Tuesday, November 26, 2019

  • Tuesday, November 26, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote an article in the Times UK about how bad a Jeremy Corbyn government would be for Jews.

Mirvis has never ventured into politics before. It is clear that he didn't want to write this but felt he had to.

He is now getting mercilessly attacked on Twitter by the very antisemites he is warning against.

The Times UK is paywalled. Here is the full text of his article from his Facebook account.

Elections should be a celebration of democracy. However, just a few weeks before we go to the polls, the overwhelming majority of British Jews are gripped by anxiety.

During the past few years, on my travels through the length and breadth of the UK and further afield, one concern has been expressed to me more than any other. Of course, the threats of the far right and violent jihadism never go away, but the question I am now most frequently asked is: What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government?

This anxiety is understandable and justified.

Raising concerns about anti-Jewish racism in the context of a general election ranks amongst the most painful moments I have experienced since taking office. Convention dictates that the Chief Rabbi stays well away from party politics – and rightly so. However, challenging racism in all its forms is not a matter of politics, it goes well beyond that. Wherever there is evidence of it, including in any of our political parties, it must be swiftly rooted out. Hateful prejudice is always wrong, whoever the perpetrator, whoever the victim.

The Jewish community has endured the deep discomfort of being at the centre of national political attention for nearly four years. We have been treated by many as an irritant, as opposed to a minority community with genuine concerns. Some politicians have shown courage but too many have sat silent. We have learned the hard way that speaking out means that we will be demonised by faceless social media trolls and accused of being partisan or acting in bad faith by those who still think of this as an orchestrated political smear.

Yet, I ask myself: should the victims of racism be silenced by the fear of yet further vilification?

Therefore, with the heaviest of hearts, I call upon the citizens of our great country to study what has been unfolding before our very eyes.

We sit powerless, watching with incredulity as supporters of the Labour leadership have hounded parliamentarians, party members and even staff out of the party for facing down anti-Jewish racism. Even as they received unspeakable threats against themselves and their families, the response of the Labour Leadership was utterly inadequate.

We have endured quibbling and prevarication over whether the party should adopt the most widely accepted definition of antisemitism in the world. When the breakthrough came it was not without amendments, suggesting Labour knows more about antisemitism than Jewish people do.

Now, astonishingly, we await the outcome of a formal investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into whether discrimination by the party against Jews has become an institutional problem. And all of this whilst in opposition. What should we expect of them in government?

The way in which the leadership of the Labour Party has dealt with anti-Jewish racism is incompatible with the British values of which we are so proud – of dignity and respect for all people. It has left many decent Labour members and parliamentarians, both Jewish and non-Jewish, ashamed of what has transpired.

The claims by leadership figures in the Labour Party that it is “doing everything” it reasonably can to tackle the scourge of anti-Jewish racism and that it has “investigated every single case”, are a mendacious fiction. According to the Jewish Labour Movement, there are at least 130 outstanding cases currently before the party – some dating back years and thousands more have been reported but remain unresolved.

The party leadership have never understood that their failure is not just one of procedure, which can be remedied with additional staff or new processes. It is a failure to see this as a human problem rather than a political one. It is a failure of culture. It is a failure of leadership. A new poison – sanctioned from the very top – has taken root in the Labour Party.

Many members of the Jewish community can hardly believe that this is the same party that they proudly called their political home for more than a century. It can no longer claim to be the party of diversity, equality and anti-racism. This is the Labour Party in name only.

How far is too far? How complicit in prejudice would a leader of Her Majesty’s opposition have to be in order to be considered unfit for high office?

Would associations with those who have openly incited hatred against Jews be enough? Would support for a racist mural, depicting powerful hook-nosed Jews supposedly getting rich at the expense of the weak and downtrodden be enough? Would describing as “friends” those who endorse and even perpetrate the murder of Jews be enough? It seems not. What we do know from history is that what starts with the Jews, never ends with the Jews.

It is not my place to tell any person how they should vote. I regret being in this situation at all. I simply pose the following question: What will the result of this election say about the moral compass of our country?

When December 12th arrives, I ask every person to vote with their conscience.

Be in no doubt – the very soul of our nation is at stake.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, November 25, 2019

  • Monday, November 25, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
After Israel decided not to renew the work permit of Omar Shakir of Human Rights Watch because of his support for boycotts of Israel, Hamas decided to issue a statement of full support for Shakir and HRW.

