Thursday, March 05, 2020

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

Rutgers professor Jasbir Puar has been invited to speak at Scripps College in California by its chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and several of the college’s academic departments.

Puar is one of the most vicious antisemites and misozionists* in America. You can read excerpts from a 2016 speech she made at Vassar University to get an idea of her creative presentation of medieval blood libels in a more modern form. She is also a prolific “scholar,” casting her poisonous inventions in the form of just barely penetrable academic jargon (if you think you are capable of understanding her, see how long you can listen to this video).

Among other things, she accuses the IDF of deliberately stunting, maiming, and creating disabilities among Palestinians, in order to suppress their resistance. We would kill them, she argues, but then we would damage our claim to be the primary victims of genocide in history. And when we do kill them, we take their organs for scientific research. Of course she claims that we specialize in hurting Palestinian children – how can she reprise the story of Simon of Trent if she doesn’t accuse us of victimizing children?

The truth of the matter is that the IDF does its best to avoid any collateral damage, that the Palestinians employ child soldiers, and that Palestinian terrorism (the Ma’alot Massacre, the Coastal Road Massacre, the bombings of the Dolphinarium and the Sbarro Pizza restaurant for just a few) does disproportionately target children. But never mind.

Puar is inventive, and finds ways to turn what others believe to be moral behavior into examples of Israeli depravity. “Pinkwashing,” the supposed tactic of contrasting Israel’s tolerance of homosexuals with Arab and Muslim homophobia (which often rises to the level of murder) in order to “whitewash the occupation” is a favorite subject.

She also argues that Israel’s attempts to reduce collateral damage while at the same time defending herself against terrorism and rocket attacks actually constitute a deliberate policy to maim rather than kill Palestinians. The “knock on the roof” technique used in recent mini-wars when a structure in Gaza was about to be bombed is presented as merely a pretense at reducing casualties (she falsely claims the time between the knock and the destruction of a building is only 60 seconds, when it is typically closer to 15 minutes). According to Puar, phone calls warning residents of coming attacks are a form of psychological warfare “a reminder of how powerless they are,” and not a practical way of reducing civilian injuries and deaths.

Nonlethal methods to control riots, deter incursions across the Gaza border, and stop attempts to damage the security barrier are described by Puar as methods of torturing Palestinians or inducing permanent disability, instead of attempts to protect Israelis without killing their attackers. She believes we want to break their spirit, but keep them alive so we can exploit them economically. And we just plain enjoy hurting them.

Her obsessive attribution of the most evil motives imaginable to every action of Israelis to protect themselves against an enemy which, after all, wants to kill them, tries to do so on a regular basis, and often succeeds, is disconnected from reality – I would use the word fanatical. She advocates both BDS and “armed resistance.”

Puar’s fantastic anti-Israel polemic is interwoven with and connected to her discussion of sex, gender, “queer theory,” race, disability, and other topics characteristic of today’s post-modern academic milieu. She seems to have invented the concept of “homonationalism,” which explicates “how homosexuality – and in particular homonormativity, the adoption of heteronormative values by the ‘queer’ community – is instrumentalised as part of nationalist and geopolitical interventions.”

Why do I care?

Because there has never been a better contemporary example than Jasbir Puar of the distortion of the academic mission to find and teach the truth since that great fraud, Edward Said. I say this even though there has been a Ward Churchill and a Steven Salaita. Unlike the latter two, she is an academic star. She is a full Professor, and Graduate Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, where she has taught since 2000. She holds graduate degrees in Ethnic and Women’s studies, and has a massive list of publications (although most are in marginal journals), speaking engagements, fellowships, and other academic honors. She has had three books published by Duke University Press, which has a disturbing record of anti-Israel bias.

And despite her reality-distorting obsession, she is welcomed to speak at places like Scripps College. She continues to receive grants and fellowships (although some of them, like the “Palestinian American Research Council Fellowship” she got in 2018 may simply constitute payment for her political activity). She is a tenured member of the Rutgers faculty.

The fact is that the Western academic world – particularly the portion of it called “Ethnic and Gender Studies” –  is so thoroughly indoctrinated with misoziony that it doesn’t see anything wrong with her ideas. What look to me like conspiratorial fantasies indicative of mental illness appear as perfectly normal academic discourse to them. This seems to be the case in most universities in the US, the UK and Canada – and to some extent, in certain institutions even in Israel.

Apparently the Scripps people think that her ideas are important and should be heard. But I am guessing that if a pro-Israel group of students wished to invite someone like me to discuss Palestinian terrorism against Israeli children (see, for example, this unrepentant murderess), I am certain that there would be no such event.

