Thursday, November 03, 2016

  • Thursday, November 03, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the weeks before the 12th anniversary of Yasir Arafat's death, his face is all over the Palestinian Arab news.

The Fatah Facebook page is literally filled with images of Arafat. It has hundreds, and scores have been posted in the past month before this minor anniversary.

More interestingly, Mahmoud Abbas is relegated to a minor role in the Fatah Facebook page, with only occasional stories about him. He is lost in the glare of Arafat worship.

So Abbas does what he has to do - he tries to get some of Arafat's popularity reflected on him.

Abbas' Fatah rival, Mahmoud Dahlan, is meanwhile releasing his own photos and videos showing how tight he was with the old terrorist.

This is not simply marking an anniversary. This is worship..

But it also shows that since Arafat died, Palestinians have no direction, no original ideas, nothing to look forward to. Their glory is in the past when Arafat called all the shots. There is nostalgia for the good old days of terror attacks under Arafat's rule.

And really, since the syphilitic murderer finally died, what has the Palestinian Authority or Fatah done on their own? Essentially nothing., Arafat set their strategy of using the peace process as a Trojan horse to destroy Israel in stages, and they are following it slavishly.

So they are stuck in the past, with their unceasing obsession with anniversaries (of Arafat's death, the Balfour Declaration, the UN Partition Plan, - and that is just this month.)

While Israelis are building and creating and innovating, Palestinians cannot move beyond the Arafat era.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

From Ian:

UK Watchdog: Police Investigating Antisemitic Tweets Posted by Ringleader of Violent Anti-Israel Protest at London University
British police are actively investigating antisemitic social media postings of a student believed to be the ringleader of last week’s violent anti-Israel protest at University College London (UCL), a spokesman from a watchdog group told The Algemeiner on Tuesday.
According to the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), the Metropolitan Police Service is “currently reviewing evidence” it provided on tweets written by Yahya Abu Seido, president of the UCLU Friends of Palestine Society.
Though Abu Seido’s Twitter account is set to “private,” the CAA said in a statement that it obtained numerous tweets that violate the International Definition of Antisemitism.
In one instance, the CAA said, Abu Seido invoked the classical trope of Jewish control, writing: “Zionists own the economy,” and the media is “Zionist.”
In a tweet from July 2015, Abu Seido compared Israel to the Nazi regime.
That same month, he wrote that “ISIS serves Israel.”
The CAA said it also found video footage of Abu Seido at the UCL protest telling pro-Israel attendees, “I hope you guys will think twice now next time you think about coming here.”
As reported by The Algemeiner, police were called in to intervene at the UCL gathering — hosted by CAMERA on Campus and the Friends of Israel student group — after protesters stormed the premises.
‘Kill a Jew’ Spray-Painted on Wall of South African University Building Two Weeks After Kippah-Wearing Student Verbally Assaulted on Campus
Violent antisemitic graffiti was found on Monday at the campus of South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), a mere two weeks after a Jewish student was verbally assaulted by an angry mob of protesters.
According to a statement by the South African Union of Jewish Students Countrywide (SAUJS), “Kill a Jew” and “F**k the Jews” — were spray-painted on a wall of a school building.
The SAUJS “unequivocally” condemned the “hateful, ignorant and offensive” expression of antisemitism.
“SAUJS maintains that every student on campus should be free from intimidation, regardless of their race, religion, gender of self-identification. Jewish students are no exception,” the group said.
The national Jewish union called on the Wits administration “to condemn this blatant antisemitism in the strongest possible terms.”
The appearance of the graffiti at Wits comes on the heels of an incident last month, in which a kippah-wearing student was called, among other epithets, a “Motherf**king Jew” by fellow students during a campus protest.
SAUJS said, “This kind of hate speech…unfortunately is not new to Wits University.”
Combating Israel-bashing at the 2016 Göteborg Book Fair
Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden. The city’s largest cultural event of the year is held each September in one of the largest exhibition spaces in town. This year the theme was “Freedom of Speech.” Over a period of four days, close to 100,000 people from across Sweden paid a visit to the fair.
A special part of the Göteborg Book Fair is “The International Square” – “a network of NGOs, publishers, trade unions, businesses and agencies working with international issues and development and co-operation.” The goal is “to spread qualified information about global development issues to the many visitors – from Sweden and elsewhere.” The Swedish international aid and development agency (SIDA) supports the International Square, among other things by paying the salary of an organizer from a private adult-education agency.
As the director of the Sderot Media Center and the Jerusalem Discovery photography and multimedia show, I was invited by the Sweden-Israel Friendship Association (SIFA) to share my personal audio-visual narrative: From Rockets to Rainbows. This was the second year that SIFA set up a booth to counterbalance the well-funded anti-Israel booths in the International Square.
Upon arrival, I set up our books of photography for display in the booth and hung up colorful posters from my photo exhibits to draw attention to the booth.
On my first break, I walked around the complex to get a feel for the atmosphere of the International Square – and for what and who are we up against here.
There were at least seven anti-Israel booths and assemblies.

  • Wednesday, November 02, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is an example of "normalization" between an Arab country and Israel that no one says anything bad about.

Qatar's ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Mohamed al-Emadi, entered Gaza yesterday.

He came through the Erez crossing, which means that he went through Israel to do it.

And it isn't the first time. He has visited a number of times before, each time coordinating with Israel.

