The move was announced during Biden’s trip and during a virtual summit. This was a major accomplishment. It remains to be seen if a new air defense pact in the region will also bring together Israel and the Gulf countries.

At the same time, Israel’s chief of staff is heading to Morocco after meeting the head of US Central Command on Sunday. All of these moves show the rapid integration of Israel into the region and new regional systems of partnerships.

Russia-Iran drone story grows
Russia may be seeking to use Iranian drones against Ukraine. The US alleged that Iran would provide Moscow with armed drones before Biden’s visit took place. As the president traveled the region, this story grew. Although Iran and Russia appeared to downplay the reports, US media continues to grow the story.

“A Russian delegation has visited an airfield in central Iran at least twice in the last month to examine weapons-capable drones, according to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and satellite imagery obtained exclusively by CNN,” the network reports. “Iran began showcasing the Shahed-191 and Shahed-129 drones, also known as UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, to Russia at Kashan Airfield south of Tehran in June, US officials told CNN. Both types of drones are capable of carrying precision-guided missiles.”

It remains to be seen if evidence emerges of an actual drone transfer. Russia could use Iranian drones to try to attack US-supplied weapons to Ukraine, such as the HIMARs systems. Ukraine would need to boost air defenses against any rising drone threat. Russia’s leader is expected to come to the region this week, and it will be important to see if he comes out with any concrete steps with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts regarding things like drones or Turkish threats to invade Syria.
Seth Frantzman: Morocco-Israel relationship is a huge beneficiary of new peace era
Moroccan ties also look to be good news for defense and trade
Globes reported in February that “Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) will provide the Moroccan army with the Barak MX air and missile defense system in a deal worth more than $500 million, according to international sources involved in the defense system trade.”

According to the same report, “Morocco has already purchased Heron UAVs from IAI and other UAVs from IAI unit Bluebird, as well as robot patrol vehicle systems from Elbit Systems and drone interceptors from Skylock. All these purchases from Israeli companies were carried out through third parties.”

Gantz has said that Israeli defense trade with the Abraham Accords countries is in the billions of dollars. Morocco appears to be a key to that large amount of trade.

The number of tourists is also growing. The Economist reported in June that Morocco expected 200,000 Israeli tourists. The tourism industry is backed by ads that have appeared in Jerusalem and aboard flights.

In June, Israel’s Foreign Ministry also said that “the gead of the Foreign Ministry’s Political Strategic Division, Ambassador Alon Bar, is currently holding a working visit to Morocco, during which he will hold a political dialogue with his Moroccan counterpart and meet with the director-general of the Moroccan Foreign Ministry, Fouad Yazur.”

The report noted that “the head of the Middle East Division at the Moroccan Foreign Ministry, Fouad Ahraf, led the political dialogue on the Moroccan side. The goal of the dialogue was to discuss the ways in which bilateral cooperation can be deepened between the two countries, with an emphasis placed on bringing Moroccan workers to Israel, encouraging investment and mutual tourism, and encouraging trade between the two countries.”

The overall context of Israel-Morocco ties, from defense to tourism, culture and diplomatic relations, appears to be one of the major fruits of the Abraham Accords. So far, it also appears to lack the controversy and complexity that can erupt in the Gulf due to the Iranian issue.

That does not mean it is not without its hurdles.

The issue of Western Sahara has ruffled feathers. US President Donald Trump moved to recognize the disputed area as part of Morocco.

That did not go well with everyone in Washington. However, the website Morocco World News said in March that for “lobbyists still hoping that the Biden administration will at some point repudiate the US’ pro-Morocco policy on the Western Sahara dispute, the US Consolidated Appropriations Bill signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 15 is the latest indication that the recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara is now official US policy.”
Survey: Growing Minority in Gulf Countries Approve of Informal Ties With Israelis
A new poll from the Washington Institute found that although more members of the Gulf region disapprove of the US-brokered Abraham Accords than before, there are growing sentiments toward allowing informal contact with Israelis.

In countries where the Abraham Accords — a series of normalizations between Israel and Arab countries — were initially unpopular, those attitudes have hardened. For example, those who see the accords as “very negative” in Lebanon increased from 41 percent in November 2020 to 66 percent in March 2022.

Of the Arab populations interviewed, the least likely to express a negative viewpoint of the Abraham Accords were the Palestinians. When asked in June 2022, almost half (48 percent) of those living in eastern Jerusalem saw the Abraham Accords in at least a somewhat positive light.

