Thursday, March 12, 2020

  • Thursday, March 12, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

I'm sure he really meant to say "Zionists."


Jordanian Islamic Scholar Ahmad Al-Shahrouri: The Jews Are More Dangerous Than Coronavirus, AIDS, and Cholera; Jihad Purifies Our Bodies and Souls, Can Save People from These Diseases#7868 | 01:26Source: Yarmouk TV (Jordan)
Jordanian Islamic scholar Ahmad Al-Shahrouri said in a March 8 episode of his show on Yarmouk TV – a Jordanian TV channel affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood - that the Jews are more dangerous than coronavirus, AIDS, cholera, and every disease in the world. He also said that to be saved from these illnesses, one should remember the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jihad, which he explained is a means of purification of one's soul and body. Sheikh Al-Shahrouri added that being saved from coronavirus serves to give one the honor of liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Al-Shahrouri is a professor of shari'a at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan and serves as the imam of the university's mosque.

Ahmad Al-Shahrouri: "Brothers, we are talking about epidemics and diseases that afflict the body, but what about epidemics that afflict the soul and the mind? An epidemic that afflicts the mind... Let me ask you a question: Is it okay for us to talk about the coronavirus because it is 'hot news' and forget about the Jews, who are more dangerous than AIDS, coronavirus, cholera, and all the diseases of this world?
"If you want to be saved from these deadly diseases, we should all remember Jihad. Jihad is a means of purification. We should all remember Al-Aqsa Mosque. If we attach our souls to Al-Aqsa, they will be purified. Our bodies will be purified. Anyone who remembers Al-Aqsa loves life. He is saved from the coronavirus, but not in order to get married, build, or study – rather, he is saved so that he can have the honor of liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
I'm also sure he means the "inner, spiritual jihad" when he's talking about "liberating" the Temple Mount from Jews.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

From Ian:

David Collier: SOAS Director – caught lying to the Jews to keep them quiet
Last week I reported on a Europal event due to take place on the SOAS campus. Europal have links to Hamas and have spread antisemitic material on a UK campus. Several Jewish organisations set up campaigns and angry members of the community sent emails to the university in protest. Eventually SOAS responded -and sent out a reassuring email from the SOAS Director. The event would go ahead but was a ‘student only’ event. There would be no Europal presence. SOAS promised they would be ‘no external speakers. The event took place and now we know the truth. SOAS has been caught lying to us.

This is the email SOAS sent out:

SOAS emailThe email is clear. This is a student only event – there will be no external speakers – and Europal are not going to be there either.
The SOAS Europal event

The event took place on Saturday. This is an image from one of the sessions.

SOAS Europal event

Speaking at the front is Shamiul Joarder. Jorder is Head of Public Affairs of Friends of Al Aqsa (FoA) – another Islamist group. For many years FoA supported the Iranian, pro-Hezbollah ‘Al Quds’ day march in London. The FoA founder Ismail Patel has spoken at the event. Patel has also recommended the writing of Roger Garaudy -a 9/11 truther and convicted Holocaust denier. Friends of Al-Aqsa has also published work by Holocaust denier Paul Eisen and antisemite Gilad Atzmon. In the following image Patel can be seen with Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh:

Patel has openly said that Hamas ‘is not a terrorist organisation’ and fully supported the speaking tour’ of Raed Salah, who has since been found guilty of inciting terrorism. Patel himself has advocated the killing of adulterers.
What Happened to the New York Times’ Man in Tehran?
The Iranian diaspora has coined a term for this kind of news management, hashtad-beest, or “80/20,” meaning that 80% of the reporting focuses on the obvious and unavoidable, including mild or implied criticism of the regime, in order to establish credibility among foreign readers. According to Iranian political activist Heshmat Alavi, “The remaining 20 percent of their published material focuses on pushing Iran’s talking points, such as justifying Zarif’s arguments, praising Soleimani as a popular figure and criticizing Iranian opposition groups.” And so the regime-friendly gaslighting produced by the Times’ man in Tehran highlighted a consistent array of topics pleasing to the ayatollahs and irritating to the U.S. administration: the Yemeni humanitarian disaster (always laid on Riyadh’s doorstep, never the Houthis’ or Iran’s), Brett Kavanaugh Bad, anti-refugee attacks in Germany, Israel bombing Hezbollah convoys in Syria (Bad), Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman visiting the United States (Bad), Pompeo replacing Tillerson (Bad), John Bolton (Worse), Apple closing its App Store to Islamic Republic consumers (Apocalypse), and predictable logrolling between Erdbrink and Vali Nasr and Al Jazeera’s favorite Iranian-American, Yara Elmjouie.