Hamas condemns the Israeli occupation’s deportation of the director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) in Palestine Omar Shaker as an act against humanitarian work and human rights. Indeed, the Israeli occupation is unable to see its crimes and violations being documented by such organisations.

This Israeli demeanor aims to block reality and hide its daily violations, including killing and targeting Palestinians, in order to evade accountability.

The Israeli practices should prompt the international community to defend the rights of the Palestinian people and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for the crimes committed against Palestinians.

Hamas spokesperson

Fawzi Barhoum
It's a two way street. Hamas supports HRW because HRW excuses Hamas war crimes.

From a thread I wrote on Twitter on Monday:

It is worth reminding everyone that @HRW doesn't only have a bizarre obsession with demonizing Israel, but that its obsession spills over into excusing Hamas war crimes.

Here's one example.

The @ICRC definition of "human shields" is "the intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives."

Plainly speaking, it means that Hamas or Islamic Jihad placing rockets or bases or weapons caches in civilian neighborhoods makes them guilty of the war crime of human shielding.

During the 2014 war, @KenRoth consistently absolved Hamas of that crime.

HRW and Ken Roth made their own, more restrictive definition for Hamas, saying that Hamas must FORCE civilians to stay in the area.

Although that definition is not consistent even within @HRW.

They've said that fighters joining a wedding march would violate that law.

What's the difference between putting military targets in a civilian neighborhood or in a wedding procession? Yet HRW consistently DEFENDED Hamas for placing arms in civilian neighborhoods.
Then, the news came out that Hamas actually instructed civilians to ignore Israeli warnings to evacuate to safer places.
What kind of a human rights org goes out of their way to excuse war crimes?

But only when the criminals are fighting Israel.

Amazing, no? 
During that war, Hamas kept civilians in an UNRWA shelter even after Israel warned them to leave. It warned Fatah members not to leave their homes under threat of being shot.

These are war crimes even according to HRW's more restrictive definition. But HRW never admitted it.
 There is only one possible reason for this "human rights organization" to excuse and deny Hamas war crimes against civilians. Because HRW wants to paint Israel as the truly evil party, and mentioning Hamas war crimes dilutes that goal.

This is inexcusable.

This is HRW.
 Postscript: @HRW wrote its own factsheet on the Gaza war where their definition of shielding is accurate, yet @kenroth kept insisting that Hamas wasn't guilty. hrw.org/news/2014/08/0…

From my post at the time (Ken Roth tweets in italics:)
August 4 Do you want to know what "human shields" really are beyond ritualistic sloganeering? Read @HRW's Q&A on the law: http://trib.al/l8wdv4t 

Truth: This is sort of amazing. Here are Roth's previous tweets defining human shields:

 Jul 19 Much confusion about "human shields" which generally require coercion. Different from unnecessarily endangering civilians, tho both illegal.
 Jul 24 #Hamas is putting civilians at risk but "no evidence" it forces them to stay--definition of human shields: @NYTimes. http://trib.al/61iwSoM 
Jul 25 Hamas must as feasible not fight in populated areas http://trib.al/CA94avT  but no human shield unless coerced to stay http://trib.al/YQwIIau 

Yet when you read the official HRW Q&A that Roth tweeted here, you see a completely different definition - one that is actually accurate!

Forces deployed in populated areas must avoid locating military objectives – including fighters, ammunition and weapons -- in or near densely populated areas, and endeavor to remove civilians from the vicinity of military objectives. Belligerents are prohibited from using civilians to shield military objectives or operations from attack. "Shielding" refers to purposefully using the presence of civilians to render military forces or areas immune from attack.
There is nothing here about coercion

HRW's definition is completely at odds with the definition their own executive director gave three separate times! The HRW definition simply says that using civilians to shield military objectives is what makes one a human shield. 

Roth's tweet, by invoking "ritualistic sloganeering," of his critics, gave the impression that HRW's definition was agreeing with his multiple tweets, but amazingly it proves him wrong.