Qatar has given about a billion dollars to help Gaza, far more than any other Arab country, and it is a very hands-on procedure. Qatar chooses who gets the money and for what projects - in coordination with Israel.

He meets with Israeli generals and other officials. This NPR article from last year notes:

Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of research for Israel's military intelligence, says that there's one good reason Israel is helping Qatar help Gaza.

"Nobody else is ready to help but Qatar," he says.

Kuperwasser says that because Hamas is not only a militia but also the de facto government, improving life in Gaza could deter Hamas from war.

"We believe that better conditions in Gaza would lessen the incentive of Hamas and the population to go again to a war," he says. "So in a way, it is helping the deterrence. But the purpose is to improve the conditions of the people of Gaza and enable them to live a respectable life."
Emadi also meets with Hamas as well.

Last year Emadi even praised Israel and slammed Arab countries over helping Gaza rebuild, a move that alarmed Mahmoud Abbas.

As the NPR article concludes with this quote from Kuperwasser: ""Life is full of contradictions and strange things."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

rambanBarcelona, November 2 - In the aftermath of Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman's success in his disputation with an apostate Jew before the king of Aragon, ecclesiastical figures are claiming that one of their number provided some of the debate questions to the Rabbi ahead of time, giving him an unfair advantage in the showdown.

Friar Miguel Dominguez stands accused of sneaking a copy of several disputation points to the Rabbi, also known as Nachmanides, in the confrontation with Pablo Christiani, who converted to Roman Catholicism from Judaism. Nachmanides demolished the claims of his opponent, who set out to prove not merely that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah, but that even the sages of the Talmud could be shown to have acknowledged it. In thorough fashion, the rabbi demonstrated the logical inconsistencies, distortions, and outright falsehoods inherent in Christiani's premises and arguments, to the point that King James I awarded Nachmanides a substantial monetary sum and gave an address in a Barcelona synagogue, an unprecedented move in Europe.

"There is no way the Jew should have won," explained Father José Miro, a Church representative who was present at the disputation. "Under normal circumstances these disputations have clear rules that forbid a Jew from uttering anything objectionable to the Church, which guarantees the desired outcome. But in this case, for some unknown reason the king granted the rabbi freedom of speech. That was a problem, but not an insurmountable one - my colleagues and I believe the outcome was prejudiced by Friar Miguel, who was known to have handled some of the preparation but whose absence the night before the event remains unaccounted for." Dominguez maintains his innocence, and that he had taken ill and was resting in his quarters that evening.

"It's all rather suspicious," seconded Bishop Javier Vega. "The rabbi knew exactly what points of Christian doctrine to attack, as if someone had gone through the Bible for him and marked the passages that undermine the faith. The existence of someone who gains knowledge and understanding of Scripture without Church supervision is anomalous in this society - someone must have helped him from the inside." The bishop declined to offer his assessment of whether Dominguez is the culprit, merely insisting that whoever is proved guilty face an appropriate penalty.

Anti-Jewish violence has threatened to erupt in the wake of the disputation, but the clergy was forced to call off a planned riot and burning of Talmud manuscripts when the Jews received an anonymous tip of the impending attack and spirited their copies out of harm's way.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Fatah glorifies PA Police officer-turned-terrorist: "Heroic Martyr"
Emphasizing his position with the Palestinian Authority Police, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement glorified the perpetrator of yesterday's terror attack as a “heroic Martyr” and “the Martyr police officer”. Terrorist Muhammad Turkeman shot and wounded 3 Israeli soldiers.
In two posts on Facebook, Fatah specifically stressed that terrorist Turkeman was an “officer in the [PA] Palestinian police special forces”, using several hashtags to underscore this point:
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Oct. 31, 2016]
Fatah included photos of terrorist Turkeman in posts that praised him for carrying out the "shooting operation”. In one he poses with an assault rifle, and in another he is shown wearing his PA Police uniform with a Kalashnikov assault rifle next to him.
MEMRI: Palestinian Social Media Reacts To Shooting Attack At Beit El Carried Out By Palestinian Policeman: Praise For Attacker, Calls For Other Palestinian Security Personnel To Carry Out Further Attacks
On October 31, 2016, Muhammad 'Abd Al-Khaleq Turkman, a 25-year-old Palestinian policeman, carried out a shooting attack at a checkpoint in Beit El, wounding three Israeli soldiers, one of them seriously. Turkman's brother Rabi'a, who was killed in 2011, was an official in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and the Popular Resistance Committees, and was active in confrontations with Israel during the Al-Aqsa Intifada.[1]
Following the attack, Palestinian social media users posted images and banners praising Turkman and his attack. Such posts also appeared on the Facebook pages of Fatah offices in the West Bank, and even on Fatah's official Facebook page, which referred to Turkman as "the hero martyr."
Facebook pages associated with Hamas featured calls for Palestinian security forces personnel to carry out similar attacks as part of the current Al-Quds Intifada that began in October 2015. Social networks also saw use of the hashtags "The Resisting Policeman" and "The Martyr Policeman."
JCPA: Have Some of the Palestinian Security Forces Gone Rogue?
On October 31, 2016, another attack was carried out by a Palestinian Security Services officer at an IDF checkpoint. Three IDF soldiers were wounded; the Palestinian officer Muhammed Turkman was killed.
Previous attacks occurred at the Hizma checkpoint adjacent to Jerusalem. The latest attack took place at the Ramallah District Coordination Office (DCO) checkpoint, a passage that oversees a road that is the Palestinian Authority’s Muqata (headquarters) lifeline. This checkpoint is the only one that serves senior PA officials and foreign diplomats as a gateway to and from Ramallah. The other checkpoints in the area (such as Qalandia and Beitunia) suffer from congestion and are off limits to PA officials. Practically, this means that the DCO checkpoint’s closure will amount to the disconnecting of the Muqata from the outside world, which may be the specific intention of those who perpetrated the attack.
The Palestinian Authority encourages incitement against cooperation with Israel while simultaneously stating that it is interested in continuing security cooperation. The PA cannot have its cake and eat it too.
Palestinian Security forces officers are portrayed in Palestinian Authority’s social media and by Fatah as traitors. It is only natural that these uniformed men try to regain their lost honor through terrorist attacks.