Erdbrink deserves some credit, however. When NPR interviewed Erdbrink about the then-upcoming Our Man in Tehran release, the interviewer mentioned his longtime residency in Iran with his Iranian wife. Could he be truly objective? “If objectivity is measured by, do I see Iran exactly though a Western view? Then no,” was Erdbrink’s answer. With this artful dodge, he was admitting to being a functional hostage of the regime, and with its array of tools—granting entry visas and press credentials, revoking both at whim, banning, silencing, imprisonment, uniting or separating families, taking hostages—Tehran can dictate not only how it is covered but by whom.

What is striking here to an outsider is the value that Tehran places on intermediaries and proxies. I asked Reuel Marc Gerecht, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies chief Iran expert, who has traveled through Iran and speaks fluent Persian, about this strategy. “I don’t think the Iranians are as strategic as many folks think,” Gerecht said. “They really are dependent upon Westerners leading on most issues. Most Westerners aren’t being led; if anything, Westerners have the rhetorical lead and Iranians follow. Ben Rhodes, Phil Gordon, Jake Sullivan, to name just a few, don’t need NIAC [National Iranian American Council] to frame arguments. As a rule, Iranian officials are pretty crude and stuck in a left-wing, Islamic, mindset of the 1970s, even if they are young. Zarif only looks good because the others are so bad, so inept with Westerners. The Islamic Republic is like Cuba: it exists in a time warp intellectually. It’s one of many reasons why it can’t evolve and reform.”

Keeping Thomas Erdbrink in limbo probably guarantees a certain level of compliance from his successor Fassihi. Why the New York Times so readily accedes to what looks from here like blackmail is another question. On Feb. 12, 2020, the Washington, D.C., think tank the Atlantic Council convoked a panel titled “Iran: Propaganda and Perception 41 Years After the Revolution,” starring, among others, its own Barbara Slavin, Farnaz Fassihi, and others. In a two-hour discussion about the rigors of reporting from Tehran, Erdbrink’s name did not come up once.

Rubin Report: Muslim On The Real Danger Of Ilhan Omar’s Agenda (Pt. 1) | Dalia al-Aqidi
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dalia al-Aqidi (Journalist, Republican Candidate) about why she is challenging Rep Ilhan Omar for her congressional seat in the fifth district of Minnesota. Dalia is a Muslim refugee who grew up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. She immigrated to the US when she was 20. She shares her concerns about groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and how they worked with and groomed congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. She reveals how CAIR is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and is working to train many more candidates in the same progressive mold.

Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution (courtesy BBC).

Read this article

If you are not completely horrified, read it again.

Benjamin Gerstein is the president of the student body at the University of Michigan.

He wasn’t beaten with sticks or carried through the streets with a dunce cap on his head. He didn’t see his parents murdered or sent to concentration camps. He wasn’t starved or threatened with execution or imprisonment.

His crime was to suggest a few years ago, that the “Palestinian people” did not deserve a state. It was really a relatively mild statement, certainly less severe than anything I would write. When someone noticed, he was forced to recant.  And here is part of what he wrote on Facebook in his “defense:”

I made statements that erase the history of the Palestinian people. I made racist statements, including the denial of the right to self-determination, that were ignorant of Palestinians’ struggle under occupation. I am sorry beyond words … I accept total and complete responsibility for the harmfulness of my language, the offensiveness of my words, and the active role I played in the silencing of Palestinian voices.

I have grown considerably since I made those statements, and the repulsive views I expressed in the video no longer reflect my current understanding. I am devastated to see them reappear and be defended today. I know an apology is never enough and I am complicit in the oppression of Palestinians through my past actions.

I am asking myself if this could have happened when I was a student in America, in the early 1960s before the murders of JFK, MLK, and RFK, when LSD was still mostly in the lab, and Max Yasgur was just a farmer.

I’m not sure, but I doubt it.

I don’t know whether to be ashamed for him, to call him an idiot, or to feel sorry for him because I can only guess what may have been done to him to get him to crawl on all fours and lick the shoes of his enemies. Or maybe that’s what some American Jewish kids are like today. I don’t know. Maybe, like Jeremiah Denton, he blinked out “T.O.R.T.U.R.E” in Morse code when he posted that, but probably not.

American Jews: don’t send your kids to the University of Michigan or similar places. Let them join the military, enter apprenticeship programs to learn a trade, or make aliyah and serve in the IDF. Teach them about Mao’s cultural revolution, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, and the treatment of POWs in Korea and Vietnam, so they will recognize brainwashing.

