Tuesday, October 10, 2017

From Ian:

IsraellyCool: Tablet Mag Goes Full Antisemite
With the news of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s fall from grace clogging the news cycle, it was only a matter of time before we would see antisemitic articles stressing the fact he is Jewish, and somehow connecting it to his despicable behavior.

And none is worse than this article from Neo Nazi site The Daily Stormer.

At first squint, Harvey Weinstein seems like a very familiar type. Isn’t he the old, same old, another rich, entitled, powerful man with a bad dye job abusing his might to coerce women into sex? Isn’t Harvey just like Roger Ailes, or Bill O’Reilly, or, for that matter, Bill Clinton? But look at the details of the case and you’ll see that the answer is no. Harvey is different. Harvey, sadly, is a deeply Jewish kind of pervert.

As despicable as you may find Ailes, O’Reilly, and the other grabby goyim, you’ll recognize their behavior fits a pattern as old as time itself, as trite as Fox’s complaints about the “war on Christmas”: Men crave sex, and the worst of them will obtain it by whatever means necessary. These despicable gents have power and influence, and they aren’t above promising a lucrative gig—or threatening to take it away—to get laid. In these transactions, women are nothing but objects, and any “consent” is just an illusion. Morally, the men are no better than the pimps who crowd into James Franco’s character’s bar on The Deuce, the new HBO show; psychologically, they are no more complex than the johns. Cash in, cum out. The women are collateral damage.

Only it was not really from The Daily Stormer. It is from Tablet Mag, an American-Jewish publication.

What makes this even more infuriating is I have always found Tablet to be proudly Jewish. We are not speaking about the Jewish Forward or Ha’aretz here, which are constantly providing grist for the antisemites’ mill. In fact, one of its writers, Yair Rosenberg, constantly writes about antisemitism and describes himself on Twitter as a “troller of Nazis.”

This article will no doubt be spread far and wide by the same Jew haters Yair Rosenberg likes to write about and troll. I call on the managing editor of Tablet to remove the article immediately and issue an apology to its readers and Jews everywhere.
Shmuley Boteach: A shameful attack on Elie Wiesel
Quite a few questions arise from Ron Rosenbaum’s twisted and shameful attack in Tablet magazine on Elie Wiesel, the most famous Holocaust survivor.

First, what was the motive of the magazine’s editors in publishing the piece? It would be one thing if the column was of high literary quality and rhetorical merit.

But endless repetition alone demonstrates how this was a thoughtless hit piece, designed to disparage Wiesel in the most degrading way possible. How many times do we have to hear Rosenbaum’s description of Wiesel as “a golem of grief,” a man with “eyes circled in gloomy Dantean darkness, the Man in Black, the Johnny Cash of the death camps,” or read about Wiesel’s endless “cloud of gloom.”

We get it Ron. You believe that one of the most revered personalities of the 20th century and the man whom President Obama – whom you claim to have supported – called the “conscience of the world,” was a charlatan who utilized a melancholic affectation to increase stature. And my, aren’t you clever with all your colorful descriptions.

The second question is why Rosenbaum decided to even write his piece, given how much he insists Wiesel doesn’t matter. Rosenbaum’s column hammers home how much Wiesel “had passed his moment of real relevance,” “fewer paid attention to his stoic mien,” adding, “He was no Simon Wiesenthal.”

A Misleading Picture of Today’s Anti-Semitism
There is an article running in this month's issue of JLife (Orange County Jewish Life) by Lisa Armony, who is the director of the Rose Project, a financial arm of the Jewish Federation and Family Services of Orange County (California). It is entitled, Anti-Semitism in Charlottesville. Beginning with the recent incident in Charlottesville, Armony gives us a recitation of the history of anti-semitism in the 20th century. It is not what is in Armony's article that I take issue with. It is what is not in the article.

I do not dispute the facts of what Armony writes. Furthermore, I have no intention whatsoever of coming to the defense of people like Richard Spencer, David Duke, the KKK or neo-Nazis. They are all despicable and should be rejected by every decent American. However, there is a glaring omission here. Armony fails to write one single word about Islamic anti-semitism and the role it plays in today's anti-semitism. I happen to know Ms. Armony, and I have personally told her what I write below. In fact, we had a conversation last January at the Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach when that synagogue hosted an interfaith event dedicated to fighting racism, anti-semitism and Islamophobia. The event was dedicated almost as much to bashing President Trump, his supporters, and the alt-right. Here is what I wrote about the event at the time.

As laid out in the above link, Ms Armony refused to present my written question to the panel during Q and A. The question asked who was responsible for anti-semitism at UC Irvine, where I formerly taught part-time. The correct answer would have been Students for Justice in Palestine, the Muslim Student Union and their invited speakers over the past several years. Indeed, it is the pro-Palestinian lobby on college campuses all over the US which has made campus life an unpleasant experience for so many Jewish students. Though not Jewish myself, I have seen it first-hand and have spoken out about it for some ten years. When the above meeting was ended, I made it clear to Ms. Armony that the worst purveyors of anti-semitism today are not neo-Nazis or skin-heads; rather it is Muslims (not all, of course). Armony told me that this was not the time or place to bring that up. Of course not. Present at the event were some prominent Muslim leaders from Orange Country including Imam Muzammil Siddiqi, who, in recent years, has lent out his Islamic Center of Orange County for Muslim students from UC Irvine to assemble their mock "apartheid wall" for display at UCI during the annual anti-Israel week of events every May, a most inconvenient fact, which I brought to his (and everyone else's) attention during a followup event at UCI featuring many of the same people.

Smack dab in the middle of Yom Kippur, my left eye decides to let me know it is not at all happy. Of a sudden, it hurts.

It hurts bad.

Would I go to our local emergency treatment center or tough it out?

I tough it out.

That night, I make the first possible appointment with the eye doctor. The appointment is two days away, first thing in the morning. I am resigned to the idea that this is, after all, my eye, and cannot be ignored. Even though it is that crazy period between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, a whirlwind of work, building, shopping, and cooking.

