Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal

Who’s Intolerant?

The refugee crisis in Ukraine has illuminated a deep moral divide among Israelis, which I think reflects a similar division in the moral consciousness of humans everywhere. On one side we have Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, who announced yesterday that Israel would accept all Jewish refugees – that is, all of those, according to the Law of Return, who have at least one Jewish grandparent – but that only up to 5,000 non-Jewish Ukrainian refugees would be accepted, and those would have to agree to leave after three months. There are 20,000 non-Jewish Ukrainians who are already living in Israel illegally, after overstaying tourist visas, and they will also be allowed to stay temporarily.

On the other side, we find Ha’aretz writer Zvi Bar’el who argues – in a remarkably sarcastic article – that Israel’s concern for the Jewish people is racist, and that true morality calls for us to open our doors equally to all who suffer. And that not only includes Ukrainians, but also the Eritrean and Sudanese illegal immigrants who found life hard and dangerous under kleptocratic and brutal regimes. The Supreme Court, apparently sharing Bar’el’s point of view, threw a series of monkey wrenches into the attempts to deport them. They were bused to South Tel Aviv on arrival, where they colonized the area around the main bus station. The crime rate there has soared as a result.

Bar’el also thinks we have no right to complain about the Russians invading and occupying Ukraine, because we have “occupied” Judea and Samaria. I am embarrassed that it’s necessary to explain to an educated, adult Israeli that Ukraine was an independent country that did not attack Russia, while Judea and Samaria were parts of the original Mandate that were occupied illegally and ethnically cleansed by Jordan, whose army then attacked Israel in a war intended to end her independence.

It’s obvious which side I’m on. But where I disagree with Bar’el is not, as he might say, because he loves all mankind and I am a racist who thinks Jews are better than non-Jews. Actually I too believe in human rights, justice, and equal treatment, even for cultures, like the Palestinian Arabs, whose values happen to be despicable.

Where we differ is this: I think the State of Israel is different from the great majority of countries, because it has a mission: the preservation of the physical and cultural existence of the Jewish people.

Other countries may also be ethnic nation-states like Israel, which means that they represent the realization of self-determination for a particular people. Or alternatively, they may be like the US, which in essence defines the “American People” as those who are born there or who choose to receive citizenship, with no ethnic consideration at all. But I can’t think of any state other than Israel that was born with the specific objective of preserving an endangered people. This is implied in Israel’s Declaration of Independence:

The catastrophe which recently befell the Jewish people - the massacre of millions of Jews in Europe - was another clear demonstration of the urgency of solving the problem of its homelessness by re-establishing in Eretz-Israel the Jewish State, which would open the gates of the homeland wide to every Jew and confer upon the Jewish people the status of a fully privileged member of the comity of nations.

This doesn’t mean that the founders (probably these are the words of Ben Gurion) thought that the Holocaust was in itself a justification for the establishment of the state; that this is not what they thought is clear from the rest of the document. But it is emblematic of the fact that Israel was established as a bulwark against the forces of antisemitism, assimilation, and cultural dilution that were erasing the Jewish people from the world.

In order to carry out her mission, the State of Israel must, minimally, maintain a Jewish majority; but she also needs to limit the expansion of non-Jewish religious and cultural influences. Israel is a very small country of 9 million people, 21% of whom are not Jewish. There are, from time to time, antisemitic outbursts right here, such as the Arab riots of May 2021 in which Jews and Jewish property were attacked. Several years ago, there were even incidents of antisemitism involving violence and swastika graffiti perpetrated by Russian-speaking antisemites!

Israel is no. 100 on the list of countries by population. Following it are Switzerland, Togo, Sierra Leone, Hong Kong, and Laos. I haven’t noticed pressure on these countries to take tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.

I know that a large number of Israelis, often the ones that can be called the “Ashkenazi elite,” find this point of view distasteful. They say that those of us who are concerned about the erosion of the Jewish character of the state are “intolerant” of other cultures.

I suggest that they are the ones that need to exercise more tolerance, in this case for the continued existence of the one, only one, Jewish state in the world. If that upsets them so much, then rather than trying to change it into something else, they should move to any one of the countless countries that are “states of their citizens.” I see advertisements in the newspaper on a regular basis for companies that offer help in obtaining European passports. I recommend them to Zvi Bar’el and the rest of the Ha’aretz crew.

Read all about it here!

  • Wednesday, March 09, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Jerusalem Post reported this morning:
The free-trade agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is set to be signed by the end of March, Emirati Ambassador to Israel Mohamed Al Khaja said in a Wednesday morning tweet.

Talks for establishing the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) began last November between Economy Minister Orna Barbivai and her Emirati counterpart Abdulla bin Touq Al Mari.

CEPA will "serve as an accelerator for significant economic prosperity" between the two nations, the ambassador wrote.

The UAE has recently signed a similar agreement with India and is expected to sign one with Indonesia this month as well. 

Mohamed Al Khaja, the UAE's ambassador to Israel, tweeted, "After India and Indonesia, the #UAE and #Israel are looking forward to conclude the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement "CEPA" before the end of the month. The UAE remains confident that the CEPA with Israel will serve as a catalyst for even greater economic prosperity."

If the UAE has similar agreements with Israel and Indonesia - which Israel has no diplomatic relations with - that puts it into a position to be a go-between to facilitate trade between Israel and Indonesia, just as it probably already serves that function between Israel and Arab countries that do not have direct relations with Israel.

Israel and Indonesia have quiet trade and tourism relations that have been slowly but steadily growing over the years. The UAE will now be perfectly positioned to strengthen those ties. 

There has been some buzz about Indonesia joining the Abraham Accords earlier this year, and Indonesia has been downplaying that discussion.  Indonesia's Muslim population would oppose it. But we have already seen the public stance of Saudi Arabia changing towards Israel, and there is no reason why Indonesia couldn't plant the seeds in statements and op-eds by friendly supporters to get its citizens used to the idea. 

Or the relations could remain under the radar while still growing. 