Don’t let this happen to them.

(See also my post about this - EoZ)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Fourth election on Israel’s horizon? No worries. There’s nothing wrong with Israel possibly having a fourth election and this is not a failure. It’s how the public uses the free and democratic Israeli election process as a way to refine its political views.
What we see now is a maturation process, a societal coming of age.
Those of us on the right would never vote for Gantz or Lapid. Not during the first election, and not in subsequent elections. But a part of me, the part that is angry with Bibi, played Devil’s advocate: “Traditionally, there has been more building under left-wing Israeli governments,” I would tell people on social media, going for shock value.
I wanted to wake people up. I wanted to tell them: “Bibi has frozen settlement de facto, beyond what Obama ever required. Stop pretending that a right wing government has enacted right wing policy!”

But it’s more than that. Netanyahu has failed to stop the leftist courts from destroying settlements, he’s promised buildings that have never materialized. He waits for people in other countries to decide when Israel will exercise its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. (What kind of sovereignty is that???)
These things make me mad. But I am also angry at Bibi over old history: the votes for Disengagement; the way he promised reciprocity, then gave away Hebron. I’ve written about these things before. I don’t wish to write about them again. But the collective memory of these actions make me sometimes not want to vote for him.
Please note that my anger at Bibi comes from my passion for Israel. When Bibi does things that in my opinion, harm my beloved country, it makes it harder for me to vote for him. So in past elections, I’ve voted for smaller right wing parties, and even toyed with not voting at all.
But this time I knew that it was time to stop effing around, so I voted Likud.

It took three elections to get me to that point, quite frankly. And the thing is, maybe it will take four or more elections for everyone else to get to that point, too: the point where we have a clear majority of Israelis who want the same things for our country. 
Where we allor at least most of usunderstand what it takes to get there.
Because it sure ain't Gantz and Lapid.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Trump abolishes controversial language on Jerusalem in new human rights report
The Trump administration will no longer refer to Arab residents of Jerusalem as Palestinians, Israel Hayom has learned.

In a new human rights report released on Wednesday, the US for the first time calls the Arab residents of the capital "non-Israeli residents who live in Jerusalem."

The annual State Department report evaluates the state of human rights across the world. It has a chapter dealing with the situation in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. In recent years its terminology has changed regarding those areas.

Two years ago, the report decided to omit the term "occupied" in reference to Judea and Samaria, and last year the report included strong rebukes of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas over their violation of human rights rather than just over Israel's record.

The administration's latest decision is in keeping with its principled stance of sticking to the truth and facts on the ground. The administration told Israel Hayom that the new definition of Arab residents in east Jerusalem reflects the reality in the capital,: On the one hand the Arab residents are not Israeli citizens but on the other hand, there is no Palestinian state either, and hence they cannot be considered Palestinian citizens.

In one paragraph dealing with the shortage of classrooms in the city, the report refers to Arab citizens in east Jerusalem without using the word "Palestinian" to describe their lack of Israeli citizenship: "Based on population data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the NGO Ir Amim estimated in previous years a shortage of 2,500 classrooms for non-Israeli children resident in East Jerusalem and 18,600 non-Israeli children in Jerusalem were not enrolled in any school."

A senior administration official told Israel Hayom that "the goal of this report is to maximize accuracy. Being accurate and factual has been the hallmark of this administration's foreign policy."

The UN’s Selective Outrage on Occupied Territories
Here the contrast in the UN’s policies is extraordinary: these same companies offer services in the settlement projects of other disputed and occupied territories but are subject to no condemnation for this activity. Most of Israel’s settlements are on public lands, and the tourism services are offered there for new homes built after Israel’s conquest of the territory. However, in contrast, in other conflict zones Airbnb,, TripAdvisor openly advertise homes and services in the homes of actual refugees.

In fact, these sites advertise specific dwellings that belonged to Azerbaijani refugees driven from their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory under Armenian occupation since the early 1990s. Some of the original property owners have identified their homes in advertisements placed by Armenian settlers on Airbnb and other tourism sites.

Armenia has an extensive settlement project in its territories of Azerbaijan that it occupies. However, in contrast to Israel’s control of the West Bank, where the Palestinian population has been able to stay in their homes, Armenia expelled over 700,000 Azerbaijanis when it invaded the territories. This happened in 1992-1994, not generations ago. Armenia’s expulsion of the Azerbaijanis is the largest population expulsion in Europe since the end of World War II, yet is hardly known in the international system.