Part of the problem (at least outside of Israel) is that for years Arab countries (and Iran, too) have donated large sums of money to academic institutions, have made grants to individual academics, and have built up specific departments (usually Middle East Studies) in key colleges and universities. Combined with the traditional left-wing orientation of many academics, and the strong commitment in academia to “free speech” and “academic freedom” – as long as said speech or freedom is aimed in the proper direction – this has created an atmosphere in which Jasbir Puar is not considered an extremist.

The universities and colleges are supposed to be beacons of light, which support humanist ideals of justice and fairness for all peoples. Instead, they have taken the easy, convenient, profitable, and cowardly path of joining the dark forces of Jew hatred and misoziony, while preening themselves for promoting “social justice.”

Misoziony (pronounced mis-OZ-yoni) is the extreme, irrational, and obsessive hatred of the Jewish state. It is antisemitism raised to one degree of abstraction. Although it is not identical to antisemitism, most misozionists also hate Jews as individuals and the Jewish people as a group.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

From Ian:

Anti-Israel HRW accepts Saudi funds to not criticize repression of gays
The Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Ken Roth, accepted a major donation from a Saudi real estate tycoon by promising not to support advocacy of the LGBT community in the Middle East and North Africa.

The Intercept first reported Monday on the quid pro quo between Roth, who has gained a reputation for strident attacks against Israel, and Saudi billionaire Mohamed Bin Issa al-Jaber.

“Human Rights Watch [HRW] accepted a sizable donation from a Saudi billionaire shortly after its researchers documented labor abuses at one of the man’s companies, a potential violation of the rights group’s own fund-raising guidance,” wrote The Intercept’s Alex Emmons.

“In 2012, Roth signed a memorandum of understanding with al-Jaber containing language that said the gift could not be used for LGBT rights work in the region. He was later pictured next to Jaber at a 2013 ceremony to memorialize the funding,” the self-described online “adversarial journalism” site wrote.

“The controversial donation is at the center of a contentious internal debate about the judgment and leadership of Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth,” wrote The Intercept.

“The 2012 grant from al-Jaber’s UK-based charitable foundation amounted to $470,000,” the news site said.

The Jerusalem Post can report that last year Roth praised Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a tweet, after he defended his regime’s execution of gays.

BBC ignores HRW’s dodgy donation
As regular readers are no doubt aware, the BBC is usually very quick off the mark when it comes to providing amplification for reports, campaigns or talking points promoted by the political NGO ‘Human Rights Watch’ (HRW).

Nevertheless, we have yet to find any BBC coverage (including on its website’s ‘human rights’ page) of a recent story concerning that organisation.

On February 27th HRW put out a “Statement on Return of Donation” which opens:

“In 2012, Human Rights Watch made a deeply regrettable decision to accept a donation that included conditions that the funds not be used to support HRW’s work on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in the Middle East and North Africa. We also regret that the grant was made by the owner of a company that Human Rights Watch had previously identified as complicit in labor rights abuse. This decision stood in stark contrast to our core values and our longstanding commitment to LGBT rights as an integral part of human rights. Accepting a grant with such a condition was anathema to HRW’s commitment to protecting the human rights of all people.”

  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Mondoweiss has another wonderful article about Israel, this time about how Israel is selling water technology to the UK.

While the hate site is trying hard to say this is a bad thing, it shows how advanced Israel is and how many nations are clamoring to buy technology from Israel to make their water supplies safer and more efficient.

The article tries mightily to make all Israeli companies seem somehow evil:
Mapal (‘waterfall’ in Hebrew) Green Energy started at Kibbutz Yagur, still its head office, on land once owned by the Palestinian village of Yajur....Founded in 2008, Mapal uses a ‘patented’ method of treating sewage so it can be reused called Floating Fine Bubble Aeration (FFBA). As the Jerusalem Post, for instance, states Mapal ‘developed a diffuser that stays on the surface of the water and shoots air bubbles down into the pool, which is much more effective’. When Mapal entered the UK water market in 2013 its first customer was Anglian Water, a major supplier. Since then, two other  major suppliers, United Utilities and Thames Water, also installed FFBA. According to the Times of Israel “Mapal Green Energy’s Israeli-made aeration recycling system now serves some 30 million Britons.”
It should be mentioned that the author, Mark Govier, lives on usurped Aborigine lands of Australia.