  • Wednesday, November 02, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The information on these charts comes from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

While the number of attacks went down significantly over the summer, they have resumed.

"Stabbings" includes attempted stabbings.

Here is a chart of the total attacks by type, excluding stone throwing.

Here you can see the trends by attack type.

There is a new trend that has not been reported much in the media: roadside bombs/grenades, which have been increasing from zero to ten per month.

The number of shootings sharply increased in October.

Here are the stone throwing attacks by themselves, now worse than even last year.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, November 02, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The official Fatah Facebook page praises Muhammad Turkeman, the PA police officer who shot and wounded three Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint on Sunday, calling him a "hero martyr."

In normal countries, police officers are praised for saving lives, not attempted murder.

And Turkeman (whose ancestors are from Turkmenistan*, not the area around Palestine) is not even the first police officer to shoot at Israelis at a checkpoint near Beit El. Amjad Sukkari performed a nearly identical attack in January, also wounding three Israelis.

And he was praised too.

Making police officers into heroes for terrorism? Only in the "moderate, peace loving" PA.

*Correction: I originally wrote Turkey.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, November 02, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
A Jewish demonstration against the White Paper, 1939

On this 99th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Arabs are starting a major campaign to force Great Britain to apologize for issuing it.

This is absurd, of course, for a number of reasons. The The Balfour Declaration was incorporated into the San Remo Resolution and became international law that set aside the entire area of Palestine to become a Jewish national home. This law is  still effective today. The campaign is really an effort to deny Jews their right to self-determination.

But there is one document that the British really should apologize for. 

The 1939 White Paper severely restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine at the very moment that the Jews of Europe faced death.

The British who wrote it pretended that it was all fair and proper, of course:

If immigration has an adverse effect on the economic position in the country, it should clearly be restricted; and equally, if it has a seriously damaging effect on the political position in the country, that is a factor that should not be ignored. Although it is not difficult to contend that the large number of Jewish immigrants who have been admitted so far have been absorbed economically, the fear of the Arabs that this influx will continue indefinitely until the Jewish population is in a position to dominate them has produced consequences which are extremely grave for Jews and Arabs alike and for the peace and prosperity of Palestine. The lamentable disturbances of the past three years are only the latest and most sustained manifestation of this intense Arab apprehension. The methods employed by Arab terrorists against fellow Arabs and Jews alike must receive unqualified condemnation. But it cannot be denied that fear of indefinite Jewish immigration is widespread amongst the Arab population and that this fear has made possible disturbances which have given a serious setback to economic progress, depleted the Palestine exchequer, rendered life and property insecure, and produced a bitterness between the Arab and Jewish populations which is deplorable between citizens of the same country. If in these circumstances immigration is continued up to the economic absorptive capacity of the country, regardless of all other considerations, a fatal enmity between the two peoples will be perpetuated, and the situation in Palestine may become a permanent source of friction amongst all peoples in the Near and Middle East. His Majesty's Government cannot take the view that either their obligations under the Mandate, or considerations of common sense and justice, require that they should ignore these circumstances in framing immigration policy.
In short, the British gave Arab terrorists veto power over allowing Jews to enter the country because of feat of more terror.

...The alternatives before His Majesty's Government are either (i) to seek to expand the Jewish National Home indefinitely by immigration, against the strongly expressed will of the Arab people of the country; or (ii) to permit further expansion of the Jewish National Home by immigration only if the Arabs are prepared to acquiesce in it. The former policy means rule by force....Moreover, the relations between the Arabs and the Jews in Palestine must be based sooner or later on mutual tolerance and goodwill; the peace, security and progress of the Jewish National Home itself requires this. Therefore His Majesty's Government, after earnest consideration, and taking into account the extent to which the growth of the Jewish National Home has been facilitated over the last twenty years, have decided that the time has come to adopt in principle the second of the alternatives referred to above.
More Jews mean the Arabs get more upset, and more upset Arabs mean that the Jewish national home cannot survive. How's that for logic to justify the imminent deaths of millions of Jews?

Oh, but the authors pretended to care about the European Jews. Or at least a few of them.

...His Majesty's Government are conscious of the present unhappy plight of large numbers of Jews who seek refuge from certain European countries, and they believe that Palestine can and should make a further contribution to the solution of this pressing world problem. In all these circumstances, they believe that they will be acting consistently with their Mandatory obligations to both Arabs and Jews, and in the manner best calculated to serve the interests of the whole people of Palestine, by adopting the following proposals regarding immigration:

...[T]he admission, as from the beginning of April this year, of some 75,000 immigrants over the next five years. These immigrants would, subject to the criterion of economic absorptive capacity, be admitted as follows:

For each of the next five years a quota of 10,000 Jewish immigrants will be allowed on the understanding that a shortage one year may be added to the quotas for subsequent years, within the five year period, if economic absorptive capacity permits.

