Monday, March 20, 2017

I’ve frequently compared BDS to a virus that preys upon civic organizations unfamiliar with its tactics and ultimate propaganda goals. But like a virus, BDS has created its own antibodies that contribute to its rejection within whole categories of civic institution after a troubling infection breaks out and then is cured.
We’ve seen this play out at different stages with colleges and universities over the years.   In the early 2000s, for instance, petition-driven divestment campaigns were big news when they cropped up at high-profile schools like Harvard and MIT, leading to their replication at schools across the country.  But once these campaigns sprang up, so did counter-campaigns to resist them. These consisted of anti-divestment petitions that outpolled pro-BDS ones 10:1, as well as sound arguments for rejecting divestment. 
When those arguments became accepted universally by schools administrators (all but blocking off genuine divestment at colleges and universities), the battle moved to student government.  At first, BDS debates at schools like Berkeley became so ugly and divisive that other schools avoided similar fights since they tended to alienate students from their representatives, as well as invite condemnation from administrators, alumni and the media.  But, as time went on, the BDSers found a solution to representatives refusing to speak in the name of those they represented on controversial international issues: replacing them with new leaders who were BDS activists first, student representatives second (if at all).
While calls to have BDS motions passed by student government are still rare, and the boycotters lose more often than they win, new antibodies continue to spring up to protect the organism (the campus as a whole) from the BDS infection.  Most importantly, pro-Israel students have mobilized to ensure that no BDS call goes unanswered, with support from on-campus resources such as local Hillels. 
BDS excess, especially with regard to shouting down pro-Israel speakers and bullying pro-Israel students, has also led to the involvement of responsible adults in the debate.  The University of California system’s adoption of a definition of anti-Semitism that recognizes anti-Zionism as a form of Jew hatred was a huge step forward, as was this recent report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) on the threat BDS poses to campus discourse, freedom of speech and inquiry.
As in the early 2000s, the most powerful contribution groups like UC leaders and ACTA have made are intellectual ones.  For by providing a sound set of arguments for why BDS is not just one more form of legitimate protest, and focusing those arguments not on the Arab-Israeli conflict but the threat BDS activity poses to core values of academia, they have created a foundation others can build on to continue the fight against boycott, divestment and sanctions projects.
Years ago, another institutions (food cooperatives) immunized themselves from the BDS threat by creating similar arguments that showed how boycotting Israeli goods ran counter the founding principles of the Coop movement as a whole (called the Rochdale Principles) as well as showing how boycotts might run afoul of anti-discrimination law.  As a result, today boycotts are all but dead in the coop movement.

The number of BDSholes involved with the campus branch of the global anti-Israel propaganda campaign is larger than those involved with the ultimately failed effort to turn food cooperatives into their latest weapons of war.  But our side too is mobilized and is fighting back, not with shouts and manipulative rhetoric, but with sound arguments – strongly and confidently presented – that continue to win the day.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, March 20, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

In the digital version of this high school textbook by Pearson you can look up the definitions of phrases. Here's how "Holy Land" was defined:

If the book intended to define the term as the Crusaders would have, then even this would be inaccurate. A quick look through the texts of the Crusaders does not turn up any mention of "Palestine." Jerusalem is really the goal, its country is not named.

But for something being written today this is essentially a whitewash of Jewish history. 

(h/t Andy)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, March 20, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's Mehr News Agency:

Addressing a gathering of religious eulogists on Sunday morning on the occasion of anniversary of birth of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (SA) as the National Women's and Mothers' Day, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei deemed actions of that great lady of Islam both is the role of a true leader as well as a great wife and mother as a perfect role model for Muslim women.

He underscored that raising certain topics in support of women’s rights will actually undermine their position reiterating that exploiting women as means of pleasure and joy in the West is most likely a Zionist conspiracy aimed at destroying human society.

“Unfortunately, sometimes inside the country and in some Islamic environments, tasks and expectations are ascribed to women which in fact collapse and humiliate their roles.”

