Monday, July 05, 2021

  • Monday, July 05, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
This is about the hysterical reactions to organizations that have issued statements against antisemitism.

  • Monday, July 05, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Monitor has an article on Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror camps - and they interview a couple of the campers who attended the Hamas camp.

Mohammed makes it clear that the camps are recruitment for terror groups.

Mohammed, 14, told Al-Monitor, “I joined the camp in order to defend my land against Israeli attacks and subsequently join the ranks of al-Qassam Brigades.”

He stressed that although his family does not belong to Hamas, they let him join the camp for the second time — the first time was in 2019.

“I don't find the training to be hard or inappropriate for my age. On the contrary, I want to learn more martial arts,” he said.

He pointed out that he learned how to dismantle and load weapons and shoot. He also received scouts and physical training.
As disturbing (and illegal) as that is, 12 year old Khalil shows how the kids are brainwashed to want to die:

Khalil, 12, from Gaza City who joined the summer camp for the first time, told Al-Monitor, “I will participate in the camp in order to strengthen myself and learn self-defense skills so I can fight Israel, become a martyr and go to heaven.”
Teaching kids that they should want to die is about as disgusting and immoral as it gets.

Not that "human rights" groups give a damn about that.

From Ian:

David Singer: Israel signals end to EU-funded unauthorised building in Area C
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s declaration in January 2020 – made before he was elected Israel’s Prime Minister – should now set off alarm bells in the EU:
“Our objective is that within a short amount of time, and we will work for it, we will apply [Israeli] sovereignty to all of Area C, not just the settlements, not just this bloc or another… We are embarking on a real and immediate battle for the future of the land of Israel and the future of Area C"

The EU then responded:
"Demolitions and seizures of humanitarian assets are contrary to Israel's obligations under international law".

Representing these EU-funded structures as “humanitarian assets” was deceptive and misleading. They are “political structures aimed at stopping Israeli sovereignty being applied in Area C “.

EU intervention and meddling in Area C of the 'West Bank' over the last ten years will seemingly no longer be tolerated by Israel’s new Government.

Will Palestinians denounce Mufti Hussaini, and Hitler?
That the Palestinian institute does not denounce Hitler — and anyone who cooperated with him, outright and without any justification — is a huge ethical and moral failure. Since the dawn of history, nations formed alliances in ways that served their interests, and that’s understandable.

Hitler, however, was not an average autocrat with whom an alliance was debatable. Hitler was a psychopathic leader who unleashed endless evil among his followers. Believing that other ethnicities or races were inferior and deserved to be exterminated belonged to Medieval times. But by the Twentieth centuries, such ideas had become morally reprehensible. That some Palestinians still believe, today, that an alliance of expediency with Hitler was justifiable, is a problem.

Now the question is this: Why does IPS still support Hussaini, even though some of its most influential leaders, such as the Chicago academic activist Rashid Khalidi, do not think highly of Hussaini?

In his most recent book, the picture that Khalidi painted of Hussaini was as such: “[A] bitter split between those loyal to the mufti… and the mufti’s opponents, led by the former Jerusalem mayor Raghib Al-Nashashibi… resulted in hundreds of assassinations in the late 1930s [and] gravely sapped the strength of Palestinians.”

Al-Nashashibi was forced into exile in Beirut in 1938, “after his life was threatened and his house in Ramleh burned with the loss of all his books and papers. This was undoubtedly the work of the mufti’s men,” according to Khalidi.

So Mufti Hussaini was not only someone who did not see the moral failure in allying with Germany’s Hitler, he was also a charlatan who threatened the lives of his political rivals in Jerusalem and sent them into exile. And yet, the IPS celebrates Hussaini’s life as one of the founding fathers of the Palestinian national movement. Until those Palestinians start denouncing such characters and learning from their mistakes, their movement will remain as ethically and morally challenged as it is today.
  • Monday, July 05, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Mondoweiss site has been shown to traffic in antisemitism again and again and again.  Its cofounder, Philip Weiss, seems to have a bizarre hatred for Jews. 

So it is interesting to examine when the site pretends to suddenly become a champion of the Judaism it despises.

It recently published an article titled "The Zionist assault on Judaism" from Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and opponent of the concept of a Jewish state.

This article claims that "Zionism has not yet murdered Judaism but it has undermined its moral and historical integrity. "

In order to make this claim, Halper has to do no less than redefine Judaism itself.