In addition, as a contribution towards the solution of the Jewish refugee problem, 25,000 refugees will be admitted as soon as the High Commissioner is satisfied that adequate provision for their maintenance is ensured, special consideration being given to refugee children and dependents.

The existing machinery for ascertaining economic absorptive capacity will be retained, and the High Commissioner will have the ultimate responsibility for deciding the limits of economic capacity. Before each periodic decision is taken, Jewish and Arab representatives will be consulted.

After the period of five years, no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs of Palestine are prepared to acquiesce in it.

His Majesty's Government are determined to check illegal immigration, and further preventive measures are being adopted. The numbers of any Jewish illegal immigrants who, despite these measures, may succeed in coming into the country and cannot be deported will be deducted from the yearly quotas.

His Majesty's Government are satisfied that, when the immigration over five years which is now contemplated has taken place, they will not be justified in facilitating, nor will they be under any obligation to facilitate, the further development of the Jewish National Home by immigration regardless of the wishes of the Arab population.
The White Paper also stated, explicitly, that Jews cannot purchase land in much of Palestine from Arabs. making antisemitism official British government policy.

The authors of the paper knew very well every Jew they barred from immigrating to Palestine was likely to be murdered. Liberal MP James Rothschild stated during the parliamentary debate that "for the majority of the Jews who go to Palestine it is a question of migration or of physical extinction".

Even the "League of Nations commission held that the White Paper was in conflict with the terms of the Mandate."

In the end, the British didn't even admit the full 75,000 Jews that the White Paper allowed.

Six million were murdered. Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, would have been saved if it wasn't for the British White Paper. The disgusting policy of appeasement of what the paper paper literally called "Arab terrorists" -  led to the deaths of  untold numbers of Jews.

If anyone is going to ask for apologies from the British, it should be the Jewish people for the immoral policy that sentenced so many of our relatives to death.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

  • Tuesday, November 01, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2012, a major terror threat against Jewish targets was foiled in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Times of Israel reported at the time:
Piece by piece, the tools for an alleged Iranian-directed murder team were smuggled into Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. A sniper rifle with silencer. Pistols. Sixteen pieces of plastic explosives and detonators.
Finally came a dossier with photos, names and exacting details — down to workplace drawings — for Israeli targets in the capital of Azerbaijan.
Each step, according to authorities in Baku, was overseen by Iran’s intelligence services for what could have been a stunning attack weeks before the suspected shadow war between Jerusalem and Tehran flared in Azerbaijan’s neighbor Georgia and the megacities New Delhi and Bangkok.
Azeri police arrested an undisclosed number of people on Tuesday for suspected links to Tehran and Hezbollah who were plotting terrorist attacks, AFP reported according to Al Arabiya News.
The individuals in question amassed an arsenal of firearms and explosives and had carried out surveillance of targets in Baku, officials said.
Now  Jewish MP from Azerbaijan, Yevda Abramov, says that the Mossad is who foiled the plot:
Member of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) Yevda Abramov revealed the sensational facts about the involvement of Israeli intelligence services in anti-terrorist operations in the territory of Azerbaijan. In an interview to the MP noted that Mossad intelligence service's operatives had been participating in the protection of objects during the European Games in Baku.

'During the Eurovision song contest in Baku, Mossad divers neutralised in the sea a group of terrorists, who arrived from Iran to Azerbaijan. In the European games 2015 Mossad participated in the protection of the main objects in Baku,' said Yevda Abramov.

Azerbaijani MP also noted that relations between Azerbaijan and Israel were at a high level.
I found what I think is the original interview, but I could not decipher any part that said that the Mossad is what foiled the attack, although he definitely emphasized that the Mossad works closely with Azerbaijan intelligence and that Avigdor Lieberman is a great friend of the country.

In addition, Abramov said that the local media parrots the most ridiculous anti-Israel stories, like saying that Israel was responsible for creating a sandstorm that occurred when Shimon Peres visited, foiling a plot against him with the storm.

He blames the anti-Israel stories on Iranian connections and outreach to Azerbaijani journalists.

There are reports that Netanyahu is planning to visit Azerbaijan, which is a Muslim-majority country, in December.