The importance of the Abraham Accords was not just in bilateral relations between Israel and several Arab states. It was in changing the entire mindset about Israel in the larger Muslim world. Muslim-majority nations who want to survive into the second half of the century need to consider the benefits of partnering with an Israel which is eager to share technology and trade, as well as improve their relations with the US. The relationship between Israel and Gulf countries spawns entirely new possibilities with formerly hostile countries.

The Arab boycott is dead and buried. Muslim-majority nations can decide to join the UAE and Bahrain in increasing ties with Israel or to stay with the rejectionists of Algeria, Iran, Syria and Lebanon. For Muslim leaders who care about their own people, the choice is clear.

Read all about it here!

  • Wednesday, March 09, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Felesteen reports that Louay al-Taweel, a 14 year old boy from the Gaza Strip, died in a West Bank hospital, after it declined to provide treatment.

The reason? The Palestinian Authority in Ramallah refused to pay for his treatment.

Al-Taweel had brain cancer.

Louay's family managed to get him to the Augusta Victoria Hospital, an Arab hospital in Jerusalem, a month ago. Doctors there refused to treat him without payment, and the PA refused to pay. The family had to pay 120 shekels just to get them to do a checkup and open a file on the boy.

They were then sent back to Gaza and told to arrange the funding before returning. Upon his return home, Louay's condition deteriorated and he was admitted to one Gaza hospital, transferred to another, then a third, until he died. He was buried on Tuesday.

There are lots of NGOs that track every Gaza patient that may not get permits from Israel, hoping that the patients die so they can add one more thing to blame on Israel. But here, Israel clearly gave a permit for young Louay to get treatment. It was the Palestinian Authority that decided not to pay, sentencing the teen to death. It is one of many such decisions by the Palestinian Authority to inflict collective punishment on Gaza residents because of its rivalry with Hamas.

Since Jews cannot be blamed, no one cares.

Read all about it here!

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

From Ian:

The women who built Israel with hands and hearts
This year, the theme of International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. Which is terrific news, as women everywhere still face discrimination and prejudice in matters big and small.

In hope for a gender-equal world, we’d like to take a moment to celebrate the women who broke the bias long before hashtags became a thing – those who helped turn Israel into a flourishing country.

According to historian Prof. Margalit Shilo, women in pre-state Israel began their pioneering, gender-expectation-renouncing work in the early 20th century.

One of the first examples was the Women’s Farm established in 1911 on the shores of Lake Kinneret in northern Israel, where Zionist activist and feminist Dr. Hannah Maisel educated women in matters of agricultural work and housekeeping.

And yet, despite the images that we have of pioneering women working in the fields, Shilo notes that in fact women did not usually undertake agricultural work.

“On the kibbutz, women weren’t usually accepted to agricultural roles but rather to more womanly jobs – in the kitchen, doing the laundry and taking care of the children. Although there was a group of feminists in the kibbutz movement who demanded more equality,” she says.

“Meanwhile, in 1919, in the cities and not on the kibbutzim, a rather large group of Jewish women was established, and they founded a women’s political party. It was the first women’s party in the world, and they fought for women’s voting rights in the national institutions.”

At around the same time, an assembly of representatives that would later develop into the Knesset was established.

“These women fought, and in January 1926 the assembly gave women the right to vote and to be elected. By the time the state was founded, there wasn’t any debate about whether or not women would participate in the Knesset,” says Shilo.

“In the first Knesset there were altogether 11 female members out of 120. I’ve researched this, and in the Knesset’s first 50 years the average percentage of women in the Knesset stood at 10 percent. It’s only undergone change in the past two decades or so,” Shilo adds.

Highest percentage of female physicians
During the three decades of the British Mandate in Palestine, thousands of Jewish women with a higher education relocated from Europe, giving the future Israeli state the largest percentage in the world of female doctors compared to male doctors, Shilo notes.

Ten Questions for Natan Sharansky
Born in Donetsk, then called Stalino, in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1948, Natan Sharansky remains the world’s leading anti-Soviet, dissident Zionist, and pro-democracy voice. A chess prodigy, mathematician, refusenik, political prisoner, human rights activist, and Israeli statesman, Sharansky is a living monument to 20th-century Jewish heroism, and is uniquely positioned to analyze the significance of breakdowns in freedom, democracy, and world order in the 21st. On Sunday, he sat down with Tablet to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the two Vladimirs, the dilemmas of Israeli diplomacy, and the wisdom of BDS for Russia.

How do you feel about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a state where you grew up in a Jewish family under the former USSR, and which is led today by a proudly Jewish president?

I have to say that it is very difficult for Jews to believe, but the Jewish question has nothing to do with this conflict. The fact that Zelensky is a devoted Jew is an absolutely outstanding fact of Ukrainian history, as well as the fact that even Putin, with all the awful things he is doing, is unique in Russian history for his positive attitude toward Jews and Israel. There are no anti-Jewish pogroms at this stage, neither in Ukraine nor in Russia, and it’s not the case that Jews are at the center of this.

When I was growing up in Donetsk, “Jew” was the worst thing you could have in your papers. It was like being born with a disease, and many parents dreamed of how to bribe officers to write in anything else for their children. Today, when refugees move to the border, the best thing they can have in their ID is the word “Jew,” because the only country that sends official representatives there to get people and give them citizenship is Israel. So, a lot can be said about it—but again, if you want to understand the roots of this awful, barbaric Russian aggression, it’s not the point from which we have to start.

OK, let’s start here: When I was born in Donetsk, it was then called Stalino. When Stalin died I was 5 years old, and I remember my father explained to me that it was a great day for us, for Jews, but not to tell that to anybody. And then I remember the other big event of my childhood, in 1954, after the death of Stalin, was the celebration of 300 years of the voluntary unification of Russia and Ukraine. In 1654, when Bohdan Khmelnytsky won a war, it made Ukraine independent from Poland. So we had a huge celebration about the brotherhood of Ukrainians and Russians.

