Tuesday, May 10, 2016

  • Tuesday, May 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Next week is "Nakba Day" when Palestinians celebrate nearly seventy years of blaming Israel for all of their problems.

If the "Nakba" was the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Arabs in 1948, as they claim, then why do they choose to mark the occasion on May 15? Arabs fled Palestine from December 1947 through the end of 1948. There are plenty of events, real or imagined, that they could choose for the anniversary.

So why May 15?

The reason, of course, is because the supposed expulsions are not really the Nakba. The disaster was the creation of a Jewish state in the midst of the Arab world. If not a single Arab had lost his home there would still be a "Nakba Day" today anyway.

They could have had a state - and they chose instead to try, again and again, to destroy the Jewish state instead, using military, terrorist, political and demographic means. A Palestinian state with a real peace agreement would mean the implicit abandonment of the struggle to destroy Israel, and that cannot happen, because Israel is the nakba, not the statelessness of Palestinians.

Keep that in mind when you see the many Nakba observances over the next week.

Since I redesigned the site, every once in a while I've been trying to add tags to old articles so they could be found more easily. With over 24,000 posts here it isn't an easy job and I am sure I'm missing many.

Today I put together a list of posts with the tag "Nakba" from over the years.

Check it out!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

From 1981 until she was elected to Westminster in 1997 as Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside, Louise Ellman, who’s Jewish and a steadfast supporter of Israel, was leader of the Labour group on the Lancashire County Council. An October 1982 issue of “Red Ken” Livingstone’s Labour Herald (the paper in which, three years later, he disgustingly printed a cartoon depicting Begin as Eichmann –http://daphneanson.blogspot.com.au/2016/05/corbyns-da-joos-crisis-items-from.htmlcarried a letter from her that observed:
“Your recent adoption of the Neturei Karta group of Jewish fundamentalist extremists as your allies (Labour Herald, 27 August) is beyond understanding. Fortunately for Jewry, they are an infinitesimal percentage of Jews … Their intensely reactionary views, particularly in questions of social progress, are alien to the views of mainstream Jewry…. In their view Israel should not be recognised because it was created by human beings in the absence of the Messiah and secondly because, in their view, modern Israel is a secular, rather than a religious, state. Is support for such a group consistent with Labour Herald’s supposed stand for a secular state for Jews, Christians and Moslems? The answer can only be ‘no’. Your unprincipled use of the tiny and unrepresentative reactionary Neturei Karta is a display of opportunism of which you should be ashamed.”
Fast forward to 2016, and the use of the Neturei Karta nuts by individuals and organisations hostile to Israel is commonplace, despite their still tiny unrepresentative numbers, and despite the attendance of members of their group at Holocaust Denial conferences in Teheran. One would have expected them to be treated as pariahs, and to be shunned as screwballs, but the hatred of Israel on the part of far too many of today’s leftists ensures that these men in black are treated as heroes and rapturously welcomed at Al Quds Day and other Israel-demonising fests in western cities.
Five years ago, during a discussion of antisemitism in the House of Commons (20 January 2011), Louise Ellman asked Conservative MP Robert Halfon, who’s also Jewish, and who outlined his perceptions of the types of antisemitism in contemporary Britain, whether he shared her “concern that the antisemitism that he describes is rarely opposed by those who declare themselves anti-racist?” He responded: “As always, the hon. Lady puts her finger on the button. She has a strong track record in dealing with those issues, and I agree with her completely.”
Quite so.
As British readers will recall, the murder on a London street of black teenager Stephen Lawrence led to an inquiry headed by Sir William McPherson, who in 1999 issued an eponymous report that adopted this definition of a racist incident: “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. Controversial in many quarters, the definition was nevertheless welcomed with alacrity by most if not all on the political Left, and I believe that the McPherson definition was adopted in 2007 by the ECRI (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) General Policy Recommendation No. 11 on combating Racism and Racial Discrimination on Policing.
What a contrast to the political Left’s attitude towards antisemitism, as seen clearly in recent weeks, with the spotlight on the despicable comments of ex-London mayor Livingstone and others on Jeremy Corbyn’s wing of the Labour Party.
The Israel-hating Left that thinks it knows better than Jews the nature of antisemitism, and says so openly (choosing to legitimise only the views of dissenting as-a-Jews as unrepresentative of the Jewish mainstream as Neturei Karta are), has resisted the McPherson principle when it comes to Jew-hatred. In view of its own woeful attitude to Israel and Zionism, the Israel-hating Left and its as-a-Jew cohorts have always derided and denied those parts of the EUMC Working Definition of Antisemitism that address such attitudes:
‘…. “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits. Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to: Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion; Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions; Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews; Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust); Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust; Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations; Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include; Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour; Applying double standards by requiring of it a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation; Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis; Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis; Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel; However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic; Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries); Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property – such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries – are selected because they are, or are perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews; Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries.’
The Guardian journalist Jonathan Freedland can be infuriatingly naïve and even almost perverse and woefully ignorant regarding Israel and the Middle East, but in the course of a recent article – which in some ways confirmed as much – http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/29/left-jews-labour-antisemitism-jewish-identity – he was absolutely spot-on in observing, with regard to antisemitism in the British Labour Party: ‘On the left, black people are usually allowed to define what’s racism; women can define sexism; Muslims are trusted to define Islamophobia. But when Jews call out something as antisemitic, leftist non-Jews feel curiously entitled to tell Jews they’re wrong, that they are exaggerating or lying or using it as a decoy tactic – and to then treat them to a long lecture on what anti-Jewish racism really is. The left would call it misogynist “mansplaining” if a man talked that way to a woman. They’d be mortified if they were caught doing that to LGBT people or Muslims. But to Jews, they feel no such restraint.’
As for whether anti-Zionism is antisemitism, the Oxford scholar Emanuel Ottolenghi put it exceedingly well back in 2003, when he observed, inter alia, in The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/nov/29/comment
‘The fact that accusations of anti-semitism are dismissed as paranoia, even when anti-semitic imagery is at work, is a subterfuge. Israel deserves to be judged by the same standards adopted for others, not by the standards of utopia. Singling out Israel for an impossibly high standard not applied to any other country begs the question: why such different treatment?
Despite piqued disclaimers, some of Israel's critics use anti-semitic stereotypes. In fact, their disclaimers frequently offer a mask of respectability to otherwise socially unacceptable anti-semitism. Many equate Israel to Nazism, claiming that "yesterday's victims are today's perpetrators" … equation between victims and murderers denies the Holocaust. Worse still, it provides its retroactive justification: if Jews turned out to be so evil, perhaps they deserved what they got. Others speak of Zionist conspiracies to dominate the media, manipulate American foreign policy, rule the world and oppress the Arabs. By describing Israel as the root of all evil, they provide the linguistic mandate and the moral justification to destroy it. And by using anti-semitic instruments to achieve this goal, they give away their true anti-semitic face.
…. To oppose Zionism in its essence and to refuse to accept its political offspring, Israel, as a legitimate entity, entails more. Zionism comprises a belief that Jews are a nation, and as such are entitled to self-determination as all other nations are.
.... [N]egating Zionism … claiming that Zionism equals racism … denies the Jews the right to identify, understand and imagine themselves – and consequently behave as – a nation. Anti-Zionists deny Jews a right that they all too readily bestow on others, first of all Palestinians….
... Noam Chomsky and his imitators are the new heroes, their Jewish pride and identity expressed solely through their shame for Israel's existence. Zionist Jews earn no respect, sympathy or protection. It is their expression of Jewish identity through identification with Israel that is under attack.
The argument that it is Israel's behaviour, and Jewish support for it, that invite prejudice sounds hollow at best and sinister at worst. That argument means that sympathy for Jews is conditional on the political views they espouse. This is hardly an expression of tolerance. It singles Jews out. It is anti-semitism….
Israel errs like all other nations: it is normal. What anti-Zionists find so obscene is that Israel is neither martyr nor saint. Their outrage refuses legitimacy to a people's national liberation movement. Israel's stubborn refusal to comply with the invitation to commit national suicide and thereby regain a supposedly lost moral ground draws condemnation. Jews now have the right to self-determination, and that is what the anti-semite dislikes so much.’