Merriam-Webster defines antisemitism as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.” On this score, Zionism minced no words. In its foundational doctrine “the negation of the Exile,” Zionism, of course, did not discriminate per se against Jews as a religious, ethnic or racial group. It did, however, express hostility towards them, particularly in its devalorization of Jewish life and culture abroad over the past two millennia – often encapsulated in the dismissal and ridicule of “galut (exilic) mentality.” While targeting Jewish communities for the purpose of recruiting them to its settler project, Zionism repudiated them, denying their very validity.
This is the basis for Halper's long article attacking Zionists as being anti-Judaism - that Judaism is Exile, and any desire for a Jewish state somehow negates the Judaism in communities throughout the world.

The idea that the essence of Judaism is exile is not new to Halper.  Judith Butler has come up with that argument as well. 

In order to attack Israel while claiming not to be antisemitic, one must redefine Judaism as being fundamentally diasporic, and having nothing to do with the Land of Israel. 

Too bad Judaism disagrees.

Three times a day, in prayers, Jews say "Sound the great Shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles, and gather us from the four corners of the earth. " 

And "Return in mercy to Jerusalem Your city, and dwell in it as You promised. Rebuild it soon in our day as an eternal structure, and quickly set up in it the throne of David. "

And " let our eyes behold Your merciful return to Zion."

There are similar passages in the Grace After Meals and elsewhere. Not to mention the many Jewish laws that only apply to those living in Israel. One simply cannot separate Judaism from Zion. To claim otherwise is to show an astonishing ignorance of Judaism itself. 

Judaism has never regarded the Diaspora as an ideal. Only revisionists like Butler and Halper do that. They want Jews to remain powerless - and to eventually disappear. They hate Israel so much that they redefine Judaism to exclude some of its basic tenets.

In fact, Israel helps strengthen the Jewish communities of the world. Jewish pride in Israel has become an important component of modern Judaism. 

This is what the Jewish revisionists want to demolish - they want to turn Israel from a source of pride into a source of shame. Moreover, they want to redefine Judaism itself to transform the millennia-old Jewish desire to return to Zion into an immoral compulsion to oppress Arabs.

These attempts to redefine Judaism as inherently diasporic, with nothing to do with the Land of Israel, is in fact all the proof you need that anti-Zionism is a form of antisemitism. One cannot separate Judaism from the concept of the return of the exiles without attacking the fundamentals of Judaism itself. 

This attack on Judaism is eagerly done by Jewish ignoramuses like Halper and Butler. It only proves what they are trying mightily to argue against - that they are today's antisemites. 

  • Monday, July 05, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

This photo of President Biden bowing down in front of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s chief of staff Rivka Ravitz is having the expected reactions from Israel's enemies.

Last Monday, when Rivlin visited the White House on his farewell tour, he took Ravitz along. When Biden wanted to shake her hand, Biden was told that as a haredi Jew she doesn't shake men's hands and that she has twelve children.

Upon hearing that, Biden bowed to her in appreciation of her motherhood, telling Ravitz, “I have a picture of my mother here, you have to see who she was!”

Arab commenters on social media pretty much shrugged, saying that they already knew that Israel controls America.

One person at Al Quds al Arabi said, "It's normal, what is the problem... Many bow before the people who rule the world." 

On a Turkish YouTube site, one said, "We are not surprised by the behavior of this old and malicious man, because he is carrying out a sacred message for the satanic Masonic organization in order to represent the miserable role model for the decadent and morally degenerate Left."

But Iran is trying the most to make hay out of this. 

Al-Alam tries to argue that this episode has nothing to do with the number of children Ravitz has, but in fact literally shows that Biden bows down to his religious Jewish rulers.

Using bizarre logic, the Iranian site says, "She is not an ordinary Israeli official, but rather an extremist Zionist and holds a high position in the Israeli entity. Otherwise, the "Israeli president" would not have taken her with him to the White House."

Al-Alam also says that Americans do not respect large families, and that they hate Gazans because they have large families, so Biden's act cannot have been from respect for her motherhood. 

I guess Ravitz is the most important person in Israel, since Biden only bowed to her!

The Iranian site adds that Ravitz, as a haredi Jew, belongs to "a radical and extremist sect" in Israel, showing that Iran does not respect the Jewish religion as it constantly claims to. 

Al-Alam concludes that  this episode "confirms that Zionism is the one that controls America and controls the Americans."

  • Monday, July 05, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Jerusalem Post reported on Sunday (archived):
Some 5,000 Israelis have received Emirati citizenship during the past three months, Emirates Leaks reported on Thursday.
This was done due to the Arab country having recently amending its law that would make it easier to grant citizenship, explaining that granting foreigners citizenship would help stimulate its economy amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
A visa will not be necessary for Israelis in order to cross Arab countries and the Persian Gulf, provided that they have Emirati citizenship, multiple sources confirm.
Furthermore, UAE authorities would allow businesspeople and investors to acquire citizenship without having to give up their Israeli citizenship. 
It seems that Emirates Leaks, a thoroughly anti-UAE site, is not very reliable. The Jerusalem Post took down the article. 