My husband is able to give me a lift to town, a mercy, since this cuts my travel time in half. Not yet caffeinated, I load myself into the car and find my photosensitive eyes assaulted by the bright morning sun. The car's sun visor not being nearly enough, I fold a tissue into the top of my eyeglasses so that I resemble a Muslim woman, my face all covered up. My son, in the backseat, is mortified. Someone might see!

"Put on your sunglasses," he cries.

Well, okay. I can do that. Sleepily, I dig into my purse, locate my sunglasses, slip off my glasses, and put on my shades. Ahhh. Much better. Even if I can no longer see anything, since my sunglasses are not prescription sunglasses and I'm unfortunately myopic (not as a blogger, of course!).

My eyeglasses are now resting in my lap. I kind of know I will forget they are there. It's the nature of the beast. I hope I won't.

But I do.

What happens next is this: we are held up by traffic and I am definitely going to be late for my doctor's appointment. I am upset. My husband and son assure me the doctor is stuck in the same traffic jam, not to worry.

I call the medical center and explain, and the staff confirms that the doctor and nurses have not yet arrived.

Phew. A relief.

Still, I am super nervous about losing that appointment, and as my husband pulls up to the curb, I already have my hand on the door handle, ready to push down and fly out of the car to race my way over to the medical center. Which I do.
I am halfway up the street when I realize, "My glasses!"

I run back down to the curb, looking up and down the sidewalks, the sparse city greenery, beneath the parked cars, out onto the street. But I cannot see my glasses anywhere.

Had I slipped them into my bag and forgotten? Had they slid off my lap into the recesses of my husband's car? I race to my appointment, while simultaneously rummaging through my bag and leaving a Whatsapp voice recording for my husband and son to check the car.

I pay for my appointment on one floor, then wait on another for the doctor, imagining my glasses being ground into dust as a million cars roll over them. Another expense, replacing those spectacles, and with the holidays already so costly. I am upset with myself. 

My son messages me that the glasses are not in the car, that I should go knock on doors, look on a ledge for them. I barely register the words. I can't go anywhere. I am stuck at the medical center, awaiting my turn for the doctor.

I continue rummaging through my bag, explaining to the only other person in the waiting room, a tired, careworn woman, that I have lost my eyeglasses. She calls out suggestions where I might look. She is kind.

My glasses are not anywhere in my handbag.

The doctor calls me in. I tried to concentrate on what he says about my eyes and the complicated treatment plan he prescribes. He hands me various papers listing things I must buy and the instructions for their use.

I run down to the bottom floor pharmacy, grab a number, and wait my turn, drumming my fingers, impatient to go seek out my lost eyeglasses. My number is called after 20 minutes. 

The pharmacist looks at the papers, sighs, and apologizes. The doctor had used the wrong form. I have to go back up and get him to make out a new prescription. Apparently, he'd done this before.

Many times.

I run upstairs, still hoping to finish up quickly so I might go search for my glasses. Panting, I reach the doctor's office, and the door is closed. That means someone is inside. By now, many patients are waiting for him in the waiting room.

I explain about my prescription to the room at large and all the people are nice, saying I can go in ahead of them. The door opens. I hasten inside. Explain the mistake, what I need from him.

The doctor is annoyed. "Look," he says, pointing to the blank lines for name and date. "They won't take the prescription because you haven't filled in your name and date."

"No," say I. "They won't honor the prescription because it isn't the form used by this HMO."

He argues. I am firm. He begins to shout.

In English he says. "Fill it in! I will go with you DOWN."

"No. They aren't going to take it. It's the wrong fo--"

"I will go with you DOWN!"

I look at him, hold his gaze. He looks back at me; a staring contest.

He breaks first, swiveling in his chair to face the keyboard, where he might type out the proper prescription, as he should have done in the first place. 

The printer spits out my prescription, and the doctor applies his stamper to the paper with some (angry) force. I jump and stammer, "It's not MY fault!" and then too worried about my glasses to wait for the elevator, I race down four flights of stairs, back to the pharmacy.

I catch the pharmacist's eye and she indicates that as soon as she finishes up with her customer, I can cut in. I get the stink eye from everyone waiting there. They urge me to take a number. I explain the business with the wrong prescription. They pretend they don't hear or understand.

All this time, throughout my doctor's appointment, through the wait for the pharmacist, a second wait for the doctor and then for the pharmacist again, my husband and son are messaging me on Whatsapp with advice about where to hunt my glasses.

The pharmacist finishes with her client. I race to the counter, squabble with someone whose number has come up at the same time, the pharmacist backing me so the stalemate is broken.

At last, my prescriptions filled, I race back to the spot where my husband had dropped me off what now seems like hours ago, perusing every nook and cranny of the street and sidewalk and peering into shrubs.

I go into the closest apartment building, my husband having suggested someone might have seen the glasses and brought them into their home or office. That residential building on a weekday morning on a busy Jerusalem street is like a ghost town. Empty, dark, dank, and dusty.

I sigh. No point even knocking.

I come back out, look all around. My glasses are nowhere. Near tears, I give up, and look for a place to rest my handbag, so I can dig out my sunglasses for the walk to the bus station.

I see a ledge and make to set my handbag there. As I lower my purse to the ledge, I realize I am about to crush my glasses

They are right there on the ledge. Right in the place where I'd been about to place my bag.

I am astonished, jubilant! I pick up my glasses to look them over. They are completely unharmed. I slip them back onto my ears and nose, where they belong.

Someone had seen my glasses on the ground, picked them up, and placed them on the closest ledge, out of harm's way, knowing that the owner would be sure to return to the area to look for them.

It is an Israeli thing, the ledge as lost and found.

In Israel, ledges are the homes of lost yarmulkes of all colors and fabrics, be they colorfully embroidered, crocheted, or plain black satin. Ledges are the homes of pink barrettes and small precious toys, pacifiers or even a shirt carelessly slipped off before a pick-up game, forgotten and left behind. In Israel, ledges are homes to lost items and stale bread, since a ledge is also the place where a Jerusalem pigeon might find something good to eat, it being a sin to toss bread into the garbage.

My glasses had been out in plain view all along, there on that ledge. And even if they hadn't been out in plain view, the first thing my husband and son had said to me over that protracted Whatsapp correspondence was: check the ledges.