“Today, Western scholars and those who pursue issues like gender equality all regret their actions for the corruption they caused,” highlighted the Leader expressing hope that views of those who raised similar issues inside the country were not based on the Western misconception.
Of course, in Iran women are not allowed to show their hair in public, married women cannot leave the country without their husband's permission, a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man and men can marry up to four wives.  Anyone against that is of course part of the Zionist plot to destroy human society.

Oh, and Iran is a world leader in human trafficking of women for sexual exploitation:
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a transit and destination country for trafficking in person as well as a country of origin for victims of trafficking. The Iranian state has always faced human trafficking issues due to geographical location and lack of measures by the Iranian authorities to prevent trafficking and to develop strategies that address the root causes and risk factors. The issue has been invisible by lack of official statistics and estimations, freedom of expression, freedom of associations and free press. In December 2013 the semi official Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) quoted Iran's passport issues police department chief, General Mahmoud Sadeghi: “We do not deny girls’ trafficking to Arabian countries but the number is not considerable” at an INTERPOL Regional Operational Workshop on “Combating Trafficking in Human Beings” in Tehran. At the same event Homayun Hashemi, the head of Iran’s government-run Social Welfare Organisation, was quoted: “Certain statistics have no positive function in society; instead, they have a negative psychological impact. It is better not to talk about them.” 
 Women and girls are trafficked for sexual exploitation domestically and externally into Persian Gulf countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan, more limited to European and Asian countries as well as more recently to China. Additionally Afghan, Pakistani, Eastern Europeans, Chinese and Iraqi women are trafficked into the I.R. Iran. 
There are specific vulnerability factors for women and girls of becoming trafficking victims in the I.R. Iran such as poverty, drug addiction, sexual abuse, domestic violence, pre-arranged marriages as well as divorce as case studies of “Runaway Girls in Social Emergency and Rehabilitation Centre of Shiraz, Iran” specifies. In recent years also the number of girls as well as boys on the streets has increased.

The good news is that Khamenei is clearly afraid of rights that Iranian women are demanding and how his eighth-century society looks to the world. When he calls something "Zionist" that is a last ditch effort to demonize something that even most Iranians know is inevitable.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

  • Sunday, March 19, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

As UNESCO has descended into anti-Israel madness, its head, Irina Bokova, has been trying to keep it from sinking altogether.

When UNESCO passed a resolution that implicitly denied a connection between Judaism and Jerusalem, Bokova issued a statement denouncing it:

The heritage of Jerusalem is indivisible, and each of its communities has a right to the explicit recognition of their history and relationship with the city. To deny, conceal or erase any of the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site, and runs counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
...We have a collective responsibility to strengthen this cultural and religious coexistence, by the power of acts and also by the power of words. This requirement is stronger than ever, to bridge the divisions that harm the multi-faith character of the Old City.
When these divisions carry over into UNESCO, an Organization dedicated to dialogue and peace, they prevent us from carrying out our mission. UNESCO's responsibility is to foster this spirit of tolerance and respect for history, and this is my absolute daily determination as Director-General, with all Member States.

Bokova received death threats for these words.

In 2015, Bokova "deplored" an attempt by Muslim states to declare the Western Wall to be part of Al Aqsa Mosque.

While she capitulated to Arab pressure to postpone a UNESCO exhibit on the ties between Israel and the Jewish people, she strongly supported the newer exhibit, according to organizers.

Bokova is stepping down this year after two terms - and four Arabs are on the shortlist of nine people to replace her.

The Arab countries say that an Arab has never had that position and it is time.

The candidates are Egypt's Moushira Khattab, Qatar's Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, Iraq's Saleh al-Hasnawi, Lebanon's Vera el-Khoury Lacoeuilh, Guatemala's Juan Alfonso Fuentes Soria, Vietnam's Pham Sanh Chau, Azerbaijan's Polad Bulbuloglu, China's Qian Tang, and France's Culture Minister Audrey Azoulay who may have the inside track because UNESCO's headquarters is in Paris.