If the UN Human Right Office indeed wants to promote peace and be taken seriously as such, it should include in in the UN Human Rights Office database the business activity of all occupied territories and protracted conflicts. This would be a sign that it is truly interested in solving territorial disputes everywhere, not just one.

In fact, when it issued its blacklist, the UN Human Rights Office may have inadvertently opened the flood gates. In today’s interconnected world, aggrieved parties are keenly aware of developments in other protracted conflicts. They will want to know why the world’s most prominent multilateral organization is willing to apply sanctions in one protracted conflict, but not others. The UN Human Rights Office must now be prepared to explain why some occupations are inconsequential, but only Israel’s control of the West Bank is deserving of a blacklist.
UK MPs to Palestinian schools: stop using books inciting against Israel
Palestinian Authority and UNRWA schools continue to use textbooks that radicalize children against Israel, parliamentarians in the UK, a major donor to the PA, lamented on Tuesday.

MP Jonathan Gullis, who initiated the debate with Minister of State James Cleverly, displayed a reading comprehension textbook for 10-year-olds that praised Dalal al-Mughrabi, who killed 38 Israelis including 13 children, on a bus in 1978.

Gullis cited research by IMPACT-se, a research institute analyzing textbooks, which reviewed 202 such books from the current Palestinian curriculum, finding “a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects, where the possibility of peace with Israel is rejected.”

MP Stephen Crabb questioned “why there has been so little progress” in removing incitement from textbooks, pointing out that “concerns have been constantly raised by members across parties in this house about the use of inciteful language in textbooks – which, whether directly or indirectly, UK aid has helped to finance.”

Labour Friends of Israel chairman MP Steve McCabe said: “I strongly support a two-state solution – and it is precisely because of that support that I believe it is imperative that we tackle the issue of radicalization in the Palestinian school curriculum.

The textbooks “seek to pass on old hatreds and prejudices to a new generation of young people,” McCabe added. “It’s a barrier to reconciliation and coexistence, is pernicious and simply unacceptable.”

  • Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JTA:

The Bernie Sanders campaign denounced the “toxic and offensive” past statements of an imam who spoke at a Sanders rally days before a key presidential primary in Michigan.

Imam Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini said in 2015 that the Islamic State terrorist group “somehow is connected to Israel.” The same year, commenting on a Supreme Court decision upholding the right to same-sex marriage, he said, “This is a moment that Americans would look back at with so much regret and sorrow, that we are legalizing something that is normal, something that is against human nature.”

Al-Qazwini introduced Sanders at a rally in Dearborn, Michigan on Saturday.

“The campaign has been made aware of offensive and toxic past statements by Imam Qazwini,” campaign manager Faiz Shakir said in a statement Tuesday, after a number of media outlets reported on the past statements of the founder of the Islamic Institute of America.

“These statements are dangerous, hateful, and violate the principles of our movement, which is based on values of equality and dignity for all people,” Shakir said. “Senator Sanders stands with those in Israel, Palestine, and across the region who work for peace, and unequivocally rejects antisemitic conspiracy theories that seek to blame Israel for all the region’s problems, and well as any bigoted statements against any group.”

I dare Bernie Sanders to find a single statement from his workers, surrogates and co-speakers at his rallies Rashida Tlaib, Amer Zahr, Phillip Agnew, Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Belén Sisa, Matt Duss, Shaun King, and even Faiz Shakir before 2020 that blames anyone but Israel for the conflict.

Just one. (And any statement that blames Abbas for being too conciliatory towards Israel doesn't count.)

Unless he can find that they are really as even-handed as Sanders claims to be, then this statement that he rejects those who spout "antisemitic conspiracy theories that seek to blame Israel for all the region’s problems" is simply a lie.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
An incredibly disturbing story, on multiple levels, from JNS:

 The student government at the University of Michigan has passed a resolution condemning its president for remarks critical of the Palestinians he made as a high school senior.

The final vote of the Feb. 25 resolution rebuking Central Student Government president Ben Gerstein was 25 in favor, zero against and four abstentions.

“There should be a test for what type of people deserve a state and what type of people don’t. I think the Palestinian people, with rejecting constant peace deals, with their financing of terror, with their raising kids to hate people purely because of their religion,” said Gerstein on the TV show “North Town News Magazine” in 2017. “I don’t think that people deserve a state at this point in time. Until we see a significant change in the Palestinian mentality and a significant change in the Palestinian leadership, I don’t think they deserve a state at this point.”