But I'd barely registered the words. My mind had been too busy with life in Israel, to register life in Israel, which, a lot of the time, is not about clerical mistakes and otherwise good people yelling at each other, but about the ledges. People who care about people putting lost things on ledges where the owners will find them.

All along I'd been looking down at the ground.

When I should have been looking up.

The Israeli custom of placing lost things on ledges is, you see, a microcosm for just about everything.

And looking up to find things is a metaphor for life.

Moadim L'Simcha!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, October 10, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Ma'an Arabic publishes this Land rover press release as a news item:

Ritz Motors, the exclusive Land Rover dealer in Palestine, has created a Land Rover driving experience and has opened the door for participants seeking a chance to have an adventure.

The Land Rover Experience Tour #TrailToNamibia offers guests the opportunity to test the legendary Land Rover capabilities through a series of fun driving activities while exploring drivers' skills through a range of dynamic driving challenges.

The event, held in Palestine, is one of Land Rover's driving experiences in the Middle East and North Africa region, where winners in each market move to the final event hosted by the Emirate of Dubai in April 2018.

During the event, participants are given the opportunity to test the latest Land Rover models including the Range Rover, Range Rover Vellar, the all-new Discovery and Discovery Sport, allowing them to test the brand's best cars.

The event includes  a variety of driving activities that not only test the driver's skills but also highlights the efficiency, versatility and quality of the brand.

These activities include driving in natural terrain, obstacles designed to test off-road and mountain driving, as well as dynamic control and road driving.

Non-drivers also have the opportunity to test Land Rover as a passenger.

For the younger brand lovers, a range of activities have been set up for the children, making the Land Rover driving experience #TrailToNamibia the perfect day for the entire family.

"The experience of driving from Land Rover is one of the most exciting and interactive activities in the world," said Mira Abu Shousha, Marketing Director, Ritz Motors. "We are thrilled that the event has impressed audiences of all ages."

Hold on - there is a luxury car dealership in the most oppressed region on Earth?

You mean that normal Palestinians don't look like this:

...but like this?

Does Breaking the Silence include this on their tours of the West Bank where they show the searing oppression of Israeli "occupation"?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine”
In a post on Facebook, Abbas' Fatah Movement encourages Palestinians to die for Allah. It is Palestinians dying for Allah, the spilling of "the blood of the Martyrs," Fatah says, that "will create the State of Palestine."

Fatah posted the following text together with a collage of photos of terrorists:
"From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids)
we will create the State of Palestine"

"Fatah Movement - The official page" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Oct. 3, 2017]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Fatah's student movement Shabiba at two different universities uses the same slogan, encouraging youth to adopt a path of violence and to become "Martyrs."

When Israel placed metal detectors at the Temple Mount entrances following an attack there in which 2 Israelis were murdered in July 2017, and Palestinians responded with violence and riots, Fatah encouraged Palestinians to "escalate" the riots and stated that "with our blood we will thwart the Zionists' plans."
How Palestine “Occupies” Itself
Of course, declaring a de facto state does not make it a reality. Nor will declaring that state to be “under occupation.” The reality is that both the essential non-existence and the victimized character of the Palestinian state represent a conscious decision to embrace failure. This will not change unless there are direct negotiations, a choice the PA has consistently refused.

While a functioning Palestinian state remains desirable, it is telling that the Palestinian leadership has refused to directly negotiate with Israel and uses bodies like the UN to endorse a “virtual” state with no viable institutions. Is the Palestinian goal a state of their own, or just the erasure of Israel? If the latter, it is to be followed by what? Insisting upon a Palestinian state must go hand in hand with reviving the moribund Palestinian political system and institutions that would support it, like a free press. But these are demands that should come first from Palestinians. When such demands come from Israel or Western countries, they collide with the narrative of “occupation.”

Palestinian nationalism has never seen the conflict as one between two national groups with legitimate claims and aspirations. Israel’s existence – indeed, Zionism itself, the very idea of Jewish nationalism – is regarded as wholly illegitimate. Palestinian acceptance of the two-state solution was a means of appeasing the West and its stated desire for all parties to live in peace according to democratic, national ideals. But for Arafat in his day and now for Mahmoud Abbas, the two-state solution was a mechanism with which to buy time until the Palestinians can finally overcome and defeat Israel. The language of “occupation” plays a key role.

Whether Palestinians think they are an “occupied state” or “Palestinian territories under occupation,” as long as Palestinians cling to the notion of being “occupied” and Israel remains the “occupier” we are destined to see more of the dynamics of the past and fewer possibilities in the future. Until we see more self-awareness, self-criticism, and a sense of accountability, Palestinian identity and statehood will remain occupied in perpetuity. Palestine is indeed “occupied” by shadows of its own making.
Barry Shaw: The united Jerusalem delusion
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week pledged to support a Greater Jerusalem bill that would annex places like Ma’aleh Adumim, Givat Ze’ev and villages in the Etzion Bloc and would allow their residents to vote in Jerusalem mayoral elections.

This bill would also create independent municipalities for Israeli-Arabs living within Jerusalem’s municipal boundaries, but outside the security barrier.

Members of Knesset and mayors acclaim this move.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said that “applying Israeli law is the most important thing to make sure that everyone realizes that Jerusalem will remain united.”

Is Jerusalem united? Let me throw a bucket of icy water over those of our politicians who are in denial.

If Jerusalem were truly the undivided capital of Israel, how is it that at least 14 soccer clubs based in Jerusalem play under the auspices of the Palestinian Football Association, headed by Jibril Rajoub of the Palestinian Authority? As these clubs come under the PFA, which is a member of FIFA, the world governing body for soccer, these Jerusalem-based clubs are globally recognized as Palestinian, not Israeli. The Israel Football Association lost control of them decades ago.

Worse still, some of these clubs promote terrorism against Israelis as part of their footballing activities, with the full knowledge and approval of Rajoub. Some of these activities are supervised and funded by the PFA.