The UAE did liberalize its citizenship requirements a few months ago, allowing foreigners to become citizens, but the foreigners need to be nominated by the UAE royal family or top officials - one cannot apply to become a citizen. It seems very far-fetched to say that they offered citizenship to 5000 Israelis - or that the Israelis took it.

Iranian media is going nuts over this report, though. 

The story brings up the question that Westerners are loath to ask: Why don't Arab governments offer citizenship to the Palestinians that they pretend to support so much? The official reason is to keep the "right of return" alive, but as the case of Jordan shows, they can still profess the desire to "return" even as citizens. 

The only reason is because Arab nations prefer Palestinians to be stateless to becoming citizens. Which shows you how much they like the Palestinians they pretend to champion. 

Sunday, July 04, 2021

This morning, Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch tweeted this:

His source was the ridiculously biased Middle East Monitor which is essentially a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece.

Middle East Monitor got the statistic from the equally biased Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, which wrote a report about it.

Actually, "report" is way too generous. It was essentially a ten page slideshow with minimal text.

Here is the "source:"

The small print says "Based on a random sample conducted by Euro-Med Monitor."

A random sample of whom?

There is no methodology described. Did they interview children? Parents? Doctors? How did they randomize the people they sampled? Who diagnosed them with trauma - psychiatrists or parents? What was the exact question asked?

We don't know.

What we do know is that the Euro Med Monitor has, in the past, has shown it is pro-terror and regularly lies about Gaza deaths. In fact, their most recent report on Gaza shows that the pattern continues. For example, it counts Bashar Ahmed Ibrahim Samour as an innocent child when Fatah refers to him as a "hero martyr."  It says

Killing four civilians in Nuseirat
On May 12, an Israeli aircraft bombed with a single missile a group of civilians in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing four of them: Hamza Mahmoud Al-Hor, 25, Muhammad Abdel Moneim Shaheen, 27, and Muhammad Mu›in al-Qarah, 26, Ahmed Walid Al Talaa, 29.
All four of them were Islamic Jihad terrorists. Here are Shaheen and Talaa. 

An NGO with a history of lying makes an unsupported claim based on no written methodology - and gets quoted by a leader of an international human rights group as being accurate.

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: The real story about that Gaza death toll
In the recent hostilities between Israel and its attackers in Gaza, a prime Israel-bashing meme was — as ever — the falsehood that the Israeli forces were killing a huge number of Gaza’s civilians.

In vain did defenders of Israel point out that Hamas deliberately sited its missiles and other weaponry in and among apartment buildings, schools and hospitals in order to maximise civilian casualties of Israeli air strikes and thus defame Israel as a wanton aggressor.

In vain was it pointed out that Israel goes to lengths deemed unthinkable by any other armed forces in the world to avoid the loss of enemy civilian life, including issuing residents of targeted buildings with evacuation warnings by text, phone calls or “knock on the roof” harmless missile strikes to tell anyone in there to get out.

None of these facts stopped the relentless flow of claims that the majority of those killed by Israeli missile attacks in May’s Operation Guardian of the Walls were defenceless civilians.

Now, however, the evidence from the updated casualty figures in that operation reveals that, relative to Israel’s massive bombardment of Gaza with some 1500 strikes, the proportion of civilian deaths was astonishingly small.

With two million civilians — 60 percent of whom are children — packed into densely occupied Gaza, and given the Hamas strategy of using them as cannon fodder for air attacks, any Israeli airstrike would be expected inadvertently to kill thousands.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry says in fact that 256 Gazans were killed.

According to Israel’s Meir Amit Terrorism and Information Centre, which puts the figure at 234, nearly half of those were Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad combatants whom it has identified by name. Of the 95 of those killed who had no terrorist affiliation, 52 were children and 38 were women.

By international standards, this roughly one-to-one ratio of civilian to combatant deaths is amazing. In Afghanistan, Iraq or other theatres of war, British, American and other armies’ airstrikes usually achieve a ratio of about three civilians killed for every one combatant.

Seth Frantzman: Does Iran think Israel is vulnerable at sea? - analysis
The reason Iran doesn’t sink the ships, if Iran is indeed behind all this, is because the crews of these ships – and the management, ownership and flags they sail under – are not Israeli. In the case of the Gulf of Oman mining attack in May and June, the crew was not harmed. This is because Iran didn’t want a war on its hands.

