Thursday, October 20, 2016

From Ian:

Archaeologists find battle site where Romans breached Jerusalem walls
Israeli archaeologists found the site of a fierce battle where the Roman army bombarded and breached the walls of Jerusalem before conquering the city and destroying the Second Temple almost 2,000 years ago, officials said Thursday.
They said that the discovery, made last winter during an excavation of a construction site for the new campus of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design outside the Old City, also finally confirmed the description of the wall that was breached provided by the historian Josephus Flavius.
During the dig, the archaeologists found the remains of a tower surrounded by scores of stones and boulders fired by Roman catapults at the Jewish forces guarding the wall, the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement.
“This is a fascinating testimony of the intensive bombardment by the Roman army, led by Titus, on their way to conquering the city and destroying the Second Temple,” the statement said.
“The bombardment was intended to attack the sentries guarding the wall and provide cover for the Roman forces so they could approach the wall with battering rams and thereby breach the city’s defenses,” it said.
The part of the wall that was breached was known as the Third Wall. It was found in the area of modern Jerusalem known as the Russian Compound. According to accounts by Josephus, this part of the wall was designed to protect a new quarter of the city that developed outside the other two existing walls.

Israel’s antiquities chief compares UNESCO to Islamic State
The director of the Israel Antiquities Authority on Wednesday slammed UNESCO for its resolution on Jerusalem holy sites, comparing the UN cultural body to Islamic State jihadists.
Speaking at the opening of the new IAA headquarters in Jerusalem, director Yisrael Hasson said the resolution adopted last week and confirmed on Tuesday put the UN organization in the same league as IS jihadists who have destroyed and looted hundreds of archaeological sites in Syria and Iraq to fund their “caliphate.”
“Around us, world heritage treasures are being destroyed… They murdered Syrian archaeologist Khaled al-Asaad, who tried to protect heritage,” Hasson said recalling the 82-year-old retired head of antiquities in Palmyra who was beheaded by IS militants last year.
IS overran Palmyra — a UNESCO world heritage site known as the “Pearl of the Desert” — in May 2015 and used its ancient amphitheater for public executions.
The extremist group blew up temples and tower tombs as part of it campaign against pre-Islamic monuments it considers “blasphemous.”
“And recently UNESCO in essence joined this system of destruction by diplomatic means. This is essentially the same action by a diplomatic course,” Hasson said. (h/t Yoel)
Erasing the West
The UNESCO vote seems clearly a response to the expansionist, jihadist aspirations of members of the OIC who sponsored it: Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan.
Some analysts consider a vote to abstain to be a victory for Israel, but for Spain, Greece, France, Sweden, Slovenia, and Italy it was blatant appeasement and fear of their own often-violent Muslim minorities: "Please, please, don't blow up our capital cities. We will reject Jewish and Christian history and pretend Jesus chased the money changers from the steps of Montmartre."
UNESCO's Director General Irina Bokova had already announced her opposition to the resolution, a position for which she received death threats.
Having demonstrable historical fact, such as Jewish patrimony on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, subject to the whims of the UN, in which, as the late Abba Eban said, Arabs could muster a majority to decide the sun rises in the West, is not a positive proposition.
The question remains how to convince nations in the West to stand for themselves in the face of Islamists committed to replacing them.

What assumptions do you make about your country?

This past week I caught myself making a dramatic assumption about my country, Israel.

I was watching the news about Hurricane Matthew with Tal, Lenny’s eldest son (18 years old). We saw images from the US, mostly of flooding. Pity for the people whose homes were damaged welled up inside me. As difficult as that situation was, it was the images from Haiti that took my breath away, giving new meaning to the word “devastation”. It looked like the winds had peeled the homes from the ground, spun them around in the air and flung the pieces in every direction.

Quietly Tal asked, “We sent them aid, right?”

“We must have” I answered. “If we haven’t done so yet, we’ll send help soon.”

What an assumption! We both recognized people in desperate need and automatically assumed that our country, tiny Israel, would send Haiti help from half way around the world.

It doesn’t matter that we are far away.

It doesn’t matter that the people of Haiti aren’t Jewish. Our nation doesn’t have much of a connection to theirs. It’s not a location Israelis tend to frequent. Israel doesn’t even have a resident embassy in Haiti.

It doesn’t matter that other countries are bigger and richer than we are and would find it easier to cope with the unexpected expense.

Or that we have too many of our own problems: threats on our borders, threats of terrorism, diplomatic terrorism (like that of the recent UNESCO resolution denying the connection between the Temple Mount and the Jewish people) and all of the internal social issues Israel struggles with every day. The issues Israel must handle would overwhelm most nations but that doesn’t matter.