Later, when I became a dissident, I got to know Ukrainian nationalists and found out that it was in fact more like a Russian enslavement of Ukraine. But by then it didn’t matter in the same way, because in fact Donetsk was a very international city, it had many nations. It was an industrial center, so for 100 years people had been coming there to look for work from different parts of the Russian empire. There were Ukrainians and Russians in Donetsk, of course, but also Kazakhs and Armenians and Georgians and Tatars. So none of that really mattered. What really mattered was: Are you Jewish or not?
Israel Can’t Be ‘Racist’ or ‘Apartheid’ — Here’s Why
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is clearly an attempt by Vladimir Putin to revive the Soviet empire — if not its communist ideology. He has said that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest disaster of the 20th century, and now he’s trying to resurrect that ultimate imperialist edifice.

Another aspect of that era that is alive and well — indeed, is making a resurgence like the empire — is the Soviet-inspired theme that the Jewish liberation movement called Zionism, is the embodiment of racism.

Let us recall that the passage by the United Nations General Assembly of the 1975 resolution claiming that Zionism was racism was entirely a Soviet-inspired initiative. The Soviets concocted it to weaken America’s leading ally in the Middle East.

Israel had proven to have great strength in opposing Soviet-influence in the region, as evidenced by its victories over Soviet allies in both the Six-Day and Yom Kippur wars. If Israel was not to be defeated militarily, then the Soviets creatively came up with a totally fabricated conceptual weapon: that democratic Israel was actually a product of racist ideology.

Against this context, comes the updated version of that Soviet invention — the labeling of the Jewish state as an apartheid entity, which was most recently manifest in a report by Amnesty International.

In recent years, the main version of the “Israel is racist” charge was that its policy toward the Palestinians in the West Bank was an apartheid policy. Undoubtedly, there are problematic elements of Israel’s dealing with Palestinians, including different levels of regulations toward Jews and Arabs in the West Bank.

But whatever these challenges — and they are complex because of Palestinian terrorism and rejectionism — they are not the South African apartheid system, which was a racially-based ideological system of discrimination.

Now, however, as represented by the Amnesty report, the charge goes way beyond that apartheid libel, and resurrects the notion that the very concept of a Jewish state, known as Zionism, is in fact racist. In other words, the state of Israel is illegitimate.
Life Lessons With Doctor Bob: Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon
Robert J. Shillman, aka “Doctor Bob,” has been a supporter of The David Horowitz Freedom Center for many years. He has recently started a podcast, Life Lessons with Doctor Bob, and he has agreed to let us share those valuable lessons about achieving success with our readers. His in-depth interviews with interesting and successful people prove that, unlike the MSM’s portrayal of America, this nation has been, and continues to be, a land of opportunity for anyone willing to put in the effort. Make sure to subscribe to the show at Doctor Bob's website:

In this new episode of Life Lessons with Doctor Bob, Doctor Bob welcomes Ambassador Danny Danon, Israel's 17th Permanent Representative to the UN, who has had his hand in public policy and international relations for over a decade. He and Dr. Bob discuss finding common ground between the United States and Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 08, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

Read all about it here!

By Forest Rain

Jewish American Privilege

As a Jewish child, growing up in America, I was so privileged, I didn’t even realize I was privileged.

I knew that as a child, my mother got beaten up by Christian kids because “Jews killed Jesus” but that happened to her, not me. I never knowingly experienced antisemitism or discrimination.

I knew that my grandmother fled Russia and fought for the founding of the Jewish State but she did that, not me.

I knew that my father grew up without his family because they shipped him off to America as a very small child to save him from the Holocaust. I don’t know what happened to them, most Hungarian Jews ended up in Auschwitz. It was later that I learned that the US government knew what was happening in Auschwitz, could have bombed the train tracks to stop more Jews, my family, from being shipped off to their deaths but chose not to. America bombed factories all around the train tracks to damage the military industry but not the train tracks. Why damage the Nazi death industry?

I knew. But none of those things happened to me. I lived in a nice house, went to a nice school, had friends, took dance lessons. I was never cold or hungry. I didn’t know what it was like to have friends murdered in terror attacks or to have missiles shot at me.

I had no idea how privileged I was.

When Joe Liberman ran for US Vice President, I didn’t understand why my grandmother was horrified at the idea. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to have a Jewish man in such an important position? She told me, “You don’t understand. If he succeeds and something bad happens Jews will be blamed. Israel will be blamed. We will be accused of dual loyalty. We will be blamed. It’s better for a Jew not to be in such a prominent position.”

I didn’t understand.

When I made Aliyah and learned how difficult it is to integrate into the country, I didn’t understand why people from previous waves of immigration didn’t make it easier. Every single wave of immigrants has had to fight to become Israeli, to prove their worth, and to belong. Some had bigger gaps to bridge than others, but all had a hard time, including privileged me.

Why did those who had made their own Aliyah look with skepticism on new immigrants? We all want Jews to come home, why are there hesitations and difficulties in embracing those who come? Why the duality in attitude?

I didn’t understand. 

When he was Prime Minister Ariel Sharon coined the term “things one can see from here, you don’t see from there.” He was referring to the different perspective he gained sitting in the Prime Minister’s seat. Understanding changes when perspective changes.

Now I understand.

Now I know what it is like to have missiles shot at me because I am a Jew and I live in the Jewish homeland.

Now I know what it is like to stand at a funeral for a girl the same age as my son, murdered because she was a Jew, serving the Jewish State.

Now I know what it is like to stand each year and mark the names of all the people who were murdered for being Jews – just those who belonged to the same school my boys attended. Once I would not have understood why there is empty space on the Memorial Wall at the school, space for more names. I certainly would never have wondered what will they do when the wall is full. WHEN it is full – not IF it becomes full.

Now I know what it is like to be worried about MY soldier. To be terrified of the knock on the door. To have my guts twist in helpless agony for friends who did experience that life-changing official knock, announcing that your most precious was ripped from you, that your family will never be the same again.

Now I know many things I did not know before…

Now when I see the propaganda telling me that I must agree with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky because he is Jewish, I am reminded of my grandmother’s reaction to Joe Liberman’s run for VP. Zelensky is looking out for Ukrainian interests (as he should). All kinds of people, with varying agendas (including Zelensky) are pushing his Jewish roots and using Holocaust memory to manipulate Israel into action – with no regard for Israeli interests or security.