Amiad (‘my nation forever’ in Hebrew) Water Systems [is] located in Kibbutz Amiad. It ‘was built after 1948 on the ruins of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Jib Yusuf’. Amiad manufactures products like hydraulic irrigation filters, and wholly owns its UK subsidiary, Amiad Water Systems (UK).

Amiad’s... big enough to justify listing on the London Stock Exchange where it states, “Amiad provides cost-effective ‘green’ solutions for the irrigation and industrial purposes … for filtration and water treatment, micro irrigation and membrane protection, wastewater and potable water treatment…” Naturally, not a word about Jib Yusuf. 
Philip Weiss, co-founder of Mondoweiss, lives in Putnam County, NY, on land usurped from Lenape and Wappinger tribes. Yet his website doesn't mention that fact a single time!

Arad Metering Services “designs, develops, manufactures, sells and supports its cutting-edge water meters to residential, bulk, irrigation and water management companies around the world’.  As to its history, Arad Ltd was founded in Palestine in 1941, and is based within what is now the ‘UNESCO biosphere reserve’ of Ramot Menashe. In The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, Israeli historian Benny Morris explained Ramot Menashe is close to Daliyat al-Rawha’, a depopulated Palestinian village.
Whoa - it bought a company that was close to the spot of a former Palestinian village? That's got to be a war crime!

Adam Horowitz, the other co-founder of Mondoweiss, lives in Decatur, GA, on land stolen from the Muskogee tribe. Yet this fact is not mentioned on Mondoweiss at all, let alone on each of the many thousands of articles that Horowitz has written or co-written!

We should insist that every author of every Mondoweiss article mentions the name of the specific village or tribe that they live on top of,  in every single article, which seems to be the standard Mondoweiss holds Israeli people and companies to.

Govier claims that the reason that the UK doesn't actively publicize these Israeli companies is because "the UK water business is eager to avoid negative publicity." Actually, there is no secret here. The reason that the companies' origins aren't trumpeted is because everyone knows that the Israel haters will harass anyone with any connection to Israel and they don't want to bother with dealing with these Israel-hating fanatics.

But, as Govier notes, these companies (and others he mentions) are prominently featured in English-language Israeli media. No one is hiding anything.

Govier and Mondoweiss are just trying to start a harassment campaign, posting the contact information of these companies. They know they have some truly unhinged readers who will start to call in death threats. How wonderfully woke they are.

And it isn't the first time- he has written previously on the connections of Australia with Israeli water companies as well, and no one cared then either.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

This article has been published in a few Iraqi news sites.
Annually, on the anniversary of the “Holocaust” imagined by the Jews of the Caspian Sea in occupied Palestine, the leaders of Israel's terrorist perpetrators stand and chant a clear message to Germany that “we will not forget and we will not forgive”, and they thus threaten Germany to continue blackmail and pressure it to pay unlimited compensation to the perpetrator of Israel, and this is another type of terrorism, organized state terrorism, through which they managed to win Germany in their favor.

These Khazars do not want to reveal the fact that Hitler, the Nazi, was one of the first Europeans to decide to get rid of Jews for their corruption, and to give them Palestine as a national homeland for them - not out of love for them, nor hatred of the Palestinians, but the European desire was urgent to get rid of them after their continuous treachery and dirty plots against he Christian West, as the reformer Martin Luther wrote.

These Khazars entered into an agreement with the Nazi Hitler to allow their youth to emigrate to Palestine to build the Zionist sustainable land there, and to give him the right to dispose of the  Jewish elderly how he wanted, and the deal took place.

When the Khazars in Palestine decided to open the imagined “Holocaust” story, they issued a statement in which they said that the Nazis killed 40 million Jews, but the world knew that the number of Jews at that time was not even close to that, so they promised a review and issued a second statement, they said that there were 24 million victims. The world did not accept this claim either, so they promised a second review in which they said that after research, they found that the victims of the Nazi Jews were only six million, stressing that they would not budge from this number.

Perhaps it was absent in the minds of these greedy moneylenders that during the war Hitler did not target Jews only - and that those who targeted them as Jews were victims of Zionism first - but rather Nazi victims were from many European, German, Russian, Roma, and Arab nationalities, but no one spoke of these victims, and the theater was open to Jewish slag to reap the way it wanted.

As for us Arabs who have been plagued by the fire of Zionism and lost many, we repeat the saying “We will not forget and we will not forgive” many times in every moment, and the day will come when we take revenge for our dignity, and teach the Zionists a lesson that will not be forgotten by those who will remain alive.