The people of Haiti are in worse condition than we are and they need help.

Tal and I knew that Israel went to help the people of Haiti in 2010, following the earthquake that reduced much of their country to rubble.

For us it was automatic to assume Israel would go again. It is the right thing to do. That’s what we always do. Of course that is what would happen.

Following the news in the next few days I didn’t hear anything about Israel sending aid. There was nothing on TV, I didn’t hear anything on the radio. The lack of news seemed so strange, I decided to look it up on the internet. There, I found the answer –

Israel had never left Haiti. We didn’t need to send aid because we were already there.  

“As soon as the rain stopped, we came out and started contacting people we work with to understand the scale and the needs. We started arranging supplies and distributions, as many people have left without a shelter reported Natalie Revesz, IsraAID’s country director based in Port-Au-Prince. The aid provided includes emergency supplies, food, clean water, and basic hygiene items.

Only two months ago, MASHAV, the Israel Foreign Ministry’s agency for international development cooperation, sent a new shipment of medical supplies to re-equip the trauma unit it established in one of Haiti’s main government hospitals three years ago.

That made more sense.

There was no fuss on the news because it was obvious. Why make a fuss? Of course we would help.
That is my Israel, a country I can assume the best of and be correct.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, October 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Der Tagesspiegel reports about a Palestinian arts and culture festival in Berlin last month that used public funds to glorify terrorists and to call Israel an "apartheid regime."

Approximately two weeks ago on Saturday, on the penultimate day of the festival, during an event about Palestinian prisoners in Israel not only was solidarity called for with the prisoners, but their violent acts were approved. It was a big priority of the festival organizers to raise awareness of the situation of Palestinian prisoners, said Nadija Samour, a lecturer of the event. "Almost every Palestinian family has a relative in prison - we want to remind people during our event also about the struggles that they have behind bars and to continue to fight for them."
Not even armed attacks by Palestinians against Israelis did Samour condemn - on the contrary: "I do not care why these people are in prison, I don't ask this question," she said. The Palestinian resistance is a "legitimate response" to the Israeli "apartheid regime" against the Arab minority population for decades: In the creation of Israel, the Palestinians have suffered "ethnic cleansing" of their country and since then suffer from  "Israel racism " every day.
Samour's incitement against the Jewish state was not anomalous during the festival. Already a few days before Israel was defamed during a panel discussion as an "apartheid state" and "colonialist entity." The event was moderated by Anna-Esther Younes, one of the curators of the festival. Younes described a one-sided picture of the Middle East conflict - with Israel's government as a colonialist racist regime, and Palestinian were the only "victims."  The terror of Islamist groups such as Hamas was out of bounds for discussion.
 The event was made possible by public funds. The festival was financed with EUR 100,000 by the Capital Cultural Fund and 45 000 other euro came from the division for cross-promotion by the Senate Chancellery-Cultural Affairs,

(h/t Petra)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, October 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades  built an observation tower in Gaza to try to intimidate the IDF and to encourage supporters.

The tower is 16 meters (50 feet) tall and covered in some sort of cloth to hide its underlying architecture.

It was built 300 meters from the Gaza border, apparently on farmland.

The group says that one can see the "Hebron mountains" from the top of the tower.

The tower is named after a Hebron terrorist, Zia Talameh, who apparently accidentally killed himself while trying to throw a homemade bomb at IDF soldiers last year.

The poster on the top of the tower shows the terrorist with the words "We will not forget - We will not forgive" in Arabic and Hebrew.

Closeups of the tower show that it looks more makeshift than most sukkot are.

At the same time, Islamic Jihad terror leaders promised that "we are trying to develop our potential to surprise the enemy in more painful ways."

One way was by introducing a hashtag on social media yesterday with the words "Jihad renewed our deliverance." It is part of a media campaign ahead of Islamic Jihad's 29th anniversary coming up in the coming weeks.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, October 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Autotranslated headline from

If you think that Muslims ever accepted Jews having control of the Western Wall, this should set you straight.

And the entire state of Israel is viewed similarly.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

  • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the statements of Ahmed Zaki Pasha in a British white paper on the holy sites of Jerusalem, December 1930, discussing why Jews have no right to put chairs or tables at the Western Wall:

(f) The real intentions of the Jews.
The aim of the Jewish agitation is not merely to obtain seats for the aged and invalids to rest on. In reality, what we have to deal with here is a Zionistic movement that has in view the securing of advantages for the Jews to which they have no right. In spite of all their statements to the contrary, the real aim of the Zionists is to obtain possession of the Haram-esh-Sherif.