Azoulay has a Moroccan Jewish background. Her father was an adviser to Morocco's King Mohammed VI.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, March 19, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is Varda's talk, and the QA afterwards, from the symposium I held in Jerusalem last week.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Germany MPs investigate pro-Hezbollah academic Finkelstein
In a dramatic widening of an academic antisemitism scandal at the Max Planck Institute for the promotion of lectures delivered by a pro-Hezbollah instructor, German Green Party lawmakers began a parliamentary inquiry on Friday into Dr. Norman Finkelstein’s talks.
The Jerusalem Post obtained a copy of the Green Party questionnaire sent to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration, which includes her Education Ministry’s criticism of allegedly shoddy scholarship practiced at the Max Planck Institute in Halle.
Stefan Müller, an undersecretary of the Education Ministry, wrote that the ministry “sees with concern that in the context of a controversial academic discussion possible antisemitic theses were given a platform.”
Müller, a member of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, said the government called on the president of the Max Planck Institute, Martin Stratmann, to clear up the alleged misconduct. Stratmann, according to Müller, has not provided answers to the Merkel administration.
Pro-Hezbollah activist and US academic Finkelstein delivered two lectures, including one titled “Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom.”
The talks were held in January at the Max Planck Institute branch in the city of Halle, in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Stand With Us: American Victims of Palestinian Terror: Naftali Moses
Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a child. Nothing can prepare a parent to hear the news of a terror attack and slowly discover that his son is among the eight shot down in cold blood. Nothing can prepare a father for the heartrending pain that burying his firstborn son brings.
On March 6, 2008, Naftali Moses’ 16 years old son, Avraham David, was murdered by a terrorist who opened fire on teenagers who were studying in a library in Jerusalem. On that day his life changed forever.
Hear the story of an American Victim of Palestinian Terrorism.
To support American Victims of Palestinian Terrorism sign the petition:

The UN 101: The UN Human Rights Council
What is the UN Human Rights Council and who is being helped by it?

Rare signs of fairness at the UN
The report, which consisted entirely of some of the worst anti-Semitic propaganda the world has seen since the Holocaust, was authored by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, a whitewashed name for a group of Arab states. Not that the organization's other reports were objective. You won't find any condemnation of Arab tyrants there, or any concern for those the committee members refer to as Palestinian refugees in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Even news exposes about the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, ranging from corruption scandals to incitement to jihadi terrorism and anti-Semitism, are routinely ignored by the committee.
But this time the hypocrisy and lies of the haters of Israel were too much even for an organization that has been accustomed to swallow them in large gulps. A document accusing Israel of apartheid practices was coyly presented as the official stance of the U.N. without having been approved by the regular channels. In other words, it's a fake. Guterres demanded that the committee shelve the delusional creation, and committee chairwoman Rima Khalaf was forced to resign.
The story doesn't end there. In our world, there is always someone who looks out for anti-Semites and lends his hand to anyone who makes war against the Jewish state. In case you were wondering, that is Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. He didn't waste a minute before calling the fired anti-Semitic Khalaf, expressing his deep appreciation and informing her that the PA would be awarding her its highest honor. You can judge people by their friends.

Lavarnway, Freiman, and Zeid (Seoul, 2017)
Japan beat Team Israel last Wednesday to eliminate the "Mensches" from the World Baseball Classic (WBC).

Nonetheless, Israel did far better than anyone thought possible. Manager Jerry Weinstein and the guys were not expected to even qualify for the tournament and the oddsmakers pegged them at a 200 to 1 longshot to win the whole kaboodle.

Israel defied expectations by not only qualifying for the series, but making it into Round 2 until the Netherlands and Japan blocked their run in the Tokyo Dome. Still, the guys did phenomenal and my poker-money says that they will do so again in 2021.

The primary question for those of us covering the Team Israel, however, is just what to make of their terrific effort? Is there some larger meaning that can be culled? Does the Mensche on the Bench, as conjured by outfielder Cody Decker, really have Kabbalistic powers?

I suspect not, but what is clear is that Ha'aretz - Israel's version of the "paper of record" - is not a big fan of Team Israel.

One thing that I will always remember about this series, aside from the Mensche, himself, is the contempt of Ha'aretz for their own national ballclub. It's a bit sad, but I never much liked Ha'aretz, anyway, because I am not "post-Zionist." 

