Saturday, May 21, 2016
From Ian:
J-Street was paid by Obama administration to promote Iran deal
J-Street received more than half a million dollars to advocate for the Obama administration's controversial nuclear deal with Iran, it has been revealed.
The liberal Jewish group, which bills itself as "pro-Israel and pro-peace" but which critics say takes solely anti-Israel stances, was paid the money by the White House's main surrogate organization for selling the deal.

Friday, May 20, 2016
From Ian:
IDF-critiquing NGO faces court debate on revealing its sources
The State Prosecutor’s Office has demanded that Breaking the Silence name its sources, saying anonymous witnesses allow potential lies to spread and make it impossible to investigate alleged abuses.
According to Israeli media reports earlier this year, the army is demanding testimonies that primarily relate to evidence of alleged war crimes and compliance by IDF troops with...

Friday, May 20, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

From the PLO "Department of Culture and Information" website:
[PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan] Ashrawi commented on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to appoint Avigdor Lieberman as the defense minister: “Such a decision is extremely dangerous—Lieberman, who has called for the beheading of Palestinians and for their transfer outside the state...

Friday, May 20, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
Academic fraud

There are two ways of proving that someone is an academic fraud.
One is to prove that he or she knowingly lies.
Yesterday I proved with a high degree of probability that popular Trinity College professor Vijay Prashad lied, by claiming that Hamas does not deny the right of Israel to exist. He quoted selectively from a 2009 New York Times article and used Khaled Meshal's...

From Ian:
IDF Blog: ISIS threatens to wipe out Israel. Here’s why we’re taking them seriously.
Facts at a glance:
- ISIS in Egypt started out targeting Israeli targets, such as Israeli pipelines carrying gas between Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.
- The most dominant terrorist organizations in the Sinai have ties to Hamas. ISIS fighters train in Gaza before returning to the Sinai. Hamas helps with training, medical care, transferring funds, and assisting...

Friday, May 20, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

I always wondered who they were, and now popular Egyptian newspaper Vetogate lists for us the ten Jews who run the world economy.
Haim Saban
Haim Saban
Patrick Drahi
Yitzhak Tshuva
Shari Arison
Idan Ofer
Ronald Lauder
Rupert Murdoch (who is not Jewish)
Sheldon Adelson
Irving Moskowitz
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Now you know!
(corrected headline from "world "to "world economy,"...

Friday, May 20, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

A popular French health website, DocteurClic, has a section on the dangers of traveling to other countries.
Here is the map it uses to travel to "Palestine":
In general, it is safe to travel to "Palestine" which is entirely occupied, although from the map it is unclear exactly who is occupying it. Perhaps Great Britain.
It does have a section on traveling to Israel,...

Friday, May 20, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

From Campus Reform:
An event held by a Jewish student group at the University of California, Irvine was disrupted Wednesday night by a crowd of Muslim students chanting anti-Semitic and anti-police slogans.
Ariana Rowlands, president of the College Republicans club at UCI, told Campus Reform that her group had just wrapped up its weekly meeting Wednesday night, and were...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
From Ian:
The Top Five Most Hilarious Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories
Last week, the British Labour party suspended Musabbir Ali, a former campaign official, for making anti-Semitic statements on social media. He joined an ignominious cast of characters punished for similar offenses, including a former mayor of London and a current parliament member. But Ali distinguished himself with his particularly creative brand of anti-Semitism.
On Twitter,...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

The University of Turin is holding a conference about the Middle East called "From Caliphate to Caliphate: The Middle East from the Sykes-Picot Treaty to violent jihadism."
The third session of the conference was dedicated to Palestinian issues, and the only people who presented were known anti-Israel activists.
Diana Carminati, former professor of European Studies...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
Opinion, Vic Rosenthal

Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column
I had the good fortune to meet Tuvia Tenenbom, author of Catch the Jew and I Sleep in Hitler’s Room the other night.He’s writing a book about America. I haven’t read it since he hasn’t finished it, but I think I can safely say that it is going to be a painful experience, because what he found isn’t pretty....

From Ian:
EgyptAir crash debris reportedly found as officials consider terrorism
A Cairo-bound EgyptAir flight that went down in the Mediterranean Sea with 66 aboard early Thursday hours after departing from Paris zig-zagged sharply before plunging, according to aviation officials, who said terrorism was a more likely cause of the crash than technical failure.
Government officials from France, Greece and Egypt spoke at separate news conferences even...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

The Washington Post reported Monday:
Jordan and Israel have launched a pilot project that is so small and simultaneously so ambitious that it tells the story.
For the past six months, very quietly, Israel has been allowing Jordanians to cross the border to its Red Sea resort to work minimum-wage jobs at hotels.
The first 700 of 1,500 have started.
So far, nothing bad...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

I reported earlier this month that Egypt's most popular newspaper, Al Ahram, published an antisemitic article by Ali Gad claiming that the Talmud contains plans for Jewish world domination.
It turns out that the article was the first of a series. Part two was last week, saying that Judaism wants to destroy ethics and all other religions.
Part 3 was just published. In this...

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
Academic fraud

Vijay Prashad is professor of international studies at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He is the author of 18 books, and a member of the advisory board of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.
He is also a provable liar.
He writes in Alternet:
Hamas does not “deny” Israel’s right to exist. Its Charter, written during the First Intifada...

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