(h/t Yigal B)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Assad Regime’s Grotesque PR Conference in Damascus Uses ‘New York Times,’ ‘Washington Post,’ NPR, and ‘New Yorker’ Reporters to Whitewash War Crimes
Bashar al-Assad’s regime has pulled off a grotesque PR coup by corralling a number of prominent American journalists from outlets like The New York Times, National Public Radio, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker to participate in a conference designed to legitimize the rule of Syria’s genocidal head of state. The conference held Sunday and Monday in Damascus, was organized by the British Syrian Society, a “foundation” chaired by Assad’s father-in-law, the London-based physician Fawaz Ahkras. The larger purpose of the conference appears to be raising money for the regime and its war effort, in part by relieving sanctions against major regime figures.
Many of the participants (here is a partial list of attendees) are British journalists, like Christina Lamb of The Sunday Times, and other UK figures drawn from Akhras’ London contacts. Indeed, the conference is meant to have something of a British ambiance, which is why it’s being conducted according to “Chatham House rules”—a phrase that misleadingly (and hilariously) suggests that the British foreign office is convening the panels. It seems unlikely that the Syrian intelligence officers speaking at the event, like Col. Samer, know Chatham House Rules from Hama Rules, nor do they care. The point is to legitimize the regime’s message with a vague atmosphere of Western ideas and methods—which is why having Western journalists in the audience, and even on panels, is important to the regime. Attending a conference that features at least four Syrian regime officials who are currently sanctioned for their role in Assad’s war crimes, are, among others, the New York Times’ Beirut correspondent Anne Barnard, NPR’s Alison Meuse, and Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker.
The stated purpose of the Damascus conference is to “facilitate a better understanding of a very complicated crisis.” And presumably journalists in attendance have rationalized their participation to their editors along those exact lines: Since we’re covering the other side of a war, they’re no doubt explaining, it’s a good thing to hear the Assad regime’s side of the story. And since we can’t get into Damascus safely otherwise, it’s fine if we go under the protection of the regime. How else could we get in there?
There’s a simple test for whether such excuses are valid: Will the Assad government provide access to non-regime figures, like the citizens that Assad and his allies have starved in the town of Madaya? Will the regime provide them access to the countless opposition figures, including peaceful activists, the regime has put in prison and tortured? The answers are “of course not” and “under no circumstances.” (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Ben-Dror Yemini: World is silent, except when it comes to Israel
The massacre in Mosul and its surroundings has already begun. Everyone is killing and massacring everyone. Not just ISIS. The world is watching. The world knows. And the world is keeping quiet. Only several weeks ago, it happened in Aleppo in Syria. The big hospital was ruined. The world knows, watches and keeps silent.
The world’s greatest power has decided not to intervene. A few observers. Some air support. Nothing more. This was legitimized by US President Barack Obama. He had promised to intervene if Syria were to use chemical weapons. There was a short-term illusion regarding an agreement. The use of chemical weapons continues. The massacre has only expanded.
Every mass slaughter requires every human being, definitely a Jew, to think about the world’s silence in the 1940s. There is a double lesson from the Holocaust, both national and human. The national lesson has been learned. Israel can defend itself. The human, universal lesson has never been learned.
It didn’t start today. Since World War II, 86 million people have been killed, and mainly slaughtered. According to a study of the American Public Health Association, the figure is 190 million. Five million in Congo. And the world kept quiet. A million during the Russian invasion and control of Afghanistan. And the world kept quiet. Three million in Bangladesh’s war of independence. And the world kept quiet. About half a million in Algeria’s war of independence. And the world kept quiet. Millions of children, refugees and hungry people in Nigeria and Somalia, because of jihad, and the world kept quiet. Most of these wars included similar—and even more serious—massacres than the one taking place in Syria. And the world kept quiet.
Just to put things in proportions, 80,000 to 120,000 people have been killed in all of Israel’s wars against Arab countries, and about 12,000 were killed as part of Israel’s control over the Palestinians. A majority of the people killed in the world are innocent. An absolute majority of those killed in Israel’s wars against the Palestinians are either fighters or terrorists.

Hillary’s Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In $28 Million For Clinton Foundation
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican who is vice-chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and a vocal critic of the Clinton Foundation, agreed with Ross, saying “these facts seem to reveal the possibility of more pay-to-play activities at the Clinton Foundation.”
“It would be especially troubling if the Clinton Foundation was working with the EPA to suppress the American phosphate industry in favor of Morocco. The EPA and Clinton Foundation should be forthcoming about their dealings with the Moroccan government and the American phosphate industry.”
Clinton’s 2012 support of a rider on the U.S. foreign aid bill permitting foreign aid to be sent to the Western Sahara arguably legitimized Moroccan occupation of territory and depopulated the Sahrawi Arabs. Native Moroccans were sent into the country by the government to extract the minerals.
The rider approved by Clinton said that U.S. foreign aid funds “may be used in regions and territories administered by Morocco,” meaning, the Western Sahara. The Western Sahara is classified a “Non-Self-Governing Territory” under international law.
“Previously, United States excluded Western Sahara from bilateral assistance to avoid seeming to endorse Moroccan control,” said Eugene Kontorovich, a professor at Northwestern University School of Law, in a legal review of occupied territories around the world.
Hans Corell, the U.N. Security Council’s Under-Secretary for Legal Affairs, said in January 2002 that “if further exploration and exploitation activities were to proceed in disregard of the interests and wishes of the people of Western Sahara, they would be in violation of the international law principles applicable to mineral resource activities in Non-Self-Governing Territories.”

  • Tuesday, November 01, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last May, Zman magazine did a feature article on media watchdogs, featuring Honest Reporting, CAMERA and me. I mentioned it at the time.

Here is the full article as a PDF, courtesy of the magazine.  You probably have to make it full screen to read it.