The signs of this approaching day are joyful and encouraging. Here is Jordan, and after discovering the truth of the enemy brothers in the Arabian Peninsula, the leadership and people are revolting, and His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein is planning a new path. We hope his next step is to cancel the gas agreement, and after that the Wadi Araba treaty [peace with Israel] canceled, then we will officially announce that the hour for the account of the Khazar Jews in the occupied Palestine is approaching.
So the Holocaust was a hoax and it is past time to kill and exile all the Jews in the Middle East.

As usual, not a word of protest or dissent when articles like this appear in Arab media.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Ruthie Blum: Is Netanyahu’s Significant Victory Sufficient?
Which brings us to the importance of the election results, and the reason that Netanyahu and his supporters were celebrating on Monday night with confetti and all.

This election constituted a defeat of the “anybody but Bibi” hysteria. It represented a win for the sane center-right that believes in Netanyahu’s handling of domestic and foreign affairs, and strongly opposes the tyranny of the courts. It also illustrated that Israelis care about ideas and actions, and that they are not as swayed by empty slogans and outrageous assertions as certain politicians seem to imagine.

Take Gantz, for example, who has spent his campaign trying to out-Bibi on the one hand and accuse him — appallingly — of behaving like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the other. You know, the same Erdoğan who jails anyone who disagrees with him, including judges, lawyers, academics, and more journalists than any other autocrat or dictator in the world.

As all Israelis know, the only person in danger of getting locked up for his political views is Netanyahu himself. But never mind; the fact that he dares to criticize the police and Supreme Court is enough to stick him with the egregious label.

The good news is that Netanyahu is still Israel’s prime minister and likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. The bad news is that the makeup of the next government, if one is established without the need for a fourth election, could take weeks and be less than satisfactory to an electorate eager to move on.
Jonathan S. Tobin: Three Israeli elections reconfirm two basic facts
It took Israeli politics nearly a year to get back to square one.

That’s the basic fact to understand about the third round of general voting held within a year. While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is right to claim the vote as a personal victory, it is only by comparison to his near defeat last September that it can be viewed as a great triumph. Israel’s crazy political system may have exhausted and infuriated its citizens, but the three contests held in this period changed very little about the way the country is governed.

As was the case before the first vote, Netanyahu is still the country’s most popular politician, though arguments can be made that no one under indictment should stay in power, even if the charges against him are questionable. And yet, a critical mass of Israeli voters doesn’t agree, let alone buy the claim that Netanyahu is a threat to democracy or the rule of law. Though it shouldn’t have taken three elections to clarify that point, when Netanyahu goes, it will be either of his own volition (something that he doesn’t seem to contemplate in the foreseeable future) or because the judicial system takes him down. As long as his fate is in the hands of the voters, he will remain prime minister.

The other main conclusion concerns policy, and it is one that many commentators are ignoring. Though the rest of the world, including some of those running for president of the United States, still advocates for Israel to make dangerous concessions to the Palestinians for peace, the vast majority of Israelis have more or less stopped discussing the issue. Even if many Americans refuse to accept reality, a broad consensus on the lack of a peace partner encompasses not only Netanyahu’s right-wing/religious bloc, but also the Blue and White Party, which campaigned on stands virtually identical to those of the prime minister.

These are two basic facts about the country that its foreign friends, and especially its critics, should take to heart.
With 99% of votes counted, right-wing bloc slips to 58 seats, 3 shy of majority
As votes cast in so-called double envelopes in the Knesset elections were being tallied, the Central Election Committee updated the count Wednesday morning, giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party and the centrist rival Blue and White led by Benny Gantz an extra seat apiece, leaving the premier’s bloc of right-wing supporters at 58 seats.

After 99% of the votes were tallied, Likud gained a seat for a total of 36, with the rival Blue and White party also increasing its power from 32 to 33.

The Joint List of predominantly Arab parties dropped from 16 seats to 15, while the ultra-Orthodox Shas party dropped from 10 seats to 9.

The rest of the parties’ seat totals remained the same: seven for United Torah Judaism (UTJ), seven for Yisrael Beytenu, seven for Labor-Gesher-Meretz and six for Yamina.

Based on those seat totals, Likud and its allies would have 58 seats combined. The right-wing religious bloc supporting Netanyahu — consisting of Likud, Shas, UTJ and Yamina — though, falls short of the 61 seats needed to form a government.

The counting of the “double envelope” ballots of soldiers, police staff, diplomats, handicapped citizens, hospital patients and staff, and prisoners began overnight and was expected to conclude later in the day.

