Thursday, October 18, 2018

  • Thursday, October 18, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
This Twitter thread by Shlomi Ben Meir last week, slightly edited, remains relevant as the Lara Alqasem case drags on.

Britain, the mother of parliamentary democracy, has published in 2009 a list of 16 people who are barred from the country "for stirring-up hatred". 22 additional barred folks' names weren't published. And 101 more had been banned in the previous five years.…
In the period from August 2005 to 31 March 2009, a total of 101 individuals have been excluded from the UK for having engaged in unacceptable behaviour. Of these 101 individuals, a total of 22 were excluded by the Home Secretary in the period from 28 October 2008 to 31 March 2009.This figure comprises 72 individuals excluded for fomenting, justifying or glorifying terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs; two individuals excluded for seeking to provoke others to terrorist acts; 18 individuals excluded for fomenting other serious criminal activity or seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts; and nine individuals excluded for fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.The individuals concerned include animal rights extremists, right to life extremists, homophobe extremists, far-right extremists, as well as advocates of hatred and violence in support of their religious beliefs.
More people whose entry to the UK was denied: Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin,Dutch MP Geert Wilders,  Louis Farrakhan… and the antisemite French comedian Dieudonné.
This was a very partial list of democratic countries, and for each one, a very partial list of cases. It happens literally all the time everywhere. For any other country, it is barely an issue,

Only for Israel, both her haters and lovers expect her to let everyone in.
Only when Israel does this is it front page news for over a week.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

From Ian:

The Failure of Holocaust Education in Britain
Pearce said that there is a fundamental problem in the British approach to the Holocaust. The focus wrongly gravitates to Britain’s role in the Allied forces, the liberation of the camps, and to the story of Kindertransport, in which 10,000 Jewish children were brought to the U.K. from the continent in the year before WWII broke out. For Pearce it is a positive and self-congratulatory approach that fails to address the story of the Channel Islands, which were occupied by the Germans, and what the British government knew about the persecution of the Jews and failed to do about it. It is no surprise, he said, that his team found that 32 percent of students in secondary school believe that Britain declared war on Germany because of the Holocaust. In fact, Britain entered the war on Sept. 3, 1939, in response to the German invasion of Poland.

Pearce pointed out that teachers who have no support tend to use films and books, like John Boyne’s novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, as teaching aids. The Holocaust Education Trust advises against its use in the classroom because of its historical inaccuracy, yet the UCL team found that over 80 percent of those pupils interviewed who had read a book on the Holocaust had read that one. The main character in the novel is a 9-year-old boy whose father works as a commander of a concentration camp. He has no idea of the tragedy unfolding around him and innocently befriends a Jewish boy in striped pyjamas. Pearce said the narrative reinforces an inaccurate perception of German ignorance of the Holocaust.

The UCL team also examined what teachers hope to achieve by teaching the Holocaust. Pearce noted that educators have “a tendency to slip into rhetoric. There is a belief that if we study the Holocaust it will stop it happening again.” He added, “It is laudable but it reduces and simplifies history and is something that again comes from wider popular culture.” Indeed the recent decision to build a striking new national Holocaust memorial next to the Houses of Parliament in London was described by the Prime Minister’s Holocaust Commission as a “sacred duty” and announced by a government press release as a “permanent statement of our British values.”

In order to tackle these issues, Pearce said, we must totally rethink the way we teach children about the Holocaust. Mike Levy, a Holocaust educator based in Cambridge, sees the passing of the last Holocaust survivors as an opportunity to do this. He said that rethinking needs to start now, before Holocaust education simply stops when the last survivor dies.

Levy said that there is “an atmosphere of fatigue in the air when it comes to talking about the Holocaust and that students and teachers want to learn more about other genocides and contextualize the Holocaust.” Children need to be taught that there is not a competition about which genocide is worse. “The important thing educationally about the Holocaust is it teaches us a lot about the mechanisms because it is so well documented,” he said. “It is the mother of all genocides.”
'Free Palestine' scrawled on Holocaust educational advertisement in London
An educational advertisement for a Kristallnacht exhibit was defaced in London's Russell Square, social media images showed on Tuesday.

The subway advertisement, circulated by The Wiener Library, was written on by a passer-by, inscribing the words "Free Palestine" with a heart drawn to the side of the statement.