While it is obviously true that not all Jews are citizens of the sovereign state of Israel, we are part of the nation of Israel because we are part of the Jewish people. The very word "Israel" - whether Ha'aretz likes it or not - refers to both the Jewish State as well as to the Jewish people as a whole. The general policy of the State of Israel since 1948 - and of the yishuv in the British mandate - was to hold Jewish people close as brothers and sisters as those of us in diaspora do likewise.

I am not convinced that Ha'aretz is quite on-board with this old-fashioned notion, however.

"This Spit" (Sweden, 2016)
Once it became clear that Team Israel was doing well in the tournament - after their surprise upsets in the preliminaries in Brooklyn, New York, and then the amazing sweep at Gocheok Skydome in Seoul, South Korea - it was just too much for Ha'aretz.

In two articles attached to their rather flat description of Israel's victory over Team Cuba in the first game of Round 2, Ha'aretz spat at their American bat-wielding brothers.

On March 9, Simon Spungin portrayed Team Israel as comprised of foreign usurpers and on March 12, Chemi Shalev did the same.

Sure, they're Jewish and, by Israeli law, they could become Israeli if they wanted to. But they're not. They are Americans and they have been brought in as ringers, plain and simple.
This is unjust, malicious, and the title oozes condescension.

The point of the World Baseball Classic is to promote baseball to an international audience. This is why any player eligible for citizenship in any country may play for that country and that is why we see Major Leaguers from the United States playing for teams all throughout the world. In fact, Team Israel does not have a single player currently in the bigs, but this is not true for other countries who have non-national big league stars playing for their country.

In a September 28 ESPN article, How Israel made major progress at World Baseball Classic qualifyingThomas Neumann explains:
We know what you're thinking. Why is a de facto Jewish-American all-star team representing Israel?

WBC eligibility rules are more flexible than those which govern most federated international competitions, including the Olympics. By WBC rules, a player is essentially allowed to compete for a nation if he fulfills the criteria whereby he would be eligible to become a citizen of that country. Israel isn't the only country that benefits from this rule, but its religious status makes for a unique situation among WBC teams. The nation's Law of Return allows anyone with a Jewish parent, grandparent or spouse to become a citizen.

MLB established this policy with the idea of growing the game globally. After all, a tournament where a handful of established teams crush inexperienced competition would serve as an insincere invitation to nations where MLB has growth interest.
Notice how much more kindly that ESPN is to Team Israel than is Ha'aretz. 

Is there any other newspaper in the world that represents itself before an international audience as the voice of that country that so fiercely attacks its own sports teams during international competitions?

I sincerely doubt it.

The WBC did not devise this rule out of some nefarious Zionist plot to rob more virtuous people from their proper baseball glory to the benefit of the Jews. Someone needs to inform Ha'aretz that the WBC created this rule because they want to promote the game and hope to see it permanently reinstated as an Olympic sport which is why the best players from anywhere in the world can play for any team so long as they are eligible for citizenship in that country.

I have never seen this before.

Why would Ha'aretz go after Team Israel if not to niggle at political divides between Jewish Israelis and their brothers and sisters in the diaspora?

In order to further delegitimize Team Israel on March 12 Ha'aretz published this gem by Chemi Shalev entitled, Why Stop at Baseball? Israel Should Also Recruit Scarlett Johansson, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Bernie Sanders:
We may view it as a natural expression of the eternal link between Jews and their Promised Land, but one can hardly blame others if they take a more cynical view of a baseball team that uses God’s Covenant with Abraham as a pretext for manning their pitching roster.
Tell me, does this just not drip with arrogance and condescension?

None of this, obviously, has anything whatsoever to do with "God's Covenant" because the game - Billy Crystal's cosmic baseball dreams aside - has nothing to do with theology. I am no one's idea of a rabbi, for chrissake, but I am pretty sure that baseball does not figure highly in Torah learning.

Cody Decker hugs the "Mensche"
The pitching roster reflects the team and the team reflects Israel and Israel reflects the Jewish people.

And that is precisely what Ha'aretz cannot swallow.