It believes in using proxies and pin-pricks to strike at enemies. That is why it sends drones and missiles to Yemen to get Houthis to die for Iran and it is why it delivers weapons to Hezbollah and units in Syria, and aids Hamas, but doesn’t do the fighting itself. And why it encourages Iraqi-based pro-Iran militias to fire 107mm rockets at American forces. Because a 107mm rocket is less likely to inflict severe casualties, but rather to cause damage and send a message.

The question these maritime incidents raise is whether Tehran believes it can carry out retaliatory strikes against Israel after it alleges incidents took place in Iran, and whether it will strike at commercial interests.

Iran has done things like this before. It was likely linked to the attack on the Jewish AMIA center in Argentina in 1994. Hezbollah, and thus Iran, was linked to the Burgas bombing in 2012 in Bulgaria. Iran may have been linked to a New Delhi attack in January this year and attacks in Bangkok in 2014. There were also attacks in India and Georgia in 2012, for which Israel blamed Iran and Hezbollah.

This means that Iran has sought to target Israelis and Jews abroad and that it has possibly set on a new course of action against commercial shipping. Then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Iran for the February incident at sea: It is unclear if officials will point the finger at Iran again.
Anti-Zionist Jews and Antisemitism
This phenomenon of Jewish antisemitism is nothing new.

Throughout the Middle Ages, Jewish apostates spread lurid “inside stories” of Jewish blasphemy and perfidy against Christians, prompted anti-Jewish religious disputations such as the burning of the Talmud, and reinforced anti-Jewish claims of deicide and blood libels.

During the 19th century, Otto Weininger, an Austrian thinker of Jewish descent, wrote an antisemitic screed entitled “Sex and Character” that was later incorporated into Nazi propaganda and praised by Hitler.

A century later, the Jewish wing of the Soviet Communist party known as the Yevsektsiya was tasked with the “destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture.” These Jewish antisemites agitated to close down synagogues and Jewish cultural centers throughout the Soviet Union. For them, Zionism was counter-revolutionary and reactionary, harming the assimilation of Jews into the workers’ paradise.

Today’s Jewish anti-Zionists are simply following the long tradition of Jewish antisemitism. Often from assimilated backgrounds at odds with the mainstream Jewish community, they gain “in-crowd” standing by reinforcing widespread anti-Jewish attitudes and repeating falsehoods such as the idea that Israel engages in apartheid, war crimes, and genocide.

The recent wave of anti-Jewish harassment and violence is the latest confirmation that the anti-Zionist movement is inextricably linked to hatred toward Jews. People of good faith must not allow themselves to be misled by those who use their Jewish identity to cover for their antisemitic ideologies.
The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family, by Joshua Cohen, is a story about the only Jewish professor at the fictional Corbin College was forced to host Ben-Zion Netanyahu and his family (which included his sons Yonatan, Bibi and Iddo) for his interview.

The plot is thin, but Cohen's writing is a joy to read. Writing as the professor Ruben Blum, the book is filled with sly asides and observations as well as a profligate vocabulary.

Blum is an assimilated Jew who cannot escape his Jewishness. The only reason he is placed on the committee to evaluate Netanyahu is because he is Jewish. he is embarrassed to have the only house in his adopted town of Corbindale not to have a Christmas wreath. 

When Ben-Zion Netanyahu arrives with his thoroughly Israeli family, Nathan and his wife Edith are shocked at their rudeness as they take over the house, making long-distance calls, using the washing machine, changing their youngest on the counter without asking permission. (One of the few missteps that Cohen makes is assuming that Pampers existed in 1960.) 

Netanyahu's academic career was centered on proving that Jews were always treated as Jews no matter what they did. His major work centered on the Jewish converts to Christianity in Spain - most of whom, he claims, converted willingly - and how the Spanish Inquisition persecuted them anyway, being the first to treat Jews as a race and not just a religion. To Ben-Zion, one cannot escape being a Jew no matter how hard one tries; the antisemites will go after you no matter what.

Even though Cohen is not a fan of the real Netanyahus - his afterword makes that clear - the point of the book is that Ben-Zion is right, that Judaism is not something one can run away from, even if some Jews are uncouth, blunt, rude and pushy. 

One of the many observations made was that in 1960s, Jews in the US were all trying to become as American as possible and leave Judaism behind, while in Israel the Jews were trying to all become Israeli and homogenize their Judaism. All Jews were moving to become something else.