Displayed within the elevators at Russel Square Train Station, the Wiener Library has said that the posters are, "Definitely vulnerable to vandalism (it has happened multiple times in the past) but as the vast majority of people who visit us do so because they see the posters ceasing would be hugely detrimental to us."

The Wiener Library has expressed their disdain and sadness with the vandalism of the poster. The poster was purposed to advertise an exhibit on Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass" recalling the pogrom that occurred against the Jewish community in Nazi Germany November 9th-10th, 1938; a topic related closely with the Holocaust.

New York Times Depiction of Moynihan as ‘Anti-Trump’ Ignores Jerusalem Embassy
An article by a New York Times reporter uses the release of a new documentary about Daniel Patrick Moynihan to describe the former senator from New York as, according to the Times headline, “the anti-Trump.”

The article ignores ways that Moynihan and Trump are similar.

President Trump moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, implementing the Jerusalem Embassy Act that was introduced by Senator Moynihan. Moynihan’s aides used to describe this as Moynihan’s “signature issue.”

A front-page article in The New York Times itself from 1984 reported on President Reagan’s threat to veto the Moynihan Jerusalem embassy legislation, and reported, “The bill, introduced by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, a Democrat, has more than 30 sponsors in the Senate and more than 200 in the House.”

Senator Bob Dole’s press release introducing the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act of 1995 said, “Today, I am introducing S. 1322, the Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act of 1995. I am pleased to do so with the distinguished senior Senator from New York, Senator Moynihan, as the lead co-sponsor. As the Senate knows, Senator Moynihan has been the expert and the leader on Jerusalem for his entire career.”

Moynihan was famous for defending Israel at the United Nations as America’s ambassador there in 1975 when the General Assembly passed its infamous resolution describing Zionism as racism. Trump too has been a staunch defender of Israel at the United Nations, as has his ambassador there, Nikki Haley.