We all know that Ha'aretz pays money for anti-Semitic anti-Zionists like Amira Hass and Gideon Levy to retch hatred at Jewish people who do not toe their political line. For example, Hass actually believes that stoning Jews in Israel is "the birthright and duty" of Palestinian-Arabs.

So, while many of us have long understood that Ha'aretz is the toxic little Israeli brother of the New York Times, I never figured that they would actually hurl poison at Jewish ballplayers in order to get a kitzel behind the ear from New York.

As far as I am concerned Ha'aretz can go straight to hell. 

It speaks neither for the Jews in Israel, nor for those of us in diaspora.

It speaks only for the Democratic Party which, itself, is neither a friend to the Jewish people, nor the Jewish state.

It might as well bring on anti-Semitic anti-Zionist and Democratic Party activist Linda Sarsour to decide its editorial policies.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.


We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, March 19, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, Mahmoud Abbas dedicated a school in Doha that is open only to students of Palestinian descent.

I believe that this school has been around for a few years, because there is a (currently inactive) website and Facebook page for ""

Let's look at what they teach.

First, Israel doesn't exist. The only country between Egypt and Jordan is "Palestine."

Second, violence is wonderful.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, March 19, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Wednesday, someone started an Arabic hashtag "We are all Ahlam Tamimi," to show support for the terrorist to murdered 16 people at a pizza shop who the US wants to have Jordan extradite. They attempted to create a Twitter storm with that tag on Thursday night.

Some people created posters in her honor:

Staying true to Ahlam’s sacrifices, and affirming her right to resist the plundering occupier, and refusing the US’s demand to extradite her
#We are all_Ahlam_Tamimi
Join us in our solidarity campaign
With the freed prisoner #We are all_Ahlam_Tamimi Thursday at 7 pm – Be with us

The flower of freedom
The freed prisoner Ahlam Tamimi

Ahlam Tamimi “is an example for the Arab woman resisting the Israeli occupation and its existence on Palestinian land”
(This is a quote of what Abd Al-Naser Farawna, head of the PLO’s authority for prisoners’ affairs said)

“Oh you with the bleeding eyes and hands,
The night will pass,
The detention room is not there to stay
And neither is the iron of the chains”
Ahlam Tamimi
(The quote is from a poem by Mahmoud Darwish)

Less than 50 people tweeted it, among them Tamimi herself, who is embracing the idea that she is a would-be martyr.

Of course, if she wants to sacrifice herself for her cause, then surrendering herself to the US would be an excellent way to do so.

If you want to see who Palestinians consider heroes, a writer and doctor names Said El-Haj tweeted:

Despite all the bad our situation, we still have an honorable and inspiring models.
# Ahmed Daqamseh (murderer of 7 Israeli schoolgirls)
# Ahlam Tamimi (murderer of 16 Israelis at pizza shop)
# Basil Al-Araj (Terrorist killed in shootout with IDF earlier this month)
# Rima Khalaf (UN ESCWA head who vilifies Israel at every opportunity)

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

If you single out Israel as an apartheid state, the only one in the world with that appellation, you are an antisemite.

After UN ESCWA head Rima Khalaf resigned, she has been praised as "brave" for her stand. Of course, her term was up within two weeks, so there was no bravery involved whatsoever.

Who has praised the report and Rima Khalaf?

Mahmoud Abbas, who says he will give Khalaf the Palestinians'  highest honor. (Maybe a bronzed suicide belt?)

Hanan Ashrawi, whose NGO website has included numerous examples of naked antisemitism.

The Euro-Mediterranian Human Rights Monitor, which has engaged in antisemitic tropes numerous times.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Ben White, hypocritical "pro-Palestinian" activist.

Islamic Jihad.

Ali Abunimah and Electronic Intifada.


The BDS movement.

David Duke.

By the criteria of the report, we can safely declare most nations on the planet to be "apartheid states"  where all people under the regimes are denied equal rights. But only one seems to get that label. And that proves, as well as anything can, that the critics of Israel are not interested in "human rights" but they simply cannot stomach the idea of the Jewish people having any national rights.