Roth never corrected his earlier tweets, though, nor did he acknowledge that his critics were correct all along.
Of course Hamas is a supporter of Human Rights Watch. HRW actively tries to make Hamas look as good as a genocidal terror group can possibly look.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

The Blindspot in Bernie Sanders’ Anti-Semitism Manifesto
Bernie Sanders’ curious little manifesto on anti-Semitism in Jewish Currents on Nov. 11 reminds me why I could not possibly support the man—and why I sometimes feel a stab of regret about it. There is an impulsively decent quality in him that erupts now and then in rebellious outbursts of unexpected political principle, typically in ways that might offend his ideologically more cartoonish followers, but that render him pleasing, in my own eyes. And the mini-manifesto in Jewish Currents—the piece that Yair Rosenberg discussed in Tablet some days ago—offers an example.

It comes halfway through when Bernie recalls that, back in 1963, he lived the kibbutznik life in Israel. He was able to see and experience what he describes as “many of the progressive values upon which Israel was founded.” And he says: “I think it is very important for everyone, but particularly for progressives, to acknowledge the enormous achievement of establishing a democratic homeland for the Jewish people after centuries of displacement and persecution.”

The striking phrase is, of course, “particularly for progressives.” Most Americans do acknowledge the enormous achievement. But, as everyone has noticed, a noisy percentage of the people who suppose themselves to be progressives believe, on the contrary, that Israel ought to be regarded as a white supremacist settler colonialist state, or an imperialist excrescence, or a center of world racism, and ought to be erased from the map—which are positions that sometimes award themselves the polite name of honest criticism.

But Bernie in Jewish Currents, with a knack for nuance, rightly says, “It is true that some criticism of Israel can cross the line into anti-Semitism, especially when it denies the right of self-determination to Jews, or when it plays into conspiracy theories about outsized Jewish power.” He declares: “I will always call out anti-Semitism when I see it. My ancestors would expect no less of me.” His statement is good, then. It is solid. It is non-Jeremy Corbyn-like.

But everything else in the mini-manifesto is a disaster. Oh, maybe not everything. It has been said that Bernie makes a mistake in calling for the United States to return to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, on the grounds that anti-Israel manias and sympathy for outrageous tyrants long ago rendered the council a lost cause. But wouldn’t it be better to debate than to sulk? Hillel Neuer’s independent committee, UN Watch, participates in the Human Rights Council events, and strikes many a blow for common sense, and there is reason to suppose that a sufficiently feisty United States delegate seated at the table would be able to do the same, except more virally.
NGO Monitor: HRW’s Failed #WhoisNext Social Media Campaign
On November 5, 2019, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Human Rights Watch (HRW) “Israel and Palestine Country Director” Omar Shakir had 20 days to leave the country. Shakir and his employer had asked the court to overturn a decision of the Israeli Ministry of Interior, which had already been approved by the Jerusalem District Court, not to renew Shakir’s work visa due to his BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) activities.

In the ten days leading up to Shakir’s departure, HRW launched a social media campaign under the hashtag “#WhoIsNext.” The campaign attempted to make a slippery slope argument, that if Shakir is deported, many other activists would be at risk. In reality, Israel has a vibrant and diverse civil society made up of thousands of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). As the Supreme Court found, Shakir, specifically, met the criteria in the Israeli law.

NGO Monitor analyzed the limited reach of HRW’s #WhoIsNext campaign, noting that it was primarily used in a self-promotional manner. The vast majority of Twitter users employing the hashtag were, in fact, employees of HRW; 71 of 100 (71%) uses of the hashtag originated with HRW-linked accounts. Tellingly, most of the non-HRW uses came from pro-BDS activists and NGOs.

David Collier: Perdition and Margaret Corvid, the Labour councillor from Plymouth
Margaret Corvid is a Labour Party Councillor in Plymouth. She is extremely active and appears to play an important part of Luke Pollard’s re-election campaign. Margaret’s Facebook and Twitter are full of pro-Corbyn material and she is always on the street canvassing. She made over 400 tweets / retweets in just the last few weeks:

Corvid is a solid Corbynite, joining the party after Corbyn took control in 2015. She describes herself as a Marxist and ‘proud entryist‘. Corvid does a lot of writing. Her name appears in the Guardian, Independent, Metro, Novara Media and New Statesman. Much of her writing is about the sex trade. Corvid makes her living as a dominatrix.

Oddly, Corvid’s Facebook friends list includes high profile players in the antisemitism row such as Tony Greenstein and Jackie Walker. Interestingly Mick Napier, the head of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign is in there too. Why would a local councillor in Plymouth be associated with a vile antisemitic group in Scotland?

It is because Margaret Corvid has not been using that name for long.