Only 39 percent of Gazans expressed a negative opinion of the Abraham Accords.

While more than two-thirds of citizens in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE view the Abraham Accords unfavorably, the idea of ties with Israelis is becoming increasingly popular in Gulf countries. Forty percent of Saudis now agree that informal business or sports ties with Israelis should be allowed.

Allowing such ties with Israelis remained at 85 percent in Egypt and 87 percent in Jordan, despite longstanding official relations. A resounding 94 percent of Kuwaitis and 93 percent of Lebanese surveyed disagreed with the idea of ties with Israelis.
Earlier this month, Israeli media revealed a terrible secret from the Six Day War. Yossi Melman tweeted:

After 55 years of heavy censorship, I can reveal that at least 20 Egyptian soldiers were burnt alive and buried by IDF in a mass grave, which wasn't marked & without being identified contrary to war laws, in Latrun. It happened during the Six Day's War.

Days before the war Egypt's Nasser signed a defense pact with Jordan's Hussein. Egypt deployed 2 commando battalions in the West Bank near Latrun, which was no man's land. Their mission was to raid inside Israel and take over Lod and a nearby military airfields.

Fire Exchanges took place with IDF troops and members of Kibbutz Nahshon. Some Egyptian troops fled, some taken prisoner, and some bravely fought. 

At a certain point IDF fired mortar shells and thousands of uncultivated dunams of wild bush in the dry summer were set on fire. At least 20 Egyptian soldiers died in the bush fire "the fire spread quickly in the hot and dry bush, and they have no chance to escape" I was told by Zeen Bloch (now 90 years) who was the military commander of Nachshon, a left-wing Kibbutz.

The next day IDF soldiers equipped with a bulldozer came to the scene, dug a pit, pushed the Egyptian corpses and covered them with soil. Bloch and some Nahshon members watched with horrors as soldiers looted personal belonging and left the mass grave unmarked.

Saleh Abu Muslim, an Egyptian writer in news site Elaosboa is comparing this incident with the Holocaust, which he is not sure really happened anyway.

When the word Holocaust is mentioned, one immediately thinks of the Holocaust against Jews and others by Nazi Germany and its allies led by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. Because of the genocide and the brutal Holocaust that the Jews were subjected to from 1935 until 1945, whether real or fiction, they are crimes of shame against humanity. Many scholars, historians and others believe that the Holocaust is a trick or a lie that is exploited by the Zionists to achieve their interests and blackmail the Western countries responsible for committing these crimes, and that is why those who deny the truth of the Holocaust by the Jews and their sympathizers are considered anti-Semites. ...

The Jews of the world are weeping and lamenting the burning crimes they were subjected to by Nazi Germany and its allies, and even calling for the prosecution of all those who deny the Holocaust and deny its occurrence, and they demand that Germany pay great financial compensation for the Jews who were exterminated. Yet here are the Israeli occupation soldiers and they practiced the same brutal crime against the prisoners and besieged Egyptian soldiers starting from the 1956, 1967, and 1973 wars. ...After 55 years of blackout, the Israeli authorities now come to us to reveal to us that the Israeli occupation forces in 1967 burned and killed more than 80 soldiers of the Israeli [sic] forces. The Egyptian special forces during the June 1967 war in the Latrun area located between Jaffa and Jerusalem, when those forces were on a special mission to support the Jordanian army in that area. Successive Israeli governments since 1967 to reveal to us this horrific crime after the Israeli forces fired phosphorous shells in the middle of a barren desert area full of weeds and dry trees to be burned...
Let's make some things clear: The burning of the soldiers was an accident. It wasn't from phosphorus shells but regular mortars, according to Melman. 

The Egyptian soldiers were valid military targets under the Geneva Conventions. They were not innocent civilians, and they weren't prisoners of war. They were active combatants. 

The IDF was absolutely wrong both in burying them and in looting their belongings, no question. Those soldiers should have been punished. And the incident should not have been kept secret for this long. 

But comparing that to the Holocaust? 

Egyptians have every right to be angry over the incident and to demand answers. But using it as an excuse to minimize the systematic mass slaughter and genocide of millions of Jews is obscene. 

And even more obscene is that the editor of the newspaper felt that the writer was making a valid point. And that whenever such an obscene article is published in Arabic, there is no visible pushback from other Arabs.  