Now I understand the duality of attitude regarding new immigrants to Israel. How do we know that they are even Jews? We want ALL JEWS, from everywhere in the world, especially from areas where they are in danger, to make Aliyah. All of them. We will find the means to take care of them and do so happily. But non-Jews? Especially non-Jewish refugees from a notoriously antisemitic country?! No. Just no. Israel has already accepted way too many non-Jewish USSR ex-pats who just wanted to improve their standard of living. America didn’t accept them but they learned to manipulate the Israeli system, so they came here instead.

There are many voices, particularly those backed by progressive Jewish, American-based organizations declaring that Israel needs to stand on the side of morality and help ALL Ukrainian refugees, without inquiring if they are Jewish or have any connection to Israel. 

No. Just no.

One of the most fundamental lessons of Jewish morality teaches that one must look after the poor of one’s own town before looking elsewhere. Morality is looking after our family, friends, and neighbors before looking after strangers. The Jewish State is responsible for Jewish lives and a Jewish future. Those who are so privileged they don’t realize they are privileged might not realize that we can not take the existence of a Jewish State and a Jewish future for granted.  

Privileged or malevolent. Sometimes, it is hard to tell the difference - particularly when the result of adhering to their advice is destruction.

No one on the face of the earth has any right to demand that Jews or Israel do anything else. No one else will protect us. Israel DOES send assistance to all kinds of people, all over the world but we do so because we chose to, not because we must or because morality demands it.

It might be reasonable to demand we assist other nations when there are no poor people left in Israel. When none of our elderly have to choose between heating their homes in winter or buying medicine. When the government doesn’t have to choose which medicines to subsidize because there is enough money to find treatments for everyone (Jews AND non-Jewish Israelis). When we are not in a constant battle for the right to exist.

Then, maybe, it will be reasonable to demand we use our resources for other people and other nations. Until that time, no. Just no.



Read all about it here!

From Ian:

Ukraine’s Zelensky Pleads to American Jews for Support
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to American Jews for support on Monday with an unsparing account of Russian destruction in his country that he compared to the Nazi German army marching across Europe.

“This is just a pure Nazi behavior. I can’t even qualify this in any different manner,” Zelensky told an umbrellas group, the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations, as he continued to press for more fighter planes from the West and a no-fly zone that NATO has so far rejected.

Zelensky ran through a list of the cities and towns he said had been destroyed by Russian forces, while outnumbered Ukrainians were fighting with everything they had, even when they had no weapons.

“They are throwing themselves under the tanks — just for you to understand what’s happening here,” the Ukrainian leader, who is Jewish, said in a Zoom call.

The Russians are not letting people leave towns and cities they have attacked, are not allowing food and water to be brought in and are disconnecting the internet, television and electricity, he said.

“All of this happened during Nazi times,” he said. “The survival of the Ukrainian nation — the question will be the same as antisemitism…. All of these millions of people are going to be exterminated.”
Poland: World’s largest yeshiva pre-Holocaust becomes camp for Jewish refugees
Who could imagine that what was once the largest yeshiva in the world is now a refugee camp in Poland for Ukrainian Jews.

“We have about 190 beds in Lublin,” American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee director in Poland Karina Sokolowska said Monday. “Some are regular hotel rooms, but we also have large halls in the building where we put many mattresses on the floor.”

Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva operated in Lublin, Poland, from 1930 to 1939.

Since there are no available hotel rooms in Warsaw, they had to find space, hotels and apartments around the country, Sokolowska said.

“Almost anyone I know in the Jewish community is hosting a Ukrainian family” she said.

The JDC has 500 beds across Poland in temporary refugee camps, Sokolowska said.

“People come to us in shock – they escaped a war,” she said. “Up until now, we didn’t have any element of therapy for the refugees. But we now have psychologists on the way to Poland to assist us in this terrible situation.”

“Until 12 days ago, my job was to promote Jewish education and culture in Poland,” Sokolowska said. “But now, I am dealing with a whole different world. I never thought I would need to run a huge operation for Jewish refugees – definitely not in Poland.”
Ukrainian Refugees Burst Into Applause Upon Arrival in Israel
Daria Garn was exhausted. After five grueling days traveling from war-torn Kyiv, Ukraine, through Moldova with her two young sons, she had finally arrived at the Romania International Airport in Iași, where she was waiting to board a flight to Israel. As tears welled, Garn, 29, told JNS she was forced to leave her husband behind as he had been unable to secure the proper paperwork to join her. Following Russia’s deadly invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, most Ukrainian adult males have been forbidden to leave the country.

Rubbing bloodshot eyes, Garn said that after 10 days of suffering through the bombings, she had decided that it was time to leave. “I’m so tired; I don’t eat, I don’t sleep—it’s like I don’t feel anything. I’m numb,” she said.

Garn and her children were joined at the airport by more than 100 other Jewish refugees who had secured seats on flights to Israel thanks to the United Hatzalah organization.

Monday night counted as Hatzalah’s third rescue mission in the past several days, as staff organized fully subsidized flights from Romania and Moldova.

Dovie Maisel, vice president of operations for United Hatzalah, told JNS the mission was actually three-fold.

In addition to saving Ukrainian Jews and stranded Israelis by getting them on a flight from Romania to Israel, 20 or so Hatzalah volunteers—including doctors, medics, EMTs, psychotrauma crisis experts and even medical clowns—traveled from Israel to Romania on their way to Hatzalah’s emergency operation center in Kishinev, Moldova. There, they will offer treatment and their expertise to those in need.

By Daled Amos

Everyone knows about fake news.

Some people know it's all Trump's fault, others know that it's all the media's fault.
And now countries are generating it, using bots on social media.

But for anyone who follows how the media reports about Israel, this is kind of old.

How old?

Daniel Rubenstein addresses this question in his first podcast, featuring Prof. Richard Landes.

