Thursday, June 09, 2022

In 2015, Amnesty International created a website called the Gaza Platform, created with Forensic Architecture, that claimed to identify every casualty in the 2014 Gaza war and the circumstances around the incident.

As I showed at the time, the database was filled with inaccuracies, and many of the people that they claimed were civilian were in fact terrorists. Amnesty was aware of my research showing terrorists in their uniforms with guns that they called "civilian" and chose to keep the lies in the database - which is still available, today.

Airwars is another NGO that purports to document the innocent victims of war, and they do just what Amnesty did - they are calling legitimate military targets "civilians."

This is a Twitter thread by open source researcher DigFind on this:

Our investigation finds that award winning non-profit company @airwars is whitewashing terrorism with the help of high profile donors.

Airwars' interactive map project detailing the "civilian casualties" in Gaza was nominated for @amnesty media awards 2022.
Airwars is based at Goldsmiths, University of London @GoldsmithsUoL. Chris Woods @chrisjwoods is the founder and until yesterday the director. Chris also sits on Forensic Architecture @ForensicArchi's Advisory Board. 
Previously, Amnesty International @amnesty and Forensic Architecture @ForensicArchi teamed up to create the "Gaza Platform", an online data visualization app that describes many known Palestinian terrorists as civilian casualties of the 2014 Gaza War.ImageImage
Mohammed Barham Abu Draz (محمد برهم على أبو دراز) was a member of Al Qassam Brigades - a terrorist organization. He is listed as civilian casualty.

Same for Alaa’ Jamal Barda (علاء جمال بردع). He was a field commander with the same terror group.
Airwars receives funding from Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust @jrct_uk, Open Society Foundations @OpenSociety, Stichting Democratie en Media, Reva and David Logan Foundation, and J. Leon Foundation. 
Some examples of "civilian casualties" that were actual Hamas, Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.

Ezz El-Din Mohamed Helles (عز الدين محمد حلس) - member Al Qassam Brigades
Muhammad Yahya Abu Al-Atta (محمد يحيى أبو العطا) - field commander al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.Image
Muhammad Saeed Abu Al-Atta (محمد سعيد ابوالعطا) - field commander Al Qassam Brigades.Image
Osama Ashraf Abu Rida (اسامه اشرف ابو ريده) - Activist Fatah youth. Fatah Movement Eastern Region referred to him as their martyr hero.Image
Zaher Atya Anbar (زاهر عطية عنبر) - member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Nidal Al-Amoudi Brigade, a Gaza based armed group.ImageImage
Yasser Al-Masry Abu Musab (ياسر المصري ابو مصعب) - Commander of the Deir al-Balah Brigade in Saraya al-Quds. Recently he died of injuries sustained in May 2021. Airwars' assessment of the IDF strike on Al-Masry - "civilian harm"ImageImage

I'd like to add that when someone is misidentified as a civilian, it not only affects the raw statistics of the victims. If the IDF has a legitimate target that was of a high enough value, then under the laws of armed conflict they are allowed to attack it even if there are civilians that will be harmed. This is not a carte blanche to attack anyone without regard to civilians, but if the target is someone or something that is important enough, some collateral damage is acceptable according to the principle of proportionality.

This means that any civilians who were effectively used as human shields by the terrorists cannot be treated as if they were killed far away from any target. Unlike how NGOs like Amnesty and HRW frame it, their deaths are legal. Only if there was no military gain from the attack does it violate the laws of war. When NGOs pretend that every civilian is a victim of Israel, they have it backwards: they died because Hamas and other terrorists hid behind them.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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I have previously mentioned that I think I identified the most likely location of the gunman who killed Shireen Abu Akleh.

Based on the audio forensics of the gunshots/bullet shockwave, this building is the exact distance away that the gun that killed her was - between 178-187 meters away from the microphone that recorded the shots depending on where one would be standing on the roof of this house.

Here is the path a bullet would take from that house to Abu Akleh.

I have found a fantastic high resolution aerial video of Jenin, uploaded to YouTube last month, which shows even more clearly how perfect that location would be both for Jenin snipers to be positioned and their line of sight to Shireen.

Not only is there perfect line of sight to where Abu Akleh was standing, but from the vantage point of the snipers there would be an unimpeded view down the street to where the IDF convoy was likely (and, indeed, did) pass by.

The entire area at full resolution can be seen if you click on this thumbnail.

As previously reported, multiple witnesses said that they saw snipers on buildings at the time of Abu Akleh's death. We do not have any direct video of those gunmen at that time, but it is obvious that the terrorists would use rooftops as the most strategic firing locations in Jenin. Proof can be seen from this video of multiple gunmen two days later, on May 13, shooting northward from a rooftop/terrace from which you can see the sports field and also the house I just mentioned. 

Even the famous video from Jenin on May 11, where the terrorists tell each other that an IDF soldier was down at the time Abu Akleh was killed, shows a puff of smoke from a rooftop apparently from gunfire (0:15)

The shebab clearly act like they own the refugee camp. They will not ask permission to take over a rooftop firing position.