The Netanyahus is an often funny book, poking fun at the assimilationist American Jews as much as the overbearing Israelis. The Blum's daughter Judy would ask her maternal grandmother, who was all about appearing cultured, whether she had seen gallery openings or poetry readings of people from the Andrew Jackson administration and she would answer that of course she did; Blum's wife asks the baffled Netanyahus to take off their shoes when they enter her house and Ben-Zion ("Son of Zion") has a hole in his sock showing his big toe; the Netanyahus take no responsibility for anything they do wrong, blaming others.

Cohen's writing is virtuosic. The Netanyahus is a fun read and it brings up a number of issues about the differences between American and Israeli Jewry that are still relevant.

  • Sunday, July 04, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

The current issue of World Literature Today is dedicated to Palestinian literature. 

It unwittingly highlights the fact that even fiction - and even poetry - can lie.

There is a tacit contract between the writer and reader of fiction. No matter how fantastical literature is, it all relies on some common set of facts that the writer and reader can agree on. This way the readers can empathize with the characters and allow themselves to be swept up in the emotion of the story.

When fiction or poetry is insidious propaganda, the writer feeds the reader lies as if they are facts. The reader assumes that the contract is valid, that the writer would not purposefully feed the reader lies to turn the reader into an antisemitic bigot.

Yet this is what much - not all, but probably most - of Palestinian literature does.

One of the poems in this issue is about a Palestinian prisoner who smuggled his sperm out of prison in a candy wrapper to his wife, who then conceives. 

Most of the poem is based on actual facts.  There have been nearly seventy cases of such births. But then, this poem goes into a bizarre scene where Israel - observed by the UN - is blocking the woman from her hospital, pointing guns at her as she gives birth.

This is not how I imagined it would be
Legs parted on the blood-soaked dirt
Strangers rolling up my skirt
Hands pulling down my undies
Guns and phones pointing at me
UN observers counting indignities
They write me down
They write down me
They write me down . . . a number
I’m case #70
Sixty-nine women before me
Not one . . . not two . . . not three

I inhale strength and sumud
And exhale their cruelty
I’m not a stray animal left on the dirt
That ambulance they block is for me
I booked a hospital room
I decorated a nursery
I even prepared a music playlist
To reduce my anxiety
But all of this is out of reach
I’m case #70

I push . . . I push . . . I push
Can I have some privacy?
I inhale the wisdom of a thousand matriarchs
And the patience of a million refugees
And I exhale fear and tyranny

The scene described is indeed inhuman. And it is a complete lie - no one would stop her from her doctor, no one would point guns at her as she gasps through labor. The emotional arc is based on the poet breaking the contract with the reader and creating a universe of the monstrous Jew persecuting the innocent Palestinian, a Jew whose evil is assumed and does not have to be explained; Jewish depravity is just an unquestioned part of the universe like gravity.

In another poem, "Taking Back Jerusalem," even the title is propaganda - it tells the reader that Jerusalem is unquestioningly "Palestinian" and Jews who have lived there and prayed for return there for thousands of years are the outsiders. Excerpt:

& for the first time that night,
   a familiar I could but couldn’t
have known: a boy with moonlit tongue

promising his mother he’ll make it
   back with every breath – peering
around the corner: a soldier, his

gun, that precise small
   -ness – I couldn’t unsee him
or Him, couldn’t uncast that smile

from his nodding face, our mouths
   pretty with english – he stopped
one of us. he searched

only one of us. & there, I remembered
   my mother, begging God to watch
over us in Jerusalem, where,

at four years old, a soldier held a gun
   to her head & maybe it was or wasn’t
at this exact spot, & maybe she prayed

for the wrong son but in that moment,
   I prayed. & there was no God
but the space between us – how the distance

between my holy & His
   holy could resurrect a broken
lord on my breath – & there I began

to understand how my mother could
   abandon her birthright –
& I suppose, she made it out.

Here there is another soldier, someone who may randomly kill an Arab for any or no reason, who stops an Arab in a group. This reminds the poet that another soldier pointed a gun at his mother's head when she was four years old.

If the reader knows that this is impossible, that Arabs were not expelled from Jerusalem, there there are hundreds of thousands of Arabs who live in Jerusalem today (more than at any time in history,) that Arabs and Jews walk together and take classes together and sit next to each other on buses and shop together every hour of every day in Jerusalem, and that it is inconceivable that a Jewish soldier in 1967 would have held a gun to a four year old girl's head when there was a real war going on - the poem would lose its power. 

The poet knows that the reader is ignorant, and that the poet must fill in these gaps of knowledge with lies to create the impression of Jewish immorality.