Daniel Rubenstein is a tour guide and lecturer, who served as an advisor to Naftali Bennett and also as a social media expert to Netanyahu.
Richard Landes is a medieval historian specializing in apocalyptic millennialism and he blogs about lethal journalism (presenting one side's wartime propaganda as news) at Augean Stables.

Daniel Rubenstein and Prof. Richard Landes

One of the topics Prof. Landes explains is tracing the peaking of media opposition to Israel back to Al Dura.

That incident, in brief:

On Sept. 30, 2000, France2 Television ran a story about Muhammad al Durah, a 12-year-old boy who, along with his father, was pinned down in a cross-fire between Israeli and Palestinian forces at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. “The target of fire from the Israeli position, the boy was killed and the father badly wounded,” veteran French journalist Charles Enderlin reported. Enderlin distributed the footage to all his colleagues for free, and this story ran around the world in hours.

Landes, who coined the word Pallywood to describe media manipulation designed to win the public relations war with Israel, has written about discrepancies in Enderlin's video footage:

The actual evidence, however, posed serious problems for the explosive narrative of deliberate child-murder. The footage, closely examined, contradicted every detail of the claim that Israel had killed the boy “in cold blood,” as a France 2 photographer put it, from the alleged “forty minutes of [Israeli] bullets like rain” (rather, there were only a few bullets one could identify in the brief footage, all from the Palestinian side), to the 20-minute-long death from a fatal stomach wound (no sign of blood on the ground), to the murdered ambulance driver (no evidence), to the dead boy (who moves quite deliberately in the final scene, which Enderlin cut for his broadcast).

But it was Enderlin's version of the story which spread everywhere, and not just in the Arab world. Bin Laden, for example, used Al Dura as a justification for his terrorist attack on the US. Landes notes that in the West, the Europeans and progressives saw this incident as a 'Get-Out-of-Holocaust-Guilt-Free Card'.

The tremendous influence of the Al Dura narrative cannot be underestimated. It appeared everywhere and dominated the media. One journalist, Catherine Nay, claimed on Europe 1 that 

the death of Mohamed [Al Dura] cancels, erases, that of the Jewish child in the hands in the air, shot by an SS man in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Landes points out the enormity of such an idea:

Here you have a woman saying that a dubious picture of a boy most probably -- if killed -- killed in a crossfire, has erased and replaced an image of a boy who symbolizes the deliberate murder of over a million children.

That journalist was not alone in this view. Landes sees this substitution as being at the core of today's Holocaust inversion, the idea that Israel commits genocide against Palestinian Arabs, making Israelis into the new Nazis and Palestinian Arabs into the new Jews.

And the Al Dura effect persists. The original impact has dissipated over time, but the effects continue.

It's hard to get it more wrong than what happened then and we've been paying the price ever since. This is the first massive and still uncorrected wave of fake news -- not fake news coming from bots in Russia, fake news permeating the legacy mainstream media. Disaster. [emphasis added]

This was during the Second Intifada.
And media mendacity at the time was evident.

Less than 2 weeks later, on October 12, two Israeli reservists took a wrong turn and ended up in Ramallah, where a mob of Palestinian reservists lynched them.


In his 2014 book, Israel Since the Six-Day War: Tears of Joy, Tears of Sorrow, Leslie Stein describes how the mob massacred the 2 men:

The mob did not prevent the story from getting out, but they did stop a photographer from taking pictures. Mark Seager wrote a personal account of what the mob did to the bodies of the 2 Israeli reservists -- and what they almost did to him:

They were just a few feet in front of me and I could see everything. Instinctively, I reached for my camera. I was composing the picture when I was punched in the face by a Palestinian. Another Palestinian pointed right at me shouting "no picture, no picture!", while another guy hit me in the face and said "give me your film!".

I tried to get the film out but they were all grabbing me and one guy just pulled the camera off me and smashed it to the floor. I knew I had lost the chance to take the photograph that would have made me famous and I had lost my favourite lens that I'd used all over the world, but I didn't care. I was scared for my life.

In a Wall Street Journal article in 2001, Alex Safian of CAMERA wrote about just how effective Palestinian intimidation was:

But it is not just British reporters who have joined Mr. Arafat's journalistic brigades. Riccardo Christiano, bureau chief of the Italian state network RAI, put it plainly in a letter to the Palestinian Authority in October. After two Israeli reservists were lynched by a Palestinian mob in Ramallah, most journalists at the scene had their film and cameras confiscated. But one crew from the private Italian network Mediaset got out with the videotape, which was then shown around the world. Mr. Christiano was determined to let the Palestinian Authority know that, contrary to rumors, his network was not involved. So he wrote this letter, which unhappily for him found its way into a Palestinian newspaper:
"My Dear Friends in Palestine: We congratulate you and think it is our duty to explain to you what happened on Oct. 12 in Ramallah. One of the private Italian television stations which competes with us . . . filmed the events . . . Afterwards Israeli television broadcast the pictures as taken from one of the Italian stations, and thus the public impression was created as if we took these pictures.

"We emphasize to all of you that the events did not happen this way, because we always respect the journalistic rules of the Palestinian Authority for work in Palestine . . . We thank you for your trust and you can be sure that this is not our way of acting, and we would never do such a thing.

"Please accept our dear blessings."

As Safian observes, "in plain terms, respecting these 'rules' means ignoring stories that would anger Mr. Arafat, and reporting on stories that would please him."

The Ramallah lynching was on October 12.

On the very next day, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, a member of the PA's Fatwa Council and a former acting Rector of the Islamic University in Gaza gave a Friday sermon at a mosque in Gaza. Among other things, Sheikh Halabiya stressed the importance of killing Jews:

"...None of the Jews refrain from committing any possible evil. If the Labor party commits the evil and the crime, the Likud party stands by it; and if the Likud party commits the evil and the crime, the Labor party stands by it.... The Jews are Jews, whether Labor or Likud... They do not have any moderates or any advocates of peace. They are all liars. They all want to distort truth, but we are in possesion of the truth...They are the terrorists. They are the ones who must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty said: 'Fight them: Allah will torture them at your hands, and will humiliate them and will help you to overcome them, and will relieve the minds of the believers...." (emphasis added)

How did The New York Times report this?