Google the phrase “arab infant mortality rate” and step into Wonderland gone wrong. The featured snippet is from a Times of Israel piece: “In Israel, infant mortality rate 3 times higher among Arabs.” Based on the title alone, without further investigation, who wouldn’t curse a blue streak, damning Israel to hell for its villainy against the Arab people—damning Israelis as baby killers?
Unless you were a thinking person, that is, who knows better than to accept what the Times of Israel wants you to believe about the disparity between the Arab and Israeli infant mortality rates. If you were a thinking person, you’d look to confirm the statistic. And assuming it were true, well then you’d want to know the context.
But of course, it’s ever so much easier to blame Israel. Or alternatively, the “occupation,” another thing you might read about in the media and accept as true without a second thought. After all, you think, a news site wouldn’t print something untrue. They’d get caught. They’d lose credibility, you are sure. And so you believe what you read.
That’s if you’re a regular joe. But what if you were someone who lived in the ivory towers of academia? Someone with a higher education who had successfully defended a PhD thesis, someone entrusted with teaching young students. Wouldn’t such a person know better than to accept at face value what he or she reads in the news?
Wouldn’t a college professor be aware, when reading a title like that in the Times of Israel, or a similar one in Haaretz, “Huge disparities between Israeli Palestinian health systems,” that media bias may be in play here? When the title contains such a glaring smear, thinking people are supposed to stop short and think: wait a second—is that really the whole story?
Often it is not. As in this case. But we’ll get to that in a minute.
Two University of Michigan staff members are currently in the news for refusing to write recommendations for students hoping to study in Israel. TA Lucy Peterson and Prof. John Cheney-Lippold both originally agreed to write recommendations and then changed their minds, saying they were committed to the academic boycott of Israel. Cheney-Lippold also cited the infant mortality rate disparity, “linking it to Apartheid,” according to writer Rob Shimshock in Campus Unmasked. Shimshock asks, “Does that mean America is also an apartheid state? That black infant mortality rate is nearly three times higher than the Asian one.”
This is a good question. And actually, it gets pretty close to the heart of the matter, namely that a disparity in infant mortality rates doesn’t mean that one sector is victimizing the other. (This is similar to the dumb idea of proportionality as applied to the Gaza border riots: if more Arabs are dying than Israelis, then Israel must be the big bad wolf. No one stops to think that if violent Arabs would only stop rushing the border with explosives, the IDF wouldn’t be forced to kill them. No one thinks about the fact that Israel is minding its own business but these Arabs are rushing to become martyrs and draw pay-to-slay stipends from their government. Oh no, the world thinks, it takes two to tango, and if so many Arabs are dying and so many Israelis are not, then we know who is in the wrong! Things will only be fair when more Jews DIE! So says Europe, the UN, et al.)
Since Peterson and Cheney-Lippold first agreed to the recommendations and then backed off, giving the same reason for their refusal, one has to assume that someone got to them. Someone recited a lot of crap about Israel at them and they swallowed it whole without bothering to check whether or not the tales had merit. Who knows why they believed what they were told? Perhaps they were frightened. But a closer look at the facts would have yielded a quite different picture of Israel, in particular as regards the disparity in the Arab infant mortality rate.
In a 2014 Ynet piece, Yaron Kelner writes:
The reason for the gap, according to Health Ministry officials, is the high rate of congenital defects and genetic diseases among babies in the Arab population. One of the main reasons for that is cousin marriages.
Another reason is that Arab parents tend not to terminate the pregnancy in case of a defect or disease detected in the fetus.
In addition, Arab women usually give birth at a very early age (below 20), and are therefore more prone to complications compared to Jewish women.
The report states that narrowing the gap between Jews and Arabs is one of the Ministry's main tasks. (emphasis added)
"We encourage the Arab population to take folic acid which helps prevent congenital defects, and in (the southern predominantly Bedouin city of) Rahat we subsidize the addition of folic acid in bakeries," said Prof. Itamar Grotto, head of public health disease prevention and health promotion at the Health Ministry.
"In addition, several vaccinations have been added to the health basket in recent years, and the response in the Arab population has been very high. We expect it to reduce the mortality rate."
To summarize, the factors that have tripled the Arab infant mortality rate in comparison with that of Jewish Israelis are Arab consanguinity; the Arab refusal to terminate pregnancies gone wrong; and the Arab propensity for marrying off underage girls, which dooms them to high risk pregnancies. In other words, it is the Arabs who are responsible for the disparity in Israel’s mortality rates. Far from being the villain in the story, Israel’s health ministry has tasked itself with addressing the disparity through measures offered only to the Arab population such as adding folic acid to baked goods produced in the Bedouin-only town of Rahat. Folic acid, taken during pregnancy, is known to prevent neural tube defects. But if Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, and Arab women won’t take supplements, the supplements come to them, courtesy of the Israeli government. They get the goodness baked straight into their baked goods.
Israel is actually protecting Arab pregnancies, ensuring that Arab babies live (to grow up and hate the Jews, in all too many cases).
But this too, is not the whole story. The Arab mortality rate has well nigh plummeted since the Six-Day War in 1967. But don’t take it from me. Take it from Al-Najah University's Dr. Wael R. Ennab, a consultant with UNCTAD.
According to Ennab, in a paper he published in 1994, the Arab infant mortality rate in 1967 was between 152-162 per 1,000 live births. By 1974, infant mortality had seen a slight improvement of 132 per 1,000 live births. By 1985 the infant mortality rate had dropped to an incredible 53-56 per 1,000 live births. And by the time the Oslo Accords were signed, in 1993, the infant mortality rate had dropped to 30.
This is not the end of the story. By 2002, the rate had dropped to 25. But as you can see in the screenshot of the Times of Israel snippet that accompanies this piece, by 2014, the rate was just “6.4 deaths per 1,000 live births.”
That’s flipping INCREDIBLE. That is what Israel has accomplished for its Arab population. Even though Israel is demonized by the whole world as some kind of monster, a baby-killer who oppresses the Arab people. Even as we have Arabs attacking us in malls, on buses, and in the streets. With rocks, knives, car-rammings, bombs, axes, Molotov balloons, and missiles. Still, the Israeli government has fought to drop the Arab mortality rate from 152-162 to just 6.4 deaths per 1,000 live births in the 51 years since we won the war.
That’s on us. On Israel!
And it’s on you if you report that out of context. Or believe the lie that Israel is the villain, when actually, Israel is the hero in the story of Arab infant mortality.
You don’t have to believe what you read.
It’s a choice.
Especially when you’re a Cheney-Lippold or a Peterson. Someone with a higher education.
Someone responsible for young minds.
It’s a choice to accept the stats without context and to regurgitate them to your students. To use them to hurt and wound. To demonize the hero.
This is an evil of great proportions. A lie that covers an uncommon good in our contemporary world: the good of Israel and its exceptionally good governance.
Here is the truth: The Jewish State deserves the widest recognition possible for protecting and nurturing its largest minority population, a sector that is overwhelmingly hostile to Israel and the Jewish people. Israel’s methodology for lowering the Arab population’s infant mortality rate is one that might well be emulated throughout the Arab world and studied in the halls of academia.
If only we could find an honest teacher.