The poems don't have to say "Jew" to be antisemitic. The propagandist/poets know that the reader knows that the vile soldiers are Jews. Their depravity doesn't need to be explained any more than Nazis do in World War II -era movies. Their actions need no explication, their humanity simply doesn't exist. Their mere presence in Israel is oppressive and has no possible excuse - in this world, curated for the naïve Western reader, there are no terror attacks, no stabbings, no car rammings, no suicide bombings, no daily calls for ethnic cleansing, no explosive packages left by the good native Palestinians for the evil colonial Jews. 

In Arabic, the poems can romanticize the terrorists, but not in English. Not in World Literature Today.

Not yet.

Later, when the world is primed to hate the Jews more through these poems and stories and editorials and activist reporters, then the terrorists can become heroes and the suicide bombers who blow up the irredeemably evil Jews can become freedom fighters.

That will have to wait for the 2031 edition of the magazine. 

(h/t ymedad)

  • Sunday, July 04, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

The ninth annual World Happiness Report has been released, and Israel is ranked the 11th happiest country in the world, up from #12 last year.

It traded places with Australia, which went from #11 to #12.

The top ten happiest countries according to this survey are Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Norway, New Zealand and  Austria.

The United States ranked 14th and Canada 15th.

Only 95 countries were ranked this year.

The happiest Arab countries are Saudi Arabia (21) and the UAE (27.)

Countries that were the least happy in the region include Iran (77), Turkey (78), Morocco (80), Iraq (81), Tunisia (82), Egypt (87) and Jordan (93).

Saturday, July 03, 2021

From Ian:

Wounded Boston rabbi says stabbing attack was ‘unequivocally’ antisemitic
A Boston rabbi who was stabbed multiple times on Thursday in a suspected hate crime said he believes “unequivocally” that the attack was antisemitic in nature and that the perpetrator meant to kill him.

Rabbi Shlomo Noginski was speaking on the phone on the steps outside a Jewish day school in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood at around 1 p.m. on Thursday, when he was approached by a suspect brandishing a gun and knife. The perpetrator drew the gun and told Noginski to take him to his car. When he tried to force him inside, Noginski started to flee and the suspect chased him and stabbed him several times.

Noginski was taken to the hospital for treatment and was released on Friday. Police arrested Khaled Awad, 24, for the attack and charged him with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

“It hurts. I was stabbed eight times, mainly in the arm, some in the stomach [area],” Noginski told Channel 12 news on Friday from his home where he was recovering from his injuries. The attacker, he said, “tried to hurt me dozens of times. I thank God for this big miracle, thank God it ended this way.”

Police said the motive for the stabbing was unclear as the investigation is underway. District Attorney Rachael Rollins said at a vigil in support of Noginksi on Friday that her office has opened a civil rights investigation to determine whether the stabbing is a hate crime.

“We have to recognize that antisemitism is on the rise, and we need to hold people accountable when they do this, so that they are made an example of,” Rollins said at the vigil not far from the stabbing site, attended by several hundred people.

“Unequivocally, it was an antisemitic incident,” Noginski told Channel 12 on Friday. “This is how I feel, I felt in that moment that he was trying to kill me, not [trying] to steal my car. He wanted to capture me and kill me.”

College Roommates Of Khaled Awad, Suspect In Brighton Rabbi Stabbing, Say He Was ‘Very Much Anti-Semitic’
College roommates of Khaled Awad, the man accused of stabbing Rabbi Shlomo Noginski eight times outside a Jewish school in Brighton Thursday, say he was “violent” and “very much anti-Semitic”.

Investigators say Awad approached Rabbi Noginski outside the Shaloh House Thursday afternoon, and tried to steal his car. When the rabbi ran, Awad chased him and stabbed him. When officers found the suspect, they say he pointed a gun at them before surrendering.

Noginski was released from the hospital on Friday and returned home to recover with his wife and 12 children, while Awad was arraigned in Brighton District Court.

Prosecutors said Awad has no record in Massachusetts, but has faced charges of battery and theft in Florida and was sent to a mental health facility there. He’ll be held without bail until a dangerousness hearing on July 8.

His former college roommates and friends at the University of Southern Florida, where he studied chemical engineering until very recently, say Awad had showed a propensity for violence.

“He started becoming violent,” said Eric Valiente, a friend of Awad’s.

His roommate Aidan says he and Awad were friends until Awad attacked him in their shared kitchen on day, prompting Aidan to move out and get a restraining order.

“We were friends, to be honest with you. I’m Jewish. And he knew that since I moved in,” said Aidan Anderson, the suspect’s former roommate.

Aidan and Eric say Awad’s beliefs towards certain cultures became evident early on.