From Electronic Intifada, Sunday:

It is almost like most Arabs have been following the same antisemitic script for nearly a hundred years, isn't it?

And yet the world never seems to catch on!

By the way, there is an irony to Hamas' celebrating the UNESCO resolution. In that same white paper, the Muslim representatives prefaced their claims with "Moslems state that all contentions relative to Moslem sacred places should be dealt with only by competent bodies as prescribed by the Sharia Law. Other bodies can have no jurisdiction whatever by the Sharia Law. Other bodies can have no jurisdiction whatever on these places." 

In other words, if the infidels say that an area is Muslim, that is cause for celebration, but if they say it isn't, it is meaningless. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Hillary’s ‘foreign intervention’ hypocrisy
Even more striking was her shock and awe about foreign powers attempting to influence the upcoming US election.
As a former member of the Obama administration, she ought to know a thing or two about such a practice. Yes, her pals in the White House and State Department invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in a concerted campaign to prevent the re-election last year of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They did this by funneling “grant” money to a far-Left, pro-Palestinian NGO called OneVoice.
A Senate investigation revealed that the activities and political leanings of OneVoice were well-known. In addition, as the Washington Free Beacon reported in July, a senior State Department official admitted that he had deleted several e-mail exchanges pertaining to the administration’s coordination with OneVoice, whose grants and oversight were done by then-US Consul General in Jerusalem Michael Ratney.
“It is completely unacceptable that US taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed…against the leader of our closest ally in the Middle East,” said Sen. Rob Portman, who chaired the subcommittee that investigated the fiasco.
Not to worry, though. Private money from Hillary’s billionaire friends, such as the virulently anti-Israel George Soros, was also spent on the effort to keep Netanyahu from winning the election. Another organization, established specifically for this purpose, was V-15 (victory 2015).
Founded by an Israeli named Nimrod Dweck, V-15 hired US consulting firm “270 Strategies” – comprised, as World Net Daily reported – mostly of former top staffers for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Dweck told WND that it was OneVoice that persuaded him to hire the firm.
The attempt to topple Netanyahu by bolstering the Israeli Left failed abysmally, much to the dismay of Obama and cohort Democrats. But theirs was a blatant example of foreign intervention in the election process of another country.
I guess Hillary thinks that’s ok, as long as it’s her team running the interference.
JPost Editorial: What is B’Tselem?
Nevertheless, B’Tselem showed its true face over the weekend when its executive director Hagai El-Ad appeared before the UN Security Council to call for the UN to take action against Israel’s settlements. This was just the latest example of how B’Tselem and many other organizations have long ago moved from being human rights groups to organizations engaged in blatant political advocacy.
B’Tselem was not just trying to educate Israelis with the hope that they would change their policies from within, but rather the organization was aiding – even initiating – international efforts to pressure Israel to adopt policies rejected by Israelis repeatedly in democratic elections.
“With every breath they take, Palestinians are breathing in occupation,” El-Ad told the special UN Security Council session titled “Illegal Israeli Settlements: Obstacles to Peace and the Two-State Solution.” He claimed that “ever-present” settlers live in a first-world community “that exists only for them.”
Israel, El-Ad added, used the peace process “to buy time” to establish facts on the ground for the settlements.
“The UN Security Council must act and the time is now,” he concluded.
While some of El-Ad’s claims bear validity, he crossed the line that separates the operations of an impartial guardian of human rights from a political advocacy group that openly calls on the international community to take unilateral steps against Israel.
His appeal to the Security Council reflects a position that rejects direct negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis in favor of international intervention to coerce Israel into relinquishing control over the West Bank, even if this means a potential severe deterioration in the country’s security.
Human rights should transcend politics, and Israel, like other democracies, appreciates criticism and gets plenty of it domestically and internationally. But organizations like need to decide what they are. It seems B’Tselem has made up its mind.
Israel’s envoy to call on UN to end funding for B’Tselem
Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations said he intends Wednesday to demand that the global body end its funding for the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem after it called on the UN to act against Israel over its settlement policies.
Danny Danon is set to address the UN Security Council during a special meeting on the Middle East, in which he plans to bring up the UN bodies that are among B’Tselem’s funders, and argue that the funding prevents the group from giving reliably objective reports to the UN.
B’Tselem and its director, Hagai El-Ad, were taken to task by Israeli officials for participating on Friday in a session of the UN Security Council, during which El-Ad criticized Israeli settlement policy.
“In the year 2016, three UN bodies gave money to fund B’Tselem,” Danon said in a statement. “It is no coincidence that exactly that organization was invited to speak before the UN in order to harm Israel.”
His implication seemed to be that the UN bodies involved already taken a clear stand against Israel and its settlements.
US ‘troubled’ by attacks on Israeli rights group B’Tselem
A US official on Monday defended Israeli human rights group B’Tselem as the organization came under fierce criticism in Israel, saying Washington valued the information it provided about the situation in the West Bank and that free speech must be protected, Haaretz reported.
B’Tselem was slammed in Israel for its participation Friday in a session of the UN Security Council, in which the NGO’s director criticized Israeli settlement policy.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that the organization had joined the “chorus of mudslinging” against Israel and denounced it as “shoddy and unhinged.” He threatened to advance a law to block national service volunteers from working with the organization, even as the group pointed out that it only had one such volunteer annually, and the position was currently vacant.
Zionist Union MK Itzik Shmuli said the group was helping to advance “the libel and demonization of Israel.” A Labor party activist even lodged a police complaint for alleged treason by the organization.