  • Tuesday, October 10, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Welfare: aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need.
Websters Online

The Palestinian Authority's current "Pay for Slay" program to reward Palestinian terrorists for murdering Jews can be traced back as far as 1964, when Nobel Prize-winning terrorist Yasser Arafat first initiated the idea:

Arafat. Photo by Remy Steinegger -
originally posted to Flickr as Yasser Arafat -
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2001

Back then, a main goal was consolidating the power and influence of the PLO.

But it has continued and developed over time, but never intended to actually helping Arabs in need.

In an opinion piece for The New York Times, Matthew Levitt noted that during its iteration as the "Fund for Families of Martyrs and the Injured" the program was still not a part of any real welfare system:
According to the World Bank, “the program is clearly not targeted to the poorest households. While some assistance should be directed to this population, the level of resources devoted to the Fund for Martyrs and the Injured does not seem justified from a welfare or fiscal perspective.”
Matters have not gotten any better.

Eli Lake wrote last year that finally, the Palestinian reward system is getting attention:
For years the Israelis and the Americans didn’t do much on this issue. The Israel Defense Forces work closely with Palestinian security services to keep the peace in the West Bank. Meanwhile, the Bush and Obama administrations have pressed both sides to restart negotiations over a final status.

This is starting to change. On Friday, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced that he would begin withholding part of the tax revenue that Israel sends to the Palestinian Authority — equal to the amount paid to “martyrs.”
One aspect of the problem remains addressing this program for what it is.

Palestinian Media Watch has been a major source of information about this reward system and has been giving the impetus to various governments to recognize this practice for what it is and act accordingly.

PMW describes how the Palestinian Authority has institutionalized the stipends paid to terrorists and their families into law:
In April 2011, the Palestinian Authority Registry published a Government Resolution granting all Palestinian prisoners imprisoned in Israel for security and terror-related offenses a monthly salary from the PA (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011). This new resolution, called PA Government Resolution of 2010, numbers 21 and 23, formalized what has long been a PA practice.

The PA defined which Palestinians would be considered "prisoners": "Anyone imprisoned in the occupation's [Israel's] prisons as a result of his participation in the struggle against the occupation" (Ch. 1 of Law of Prisoners, 2004/19, www.alasra.ps, accessed May 9, 2011)

According to the PA definition, more than 4,500 Palestinian prisoners (as of December 2012) serving time for terror-related offenses are recipients of PA salaries. This means that Palestinians convicted of crimes such as theft do not receive a salary, but Hamas and Fatah terrorist murderers do. [emphasis added]
That is one of the key points that is overlooked in confronting the continued Palestinian claim that the money is part of some humanitarian welfare fund. While the salary is targeted for criminals, it is intended for terrorists and their families alone.

This is not about a welfare system intended for the average family.

Another key point is that not only does this Palestinian law ignore the average needy family, the rewards it pays out to terrorists are as much as 5x what average Arab families are earning:

Watch the entire video:

A third proof that these are not welfare payments comes from the Palestinian Authority itself, as PMW notes:
These monthly payments to prisoners are paid from the PA’s general budget and income taxes are paid, as is the case with all other PA salaries (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011). According to the language of the PA regulation as well as PA economic reports on government salaries, the monthly salaries to prisoners range from 1,400 shekels to 12,000 shekels. The PA economic report listed the prisoners’ salaries as part of the PA general salary budget, which includes civil servants, military personnel and others. (Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011). It was not listed as a social service payment. [emphasis added]
In fact, those stipends are still being described as "salaries" instead of "assistance":
Abbas calls terror stipends "salaries", not "assistance. Credit: Palestinian Media Watch
Thus far, Abbas has refused to stop paying the stipends -- though whether it is because of his own stubbornness or because he dares not stop such a popular measure.

The responsibility rests upon the West to refuse to provide any funding to the Palestinian Authority that goes toward paying any salaries, as long as the money goes toward encouraging terrorism.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, October 10, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
As the centennial of the Balfour Declaration approaches,  we will see more Arab propaganda about how Balfour destroyed the "Palestinian nation." For example, from Ramzy Baroud in Arab News

{Balfour] cared little about the fate of Jewish communities. His commitment to establishing a Jewish state on land already populated by a thriving and historically rooted nation was meant only to enlist the support of wealthy Zionist leaders for Britain’s role in the First World War.
I have looked for a long time for evidence of this "nation" without luck. I never found any element of culture or folklore that could be considered "Palestinian."  But when I look for counter-evidence of this supposed nation, I came up with this article in a periodical from 1872:

IT is impossible to live for any length of time, as the writer has done, in the Holy Land without being struck by the diverse character of its present inhabitants—that is to say, of the settled population, not including the annual pilgrims. In the various towns the inhabitants are more or less of various and of mixed race. In Jerusalem we find Jews, Moslems, and Christians of different sects and races. But all over the land in the rural districts the observer is met by the fact that in this small country are collected together people of various and distinct races as well as of diverse creeds.

Not now to dwell upon the peculiarities that distinguish from each other Samaritans, Maronites, and Druses, we pass on to the general rural population of Palestine, called Syrian or Arab, or, as by themselves, Fellahheen, i.e., "tillers of the soil."

They do not, properly speaking, form a nation. There is among them neither coherency nor spirit of patriotism. Just as the wild Bedaween are divided into distinct and generally hostile tribes, so the peasantry (Fellahheen) are divided into clans governed by their respective sheikhs. They speak a common, language, they possess a common religion; their manners and customs are generally the same all over the country. Yet of national unity there is absolutely none. They never combine for any purpose excepting when occasionally some clans aid each other in their faction fights. They are all classed, it is true, under the two great divisions of Yemeny and Kais, wearing white or red as the badge of these parties; but even then there is nothing among them approaching to the co-operation of patriots as a nation, ready and willing to join hand in hand for the mother country. The Turkish government well understand this important fact and take it into practical account in. their method of ruling the land. This state of things is in itself enough to explain in great measure the backward condition of the people at large. They have no national life. Every district lives in and for itself, and wages its own petty wars with its neighbours, but has neither interests nor action in common with any other.