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Time for a new Israeli diplomatic initiative
To this end, Israel should announce that given the Palestinians’ rejection of the rationale of land-for-peace which stands at the root of the long-defunct peace process, and given the absence of any Palestinian constituency that supports the two-state formula under which a Palestinian state will live at peace with the Jewish state, Israel no longer believes it is possible to effectively govern Judea and Samaria through a military government.
As a result, it is enacting a process of gradually applying Israeli law to these areas, to ensure their proper governance under Israel’s liberal legal code. The process will begin in areas not under the direct jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.
That is, the new initiative will first be implemented in what is commonly known as Area C.
We can take for granted that such an act by Israel will be universally rejected and condemned by the international community. But at least it will change the narrative.
If Israel takes this initiative, for the first time since 1993 we will be able to stop granting legitimacy to Fatah, the terrorist group that runs the PA.
Last week, even Canada’s Federal Court recognized that Fatah is a terrorist group. And yet, so long as Israel continues to bow and scrape and justify its existence to the French, to the Obama administration, to the UN and the EU, the obvious fact that the Palestinians writ large are the obstacle to peace will remain largely hidden from view.
An Israeli initiative to assert its legal rights to Judea and Samaria is the only way to break the juggernaut of the international lynch mob. The time to act is now.
The Nakba: Who wanted to destroy whom?
On the eve of the 68th anniversary of Israel's independence, the Nakba is again knocking at the gate, a mark of Cain on behalf of itself. Its role is to embody eternal anguish, its singular purpose is to point an accusatory finger at the burgeoning state of Israel, as if to say: You have committed a crime, you have distorted, robbed, oppressed. The land, which you have dressed in concrete and cement, gardens and forests, does not belong to you, it is ours; your existence is a catastrophe, and we will keep the key to the home from which we fled/were expelled, a testimony of our intention to return to that home and remove you from it.
This is the Nakba, an objection to the State of Israel, an eternal rejection of its right to exist as the national home of the Jewish people.
In Arabic literature the word "Nakba" -- which was chosen to grant the "disaster that befell the Palestinian people" equal weight to the Jewish Holocaust -- means a natural disaster, something akin to a strong earthquake or violent volcano outburst.
Until, that is, Constantin Zureiq, a professor of Middle Eastern studies at the American University of Beirut, linked the Nakba to the existence of the State of Israel in his 1948 book, "The Meaning of Disaster." The military defeat suffered by Arab states, Zureiq wrote, is nothing short of "a disaster in all that it entails. ... Seven Arab states declare war on Zionism in the land of Israel ... seek to negate the partition and defeat Zionism, but abandon the battle after losing a considerable portion of the land, even the portion that was 'given' to the Arabs."
Kay Wilson: Building Up The Nakba Myth Condemns Arabs To Perpetual Victimhood
The Palestinian Authority has adopted an identity of suffering to alert the world to their plight. Behind this ostensibly harmless narrative of misfortune is a subtle and underrated form of political terrorism that is fortified with a mendacious propaganda campaign that is so effective that lies are now truth, fact is now fiction, and the Palestinians have lost sight of who they are. By rewriting history, they attempt to invoke not just self-defeating perpetual sympathy, but inflame the fury of those who harbor the world’s oldest hatred.
Into their tapestry of victimhood they have woven centuries of ignorance and hate. They have brilliantly unstitched the historical, Jewish, Jesus of Nazareth—crucified by Rome for insurrection—and darned him afresh onto their own ersatz chronicles as a “poor Palestinian,” who suffered at the hands of “the Jews.” Jesus’ poverty, hardship, and rewritten cultural identity is now one with theirs. Similarly, the Holocaust, that mass industrial murder of six million Jewish people and the ultimate human atrocity, has been nefariously captured by the talons of the Palestinian Authority. The spurious and lethal certitude that every single Palestinian amounts to nothing but an emaciated, caged refugee in a Zionist imposed ghetto, surrounded by a 28-foot wall that conceals genocide, is a chilling, wicked and audacious blood libel.
The formation of this “suffering Palestinian” is a sinister narrative that perversely seeks to claim victimhood by exacerbating hatred toward the Jewish people and the State of Israel. It absconds with the sufferings of Jewish history to gain political clout, and carves victimhood out of a stealthy narrative that mirrors, undermines, and purposefully inflames an unreformed Islamist East and hoodwinks a largely anti-Israel West. Behind the phenomenal “suffering success” is the slick, well-oiled, and brilliantly executed directional narrative of the Palestinian Authority.
At the very least, to encourage the Palestinians to embrace an identity of unabated misery and cling to the notion of victimhood robs them of their quest for a genuine identity and cements them in generic and disingenuous misery. As a person who has suffered greatly, I cannot accept the endorsement of the perpetual psychological victim of any individual as either true, moral, or helpful.