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global-warmingGothenburg, October 19 - A team of scientists at the University of Gothenburg have found what they claim constitutes a firm causative connection between the ongoing Israeli-Arab conflict and the documented rise in global temperatures over the last 150 years.

Researchers studying the data related to both phenomena write in an article in the upcoming issue of Climate magazine that the steady rise in global average annual temperatures features eerie parallels with the advent of political Zionism and the efforts of the Arab population of the Holy Land to resist that movement.

Lead author Dr. Sheen Nuyakleem described in an interview the myriad links between the ongoing conflict and climate change. "It begins with the temperature changes matching the increasing intensity of the Arab-Israeli conflict, of course," he explained. "But we also found that if you massage the data just so, each time the pre-Israel Jewish community managed to defend itself, and each time the established state successfully thwarted attempts to wipe it off the map, the pace of temperature increase rose. It's almost as if this conflict really does lie at the core of every major problem facing civilization."

That assumption, which governs much of Europe's and the US's diplomatic policies, formed the basis of the research. "Science has some axioms, and this one has proved robust in the field of diplomacy, so we figured we'd adopt it as well," continued Dr. Nuyakleem. "Simplicity is always a goal in the scientific method, so reducing the problem of climate change to a function of Israel's continued existence and security provides an elegant solution to two messy challenges facing the world today."

Other scientists were quick to point out that the study did not suggest any specific remedies to be adopted in light of the new findings. "This was purely a research effort," insisted Professor Emeritus George Galloway of Bradford University, who was not involved in the study. "Policy decisions are the province of the politicians, and I am sure they will wait for duplication and confirmation of these conclusions in further studies before rushing to fix both problems once and for all with some drastic measure aimed at ending Israel's existence, no matter how compelling those solutions might seem."
'More than compelling," he mused. "Bloody obvious, come to think of it. Do you think any further study is actually necessary? I mean, this is rock-solid stuff. [Labour Party chief Jeremy] Corbyn might want to have a look at it. He's very science-minded, you know?"

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Ben-Dror Yemini: A victory in self-deception
The Palestinian ‘narrative’ has scored another victory, this time at UNESCO. But it’s not a victory; it’s actually a defeat. The addiction to lies does not change reality or solve any problem—it pushes away the chance for reconciliation or peace.
Dr. Omar Jaara of An-Najah University appeared on Palestinian television four years ago and said that Moses had led the Muslims out of Egypt and that the subsequent Israeli conquest of the land was “the first case of a Palestinian liberation through an armed struggle.” He attributed the battle between David and Goliath to the Palestinians as well.
For a moment, it seemed like a satire program, but it was completely serious. “This is our logic, and this is our culture,” Jaara explained in the interview, which was recorded by Palestinian Media Watch.
Four years have passed and the historian is celebrating. The Palestinian “narrative” has scored another victory, this time at UNESCO. Allegedly, this not just a victory but an overwhelming victory: Although Brazil and Mexico expressed reservations over the resolution on Tuesday, there was no new vote, and the decision remained unchanged. The Palestinians even managed to convince Christian countries, as Israeli diplomat George Deek tweeted, to adopt a resolution which means that “Jesus was a liar.”
There is no big surprise here. After all, we are living in the era of narratives, which is the post-factual era. It possible that in a year or two, UNESCO or another international organization will adopt a resolution confirming Jaara’s narrative about the Exodus from Egypt.