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Israel Hayom has a scoop:
The defense establishment and Finance Ministry are operating a secret, extra-budgetary fund, through which money is transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

The fund's existence was revealed in the state's answer to the Supreme Court in response to a petition filed by the Kohelet Policy Forum. State's attorney Yael Morag Yako-El wrote that Israel had committed to transferring the Palestinians a "loan" of NIS 100 million ($28.86 million). "The source of this amount is an extra-budgetary fund managed by the Civil Administration and Finance Ministry's Budgets Department," she wrote.

Attorney Ariel Erlich, who submitted the petition on behalf of the Kohelet Policy Forum, said..."Theoretically, this is a gross violation of the law. After all, if the law stipulates what and how you are permitted to transfer to the PA, the state cannot create extra-budgetary funds to bypass this prohibition."

He added: "This whole story reeks of a cover-up, breaking the law, and funding terror. We hope the court won't allow the Finance Ministry to continue obscuring and blowing smoke. The citizens of Israel need to know whether public funds are transferred to fund terror through the circumvention of the Knesset's laws."

The Finance Ministry said in response that the "fund is sourced from payments pertaining to the use of lands, including quarries, along with media bodies as well. The sums that are deposited in the fund are earmarked for such matters. It should be noted we have answered questions posed by various Knesset members before, within the relevant contexts, about the loan."
It turns out that Palestinians are also suspicious of money they are receiving from Israel. 

Hassan Asfour, editor of Amad, thinks that this is evidence of Palestinian Authority corruption:

The Hebrew report, if true, reveals that Palestinian Authority officials agreed to accept money in exchange for “special services,” and that the authority has become like some countries that receive money in exchange for non-national services, provided to serve the national enemy, and not what is announced about explicit relations.
While Israelis are worried that the funds will go towards terrorism, Asfour is concerned that the funds will not go towards terror. His fear is that Israel is outsourcing some functions to the PA, like security,  that would not be in the Palestinian national interest. And to him, as with most Palestinians with zero-sum mentalities, anything that benefits Israel is by definition against the Palestinian national interest.

Who says Palestinians and Israelis cannot agree on something?

Any way you look at it, there should be no room for secret money transfers to the PA. The chances that the money will go towards terrorism are too high, and anything that is not transparent is almost invariably ripe for misuse. And, as Kohelet says, it is very possibly illegal. 

Not only do we need to know what this money is used for, but also under which government this fund was started.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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(From a Twitter thread)

BDS in 1922.

The American Israelite, Cincinnati, Ohio, 09 Nov 1922 (JTA)
BDS in 1923.

The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, 30 Mar 1923 (JTA)
BDS in 1925.

The Tablet, Brooklyn, New York, 11 Jul 1925
BDS in 1929.

Lansing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan, 19 Dec 1929,
BDS in 1936.

The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, 30 Oct 1936
BDS in 1937.

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News, 18 Feb 1937
BDS in 1945.
The Daily Telegraph, London, 04 Dec 1945
BDS in 1946.

AP, July 16, 1946
BDS in 1947.

AP, October 16, 1947
BDS in 1950.

AP, May 16, 1950
BDS in 1956.

St. Louis Jewish Light, 27 Jul 1956
BDS, 1963.

The Boston Globe, 10 Dec 1963
BDS, 1975.

Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Mississippi (AP), 13 Feb 1975
And even as late as 1986, it was obvious that the Arab boycott was against Jewish goods and services - not "Zionist."

The Daily Telegraph, London
31 Jan 1986,

All of these articles are clear that the boycotts were against Jews, not "Zionists" or "Israelis." And it became even more obvious after 1948, when Arab nations asked potential partners whether they had any Jewish officials before doing business with them. 
BDS today claims not to be antisemitic, but as these news clips show, it is a direct extension of the older boycotts.

And BDS today does not boycott Arab Israeli businesses - only Jewish.

The BDS movement is a century-old antisemitic movement. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

During the entire Shireen Abu Akleh snow job by the media, there was one larger question that has barely been asked: 

Where are the Palestinian police?

We see lots of videos of terrorists in full military gear and with assault weapons walking the streets of Jenin. But Jenin is in Area A, which is supposed to be under full Palestinian security control. No one is supposed to be brandishing weapons outside the Palestinian police, under signed agreements with Israel. (And those signed agreements are international law.) 

