Wednesday, August 22, 2018

From Ian:

When a Nazi comparison makes sense: The BDS movement against Israel
In a remarkable finding in their May report, intelligence officials of the German state of Baden Württemberg wrote that propaganda from the neo-Nazi party Der Dritte Weg (The Third Way) calling to boycott Israeli products “roughly recalls similar measures against German Jews by the National Socialists, for example, on April 1, 1933 (the slogan: 'Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews!')"

The historical significance of the parallel between contemporary calls to boycott Israeli products and the Hitler movement’s economic warfare against German Jewish businesses should not be ignored.

The Nazi efforts to strangle Jewish companies in order to isolate and dehumanize German Jews was a nascent phase of the Holocaust. Hence the boycott campaign against Israel is just another dangerous recurrence of history in a new form.

Fast forward to 2005: According to the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement’s declaration targeting the Jewish state, a key demand is the return of all “Palestinian refugees” to Israel. The “return” of the alleged millions of Palestinians refugees—based on a bogus definition of refugee status—would spell dissolution of the Jewish state. Anti-Semitism at its core is about discrimination against Jews.

The proliferation of pro-BDS activities in Germany prompted Felix Klein, the German government commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism, to write in the daily Die Welt in August that “the BDS movement is antisemitic in its methods and goals.” He added that BDS’s “Don’t buy!” stickers on products from the Jewish state are “methods from the Nazi period.”

Daily News Editorial Board: Thanks, Mr. President: A Queens Nazi is being deported thanks to the persistence of Donald Trump and Ambassador Ric Grenell
Thank you, President Trump, for doing what Democrats and Republicans before have failed to do for years: Deport a Nazi war criminal from Queens back to Europe. And thank you, Ric Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, for faithfully carrying out the President’s directive to get Jakiw Palij the hell out of this country.

Palij, who turned 95 last Thursday, is not just an old man. He is an old Nazi death camp guard, a volunteer in the SS who aided the Holocaust in occupied Poland, where millions of Jews were killed, and then who lied about his SS service to gain entry to this country after the war.

Discovered by the Department of Justice, he was stripped of his ill-gotten U.S. citizenship in 2003 and ordered deported the next year.

But the Bush administration failed to get Germany to take him. So did the Obama administration, for all eight years. Berlin objected, and the U.S. State Department didn’t want to push too hard, and that was that. As former Department of Justice Nazi hunter Neal Sher wrote in these pages in April, cowardice carried the day.

But not Trump. In office only a few months and alerted by this newspaper to a Nazi living in his home borough in spring 2017, he told Grenell, his choice for envoy to Berlin, to get the Nazi out.

Grenell did it. From the time he took up his post this May, he made it a priority. Finally, after more than a decade of dilly-dallying, the Germans got the message.

Great credit must go to Rabbi Zev Friedman, head of Rambam Mesivta, a boys’ yeshiva high school on Long Island. He and his students for years protested Palij’s presence.
Democratic Assemblyman: Thank you, President Trump
New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind thanked US President Donald Trump for deporting Jakiw Palij, a former SS guard at the Nazis’ Trawnicki concentration camp in Poland.

"You can talk, and talk is cheap," Hikind said in an interview with Fox News. "Getting things done is what President Trump just did."

He called on his fellow Democrats not to make a political issue out of the deportation of a Nazi.

"When the president does something huge like getting rid of the last Nazi from Queens, New York, say 'thank you, Mr. President, for doing an amazing thing."

President Trump noted the rare praise he received from a Democratic politician.

"Thank you to Democrat Assemblyman Dov Hikind of New York for your very gracious remarks on @foxandfriends for our deporting a longtime resident Nazi back to Germany! Others worked on this for decades," Trump tweeted.

Is there such a thing as “legitimate criticism” of Israel? Should the identity of the critic have an impact on how we view the criticism? Or is criticizing Israel always, inevitably, antisemitic?
Let’s examine the phrase “legitimate criticism.” Those who engage in criticism of Israel often affix the label of “legitimate criticism” as a fig leaf. A good example is this excerpt from an April 2018 letter to the Guardian signed by several members of the British Labour Party:
We are dismayed by unbalanced media reporting ahead of the local elections of allegations of antisemitism against Jeremy. We believe this partly results from his legitimate criticism of Israel’s cruel and racist treatment towards its Palestinian and Bedouin populations. This is because one definition of antisemitism includes criticism of the Israeli state as racist. We reject that definition. Indeed, many Israelis criticise actions of their state.

By now, revelations regarding Corbyn consorting with terrorists and the Labour Party’s connections to antisemitism in general, are numerous and legendary. They are the last people in the world who might credibly bring “legitimate criticism” of Israel. The letter, in fact, cites no factual evidence of Israel’s “cruel and racist” behavior because none exists.

Here's what these letter writers did: they expressed hatred, labeled it “legitimate” and used their party affiliations to make it all sound authoritative. You either believe them or you don’t. (If you repeat the lies and are challenged, you can always say, “Well, several member of the Labour Party said it! They wouldn’t have said it if it weren’t true.”)
The label “legitimate," in this case is just cover for hatred—something that cannot be freely expressed, because all humans know that hatred is wrong. The prime task of haters then, is to persuade themselves and others of the moral rightness of their hate. This is accomplished by making the sort of ugly and baseless assertions seen in the Guardian letter. Because if Israel is “cruel and racist,” it becomes not only acceptable to hate Israel but a moral imperative.
By combining groundless accusations that Israel is “cruel and racist” with the phrase “legitimate criticism” the haters achieve dispensation for their hate. The word “legitimate” lends the illusion that the criticism is both proper and correct. The resultant false veil of legitimacy erases the stench of antisemitic hatred, allowing the haters to say whatever it is they want to say. (Which is nothing good and everything bad.)
Not everyone who engages in "legitimate" criticism of Israel is an antisemite. There are those who love Israel but believe it is important to raise awareness of and address genuine issues within the Jewish State. These critics have good intentions. But are they right to speak out?

It's debatable.