The analyses from CNN, AP and Bellingcat did not give readers any idea of the scope of gunman activity in Jenin that day, only showing two groups of militants when in fact they were all over the area. The "experts" did not identify, directly or indirectly, a single case of gunmen on rooftops.

Yet those rooftop gunmen are the only people with a clear line of sight to Shireen.

Nor do these "investigators" mention how amateur these gunmen are, often firing without aiming. That is obvious from the video above, and even clearer in this video uploaded on the day Shireen was killed.

This is all circumstantial evidence, of course, but so is the "evidence" given by the media that blame the IDF.

The circumstantial and hard evidence that indicates that Jenin gunmen killed Shireen Abu Akleh, and that the IDF didn't, is far more compelling:

- We know the killer was between 177 and 195 meters away from the microphone near Shireen. (audio forensics)
- We know that the IDF was more than 200 meters away. (video)
- The only recorded people with guns in that zone were Jenin militants to the southeast of Shireen. (video)
- There were gunmen on rooftops that were pointed out by residents/journalists minutes before her death. (video of pointing)
- Jenin gunmen shoot from roofs of multiple buildings, and it doesn't appear that they ask permission. (video above)
- There is at least one building with a roof that is ideal for gunmen that is also the exact distance from Abu Akleh that the audio forensics indicates, and one of the Jenin residents/journalists pointed in that direction. (photos, maps above)
- The best line of sight to Shireen would have been from an elevated position such as a rooftop. (logic)
- The two main witnesses to her death said explicitly that she was killed by "snipers" in buildings "across" from her, when there was no IDF presence in that area. (video, interview)
- Jenin gunmen fire without looking carefully at their targets. They are not professionals in any sense. (video above)
- The bullet pattern on the tree next to Abu Akleh, the one hitting Shireen and the one hitting Ali Samoudi, is far more indicative of wild Jenin gunmen-style firing than shooting by professional soldiers. (CNN's idiot "expert" who is known to hate Israel claimed the exact opposite!)
- The IDF has no incentive, and plenty of disincentive, to kill reporters, and reporters specifically show themselves to the IDF every day to ensure their own safety - including on May 11.

All evidence points to the real killers - the Palestinian terrorist youth who have hijacked the Jenin camp.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



The US State Department's 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom was recently released. It has quite a large section on Israel, much of it about religious coercion by Orthodox in Israel towards other denominations. 

But one theme on that and the West Bank/Gaza page was seemingly against religious freedom. 

When it discusses Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, the tone of the report is decidedly negative, which is quite strange for a report that is supposed to support freedom and rights for religion:

According to local media, some Jewish groups performed religious acts such as prayers and prostration on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount despite the ban on non-Islamic prayer.  The Israeli government reiterated that overt non-Islamic prayer was not allowed on the grounds of the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.  NGOs, media, and Jewish Temple Mount advocacy groups continued to report that in practice, police generally allowed discreet non-Muslim prayer on the site.  The news website Al-Monitor reported in October that although the country’s two chief rabbis repeatedly said Jews were not to set foot in the Temple Mount out of concern they could inadvertently step into an area which, in Jewish law, it was forbidden to enter unless one was ritually pure.  In recent years, some Jews had entered the mosque and tried to offer prayers. 

No Jews entered the mosque. The State Department is adopting the absurd recent Palestinian claim that the entire Temple Mount is a mosque. (If it was, then no Muslim would be allowed to wear shoes on the entire complex!)  

In August, the New York Times reported that Rabbi Yehuda Glick, whom the newspaper described as a “right-wing former lawmaker,” led “efforts to change the status quo for years” and said that Glick livestreamed his prayers from the site.  The report said that although the government officially allowed non-Muslims to visit the site each morning on the condition that they did not pray there, “In reality, dozens of Jews now openly pray every day [at the site]… and their Israeli police escorts no longer attempt stop them.”  The New York Times reported that Glick and activists ultimately sought to build a third Jewish Temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock, an idea that Azzam Khatib, the deputy chairman of the Waqf council, said “will lead to a civil war.” 

The same article said that Glick only wanted to build the Third Temple in dialogue with Muslims, not above their objections, and it would be open to all religions.  Both of those facts  should be relevant but the report seems to want to paint the Jews as extremists who want to forcibly take over the Mount. 

According to the Religion News Service, one group known as the Temple Institute hoped to build a third temple where one of the al-Aqsa complex’s three mosques now stands and to reinstate ritual animal sacrifices.  The group’s website reported that it was working with an architect on a design.  In September, al-Monitor reported, “In the past, doing so [praying out loud or making movements of genuflection], could lead to the person being detained and ejected from the site, as Jews are not allowed to pray there.  But more recently, a warning is reportedly more common.  Last July Israel’s Channel 12 filmed Jews praying silently at the site while police officers watched.”  Police continued to screen non-Muslims for religious articles.  Police allowed Jewish male visitors who were visibly wearing a kippah and tzitzit (fringes), and those who wished to enter the site barefoot (in accordance with interpretations of halacha, Jewish religious law) to enter with a police escort.