PMW: Abbas' Antisemitic advisor's duplicity
Abbas' Antisemitic advisor's duplicity: With Israeli President last week, he is for: "eradication of religious hatred"
Yet to Palestinians he preaches religious hatred: Jews represent "evil," "falsehood," "the devils," and "the satans" and Israel is "Satan's project" [Official PA TV, Oct. 23, 2015]
Earlier this month, Israel's president Reuven Rivlin met with Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, at a meeting with Israeli rabbis and Palestinian religious leaders. [The New York Times, Oct. 13, 2016]
The meeting was "intended, according to organizers, to forge a joint effort against religious violence, and to promote peace and coexistence," the New York Times wrote, citing a statement released by the participants:
"We believe the deliberate killing of or attempt to kill innocents is terrorism, whether it is committed by Muslims, Jews or others. In this spirit, we encourage all our people to work for a just peace, mutual respect for human life and for the status quo on the holy sites, and the eradication of religious hatred." [The New York Times, Oct. 13, 2016]
This example of Al-Habbash participating in a "co-existence" event with Israelis and presenting himself as a peace-seeking moderate is typical of the Palestinian Authority leadership's duplicity. To his Palestinian audience, Al-Habbash does not ever try to "eradicate religious hatred," but just the opposite. He promotes religious hatred and even preached that according to Islam it's prohibited to recognize Israel's existence of even a millimeter of land.
In addition to being Abbas' advisor, Mahmoud Al-Habbash serves as the PA's Supreme Shari'ah Judge and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice.
Abbas advisor: "Jerusalem... and the [Western Wall]... are all purely Islamic"

Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: Fatah Prepares for War with Israel
"We have pledged to prepare an army of fighters by devoting our full abilities and energies to consolidate the option of armed struggle as the only means to liberate Palestine." — The armed wing of Fatah, Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Martyr Nidal Al-Amoudi Division.
The international community continues to perceive Fatah as the "moderate" Palestinian party with whom Israel should make peace. Yet Fatah is far from a single united bloc; many groups within the faction continue to seek the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle. Moreover, neither Abbas nor any of his senior Fatah loyalists have repudiated the war-set Fatah militias. Crucially, many of these Fatah militiamen continue to receive salaries from the Palestinian Authority.
These Fatah gunmen who are preparing for war with Israel are indirectly receiving their salaries from Western donors, including the US and many EU countries, who fund the Palestinian Authority.
These groups believe that they represent the real Fatah, the one that never recognized Israel's right to exist and holds on to armed struggle as the only way to "liberate Palestine." They are not breakaway groups. That is why they continue to operate under the name of Fatah.
Fatah is a two-faced hydra; one face tells the English-speaking international community what it wants to hear, namely, that it supports a two-state solution and seeks a peaceful settlement to the conflict with Israel, while the other tells the truth: it is committed to an armed struggle and the "liberation of Palestine," and is even preparing for war with Israel.

  • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr. Moustafa El Leddawi, a former Hamas leader in Lebanon and Syria, has written offensive and antisemitic screeds before.  He said that Jesus was the first "Palestinian fedayeen (freedom fighter)" and that, in contrast, the Jewish messiah is supposed to be a "terrorist."

And he has referred to the medieval blood libel as fact.

Leddawi has done it again, this time in the context of Sukkot rather than Passover.

He writes in a Libyan news site that while Jews celebrate and rejoice during the holiday, Palestinians are "tortured and persecuted."

Not only that, but Jewish joy during a holiday is dependent on making Palestinian lives miserable, according to Leddawi. The Jews "rejoice at their sorrows and dance on their wounds," he writes.

Muslims who object to Jewish celebrations, we are told, are either killed or arrested.

He concludes:
It is odd how glad these Jews are at the sorrows of others, and how they build their happiness on the misery of their neighbors, and how they accept for themselves joy while others are tortured and persecuted, and suffer and suffer - but this is not surprising. In history, while they were in Europe, they kidnapped Christian children and pierced them and gathered their blood in pots, and then made their holiday pie, to rejoice with their children, and eat the [Christians]. This is their joy on the blood of innocent children, and they are not strangers to building their happiness on the misery of others.