I could find no active record for Margaret Corvid before 2013. She admits in an article it is her ‘professional name‘. What I did find was a political activist in Scotland named Esther Sassaman. Here is one of her tweets:

Sassaman first appears in early 2003 with a blog about an upcoming visit to ‘Palestine’. She is American, defines herself as ‘ethnically Jewish but drawn to the black Baptist Christians’. She joined their Gospel Choir. It seems as if she was an anti-Israel ‘fanatic’ before she ever stepped foot there (she described herself as a ‘fanatic’ – Rachel Corrie was her inspiration).

Upon her return she continued with political activism. She even meets and interviews George Galloway during his visit to the States in 2005. Coincidence or not, within 7 months, Sassaman would surface as an activist in Galloway’s home town of Dundee.

Sassaman appears to have platformed with former Guantanamo Bay resident Moazzim Begg in 2006. At that point she was described as an ‘American’ resident in Scotland.

As Israel gets closer to not just energy independence but to becoming an actual energy exporter, I’m reminded of a move the BDSers took once Israel entered the energy game to try to generate interest in a new phrase: “Apartheid Oil.”

Might this refer to the Apartheid policies towards women, gays and religious minorities in the Arab petro-states?  Or the cover those wealthy oil states provided countries like Sudan as they murdered millions of black Africans?  Or the robust oil-for-gold trade between the real Apartheid South Africa and the Gulf states?

Heavens no!  For the champions of human rights and justice have suddenly got religion on oil politics once Israel was on the verge of having some.

Discoveries of shale and natural gas in Israel (coupled with recently developed extraction techniques) are what has led the nation to reach beyond energy independence over the last few years.  And while such finds present environmental concerns (not to mention the risk of the oil curse), these are not the issues critics of “Apartheid Oil” are really troubled about (although they occasionally hide behind them).

No, their problem is not that oil and gas is being extracted from the earth (with all the upside and downside that brings) but who gets to benefit from it.  When it was simply Qatar or Iran using oil money to fund police forces dedicated to beating women for exposing their foreheads or exporting Islamist ideology around the world (or Saudi Arabia, before they become a less dependable BDS ally), they could live with that.  But now that it is Israel that may finally get a piece of the action, suddenly the link between oil wealth and human rights rockets up their priority list.

The use of the term “Apartheid Oil” is particularly rich, given that the BDS movement itself is the inheritor of investments made in the 1970s and ‘80s by the very petroleum tyrannies who maintained massive trade with Apartheid South Africa during all the years they were falsely claiming to partake in an energy embargo of the country.

After all, one of the few mineral resources South Africa lacked was oil.  Yet somehow they managed to maintain a modern, oil-driven economy during the Apartheid years.  And as far as I know, Saudi Arabia is distinctly lacking in gold mines.  And yet they had (and have) shopping malls dedicated solely to the sale of gold (including South African gold) during the Apartheid era.

And while this oil-for-gold alchemy was going on, these same Middle East states used their wealth and power to condemn Israel for its (far more minimal) trade ties with South Africa, going so far as to get the  United Nations to condemn Zionism as a form of racism during debates over Apartheid.

The African nations that were asked to line up behind the Arab states on these condemnatory UN votes were none too pleased that their own concerns about banning trade with South Africa were being ignored, with the Kenyan Daily news summing things up nicely when it pointed out: “Arabs are buying South African gold like hotcakes, thus helping to sustain that country’s abominable practice of Apartheid.”

Even now when South Africa’s Apartheid system is just a memory, with truth and reconciliation hearings come and gone, the fact that Apartheid stayed afloat on a sea of Middle East oil remains a topic beyond discussion within the BDS community.  And yet, this same BDS community exists as the inheritor of the propaganda campaigns, the UN condemnations, and the corruption of the human rights community and vocabulary bought with blood gold traded for with genuine (not imagined) “Apartheid Oil.”