Here is the full text of just the section of the article that talks about EoZ:
Unlike HonestReporting and CAMERA, the next watchdog, Elder of Ziyon (EoZ), is basically a one-man show. And he works anonymously; he did not even divulge his real name for our phone interview.
When we asked him via email what he could tell us about his true identity, he responded, “I live in the New York area, I have at least two married kids, ‘Mrs. Elder’ has been contributing to my [news summary] videos lately and we are shomer Shabbos.”
Why the anonymity? “I prefer to stay anonymous mostly for career reasons. I have a full-time job in a high-tech field, so I don’t want potential employers to see my thousands of articles about the Middle East.”
Given the fact that he has published a staggering 23,000 articles in 11 years on his website, it boggles the mind to think he has a full-time job and only works on watchdogging part-time.
The name “Elder of Ziyon” is meant to be ironic, he explains, cynically poking fun at rabid anti-Semites who have long used the term as a reference to the canard that a small cabal of Jews controls the world. Indeed, one of the ways he combats the bias and hatred is with his very sharp wit and wry sense of humor. For instance, when Arabs, Islamists and ultra-leftists began calling Gaza a “concentration camp,” EoZ posted a series of photographs and videos showing a Gazan luxury mall, an exclusive nightclub, markets teeming with food, throngs of Gazans relaxing on beaches, etc. -- and described the photos with captions such as:

  • On Saturday night, the starving people of Gaza opened up a luxury mall.
  • Thousands of Gazans were forced to search desperately for sales and specials.
  • “We are forced to squirt Zionist ketchup onto our French fries, showing that we are still under colonial occupation.”
  • “Our children suffer the most. Here they are playing video games that are over three years old!”
  • Hamas dignitaries and other Gazans suffering at the Roots Club in the heart of the Gaza “concentration camp.”
  • Caution: Viewer discretion is advised due to graphic scenes of indulgence in gourmet food and similar types of exotic experiences and ambiance.

Along with his own writings and graphics, he posts articles authored by selected columnists. In addition, twice a day he excerpts and links dozens of articles about Israel published in media outlets around the globe. The rigorous job of finding all those articles and posting them is done by someone he identifies only as “Ian from Australia.”
How does he choose the topics of his own articles? “I try to be as original as possible. Either I try to dig up stories in English that most people would have missed, or I find stories in Arabic that everybody would have missed.”
Arabic?! Do you know Arabic? “No, but I use Google Translate and verify it with experts if there is something I’m not sure about.”
When asked why he goes to Arabic sources, he explains that Arab leaders typically have two faces: that which they show the Western press in their official statements and that which they show their own people. For instance, at the same time the media was claiming that Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas was condemning the recent wave of violence, the organization he heads was bragging on its Arabic Facebook page that he was inspiring the murders of Jews. Translating these sources exposes the truth of their intentions, something the Western press avoids. (There is an entire media watchdog, The Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI], which devotes its resources to monitoring and translating Arabic media, schoolbooks and religious sermons.)
Elder of Ziyon elaborates for us:

One of my pet peeves is not so much media bias, that they say things which are biased (which they do); but what kills me and drives me nuts is what they don’t report on. The crimes of omission of the media…. That’s where the bias is….
Quotes from Palestinian leaders that would generate world headlines had an Israeli politician said something similar are completely ignored. The official pronouncements on the Facebook page of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas’ party, are so much worse by any objective measure. Yet, they are never reported. These crimes of omission are widespread, and the clearest indication that the media is hugely biased against Israel.

The irony is that these omissions take place even though the number of Western journalists in Israel is absurdly disproportionate to the number of those covering events in other parts of the Middle East, and even the world. As Matti Friedman, former editor for the Associated Press’ Jerusalem bureau, said: “The agency had more than 40 staffers covering Israel and the Palestinian territories. That was significantly more news staff than the AP had in China, Russia, or India, or in all of the 50 countries of sub-Saharan Africa combined! It was higher than the total number of news-gathering employees in all the countries where the uprisings of the “Arab Spring” eventually erupted!” EoZ commented:

All of the reporters who are over there -- and there are more reporters per square kilometer in Israel than there are anywhere else -- act like sheep. They just follow the leader, which is usually The New York Times, sometimes Reuters, and file almost identical stories with identical pictures. They travel around in packs and cover the same stories and take the same pictures. But they don’t go anywhere beyond the standard politically correct stories that they want to say, and they all have to adhere to the same meme that Likud is an extremist, rightist party; Israel isn’t interested in peace; the “occupation” and “settlements” are the main obstacle to peace; Fatah is a moderate party and Abbas is a moderate leader….
That’s what drives me nuts about how the media covers Israel. They’re not trying to be objective. This is provable by what they are not saying. There is so much intensive obsession and analysis of every word and every letter that comes out from any Israeli official, but there is nothing on what comes out from Abbas and the like….
There are terror groups literally operating under the Fatah party -- the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and a few offshoots -- and the media doesn’t even mention that they exist. And they’re not only in Gaza. They’re also in the West Bank. And they will sometimes parade around with their guns. They are Fatah. They are part of Abbas’ party. He claimed that he had dismantled them, but he lied. Yet, nobody in the press asks, “Hey, what’s going on here? Why is moderate Abbas allowing this?”

Among the many articles EoZ has linked to his site are some authored by journalists who testify to the truth that the foreign press is “ignorant, lazy, and fearful,” and that journalists risk “professional ostracism” if they veer from the accepted Palestinian-slanted narrative. (See accompanying article.)
We asked EoZ to comment on the fact that some of the worst reporting originates from Jewish journalists:

I do think that Jewish reporters try to bend over backwards to prove that they are as evenhanded as possible. It’s not true of everyone… I don’t think you can make a blanket statement. But there’s no doubt.... Jodi Rudoren, when she was in Israel, was trying clearly to be evenhanded. But evenhandedness is still bias, because you are still making the assumption that both sides are equally guilty when they are clearly not….
[But it’s not only a Jewish complex; it’s a Western complex.] It’s something the West doesn’t want to understand because they want to make it look like everyone is the same. “Everybody loves their kids, and everybody wants to be alive.” They don’t want to report how [Palestinian-Arab-Muslim] parents are proud they are that their children are suicide bombers or want to be…. They [the Western media] don’t want to report that, on any given day, there are multiple statements made by public officials discussing the glories of committing murder against Jews.
That would make it seem as if there is a difference [in the mindset and values]. And if there’s a difference, the whole narrative falls apart. [So the Western media intentionally ignores the constant stream of rabid incitement.]