“He was very much anti-Semitic. He would say like all types of Jewish jokes. I thought he was joking at first and then I started to see seriousness in his comments,” said Eric.

After the assault in fall of 2020, the friend distanced themselves from Khaled, but still say they’re shocked he would go so far as to assault a stranger with a weapon.
‘Squad’ Falls Silent on Rabbi Stabbing in Boston
The far-left members of the Democratic "Squad" have fallen largely silent on the Boston rabbi who was stabbed eight times outside of a Jewish school.

Aside from Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), who represents the district where 24-year-old Khaled Awad nearly murdered Rabbi Shlomo Noginski, none of the Squad members have condemned the anti-Semitic attack. The Washington Free Beacon contacted each of the House Democrats associated with the Squad–Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.), Cori Bush (D., Mo.), and Pressley—none of whom responded to requests for comment about the attack.

The attack comes as liberals like Bowman call for members to be more outspoken about "hateful" rhetoric. The New York representative shared footage of a group of Israelis participating in an anti-Arab chant and challenged his colleagues to "disavow" racism wherever it exists. "I represent many within the Jewish community who disavow and condemn this hateful language," Bowman wrote on Twitter. "So why does only a small portion of our Congress?"

The Squad members are largely silent as Democrats face yet another reckoning on anti-Semitism in their ranks. Omar was criticized by a dozen of her Jewish colleagues after she compared America and Israel to terrorist groups. Omar on CNN this week lambasted her Jewish colleagues for criticizing her, saying they were not "partners in justice."

The group of far-left Democrats rarely issues statements when Jews are victims of crime in America, even though FBI statistics routinely rank Jews as a top victim of hate crimes in America. They are far more likely to take to social media when victims appear to be from different targeted groups. Hours after reports emerged that actor Jussie Smollett was allegedly attacked on the streets of Chicago, for example, Ocasio-Cortez labeled it a "racist and homophobic attack."

"If you don’t like what is happening to our country, then work to change it," Ocasio-Cortez wrote. "It is no one’s job to water down or sugar-coat the rise of hate crimes."

Chicago police later found that Smollett had staged the attack.

Friday, July 02, 2021

From Ian:

David Harris: Ilhan Omar Has a Problem With Jews
It's high time to address Rep. Omar's pattern of offensive commentary. Her party also needs to address Omar's selective outrage when it comes to her repeated assertions of moral authority. When the House of Representatives overwhelmingly adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which resulted in the systematic murder of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkey a century ago, Omar opted out by voting "present." In other words, she was unwilling to acknowledge one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century.

Why? Well, it seems, she has a soft spot for Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which also may explain why she refused to join the vast majority of her congressional colleagues in condemning the Turkish leader's consistently egregious human rights violations.

And she's not exactly been outspoken, to say the least, when it comes to the decade-long tragedy in Syria, in which hundreds of thousands have been slain and millions exiled, or in Iran, where dissidents, gays, religious minorities, and feminists have been dealt with harshly on a daily basis.

But there's one final irony to the Omar story. While she rails against those Jews in Congress as failing to be "partners in justice," it's actually Jews, both past and present, who have been among the most vocal and consistent supporters of some of the issues she claims top her list.

In fact, but for a Jewish House member from New York named Emanuel Celler, people like Omar and her family might not have even been admitted to the United States. As Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Celler spent literally decades seeking to overturn America's exclusionary and racist immigration policy. The Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965, supported by organizations like American Jewish Committee, did just that.

Had it not passed, it would have been possible that a refugee family from Somalia or anywhere else in Africa might not have been given a new start in America, much less the life-changing chance to be elected a member of Congress only 23 years after her arrival in this country.

There should be clear-cut consequences for any member of Congress, of either party, responsible for a growing list of unambiguously bigoted comments. In the case of Congresswoman Omar, will there be?
Jonathan Tobin: Why are liberal Jews still covering for Ilhan Omar?
For example, Rabbi Jonah Pesner, the head of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism who had nothing to say about Omar's attacks on Israel and Jews. But he actually endorsed Omar's attempt to co-opt Jewish history in her defense with a fawning tweet: "Thank you Rep. Omar for lifting up this history. We need our communities standing together in the fight for justice and against antisemitism and anti-Muslim bigotry," he wrote.

With the leader of the political arm of the largest Jewish denomination in America behind her, Haaretz was right to claim in a headline that, "Jewish Democrats Back Ilhan Omar."