William A. Orme Jr. wrote an article, A Parallel Mideast Battle: Is It News or Incitement? where he dealt with the Israeli claim of Palestinian incitement by helpfully summarizing for his readers what Halabiya had actually said:

Israelis cite as one egregious example [of Palestinian incitement], a televised sermon that defended the killing of the two soldiers. ''Whether Likud or Labor, Jews are Jews,'' proclaimed Sheik Ahmad Abu Halabaya in a live broadcast from a Gaza City mosque the day after the killings. [emphasis added]

What incitement?

This partisan self-censorship continues today. As Landes comments:

To this day, readers of The New York Times, listeners of NPR, viewers of the BBC and CNN do not know what kind of unbelievably vicious nazi-like genocidal hatred is aired in the Palestinian public sphere, constantly.

And of course, social media has only made matters worse -- making it easier to spread propaganda without regard for the source (assuming it is even known), let alone viewing it critically. Social media enables the channeling of moral outrage that makes canceling of people as pariahs so effective.

Today we find ourselves in a situation where, as Prof. Landes notes, you cannot defend Zionism -- neither in journalism nor in academia. It has become a taboo subject --

In 2021, when you had the latest outbreak of violence between Israel and Gaza, you had hundreds of journalists insisting that the media adopt the Palestinian narrative -- adopt their language, adopt their "Israel occupation army" and stuff and you had academics, including Jewish academics in Jewish studies, coming out with statements in support of the Palestinians in which the role of Hamas and the role of terror is completely expunged from the record. And all sorts of claims are made about what Israel has done that are empirically inaccurate.

We are looking at an anti-intellectual movement that has taken over and literally a collapse of the information professions in terms of their ability to give the public accurate and relevant information.

And to a large degree, this all goes back to 2000, and Al Dura.

Read all about it here!

  • Tuesday, March 08, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Middle East Eye:
Kuwaiti watersports player Abdul Razzaq al-Baghli has pulled out of the Emirates International Motosurf Championship in Abu Dhabi after refusing to compete against an Israeli competitor. 

The championship commenced on Saturday in Abu Dhabi, with 34 competitors from around the world taking part. 

Al-Baghli confirmed his withdrawal from the water sports event in a video shared to social media on Sunday, citing his "direct interaction with a player from the Zionist entity".

He proceeded by stating that his decision was consistent with Kuwait's objective of "persistent support for the Palestinian cause". 

Kuwait, like Iran, uses a carrot and stick to force players from competing against Israelis. 

Anyone who does compete will be blackballed from their sport (and, in Iran, possibly arrested.)

But, perhaps realizing that this makes them look really bad, Muslim foes of Israel have been praising the people who refuse to compete against Israel and turn them from cowards into heroes.

With al-Baghli, we see this:

Tariq al-Shaya, a member of Kuwati's Supreme Coordinating Committee for Anti-Zionism and Normalisation, declared that: "Al-Baghli's decision is a position that will be engraved in the records of history with gold letters."  

This is similar to how Kuwait treated a 14 year old tennis player who refused to compete against an Israeli in a fake "tournament" that accepted every player who paid to enter. Billboards praising the teen were erected all over Kuwait. The media lied that the player actually refused to play the Israeli in a real tournament happening at the same time in Dubai.

There is a real risk in many sports that players who refuse to compete will be punished or banned. Kuwait wants to try to make up for that risk by romanticizing forfeit, by changing what is normally a shameful concept into a heroic one. 

In the end, as with everything else in the region, it all comes down to honor and shame. Kuwait is attempting to make something shameful appear honorable, so the next competitor will want to run away from competing with an Israeli next time.

Possibly the most ironic part came from this next quote:

Al-Shaya said in a statement that "expulsion of the Zionist occupation begins with international isolation, which Kuwaiti sportsmen have done in teams and individual games". 

It isn't Israel that is being isolated - it is Kuwait. Israeli players are competing in Arab countries, against Arabs. Kuwait is the country that is isolating itself. 



Read all about it here!

  • Tuesday, March 08, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Reuters "reports:"
An Israeli attack over the Syrian capital Damascus killed two civilians and left some material damage, the country's state media reported Monday, citing a military source.

No attempt it made to verify or refute the claim, even though to my knowledge no civilian has died in the scores of Israeli airstrikes on Syria aiming to stem the flow of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah.

It is like Hamas' Health Ministry - if it makes a claim of civilians being killed, reporters assume they are telling the truth. When people object, the reporters hide behind the fiction that they are only reporting what the officials are saying.  But these reporters never even attempt to verify or refute the claim. It takes a lot less effort to act as a stenographer for Hamas or Syria then it takes to do, you know, actual reporting.

Al Jazeera's reporting is slightly better than that of Reuters. After parroting the claims, it added:
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a monitoring group, said the missiles hit “a weapons and ammunition depot operated by Iran-backed militias near the Damascus International Airport”.

The group, which relies on an extensive network of sources inside Syria, said it could not confirm civilian deaths.
Al Jazeera drops the topic there. But anyone who checks the website of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights can find an update to the story:
According to reliable sources, two members of Iranian-backed militiamen were killed in the Israeli attack, one of whom is from the southern Syrian province of Daraa and was operating under the banner of a local Iranian-backed militia, and the other was not identified whether he is a Syrian or non-Syrian fighter.

The Israeli attack also injured six Iranian-backed militiamen. Following the attack, the victims were transported to hospitals in the capital, Damascus.

So Israel didn't kill any civilians, only Iranian militiamen in Syria. Reporters could have updated the story with the truth - but the truth is not what they are interested in.

Syria's claim that Israel killed civilians has another angle, though. 

The [Syrian] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants affirmed that "the Israeli enemy's aggression against residential areas hours after a crime committed by the terrorist organization ISIS shows the reality of accurate and direct coordination between them."

The ministry said in a statement: "It was never a coincidence that the Israeli enemy launched a new aggression this morning against residential areas in the countryside of Damascus, hours after the terrorist organization "ISIS", on March 6, 2022, committed a crime that claimed the lives of a number of the valiant Syrian army." 