Confront a BDSer with these facts and (just as they do when confronted with any genuine human rights issue) they will simply ignore you and move onto their next accusation against Israel.  But the next time you see them marching in the streets comparing Israel to South Africa, keep in mind that it is BDS, not the Jewish state, that exists because of the legacy of Apartheid economics.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
In 2016, Lebanese singer and UN goodwill ambassador Majida El Roumi gave an interview where she said, in part:

.If you ask yourself what is going, and why we are subjected to all this worldwide, especially in the Arab world... What's going on? Personally – and I take full responsibility for what I am saying – I always believe that it is connected with something I read at my parents' home when I was little. My late father brought home The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and said to us: 'Read this book, and to the day you die, never forget what you've read.' So I read that global Zionism has a plan to fragment the Arab world in its entirety. They have in their heads a plan for a united government for the entire world, and they believe that we all exist on this planet to serve them.
Yesterday, another popular Lebanese singer Carole Samaha, who has over 4.8 million Twitter followers, tweeted part of the El Roumi interview and commented, "Very true Words !!! And I wish everyone is able to see the picture from afar, and the greatest danger that is coming, yes, the ship needs a captain !!"

Samaha's is the sixth most popular Twitter account in Lebanon.

Antisemitism is  a part and parcel of everyday life in Lebanon.

(h/t WC)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Douglas J. Feith: Israeli Settlements Are a Political, Not a Legal Issue
In his statement about the legality of Israel's West Bank settlements, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made four main points.
- First, the settlements are not "inherently illegal."
- Second, the West Bank's fate should be determined through negotiations.
- Third, international law "does not compel a particular outcome" in favor of Israel or the Palestinians.
- Fourth, the issue is political in nature, not legal, and attacking the settlements' legality "hasn't advanced the cause of peace."

For 35 years U.S. administrations refrained from repeating President Carter's criticism of Israeli settlements as illegal, Pompeo recounted, but President Obama broke with this policy by taking the Carter position at the UN. President Reagan, who followed Carter, had rejected Carter's view.

President Carter had a strained relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and condemnation of Israeli settlements as illegal was supported by a five-page letter dated April 21, 1978, by State Department legal adviser Herbert Hansell.

That letter ignored entirely the rights of Jews under the 1922 Palestine Mandate, which called for "close settlement by Jews on the land." From ancient times until 1949, Jews could lawfully live in the West Bank. Hansell didn't explain when that right was terminated.

As a Middle East specialist on the National Security Council staff, I was asked for a short note on the subject for President Reagan. I said, "The issue is properly a political question, not a legal question." The sovereignty issue "is open and will not be closed until the actual parties to the conflict formally consent to a peace agreement." In the meantime, "there is no law that bars Jews from settling on the West Bank" and no one should be excluded from living there "simply on account of his nationality or religion."

What fuels the conflict is the notion that Israel is a vulnerable, alien presence that lacks roots, legitimacy, and moral confidence. Israel's enemies know that asserting that the Jews have no right to live in the West Bank - an important part of the Jewish homeland - calls into question the Jews' right to have created Israel in the first place.

PMW: The Jews came as "invaders 70 years ago," no evidence of Jews before then
Palestinian Authority policy is to routinely deny the entire Jewish history in the Land of Israel. Jews were never here, the PA says, until they came and “occupied” Palestine in 1948. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA habitually refutes the authenticity of the numerous archeological artifacts and non-Biblical sources that testify to the Jewish presence and nationhood thousands of years ago. The following are three recent examples of this Palestinian denial of Jewish presence and history, showing that the PA’s political message passed on by Palestinian leaders for decades has been successfully adopted and is being repeated even by Palestinian academics.

Riyad Al-Aileh, a Palestinian political science lecturer from Al-Azhar University, stated that Jews only came as ”invaders 70 years ago”:
"The Jews claim that they were in Palestine 2,000 years ago. If we look at the history we will see that they were not in Palestine in the past, but rather only as invaders less than 70 years ago. For these 70 years they have been invaders, like the Hyksos, the Byzantines, the Persians, and [British] colonialism. The Canaanite Palestinian people has since succeeded in defeating those invaders and continue [to live] in this land." [Official PA TV, The Supreme Authority, Nov. 6, 2019]

Echoing this claim, Abir Zayyad, an archaeologist and member of Fatah’s Jerusalem branch, wrongly asserted that “no archaeological evidence” of Jews in Palestine has been found:
“We have no archaeological evidence of the presence of the children of Israel in Palestine in this historical period 3,000 years ago, neither in Jerusalem, nor in all of Palestine.” [Official PA TV, Jerusalem: The Scent of History, Nov. 7, 2019]

  • Monday, November 25, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

The PLO has declared tomorrow to be a "Day of Rage" against US policies, especially Secretary of State Pompeo's declaration that Israeli settlements are not illegal per se.

"All governorates of the homeland will witness on Tuesday a public outcry in rejecting the unjust American resolutions against our cause and our people, " says the official PA Wafa news agency.

Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of the PLO's Central Committee, told Voice of Palestine radio that "the forces and factions met in all governorates and took the necessary preparations for the day of rage on Tuesday to come out with one voice to tell the whole world that our rights cannot be stolen by the occupation and to confirm that we are sticking to the PLO national program and its rejection of the US administration allied with Government of occupation."

Jamal Muheisen, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, said that the day of anger tomorrow wll lead to "a comprehensive uprising in the face of occupation crimes."

Member of the Executive Committee of the PLO Saleh Raafat, said, "The factions are now working to form night-guard committees in all areas adjacent to the settlements in anticipation of the implementation of the settlers of any aggression in the coming days" - which makes it sound like they plan on attacking settlements under the guise of defending themselves.

The protests will center in Nablus, Ramallah and Hebron, where they will march towards the Jewish section of the city.

The Ministry of Education announced it would close schools for the Day of Rage from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, to increase the size of the demonstration and to incidentally teach their children that education is not a high priority. Some labor unions are calling on workers to take off in the afternoon as well.

The factions are expecting violence and are putting ambulances on standby.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 25, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah members set fire to US and Israeli flags and photos of President Trump in Nablus on Sunday.

When presidential candidates say that they will tilt US policy more towards Palestinians, part of the reason this resonates with some voters is that they are sick and tired of being hated. They tell themselves that this hate is a result of American policies under Trump, not because Palestinians are anti-American.

People's memories are short.

Here are Palestinians burning President Obama in effigy in 2013:

Palestinians have rioted against UNRWA, the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross. They have burned effigies of President Clinton in solidarity with Saddam Hussein.

The desire to be loved by people who really hate you is a strange one indeed. I can't pretend to explain the psyche that keeps trying to gain approval from people who think that the world owes them a state, free health care, free schooling and free housing, forever - no to mention  a people who have consistently shown support for the world's worst dictators and human rights violators.

Coddling Palestinians keep them in a state of eternal childishness. They should be treated like adults who are responsible for their own situation - with leaders who consistently reject peace plan after peace plan, who teach their people that they will "return" to Israel to destroy it, who blame literally every problem in their control including domestic abuse on Israel alone.

They'll hate you anyway, but when they are held responsible for their actions, they will start acting responsibly.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 25, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Forest Rain's answer to my question went way beyond the two paragraphs I asked for, so here it is in full, updated:

Theoretically the answer is yes.
An indictment, not to mention three, should be a clear sign that it is time to step aside and focus on clearing your name. Afterwards one can consider how to proceed. A healthy society should have no tolerance for even a hint of corruption.
The problem is that in the Middle East there is no room for theory. Here everything is more harsh, fast and absolute. Life and death. Black and white. Explode or not.
These are the 3 reasons I not only hope to God Netanyahu doesn’t resign but that he also continues to serve as Israel’s Prime Minister.

1. #MeToo: a good idea gone wrong

The #MeToo movement began with a very correct idea – those victimized by sexual abuse should be empowered to speak up, without shame for what happened (knowing they are not the only ones) and society should listen, taking their complaints very seriously. #MeToo embodied a powerful, positive concept which was supposed to be the basis of building a healthier society.
Unfortunately the #MeToo movement very quickly morphed into a way of punishing men, with no regard to how deserving (or perhaps undeserving) they are. An accusation of sexual misconduct became enough to destroy careers or, at best, leave a man’s reputation forever tarnished.
When the accusation is accurate and proportionate to the punishment, this is a good thing. But what happens when the accusation is false? Or when there was some mild wrongdoing but nothing so terrible as to merit becoming a social outcast?
The same is true with accusing the Prime Minister of corruption. The judiciary system must not be weaponized and used as a tool to remove undesirables from office.
In this case Israeli law specifically differentiates between a Minister and the Prime Minster. A Minister must resign immediately – with the understanding that after being cleared, he or she can run for reelection. The Prime Minister is given different status due to the difference in responsibilities and difficulty in attaining office. He or she can’t just “come back” like an average employee returning to work after a sick day. Forcing the Prime Minister to step down is a de facto end to their political career. As with #MeToo, in the case of guilt, this type of punishment is probably a good thing but what if the accused is innocent?
The accusation, even an indictment (or even three) cannot become a tool for removing a lawfully elected Prime Minister. Forcing him to step down in the name of morality is in fact an utterly immoral abandonment of the concept of innocence until guilt is proven.
No one, not even Prime Minister Netanyahu, should be forced to prove that he is innocent. It is up to the judiciary system to prove guilt.
In Hebrew there is a concept called “Eenewy deen” which literally means torture of the law. This phrase is a figurative way of describing drawing out a court case deliberately (or through extreme negligence) to unbearable lengths which, as a result, keeps the accused on hold, unable to proceed in normal life, keeping them captive to the whims of the judiciary system.
Israel’s court system is known to be overburdened and slow when dealing with anonymous citizens. Cases involving high profile people are often even more drawn out, particularly for those who don’t adhere to the establishment agenda. Avigdor Lieberman himself was held in legal limbo for a decade. There is no promise that Netanyahu will receive swift legal resolution thus the idea that Netanyahu could step down, swiftly resolve the legal issues and step back into any leadership role is disingenuous or, at best, disconnected from reality. 