Nor was the RAC alone. Two Jewish members of the House Democratic caucus, Representatives Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and David Cicillone (D-RI) also spoke up in her defense with the latter claiming all the fuss was the work of "right-wingers" who were "trying to create a controversy where there is none." Halie Soifer, the head of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, which has recently signaled that its mission is to advocate for both Israel and "Palestinian rights" amid the Hamas attacks on the Jewish state also "strongly welcomed" Omar's comments.

It should be remembered that the majority of House Jewish Democrats chose to be silent or actually support Omar rather than join with those who condemned her comparison of Israel to a terrorist group.

It isn't only progressives who seek to cozy up to anti-Semites. This past week, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) was called out for planning to host a fundraiser with alt-right anti-Semite and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes, who has previously been shunned by mainstream conservatives. Like Omar when she was asked about her "Benjamins" slur, Gosar claimed ignorance of who he was dealing with. But the point here is that Jewish Republicans were quick to condemn Gosar rather than support him.

By contrast, progressives are blinded both by their partisan aversion to taking on their ideological allies like Omar, but also often effectively silenced by her status as a woman of color. The Jewish left has bought into the toxic myths of critical race theory and intersectionality and are so conscious of having "white privilege" to the point where they are simply incapable of realizing the connection between leftists and attacks on Jews and Israel.

That inability to spurn anyone, no matter how egregious their behavior, who can fit into a race category that denotes "oppressed status," acts as a permission slip for Jew-hatred that Omar is happy to accept. That Omar is effectively given a pass by the media establishment (including Jews like Tapper, who failed to challenge her attack on Jews in his interview with her) is bad enough. But that progressive Jews are still lining up with her tells you everything you need to know about the partisan sickness and ideological madness that is doing such terrible damage to the country's political culture.

Alan M. Dershowitz: Recent Petitions Singling Out Israel for Condemnation Are Anti-Semitic
The bigots who promote these petitions, and the useful idiots who sign them, cannot possibly be motivated by a concern for universal human rights. If they were, they would focus on nations with really horrendous human rights records, such as Iran, which hangs gays, China, which imprisons Muslim dissidents, Russia, which murders dissenters, Saudi Arabia, which oppresses women, Syria, which gases its own people, as well as Palestinians, and many other nations that face no external threats.

Israel, on the other hand, faces existential threats, and acts in self-defense. It does more to protect innocent civilians than any country faced with comparable threats. Yet it is the only country that is subject to petitions by teachers unions, faculty senates, student bodies, and other groups....

"Criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic, and saying so is vile. But singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East is anti-Semitic, and not saying so is dishonest." — Thomas L. Friedman.

There is an old joke about a Hitler rally in which the Fuhrer shouts out a rhetorical question: "Who is to blame for all of Germany's evils?" And before the crowd can shout "the Jews," a man in the front row screams out: "The bicycle riders." Hitler stops and turns to the man and asks him, "Why the bicycle riders?" To which the man responds, "Why the Jews?" .... There is no good response.

Therefore, let us stop pretending that these hateful, one sided and mendacious petitions are anything but what they are: anti-Semitic bigotry, pure and simple. History will judge the bigots behind them harshly. So should all decent people today.
  • Friday, July 02, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

  • Friday, July 02, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday dismissed a case brought by the widow and daughter of Yasser Arafat, who have claimed the iconic Palestinian leader's death was the result of poisoning.

Suha El Kodwa Arafat and Zahwa El Kodwa Arafat, who are French citizens, filed their case with the Strasbourg-based European court in 2017 after French courts dismissed their claims.

Arafat died at the Percy military hospital near Paris aged 75 in November 2004 after developing stomach pains while at his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Many Palestinians accuse Israel of poisoning Arafat, a charge flatly denied by the Jewish state. 

But in 2012 his widow, Suha El Kodwa Arafat, said traces of the radioactive isotope polonium 210 had been found on his clothes, prompting a French lawsuit alleging his murder.

After a series of analyses and witness interviews, a court in Nanterre, west of Paris, dismissed the case, a ruling upheld on appeal.

Lawyers for Arafat's widow said the investigation had been "fundamentally biased" and accused the judges of closing the probe too quickly.

Arafat's wife and daughter turned to the European court in 2017, saying they had been refused their right to a fair hearing, in particular a refusal of their request for an additional expert report on his death.

In a unanimous decision, three judges said that after reviewing the case, "at all stages of the proceedings the applicants, assisted by their lawyers, had been able to exercise their rights effectively".

"Judges did not appear to have reached arbitrary conclusions based on the facts before them and their interpretation of the evidence in the file or the applicable law had not been unreasonable," they added.
Palestinians' lives would improve markedly if they could ever admit the truth and not insist forever that the world accept their lies.


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