For some of us, criticizing Israel is like criticizing a family member. It’s okay for you to criticize your Mom, but woe to anyone outside the family who does so. It’s just wrong.
But when it comes to criticizing Israel, it gets a little tricky. Who exactly is a family member? Who is the one who gets to criticize Mom, or in this case, Israel??
Some feel that only Jews can criticize the Jewish State. Others say that only Jews who live in Israel can criticize the Jewish State. A third group believes that only Jews who have lived in Israel for a significant period of time have the right to criticize the state, no newbies allowed.
No matter your personal definition of what constitutes family—a person who gets to criticize Israel—you’re going to bristle when the wrong person does it.
And of course, audience matters, too. It’s one thing to trash talk Mom to Sis, quite another to tell all to a neighbor. Are you criticizing the State of Israel to other Israelis or to a mixed audience on social media? (Some things are private.)

Then again, even if you have all the right in the world to “legitimately” criticize Israel, and the right audience, too, it’s bound to be viewed with suspicion if you rarely (or never) say anything nice about the Jewish State. One might even use how often a person speaks well of Israel as a sort of litmus test for that person's credibility. The person may even have valid criticisms of Israel, but his/her motives will always be suspicious. Why only say bad things about Israel? Or only find meaningless fluff to say when relating the good (tasty falafel!)

It suggests you have an agenda. 
No matter this critic's protestations that s/he does it—criticizes Israel—for love of country, or to be true to Jewish ethics, you just know there’s something else going on. And that something isn't nice, no matter how much s/he protests.

Because Israel can't be all bad (and there's so much good to see and share).

In many ways, this is a problem of perspective. Rabbi Yissocher Frand citing Rabbi Nisson Alpert Ohev yamim lirot tov (Loving days; seeing the good.) Living a long life means seeing the good and maintaining a positive attitude. If you have a positive outlook on life, you'll be less inclined to err with your tongue and lips. You’ll never speak deceit.
Rav Nisson Alpert, ZT"L
says that the answer to the question of “Who desires life?” begins with the phrase,

It’s about trying to see the good in everything, which would include the Jewish State.
It's human to think that refraining from gossip is about the mouth. What we don't realize is that it’s every bit as much about the eyes. It’s how we see and perceive people and things and the world around us. And there are so many different ways to see.

Look at the world with a jaundiced eye and you'll inevitably fall into slander. But see the world in a positive light—Ohev yamim lirot tov—and you'll never have anything bad to say.
The spies were sentenced to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness after giving over a negative report on the Land of Israel. It’s a shocking sentence, a 40-year punishment for failing a 40-day mission: a year for each day. [Numbers 14:34]. One might reasonably question the fairness of the sentence. After all, if the bad behavior occurred over days, why is the punishment extended over a time period of years?
But it’s not about the few hours the spies presenting their evil report. The issue is that the spies perceived Eretz Yisrael in a negative light for the entire 40 days of their mission. And that was due to their negative attitude. They failed to be positive people, Ohev yamim lirot tov.
They failed to see the good.

James Tissot [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Rabbi Frand explains that interpretation is everything. The Jewish sages tell us that the spies called Eretz Yisrael, as a “land which consumes its inhabitants” because wherever they went, they saw funerals; people burying their dead. If you have a negative view of the world, you might conclude from this that Israel is a terrible land, with people dropping like flies.
But if the spies had been positive people they might have instead thought, "Everyone is too busy with their burials to distract us from our mission. God did us a great favor in easing our path so that we might accomplish what we set out to do without disruptions. Such Divine Intervention!”
The same facts, but two vastly different ways of looking at things. Which proves that slander is about the eyes, about our perception of things, and not about the mouth, tongue, and lips.
If you have a positive outlook, you will see the good in Israel, and this is what you will speak about.

And there is so much good to be said about Israel: the way we begged the Arabs to stay in ’48; the olive branch of autonomy to Arab villages in Judea and Samaria; the equality of our society and the way we offer freedom of religion to all; the warmth of the people and the sun; the aura of holiness that abounds throughout the land; the good food; the high moral standards of the IDF; the aid we give to the Arab people in Gaza and Syria; the field hospitals we set up in foreign hospitals after a disaster; our technological innovations. The list goes on and on.
But can you really live like that, seeing only the good? Does that mean we can’t, for example, complain about Israeli bus service, or the heat in summer?
It would seem so.
Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu once wrote that a Jew is forbidden to complain about the heat of Eretz
Rav Mordechai Elyahu, ZT"L
, citing Ketubot 112b, in which R. Ami and R. Assi made sure they’d always be in shade in summer, and sun in winter. Rashi explains they did so to avoid complaining about the living conditions in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Chanina (112a) used to smooth out bumpy roads so no one would speak badly about the quality of the roads of Eretz Yisrael.
Yes, these are sages, not everyday people. But it is from the sages that we learn how to live; how to comport ourselves as we navigate this world. And the sages did the utmost to see and represent the Land in a positive light.
From a personal standpoint, it just feels wrong to criticize Israel in public for any reason whatsoever when there is so much good one can say. Israel has many detractors and few defenders. Why should I help those who malign the Jewish State? Why would I offer them grist for their hate mill?
In private conversations at home with family, it may be okay to get into the nitty gritty of Israeli politicians, parties, and policies. Especially if this helps us understand how we might better society. But in public, we must think of ourselves as lawyers, hired to believe in and defend our client Israel, no matter what.

What can we do when we see strong voices engaging in constant Israel-bashing under the guise of "legitimate" criticism? We can counter with blogs and social media posts. A petition that is fair, but not inflammatory, could also be an acceptable response, provided it addresses the issue with accurate and credible information.

In the murky waters of Israeli advocacy, here is one truth on which we can all depend: a true Israel advocate will always speak well of the Jewish State, showing the Land in its best possible light. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, August 22, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Palestine Today:
The deputy head of the Islamic Movement in the occupied Palestinian territories Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib said that Jerusalem and its holy mosque are being subjected to the most serious attacks of Judaism since the occupation of Jerusalem in June 1967.

Al-Khatib pointed out that the attacks increased after the US administration's decision to declare Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel and transferred its embassy from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem.

"The United States announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transferred its embassy to occupied Jerusalem, which opened the door to attacks on its residents, especially with regard to settlements and incursions that did not stop even for a moment."

He stressed that the occupation is trying to impose a policy of Judaization in collusion with the Arab regimes, saying, "Unfortunately,  the UAE and Saudis are involved in the selling of land and houses of Jerusalem to the Israelis."