"They were on their way home," she said, explaining that "this terrorist-ISIS aggression shows the reality of accurate and direct coordination between the two."  

Syria has long claimed that Israel and ISIS cooperate, which would really surprise ISIS. But once in a while, they need to manufacture "proof." So an Israeli attack on weapons warehouses outside Damascus gets transformed into an attack on a residential area, and somehow since it happened six or so hours after an ISIS attack, that's all you need to know to prove collusion.

Syria's lie about civilians killed was done to foster the propaganda, for Arab consumption, of an Israeli/ISIS axis.

And how do we know that Syria is lying - and that Syria knows it is lying?

For one, here is Syria's SANA news agency showing some of the damage. Does that look residential to you?

Secondly, notice how they didn't release the names of the "civilian victims." 

If Israel killed civilians, their names and photos would be all over the news along with interviews with the grieving mothers.

People are reluctant to think that official media or statements can be bald-faced lies even from the most murderous regimes. But here you see that Syria lied knowingly and deliberately. 

And so does Hamas. And the PA. And a lot of others, when it comes to blaming Jews.

UPDATE: Even Iran admitted that the two people killed were members of their Revolutionary Guards.

Read all about it here!

Monday, March 07, 2022

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Biden Shatters Israel's Delusions
For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran's nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Islamic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking gun they were providing the Americans would compel Washington to abandon its long-held delusion that there is a "grand bargain" to be had with the fanatical Islamist theocracy whose leaders believe that Iran's rise will herald an era of unmitigated Shiite global domination.

All of the Israeli officers made their best cases to their American counterparts. Most believed the Americans were open to the information they provided, and left Washington convinced that the Americans finally recognized the danger and would act to block Iran from achieving its nefarious goal. On at least one occasion, their efforts were rewarded.

In 2018, after Israel's Mossad spy agency spirited Iran's nuclear archive out of a warehouse in Tehran and brought it to Israel, Israel's spy chiefs flew to Washington to share the findings with the Trump administration. The documents provided incontrovertible proof of Israel's long-standing contentions that Iran's nuclear program was initiated, maintained and expanded throughout the years for the primary purpose of developing nuclear weapons. Then-President Donald Trump responded to Israel's revelations by withdrawing the U.S from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—the nuclear deal the Obama administration had concluded with Iran.

The 2015 nuclear deal placed certain restrictions on Iran's nuclear activities for a limited period. But the JCPOA allowed Iran to continue with its nuclear research and development, and placed no restrictions on Iran's missile development and proliferation. In other words, Barack Obama's deal limited what Iran could do with the nuclear capabilities it had acquired by 2015, but it enabled Iran to massively expand its nuclear capabilities for the future.

During the early years of the JCPOA, Iran developed second-generation centrifuges capable of enriching uranium 10 times faster than it was able to enrich in 2015—and to much higher levels of purity. Iran began deploying the new advanced centrifuges as soon as they were ready, even before Trump abandoned the JCPOA and reinstated the nuclear sanctions the Obama administration had suspended in 2015.

After abandoning the JCPOA, Trump and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced their "maximum pressure" campaign of harsh sanctions on the Iranian regime. The campaign intended to block the regime from waging war against its neighbors, either directly or through its proxies, and to deter it from attacking U.S. forces and assets in the region.
Seth Frantzman: Russia exploiting Iran talks to ease sanctions
The Tasnim report said Lavrov wants trade between Iran and Russia to be exempt from sanctions, which means the West would reject the deal. Moscow holds a veto over the deal as well.

Iran doesn’t seem happy. Although it has feigned disinterest in the deal and says it has managed to get around sanctions, it doesn’t want to be used by Russia. The Islamic Republic already has a plan to blackmail the West and now sees Moscow trying to exploit it for its own blackmail.

But Tehran has another agenda. “Iran produces more than two million barrels per day of oil, and if this oil enters the market, its price increase will slow down,” the report said.

Russia benefits from the price increase. Talk of the US banning Russian energy imports would ostensibly drive prices up. Then America would have to ask the Gulf states to compensate for the price increases by increasing supply.

Iran is saying, “Wait a sec, we have lots of oil to sell. Don’t let Russia strong-arm you.”

That is one interpretation. Or Iran and Russia may be playing “good cop, bad cop,” with the latter now playing the bad cop and the former pretending to be good. Either way, “Russia, the world’s largest oil producer, intends to put pressure on the Western economy by raising oil prices further and boosting its production,” Tasnim reported.

Russia has now been exposed not only as an unreliable country in terms of unchecked aggression against Ukraine but also as unreliable in the Iran nuclear talks.
Ben-Dror Yemini: The West's Selective Morality in the Face of the Iranian Threat
The West is rightly concerned about Russia, but how come it closes its eyes in the face of the Iranian threat? Where is the morality here exactly? Turning a blind eye to the situation effectively equates to abandoning the people of the Middle East — Muslims and Jews alike.

This pacified approach leads to a disgraceful deal with Iran that will only serve to expand the Islamic republic’s death industry. We must fight Russian aggression. But why are those going against Russia, and rightly so, are also those waving a white flag when it comes to Iran? There’s no arguing that the U.S. is Israel’s most important ally, Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the victim. That is why Israel joined the UN’s condemnation of Moscow. But that wasn't enough to appease Amanpour and her ilk.

However, Israel must continue in its fight against the most murderous actor in the Middle East. This is not just an Israeli interest, it's also an American interest and of every decent human being in the Middle East and the West.

As an ally, the U.S. is supposed to understand this and that freedom of action that allows undercutting Iran's might is a moral imperative that Jerusalem simply cannot give up on, and if it means the Israeli government must walk on eggshells vis-à-vis Moscow, so be it.

And another thing, had a harsher Israeli stance against Russia actually led to a turning point, then it should have employed a different policy. But it is clear that halting Israeli operations against Iran on Syrian soil would only lead to more bloodshed and destruction. Given these circumstances, Israel is taking the moral approach. The only ones having a moral lapse are those seeking to sabotage the war on Iran’s murderous machinations.
  • Monday, March 07, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

Read all about it here!