Yes, this is a list of antisemites.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

UN Watch: Pressured by Nikki Haley, U.N. Pulls Richard Falk’s ‘Apartheid’ Israel Report, Head of Arab U.N. Agency Resigns
UN Watch welcomed today’s resignation by Rima Khalaf from her post as head of a Beirut-based UN agency, comprised of 18 Arab states, after what she described as pressure from secretary-general Antonió Guterres to withdraw a report accusing Israel of “apartheid.” The report appears to have been deleted today from the U.N. ESCWA agency’s website.
As revealed by UN Watch, the author of the report was disgraced ex-UN official Richard Falk, who had been denounced on repeated occasions by former UN chief Ban Ki-moon and other world leaders for espousing 9/11 conspiracy theories, blaming the U.S. and Israel for the Boston Marathon bombing, and spreading antisemitism.
Earlier this week, U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley welcomed remarks by Guterres’ spokesman distancing himself from the report, but she demanded that the UN “withdraw the report altogether.”
“When someone issues a false and defamatory report in the name of the UN,” said Haley today in reaction, “it is appropriate that the person resign. UN agencies must do a better job of eliminating false and biased work, and I applaud the Secretary-General’s decision to distance his good office from it.”
“Guterres deserves credit for doing the right thing,” said Hillel Neuer, who sparred with Falk repeatedly during the latter’s fraught 6-year term as the UN Human Rights Council’s investigator of alleged Israeli violations.
“But there is no question that the initial moral voice here was that of U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley, and that it was U.S. leverage which prompted the UN to act.”
Hillel Neuer: Why the UK should expel UN official Richard Falk
This evening in Britain, Richard Falk – the UN official whose mandate is to investigate “Israel’s violations of the principles and bases of international law” – will speak at the University of East Anglia, at the invitation of a Green Party activist.
Months after Britain denied entry to two U.S. bloggers whom it accused of promoting anti-Islamic sentiment, it is far from clear why the government is now applying a double standard by welcoming Falk – a notorious Hamas supporter, 9/11 conspiracist, and promoter of anti-Semitic theories, cartoons, and books – whom the UK government itself has officially condemned on at least three separate occasions for promoting what it described as anti-Semitism.
In blocking the American bloggers, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, the UK government in June found that their presence in the country was “not conducive to the public good” because they made statements that “may foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.”
Are Falk’s actions and statements any less hateful?
Consider the facts
Walter Russell Mead: The Grey Lady Soft Pedals Richard Falk
In no sense can Falk be called an impartial or fair minded writer. The Times can and should do better than paying lip service to unnamed “critics”.
Here at Via Meadia, we’re used to this crazy UN stuff. Our core criticism isn’t of predictable haters commissioning a predictable hit job, but of the NYT for failing to give its readers a clear understanding of just who it was who produced this piece. The Times‘ incomplete account also makes top UN officials’ response to the apartheid accusation look weak and potentially irresponsible rather than principled:
The leadership of the United Nations, sensitive to accusations by Israel and the United States over what they have described as a deep anti-Israel bias, moved quickly to distance itself from the report and described it as a surprise.
“We just saw the report today,” Stéphane Dujarric, a spokesman for Secretary General António Guterres, said at a daily news briefing. “It was done without any prior consultation with the secretary general. The report as it stands does not reflect the stance of the secretary general.”

Falk’s bias and animus are well known at the UN, and UN officials—who know much more about this than the Times decided to share with its readers—understood that this report was an ugly piece of junk and had no desire to be associated with it in any way. This probably wasn’t about appeasing Trump or Israel, but about a sense of professionalism and due caution asserting themselves.
What the Grey Lady’s readers won’t know due to the horrible framing is that what we have here is actually a good news story about the UN: a number of people in the organization have wised up to Richard Falk and want nothing to do with him. Instances of integrity and objectivity at the UN aren’t so common that they should be passed over in silence; the Times’ readers deserve to know that the long process of reform at the UN actually shows some occasional signs of being successful.
Ambassador Nikki Haley Blasted A U.N. Report That Accused Israel Of Being Guilty Of Apartheid