2. Deep State undermining the State

In her recent book Nikki Haley revealed some of the mechanisms of the Deep State at work in American politics. The Deep State is not a tinfoil hat wearer’s conspiracy theory, it’s the sad result of the divide between elected officials and career officials who think they know what’s best for the public.
Israel too has its own version of the Deep State. Netanyahu’s rivals have attempted to paint him as paranoid in order to weaken his image however this is not a matter of some vast conspiracy that “everyone is in on” but rather a confluence of desires, ambitions and basic human psychology that create a very powerful force that, for different reasons, is working to achieve the same goal – removing Netanyahu from office:
  • Israeli elites – Having been out of power politically for decades, Israel’s elites remain the driving force culturally, making up the majority of Israel’s academia, media, judges, artists and bourgeoise.
    In the early years of the country Ashkenazi Jews, members of the Haganah, supporters of the political left became the “ruling class.” For many years it was impossible to get a job if you didn’t “belong to the party.”
    When Menachem Begin brought the Likud to power in 1977 Israel’s elites were in shock. They felt that “the country was stolen from them” by people less sophisticated, less knowledgeable and incapable of understanding what is the “right way” to do things.
    Although decades have passed and the status of Israel’s Mizrachi Jews has changed, the influence of Israel’s historical societal elites remains and their feeling that they need to “take back the country” from those they see as “lesser than” still pervades.
  • Group think – this is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Israel is a tiny country. It is only natural that people who join any of the elite groups in society (judicial system, media, high rank in Israel’s security forces etc.) will begin to conform to the general atmosphere of the system, leading individuals to conform to the ideas they see in the majority of their compatriots, although they may personally have opposite opinions. This isn’t a conspiracy, its basic human nature.
  • Money – enormous amounts of money are invested by multiple sources (the New Israel Fund, George Soros and even governments of other countries) in order to undermine Israel as the Jewish Nation State. For example, the Wexner Foundation is dedicated to pinpointing societal influencers before they attain high ranking positions and insuring that these key figures are educated according to the ideals held by the Foundation.
Separate organizations put pressure on different aspects and influencers to move Israeli society away from Nationalism, traditionalism, connection to our land and preservation of borders and expand social ethno-economic divides.
For each of these groups, with their different motivations, Netanyahu is key.
In other words, it is difficult to see the indictments against Netanyahu as anything different than the attacks he’s been withstanding for years – which have nothing to do with Netanyahu the man and everything to do with what he symbolizes:
Benjamin Netanyahu is the symbol of a strong, proud Jewish Nation State.
HE is the reason the Likud remains in power.
Like the little Dutch boy with the finger in the dyke, Netanyahu is what stood between us and the flood of Jew-hate hate, power and money directed at our destruction.
HE withstood Obama, Soros and Iran, singlehandedly turning the tide of the “Palestinian” agenda to become one of partnerships with Arab nations.    
For Israel’s Deep State and foreign enemies Netanyahu is the obstacle to achieving their goals.