On October 5, the Jerusalem Magistrate Court ruled that “silent Jewish prayer” on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount did not violate existing police rules on the site.  The ruling was in response to a case involving a 15-day administrative restraining order against a man whom police had removed from the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount on September 29 on grounds that he disturbed public order by engaging in Jewish prayer.  The judge ruled that silent prayer “does not in itself violate police instructions” that prohibit “external and overt” non-Muslim prayer on the site.  Al-Monitor said the Magistrate’s Court’s ruling was “unprecedented” and “seem[ed] to question the status quo that has prevailed over the site.”  The Jerusalem District Court overturned the lower court’s ruling on October 8, ruling that the INP had acted “within reason,” and “the fact that there was someone who observed [him] pray is evidence that his prayer was overt.”  Minister of Public Security Bar-Lev supported the appeal, saying “a change in the status quo will endanger public security and could cause a flare-up.”  The Waqf said the lower court’s ruling was “a flagrant violation” of the complex’s sanctity and a “clear provocation” for Muslims.
This report is framing the Jews who want true religious freedom as fanatics who are somehow limiting Muslim religious freedom. The supposed "status quo," which was by definition antisemitic in that it forbade Jews from prayer, is held up as an ideal.

(h/t Irene)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, June 08, 2022

From Ian:

NGO Monitor: In-depth Audit Says World Vision Totally Incompetent, Funded Hamas
On November 3, 2021, the Israeli Registrar of Non-Profits petitioned the Jerusalem District Court to dissolve an Israeli non-profit organization belonging to the international aid agency, World Vision (וורלד ויזון in Hebrew). As justification for the request and following a multi-year investigation, the Registrar alleges that the local non-profit did not implement humanitarian projects as it claimed to and conducted financial transactions for purposes other than its stated goals – including providing funds to Hamas. Moreover, the Registrar charges that the non-profit’s executive and oversight frameworks were non-functional and ineffective.

These evidence-based findings are particularly significant in light of the ongoing trial against Mohammad El-Halabi, manager of World Vision’s Gaza operations, over his alleged diversion of $50 million in aid materials to Hamas. Responding to his arrest and trial, World Vision officials in Australia, who funded this operation, have repeatedly insisted that local finances were managed competently, and that the allegations could not possibly be true. Although they claimed that a full audit was conducted after Halabi’s arrest, in fact, no report has been made public.

In contrast, the Registrar’s conclusions, based on an independent audit conducted by the Schmidt, Ben-Tsvi, and Perlstein accounting firm, [on file with NGO Monitor] confirm concerns revealed by previous NGO Monitor analyses of World Vision financial reports. (For more on the financial inconsistencies and irregularities discovered by NGO Monitor, see “World Vision’s Operations in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza” and “World Vision Finances in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza”.)

The following primer summarizes the Registrar’s assertions – as well as World Vision’s responses – on a series of issues
- Terror funding
- Financial and organizational mismanagement
- Funds not utilized to achieve the non-profits goal
- Unclear financial transactions
- Salary payments
- Cash withdrawals
- Multiplicity of bank accounts
Jonathan Tobin: What does the BDS movement really stand for?
As a Pew Research Institute study recently revealed, the overwhelming majority of Americans have little or no idea what the debate about the BDS movement is about. With 84% of those polled confessing ignorance about the topic, that left only 11% to express an opinion about it one way or the other. Those who understand the anti-Semitic nature of BDS activism may take some cold comfort from the fact that its supporters haven't made all that much headway in the public square. But the fact that only 6% opposed it, while a mere 5% backed it, is a frightening result when one considers the consequences of the way many on the left-wing of the Democratic Party are buying into exactly the sort of intersectional ideology that is the foundation of BDS lies about Israel.

That's the context for the news that a Boston BDS group is promoting a "Mapping Project" that is supposed to illustrate "how local support for the colonization of Palestine is structurally tied to policing, evictions and privatization locally, and to US imperialist projects worldwide."

It's not clear whether such extremism has much support even in the most woke sectors of one of the country's most liberal communities. But what makes it truly sinister is the way that it creates maps of synagogues and other Jewish institutions, including schools in the state of Massachusetts, and attempts to hold them out as bastions of "harms" such as "racism," "policing, "US imperialism" and "ethnic cleansing."

It should be understood clearly what Boston BDS and its leftist allies are doing here. They are placing a target on American Jews – declaring that anything and everything associated with Jewish life in this country is fair game for false accusations of crimes against minorities, delegitimization, and, at the very least, hounding out of the public square and, perhaps, ultimately violence. This is tangible evidence of the way elements of the ideological left have crossed over to the kind of open anti-Semitism that many Jews are only prepared to acknowledge when it comes from the far-right.