The resolution stated that Gerstein’s 2017 comments are “Islamaphobic and racist, and we formally condemn these comments,” and “we recognize the international plight of the Palestinian people, some of whom are constituents of this government.” It also stated: “We recognize that more work needs to be done to uproot racism and Islamophobia at the University of Michigan.”
Here is the portion of the video, on a small Jewish public affairs program, that the university is so upset about:

The resolution calls his words "Islamophobic." Yet Gerstein didn't once mention or imply anything about Islam or Muslims.

The resolution calls his words "racist." Gerstein certainly described Palestinian mentality - but his description was entirely correct based on well-respected polls done by Palestinians themselves.

There is no rule in international law that every people, especially a people who did not identify as such until the 1960s, deserve a state automatically. Surveys consistently show that Palestinians are always in the top three of peoples who are antisemitic. Their rejection of peace deals is a matter of record. Their support of violence has hovered in the 50% range when asked that question in the abstract, but when they are asked if they support specific acts of murdering Jews they have been consistently supportive by a large margin.

Gerstein's words were 100% accurate. It is not racist to point out that during the "knife intifada" in 2015, 80% of Palestinians supported stabbing and running over Israeli Jews in cars and a huge number were angry at Mahmoud Abbas for condemning the murder of four rabbis in 2014.

There is also no contradiction between pointing out how Palestinians have consistently chosen supporting terror over peace and noting that they really do suffer under Israeli control. One can and should be sympathetic towards anyone who is in pain. But being in pain does not change facts, and does not justify censorship of those pointing out the facts. Gerstein's 2017 comments do not lose their validity because Palestinians are suffering to some degree.

The truth must never be censured.

There is a second disturbing aspect of this story.

Even if Gerstein's words were bigoted - if, let's say, he had said that black people were lazy -  the thought that his words from when he was a high school student must be censured by his current university is still chilling. Gerstein issued an abject apology - one that I do not believe was warranted:

A video recently surfaced of an interview I participated in when I was in high school. In this video as well as an op-ed, I made statements that erase the history of the Palestinian people. I made racist statements, including the denial of the right to self-determination, that were ignorant of Palestinians’ struggle under occupation. I am sorry beyond words--both for my actions as well as not coming forward with the video sooner and seeking remedy for it. I accept total and complete responsibility for the harmfulness of my language, the offensiveness of my words, and the active role I played in the silencing of Palestinian voices.

I have grown considerably since I made those statements, and the repulsive views I expressed in the video no longer reflect my current understanding. I am devastated to see them reappear and be defended today. I know an apology is never enough and I am complicit in the oppression of Palestinians through my past actions.

When I arrived at Michigan, I was introduced to the real lived experiences of Palestinian students and an understanding of the legacies of colonialism and settler violence I had not heard before. My education had only consisted of Israeli narratives and I committed myself to learning new perspectives and being empathetic to the Palestinian community. I feel my deeper understanding of history and multiple narratives now allows me to work as a stronger ally to others to dismantle the systems of oppression that perpetuate the suffering of the Palestinian people--but I also know that I have much more learning to do and am committed to continuing that work.

As Student Body President, I hope that the work I have done is representative of my commitment to moving past my former opinions, and further, representative of my dedication to supporting marginalized communities on campus. But this experience and the recognition of the pain my past language has inflicted on others helped me realize I can--and must--do much more. There is a toxic environment across the country that invalidates Palestinian narratives. I hope to further commit myself to working to uplift those who continue to struggle for their dignity and humanity. I look forward to working with SAFE and Palestinian students on campus to have a crucial conversation about how I can be a partner in promoting an inclusive campus. In my last weeks as President, I intend to use my role to address how the culture of CSG and campus at-large needs to be more responsive to the needs of Palestinian students. This is only one step in an apology that demands action, further learning, a genuine commitment to allyship, the pursuit of justice, and collective liberation, not empty words.

I can only imagine the pressure Gerstein was under to issue this apology. But, as always, it wasn't enough. The censure was passed anyway.

A statement censuring him for something he apologized for is the modern equivalent of a lynching. If a teenager can't evolve in his viewpoints, who can? No matter what side of the issue you are on, this sets a precedent that deep-freezes freedom of expression for everyone.

And nothing he said can remotely be considered "silencing Palestinian voices." That is absurd.

Finally, compare this story with the last one that I posted. An actual Palestinian government official said words that are antisemitic by any yardstick - claiming that the Jews aren't a people, that Jewish self-determination is a form of racism. This isn't a random 17-year old student, but a representative of the Palestinian government.

There is no censure for him. There is no anger. There is no pressure for him to issue an apology. Journalists ignore the story.

The world is dismissive of real, explicit antisemitism from a Palestinian official but there is outrage over the words of a 17 year old kid three years ago that happened to be true.