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For the past few years, Max Blumenthal has worked hard to establish himself as a leading anti-Israel activist who is rightly celebrated wherever there are Jew-haters. But while Blumenthal’s “pro-Palestinian” fans could see nothing wrong with his “journalism” as long as it served to demonize Israel, they have come to reject the exact same kind of “journalism” as deeply offensive hackery when Blumenthal turned his attention to Syria. Since many people were hoping that Syria’s truly heroic rescuers known as “White Helmets” would get this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, Blumenthal apparently felt an irresistible urge to show off his journalistic brilliance by exposing the Syria Campaign – a group supporting the White Helmets – as an evil tool of the West. Not deceived by “the lofty rhetoric about solidarity and the images of heroic rescuers rushing in to save lives,” Blumenthal triumphantly discovered “an agenda that aligns closely with the forces from Riyadh to Washington clamoring for regime change.”  

So brilliant and so obvious at the same time, isn’t it: given Bashar al-Assad’s benevolent rule, no Syrian could possibly want “regime change”…

The backlash against Blumenthal and his closest allies – notably Ali Abunimah and some of his Electronic Intifada writers – was quick and furious. Admittedly, it was a rather enjoyable spectacle, because a lot of the harsh criticism now voiced by disappointed fans (who want to see Israel gone as much as the likes of Blumenthal) could have been quoted from posts I and other critics of his screeds have written: suddenly people were ready to denounce “Max’s fact-free delusions” and his “smear pieces;” my personal favorite was perhaps when Blumenthal’s gonzo journalism was mocked in a tweet ridiculing how he usually concocts the “evidence” to indict his targets: “This NGO took money from a fund whose director once ate lunch in the same restaurant as an employee of an Islamophobe.” Incidentally, this is also an excellent description of the modus operandi regularly followed by Ali Abunimah and his Electronic Intifada crew.

Abunimah was quick to complain that this was a “coordinated smear campaign that’s been going on for months,” and naturally, he had no doubt about the sinister forces behind it all: it was, of course, an “Israel-lobby inspired smear campaign.” Stalwart Abunimah fans like the perpetually “Angry Arab” agreed: it just couldn’t be a “coincidence that the campaign is being directed against some of the bravest voices against Israel in the US.”

Abunimah reacted with a torrent of tweets hurling abuse against his critics – and his bullying ultimately paid off: a blog post under the title “Palestinians decry Western Assad apologists” named only Max Blumenthal and linked to a statement signed by about 120 “Palestinian signatories” that denounced unnamed “Allies We’re Not Proud Of.” The statement declared that the signatories “are embarrassed by the ways in which some individuals known for their work on Palestine have failed to account for some crucial context in their analysis of Syria” and decried the “tendency to heroize those who advocate on behalf of the Palestinian struggle,” vowing that the signatories would “no longer entertain individuals who fail to acknowledge the immediate concerns of besieged Syrians in their analysis.”

An Al Jazeera article on the controversy also avoided naming names, though the author forcefully condemned activists who regard the “Palestinian cause” merely as a convenient “platform … to vent their selective anti-imperialist outrage.” Interestingly, this article painted a rather dramatic picture of the controversy:

“The Palestine solidarity movement is facing an unprecedented internal crisis, brought about not by the conflict with Israel but by the war in Syria. The latter has caused divisions that are arguably deeper and more damaging than those over how to realise Palestinian rights and aspirations. While the effects of Palestinian political infighting have remained largely domestic, the fissures over Syria have taken on a global dimension, and created unparalleled hostility among supporters of the Palestinian cause.”

There was indeed quite a bit of “hostility” on social media, some of it helpfully documented by Ali Abunimah himself. One telling example is archived here: Abunimah complained that the “Syrian American Medical Assoc. launches incitement campaign against me/others, claims we’re paid by Assad/Russia.” And apparently, Abunimah didn’t like getting a taste of his own medicine: “This level of incitement – comparing us to Hitler – is getting to dangerous levels.” Abunimah also took offense when his dear friend Max Blumenthal got the Max Blumenthal treatment from erstwhile fans.

Clearly, Abunimah feels that Nazi smears should only be reserved for Israel.

The controversy also revealed a few interesting tidbits showing “pro-Palestinian” stars like Max Blumenthal and Rania Khalek in a rather unflattering light. If Blumenthal really “went to Gaza &burst into tears at a Hamas checkpoint,” the boundless admiration he has expressed for Hamas perhaps also reflects some rather unhealthy psychological dispositions: the more brutal the bully, the more admiration Blumenthal will feel – which may well help to explain why Blumenthal has so much despisement for Israel and the US, and so much respect for Hamas, Assad, Russia and Iran.