Some on the Jewish left have urged Americans to understand BDS as a cry of protest against what they mischaracterize as oppressive Israeli policies and a way to pressure Israel to withdraw from the West Bank. They say that progressives who either support BDS – like the members of the left-wing congressional "Squad" – should not be treated as anti-Semites or beyond the pale of normal politics. But it should be noted that the kind of rhetoric from the BDS movement – in which talk of "colonization of Palestine" refers to Tel Aviv, not remote settlements in the territories – actually reflects exactly the sort of toxic stuff that is routinely spouted by both the Hamas terrorists who rule the Gaza Strip and their supposedly moderate rivals of the Palestinian Authority that autonomously governs the Arab population of the West Bank in their official media.
Ruthie Blum: Shavuot, the Six-Day War and the Sorry ‘Status Quo’ on the Temple Mount
Israeli and Diaspora Jews visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Sunday to celebrate Shavuot—the holiday marking the revelation of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai—were greeted by angry Palestinians. The latter, mostly young men, have taken to rioting regularly on the compound where the Al-Aqsa mosque is located.

It would be easy to attribute the behavior of the Muslim troublemakers to the occasion when Jews make a festive pilgrimage to the site of the two temples. It would be equally simple to attach significance to the Gregorian date, which coincided with the 55th anniversary of the 1967 Six-Day War.

Though the two are indelibly linked, the tendency of mostly young male Palestinians to use any excuse to desecrate the site—the holiest in Judaism and third in Islam after Mecca and Medina—has become commonplace. And it’s no wonder.

Incited by the Palestinian Authority, with a little help from the king of Jordan, these guys get to cloak their violent energy in a veil of religious and political purity. The neat trick on the part of the leaders in Ramallah, Gaza and Amman to encourage terrorist activity is to perpetuate the bald-faced lie that Israel plans to storm the compound and destroy the mosque.

The mendacity doesn’t end there. The PA leadership also pretends that the presence of Jews in the ancient land of Israel is a myth, and that the story of the First and Second Temples is a fabrication.

That the Bible and archaeology say otherwise is of no consequence to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, who determines what is published in the press that his people read and the curriculum in their schools. A central theme in the material that he disseminates is that the State of Israel is an illegitimate entity whose destiny is elimination.

While his rivals in the terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad openly aim for this goal, Abbas puts on a charade for international consumption. The act involves talking peace while fomenting hostility against his alleged partner on the road to a “two-state solution.”

Here’s the rub. He insists that the stumbling block to this dream of Palestinian independence is Israel’s grip on the territories that it occupied in 1967. The fact that anyone in Israel or abroad still buys this hackneyed baloney is mysterious, to say the least.

The Biden Administration is leaking like a sieve. And what it is leaking is Israeli intelligence that harms the welfare of Israel and the people who live there, for example, this writer. This time, the leak concerns highly classified information regarding the alleged role of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of Col. Sayad Khodayee, a senior commander in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). In other words, a top-ranking Iranian terrorist was taken out, and the Biden Administration made the deliberate decision to leak details that implicate Israel as the responsible party.

Khodayee was gunned down as he sat in his car outside his home, by two men on a motorcycle, on May 22. No one should shed a tear for him. The IRGC Quds force officer was the deputy head of Unit 840, tasked with attacking foreign targets such as Israel. Khodayee is said by Western intelligence sources to have direct responsibility for terror attacks against civilians not only in Israel, but in Europe and America, along with government officials from countries such as the UAE, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Colombia.

The fact that Khodayee was a terrorist responsible for murdering innocent civilians, among them Americans, did not deter the Biden Administration from rushing to Iran with helpful intelligence regarding the assassination—intelligence that implicates a supposed US ally, Israel. Biden wants to help Iran, and is willing to look the other way to do so, even where American blood has been spilled. If Biden is willing to ignore spilled American blood in its sycophantic quest to please Iran, all the more so is he willing to toss Israel to Iran, like throwing meat to a hungry lion.

Israel, of course, never confirms nor denies involvement in its overseas operations. But it really doesn’t matter. The information gifted to Iran by Biden would have been detailed and specific to the point that denial would have no import. America, Israel’s supposed bestie in the Middle East, gave away the store.

So egregious was the leak, that the Israeli defense establishment had no compunction about making a public statement to the effect that, in fact, there was a leak. Ram Ben Barak, for example, an Israeli MK and former deputy head of the Mossad as much as said so, calling the leak a “violation”:
"We have very many close relationships and a lot of cooperation between us, which all depend on trust, and when it is violated in some way then it damages future cooperation."

In a recent podcast with Michael Makovsky of JINSA, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer remarked on the fact that this latest leak is far from the first by US officials regarding classified Israeli operations:

If you remember, about 15 years ago, I think US intelligence officials had leaked to the NY Times, if memory serves, the bombing of the Syrian reactor in 2007, and then you had various leaks, I remember during the Obama years with all sorts of allegations that Israel was planning this or that operation to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and that would come out from time to time [Azerbaijan and others]. There were leaks that raised a few eyebrows back in Jerusalem and in other parts of Israel where our security services work.