Israeli security forces only go into Jenin because the Palestinian Authority security forces aren't doing their basic jobs.

Back in December, this was already becoming apparent:
Asked if the PA was losing control of the situation in Jenin, the officer, a resident of Burqin village, replied, “That’s true; they are losing control not only here in Jenin, but in all of the West Bank.”  
And in April:
The [Jenin] camp now, however, is virtually off limits to PA forces, who neglected to police it in the years following the end of the Second Intifada.
The vacuum that was left was filled by young, impoverished and unemployed youth, who joined armed gangs, initially to commit crimes, including the smuggling of arms and drug trafficking. 
The West has paid millions to bolster the Palestinian security forces since Oslo. In fact, the United States Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority (USSC) was established in 2005 for exactly that reason:

The USSC coordinates with the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority to enhance security cooperation; leads coalition efforts in advising the Palestinian Authority on security sector reform; and recommends opportunities for nations and international organizations to contribute to the development of a self-sustaining Palestinian security sector.

The Palestinian Security Sector is able to effectively coordinate with the Government of Israel and international community, has accountable institutions capable of independently sustaining the security apparatus, while providing a safe and secure environment in the West Bank.
It has had 17 years, and Jenin is just as lawless as it was during the second intifada. This is why there were no Palestinian police securing the scene where Shireen Abu Akleh was shot, and this is why there is essentially no real evidence from the scene itself. 

Lots of people angrily say that Israel has no business being in Jenin, and the IDF incursions there stoke tension. That is looking at it backwards. The Palestinian Authority has abdicated their role to provide security for all of Area A, and have let Jenin and other areas turn in into terrorism hotbeds. 

It seems like the PA happily allows the US and EU to take over some responsibility for governance and has little interest in taking the role it is supposed to take. It has been nearly 30 years since Oslo - more than enough time for a government to mature enough to take control of its people - but the PA is still acting like it doesn't want to govern at all. So we have lawless areas in the West Bank, and no one is to blame but the Palestinian Authority.

If the PA had adhered to their signed agreements under international law, Shireen Abu Akleh would be alive today. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Saudi Arabia and Israel: Clouds on the new horizon
During Biden's visit, the Saudis repeated that mantra in demanding the two-state solution be implemented before normalizing relations with Israel. I would respectfully suggest that our two countries look over the horizon using wisdom that may appear uncommon, but which I believe stands to better serve us both.

Although I do see a potentially bright future with my Palestinian Arab neighbors once they truly reject terror and cease their demonization of Jews, I do not think it wise to condition regional peace agreements on their choices. Most Saudis know that the Palestinian Arabs have never been friends of the Kingdom or her citizens.

-When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, with his appetite set on the Saudi peninsula as a second course, frenzied Palestinian crowds cheered his bombing of Riyadh and lionized him as their champion against the pro-American Saudis.

-While a nuclear-minded Iran foments regional and global terror, seeks to destabilize the Saudi Kingdom via its proxy war in Yemen, and insults, threatens, and attacks the Saudi people at every opportunity, the Palestinian Arabs still side with the Ayatollahs. Both Hamas and the PLO share fealty to Iran and are strongly supported by a local Palestinian Arab populace which demonstrates little care for the welfare of the Arab states that support them.

Given these realities, why do the Saudi people continue to subordinate their core national interest to Palestinian Arabs who not only have no gratitude for their brothers’ beneficence, but would also surely cheer yet again if the Iranians were to conquer the Arabian Peninsula?

While current Saudi policy is to support the creation of ‘Palestine’, a strong case could be made for how such a development would be profoundly antithetical to essential Saudi interests. 'Palestine' would both maintain the goal of destroying Israel as well as destabilize other states in the region. This vector was always clear but was further enhanced in 2020 when Islamic Jihad proclaimed that it wished to join the PLO on the basis of jointly continuing the terror war against Israel. Going back to the brutal Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007 it is clear a similar fate would befall the 'West Bank' if Israel were to leave. Although Jordan would likely be the first to suffer from a radically Islamic 'Palestine', Saudi Arabia would also be rocked by harsh seismic activity along existing regional and national political fault lines. Saudi policy demands the creation of 'Palestine', yet 'Palestine' would be no friend of the Saudis.
Jeddah summit proves Arabs haven't dumped the Palestinians - PA officials
A Palestinian official told The Jerusalem Post that the Palestinians were “more than happy” to see the Arab monarchs and heads of state reiterate their support for the Palestinians and the two-state solution.