The people of the various districts, moreover, differ considerably from each other, in outward appearance, in character, and in speech. They resemble each other just so far as to indicate descent from a common stock. They differ as the fragments of a nation may which has been broken up at an extremely remote period into distinct and hostile clans. All are Fellahheen, and yet all are apart from each other, independent and commonly at enmity.
Here is a person who lived in Palestine, who knows the land inside out (as the full article shows.) But he sees no evidence of a Palestinian people or nation.

It is a myth. But good luck teaching that at universities today.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, October 10, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From popular Egyptian news site Youm7 (Seventh Day), showing pictures of Sukkot in Jerusalem.

This is using Google Translate but the translation of مستوطن يهودى  is accurate:

I see this sort of thing all the time. Yesterday Arab media reported 22,500 "settlers" visiting the Tomb of the Patriarchs during Sukkot.

When it comes down to it, every Jew - especially the ones who are recognizably Jewish - is a "settler" to the Arab world. Peace agreement or not, "moderate" or not.

No Arab is complaining to Youm7 about their inaccurate reporting.

Just one of those inconvenient facts that starry-eyed peaceniks prefer not to think about as they blame Israel for no peace.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, October 09, 2017

  • Monday, October 09, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JNS:

American Jewish leaders are denouncing plans by a New York University (NYU)-affiliated theater to host a play that portrays Palestinian terrorists as heroes.

The NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts will host performances of “The Siege” from Oct. 12-22. The play focuses on the Palestinian terrorists who, in order to avoid capture by the Israeli army, seized Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity in the spring of 2002 and occupied it for 39 days.

“The Siege” was created by the Freedom Theater of Palestine, which is based in the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Jenin. Among those promoting the play on YouTube is Ibrahim Abayat, one of the leaders of the church occupation. The Israeli government has identified him as the killer of New York City native Avi Boaz, in Bethlehem in early 2002.

The play was first performed overseas in England in 2015. The Board of Deputies of British Jews charged that it “promoted terrorism as positive and legitimate,” and the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland staged a protest rally outside the premiere.

American Jewish leaders now are similarly alarmed.

“Having witnessed firsthand the ‘siege,’ a blatant terrorist outrage, I am especially outraged at this presentation,” Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman and CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told JNS.org. “Diminishing the true nature of this brutal attack serves to whitewash terrorism at a time when this scourge is taking so many lives and threatening so many more.”

When it was performed in London, it was in Arabic with English subtitles. I couldn't find the script but I did find a detailed scene-by-scene description that shows how pro-terrorist the play is.