Dermer goes on to explore the reasoning behind the leaks in great detail, and demonstrating the will to boost Iran and “handcuff Israel”:

But I think the relevant question is, if this is true, I mean if it’s an American intelligence leak, and by all accounts it is, I don’t know, but if that is true, the question becomes, why? Why are they actually leaking this, and so I think two things are likely, if it’s an American leak.

The first is they’re trying to distance themselves from Israel. Meaning to try to push away, put the blame on Israel, and keep the United States out of it. And I think that’s very disturbing because that would only encourage attacks against Israelis because of the fear of potential American action against Iran or other actors that actually deters aggression. You saw that in the case of Soleimani, in the wake of the Soleimani [assassination].

In taking out Soleimani in early January 2020, there was a very weak response from the Iranians because they were really concerned about a potential counter response from the Americans and in that case, America said that they were responsible for [Soleimani’s assassination], they took responsibility for it, and even when that happened, Iran was very deterred in taking mass actions against the Americans because they don’t want to be in a clash with them. So for the United States to think they’re going to stabilize the situation by distancing themselves from Israel, not only endangers Israeli citizens and officials, but it also actually makes the chance of an attack, much higher.

The second thing, which would concern me if this is an American leak, is that what I see it as a message to Israel that the US disagrees with the action that was taken, and essentially what that means is they are trying to curtail Israel’s freedom of operation. . . and this one of the concerns that I’ve had for a long time, that should a nuclear deal be signed, that the United States would immediately try to restrict Israel’s freedom of operation, because if they did a deal with Iran, let’s say, and everybody starts applauding and saying this brings peace and stability to the Middle East, then Israel will find itself as a sort of skunk at the post-Iran Deal garden party. Right?

And we’re going to do these operations which we have to do against, let’s say Iran and Syria, which Israel has admitted has done, we’ve launched hundreds of attacks against Iran establishing beachheads against Israel in Syria, and there are other places where we would engage in this activity, and my concern for a long time was that the US would try to handcuff Israel, either through leaks like this, or in other ways to try to prevent us from acting, and the reason why I’m concerned is because I saw that happen in the past.

Dermer did in fact see it happen during his diplomatic years in Washington, during Obama’s time in office:

After the deal was signed in 2015, the United States, rather than stand with Israel and fight Iran in different areas around the region, as was promised at the time—remember they said, “Hey this is a nuclear deal and then we’re going to make our, we’re going to stand with Israel and our Arab partners in the region and push back against Iranian aggression in the region.”

But that didn’t happen. In the latter half of 2015, and in 2016, it didn’t happen. There was almost no pushback.

You remember the humiliation of taking sailors of the United States during that period and everything was done to avoid confrontation because to have a confrontation with Iran in any theater, would suggest that the Iran policy was a failure . . . that Iran wasn’t a good actor, that Iran wasn’t joining the community of nations but was actually, as the Prime Minister said in his speech to Congress, “Gobbling up the nations.”

So they wanted to avoid, the Obama Administration, any tension with Iran, and when they saw Israel going and operating against Iran in the region, they didn’t like that, and my concern from the beginning, was the second that any nuclear deal with Iran is signed, there is going to be an attempt to handcuff Israel.

Dermer sees the current American leak of Israeli intelligence as a foreshadowing of how things will go, should Biden succeed in his quest for a “deal” with Iran:

Now, I see this as a sneak preview of what Israel can expect if there is a deal. Now maybe they’re doing it now to fire a shot across the bow or maybe they think they could still get a deal, even though the prospects, at least publicly, look less likely than they did a few weeks ago. But I think it’s very disturbing on both counts.

One, it I think it encourages potential action by the Iranians against Israel, it will fuel that aggression, and I think it also tells Israelis that the United States won’t have their back in doing certain operations in the region, and the person you quoted, Ben Barak, I mean he’s a former, I think number two at the Mossad. That’s a very, very senior official who’s saying that and he’s not somebody who’s eager to have any kind of clash or confrontation with the United States. So he was very upset about it and senior leadership of Israel were obviously very upset about, for good reason.

The latest leak confirms that Biden will do anything to please Iran. It’s the Obama playbook all over again. Elevate Iran and take Israel down a notch, to alter the balance of power in the Middle East. That is the purpose of the Iran Deal, which of course, is not a deal at all. The Iran Deal is a capitulation, an appeasement policy designed to placate Iran and alienate Israel. More than that, the Iran Deal releases money to the Iranian nuclear power program, enabling it to reach its goal of obliterating Israel (and for that matter, America, too—but in the Obama now Biden playbook, the crocodile eats them last).