 He added: It is known to us in numbers, documents and names that the Arab countries aim to align the Jerusalemites with the convictions of those countries that want to end the conflict in favor of the Israeli occupation and accept the "deal of the century."

"The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have made serious statements about Jerusalem that are in line with the American and Israeli vision in the occupied city, and tens of millions of dollars are being spent on this," he said. "But we try as much as possible to enlighten the Jerusalemites of the seriousness of the UAE and Saudi role in Jerusalem."

"The occupation is trying to dominate the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The excavations under the mosque are only known by the Israelis themselves, but what is happening is very worrying and the indicators clearly indicate the seriousness of what is going on underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

He also pointed out that the Israeli military establishment has begun to promote a new and more dangerous proposition than the temporal and spatial division of the mosque of the Muslims and the Dome of the Rock to the Jews, with the Jews rebuilding their alleged temple at the Dome of the Rock mosque.
The Islamic Movement in Israel has been in the forefront of inciting Muslims against Jews with lies and antisemitism like this for years.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

MEMRI: Fatah And Palestinian Authority Headed By Mahmoud 'Abbas Praise Terrorists And Their Families, Provide Housing For Families Of Martyrs
In the past few months, Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah officials, headed by PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas, have continued to hold events and receptions honoring terrorists who carried out attacks, including against Israeli civilians, primarily during the period of the Second Intifada. These activities have included meetings with released prisoners, awards and decorations for prisoners' and martyrs' families, praise for the mothers of terrorists and martyrs, condolence calls to the families of terrorists, participation in ceremonies in memory of martyrs, and more.

This report will present examples from the recent months of PA and Fatah support, both institutional and moral, for terrorists and for the armed struggle against Israel.

'Abbas: The Martyrs And Prisoners Are 'Stars In The Sky Of The Palestinian People's Struggle'; We Will Continue To Compensate Their Families

In recent months, PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas frequently participated in events at which he expressed support for prisoners and martyrs. On July 23, 2018, at a Ramallah ceremony honoring Palestinian prisoners and martyrs, during which he awarded medals to the families of the martyred prisoners and to released prisoners, he referred to the martyrs and prisoners as "pioneers" and "stars in the sky of the Palestinian people's struggle" who "have a top priority in everything," and stated that the payments to them and to their families would continue. He said: "We will neither reduce nor withhold the allowances of the families of martyrs, prisoners, and released prisoners, as some want [us to do]; if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners."[1] Fatah Central Committee Secretary-General Jibril Rajoub described the prisoners as the sector "that has been the most important and vital in confronting the occupation for the past 51 years."[2]

Fatah, Headed By Mahmoud 'Abbas, Fetes Released Prisoners, Including One Responsible For Shootings, Suicide Attack During Second Intifada

On April 23, 2018 'Abbas met with a group of released prisoners who had been incarcerated in Israeli prisons for 15 years or more. One of them was Rafat Al-Jawabra, a former commander in Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, in Bethlehem, who was responsible for a series of shootings and for a suicide attack in the Jewish settlement of Efrat during the Second Intifada. Al-Jawabra was jailed in 2002, and was released in late 2017 after serving a 15-year sentence. Following his release, Mahmoud 'Abbas and Fatah held a festive reception for Al-Jawabra who, while still in prison, was elected to head the local council of the West Bank village of Al-Doha.[3] During the reception, 'Abbas congratulated the released prisoners, saying that "the problem of the prisoners is the problem of the entire Palestinian people... The subject of the prisoners is a top priority for the Palestinian leadership, which invests every possible effort with international organizations and institutions and with the international community in order to ensure their release from the prisons of the Israeli occupation so that they will participate in the building of the independent Palestinian state whose capital is East Jerusalem."[4]
PMW: New Head of PLO Commission of Prisoners visits notorious Terror–Mom
The new PLO Commissioner of Prisoners' Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, is following in the footsteps of his predecessor.

The head of the commission is directly responsible to ensure that the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners receive the monthly salaries prescribed by the 2004 PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners and the ensuing regulations.

According to the Facebook post, while visiting released prisoners, Abu Baker said:
"[T]he Palestinian leadership - led by [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and [PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah - will make every effort for the prisoners, the released prisoners, and their families... we must not give in to the American and Israeli pressure on all that is connected to the salaries of the Martyrs and the prisoners."
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs, Aug. 19, 2018]

The post also mentioned that Abu Bakr paid a special visit to infamous Terror-Mom Latifa Abu Hmeid.

Abu Hmeid has 6 terrorist sons currently in prison. 4 of her sons were convicted of multiple counts of murder and each are serving several life sentences. A fifth son was recently arrested and indicted for the murder of Staff Sergeant Ronen Lyubarski. The sixth son is being held in administrative detention. In addition, a seventh son of Abu Hmeid was killed in an attempt to arrest him after he murdered an Israeli.
Official PA media is not free and is part of the "struggle"

JCPA: The Jews Are the "Kurds" of the Palestinians
The struggle in Syria is between two all-embracing outlooks - the pan-Arab one and the pan-Islamic one. Pan-Arabism is represented by the ruling Baath party headed by Bashar al-Assad, while pan-Islamism is represented by the groups fighting in the name of Islam. These are two absolute ideological positions; they inherently reject compromise and engage in total war while thoroughly negating the other.
The pan-Arab stance in Syria could not accept Kurdish nationalism. The Kurds had either to be Arabs or not be at all. Because they insisted on not being Arabs, their Syrian citizenship was revoked.

Seen in this light, the Jews are the "Kurds" of the Palestinians. The Palestinian attitude toward the Jews is one of total rejection. That is why they are not prepared to recognize Jewish nationalism, deny that we have any connection to Jerusalem, assert that the Temple did not exist and was never built, and proclaim that Jesus was a Palestinian. The Palestinians see themselves as part of pan-Arabism and their role is to liberate their sector as part of the overall pan-Arab struggle.

The current Palestinian demand for recognition as an independent state is inauthentic. The Palestinian National Charter does not include a single article calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The first article states: "Palestine indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation."

The struggle between Fatah and Hamas, which is grounded in the Muslim Brotherhood movement, is simply part of the struggle between pan-Arabism and pan-Islamism.