(h/t to Arthur Toporovsky for questioning whether the mortality rate was really triple, and to Dov Epstein for finding me the trail that led to Ennab’s paper.)

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dollarsJerusalem, October 17 - Israeli parliamentary work resumed Sunday following a holiday recess, with the legislative minority predicting that the next corruption charge against the prime minister will bring him down, unlike the hundreds before that came to nothing.

Opposition figures voiced bold predictions that the current government, now in its fourth year, will topple any day now, given new accusations against Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, in addition to the countless other accusations he has accepted bribes, violated transparency requirements, condoned corruption, abused employees, or steered government contracts to family and supporters, none of which have generated enough evidence of criminal, or enough political pressure, for him to step down.
"This time we've got him," predicted Opposition leader and Zionist Union chief Tzipi Livni. "This isn't like the other I don't know how many times - this one will stick. I'm sure of it. Just wait and see. Law enforcement will catch up to him, despite his attacks on the institutions investigating him. We must defend their independence and functionality at all costs. Our police and prosecutors will indict him for corruption. And if they don't, we need new police and prosecutors, because they don't know how to do their jobs properly."

"I give it two, maybe three months, tops," pronounced Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid. "The man is a lame duck, no question. You think just because he's managed to escape being implicated in criminal activity for years and years, that he'll manage to escape the newest scandal? I've got a bridge to sell you."

Media figures have also joined the chorus foretelling Netanyahu's political demise. "We've got him now," boasted journalist Nahum Barnea. "I know we've said more or less the same thing a hundred times before, but now I'm really, really sure of it. You just wait and see. 338th time's the charm."

Some voiced reservations whether this new set of allegation will spell doom for the Netanyahu government, which is expected to serve its full term, with elections in the fall of 2019. "Perhaps this won't be the final nail in Bibi's political coffin - he's a survivor, I'll give him that, " averred Zahava Gal-On, formerly the head of the Meretz party and still a voice in progressive politics. "But sooner or later - and most of us are betting on sooner - this government will no longer be in power. By this time next year there will be a date already set for elections, mark my words."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Rocket fired from Gaza hits house in Beersheba; causes heavy damage, no injuries
Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at the southern city of Beersheba early Wednesday that landed and exploded in the courtyard of a house, causing serious damage, but no injuries.

The Israel Defense Forces said it had identified two launches from Gaza. One targeted Beersheba located some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Strip. A second rocket was fired out to sea and landed off the coast of a major city in the Tel Aviv area.

Rocket attacks on Beersheba are rare and considered a major escalation. The attack came after Israel’s defense minister warned the military was gearing up for a major strike on Gaza to stop ongoing violence.

Rocket warning sirens blared at 3:40 a.m. and residents reported hearing a loud blast. The rocket landed in the courtyard of a private house. No one was hurt in the explosion but five people were being treated for anxiety.

A Magen David Adom medic said among those treated were a mother and her three children. The woman had lightly hurt her head when she fell running to the bomb shelter when the siren went off, he said, adding that they were taken to a hospital.

It was only the second rocket fired at Beersheba since the 2014 Gaza war. The previous rocket struck a field north of Beersheba on August 9 and came as Palestinians fired dozens of projectiles at Israeli communities along the Gaza border.

Netanyahu: Israel will act with 'great strength' against Hamas
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an emergency cabinet meeting in light of the rocket attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip Wednesday, according to a statement released by the prime minister's office.

"Israel views very seriously the attacks against it along the fence, in the Gaza border region and in Beersheba, everywhere. I said at the opening of the cabinet meeting this week that if these attacks do not stop, we will stop them.

"I want to say today: Israel will act with great strength," the prime minister said.

Netanyahu met with the snipers who identified the unit of Palestinian balloon launchers who were killed this morning in an IDF strike.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Israeli Air Force struck 20 Hamas terror targets across the Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning after long range rockets struck a home in the southern city of Beersheba while another fell in the sea next to a central Israeli city.

IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis held Hamas responsible for the attack.