  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

A Lebanese man of Palestinian descent who lives in Montreal claims that he will manufacture an all-electric supercar using Palestinian labor, to be available in the next few years.

Jihad Mohammed started the Electra car company, it seems, around 2018. He introduced some computer simulated models of his planned car, the Quds EE.

According to the website, the Quds EE can accelerate from 0-99 kmh in 2.8 seconds and can go over 800 km between charges - significantly more than any electric vehicle on the market today.

Mohammed tells Arab media that the Quds name is an inherent part of the car, and he will refuse to honor the warranty of anyone who removes that name from the car.

The front of the car has a representation of the Dome of the Rock, which the company claims also helps charge the battery somehow - solar or wind, it wasn't clear.

Besides Jihad, the Electra company appears to have two employees - a designer, who had no previous experience designing cars, and a virtualization engineer who is creating these pictures of the car.

Mohammed himself has an "investment company" with an empty website.

Today, you can pre-order one of these entirely fictional cars. Just choose the colors of the exterior and interior, and based on the flimsy information given at the website, you can send a down payment of anywhere from $1,000 to the $70,000 estimated price of the car, to be sent via wire transfer or PayPal, and kiss your money goodbye.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi, head of the Miftah NGO that even today has pro-terror and antisemitic articles like "Jews poison Palestinian wells" and "Jews steal organs of children", is calling Israelis racist.

"The results of the Israeli elections were a clear expression of the spread of a culture of hatred, racism and extremism in Israel," she was paraphrased as saying by Palestinian media.

But she's not the only hypocrite who suddenly pretends to care about racism. A leader of the Islamic Jihad terror group likewise called Israelis racist. Dr. Muhammad al-Hindi, a member of the Political Bureau of Islamic Jihad, said that "racism is rampant in the state of the Zionist entity, where everyone is racing to annex the West Bank and brag about the numbers of martyrs they kill."

Projection much?

Saeb Erekat said, "Netanyahu chose to perpetuate the pillars of the conflict and the spiral of violence, extremism, chaos and bloodshed, and thus requires that the region and its peoples live with the sword."

Again, projection much?

The PFLP said, "The election results are a clear expression of the racist Zionist society."

It is interesting how much these terrorists, Jew-haters and inciters of terror sound exactly like the "progressive" groups when talking about Israel. Their talking points are pretty much identical.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 04, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Alison Mortell, the Deputy National Analytics Director for Bernie Sanders according to her Twitetr bio, has tweeted this joke:

Isn't the concept of a place for Jews to be safe from slaughter hilarious?

Mortell doesn't like the idea of a Jewish state. 

This thread shows how utterly uninformed she is- and she even justifies Palestinian terror.

 Mortell claims she is against any "ethnostate" but she only seems to care about the existence of the one that happens to be Jewish.

Can anyone find a single person working on the Sanders campaign that agrees with Sanders saying that he supports Israel's existence? Because every single person we are aware of that is working for him is against the existence of a Jewish state altogether.

And Bernie doesn't even try to tell them otherwise.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: The bad faith behind ‘Free Palestine’
Today, enemies of the Jewish state use language to indicate Israel should cease to exist. A logical question ensues when calling to “Free Palestine” – what will be of the Jews once “Palestine” is freed? Three options emerge: 1) Israel becomes an Arab country and Jews once again take their historic place in Arab lands as dhimmis (second-class citizens), 2) all Jews will be exiled from Israel or 3) a war will be waged against Israel by her enemies with the goal to eliminate all Jews from the land.

There are real-world consequences to this type of deceptive language. A war is not fantasy. The Palestinian Authority regularly incites violence against the Jewish state. Its arch rival, the terror group Hamas, whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel, is responsible for launching thousands of rockets into Israel from Gaza. More than 1,350 innocent Israeli lives have been taken by Palestinian terrorists since 2000. Iran repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel, and the leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah stated that it would be easier if all of the Jews moved to “occupied Palestine” in order to be chased down for the “final and decisive battle.”

For anyone truly preoccupied with human rights, all three options, with varying intensity, leave Jews in a dangerous predicament all too familiar.