Nasser Laham, editor-in-chief of the Ma'an news agency, which represents the mainstream of the Palestinian Authority, said in January: "It is forbidden for us to make the slightest concession, we want all of Palestine....We will fight until America is defeated, until Israel is defeated." Laham is not expressing an extreme position but the mainstream Palestinian position.

  • Wednesday, August 22, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tweet:

The BDS movement tweeted this as a victory.
But according to the tweet the European Association of Social Anthropologists, all they agreed upon was to not cooperate with "Israeli  institutions established in occupied West Bank" - not an academic boycott of Israel, as BDS insists upon.

Which means that practically it is a boycott of a single Israeli university, Ariel University, which indeed has a sociology and anthropology department. 

But is Ariel University "segregatory?" Not at all. It has Arab Israeli students and it would welcome Palestinian Arab students as well - but the PA forbids them to go there.

I couldn't find the exact text of the motion, so I can't say much more about it. But I think it is far less than the BDSers are pretending it is. Not that it is horrific for any academic group to knowingly institute a boycott on any university, violating all academic principles and standards on freedom of expression.

There are 14 Israeli members of the EASA. And one person who identifies as Palestinian, who may have Israeli citizenship.

(h/t Andrew)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, August 22, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Wikipedia describes Muslim slaughter, and it sounds a lot like Jewish rules for slaughtering animals:

According to Islamic tradition, the animal is brought to the place of slaughter and laid down gently so as to not injure it. It is Sunnah but not Fard that the head of the animal be facing the Qiblah. The blade must be kept hidden until the very last moment while the jugular of the animal is felt. The conventional method used to slaughter the animal involves cutting the large arteries in the neck along with the esophagus and trachea with one swipe of a non-serrated blade. Care must be taken that the nervous system is not damaged, as this may cause the animal to die before exsanguination has taken place. During the swipe of the blade, the head must not be decapitated. While blood is draining, the animal is not handled until it has died.

So why do we see videos every 'Eid showing people violate these laws completely in the streets? Here's one horrific slaughter that happened in Gaza yesterday, showing a man repeatedly stabbing a frightened cow in the neck, over and over again, while it slowly bleeds to death.

We've seen dozens of equally horrific 'Eid videos before.

And it isn't only Gaza - there are lots of videos from all over the Muslim world showing people in the streets publicly torturing animals,all in seeming violation of Islamic law.

Sometimes, PETA will come out with a condemnation. But if Muslims are serious about Islamic law, then where are the condemnations from Muslim leaders over this barbaric practice that is seen year after year?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, August 22, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Roger Waters wrote an open letter to Lana Del Rey about her upcoming performance in Israel, and his main reason for her to cancel is based on a combination of half-truths and a major lie.

Dear Lana Del Rey
I have been reading your comments on Twitter, maybe I can help clear a couple of things up. Palestine is a unique situation in that the BDS picket line exists at the request of Palestine civil society as a whole. To respect it as I, and many others do, is a political act of support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for basic human rights. To cross it, conversely, is a political act in support of the apartheid state that would deny them those basic human rights. Even if in your heart of hearts you believe yourself to be neutral. As Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu rightly says, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” I implore you, and any other act considering crossing the picket line, to perform at the Meteor Festival to consider long and hard, I have no doubt the Israeli promoters are paying top dollar, they are well known for that, but is the price worth passing up your moment on the road to Damascus and abandoning your Palestinian brothers and sisters to their fate in their hour of need ?

His argument comes down to the idea that performing in Israel is akin to crossing a picket line that ordinary Palestinians support.

This is a lie.

Waters writes that "the BDS picket line exists at the request of Palestine civil society as a whole." But when BDS advocates say "Palestinian civil society" they are not referring to ordinary Palestinians. They are referring to a bunch of NGOs and labor unions that signed the original BDS letter.

Some of these NGOs seem to have only one person. Some are based outside of the territories. For example, the contact page for the Canadian Palestine Foundation of Quebec, one of the supposed "Palestinian civil society" signatories, has only a single cell phone number. Not a single name is listed on the website.

"Palestinian civil society" is an artificial construct, made up of unelected, self-proclaimed "leaders" whose hate for Israel often supersedes their support for Palestinians. One apparent example is the Prisoner's Friends Association – Ansar Al-Sajeen, which is an Iranian Shi'a prisoner support organization in Gaza that is related to Hezbollah terrorists.

The lies don't end there. Because the original boycott call didn't come from "Palestinian civil society" but from Western haters of Israel, who came up with the entire idea of boycotting and divesting from Israel in the wake of the infamous Durban conference and who then convinced the Palestinian NGOs to appear to be on board with what is effectively a non-Palestinian movement.

But there is a more fundamental lie.

The biggest lie of all is that ordinary Palestinians want to boycott Israel. They don't. On the contrary - polls show that a significant majority want more jobs in Israel and more investment from Israeli companies in the territories. If Waters cared about Palestinians, he should listen to what real Palestinians want, not what a few cherry picked organizations were told to sign by Waters' Israel-hating Western buddies. Waters would encourage Israeli companies to open more factories to employ Palestinians like SodaStream used to, not less - because this is what Palestinians want!

Waters' concern for Palestinians is paper-thin. All he really cares about is demonizing Israel. His statement that "I have no doubt the Israeli promoters are paying top dollar, they are well known for that" is borderline antisemitic - the only reason any promoter would pay anything is because the fans want to see the artist and are willing to pay for tickets, not because Jews are rich. And he doesn't say a word when stars like Del Rey play in Lebanon, a country whose very laws are discriminatory against Palestinians and where Palestinians are in worse shape than in Gaza.

Just this one paragraph proves, yet again, that Roger Waters is a hypocrite whose hate for the Jewish state is far greater than any concern he has for the lives of Palestinians or anyone else.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

From Ian:

PMW: Official PA media is a propaganda machine
Official PA media is a propaganda machine in the "struggle" against the State of Israel, say the heads of official PA media. What this means in practice is that the role of PA media is not to objectively "report," but literally to "create" the story.

Palestinian Media Watch has asserted for years that the official PA media is completely controlled by the leadership. As such, all the official PA media lies and libels, glorification of terror and terrorists, and presentation of a world in which Israel does not exist and has been replaced by "Palestine" - all this must be recognized as PA leadership messages.