Hamas "creates an atmosphere of terror in the demonstrations near the border fence, where grenades have been thrown in recent weeks," Manelis said.
ICC issues harsh warning to Israel of possible war crimes in Gaza
With Israeli-Gaza fighting heating up, the International Criminal Court Prosecution on Wednesday gave its sternest warning yet to Israel on Hamas and the Khan al-Ahmar dispute.

"I am...alarmed by the continued violence, perpetrated by actors on both sides, at the Gaza border with Israel," Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said in a statement.

Continuing, she said, "As Prosecutor seized of the situation in Palestine, I therefore feel compelled to remind all parties that the situation remains under preliminary examination by my Office. I continue to keep a close eye on the developments on the ground and will not hesitate to take any appropriate action, within the confines of the independent and impartial exercise of my mandate under the Rome Statute, with full respect for the principle of complementarity."

While the statement had several qualifications to it which could still allow the ICC Prosecution to decide to stay out of criminally investigating Israel and Hamas for alleged war crimes relating to the ongoing border conflict, the timing and the threat were unmistakable.

Following rocket fire from the Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning, which destroyed a home in the city of Beersheba, and an IDF strike on the Palestinian coastal enclave in response, IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis held Palestinian faction Hamas responsible for the attack.

Rocket sirens were heard in Gaza border communities on Wednesday morning at 8:32 a.m. In response, the Israeli Air Force hit several terror targets across the Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian reports, at least ten Gazans were injured and one was killed in the strikes which occurred across the coastal enclave.

Her unprecedented statement also seemed to tip its hand toward considering demolitions of Beduin housing as war crimes.

Elizabeth Warren has come under fire -- again -- for her contested claim to being descended from Indians. Donald Trump, in particular, has hammered away at this claim, and in response Warren had herself tested.

The results of Warren's DNA test, appearing in The Boston Globe, seemed pretty impressive:

Senator Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA test that provides "strong evidence" she had a Native American in her family tree dating back 6 to 10 generations, an unprecedented move by one of the top possible contenders for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president.

Warren, whose claims to Native American blood have been mocked by President Trump and other Republicans, provided the test results to the Globe on Sunday in an effort to defuse questions about her ancestry that have persisted for years. She planned an elaborate rollout Monday of the results as she aimed for widespread attention.

The analysis of Warren's DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor and expert in the field who won a 2010 MacArthur fellowship, also known as a genius grant, for his work on tracking population migration via DNA analysis.

He concluded that "the vast majority" of Warren's ancestry is European, but he added that "the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor."

Senator Elizabeth Warren. Public Domain.
Credit: Wikipedia

So far, so good.


Later, the article admits
The inherent imprecision of the six-page DNA analysis could provide fodder for Warren's critics. If her great-great-great-grandmother was Native American, that puts her at 1/32nd American Indian. But the report includes the possibility that she's just 1/512th Native American if the ancestor is 10 generations back.
The number 1/1024 has also been bandied about.

This dilution of Warren's possible Indian ancestry gave rise to the following response on Twitter:

But there is another problem with Elizabeth Warren's DNA test:
According to a report by the Boston Globe, there is no Native American DNA available for genetic testing "because Native American leaders have asked tribal members not to participate in genetic databases." (RELATED: Boston Globe Issues Major Correction On Liz Warren's Ancestry Claims)

Therefore, in order to test for Native American ancestry, genetic researchers have to use samples from other parts of the world.

Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor, used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to attempt to calculate how much Native American ancestry is in Warren's DNA.

To make up for the dearth of Native American DNA, Bustamante used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American. That's because scientists believe that the groups Americans refer to as Native American came to this land via the Bering Strait about 12,000 years ago and settled in what's now America but also migrated further south, the Boston Globe explained. [emphasis added]

That lack of Native DNA did not stop Bustamante.
Lack of proof does not stop those who claim Ashkenazic Jews are descended from the Khazars either.

There is a Christian Conference that is attacking Israel -- and Jews:

For example:

And also this:

Shlomo Sand, an historian with no background in genetics, is not alone in making this claim.

Eran Elhaik, described by Wikipedia as "an Israeli-American geneticist and bioinformatician [who] uses computational, statistical, epidemiological and mathematical approaches to fields such as complex disorders, population genetics, personalised medicine, molecular evolution, genomics, paleogenomics and epigenetics" has also come out in favor of the Khazar theory.

And he claims to have proof.

In 2013, he wrote, "The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses" -- basing his proof on the comparison of genomes.