  • Tuesday, May 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

The best part is at the end:

During a Friday sermon delivered in Edmonton, Alberta, Imam Shaban Sherif Mady said that "peace accords, Sykes-Picot, and all these sort of things are useless garbage." "How can you make peace while the other side uses weapons?" he asked. Imam Mady further said that Jerusalem would "only be regained through blood." The sermon was posted on the Internet on May 7. For another sermon by Imam Mady, in which he said that Rome would be conquered like Constantinople was, see MEMRI TV clip 5342.

Shaban Sherif Mady: The Prophet Muhammad said that there would be a peace agreement between the Muslims and the Byzantines, which would be respected, and that the [Muslims] would fight another enemy. Who is this other enemy? It is Iran and its filthy lackeys and dogs, like Russia, China, and those who support them, as well as the secular dogs in the Arab world, like the children of [UAE ruler] Zayed, and that Jewish Zionist Al-Sisi, as well as that secular traitor [Libyan leader Khalifa] Haftar, together with all these traitors. They will all come to an end. Thanks to this peace agreement, they will all vanish from the face of the Earth. When? Hopefully, this will happen soon.


Our Jerusalem, the place of our Prophet's nocturnal journey, will only be regained through blood. Peace accords, Sykes-Picot, and all these sort of things are useless garbage. How can you make peace while the other side uses weapons? You are talking about peace, while he is killing?! You are talking about peace, while he has F-16s, tanks, and rockets. So what kind of peace is this? It is "peace be upon you," my dear. Send my "peace" and greetings... What peace? Why hasn't there been even a single [UN] resolution condemning Israel, ever since its establishment? There has never been an international resolution against it.
That's big news!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, May 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The 10th annual Palestine International Book Fair is being held now in Ramallah.

As with seemingly every event that happens there, the focus of the fair isn't literacy or building communities or education. It was resistance.

The point was given by PA prime minister Rami Hamdallah in the opening ceremony as he emphasized how wonderful it was to have such a fair even though Israel builds walls and tries to isolate the Palestinians. "We affirm the unity of our people and our land and our identity, and protect their cultural and national liberation...

"We celebrate with you today, a new spirit of the steadfastness of the Palestinian and achievement, another example of the ability of our people to work and create hope under the most formidable challenges, and the scene of a large international rally around our people's right to live in freedom and dignity in their homeland shows...On behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas and myself, I thank all of you, the owners of publishing houses and intellectuals, visitors and guests of Palestine, who have turned this event into a cultural gathering, challenging the occupation and its repressive practices, and breaking the siege and isolation Israel wants us to be under," Hamdallah concluded.

There is not the slightest indication that Israel did anything to stop this fair, which is, again, the tenth one. But literally everything done under the government of Mahmoud Abbas must be couched in terms of speaking negatively about Israel rather than in promoting any Palestinian accomplishments on their own merits.

"Shawarma News" has been the person I rely on for researching these book fairs. So far we have not been able to find any online listing of all titles at the fair so while almost undoubtedly there are antisemitic books being sold, we can't find them yet.