As a result of current American policy which involves the outright betrayal of a staunch American ally, Israel, things may go very wrong—not only for Israel but for the world at large. Behind these concerns, however, is something that is in some ways even more disturbing: the betrayal of Israeli Jews by American Jewry, the majority of whom voted for Biden and for Obama before him, despite Israeli pleas to their American brethren. Back in February 2021, I wrote an angry piece on the subject of the Jewish vote, American Jews Voted for This. An excerpt:

While the Trump administration imposed sanctions on the Houthis, the Biden administration has already moved to suspend some of these sanctions. That’s because Iran is sending lots of sophisticated weaponry to this Yemen-based militia group and training Houthi militants in their use. And Biden, you see, is loath to upset Iran.

The Trump administration designated the Houthis a terrorist organization. Biden, on the other hand, is reviewing this designation. Antony Blinken, Biden’s secretary of state, said he has “deep concern about the designation” of the Houthis as a terrorist organization. The Biden administration's “review” is part and parcel of a return to the bad old days of the Obama administration and the JCPOA appeasement policy in which America pretends it can mollify the mullahs by funding their nuclear ambitions. American Jews voted for this and it literally makes no sense. It’s suicide.

The Biden administration is, in fact, an extension of the Obama administration’s “abnormal Middle East strategy,” in which enemies are strengthened, and friends are punished. In voting for Biden, American Jews voted for strengthening Iran and punishing Israel. Because that is how much they hate Donald Trump. For hatred of this one man, they threw the Jews of Israel under the bus. They empowered an Iran that promises to wipe out both Israel and America.

It is obvious that the Biden Administration, more than one year later, has not deviated in its path of appeasement. The Obama policy of leaking of Israeli intelligence continues, in hopes that Iran will at last be persuaded to take a bribe. Iran’s empowerment gains momentum even as Biden’s faculties diminish, leaving the President unable at times even to remember where he is.

Biden has told us on more than one occasion, that “they”tell him what to say—that he is going to get into trouble with “them” for saying things he should not. We may not be able to prove with any certainty the identity of the Biden puppet master. But we do know that strings are being pulled, moving the world in the wrong direction, and taking us to a place where the bad guys win and the good guys lose.

Even as the Biden Administration leaks Israeli intelligence, Iran continues to build its nuclear arsenal and make clear its ambitions. The mullahs' war? It only begins with Israel. But instead of banding together with Israel against the threat, Biden makes a sacrificial offer of the Jewish State.

Much of the world is not cognizant of this fact, having drunk the Koolaid proffered by the media and progressive wokeism. There is no kicking and screaming even as their elected government drags America into a quagmire of death and destruction. “LGBTQ!” they shout, “Abortions!” they shout, though none of it will matter if they all go up in a mushroom cloud. 

This is the future they chose: to help Iran in its quest for the bomb; to finance the deaths of Israelis and Arabs, and to finance their own deaths, too. It’s what they voted for. And it is anyone’s guess if they will awaken in time to stop the madness.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



By Daled Amos

China-Israel relations took decades to warm up, but when they did -- they really took off.

At least until last month.

On May 30, The Jerusalem Post featured an interview critical of China: Taiwan FM to ‘Post’: China preps to invade us, Israel can't trust Beijing:

Voicing concern about a possible Chinese invasion of his country, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned Israel – in an exclusive interview on Monday – from relying too heavily on China.

“China is an authoritarian country and they do business in a very different philosophy,” Wu told The Jerusalem Post in a video interview from his office in Taipei. “Sometimes they use trade as a weapon, and we have seen them practicing their weaponized trade relations with many other countries.

“They did it to Lithuania, they did it to the Czech Republic and they also did it to Australia. Sometimes they try to do that to Taiwan as well. So, when we do business with an authoritarian country, we need to be very careful. We shouldn’t allow these kinds of business relations to jeopardize our national security. And I understand pretty well that Israel also places national security very high on the government agenda,” he continued. [emphasis added]

Business between Israel and China is a delicate issue.

According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, Israel was one of the first non-communist bloc countries to recognize China as the People's Republic of China in 1950. As a result, Israel severed ties with Taiwan (the Republic of China). At the time, Israeli efforts to build on ties with China fell apart. The problem was not because of any desire by China to develop ties with the Arab world. At the time, those were mainly monarchies and had an attachment to the West. Instead, the problem was the US -- China was involved in the Korean War and the US frowned on countries having any relations with Peking. [Encyclopedia Judaica, 5:472]

Which means that current US efforts to curtail Israel's dealings with China is not something new.

Relations between Israel and China finally took off in 1992. Today, China is Israel’s 3rd largest trading partner, and in 2021 China eclipsed the US to become Israel’s largest source of imports at $10.7 billion.

So what was China's reaction to Mr. Wu's interview in the Jerusalem Post?

This: an email to Yaakov Katz, the editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post --

So China's relations with Taiwan "is purely China's internal affair that allows no external interference" and "a basic norm?" The attempt to create "two Chinas" will never succeed?

While it may claim common business interests with Israel, especially in the areas of technology and infrastructure, China lacks an appreciation -- or simply does not care -- that Israel has a historical and cultural bond with Jerusalem that far exceeds that of the Chinese for Taiwan.