 3. Upcoming War

All people live repressing the fact that eventually we will all die. This allows us to go on about our daily business and make plans for the future although no one can ever know if they will actually live to see the next day.
In Israel, due to our reality, the precariousness of life is a more prominent part of our conscious decision making. Even so there are some who refuse to watch the news and many who enjoy the escapism of reality tv.
None of us want a war. We all know it’s coming.
The media, politicians and our security forces have gently released all kinds of information to prepare the public mentally. Netanyahu has been warning of the upcoming war and the threat of Iran for decades. Others have released reports and analysis of what is to come. General Brick’s terrifying conclusion is that the next war will make the Yom Kippur war look like a walk in the park.
In the Yom Kippur war 1 out of every 10 soldiers was killed. A tenth of an entire generation was lost. What’s coming will be worse.
It is Israel’s Prime Minister who will decide when I have to huddle in the bomb shelter while my son has to run through bullets to battle the enemy.
THAT is what choosing Israel’s Prime Minister is all about. That is why, when Israelis have voted for the left they vote for generals not bleeding heart liberal hippie types (although we have those too).
The accusations against Prime Minister Netanyahu basically consist of cronyism and receiving gifts that he probably shouldn’t have. While “not nice” those actions pale in comparison to the choice of who navigates the storm of dangers thrown against us.
Netanyahu has proven his extraordinary brilliance. We’ve walked in his footsteps across political and economic minefields. While other nations experienced disasters, we who are in constant existential threat, thrived. Over and over he has succeeded in doing the impossible for our country. There are other politicians who would like to take over leadership of the country but there is no other man like him.
Like there was only one Winston Churchill. One Steve Jobs. Netanyahu is in that same category. Should he be forced to set down it might be a relief for him and certainly his family but it will be a travesty for our nation.

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  • Monday, November 25, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have asked some of my columnists and others to write a paragraph or two on whether Benjamin Netanyahu should resign. Here are some of their answers:

Daled Amos:
The famous Chinese curse, "you should live in interesting times" does not begin to cover what we are going through now. We have one US politician who claims ancestry from American Indians who is partial to a Palestinian Arab dictator who claims to be descended from the ancient Plishtim. Another contender for the Democratic presidential nomination is Jewish, and when he is not busy gaining support from antisemites, he is announcing his plan to transfer US funding from Israel to Hamas terrorists.

Meanwhile, in Israel itself, we watch as arguably one of the ablest and most successful Israeli leaders in its short history is being indicted on charges and in a process that have both been brought into question. Waiting in the wings are contenders who, while not as unserious as those looking to run for president of the US, are still untested. The prospect of a third election, with no greater prospects than the first two, awaits. Meanwhile, the PIJ wants to come out from under the shadow of Hamas while Hamas itself gleefully watches the divisiveness and uncertainty Israel is facing. It is not easy, sitting here in Galus, to watch all this. Those in Israel who are eager to bring down Netanyahu no matter what the cost to the country, and by extension to World Jewry, are not about to stop -- at this point they couldn't even if they wanted to. The choice is in the hands of Netanyahu. It is an unenviable one, because the future of Israel is unclear even if he steps out of the way. But that may be what he needs to do.
Varda Epstein (Judean Rose):
Bibi Should Not Resign
I don’t see any reason for Bibi to resign. There is a strong feeling that the judiciary is corrupt, that the charges are not serious, and that the judiciary, being left-leaning, is trying to take down a politician that does not serve its interests. The proof? About half the country voted for Bibi in spite of the allegations against him. That doesn’t mean that Bibi is not corrupt, but he’s probably not the devil incarnate, and the charges are just silly. Bibi can handle his legal issues at the same time he is serving. It’s just another ball for him to juggle. 
Vic Rosenthal:

Yes, he should resign. He simply can't do the job under these conditions.
Having said that, the prosecution was unfair. The nightly "revelations" on the TV news based on illegal leaks from the police and prosecutors, were an atrocity. He should receive immunity just for this, and the leakers should be punished.
Bibi has been a great prime minister, maybe the greatest. He has his weaknesses, but so do we all. And it is also not clear that media coverage should be a quid pro quo for bribery. But he has been PM long enough.
The Americans have got one thing right: removing a head of state should be a political process. The justice system should be dragged into it; it is corrupting and dangerous. And maybe term limits is not a bad idea either.
My own feelings are closest to Vic's. I don't see how Bibi can govern effectively with an indictment over his head. I dislike conspiracy theories that implicate the police, attorney general and justice system - which I defend in other contexts - are suddenly corrupt.

As far as who can do Bibi's job - at the moment, no one, but Bibi would be gone one way or another eventually, and I have faith in Israel's democracy that other leaders can arise, or at least not screw up too badly until a real visionary can come along.

One more post-length response coming up next from Forest Rain.

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