What about the contention these days in so much of the media that Palestinian violence is justified because of the Israeli “occupation” and “the settlements”?

Was there peace before 1967? The [Arab] threats were worse then. With the establishment of the PLO in 1964, there were no “settlements” -- so what exactly were the Palestinians planning to “liberate”?
It has nothing to do with settlements, nothing to do with occupation. Now, you can have an argument over whether it’s smart to keep them -- I don’t think it’s automatically anti-Israel to say that you think Israel should withdraw from part or all; reasonable people will have that opinion. But the settlements are not the real issue….
And, if you look carefully at all the statements from Mahmoud Abbas, or whoever else, the settlements are only one of their issues. Jerusalem is another of their issues, even more important to them.
And yet another [of their issues], which they mention every time in every forum they have, is the so-called “right of return.” And that is the destruction of Israel; everybody understands that it is meant to be the destruction of Israel. The whole reason there is still a refugee problem is in order to keep that issue alive, in order to put pressure on Israel.

To supply a little historical perspective on his point: In 1948, after the Arabs lost the war they started hoping to annihilate about 600,000 Jews in Eretz Yisrael, there were many refugees. The United Nations established UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) as a humanitarian effort to relieve the plight of the refugees. At the time, this included both Jewish and Arab displaced persons living within the Armistice lines in the State of Israel.
By 1952, all of those Jews and Arabs had been moved to permanent homes and were taken off the UNRWA list of refugees. However, all of those Arabs living in territories occupied by Arab states continued to be defined as refugees. This included the two largest groups, the refugees in Gaza, who were living under Egyptian occupation, and those in the West Bank, under Jordanian occupation. Even after Jordan extended citizenship to the refugees there, thereby ending their refugee status according to international law, UNRWA continued classifying them as refugees! In effect, the UN bestowed upon them the status of permanent refugees -- something unprecedented! (Note: After 1948, more than 800,000 Jews had to flee Arab lands due to incitement and expulsion, yet they soon resettled elsewhere, ending their refugee status.)
Put another way, at some point in the 1950s, UNRWA changed from a humanitarian organization seeking to solve a refugee problem into a propaganda arm of the Arab cause, using Arab refugees (originally they were called “Arab refugees”; now they are called “Palestinian refugees”) as a political weapon against the State of Israel.
This is the background to the “right of return” issue. Elder of Ziyon continues:
He [Abbas] doesn’t emphasize it so much when he speaks to the West, but in virtually every speech he makes elsewhere he says that they have to have the right to return to these homes -- homes that don’t exist anymore!
The basic question of why “refugee” camps exist in the territory under Palestinian rule is not mentioned…. The unspoken truth is that the “refugee” camps exist for only one reason -- to blame Israel for not allowing them to “return” to homes that no longer exist….
The entire idea of the right of return is baseless. Yet, it is being used as a political football…. And just as today you see all this rhetoric about occupation and settlements -- that’s the endless mantra -- if for any reason a future Israeli government decides to compromise and gives up some or all the settlements, the next battlefield is going to be this “right of return.”
If the settlements are not the true issue, what really motivates the media to constantly demonize Israel? Is it anti-Semitism?
Not all anti-Israel criticism stems from anti-Semitism (or Jewish self-hatred). But certainly some of it does. When it comes to the Arab-Muslim media, such as PA-TV and the official PA media outlets, the majority of it is [anti-Semitic]. The focus on Israel as evil is certainly motivated mostly by anti-Semitism. The canard of Israel controlling the US, as well as the recycled anti-Semitic ideas of control of the media and banks, is as prevalent today [in the Middle East] as it was before World War Two.
However, European and US criticism of Israel is not as clear-cut. Their anti-Israel bias may have some subtle relationship with anti-Semitism, but it is also a result of a fear of Arab terror. During the 1970s, we saw a remarkable transformation from Arab-Palestinians as terrorists to Arafat being invited to address the UN in a very short time period -- thanks to the Arab terrorist airline hijackings and the oil embargo [see Zman 8]. The West, in fear of terror and blackmail, chose to start to take the Arab side to avoid being a victim; they then justified their caving in to terror after the fact by pretending that the terrorists had a valid point. [Note: This may be something akin to the Stockholm Syndrome, the psychological tendency of a victim/hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her persecutor/captor. See Zman 12.]
That mentality exists today: Reporters in Israel know that Israel won’t throw them into jail for writing critical stories. But the reporters in Gaza or the West Bank have to toe the line in order to keep their sources and their jobs. Fear is a very big motivator.