Scene – Tourist guide
The play opens in the Church of the Nativity. It is 2015.
A tourist guide, Issa, welcomes the audience. He is a bit surprised at the large amount of people; normally he takes groups of just a few, this time there is over a hundred.
Issa introduces himself, then goes on to talk about the Church of the Nativity. He talks about his family’s history dating back to the time of Jesus and how his ancestors have always worked in the church. It is the most important place in the world to them.
“Okay, now, before we begin, did we discuss money? No?... Okay this time it’s for free but please, if you would like to make a donation… Let’s go on the tour of the church.”
Scene -­‐ Interview
Five men sit. They are the exiled fighters from the siege of the Church of the Nativity. It is 2015 and they are being interviewed.
Interviewer: “I need you to introduce yourselves, what was your role was and what can you remember from the siege?”
Taking a moment, the fighters gather their thoughts. They begin to speak: words, thoughts, feelings…
The Israeli invasion of the West Bank comes on screen. We see tanks, helicopters and shooting. We see the fighters running across Manger Square, into the Church of the Nativity.
Scene – Refuge in The Church of the Nativity
The men enter the church. It is mass and the prayer is taking place. They wait for the Father to finish. The men ask him if they can take refuge in the church. He is upset; why are they in the church? This is a Holy place and not for fighting. The fighters explain that the Israeli army is outside, there is nowhere else to go. The Father is concerned that they will bring the fighting inside the church but in the end decides that as long as the men show respect, they have the right to take refuge in the house of God.
Scene – Fighter calls home
The fighters organize themselves in the church. They bandage one man’s wound. He is bleeding heavily and is in much pain. He makes a phone call to his pregnant wife and tells her to look after herself.
The Israeli army begins to surround the church. The fighters position themselves ready for an attack.
We see tanks, helicopters and snipers surround the church. The siege of the Church of the Nativity has begun.
Scene – The bell ringer is shot
Silence everywhere. The sound of speakers demanding the fighters to surrender. A quarrel begins between the men about what to do. Some want to take the injured out, others want to stay. One man wants to shoot back. During their discussion, the church bells begin to ring. Tension builds. One of the fighters goes out. Then a gun shot. Panic.
The fighter enters. He tells the others that the bell ringer has been shot. Silence.
Scene – Phone call from the general
A cell phone rings. It is a call from the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah telling the fighters to have patience and not to shoot back. The fighters are angry; should they just sit here and die, one by one?
The Israeli army prepares for an attack on the church. We see tracer fire and an explosion.
Scene – The attack
There is an explosion. The church is under attack. Israeli soldiers start to climb over the walls of the church. The fighters are in position, waiting. They open fire, killing four Israeli soldiers.
Scene – Celebration
The fighters celebrate their victory. They begin to get out of control. Eventually one of the men tells the others to control themselves and to behave with respect, not like animals. There is a fire in the church but everyone is so busy arguing they don’t notice it. Eventually the monk entersand asks them to calm down and remember to respect the church.
Scene – Tourist guide
It is 2015. Issa the tourist guide enters. He tells the history of the Church of the Nativity, including the story of the Massacre of the innocents. The Massacre of the innocents is the biblical narrative of infanticide by Herod the Great. Herod ordered the execution of all young male children in the vicinity of Bethlehem, so as to avoid the loss of his throne to a newborn King. Issa shows the group where the bones of the children are buried and points out that this church has always been a place of refuge for the sons of Jesus.
Scene -­‐ Interview
It is 2015. The exiled fighters are being interviewed.
Interviewer: Tell me about the first few days of the siege. What did youdo? What did you see? 
The men explain that the first few days were the hardest. They had very little food and water and didn’t know if and when the Israelis would attack. “Despite all the difficulties, we were still able to sing, tell jokes and laugh. We had hope that the problem would be solved.”
Scene – Torture
Intense noise. The Israeli army are playing strange sounds as a means of psychological torture. It has been going on for hours. The fighters are going crazy. They begin to dance in resistance. Eventually silence. Relief.
A voice. It is the mother of one of the fighters. She has been brought to the church and is forced to speak at gunpoint. She tells her son that the whole family has been arrested. The Israelis want her to ask her son to leave the church. Instead she tells him that she will rip off the breast that fed him if he surrenders. The man is in shock. He grabs his gun and tries to exit the church. The others stop him.
Scene – Leadership
The man whose mother was brought to the church sits and talks with another man, who tells him about leadership and the importance of wisdom, endurance, mercy and understanding. He tells him to stay strong because the Israelis are trying to emotionally and psychologically break them. They must act with their minds, not their emotions.
Negotiations. Internationals are arriving. Sharon, Israeli prime minister, speaks. Yasser Arafat, Palestinian leader, speaks.
Scene – Escape
One of the fighters enters. He had fallen asleep on guard and now there are people from the church missing. He goes to tell the others. They don’t understand how these people could have left the church unless they were collaborators. They accuse the man on guard of also being a collaborator. They go to take his gun but at that moment another man enters and tells the others not to punish him, it was not difficult to escape the church.
Scene – Injured fighter
The man whose leg is wounded is in immense pain. The designated medic among the fighters goes to check the wound and finds that it has become infected. The men decide that he must get out of the church even if it means he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Otherwise he will die. They begin to lift him up but the man grabs his gun and threatens to kill himself if they take him out. He begs the others to amputate the leg. The medic manages to speak to a doctor on the phone who recommends that they cut the gangrene off. They proceed to do so.
Scene – Food
As the wounded man sleeps someone suggests they must get him food to strengthen him. They start to imagine eating the perfect maklube and chocolate cake. One fighter tells a story of a time when he was lost in the mountains with his friends and they began eating leaves for survival. The men realize they can do the same; they can pick leaves from the courtyard to eat.
Scene – Picking leaves
Two men go outside. Drone footage on screen: the fighters going out to pick leaves.
The men cook and eat the leaves.
Scene – A fighter’s death
The man on guard receives a call from the father of another man. The father says he saw two white doves and his son coming home dressed in white.
The man whose father called wakes up and is angry with the guard for not waking him to watch the sunrise, a tradition they have created. The man takes over the guarding post.
Moments later there is a gunshot. The fighter has been hit by a sniper. The others try to save him but he is bleeding heavily. They shout at the Israeli soldiers to get him out but there is no answer. He bleeds to death.
Scene – Tourist guide
It is 2015. Issa tells his personal story and his connection to the church. He believes that the siege was a test from god. He shares an experience of seeing an icon in the church cry tears of blood.
Scene – Prayer
The fighters pray – we see both Christian and Muslim prayer.
Scene – A negotiation
The monk brings news of a deal by the international delegation, the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority. According to the deal, 26 people will be exiled to Gaza and 13 to Europe. There is no further information. The fighters are told to sign the paper if they agree. The men have a long discussion and eventually decide to reject the deal.
We see images of Bethlehem under siege. Heavy military occupation, empty streets, curfew.
Scene – A young woman calls
There is a phone call from a young woman. Her baby is sick and because of the siege she cannot take him to hospital. She asks the fighters to leave the church so that the siege will be over and her baby can live.
The fighters are in a very difficult situation. One of them makes a speech:
“We have a siege. We have martyrs, we have injured people, we have thirst, we have hunger-­‐ we have all these things. But we have to take into account all the givens of the situation, inside the church and outside. There is a collective suffering and we have to take responsibility for this. Yes, we are fighting for the freedom of our people against the Israeli occupation but the facts of the situation have changed. If they are accusing me of being responsible then I must make a sacrifice. We are faced with the Israeli information machine, which is in many languages, and this machine reverses the facts, makes black white and white black, makes the oppressed the oppressor and the oppressor the oppressed.All truths are reversed. We are standing in front of our people, and our names are being repeated for forty days as the reason for the siege. And our people are protecting us, because without our people we are nothing.The alphabet of the Revolution tells youthat the Revolution is a fish and the people are the sea. And if you come out of the sea, you are dead. You are nothing. So you have to take into account a number of factors, not only military but also human ones. You have moral obligations toward your people. If we know that a pregnant woman is going to deliver and she can’t get to the hospital because of the siege, we must ask, why? If they are saying that we are the reason, and the opportunity arises for an honorable solution, we must cooperate.”
The men decide to take the deal.
Video footage: The fighters exit the church; kiss the ground of their homeland and wave goodbye to their families. They drive off on a bus.
Scene – Interview
It is 2015. The men tell of their life in exile and how they long toreturn to Palestine.
Scene – Tourist guide
It is 2015. Issa enters. “The Church is the place of our eternal light. The light that gives us the beginning and the end. Without this light we cannot walk on this earth. This church is the heart of our land. Our holy land. We are born in this land and we have to live here even if we face difficulties. We are the sons of this land. This is why we take the strength and the power from our Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary and we continue on our path. I hope tha God will bless us and show us the way to the real peace that we are looking for.”
Most of these incidents never happened, of course. The monks were hostages. The church was desecrated. Nuns took care of the wounded, not the terrorists. They never killed four Israeli soldiers. The idea that no one in Bethlehem could go to the hospital for weeks is ludicrous. The story of the mother being forced to speak at gunpoint is fiction.

To have such a play glorifying terror to be performed at NYU is outrageous.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Were Egypt’s Jews expelled? Bonan rebuts Bisawe
Israel Bonan 's plans to leave Egypt were disrupted when he became one of 400 Jews jailed for up to three years after the 1967 war. Haaretz has published his long rebuttal to an earlier piece by Eyal Sagui Bisawe which argued that Egyptian Jews were not singled out for expulsion: their exit was not as dramatic nor as systematic as they claim, but a result of decolonisation targeting all minorities. (Bisawe’s claim that Jews from Arab countries exaggerated their persecution to gain legitimacy with Ashkenazi Jews is commonly heard on the left.) Bonan argues that Jews were targeted over and above other minorities and for their religion, not nationality (with thanks: Pablo, Eliyahu, Imre and Lily):

"We can imagine rows of hooded soldiers gathering Egyptian Jews in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and giving them two options: convert to Islam or be expelled. Or even not giving them the choice but expelling them all. But such an event simply never occurred."