One might have thought that the Chinese attachment to Taiwan would allow them to appreciate the special Jewish attachment to Jerusalem.

Apparently not.

Instead, in keeping with their ties with the Arab world and with Iran, China supports the division of Jerusalem, and the designation of "eastern" Jerusalem as a capital for Palestinian Arabs.

I came across a post of a blogger writing about his experiences while living in China in the 1990s. He writes that he once brought up the topic of Taiwan with a Chinese official, and the response of the official was: SILENCE -- complete, total and absolute silence that would not even allow for pushing the discussion onto another topic.

He writes, "I might as well have insulted this gentleman's ancestors." And then he continues:

While a student at Beijing University, I onced asked my professor why it was that everyone from the taxi driver on the streets of Changsha to the highest government official in Zhongnanhai was uniform in their determination on the Taiwan question, it was simply put to me: "Taiwan is our Jerusalem." China, my professor explained, is simply not complete without the re-unification of Taiwan with the Mainland. He went to say that if Taiwan was to ever to formally declare its political independence Beijing would have no choice but to claim the island by force for the Chinese leadership very legitimacy would be at stake. No Chinese leader, he concluded, could stay in power overseeing the formal end to the dream of a unified country. It just won't happen he demured. [emphasis added]

But China's interests in Israel are purely a matter of business, part of its "zero enemies" policy that allows it to do business with Israel, while also doing business with Iran, supporting Palestinian Arabs and condemning Israeli actions in the UN.

According to a Pew survey, the majority of Israelis have a positive view of China. But it is not because China is cultivating any common bond with Israelis. The positive view is the result of the media campaign that China is running in Israel. It is a media campaign that China originally started running using the Jerusalem Post.

It is why China threatened that it would cut off ties with the Jerusalem Post:

But China better be careful.

The US has been very wary of Israel's deals with China, warning that some of those deals -- such as the joint venture to build the Haifa port -- might give China opportunities to spy on US naval movements. 

But the US may well have a new, unexpected weapon to deal a major blow to China's business ventures in Israel: the Abraham Accords.

An article in The Diplomat explains How the Abraham Accords Disrupted China-Israel Relations:

Washington had to realize that it cannot block its Middle Eastern partner from attracting foreign capital, thereby damaging its own interests in the Jewish state. Paradoxically, the Israeli domestic political crisis of 2019-2021 and the COVID-19 pandemic provided time for Washington to develop an alternative strategy to harsh pressure, while Israel was internally focused. The United States had to offer other possibilities, a strategy it is also employing in the Indo-Pacific region to sway away countries from China’s orbit.

The key to solving this conundrum came with Trump administration’s initiative in 2019-2020, the long-promised “Deal of the Century” entitled “Peace to Prosperity.” Under this framework, the Trump administration oversaw the normalization and peace agreements that came to be known as the Abraham Accords. A significant solution to the Middle Eastern economic problems would be the linking of Gulf capital, Israeli technology, global markets, and Arab labor. The first three aspects were largely achieved by the Accords, while the fourth pillar remains unsolved, as economic means cannot circumvent political solutions to the Palestinians’ plight.

Among the countries that signed the treaty, the United Arab Emirates is in the best position to provide the amount of capital needed in Israel, as long as Saudi Arabia remains only a clandestine partner of the Jewish state.

After the ceremonies ended in September 2020, economic deals between the Israelis and the Emiratis started to flow with great pace, the first “warm peace” between Israel and an Arab country. Economic cooperation was extended to all areas that were previously attracting Chinese capital, including high-tech companies, joint ventures, and critical infrastructure

It remains to be seen if in fact the Abraham Accords really will have a dampening effect on the Israel-China business deals. The article came out a year ago.

At the very least, considering that the Biden administration shares the concern of previous administrations that China will exploit its Israeli ventures to spy on US interests, one might expect Biden to finally make an effort to persuade other Arab countries to join the Abraham Accords.

Meanwhile, there is a real bond developing between Israel and the Arab members of the Abraham Accords, the kind of bond you don't hear about developing between Israelis and the Chinese.

And on the business end of things, the Abraham Accords is working out pretty well:

Maybe China needs Israel more than Israel needs the Chinese?

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From Ian:

Prof. Anne Bayefsky: The UN Commission of Inquiry: An Exercise in Historical Revisionism
The Commission of Inquiry created in 2021 by the UN Human Rights Council issued its first report on Tuesday. The three commissioners appointed to conduct the inquiry were on record accusing Israel of apartheid, and urging boycotts and criminal prosecution – in advance of investigating anything. At least two reports annually may be expected to pound a steady drumbeat of modern anti-Semitism, namely, delegitimizing Israel.

The UN handed the Commission a search warrant unrestricted to any period of time, to seek “all underlying root causes” of the conflict and hunt for “systematic discrimination and repression.” So we submitted the names of 600,000 Jewish refugees and victims of Arab persecution in Middle East and North African nations in the past 75 years.