This isn't just a double standard. This is institutionalized and accepted antisemitism.  Proud Jews who express their opinions must be silenced - but Palestinian officials can spout actual lies and hate without any concerns about backlash from the media or their colleagues.

(h/t Andrew)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

The PLO's representative to Greece, Marwan Tobasi, went on an antisemitic rant at a meeting with "peace" groups in that country.

There was seemingly no objection from these "peace" groups when Tobasi said that there was a "Zionist Holocaust" that Israel has waged against the Palestinian people for seven decades.

Echoing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Tobasi claimed that the Zionist strategy in the Middle east and throughout the world is to provoke conflicts and wars that will allow Israel to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates.  He said that the Zionist movement sought from its inception to expel the Palestinian people from its land to replace them with Jews.

Tobasi said that canceling the UN General Assembly’s decision in 1991 to consider Zionism as a form of racism was a major error on the part of the UN.

The diplomat also claimed that there is no Jewish people, and we are all a myth.  "The danger and misleading lies according to the Zionist definition of Judaism as an ethnic and not religious group rooted in the mentality and racist practice which is the essence of Zionist thought."

This is a man paid to represent the opinions of the "State of Palestine" to the world. It seems doubtful any Palestinian official will publicly disagree.

Which is just more proof that the Palestinian government is antisemitic.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Arabic media are buzzing, saying that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is infected with the coronavirus - and is ill.

Lebanese journalist Maria Malouf tweeted in Arabic, "Media circulated that # Hassan_ Nasrallah was infected with the Corona virus after receiving a high-level delegation coming from Tehran, weeks before the World Bank delegation visited Lebanon. There is an absolute blackout on the health of Hassan Nasrallah after a visit to [Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali ] Larijani at the head of a delegation, which later turned out to have someone infected with the virus."

Nasrallah has not been seen for a couple of weeks.

I see no independent confirmation of this; all the news reports are quoting Malouf's tweet. And Malouf is an opponent of Hezbollah.

Still, it is a tantalizing rumor. If Nasrallah would die, it would be nearly as big a blow to Iran as Qasem Soleimani's death was.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Bernie Sanders endorsed by Imam who said ISIS is 'arm of the Zionists'
US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was endorsed at a recent rally on Saturday by an imam who has previously claimed that ISIS atrocities benefit “Zionists,” and claimed falsely that Israel was never targeted by ISIS.

According to reports by London-based news outlet Middle East Eye, Sayed Hassan al-Qazwini, a local imam, addressed a Dearborn rally in Arabic on Saturday, encouraging support for Sanders.

Video of the rally has been posted online of the speech being delivered in Arabic in front of an audience holding Bernie Sanders signs. No translation of the speech was provided in the videos.

However, previous speeches by the imam have been controversial. In archival footage from 2015 posted online by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) in May 2019, the imam can be seen giving a speech about ISIS.

“The only place that has been completely safe and never threatened by ISIS is Israel,” he said, adding: “What does this tell you? This speaks out. This speaks volumes. ISIS somehow is connected to Israel and ISIS is playing the role of the arm of the Zionists in the Muslim world, to kill more Muslims and non-Muslims so it can define the name of Islam, so people can blame Islam for its atrocities so that people will be alienated from this religion.”

He claims that ISIS has harmed the image of the “peaceful religion,” and that “Zionists” are benefiting.
“Who is benefiting from these atrocities? The number one beneficiary of all these atrocities is the Zionist regime.”
Bernie Sanders hires top adviser who says Zionism is ‘racist and exclusionary’
Newsweek quoted Sanders as saying, “I am excited to welcome Phillip to our team. He is a gifted organizer and one of his generation’s most critical voices on issues of race and inequity. He has and will continue to push me and this movement to deliver on what is owed to black people, who have yet to experience reciprocity in this country.”

Agnew is also a fierce anti-Zionist, who called Israel an apartheid state and said that on a visit there in January 2015, he saw “cold, calculating racism and ethnic privilege masquerading as a Jewish state.”

Last month, Sanders said that he would not attend AIPAC’s annual policy conference on the grounds that it gives a “platform for bigots.”

In an article in the African-American magazine Ebony that appeared online on June 1, 2015, Agnew bashed then president Barack Obama for saying in an Atlantic interview, “There’s a direct line between supporting the right of the Jewish people to have a homeland and to feel safe and free of discrimination and persecution, and the right of African Americans to vote and have equal protection under the law. These things are indivisible in my mind.”

Agnew disagreed.