Friday, March 17, 2017

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: How the monstering of Donald Trump has confused the Jews
Everyone should calm down and stop jumping to conclusions with every phone call, visit or remark.
At a deeper level still, it also surely reflects the profound fissure within conservatism itself. For decades, progressives have rejected Western national identity and values as a form of white racism and cultural oppression.
Many conservatives bought into much of this onslaught, usually without realizing it.
That’s why millions in the West have felt so disenfranchised; and why conservatives no less than liberals were so astonished by both Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump. Both these phenomena expressed the urgent wish of the people to defend the identity, culture and democratic accountability of Western nations against the attempt to destroy them.
Yet this reasonable, even admirable impulse has been vilified as racism not just by the Left but also by mainstream conservatives – amongst whom are many anti- Trump Jews. That’s why Trump’s philosopher-strategist Steve Bannon, who is driven by the desire to restore Western national identity based on Judeo-Christian values, has been smeared and defamed as a “white nationalist.”
Yet it’s also why ultimately Donald Trump, despite his manifold flaws, is a true ally of the Jewish people. It’s a great pity so many Jews don’t see it.
Amb. Alan Baker: Was the Balfour Declaration Legal?
With the 2017 centenary of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which acknowledged the right of the Jewish people to their national homeland in Palestine, the international community is witnessing a highly orchestrated attempt by the Arab League and the Palestinian leadership to question its legal veracity.
This campaign is one of the means of manipulation of the international community used by the Palestinian leadership to cast doubt and undermine the historic and legal basis and rights of the Jews in the area.
Sadly, and completely at odds with history and international law, this campaign appears to be receiving support from other countries.
In the context of the Balfour Declaration centenary, the Palestinian leadership called on the Arab League at its September 2016 summit meeting in Nouakchott, Mauritania, to institute “an international criminal case for the crime committed against our nation by the UK for issuing the Balfour Declaration.”
The Palestinian leadership launched a “Balfour Apology Campaign” with a disturbing statement to the UN General Assembly on September 22, 2016, in which Mahmoud Abbas stated:
100 years have passed since the notorious Balfour Declaration, by which Britain gave, without any right, authority or consent from anyone, the land of Palestine to another people.
Abbas went on to formally demand an apology from the UK for issuing the Balfour Declaration.
25 years since the bombing of Israel's Embassy in Buenos Aires
On 17.3 we mark 25 years since the terror attack on Israel's Embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 people.
May the memory of the victims be a blessing

  • Friday, March 17, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Reuters:
The head of the United Nation's West Asia commission resigned on Friday, after what she described as pressure from the secretary general to withdraw a report accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" on Palestinians.

The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which comprises 18 Arab states, published the report on Wednesday and said it was the first time a U.N. body had clearly made the charge.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had asked the commission to remove the report from its website, a U.N. official said earlier.

Guterres insisted on the withdrawal of the report, U.N. Under-Secretary General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf said.

"Based on that, I submitted to him my resignation from the United Nations," Khalaf told a news conference in Beirut on Friday.

The report concluded "Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole". The accusation - often directed at Israel by its critics - is fiercely rejected by Israel.

Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman likened the report to anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda. The United States, Israel's main ally, said it was outraged by the report.
It isn't surprising that Khalaf values slandering Israel over her very job.

In 2014, as ESCWA released a report on the challenges facing the Arab world, Khalaf effectively said that Israel shouldn't exist and the Arabs should have destroyed it in 1948:

The effects of fragmentation have blighted all Arabs; observers cannot but notice the consequences of decades of division and underdevelopment. It is an explosive combination of threats and challenges, characterized by unconstrained foreign interference and human misery.

Foreign interference comes in various forms, such as violations of Arab rights and dignity, but its worst manifestation is the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese territories, in flagrant breach of all international conventions and resolutions.

The authors of the report claim that the damage caused by Israeli policies is not limited to occupation activities, but they believe that aggressive Israeli policies, including its support for discord aimed at establishing Arab sectarian mini-States and its nuclear programme that is not subject to international monitoring, pose a continuous threat to the security of Arab citizens in the region as a whole.