Two recent statements on official PA TV about its own role confirm PMW's assertions. PA TV hosted the Programs Division Director of official PA TV, Nizar Al-Ghoul, who explained that PA TV was not merely for entertainment but was a central part of the "struggle". He pointed out that Ahmad Assaf, the head of all official PA media and an Abbas appointee, "would follow everything small and large, direct every assignment, and follow the details. He surprises you when he calls you to ask about a tiny detail in some program."

In a different interview the director general of PA TV Khaled Sukkar explained that PA TV "is not a neutral media outlet; it is a media outlet with a national cause." And therefore, he explained, the role of PA media "is not to report... [it] is to create the news item and so that others convey that news item, because you have the ability to convey the message. In the end it is your narrative."
Democrats Are Fielding Even More Anti-Semitic Candidates For Congress
It Gets Way Crazier

Lastly, there is Leslie Cockburn, the Democratic nominee in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. The Virginia GOP has accused her of being a “virulent anti-Semite,” based on her-coauthorship of “Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship,” a book that “advocated for the inherently anti-Semitic belief that Israel controls America’s foreign policy.”

The Virginia GOP quoted from The New York Times review of the book: “Its first message is that, win or lose, smart or dumb, right or wrong, suave or boorish, Israelis are a menace. The second is that the Israeli-American connection is somewhere behind just about everything that ails us.”

The press release also cited the Commentary review, which catalogs some of the book’s bizarre claims:

According to this book, Stalin himself may have been goaded into the cold war by Israel’s use of Soviet and Czechoslovak Jews for espionage. In 1967, Israel plainly hoodwinked Nasser into words and deeds that lent cover to Israel’s own premeditated seizure of Arab lands. In 1990-91, Saddam Hussein started the Gulf War not out of any desire for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia but because of his belief in ‘a conspiracy between Israel and the U.S. to attack him’—a belief that this book says is ‘correct.’ And then there is Israel’s culpability for Idi Amin, Mobutu, Noriega, the plight of the Kurds, the suffering of Guatemalans, and much, much more.

The Republicans omitted the Los Angeles Times review, which mentions some of these claims before adding: “Many of the book’s boldest assertions, however, are supported by little more than unfriendly speculation: that secrets obtained by Israel’s spy in Washington, Jonathan Pollard, were passed on to the Soviets; that the late extremist Meir Kahane planted bombs on Israeli government orders; that Israel has ‘seeded’ the Golan Heights with nuclear land mines.”

All four of these candidates may join the Democratic Caucus, perhaps even a majority, in the 116th Congress. DSA celebrity Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is almost certain to be there, has remained silent on the BDS issue, and the media generally seems uninterested in getting an answer. Also, there will almost certainly be returning incumbents who retain political relationships with Farrakhan.

Americans look at British politics and wonder how the Labour Party came under the thrall of someone with the anti-Semitic views of Jeremy Corbyn. One reason is that anti-Semitism seems to be a successful political strategy among a swath of the left.

Another reason is that so many other people looked the other way while it was happening. Now that we’ve seen it happen in the United Kingdom, there will be far less excuse for us to be surprised if and when it happens here.

Why Your 2018 Midterm Vote Is Crucial For America AND Israel
You should also consider which party supports Israel, our number one ally in the middle east. In 2008 this site suggested that a Barack Obama presidency would be the most anti-Israel in history, that prediction was correct. In 2016 we predicted that the Trump Administration would be very pro-Israel, also accurate. Today the forecast is the loss of a Republican majority in Congress will harm Trump’s ability to maintain his pro-Israel policies, he will have too many other priorities, such as fighting for the economy and possibly fighting impeachment.

If you are a supporter of Israel before you vote, remember how the party has moved away from Israel in its 2012 and 2016 platforms. Remember how the deputy chairman of the party is Keith Ellison, a student of Louis Farrakhan. Remember the twenty-one other Democratic members of Congress in the Congressional Black Caucus who hid their association with Farrakhan. Remember how Democrats such as Kirstin Gillibrand and NY Governor Chris Cuomo demonstrated their support of anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, or how Democrats fawned over Al Sharpton who led two anti-Semitic pogroms in New York City at his 60th birthday gala. It was attended by Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Jerold Nadler. Remember how the Democratic Party voted for the Iran Deal, and how Obama trashed Israel with a vote at the UN days before he was to leave office. Remember to ignore the leadership of Jewish Organizations such as the ADL, and the AJC who knew about Obama’s plans to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel but remained silent, proving their primary loyalty is to the Democratic Party.

Understand that as the Democratic party moves leftward, they are becoming even more anti-Israel.

And remember that over thirty years ago Secretary of State James Baker said: “F**k the Jews they won’t vote for us anyway.” But because of most American Jews’ blind Democratic Party loyalty no matter what– the Democratic Party attitude today is “F**k the Jews they will vote for us whatever we do!”

And as the party moves leftward and becomes more anti-Israel and anti-faith, Jews who support the Jewish state have to move on from the Democratic party that continues to take them for granted.

Seventy-eight days, time to think about the future, it is essential for America and for Israel.

  • Tuesday, August 21, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Felesteen:

The meat is shaped like a map of the Muslim Middle East, and Uncle Sam is asking Bibi, "Which part do you want?"

The cartoon was specifically created for Eid al-Adha, when people "sacrifice" cattle and eat their meat.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, August 21, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
This throwaway line in a Haaretz article by Odeh Bisharat mentions an old Arabic expression:

Perhaps one might whisper in opposition leader Tzipi Livni’s ear that before she tries to explain to us why she didn’t attend the demonstration against the nation-state law organized by the Arab community’s Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, while adding that only if a long list of conditions were met would she condescend, of her great goodwill, to attend, she ought to say who even invited her. How do the Arabs phrase it – she’s like “a beggar who also sets conditions.”
A page about Arabic proverbs discusses this expression and similar ones:

مقدي وخنجرة بحزامة beggars can't be choosers
I found a very interesting thread on wordreference giving Arabic equivalents for the English proverb "beggars can't be choosers". This Iraqi version is my favorite:

  مقدي وخنجرة بحزامة
(muqadi wakhanajara bihazaama)
Literal meaning: a beggar with a dagger in his belt.
Meaning: describes someone who tries to get his own way when he doesn't really have a choice.