“On its face, it may seem like the above statement shouldn’t warrant even the slightest iota of imagination: President Obama is merely relaying the oft-used trope of Zionist-African-American solidarity! Anyone can understand that, right? Especially the much maligned, ever-resilient African Americans. President Obama is just reminding us of the strong historical similarities that we share with the apartheid state of Israel. No imagination needed here.”

  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Also 1932, a newsreel:

This is from 1928 through the 1960s:


We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Israel Imposes Unprecedented Mandatory 14-Day Coronavirus Quarantine on All Arrivals
Israel will require anyone arriving from overseas to self-quarantine for 14 days as a precaution against the spread of coronavirus, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.

With 42 confirmed cases of the virus, Israel has already taken some tough counter-measures, forcing visitors from many countries in Asia and Europe into home isolation. The virus has hit travel and trade, with tourism in particular expected to suffer.

“Anyone who arrives in Israel from abroad will enter a 14-day isolation,” Netanyahu said in a video statement. He said the new measures would be in effect for two weeks initially.

“This is a difficult decision. But it is essential for safeguarding public health, and public health comes first.”

Government officials said the order would come into force immediately for Israelis returning to the country. From Thursday, any non-Israelis seeking to enter the country will have to prove they have the means to self-quarantine, the officials said.

Israeli media said the latest measure would mean quarantine for some 300,000 citizens in a country of around 9 million.

Palestinians in the West Bank have also been hit by the virus, reporting 25 confirmed cases. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has turned foreigners away at checkpoints and ordered schools and national parks closed.

JPost Editorial: The coronavirus is apolitical – editorial
The decision to quarantine all arrivals is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly or have a hint of political considerations. Reports that the prime minister was holding back from enforcing the ban on US travelers in order to not damage ties with President Donald Trump were vigorously denied Sunday. Siman Tov told Channel 12 News that “no political element was part of our decision-making process… all the decisions go to the National Security Council and the prime minister in the end. It’s a professional discussion on protecting the public. No foreign interests are involved in the decision.”

Although it’s difficult, in this acrimonious post-election period, to remove politics from any issue on the domestic agenda, there’s an imperative that the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis should rise above partisan considerations. Netanyahu seems to be meeting that criteria – so far.

Unlike in the US, where the handling of the virus has turned into a political football pitting the “downplaying” Republicans against the “take it seriously” Democrats, Israelis seem to be reacting to the crisis with one voice.

Netanyahu has, of course, made every effort to appear “presidential” and in charge of the situation. He spoke with US Vice President Mike Pence and on Sunday and then with European leaders on Monday about setting up airports to enable goods to be transported between countries so vital supplies don’t run out.

And whether that’s his intention or not, these moves could help Netanyahu as he fights for his political life.

As Jeremy Sharon wrote, “the more he looks like he’s taking care of business, the more urgent the problem, the more acute and dangerous it is, the more we won’t want to change the leadership and instead keep the status quo.”

Gone... viralHebrew ‘My Corona’ spoof of The Knacks classic proves catching
What song leads the coronavirus quarantine playlist?

“My Sharona,” obviously, the 1979 hit by The Knacks, which is so easily replaced with the words “My Corona.”

Two sisters from Hod Hasharon, Inbar and Gilor Levi, who love nothing more than a good spoof, donned nurse and doctor scrubs and a pair of masks for their YouTube spoof of “My Corona.”

In fact, said Inbar Levi, the video has gone, well, viral.

“It just caught on, it was exactly at the right time,” said Levi, who had already published the song before Israel’s March 2 elections, but found that once the elections were over and coronavirus fears took over, the song took off.

The words came to them fairly easily, said Levi, although it took a little longer to get the filming done properly.

“It’s very fast, and there’s a lot of words,” she explained.

  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is nothing too low for Israel-haters.

The "Students for Justice in Palestine" chapter at the University of Maryland  is having a conference today where they want to somehow tie the coronavirus to Israel's actions. 

As of this writing, only one person expressed interested and no one said they were going. Maybe some universities still have some sense.

But not at California State University, which employs Asad Abukhalil (who has a blog called The Angry Arab),  a professor accuses Israel not only of withholding coronavirus treatment from Palestinians but of putting all non-Jews in mass prisons.


Hatred of Israel is a mental illness.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Manchester, 1914
Algeria, 1923 
Italy,  1938
Czechoslovakia, around 1900

Haifa, 1958

Israel, 1967

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Linda Sarsour wrote a book and she includes some notable anti-Israel lies.

For example:

No land was "stolen" in 1948 except by Egypt and especially Jordan. Arabs tried to destroy Israel before it existed - they started the war on Jews in 1947; the Jews refusal to die is not theft of land.