But while I couldn’t find confirmation for the delightful insider rumor about Hamas reducing Blumenthal to tears, I did manage to find evidence for the accusation that Electronic Intifada “associate editor” Rania Khalek is a plagiarist: if you check out this 2008 post on “6 ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapons That’ll Make You Wish You Were Dead” and scroll to the comments, you will find one posted on August 4th, 2011, which says: “This article has recently been plagiarized by someone named Rania Khalek for a website called Alternet. It’s not even subtle. […] The title of the stolen article is ‘6 Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People’ and it was published August 1st 2011.” Sure enough, there is such an Alternet article by Khalek, which is marked as “updated” at the beginning and adorned with an “EDITOR’S NOTE” at the end stating: “This article has been corrected since its original publication for more accurate attribution to original sources.” Isn’t this a delicate way to put it…

Khalek’s author archive at Alternet shows that her regular contributions at the site ended a few months later in January 2012, but resumed again after three years in January 2015 – and amazingly enough, the plagiarized piece was promptly recycled under the exact same title, without the “editor’s note” and without any hint that it had been published years earlier. I suppose that’s Alternet quality journalism …

Last but not least, the disappointment expressed by erstwhile Blumenthal fans offered many more revealing glimpses at how truly pathetic many supporters of the “Palestinian cause” are. One heartbroken Blumenthal fan lamented: “I regret writing a review of @MaxBlumenthal’s Gaza book for @MuftahOrg … I see that he’s fallen as low as Rania Khalek.” Check out the linked review posted on July 29, 2015, and you’ll find the highest praise for the “fearless integrity that fuels Blumenthal’s reporting.” You’ll also find that this review is illustrated with an image of the aftermath of a deadly “explosion … at a public garden near Shifa hospital in Gaza City on July 28, 2014.” It’s hard to think of a better illustration for a review praising Blumenthal, because Israel had immediately said that the carnage was caused by Hamas rockets, and even Amnesty International ultimately conceded in the spring of 2015 that “the projectile was a Palestinian rocket.” Ignoring this fact is really a good example of Blumenthal-style “integrity”.

So here’s a lesson for erstwhile Blumenthal fan Joey Husseini Ayoub and the likes of him: if you hail a hack like Blumenthal who glorifies an Islamist terror group like Hamas for his “fearless integrity,” you just look utterly pathetic when you denounce him for serving as an apologist for Syria’s Assad: Hamas and Assad have pretty much the same concern for the people under their rule. Just as the current carnage in Syria is due to Assad’s determination to hold on to power, all the wars in Gaza in the last decade are due to Hamas’ cynical efforts to polish their credentials as the “Islamic Resistance Movement.”

But I suppose there’s really nothing more “pro-Palestinian” than to quickly forget how Hamas threw opponents from high-rises in Gaza, tortured them and dragged their bodies through the streets, or executed them ISIS-style on public squares – a spectacle that was actually defended by Ali Abunimah. Maybe Max Blumenthal recalled atrocities like these when he burst into tears at a Hamas checkpoint: it must be really scary to be at the mercy of people who treat their own like this – even if you’re a “journalist” who came to glorify those brutal bullies.

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  • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed Marc Lamont Hill before for his anti-Israel activities.

He tweets:

Who is Ali Jiddah?

From the book "Song of the Caged Bird: Words as Resistance in Palestine:"

He is a terrorist. He is not a "Palestinian" in any real sense. And now he wants to raise money:
I am Ali Jiddah, an Afro Palestinian, born in the old city of Jerusalem at the African quarter. In 1968, I was sentenced to serve 20 years in person for being active in the Palestinian national struggle. My sentence: 20 years, of which I served 17 years.
Six years ago, I began to suffer from diabetes. One evening, while coming back from a lecture, I fell down and was totally paralyzed for 23 days. After passing a surgical operation, I managed to stand up on my feet. But today, I am disabled, largely unable to use my right side.
Since my liberation from prison, I have had a serious problem with the Israeli national insurance. After leaving prison, I said that I wouldn't pay a penny toward the occupation. 9 months ago, I was sent to a trial and was sentenced to 8 months imprisonment for not paying the debt. Some of my friends in France raised a campaign and donation. They also sent me some money so that my lawyer could negotiate with the Israeli government. He was able to extend my window for paying the debt.
As of this writing, I have 12 days left to pay the money I owe to the Israeli authorities. I have already paid 31k shekels ($8060). I still have to pay 37k ($9620) more.
In addition to imprisonment, I'm not allowed to get the medical treatment that I need until the money is paid. So I am calling you for solidarity and humanitarian air. Any humble donations will be deeply appreciated by me. 
Terrorist Ali Jiddah is a deadbeat who made the conscious decision not to pay for Israeli medical insurance - and now he is whining that he has to suffer the consequences. He is raising money for other people to pay the insurance debt that he himself refused to pay for over 30 years.