We submitted the names of 4,220 civilians – Israelis and foreign visitors – killed by unremitting Arab violence from the beginning of modern Zionism until today. We submitted the names of 24,092 Israeli military and security forces who have fallen in defense of their country against the Arab goal to eradicate the modern Jewish state.

We gave the Commission documentation that the Palestinian Authority pays bounties for killing Jews – an amount that increases the more deadly the attack. We presented irrefutable evidence that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in Gaza maintain a system of racist indoctrination demonizing Jews and inciting violence against Jews – in schools, official television programming, summer camps, public displays and public honors.

Our submissions contained evidence of the ceaseless, unrelenting, violent attacks on Jews prior to Israel’s independence and until today. War after war, terror attack after terror attack, suicide bombing, kidnapping, torture, arson; with rockets, mortars, grenades, pipe bombs, drones, firebombs, stones, bullets, vehicles, and knives, decade after decade; with one goal: the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea – the ultimate violation of human rights. Yet the report finds no Palestinian terrorism.

This UN exercise in historical revisionism seeks to invent a narrative of powerless Arab victims and criminal Jewish perpetrators, invert who violated the rights of whom, and challenge the moral imperative of the modern Jewish state. It is far more than an outrage. Unless stopped, it has and will continue to breathe oxygen into a highly flammable cauldron of modern anti-Semitism.
Col Kemp: UN Will Justify a Mirror Image of Putin's War
Putin went to war to turn into reality his much repeated insistence that Ukraine is an illegitimate state that has no right to exist and is inseparable from the rest of Russia. Similarly, the UN mandate allows it to question the very existence of the State of Israel. Unlike all other UN inquiries, this one has no historic time limit and enables the commission to range right back to the foundation of the state. The commissioners won't be bold enough to explicitly declare that Israel has no right to exist, but you can be certain that will be the subtext running throughout its report.

[E]ven before the notorious 2009 Goldstone Report, the UNHRC justified and encouraged Hamas violence, and that has played a crucial role in efforts to vilify and isolate Israel as well as incite greater bloodshed in the Middle East and attacks against Jews around the world.

[L]ike Putin in Ukraine, Hamas's war against Israel aims to conquer the territory of a sovereign democratic state that it believes should not exist.

Both Hamas and Putin's Russia, like most dictatorships, habitually plead self-defence as their justification for aggression. Putin pretends that NATO is a threat to Russia, yet he understands it is a defensive alliance that has no hostile intent; Hamas claims Israeli aggression while knowing that Israel would not and has never used force except in defence of its sovereign land and people.

Hamas and Russia share totalitarian values; both are kleptocracies, both ruthlessly repress internal opposition and both readily resort to violence — be it political assassination, terrorism or all-out war.

The chair of the UN commission, Navi Pillay, has indirectly played into the Israel-Nazi theme, supporting and justifying the viciously anti-Israel UN Durban Conference at which fliers were handed out with a picture of Hitler captioned with an assertion that if he had won there would be no Israel. Durban is just one of Pillay's numerous credentials against Israel, set out in detail by the NGO UN Watch in a submission to the UN. Her indisputable anti-Israel bias is shared by her two fellow commissioners, Miloon Kothari and Chris Sidoti, as outlined in an article by David Litman earlier this month in JNS.
UN Watch: U.N.’s Pillay Report Pillories Israel, Ignores Iran
Today’s one-sided report on Israel by the UN inquiry led by Navi Pillay marks another propaganda win for Iran and its terrorist proxies, said the independent non-governmental organization UN Watch today.

The Pillay Report, to be presented on Monday before the 47-nation Human Rights Council, offers a blueprint of what is to come from the Pillay Commission, which was granted a perpetual mandate to report on alleged war crimes and discrimination in wake of last year’s Hamas-Israel war.

“The report turns a blind eye to Palestinian terrorism and embraces the Hamas narrative that Israel is the root cause of all conflict. This is exactly what we expected from Navi Pillay, who actively lobbies governments to ‘sanction apartheid Israel‘ and to condemn Israel for the very conflict that she is meant to investigate,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer.

The Pillay Commission concedes their report is “overwhelmingly directed towards Israel.” (par. 28)

“Cynically, the Pillay Commission claims to have ‘ensured the inclusion of a diverse range of perspectives’ by meeting with Palestinian organizations dedicated to condemning Israel, as well as Israeli organizations dedicated to condemning Israel,” said Neuer.

“This cynicism was taken to new heights by the Pillay Report concluding that Israel’s ‘perpetual occupation’ is the ‘underlying root cause’ of the conflict on the basis of their consultations with both ‘Palestinian and Israeli stakeholders.'”

“Claiming that Israel alone is to blame for the conflict, while saying nothing about Palestinian terrorism and their stated goal of destroying Israel, is bad enough; suggesting that this is a representative view of ‘Israeli stakeholders’ is another thing altogether,” said Neuer.


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