Somewhat similar to Warren's DNA test.

But this is where Elhaik's proof gets busted -- by historian Shaul Stampfer in a review of Elhaik's article:
...The trouble with obtaining Khazar DNA is that no population group today is recognized to have descended from the Khazars. Elhaik acknowledges this difficulty and deals with it efficiently. According to him, Caucasus Georgians and Armenians were considered proto-Khazars because they are believed to have emerged from the same genetic cohort as the Khazars...Moreover, elsewhere in the article Elhaik himself refers to a study by Balanovsky et al., but fails to mention that it concludes that of all the national groups in the Black Sea region, the Georgians and Armenians were the least likely to have absorbed significant populations from other national groups. In other words, while there was DNA from eight Ashkenazi males in Elhaik's study, there was no Khazar DNA at all. This makes it a bit difficult to come to significant conclusions about the Khazarian ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews. [emphasis added]
Just how prevalent is this kind of sloppiness in academia?

Elder of Ziyon has recently been posting debunkings of academic journals which feature this kind of slipshod research and hypothesizing.

Unfortunately, it is nothing new.
  • Wednesday, October 17, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the New York Times, April 4, 1966:

JERUSALEM (Jordanian Sector), March 30 -“The Arab states will not integrate the Palestine refugees because integration would be a slow process of liquidating the Palestine problem." Ahmed Shukairy. chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization. declared in an interview today.

“Consequently. the refugees don’t want to be integrated.” he continued. “If there are no Palestinian people. there is no Palestinian cause. We can't conceive of a Babylonian cause today because there are no Babylonians. But we start from the premise that we will achieve the liberation of Palestine soon."
The then-PLO leader is explicitly saying that he doesn't want the Arab nations to integrate the refugees because the "Palestinian cause"is more important then their human rights.

(The claim that the refugees didn't want to be integrated is a lie. Every time they had the chance to gain citizenship, in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon or the West, they eagerly took that opportunity.)

The very end of the article makes this even more explicit. The reporter interviews a Palestinian who is about to go to Sweden for training as a mechanic. Even so, he insists that he would return - but there is a PLO official in the room during the interview.

Hamdi Hizrallah. 40 years old. a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization, was present at the interview. A native of Beersheba. now part of Israel. he said with great intensity:

“I will tell you something. and I wish you would quote me. If they try to leave. we will stop them, by force if need be."
I'm happy to quote him. It proves that creating and perpetuating the myth of a Palestinian people is more important to their leaders than their very lives.

And it also proves that Palestinian identity was so weak in the 1960s that the PLO was convinced that without a perpetual refugee problem, no one would want to identify as Palestinian.

Without UNRWA, they really would have gone the way of the Babylonians - and they would today be happy Syrians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Kuwaitis and Egyptians.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 17, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

All the major terror groups in Gaza issued a joint statement that not only denied any of them shot the rockets this morning at Beersheva and off the coast near Bat Yam, but that denounced whoever shot them.

Even the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades published the statement.

The "Joint Operations Room" that represents all major Gaza terror organizations issued what appears to be an unprecedented statement that says they "reject all irresponsible attempts that try to sabotage the Egyptian (reconciliation) effort, including the rocket fire last night."

I have never seen any terror groups condemn any rocket fire from Gaza, or any terror operation.

The factions said that when they fight Israel, they do it openly and proudly and not "hiding behind any curtain" as the unknown group that shot the rocket has been doing.

This remarkable statement seems to be an attempt to avoid an escalation from Israel.

As far as I can tell, the "Joint Operations Room" includes Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP and PFLP as well as Fatah.

If these groups are telling the truth (which is a big assumption,)  then who did it?

Every once in a while we see stories about Salafist and ISIS-associated groups in Gaza who hate everyone else. Fighting flares up between them and Hamas. From all reports they are tiny.

The rockets that were shot this morning were not small homemade Qassams. They has a much longer range. Either they were smuggled in - which is very difficult nowadays - or they were built in Gaza, which would require a significant workshop.

Perhaps someone from one of the major terror groups defected with the rockets.

The thought that there is a wildcard group with that capability in Gaza is unsettling, to say the least.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 17, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

John Lyons is an award winning journalist in Australia who has recently written a book about Israel.  The book is apparently an anti-Israel hatchet job.

He tweeted this:

How many wrong assumptions can be in one tweet?