Ironically, he wants Israeli medical care after placing a bomb near a hospital. 

Ali Jiddah was working as recently as April as an anti-Israel tour guide, when ISM wrote a loving article about him pretending that he injured 9 "Israeli soldiers."

No, they were civilians, and Ali Jiddah admits that. One of the reasons he felt he had to join a terror group is because Jews in 1968 would go to their newly-accessible holy places and sing and dance in happiness: "the way Israeli civilians used to behave with us - I remember that at that time, they used to come in groups on the streets of the Old City, dancing, singing in a very arrogant way. I felt I was losing my dignity, my personal dignity and my national dignity."

That is why he decided to bomb them.

Marc Lamont Hill considers raising money for terrorist Ali Jiddah to be a just cause.

(h/t E)

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah lauded UNESCO's resolution pretending that there are no Jewish ties to the holiest site in Jerusalem on its official Facebook page.

But right before that, the Facebook page featured this photo with the caption, "We will proceed with [our] fighters until we achieve the Palestinian dream."

There's some native Palestinian Arab culture for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to celebrate.

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From Ian:

The Israeli Left Crosses a Line
It was business as usual at the United Nations on Friday as the Security Council devoted a session to criticizing Israel. Just to make sure that the argument was skewed the event was titled “Illegal Israeli Settlements: Obstacles to Peace and the Two-State Solution.” So rather than a debate about the legality of settlements or whether they (as opposed to Palestinian intransigence) are really the main obstacle to peace, what occurred was a Star Chamber proceeding with the one Jewish state in the dock. The usual suspects decried the presence of Jews in the West Bank, lamented the lack of a Palestinian state, and counseled that unless Israel changes its ways, it will face unspecified consequences.
But there was one thing that differentiated this day from all the Israel-bashing sessions that preceded it: the presence of two left-wing Jewish organizations to add their voices to the chorus of condemnation. Representatives from Americans for Peace Now and B’Tselem, an organization that bills itself as a human-rights group while working to undermine the efforts of the Israeli Defense Forces, showed up at the UN to join the gang tackle of the Jewish state.
The testimony provided by the two groups was correctly contradicted by Israel’s UN representative, who pointed out the conflict is driven by Palestinian hate rather than Israeli home-building. But their decision to appear raises a serious question about the ethics involved in taking an active part in an effort designed to delegitimize Israel on the international stage. It’s fair to ask whether it is appropriate for any organization that identifies as either Jewish or Israeli to assist a world body that is riddled with anti-Semitism in conducting a kangaroo-court procedure in which the Jewish state is judged guilty beforehand.
The most egregious aspect of the presence of these two groups is the assertion made by Peace Now’s Lara Friedman that her participation at the meeting was due to what she said was the “harsh climate” in Israel for human-rights groups. Their work was, she said, too important to be “silenced.” But no one is silencing Peace Now or B’Tselem in Israel.

Poll: Nearly 60% of Palestinians oppose state on 1967 borders
Almost 60% of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip oppose a future Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict., a survey conducted last week by An-Najah University in Nablus found.
The survey, which questioned 1,362 people in the two areas, found that 59.4% oppose the idea as a solution to the conflict.
It also found that 61.5% of Palestinians do not believe it is possible to establish a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders because of the current situation. Some 65.4% of Palestinians in Gaza hold this view, compared with 59.3% in Judea and Samaria.
Asked if Palestinians must continue with the Oslo Accords, even though Israel had stopped supporting them (according to the survey question), 74% answered that they must stop, while 18.2% answered they must continue.
Some 48.7% oppose non-violent resistance, while 45.7% said they support such resistance. Asked about an armed intifada, 55.7% oppose this while 38% support it. Support for violent resistance is higher in Gaza than in the West Bank: 52% of Gazans support an armed intifada and 36% oppose it, while in Judea and Samaria, 29.8% support an armed intifada.
In Gaza, 17.8% oppose resistance, armed or unarmed, and say it does not help the Palestinian struggle. In the West Bank, 35.4% feel the same way.
The idea of a Jordanian federation based on two sovereign states won the support of 46.1% of respondents, while 41.3% were against it.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

  • Sunday, October 16, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another week, another holiday!

One of these sukkot seems problematic...

Wishing all my readers a Chag Kosher v'Sameach. I will not be blogging until Tuesday night or Wednesday. (And then next week we get to do it again!)

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