As this year’s high school seniors prepare to enter college, it’s vital they learn about slogans used to vilify Israel – such as “Free Palestine” – and how to counter them. In Club Z, we expose students to the language antisemitic activists use to demonize Israel. Our teens gain the tools they need to combat antisemitic activism and stand up for the Jewish state before they arrive on college campuses. It is critical that the next generation of proud and proactive Zionist leaders are adequately prepared to fight – and ultimately defeat – the PR battle waged against the Jewish state.
Islam, Global Muslim Jew-Hatred, And Failed Jewish “Leadership”
Today, the grotesque myth of Islamic tolerance of Jews, in particular, persists, even as we are in the midst of a global pandemic of Muslim Antisemitism and Anti-Jewish violence. This violent hatred is driven by the same unreformed and unrepentant canonical Islamic themes Perlmann described in the 1940s—which date to the advent of Islam—as promulgated, now, by Islam’s most authoritative religious teaching institutions, Sunni and Shiite alike.

Analyses from the ADL published between 2014 to Nov. 21, 2019, which determined the prevalence (occurrence) of “extreme antisemitism”—i.e., agreement with at least 6/11 antisemitic stereotypes, have demonstrated:
- The 16 most Antisemitic countries in the world are all in the Muslim Middle East, where extreme Antisemitism has a 74 to 93% prevalence.
- Extreme Antisemitism is 50-55% prevalent among Western European Muslims, i.e., ~3-fold the rate of Western European Christians, or non-Muslims overall.
- Extreme Antisemitism in the U.S., a much more philosemitic country, has a 34% prevalence among Muslims, 2.4-fold the 14% rate in non-Muslims

This excess of Muslim Jew-hatred is accompanied not only by endless jihad violence against Israeli Jews (450-500 thwarted attacks per year in 2018, and 2019; additionally, thousands of rocket barrages), but 3- to 10-fold increased rates of anti-Jewish violence, or violent threats, against Western European Jews, by Muslims, relative to violence from the Left, or Right, and 23 Muslim jihadist attacks against American Jews since 9/11, 16 of which were thwarted, thankfully, but 7 that were completed, resulting in 8 deaths and 8 serious injuries—the most recent being Muslim convert Grafton Thomas’s attack on a Monsey, New York synagogue, December 28, 2019, during a Chanukah candle lighting ceremony.

Current Al-Azhar University Grand Imam, and Sunni Muslim Papal equivalent, Ahmad al-Tayeb, during an October, 2013 interview, re-affirmed, authoritatively, the canonical Islamic animus which fuels this global orgy of Muslim Jew-hatred, and violence. Riveting on Koran 5:82, al-Tayeb stated brazenly:

A verse in the Koran explains the Muslims’ relations with the Jews…See how we suffer today from global Zionism and Judaism…Since the inception of Islam 1,400 years ago, we have been suffering from Jewish and Zionist interference in Muslim affairs. The Koran (5:82) said it and history has proven it: ‘You shall find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews…’
Noah Rothman: Whitewashing the Reds
Perhaps the guiltiest of perpetrators, in Lowry’s estimation, is the “simple passage of time.” The Millennial and post-Millennial generations were “never exposed to the threats of the Soviet Union,” she writes. They have no first-hand knowledge of how state-run industry affects prices and quality of service. They’ve only heard about the refugee crises that punctuated the Communist epoch second-hand, if they heard about them at all. They never experienced an air-raid drill, never read dissidents or met a Refusenik, and never participated in a black economy that wasn’t built up around the trade in illicit narcotics. For these voters, the Cold War is an academic concept.

What younger voters do know more intimately, Lowry observes, are conditions like “yawning inequality, heavy debt burdens, obscene costs of living, and stagnant wages.” And as these voters have become more favorable toward redistributionist politics, they’ve gravitated toward the “worker-centered” policies of Bernie Sanders, which are tempered by his “consistent” “opposition to totalitarianism and autocracy and street violence.” After all, “the guy has always been clear that he wants the United States to become more like Denmark, not Cuba.” That’s the kind of clarity afforded only to those committed to pretending Sanders’s career in the public eye began in 2015.

It’s difficult to think of a similar example of ignorance that would be waved off with such insouciance. Would American voters with no first-hand memory of the Holocaust be forgiven for drifting into the arms of neo-Nazi movements? Are younger Americans no longer expected to maintain some understanding of America’s experience with slavery and Jim Crow laws? Should we withhold judgment on Americans who “did not live through” the Apartheid era and have never heard the name P.W. Botha? Or is it incumbent on those of us who do have a passing familiarity with these abuses and those responsible for them to educate our benighted fellow citizens? Given the level of commitment popular liberal intellectual culture dedicates to cultivating awareness around these repugnant episodes in recent human history, it is conspicuous that many can only muster a shrug when confronted with post-Soviet amnesia.