Putting aside the vulgar and unworthy lack of empathy, the ridicule and venom, what is the definition of the word expulsion? A common definition would be: “The process of forcing someone to leave a place, especially a country.”

A process usually entails more than one step to accomplish a purpose.

So, what was the process used to expel the Jews and other minorities from Egypt? These steps spanned many years, promoted by successive governments all marching to the same tune: "Egypt for the Egyptians".

The process follows the same template of Nazi Germany, and of all forms of fascism. Loss of citizenship rights and protection, loss of jobs in the private and public sectors, no prospect for future employment, dispossession of assets, death, and expatriation/expulsion.

Disproving 'Temple Mount denial' one bucket at a time
When Wakf bulldozers illegally ascended the Temple Mount in 1999 to surreptitiously remove thousands of tons of ancient soil to make way for a subterranean mosque, two archeologists found hope in recovering some of the Jewish heritage that crime destroyed.

As countless invaluable artifacts dating from the First Temple period at Judaism’s holiest site were dumped in a garbage heap in the capital’s Kidron Valley, Dr. Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Dvira saw an opportunity.

Five years later, under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University, the two archeologists procured a government license to have the ancient debris transferred to Emek Tzurim National Park on the western slope of Mount Scopus, where they established the headquarters of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Today some 70% of the 400 truckloads of earth has been scrutinized by a staff of 15 employees and thousands of volunteers from around the globe, one bucket at a time.

Since then, more than 500,000 artifacts – from a 3,000-year-old seal from the time of King David to coins, stone vessels, jewelry and flooring tile fragments from the Second Temple period – have been painstakingly documented for future generations.

Nevertheless, to the outrage and utter befuddlement of millions, last October UNESCO approved a resolution denying Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.

  • Monday, October 09, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
UN Watch noticed something that is more than creepy:

Haaretz published an article by Eyal Sagui Bizawe with the title "Were Egypt's Jews really expelled?" The article itself made it clear that many Egyptian Jews in fact were expelled from Egypt; the author is arguing that it would not be accurate to say that all Egyptian Jews were expelled. (Haaretz has since changed the headline dramatically, to "Jews Were Expelled From Egypt. But Can We Talk About 'The Expulsion of The Jews?'"

Later, Haaretz published a rebuttal by Israel Bonan that pretty much destroys Bizawe's thesis. Bizawe himself admits he is not a historian.

But, as UN Watch notes, the original article title questioning whether Egypt's Jews were expelled in its headline was "liked" by the Amnesty UN account.

Now, Amnesty is no fan of Egypt. It regularly tweets and writes reports that are anti-Egypt.

And the Egyptian Jews who were forced to leave Egypt (there are only a handful of old women left out of 80,000 in 1948) were not generally Zionists.

So why would Amnesty "like" an article that calls into question the Jewish narrative of what happened to the now disappeared Jewish community of Egypt?

Amnesty never, ever questions the narrative of persecuted groups or minorities. It always goes after the big, evil governments. Its entire goal is to protect the rights of the persecuted, not the persecutors.

Except for this one, singular, time. When the persecuted minority are Jews.

Amnesty's tweet reveals its true nature of antisemitism. The idea that Jews are lying about their history of being persecuted by Arabs is too delicious for the famed NGO to let go. The community that was destroyed is populated by criminal liars, and the ethnic cleansers are the innocent victims of Jewish slander.

Amnesty UN has since "unliked" the tweet. But that is because of fear of embarrassment, not because of any moral problems with the tweet. The baseline thinking of the Amnesty tweeter, which is utterly consistent with everything else we've seen from that organization, is a dislike for Jews, usually demonstrated by its focus on Israel beyond nearly every country with serious human right abuses.

Twitter is great because it reveals the subconscious thinking of the tweeter. In this case, it showed in no uncertain terms that Amnesty considers Jews to be, by default, liars whose persecutions have been exaggerated or invented.

That's pretty antisemitic.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

I recently came across a report about a Canadian mosque that had removed a link from its website after it was pointed out that the linked site promoted “anti-Semitic content that urges an ‘Islamic jihad’ against Jews, denounces democracy and approves the killing of ex-Muslims.” The offensive site was identified as Islamqa.info, i.e. “Islam Question and Answer” and it was noted that it “is run by a conservative Saudi cleric.”

As it happened, I was somewhat familiar with the site from research I had done for some of my recent writings. The post I first read on Islam QA responded to a questioner wondering about the difference between the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock: “if the Masjid e Aqsa is different from the Doom of the Rock, why do we see its picture representing Masjid e Aqsa at all Islamic places, and I (and many other muslims) were completely inaware of the difference.”

The response claimed that “the name of the mosque was historically applied to the whole plateau,” (i.e. the Temple Mount), but also stated: “The Muslims’ fondness for the picture of the Dome may be because of the beauty of this building, but this does not excuse them from the resulting mistake of not distinguishing between the Mosque and the buildings that surround it.” To my amazement, the apparently widespread Muslim ignorance about the difference between the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque was then explained as a result of nefarious Jewish plots – which of course show how urgent it would be “to cleanse al-Masjid al-Aqsa of the brothers of the monkeys and pigs.”

Since the site prominently declares that Shaykh Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid is its “General Supervisor,” I looked him up. According to Wikipedia, he is “an Islamic scholar known for founding the website IslamQA.info, which provides answers to questions in line with the Salafi school of thought.” Even though Salafists are supposedly only a tiny minority of the world’s estimated 1.8 billion Muslims, the entry notes that “IslamQA.info is one of the most popular websites providing the Salafi perspective and is (as of November 2015) according to Alexa.com the world’s most popular website on the topic of Islam generally.” Apparently, the site still holds its number 1 rank, and it seems to be well-funded since it can afford to offer texts in more than a dozen languages. (E.g. the antisemitic post explaining the difference between the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque is available in English, Arabic, Uighur and Spanish).