"For 70 years, every President of both sides refused to move the US embassy there as that would kill any 2-state solution."

The reasons that the US didn't move the embassy has had little to do with the two state solution before Oslo. Until then, it was because of the legal fiction that Jerusalem should be a "corpus separatum" as the UN insisted, even though there is no legal basis for that. Then, when Israel declared sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, the UN Security Council passed a biased resolution saying that no country can put an embassy or diplomatic post in Jerusalem for Israel (they could serve Arabs, though.) 

We're not done with that sentence. Because there is no logical reason why a two-state solution is dependent on where the US puts its embassy. Over 170 nations somehow manage to exist without Jerusalem being their capital; why can't "Palestine" be one more?  What exactly is the dependency?

It doesn't exist.

But wait, there's more. To blame the lack of a two state solution on the US Embassy move is ridiculous. Embassies can be in the western part of the city that everyone agrees is Israeli. How can they impede peace?

In fact, the Palestinians have been offered a state. Multiple times. They rejected it. Multiple times. Isn't that a more reasonable explanation for no two state solution than the location of an embassy?

Palestinians are the ones who blew up the Oslo process, quite literally. After rejecting the Clinton parameters they chose terror instead. This isn't ancient history. They abrogated the Oslo agreement where they claimed to abandon terror.

I made a pithy tweet for those who always blame Israel for lack of peace:

Lyons' statement seems like it makes sense on the surface - but that is only because of decades of reporters and journalists who simply refuse to report the facts in context. The world has been brainwashed by hacks like Lyons. 

There is an underlying racism there as well. Palestinian Arabs are not expected to make peace; only Israeli Jews must keep trying. Even in the face of terror. Even in the face of peace plans being rejected. The Jews simply must try harder!

Jerusalem is Israel's capital. No one can deny that. Pretending otherwise does not bring peace - on the contrary, it gives Palestinians more reasons to be even more intransigent.

If journalists like Lyons really cared about peace, they would do their jobs and report the actual reasons there isn't peace today, not these fictional narratives about the location of third-country embassies.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

From Ian:

Telling the Truth about the IDF
Next week, Harvard University will be hosting the Israeli organization Breaking the Silence (BTS), an organization funded by anti-Israel groups that incites against the State of Israel and defames the IDF.

I served in the IDF during the Second Intifada. I also stood at checkpoints, stood guard, arrested people and fought in the Second Lebanon War. As an Israeli Arab and IDF solider in the Golani Brigade, I served together with Jews of all backgrounds, Druze and Bedouin. We were all equal, we were all brothers fighting side by side, and I can testify that I served in the most humane and moral army in the world, with the highest code of ethics and human values.

The IDF is an army that is level-headed and always keeps as its ultimate highest value human life. The IDF is an army that will bend over backwards to save lives and to ensure that innocent individuals are not harmed, even if it means complicating the military operation.

It is possible that there were incidents that did not live up to these standards, but these were the exceptions; they were not the norm and they were not the code by which the IDF is guided. They do not reflect the IDF nor the State of Israel.

During the Second Lebanese War, I was badly injured after I was hit by a Kornet missile that was fired by Hizbullah. My fellow soldiers saved my life while under attack; they risked their own lives to save mine.

Two days after BTS takes it stand at Harvard University, I will be there to speak to the students with Reservists on Duty.
The truth will prevail.

The writer, a resident of Nazareth, is an Arab Israeli Christian.

Eisenhower, the Rebbe and the bombs that weren’t dropped
It is sometimes assumed that public criticism of the Allies’ failure to bomb Auschwitz began only in the late 1960s, when historians first began writing on the subject.

But a powerful new documentary film, to be screened in Jerusalem later this month, sheds light on a rabbi who publicly raised the issue just months after the war ended – and did so in the presence of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Rumanian-born hassidic sage, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Halberstam, better known as the Klausenberger Rebbe, was deported to Auschwitz in 1944 along with his wife and nine of their 11 children. He managed to survive the rigors of a slave labor brigade in Warsaw, as well as several death marches on the eve of the Allies’ liberation of Europe.

Rebbetzin Halberstam and 10 of their children were murdered by the Nazis. Their eldest son survived the Holocaust, only to die in a displaced persons camp shortly after.

The Rebbe ended up in Feldafing, a DP camp operated by the American occupation forces near Munich. That’s where he was on Yom Kippur in 1945, when Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and future president of the United States, was visiting the region.