“[Egyptian] President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi emphasized in his speech that the Palestinian issue is the Arab’s number one case,” the official noted. “This is a blow to all those who have been claiming that the Arabs have abandoned the Palestinians and that the Palestinian issue was no longer at the top of the Arab world’s list of priorities.”

Likewise, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, said in a speech at the Jeddah summit that the Palestinian issue “occupies a central position among the peoples of our Arab and Islamic worlds and the forces of peace worldwide.

Another Palestinian official praised Jordan’s King Abdullah, who called in his speech for including the PA in “regional partnerships.”

Abdullah went on to reaffirm the importance of reaching a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the two-state solution, warning that there can be neither security, stability, nor prosperity in the region without a solution guaranteeing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 lines.

“The Arab leaders have again emphasized the significance of the Palestinian cause,” the official told the Post.

“The Jeddah summit has put the Palestinian cause back at the top of the Arab world’s list of priorities. It has also shown that the talk about the establishment of an Arab-Israeli security alliance is not true. We hope that the nice words we heard from the Arab leaders will be translated into deeds.”
Fallout from Biden’s Visit Undermines Israel in Area C, Eastern Jerusalem
Meanwhile, the Al Quds reported the content of the secret meeting President Biden conducted last Friday with the Arab heads of the eastern Jerusalem Hospital Network behind closed doors at the Augusta Victoria Hospital. The Biden delegation banned all Israeli officials from the meeting which lasted 25 minutes.

According to Al Quds, the network’s managers stressed to the visiting president that “Jerusalem is an occupied city and that its people are part of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip living under occupation, and they yearn for a day of salvation from it and living in freedom and dignity in the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

Biden heard from Abdul Qader Faisal Al-Husseini, the hospital network’s secretary, the General Executive Director of the Insider Hospital, Dr. Fadi Al-Atrash, and the directors of Eastern Jerusalem hospitals, Dr. Adnan Farhood, Dr. Abdullah Sabri, Dr. Ahmed Maali, and Jamil Koussa. and Mrs. Violet Mubarak.

Abdul Qader expressed his hope that this visit and the statements made by the US President on the two-state solution give rise to hope and a new horizon, and said: “Our people want to end the occupation and do not want to improve life under the occupation, nor accept any forms of infidelity against the Palestinian people who yearn for freedom and independence and building their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

That’s the PA Arab bourgeoisie telling the visiting Americans they prefer to let their population continue to live in poverty rather than be disloyal to the folks in Ramallah.

One hopes Biden brought along a proficient translator.

Abdel Qader pushed this point further, declaring: “I stressed in my conversation with Secretary Blinken that the issue is not aid to the six hospitals and support for certain sectors in Jerusalem, but rather the need to stop the violations and the Israeli occupation’s Judaizing the city through the demolition of homes, the uprooting of Jerusalemites, the settlements, and the Judaization of the city, and the necessity of stopping this racist regime that targets our existence as Palestinians yearning for freedom and independence and building our state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

Someone should remind President Biden real soon that US Law prohibits the division of Jerusalem. He can’t do it with a presidential executive order, he can’t do it at all.
  • Sunday, July 17, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • , ,
The Human Rights Watch 2021 World Report describes the human rights situation, as they see it, in every country.

The number of pages allocated to each country is a rough approximation of which countries HRW considers their top priorities.

And the country with the most pages, by far, is....The United States.

This chart shows a very bizarre idea of where the top human rights problems worldwide are:

Western democracies are rated often worse than states with the most serious human rights issues. 

Here's the entire list so you can see for yourself how twisted HRW's priorities are.