Lowry appears to see the Great Forgetting as a source of exculpation for Americans who know nothing of the suffering endured by those who lived under collectivism. In fact, what she’s written is more of an indictment—not just of those voters but the institutions and enterprises devoted to socialism’s rehabilitation. If the right is guilty of seeing a Communist conspiracy down every blind alley, center-left media rarely misses a chance to highlight the virtues of life under the red star.

  • Tuesday, March 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
From OCHA:

Record yield reported from 2019 olive harvest

There are over 10 million olive trees in the West Bank, on which between 80,000 to 100,000 families rely for their  income, including large numbers of unskilled laborers and more than 15 per cent of working women. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the olive oil yield for the 2019 harvest, which took place between September and November, is estimated to be 27,000 tons, including some 4,200 tons of oil in Gaza: this represents an over 80 per cent increase compared to 2018.

The vast majority of the report is about how Israel is supposedly making life impossible for farmers - yet somehow they reached a new record of 27,000 tons of fruit harvested.

Also, given that there are over 10 million olive trees in the area, it shows that even if you believe their figures of some 8000 trees damaged or destroyed by "settlers" this year - a highly unlikely scenario, given how difficult it is to actually destroy an olive tree - it means that "settler damage" is minuscule, less than one tenth of one percent of all trees. Given how much time the UN and Palestinian media spends on breathless reporting of every tree supposedly attacked by Jews, it shows that the UN has little interest in actual crop yields and great interest in smearing Jews.

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Israel Arabic" Facebook page:
Yousef Haddad, Israeli Arab:

"All my life I have lived here with Jews, Muslims, Christians and Druze. We are part of the State of Israel We are all Israeli brothers. What you hear in the media about the state of Israel is far from the truth."

A growing number of Arab citizens in Israel are following this trend.
As usual, Arab media is following this page and reporting on it.

The Israel Arabic page is one of the most successful social media initiatives ever done by Israel.

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From Ian:

Benjamin Netanyahu defeats Gantz, but is still short a majority
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on track to win 59 seats for his bloc of right-wing and religious parties in Monday’s election, down by one from the 60 predicted by the initial exit polls. The new prediction leaves him two short of a majority in the Knesset.

The first polls indicated that Netanyahu’s Likud won 36-37 seats. Its allies in Shas, UTJ and Yamina won 9, 7-8 and 6-7 respectively. The polls showed Blue and White with 33 seats, its ally Labor-Gesher-Meretz with 6-7, the Joint List 14-15 and Yisrael Beytenu 6-8.

When Channel 13 updated its numbers at around 1 a.m. Israel time, however, Gantz gained one seat to 34 and the blocs shifted slightly, leaving the right-wing with only 59 seats.

Channel 12 also updated its numbers, giving Likud 37 seats, Blue and White 32, Arab Joint List 15, Shas 9, Yisrael Beytenu 7, UTJ 7, Labor-Gesher-Meretz 7 and Yamina 6.

However, by 4 a.m., Kan News gave Likud 36 seats and Blue and White 33, with the right bloc also holding a total of 59.

The numbers are expected to continue to change. The votes of soldiers, who tend to lean to the right, have not yet been counted and the Joint List tends to lose a seat when the soldiers’ votes are added. But, if the Right does not obtain its 61st seat, it could end up being because the far-right Otzma Yehudit Party refused Netanyahu’s repeated requests to quit the race.

Netanyahu immediately tweeted “thank you.”
Say hello to the 23rd Knesset!
As Israel awaits the final results from the elections for the 23rd Knesset, the most recent results from the Central Elections Committee (CEC) show Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc as having 59 seats in the new Knesset, meaning it will need two more members of Knesset in order to become a majority if the seat distribution remains the same after final results are received.
Here are the new members of Knesset according to the most recent results from the CEC:

King Bibi Netanyahu, the magician – analysis
The coalition may not yet be in the bag, but after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's impressive showing in Monday's election, it can now be said with complete certainty: the man is a political magician.

After already serving as prime minister for 14 years, 11 of them consecutively; just two weeks before the start of a trial on charges of bribery, breach of trust and fraud; with a good part – but by no means all – of the media against him; with a bevy of former security chiefs and diplomats declaring his continued rule would endanger democracy -- Netanyahu again defeated the odds and pulled out what, according to the exit polls, looks like a victory.

His path to building a coalition will not be easy, but with all the parties – and the public – sick of elections, this time Netanyahu is definitely in the driver's seat and should be able to pick up the seat or two he needs to finally give Israel a government.