Unlike the English proverb, most of  these Arabic proverbs describe behavior: طرّار و يتشرّط (Tarraar wiyitsharraT), "a beggar and he sets conditions" (Saudi);  شحات ونزهي (shaHaat wiyinazee) "a beggar but acting like a rich man." (Egyptian); شحات وعايز رغيف shaHaat wi'aayiz righeef -- a beggar and he wants a (whole) loaf (Egyptian).

Exactly how would one describe a Palestinian leadership that has no land, no state, living under what they call occupation, who are nonetheless insisting that they have veto power over every aspect of every peace plan? Who refuse to even come to the table to discuss any peace plan which would force them to compromise in any way?

The phrase “a beggar who also sets conditions" and  "a beggar and he wants a (whole) loaf"  describes the Palestinian leadership perfectly.

I wonder if any Arab leader or pundit ever applied this to them.

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From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Hamas-Israel Ceasefire Talks Show Peace Impossible
Hamas-ruled Gaza is what a Palestinian state looks like. It is what a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria would look like if any U.S. or other peace proposal that requires Israel to transfer control over the areas to the PA/Fatah is implemented.

The Palestinians – as a people – are not interested in establishing an independent state. They are committed to annihilating Israel. This is why all of their political factions are terror groups. That’s why one of Abbas’s possible successors is in prison for five counts of terrorist murder and the other has called for Israel to be wiped out with nuclear weapons.

This is why, in a bid to shore up popular support for Fatah, Abbas is calling for a renewal of terror attacks against Israel. And this is why Hamas, whose record is one unblemished by phony peace processes with Israel, is more respected and trusted by the Palestinians in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

Last week, Trump’s top advisors on the Palestinian conflict with Israel, Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley,, and Ambassador to Israel David Friedman issued a statement on their much touted plan.

“No one will be fully pleased with our proposal, but that’s the way it must be if real peace is to be achieved. Peace can only succeed if it is based on realities,” it read.

While it is true that peace can succeed only if it is based on reality, it is also true that there is no realistic prospect for peace. Hamas’s terror state in Gaza is the apotheosis of Palestinian aspirations. This is what the Palestinians seek to build in Judea and Samaria and, in due course, this is what they want all of Israel to become.

Under the circumstances, the Trump administration has a choice to make. Does it want Judea and Samaria to look like Gaza? Or does it want Judea and Samaria to look like Israel? The ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel are proof that there is no third option.

Peter Lerner: The U.N.'s Insanity on Gaza
"The saying that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results' has been attributed to several people over the years, including Albert Einstein. Now, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' latest report on the spectrum of options to help protect Palestinians seems like a perfect illustration of that statement.
Over the years the Palestinians have been one of the major recipients of international aid; indeed, it has been argued that the Palestinians receive one of the highest levels of aid in the world.
Needless to say, all the international organizations act as advocates for the Palestinians, and are extremely visible, despite what the UN chief may say.

The idea of civilian observers is also not new in our region. In Hebron, after the 1994 massacre of Palestinians by Baruch Goldstein, a Temporary International Presence in Hebron was established to guarantee the safety and protection of Palestinian civilians. Its mandate was revised over the years and its current one was determined in the Hebron Agreement in 1997, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The force was established to guarantee the safety and protection of Palestinian civilians, the same logic and goals as the one the UN is now suggesting for Gaza. The problems of the one-sided mandate of such organizations can be clearly seen following the recent reports of a TIPH observer slashing tires of an Israeli vehicle, or a video that circulated of an observer slapping an Israeli settler child.

Finally, the idea of a UN military or police force to deter or protect civilians is useless in the Palestinian arena due to the already highly politicized reality. Israel has learned that it cannot depend on international forces like UNIFIL and UNDOF for its security concerns. When things get tough, these forces seem to only focus on Israeli violations, repeatedly failing to gain Israel's faith or confidence in their contribution..."
Abbas's Responsibility for Gaza Crisis
In a letter to the UN Secretary-General, Mahmoud Abbas's Foreign Ministry accused Israel of committing "crimes" against Palestinians civilians, especially in the Gaza Strip, and renewed the call for providing "international protection" for the Palestinians.

This is the same Abbas whose sanctions have triggered the recent violence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel. If anyone needs "international protection," it is those protesters who are being targeted by Abbas's security forces in the West Bank.

Abbas is especially worried that the international community will be funding economic and humanitarian projects in the Gaza Strip behind his back. He wants the money to be spent through his government. He wants to control every penny the international community earmarks for the welfare of his people.

What exactly does Abbas want? He wants the people of the Gaza Strip to continue protesting so that he will be able to continue to demonize Israel.

According to Hamas, terrorism is not just a means -- it is a right.

Saleh Armouti, an MP in Jordan's House of Representatives last year, went a step further, claiming that the UN supported armed resistance, in general -- and terrorist attacks in particular:

[It was] the legitimate right of the liberated prisoner Ahlam Tamimi [to] resist the occupier, as the United Nations laws stipulate the right to self-determination, as ruled [by] international legitimacy [as] the right to resist the occupation.
Tamimi is the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre that murdered 15 civilians (including 7 children and a pregnant woman) and wounded 130.

Is it actually possible that the United Nations, which is supposed to be an agent for world peace, actually recognizes the right to blow people up?

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;
The phrase "armed struggle" is repeatedly used in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter, a copy of which is conveniently carried on the UN website.

In 1978, the UN General Assembly went further. "Armed struggle" was not just one option included among others, but that it was a particular option to be used. Also, in 1978 the word "occupation" was used - a word that was not used at all in the 1974 resolution.

And if the Palestinian goal in that struggle was not clear, in 1980, Israel circulated a copy of the “political programme” of Fatah, which uses the term "armed struggle" and "armed revolution" -- with the specific goal of "the liquidation of the Zionist entity" mentioned 3 times.

The ambivalence the UN has with the whole idea of "armed struggle" is revealed in a UN press release in 2005 which noted the difficulty it was having with what qualified as terrorism and what would be exempted. Among the disagreements was "whether the exemption should also cover armed resistance groups involved in struggles against colonial domination and foreign occupation."

Last year, I wrote about how not only was this adoption of "armed struggle" antithetical to the UN Charter but that the idea of Jews - indigenous to the land and predating the Arab colonization by over a millennium - being colonial and alien is absurd.