United States 18
China 14
Russia 13
Brazil 12
European Union 12
India 12
Colombia  11
Mexico  11
Syria  11
Venezuela  11
Egypt  10
Israel/Palestine  10
Myanmar  10
Afghanistan 9
Argentina 9
Australia  9
Iran 9
Peru  9
Bangladesh 8
Belarus  8
Bolivia  8
Canada  8
Cuba  8
Ecuador 8
El Salvador  8
France  8
Guinea 8
Haiti  8
Honduras  8
Iraq 8
Japan  8
Kyrgyzstan  8
Libya 8
Nigeria 8
Pakistan  8
Thailand 8
Turkey 8
United Kingdom  8
Yemen 8
Armenia  7
Azerbaijan  7
Chile 7
Germany  7
Greece  7
Guatemala  7
Indonesia 7
Kazakhstan  7
Lebanon  7
Maldives  7
Morocco 7
Nepal 7
Nicaragua  7
North Korea 7
Saudi Arabia  7
Somalia  7
South Sudan 7
Spain  7
Sudan 7
Turkmenistan  7
Ukraine 7
Uzbekistan  7
Algeria 6
Bahrain 6
Burkina Faso  6
Burundi  6
Cambodia 6
Cameroon 6
Eritrea  6
Ethiopia  6
Georgia  6
Italy  6
Jordan  6
Kenya  6
Malaysia  6
Mali  6
Papua New Guinea  6
Philippines  6
Poland  6
Qatar 6
Rwanda 6
Tajikistan 6
United Arab Emirates 6
Vietnam 6
Bosnia and Herzegovina  5
Central African Republic 5
Democratic Republic of Congo 5
Hungary  5
Kuwait  5
Mauritania  5
Mozambique  5
Singapore  5
South Africa  5
South Korea 5
Sri Lanka 5
Uganda 5
Zimbabwe  5
Angola  4
Eswatini  4
Kosovo 4
Oman  4
Serbia  4
Tunisia 4

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Last week, the New York Times wrote yet another article about how influential and powerful pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC is.

Notice that the headline doesn't say that AIPAC supports pro-Israel candidates - but tries to defeat candidates that don't pass their litmus test. This emphasis supports the idea of the group being a menace to good, honorable candidates who think for themselves.

To say that the New York Times is obsessed with AIPAC is an understatement. Earlier this year we saw:

Anti-AIPAC sentiment also was obvious throughout its fawning article this year on Rashida Tlaib, and the pro-Israel lobby was the subject of another article about local New York elections. 

The underlying but largely unspoken theme is how the Israel lobby is the Jewish lobby, as was made explicit in this 2019 article about Ilhan Omar's antisemitic statement that concentrated on whether she was correct, asking whether AIPAC was "too powerful," that featured this photo of an AIPAC activist praying:

According to OpenSecrets, AIPAC is number 5 in spending money among ideology/ single issue groups in the 2022 election cycle:

#1, spending far more than AIPAC, is the Fund for Policy Reform. You probably haven't heard of it because it has only been mentioned once in the New York Times, in the last paragraph of a 2015 article about Bill DeBlasio's consultants - not even about lobbying. 

That fund, which spent $75 million in 2020, is a George Soros organization within his Open Society Foundations network, with a definite political bias towards far Left causes.

That money being spent to influence elections, which dwarfs the Israel lobby, gets literally no coverage in the New York Times.

Similarly, Majority Forward, another pro-Democrat lobbying group, is only mentioned once this past year, as an aside in an article about Latino voters in Nevada.

The New York Times is insinuating that the pro-Israel lobby has inordinate and malicious influence over elections with their immense budgets - but it is almost completely silent on liberal lobby groups, more likely to be anti-Israel, who spend far more on their lobbying.

Rarely has bias been so obvious as with how the New York Times covers political lobbying.

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Jordanian media doesn't even try to hide its antisemitism.

Addustour, a major newspaper, has called Jews the devil, said that Jews are the most stubborn enemies of Islam, and only recently that Jews lie about the Holocaust.

On Saturday, columnist Rashid Hassan came up with an interesting alternate history of Palestine:
The White House and the whole world knows that Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinian Arab people, and Biden knows, if he reads history, that the Jews are an invading nation.. They occupied Palestine.. Just as your people, Mr. Biden, occupied America, and exterminated tens of millions of Red Indians -- with Britain's support. ... History has proven that the Palestinian people established a developed state that surpassed Britain and France in civility and progress. and institutions...
Not only have Jews never lived in the region, but  he reminds us of that famous Palestinian state and all its developed institutions!

Meanwhile, in Ammon News, Dr. Bassam al-Amoush tells President Biden that "We know that you and all the presidents who preceded you to the White House are Zionists and slaves to Jewish organizations such as AIPAC, in whose hands anyone who wants to enter the White House will sit to present his pledges towards the occupying state!! "

Yes, all American presidents beg Jews to allow them to gain power. Which is pretty much what David Duke says.

But when Jordanians say it, the media doesn't think it is newsworthy.

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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