War of the Words

During the interview, we discussed the “war of the words” going on. For instance, the fact that “Palestinian” in today’s press refers to non-Jewish Arabs is particularly painful for anyone familiar with Jewish history, since it originates from the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s campaign to annihilate the Jews about 1,900 years ago.
Hadrian was the closest thing in history to Hitler, committing the greatest genocide against Jews until the Holocaust. Not content merely murdering Jews, he sought to eliminate the Jewish religion (e.g., it was his decree outlawing the public teaching of Torah that led to Rabbi Akiva’s martyrdom). As part of his campaign to wipe out the memory of the Jewish people he renamed Judea, the Jewish homeland, “Palestine.”
Even though the name “Palestine” is not mentioned even once in Tanach -- neither is it mentioned in the Christian writings or the Quran -- the name was revived in the modern era by the British… but they used it to describe the territory intended to be the Jewish homeland! That’s right -- the Jews were the original “Palestinians” of the modern era. It wasn’t until the 1960s that Yasser Arafat -- the “father of modern terrorism” -- absconded the term for political purposes. Those who use the term “Palestinian” today to refer to the Arabs pay homage to Arafat and his spin on reality. 
We asked Elder of Ziyon his opinion:

Using the word “Palestinians” to refer to Arabs in British Mandate Palestine pre-1948 is almost always wrong. Jews were the ones who referred to themselves that way. The mainstream media did not refer to Arabs as “Palestinians” until roughly 1967 (with a few exceptions). I dislike using the word “Palestinian” to refer to Arabs in the region, but unfortunately I have to use it if I want my writings to be read outside the pro-Israel echo chamber.

We asked him what other terms can serve as examples.

The term “West Bank” is also a relatively new term, starting after the 1948 war. Up until then, and even in UN documents, the area was always referred to as “Judea and Samaria.”
“Illegal settlements” and “illegal occupation” are other false phrases…. There are lots of other terms that have gained currency: “apartheid,” which is absurd; “genocide” in Gaza, which is even more absurd. The New York Times recently used the word “resistance” without scare quotes to refer to Palestinian Arab terror, fully accepting the terminology of the terrorists.
“Refugee” means something completely different when the subject is Palestinian Arab than any other kind of refugee [see above]. Calling the Har HaBayit the “Al Aqsa Mosque” is another absurd misuse of language that too many editors allow.
Indeed, there is a huge war of language going on, and the Arab side is winning….

We asked him why.

Of course we’re losing. There’s no way we can win. There are just so many more of them….
You have to understand, for example, with The New York Times, they get 10 times as many complaints from the Arab side as they do from the Jewish side…. I’ve spoken to a person who worked on the editorial page of The New York Times… and he said that the op-ed page is unquestionably, clearly anti-Israel. People have done studies on this. It depends on the month, but it’s something like 8-to-1 op-eds are anti-Israel rather than pro, a ridiculous ratio. He also told me, explicitly, that the number of complaints -- and of submissions -- from the Arab side to The New York Times far outstrips the number that come from the pro-Israel side….
He told me how he pushed through a few pro-Israel op-eds, how much of a battle it was just to get them in… how many hoops he had to jump through just to publish one pro op-ed, all the fact-checking he had to do -- things that aren’t done on the other side. The game they sometimes play is that they will allow some of the pro-Israel op-eds in only if they are from such an extremist right-wing side that people can dismiss them….
As far as pure numbers are concerned, there’s no hope of winning. You do what you can, you plug away, and you hope what you’re doing bubbles up to the mainstream consciousness. But it’s very difficult.

It’s difficult but you do it anyway?

Yes. I believe it’s still possible to achieve small victories, so to speak, in the public opinion/public relations point of view…. I’ve seen over the years that things like suicide bombings used to be very popular and the Arabs were very proud of it. But as the Western media showed revulsion at that tactic, it changed how the Arabs thought about it. They were shamed by it. They want to think that a Quranic-based mindset is morally superior to any Western, Judeo-Christian mindset. If the West shows enough revulsion to something they thought was good, they are embarrassed.
That’s the reason you rarely if ever see Hamas openly bragging about suicide bombings nowadays. They saw they were not gaining any respect from the Western press anymore. They were losing the moral high ground by doing so. They don’t want to be looked upon as being less moral than the West….
All these people [in the Western press] who are supposedly the moral arbiters of society should be going out of their way to show revulsion at these terror attacks, but it is something they are not doing these days….
But that’s what I try to do. If Elder of Ziyon writes something that trickles up to the mainstream media, they [the Arab world] will be embarrassed. They won’t necessarily change immediately, and deep down their opinions probably will never change, but embarrassment over the immorality of their cause can sometimes make a difference.

He would know. His scoops have been quoted in CNN, The New York Times, Fox News, Jewish Press, Jerusalem Post, Arutz-7, Algemeiner, Times of Israel and many more. His reporting often ends up making a real difference.
Indeed, as we were gathering information for this article, a posting by Elder of Ziyon in March 2016 about an Arab propaganda map (see Sidebar: “Other Forms of Anti-Israel Bias”) that somehow made it into a 2013 McGraw-Hill textbook triggered a slew of emails to the publisher (including one from Zman), and shortly thereafter the company said that they had stopped selling the book and that all existing inventory would be destroyed, noting that “the map did not meet our academic standards.” It shows that an individual can make a difference.
Given his incredible output, it is even more remarkable to think that “Elder of Ziyon” is a regular working guy with a full-time job and a family. One Jewish newspaper said it very well when it described him as “indefatigable one-man operation, armed only with a computer, chutzpah and stamina.”
He is, indeed, an unbelievable one-man army conducting a mostly solitary but heroic battle in this ongoing war of words -- a war that the media perpetuates in many ways through its ignorance and/or deeply entrenched biases. 

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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