Israel didn't expel 750,000 Arabs. Most of the 600,000 Arabs who left what became Israel fled.

Sarsour tries to imply that Israel expelled three quarters of a million people in a single day, although she left the language ambiguous enough to tell her fans what they want to hear but to allow an interpretation of including all the Arabs who fled up until then. Even so, in May 1948 many of the Arabs who eventually left were still in their homes.

Israel did allow some 70,000 Palestinian Arabs to return to their homes within the Green Line over the years. More importantly, though, was that in many cases, the Haganah almost begged the Arabs to return to their homes, as was especially the case in Haifa, from where 10% of all Arabs fled. As Ephraim Karsh writes:

The Hagana’s truce terms stipulated that Arabs were expected to “carry on their work as equal and free citizens of Haifa.” In its Arabic-language broadcasts and communications, the Hagana consistently articulated the same message. On April 22, at the height of the fighting, it distributed a circular noting its ongoing campaign to clear the town of all “criminal foreign bands” so as to allow the restoration of “peace and security and good neighborly relations among all of the town’s inhabitants.” The following day, a Hagana broadcast asserted that “the Jews did and do still believe that it is in the real interests of Haifa for its citizens to go on with their work and to ensure that normal conditions are restored to the city.”

On April 24, a Hagana radio broadcast declared: “Arabs, we do not wish to harm you. Like you, we only want to live in peace. . . . If the Jews and [the] Arabs cooperate, no power in the world will ever attack our country or ignore our rights.” Two days later, informing its Arab listeners that “Haifa has returned to normal,” the Hagana reported that “between 15,000 and 20,000 Arabs had expressed their willingness to remain in the city,” that “Arab employees had been appointed to key posts,” and that Arabs had been given “part of the corn, flour, and rice intended for the Jews in Haifa.” And on April 27, the Hagana distributed a leaflet urging the fleeing Arab populace to return home: “Peace and order reign supreme across the town and every resident can return to his free life and resume his regular work in peace and security.”

That these were not hollow words was evidenced by, inter alia, the special dispensation given to Jewish bakers by the Haifa rabbinate to bake bread during the Passover holiday for distribution among the Arabs, and by the April 23 decision of the joint Jewish-Arab Committee for the Restoration of Life to Normalcy to dispatch two of its members to inform women, children, and the elderly that they could return home. In a May 6 fact-finding report to the Jewish Agency executive (the effective government of Jewish Palestine), Golda Meir told her colleagues that while “we will not go to Acre or Nazareth to return the Arabs [to Haifa] . . . our behavior should be such that if it were to encourage them to return—they would be welcome; we should not mistreat the Arabs so as to deter them from returning.”

The sincerity of the Jewish position is attested as well by reports from the U.S. consulate in Haifa. Thus, on April 25, after the fighting was over, Vice Consul Aubrey Lippincott cabled Washington that the “Jews hope poverty will cause laborers [to] return [to] Haifa as many are already doing despite Arab attempts [to] persuade them [to] keep out.” On April 29, according to Lippincott, even Farid Saad of the National Committee was saying that Jewish leaders had “organized a large propaganda campaign to persuade [the] Arabs to return.” Similarly, the British district superintendent of police reported on April 26 that “every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open, and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe.” Several more reports in the same vein were sent by British authorities in Palestine to their superiors in London.
The casual reader would not realize how incredible the bolded section is. Religious Jews are not allowed to own or even see leavened products on Passover; to have a rabbinical ruling that Jewish bakers must bake bread for Arabs on Passover itself is stunning.

The truth of Arab flight is not at all what Sarsour and the Arabs say it is. But her lies don't end there.

"Their mosques were razed to the ground?" There were a few that were damaged and destroyed in the fighting, but to say that Israel deliberately destroyed most or all of the mosques is out and out slander.

Even according to UNRWA, the majority of Palestinian "refugees" today are not in the territories. About 2.2 million UNRWA "refugees" are, the rest are in Jordan (2 million), Syria and Lebanon (officially about 500,000 each,) plus millions who live in other Arab countries or the West.

Palestinians in Arab countries (save most in Jordan) remain stateless, 71 years after the "nakba." Somehow, this "civil rights leader" doesn't want to mention that her fellow Arabs have treated their Palestinian "guests" far worse than Israel has - official apartheid against them in Lebanon, thousands killed in Syria in recent years and in Jordan in 1970, effectively illegal in Egypt. Lies of omission are just as bad as explicit lies.

Sarsour no doubt was raised on these lies. But when you write a book, you should do fact checks. Sarsour doesn't care about facts.

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