The most dangerous of these policies is Israel's adamancy that it is a Jewish State, which violates the rights of both the Muslim and Christian indigenous populations and revives the concept of state ethnic and religious purity, which caused egregious human suffering during the twentieth century.

The report claims that Arab rights would not have been trampled; Jerusalem would not have suffered under Judaization policies, land confiscation and the expulsion of populations; and Muslim and Christian holy shrines would not have been desecrated if Arabs had stood united and coordinated their efforts, or at least met their existing commitments to joint defence.
That ESCWA report praised Egypt's launching the Yom Kippur War.

Also in 2014, ESCWA released a series of 181 pro-Palestinian memes, many of which were absolute lies and half-truths.

Last year, Khalaf publicly praised BDS and Arab states forbidding "normalization" with Israel, and praised "resistance," code-word for terror attacks.

For years, Khalaf used her platform to use the UN's name to bash Israel way beyond what even the UN's one-sided Human Rights Council had done. But now the UN has a head that actually cares to ensure that Israel is treated more fairly.

The difference between new UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Ban Ki Moon is huge. Good riddance to Rima Khalaf.

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From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Know thine enemy
There are iron rules of warfare. One of the most basic rules is that you have to know your enemy. If you do not know your enemy, or worse, if you refuse to act on your knowledge of him, you will lose your war against him.
This basic truth appears to have eluded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
This week we have been beset by the bizarre and sudden appearance of Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s negotiations chief.
Greenblatt’s mission is apparently to reinstate the mordant peace process between Israel and the PLO.
The peace process that Greenblatt is here to reincarnate died 17 years ago.
In 2000, PLO chief and Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat killed the peace process when he initiated a massive terrorist war against Israel, right after he rejected peace and Palestinian statehood at the Camp David peace conference.
In rejecting peace, the architect of modern terrorism made clear that his claim seven years earlier that he was willing to reach a compromise with Israel, based on partition of the Land of Israel between a Jewish and an Arab state, was a lie. As the nationalist camp had warned at the time and since, the PLO was not remotely interested either in statehood or in peace. Arafat’s willingness to engage Israel in negotiations that led to its transfer of security and civil control over Gaza and the Palestinian population centers in Judea and Samaria to the PLO was simply another means to the only end the PLO ever contemplated. It was a means of weakening Israel as a step toward achieving the PLO’s ultimate goal of destroying the Jewish state.
PMW: Fatah blatantly supports terror - findings presented in US Congress
A new collection of examples shows that Fatah continues to blatantly incite and glorify terror in 2017 (March 17, 2017)
Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch presented its report Fatah Votes for Terror to the House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East. Included as an appendix to that report is a new collection of examples which show that Fatah continues to blatantly incite and glorify terror in 2017.
The picture to the right, which Fatah posted on its official Facebook page and appears in Appendix 2 of PMW's report, is just one of countless examples of the party's violence promotion.
Click to view Fatah Votes for Terror Appendix 2: Fatah terror promotion continues in 2017
Fatah promotes terror during times characterized by daily terror attacks as well as during relatively peaceful times. In Fatah Votes for Terror Appendix 3, PMW documents that Fatah actively glorified terrorism on its Facebook page throughout the terror wave of 2015-2016.
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 17, 2017]
The image below, which Fatah posted to its official Facebook page and appears in Appendix 3, glorified the ongoing violence and promised more to come:
UN Watch: UN chief rejects Richard Falk’s ESCWA report accusing Israel of ‘apartheid’
U.N. chief Antonió Guterres rejected a report published by ECSWA, a Beirut-based agency of the world body— ECSWA—comprised entirely of 18 Arab states, which accuses Israel of “apartheid.”
The report’s chief author is Richard Falk, a former U.N. official who was condemned repeatedly by the UK and other governments for antisemitism.
In 2011, Falk was also denounced by his own boss, former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, for espousing 9/11 conspiracy theories which accused the U.S. government, instead of Al Qaeda, of perpetrating the 9/11 terror attacks.
The new report, said Guterres’ spokesman, “does not reflect the views of the Secretary‑General.”
U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the report, and called on the UN to withdraw it:
What the media doesn't want you to know about Richard Falk's new U.N. Report


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