And the key to his political magic is the fact that Netanyahu is simply a consummate campaigner.

No one campaigns better than Netanyahu. No one. He has energy, charisma, and a once-in-a-generation ability to talk to his voters at eye level. He knows what buttons to press – Jewish and Zionist pride, fear of the Left – and he presses them better than anyone else.
Jpost Editorial: A time to heal after Israel's third elections
The president, Netanyahu and Gantz should use these elections as an opportunity to try to bridge the tribes. If Israel is to recover and rally now, after three harmful and costly elections, our leaders – especially the president – should see us as one people with one destiny.

Furthermore, the people need to know that we did not waste three elections for no benefit, and that a new government and Knesset will seek to operate on behalf of all the country’s citizens – to make Israel safe and secure, boost the economy and trade, maintain the rule of law, promote equal opportunity and recognize the legitimacy of all streams of Judaism.

There are critical budgets to be passed – from health to military. Key legislation awaits Knesset approval in a range of areas, from haredi conscription to civil marriage, and important appointments need to be made, such as a new police commissioner and state attorney. The country must come together to resolve such pressing issues as halting the ongoing terrorist attacks from Gaza, returning the two Israelis and the remains of two soldiers being held by Hamas, confronting Iran’s efforts to expand its regional tentacles and become a nuclear power, making progress on implementing the Trump peace plan, and countering the coronavirus threat.

The last thing Israel needs now is another stalemate that could force a fourth election. The country – led by the president and the politicians – must find a way to heal itself from the damage caused by the last three elections and move us all forward toward a brighter future.
Alan Dershowitz says, "Israel's Democracy is alive and well!"
Likud, chaired by Israel's caretaker Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, edged ahead of Blue and White alliance with 37-34 seats respectively, an exit poll by Channel 12 shows.

The initial results hint that the alliance led by Benny Gantz could see Likud take its status as Israel's largest party, boosting Netanyahu's position in the coalition talks that will follow. The PM was brief in his initial reaction, saying: "Thank you!"

  • Tuesday, March 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
We have reported on how top PLO official Jibril Rajoub has been using sports to demonize Israel as head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs for the Palestinian Authority as well as the president of the Palestinian Football Association and the Palestinian Olympic Committee.

It turns out he is also the head of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Palestine.

A couple of years ago there were reports of how the Palestinian Scout Association had dedicated a training course to a terrorist, and how the World Scouts denied that the Palestinian Scouts were the official Palestinian Scouts - an absurd claim.

Now, looking at the Scouts Facebook page, one can see that they are just as political (against World Scout rules) as ever.

Here are the Scouts being indoctrinated to hate Israel at rallies last month.

Rajoub is trying to be Abbas' successor.

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No matter what atrocities are happening in the world, Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch feels compelled to post at least one anti-Israel tweet a day.

Here's today's:

The UN "expert" is Michael Lynk, the UNHRC's "Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967."

Although we've seen Lynk's bias before, I just found out that in 2009, he claimed Israel was guilty of "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians and havily implied that Israel itself is a mistake that must be erased.

In a report called "Peace, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law: Canada's Role in the Middle East" issued by the Group of 78 Annual Policy Conference, September 25-27, 2009," Lynk's presentation is paraphrased:

He used to think the critical date in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was 1967, the start of the occupation. Now he thinks the solution to the problem must go back to 1948, the date of partition and the start of ethnic cleansing. Canada’s role in partition was pivotal with Justice  Ivan Rand, Lester Pearson and Elizabeth MacCallum (though she privately warned against it). What followed from this point needs review and needs to inform Canadian foreign policy going forward. Many increasingly feel that partition was a mistake. 
Sure, it makes sense for the UN to hire an "expert" on Israel who thinks Israel shouldn't exist and never should have existed.

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  • Tuesday, March 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
A number of columnists and tweeters are upset that Bibi Netanyahu said, via satellite at the AIPAC conference, that Palestinians are “the pampered children of the international community.”

But by any measure, that is an accurate statement.

Every few years I look at the top recipients of international aid per capita. The total amount of aid per capita from 2000-2017 looks like this:

But what about recently?

The latest numbers I have, from 2017, show that "Palestine" still gets more aid per capita than any other nation - and every other nation on the list is more deserving of aid than "Palestine:"

Things might change in 2019 after the US stopped direct aid to the PA and UNRWA, but maybe not.

However, according to all available statistics, Palestinians are indeed pampered, pretending to be more needy than nations that are far more deserving of humanitarian aid.

UPDATE: Adin found a really nice chart of the same issue:

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