As noted in the report on the Canadian mosque, Islam QA includes plenty of posts encouraging Jew-hatred and hostility to western values:

 “’The Jews are people of treachery and betrayal; it is not possible to trust them at all,’ reads a post on the formerly-linked site, Islamqa.info […] ‘The hour (the Day of Judgment) will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.’ […] another Islamqa.info entry calls democracy ‘a system that is contrary to Islam’ and says ‘the main goal of jihad is to make people worship Allah alone.’ A discussion on ‘why death is the punishment for apostasy’ reads: ‘Whoever changes his religion, kill him.’ As for homosexuals, it says to ‘drive them out of your town.’”

Another article focusing on how Islam QA defines the status of women notes that “the opinions […] read like documents from a time long, long ago;” one of the cited examples is a ruling claiming that “Islam allows a man to have sexual intercourse with a slave, no matter whether the man is married or single.”

It is worthwhile noting that the post (archived) describing Jews as “people of treachery and betrayal” goes back to the early days of IslamQA: it was published already in January 1999 and signed as written by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid himself; the text is available in English, Arabic, French, Uighur and Indonesian, and it has also been posted on other sites (e.g. here, here,  and here; also documented as inciting hate here). I would urge everyone to read the post in full, because it is a breathtaking example of the depth of Muslim Jew-hatred, which is justified both by invoking Islamic scripture and by inventing Nazi-style fantasies about Jewish evil:

“There cannot be harmony between Jews – who are usurpers and aggressors, who have oppressed and persecuted others, and who are known for their treachery and corruption throughout the world, historically and in the present age – and the purely monotheistic Muslim owners of the land, whose menfolk the Jews have killed, and imprisoned their sons, and destroyed their homes, and taken possession of their lands by force, and prevented them from earning a proper living, and carried out chemical and radiational experiments on their prisoners, and taken organs from them for transplant into Jewish patients… and all other kinds of persecutions and atrocities.”
During an appearance on a Saudi TV program last year, Al-Munajid re-affirmed similar views:

“The Jews are among the enemies of (Islam). In fact, they are at the top of the list. The Jews today are the Jews of the past. This requires no proof. Allah made their traits clear to us, and the Prophet Muhammad clarified that our war with them will continue until the end of time [...] Allah said that 'the Jews are the strongest in enmity to the believers.' He said that the Jews 'strive to spread corruption in the land.' He said: 'They hasten into sin and aggression.' He said: 'Nor did they forbid one another the iniquities which they committed.'” […] “'The Jews are the nation that incurred the wrath of Allah. They are a people of lies, fabrications, treachery, and conspiracies. They are the slayers of prophets, the profiteers from that which is forbidden. They are the filthiest of nations with the basest of character.'”

No wonder the TV host thought it was entirely reasonable to follow up with the question “Is hatred of Jews considered a form of worship in and of itself?” Al-Munajid evaded a direct response, countering instead: “The question should be: Do they hate us? These people believe that anyone who does not adhere to their religion is a filthy pig. This is written in their distorted Torah. Jews have the right to rape non-Jewish women. This is also written in their books.”

How is that from a man who refers to Jews as “the brothers of the monkeys and pigs” and insists that Islamic scripture gives Muslim men the right to rape female slaves? Looks like Al-Munajid could greatly benefit from reading a bit of Freud and learning about projection…

However, as already noted, even though Al-Munajid’s  IslamQA is apparently the most popular website on Islam, it supposedly reflects Salafist doctrine and therefore only the beliefs of a small minority of Muslims. So it might be useful to look for some comparable material on Jews from other sites. I noticed on one discussion board that some Muslims who considered Al-Munajid’s  IslamQA as too rigid and intolerant recommended instead another IslamQA (which has the extension .org instead of .info). One particularly fascinating example is provided by two posts from the two sites (here and here) that address the notorious hadith that predicts an end-time battle in which Muslims will slaughter the Jews. In both cases, the person asking the question is wondering how this violent hadith can be squared with Islam’s claim to be “a religion of love and peace.”

On Al-Munajid’s  IslamQA, the response (also available in Arabic) includes extensive quotes from Islamic scripture explaining and justifying the hadith; the conclusion is that

“Allah, may He be exalted, will honour the Muslims in this battle with this miracle, which is that rocks and trees will speak and call the Muslims to come and kill the Jews who will be hiding behind them. 
All of this indicates that it will be a just battle that Allah approves of, as was the case with all the Islamic battles in which the aim was to make the word of Allah supreme on earth. ‘Whoever fights so that the word of Allah will be supreme is fighting in the way of Allah.’”

On the supposedly more moderate IslamQA site, the response – provided by a South-African mufti who studied in India – is rather laconic (and can also be found here): “This will happen around the time of Isa (alaihis salaam). The ones that are not bad will accept the truth and hence will be Muslims.”

In other words: all the Jews “that are not bad” will eventually convert to Islam, and the Jews who stubbornly remain Jews are obviously so bad that they deserve to be slaughtered…

Here are a few more gems from the supposedly more moderate IslamQA:

Are Muslims supposed to hate Jews?” Well… yes, they are, because the “Qur’aan is replete with the descriptions of the Jews” showing them as greedy, ungrateful and murderous. So the post offers “just a few [examples] from an infinite list of their disobediences and violations of Allah’s orders. Due to their disobedience, Allah Ta’ala said, ‘Disgrace and need has been set on them.’ Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Verily this (the Jews) are a dirty nation. We do not need them.’”

Why Islam or Muslims are against Jews (in general)?” Well, naturally, this is the fault of the Jews: “The holy Qur?aan declares them to harbour the most enmity against us Muslims. This is one of the reasons the Muslims don?t get along with them. The main reason for this enmity stems from jealousy.” (It’s a bit ambiguous here who is jealous, isn’t it…)

Why are the Jews hated so much throughout the world?” Well, again – the Jews deserve to be hated, of course: “Allah Ta’ala has cursed the jews for their repeated disobedience of Allah Ta’ala, and has cursed their offspring for their approval of the sins of their forefathers. This is why they are hated.”

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