Earlier this year, I spoke with Moshe Reich, whose father-in-law, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Barminka, was an aide to the Klausenberger Rebbe. Reich (who has since passed away) shared with me his father-in-law’s eyewitness account of the Rebbe’s encounter with Eisenhower that Yom Kippur.

According to Barminka, the communist and Zionist DPs were at odds over who should have the honor of greeting Eisenhower and speaking at the welcoming ceremony. The compromise choice was the Rebbe. On Yom Kippur afternoon, the Rebbe ascended the podium where Eisenhower was seated.

Both the communists and the Zionists wanted to focus on postwar issues, rather than the Holocaust, but the Rebbe had other ideas. He spoke at length about what the Jews endured at the hands of the Nazis, then declared: “The Americans and England share in the guilt along with Hitler, because the Americans knew, for at least several years [what was happening in the death campus]. And they had the ability to bomb the railway lines [leading to Auschwitz] and they could have bombed the places [where Jews were being murdered]. A million Jews could have been saved [including] all the Jews of Hungary. If the Americans had intervened just a little bit earlier, it wouldn’t have happened.”

THE REBBE made his remarks in Yiddish. A simultaneous translation in English was provided to Eisenhower by Lt. Mayer Birnbaum, a young Orthodox soldier from Brooklyn who had been assigned to the American forces governing the DP camps. “Lt. Birnbaum told me that Eisenhower had tears in his eyes when the Rebbe finished,” Reich said.

  • Tuesday, October 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Except under specific circumstances, Israel allows pretty much anything into Gaza that cannot be used to attack Israel.

There is a list published by the IDF of "dual use" items that could be used for both innocuous and malicious purposes that are restricted from entering Gaza, like metal pipes that can be used to build rockets.

So-called "human rights" organizations routinely rail against these restrictions.

But read about the sanctions that the EU imposes on Libya:
- The European Union introduced in 2017 restrictions on the export or transit of inflatable boats and outboard motors to Libya. 
The reason is to help limit human trafficking from Libya.

There are exceptions for, say, fishing boats, but Israel allows exceptions as well for clear humanitarian needs where the materials can be accounted for.

When the EU does it, they are "sanctions." When Israel does it, it is a "siege."

(h/t Irene)

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Check out this abstract for the paper "Palestinian women in Israel: embodied citizen strangers" written by Kim Jezabel Zinngrebe and published in Settler Colonial Studies:

Palestinian women’s bodies constitute a central site of the struggle between the Zionist state and Palestinian ‘citizens’ in Israel. 

Note the scare quotes around 'citizens' as if Arabs are not truly citizens of Israel.

At the intersection of critical feminist and settler colonial studies scholarship and drawing on empirical data collected in 2013–2014, it will be argued here that Israel’s continuous drive to control Palestinian women’s bodies plays a pivotal role in the completion of the Zionist project. 

I wish I could read the paper to understand exactly how Israel is trying to control the bodies of its Arab female citizens, but I'm more interested in how the author defines "the completion of the Zionist project." It sure sounds like she defines Zionism as ethnically cleansing all non-Jews from Israel.

In line with classic settler colonial logic, this project has always closely linked native women’s bodies and native land in its discourses and practices. 

I read a fair amount of Zionist literature and I don't recall seeing anything that linked Arab women's bodies with the "native land" - since Zionism defines Israel as the Jewish native land and Jews as the natives of the land!

Therefore, Zionist settler colonialism must be considered a not only racialised but also gendered process. 

If one could find these fictional proofs that Zionists care so much about Arab women and treat them differently than Arab men, sure.

Palestinian women’s stories are complex and contradictory and cast the body as the key medium through which they experience citizenship in Israel as a continuation of settler colonialism by other means. 

So they are citizens. They can vote and create Internet startups. They can drive, become Knesset members and news anchors and reality TV stars. But somehow their citizenship is a continuation of the equally nonexistent settler colonialism.

This paper claims that it is, in fact, via citizenship that the Palestinian women’s forced exclusion from the Israeli body politic is realised, thereby debunking prevailing Zionist myths of citizenship in Israel and the Nakba as a one-off event.

So by giving them full rights of citizenship, Israel is really taking away their rights! How insidious these Jews are!

Please, please, someone send me the full text so we can see how the author debunks obviously verifiable facts about Arab women citizens of Israel.

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