  • Monday, March 07, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Shin Bet released the statistics of terror attacks in February. While there were no fatal attacks, the quantity of violent attacks increased over January.

The number of Molotov cocktails increased 35%, from 101 to 136. And the number of pipe bombs soared from 17 to 29.  Small arms fire more than doubled, from 6 to 14 incidents.

The media doesn't bother covering these attacks, and luckily none of them were fatal, but firebombs are still firebombs - and they are hurled multiple times daily at Jews. An average of one pipe bomb a day is something to be alarmed over, not complacent about.

The good news is that there were no rockets or mortars fired from Gaza in January.

Read all about it here!

From Ian:

Natan Sharansky (WSJ$): Israel, Russia and the U.S. Moral Abdication
Israel had no choice but to reach a strategic agreement with Russia to fight against Iran and its proxies. In protecting itself from terrorist aggression, Israel must consider Russia’s presence in Syria and secure Mr. Putin’s agreement for airstrikes against targets there. This arrangement, which began under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, renders Israel dependent on Russia’s goodwill even now, during Mr. Putin’s worst aggressions to date.

Making matters worse, an imminent nuclear deal with Iran will give yet more money to the regime without any linkage to its behavior. As a result, Israel will become even more dependent on Russia.

Israel would not have been forced to choose between its principles and survival had it not been for the lack of moral clarity in Europe and the U.S. The same free world that now stands in solidarity against one dictator is on the verge of signing—with that very dictator—an agreement that would give hundreds of billions of dollars to another corrupt, oppressive regime that has vowed to destroy Israel.

It isn’t too late to change this state of affairs. One option is to table the latest Iranian nuclear agreement and instead make clear to Tehran’s theocrats that their aggressions won’t be tolerated, let alone rewarded. If a deal is inevitable, another solution is to tie financial support for Iran to the latter’s verifiable commitment to protect human rights at home and cease its terrorist incitement abroad. This simple solution, which both the Obama and Biden administrations have thus far refused to accept, would not only reflect moral clarity, it would undermine Mr. Putin’s growing power on the world stage.

Russia’s actions in Ukraine are a test for the free world, which is why my government’s reluctance to oppose them forcefully is disappointing. Yet the reality of Israel’s dependence on Russia shows again that if the U.S. wants to lead the free world in confronting tyranny, its actions in confronting tyrants must be clear and consistent.

‘God will not forgive, ‘ Zelensky says as Russian forces kill fleeing civilians
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky lashed Western leaders and vowed no forgiveness for Russian “atrocities,” as its military intensified attacks on Ukraine’s cities and killed a group of civilians fleeing violence.

After Russia said it will attack Ukrainian defense industry facilities, some of which are in cities, Zelensky said early Monday morning, “It’s murder, simply murder, and I didn’t see any world leader react to it today, any Western politician.”

“The audacity of the aggressor is a clear signal for the West that the imposed sanctions aren’t enough,” he said in a video posted to his Facebook account.

He raged at Russian forces over a family of four that was killed by a mortar round while attempting to escape the city of Irpin, near Kyiv. About eight civilians were killed in total by Russian shelling in the town, according to Mayor Oleksander Markyshin.

Video footage showed a shell slamming into a city street, not far from a bridge used by people fleeing the fighting. New York Times journalists witnessed the attack, and said it took place in a residential area, where Ukraine’s military was not active, except for helping civilians flee.

Matti Friedman: The New Ukrainian Aliyah
New people with old stories are sitting on the benches in Nahariya, the beach town in northern Israel where my parents live. One woman sits in a park near the Jewish Agency’s immigrant absorption center, holding her smartphone and crying as another woman’s voice says on the speaker from Ukraine, “There are fatalities in Kharkiv.” A crew from the TV news is there to interview these first arrivals, and for an Israeli watching, it seems like headlines and history at once. Kyiv, Lviv, Moscow, the Jewish Agency. Is it the 1990s, or the 1930s? Another woman, Tatyana, embraces two of her three children, fresh from the airport. Her eldest son stayed behind to fight near Dnipro. “It’s a miracle we made it here,” she says.

Israelis are as glued to the war in Ukraine as the rest of the Western world, so involved in the extraordinary course of events that most of us haven’t yet considered the most immediate way this is going to manifest itself here: in a new wave of aliyah, “ascent,” the word we like to use for immigration. On Sunday three planes landed with 300 people, and it’s only beginning. Some estimates say 10,000 are coming, some say 10 times that; some, like the Interior Minister, say it could be hundreds of thousands and won’t be limited to people from Ukraine.

The old Zionist absorption machinery—ignored by nearly all Israelis nearly all of the time, though it’s more or less the reason the country exists and the reason we’re all here—is creaking back into motion. Israel will try to work its narrative magic, issuing the newcomers a story of strength that obscures their weakness, telling them they’re not homeless but home and that they’re not refugees but olim, “those who ascend,” masters of their own fate. This story is one of the secrets of the country’s success. A version of it is shared by everyone else in this town: the original Germans, the Moroccans and Tunisians, the Romanians, the earlier Russians and Ukrainians, the Ethiopians. The rooms at the absorption center probably still smell of injera. That’s why, although Elena and Tatyana may never have been here before, they somehow don’t seem out of place.

Roman Polonsky, the Jewish Agency’s man in charge of the countries of the former Soviet Union, was born 67 years ago outside Odesa, Ukraine—the target, as I write these lines, of an approaching Russian naval force. When we spoke he was rushing from Israel to Budapest to help get people out of his former country. Growing up in the Soviet Union with a mix of Ukrainians, Russians, Moldovans, and Jews, he said, the idea of a Russia-Ukraine war would have seemed “far less likely than an alien invasion from Mars.” He moved to Israel in 1990, when he was 35, at the beginning of the great aliyah that brought more than a million people here as the Soviet world collapsed. (All the newcomers became known collectively as “Russians,” even through a third were from Ukraine and another third from the smaller Soviet republics; it will be interesting to see if the distinction between Russians and Ukrainians now catches on.)


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