But here is another angle.

It is popular to point out the obligations of an occupying power.
But what about the obligations of the people who are claimed to be occupied?

In his book, The International Law of Belligerent Occupation,Yoram Dinstein writes:
There is a widespread conviction that the civilian population in an occupied territory has a right to forcibly resist the Occupying Power. This is a misconception that must be dispelled. In reality, LOIAC [Law of International Armed Conflict] allows civilians 'neither to violently resist occupation of their territory by the enemy, nor to try to liberate that territory by violent means'. As a Netherlands Special Court pronounced in the 1948 Christiansen trial:
the civilian population, if it considers itself justified in committing acts of resistance, must know that, in general, counter-measures within the limits set by international law may be taken against them with impunity. [emphasis added]
Dinstein did not make this up.

The italicized text above refers to "How Does Law Protect in War?", Volume 1: Outline of International Humanitarian Law, published by the International Red Cross:

From the point of view of IHL [International Humanitarian Law], civilians in occupied territories deserve and need particularly detailed protecting rules. Living on their own territory, they come into contact with the enemy independently of their will, merely because of the armed conflict in which the enemy obtains territorial control over the place where they live. The civilians have no obligation towards the occupying power other than the obligation inherent in their civilian status, i.e., not to participate in hostilities. Because of that obligation, IHL allows them neither to violently resist occupation of their territory by the enemy nor to try to liberate that territory by violent means. (Part 1, Chapter 8:IV)

The rules that apply to an occupying power appear counter-intuitive, unless you take into account that international law is taking the long view, namely not to jeopardize a potential return to the status quo:
[The occupying power's] legitimate interest is to control the territory for the duration of the occupation, i.e., until the territory is liberated by the former sovereign or transferred to the sovereignty of the occupying power under a peace treaty. IHL is neutral on jus ad bellum issues [whether a war is just] and shows no preference for either solution, but international law tries to ensure that no measures are taken during the occupation which would compromise a return to the former sovereign. [emphasis added]

Even if one were to argue that Gaza and the West Bank were occupied, the fact is that in accordance with UN Resolution 242, Israel committed itself to return territories - though not all territory won in 1967 - in accordance with its security needs, and has done so.
There are legal grounds - based on precedent - for saying that Gaza, in fact, is not occupied.

Similarly, the existence of a Palestinian Arab government in control of the West Bank, as detailed in Oslo II Articles XVII-XXI supports the claim that it is not under occupation either.

As for Israel itself, the Hamas claim that Israel is occupied "Palestinian" land is refuted by the fact that Jews have lived on the land uninterruptedly for over 3,000 years. Far from being a foreign, alien or colonial power (a term far more fitting the Muslims who invaded in the 7th century), it was the foreign Arabs from outside then-Palestine who chose to attack and lost - creating the issues that persist today.

Hamas terrorists are notoriously unreliable interpreters of international law.

Besides the fact that the idea of "armed struggle" adopted by the UN does not imply random attacks on unarmed civilians, the Geneva Convention makes clear that "the laws, rights, and duties of war apply not only to armies, but also to militia and volunteer corps fulfilling the following conditions:
1. To be commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;
2. To have a fixed distinctive emblem recognizable at a distance;
3. To carry arms openly; and
4. To conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

Endangering the lives of Gazans by using them as human shields while targeting unarmed Israeli civilians who are clearly not taking part in any hostilities is an obvious violation of international law, and proves the lie to Hamas claims of a right to "armed struggle" which clearly is nothing less than terrorism.

The fact the UN gives full-throated support to "armed struggle" but cannot see its way clear to delineate what is, and what is not, terrorism is an indictment of its corruption by undemocratic states and of how far it has drifted from the international law it claims to uphold.

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  • Tuesday, August 21, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.

In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests. 
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

I reiterate the call that I made before the Human Rights Council in 2017, that we must speak up for human rights in an impartial way, without double standards, not allowing them to be instrumentalized as a political tool, while upholding the rule of law and the need for justice and accountability. I call upon all Member States to work with me and with the parties to help them to secure their rights and to fulfil their obligations in full equality and humanity and in accordance with international law. 
(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, August 21, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Iran's Farsnews Arabic has an article onthe 49th anniversary of the 1969 Al Aqsa fire set by a crazed Christian, Denis Michael Rohan ,and - as is often the case - they call him a Zionist Jew "supported by Zionist gangs."

This article also claims that Israeli officials forcibly stopped Palestinians from putting out the fire, and that the Palestinians managed to put it out themselves against the wishes of Israeli officials hours later using buckets.

A similar article in English published last year by Middle East Monitor is equally dismissive of the facts:

Muslims and Christians alike rushed to the mosque to quell the flames, but Israeli occupation forces prevented their entry. After short but fierce clashes, they made their way into the Noble Sanctuary and started to tackle the fire. After the fire extinguishers failed to work, they looked for sources of water but found the pumps broken and the hoses cut. They banded together quickly to form a human chain and used buckets and other small containers to bring water to the building.

As fire trucks from the surrounding West Bank cities of Nablus, Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin and Tulkarem arrived, the Israeli occupation forces also prevented them from reaching the scene, claiming that it was the Jerusalem Municipality’s responsibility to handle the situation. The fire burned for hours with flames reaching the windows just below the dome, before the blaze was finally extinguished.

The suspicions that Israel was actively involved in planning and facilitating the arson attempt have never been disproved. Many also see the normalisation of Zionist intimidation, including Israel’s attempts to eradicate Palestinian heritage in the region, as the ultimate source of the mentality that led to this attack, and all others since.
The Arabic Wikipedia page on the fire also claims that Israel cut the water supply to fight the fire.

None of this is true. Here's an accurate account from YNet:

In a matter of minutes, hundreds of the old city's Muslim residents, including many children and teens, arrived at the temple mount. The masses of people began yelling and screaming, and whether intentional or not, interfered with the firefighters attempts to control the flames. The crowd managed to shut off the fire truck's water hoses. One individual went as far as breaking the only fire hydrant on the temple mount.

In a matter of minutes the six Jerusalem based fire trucks exhausted their water supplies, with the lack of immediate water sources at hand, the crews were forced to cease fighting the fires for a matter of time. As a result, the fire spread towards other wooden areas within the mosque.

Soon after the fire began spreading, the screams of the masses of Muslim worshippers reached a fever pitch, with some of the youths yelling curses against the "Jews who burned our shrine," while others yelled "Arab Palestine." At 8:30 AM a thunderous sound was heard from within the mosque, followed by a rising black cloud of smoke. A large portion of the wooden roof had collapsed as a result of the fire, falling onto the mosque floor. The crash led to yet another wave of hysterical screaming, as it was described, followed by a wave of pushing and violent outbursts.

The fury reached its peak when then Jerusalem mayor, Teddy Kollek entered the burning mosque. Police officers rushed to protect him from any possible injury, but where quickly repelled by the angry crowd, who began raising their fists to ward off the officers. Furious Muslim youths also managed to push high ranking military officials from the temple mount. The officers chose to not to push into the mount, preferring to leave through the Mugrahbi Bridge, and avoid sparking another outbreak of violence. Kollek followed the officers in leaving the compound. One of the officers barely managed to escape the wrath of an angry woman, who raised her shoe above her head, intending to hit the officer.

The firefighters finally managed to subdue the fire at 10 AM.
The crazed Muslim crowd ended up impeding firefighting efforts, and some of the damage to the mosque can be attributed to them.

The PA issued a statement saying that "the fire continues to this day against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem."

UPDATE: The official PLO webpage says explicitly that the arson was done by a Jew. Autotranslated:

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Monday, August 20, 2018

From Ian:

US PepsiCo to buy Israel’s SodaStream for $3.2 billion in cash
PepsiCo Inc., the US-based drinks, food, and snacks giant, is acquiring Israel’s SodaStream, a home seltzer machine company, for $3.2 billion in cash.

In a statement on Monday, the US company said it had acquired all of the outstanding shares of SodaStream for $144 per share in cash, a 32% premium on its 30-day volume weighted average price.

“PepsiCo and SodaStream are an inspired match,” PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi, who earlier this month said she plans to step down, said in a statement.

The Israeli company makes “great-tasting beverages” while reducing the amount of waste generated, she said. And this is aligned with PepsiCo’s philosophy of “making more nutritious products while limiting our environmental footprint,” added Nooyi.

The deal will enable PepsiCo to reach customers at home, rather than just at stores, CNBC reported, and comes as grocers are witnessing changes in purchasing trends, with more shoppers buying their products online.

“Today marks an important milestone in the SodaStream journey,” Daniel Birnbaum, the SodaStream CEO, said in the statement. “It is validation of our mission to bring healthy, convenient and environmentally friendly beverage solutions to consumers around the world.”

The SodaStream team will have access to PepsiCo’s capabilities and resources to take the firm to “the next level,” he said.
PepsiCo says SodaStream to stay local, as buzz builds around $3.2b ‘entrance’
At the start of a press conference held by SodaStream and PepsiCo in Tel Aviv on Monday, after the announcement of the US giant’s $3.2 billion cash acquisition of the Israeli home seltzer machine company, SodaStream’s CEO said he wanted to begin with a statement in Hebrew.

Daniel Birnbaum recounted the story of the Exodus, a ship that carried Jewish immigrants, most of whom were Holocaust survivors, from France to British Mandatory Palestine in 1947. They were sent back to Europe and some were killed after British soldiers boarded the ship, stopping their entry to Israel.

Twenty-two years later, Birnbaum’s father, Ervin, a Holocaust survivor from Czechoslovakia and one of the ship’s passengers, immigrated to Israel and settled in the Negev, in Sde Boker, with his wife.

“Who would have believed, father,” Birnbaum said, visibly moved, as he looked across the hall past the scribbling journalists to his two parents, proudly sitting in the audience, “that after the Holocaust and all that you went through, after you lost 30 members of your family, you got to enjoy this moment,” in which the “ashes of the Holocaust have been transformed into a moment of glory and pride” for his son and for Israel.
Five times SodaStream bubbled over in the headlines
SodaStream, the Israeli carbonated drink making company which was sold Monday to PepsiCo for $3.2 billion, hasn’t been a stranger to being in the headlines in recent years. Here are five instances when the company, and not its product, became the story.

1. Scarlett Johansson controversy
Scarlett Johansson, the A-level American actress signed on as a celebrity endorsement for SodaStream in 2014, appearing in a number of advertisements. However, she ran into some non-carbonated hot water when Oxfam, the food charity for which she served as global ambassador expressed its disapproval due to SodaStream’s main factory being situated in Mishor Adumim in the West Bank.

Johansson hit back by resigning from her Oxfam position and issuing a statement defending her role with SodaStream.

“While I never intended on being the face of any social or political movement, distinction, separation or stance as part of my affiliation with SodaStream, given the amount of noise surrounding that decision, I’d like to clear the air,” she said.

”I remain a supporter of economic cooperation and social interaction between a democratic Israel and Palestine. SodaStream is a company that is not only committed to the environment but to building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine, supporting neighbors working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma’aleh Adumim factory every working day.”

2. SodaStream at the Super Bowl
A TV ad for SodaStream with Scarlett Johansson was set to make a big splash on American TV during the airing of Super Bowl XLVIII in February 2014.

However, because the ad referred directly to the game’s main sponsors Coke and Pepsi by name, and in a critical fashion for creating unnecessary waste with their products, a decision was made to censor the ad.
Netanyahu praises Pepsi acquisition of SodaStream
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised the acquisition of Israeli company SodaStream for $3.2 billion by PepsiCo Monday.

"The recent major acquisitions of Israeli companies prove not only the technological capabilities that have been developed in Israel but the business capabilities as well," Netanyahu said. "I welcome this huge deal that will enrich the state treasury and also the important decision to keep the company in Israel."

PepsiCo, which produces not only Pepsi Cola but a wide range of snacks, beverages, and other food products ranging from Lipton Teas to Cheetos to Quaker brand oatmeal products, announced Monday morning its plans to acquire SodaStream at $144 a share – a 32% premium over SodaStream’s estimated stock value before the deal.

SodaStream, which was initially based in the town of Mishor Adumim, east of Jerusalem, relocated across the Green Line in 2015 to pre-1967 Israel following boycott threats, laying off some 500 Palestinian Authority residents it had employed.


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