But he did find some titles that include antisemitism within the topics that are not exclusively about Jews.

For example, this book:

Is this book:

Entitled "Chaos Theory - The American Scenario to Fragment the Middle East and the Zionist Theory Adapted by America" by Ramzy El- Menyawi.

In the introduction to the book Menyawi makes an analogy between the US army invading and fragmenting the Muslim world and matzah made from the bodies and blood of the people Jews murdered.

This sort of thinking such as the blood libel is not on the margins of Palestinian society - it is mainstream. Think of it this way: It is unthinkable that any Palestinian, or Arab for that matter, would stand up and condemn such a book for including the blood libel as well-known and obvious.

Shawarma News found other conspiracy theory titles that include chapters on Jews, such as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the Rothschilds and Jewish conspiracies against Mohammed.

I do not see any participation of the US Consulate in this book fair.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, May 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Reports say that the Rafah crossing will be opened on Wednesday and Thursday for a few people with humanitarian needs to travel from Gaza to Egypt.

It has been 85 days since the Rafah crossing last opened. In February, 3,561 people crossed in both directions, the only time it was open in 2016.

By contrast, there are some 7,000 crossings between Israel and Gaza every week.

There are over 30,000 Gazans on the waiting list to leave via Rafah.

Egypt says it keeps the crossing closed for security reasons, and it accuses Hamas of helping jihadist fighters in the Sinai. Israel, which has far larger security concerns with Gaza and yet allows people to pass nearly every day, is regularly described as "besieging" the sector.

Nearly 5,000 tons of produce were exported from Gaza through Israel in the first quarter this year, and increase of 150% over last year. Nothing was exported through Egypt.

Earlier this month the Egyptian electricity line to Gaza was down for five days, as residents in Rafah lost a few more hours of power every day. Israel provides about 120 MW of electricity daily while the Egyptian line provides 17 MW.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, May 09, 2016

From Ian:

Israel turns 68 with 8.5 million people, 10 times more than in 1948
On the eve of Israel’s 68th birthday, the country’s population stands at 8,522,000, according to figures released Monday by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
There are 6,377,000 Jewish Israelis, 74.8% of the total population, and 1,771,000 Arab Israelis, 20.8% of the population, the bureau said. Christians, non-Arabs, and other minority groups account for 374,000 people, or 4.4% of the population.
By comparison, the nascent State of Israel had a population of just 806,000 in 1948.
Israel’s Independence Day begins with celebrations on Wednesday night, as the country transitions from Memorial Day — 24 hours of mourning for its fallen soldiers and terror victims.
In the 12 months since last Independence Day, the population increased by 182,000 people, a growth of 2.2%, the CBS said. During that period, 195,000 babies were born, 47,000 people passed away and some 36,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel. There are also some 192,000 foreigners in the country, based on figures from 2014.
Reebok releases new sneaker design in honor of Israel's 68th Independence Day
The Reebok shoe company released a new sneaker design on Monday in honor of Israel's 68th Independence Day celebrations.
The special edition sneaker is blue and white and has "Israel 68" engraved on it's heel.
Moshe Sinai, the CEO of Reebok Israel, explained that these sneakers were to be a one time celebratory release as a collector's item in Israel and the world.
The Independence Day sneaker features the Reebok "Pump" technology that allows the sneaker to form to the foot of its wearer. A push button releases compressed air into the shoe increasing the hold it has on the wearer's foot, allowing the shoe to maintain the person's natural step.
The shoe will be sold on Independence Day in an auction to take place on the Reebok Facebook page. All proceeds from the sale of the shoe will be donated to the organization Crossfit Without Borders which helps people with mental disabilities integrate into the Crossfit community.

BuzzFeed: 44 Totally Crazy #OnlyInIsrael Moments
1. #OnlyInIsrael does army radio broadcast government infomercials reminding listeners to call their grandparents.
2. #OnlyInIsrael does an IKEA showroom include a display Passover table, complete with matzah and haggadah booklets.
3. #OnlyInIsrael will the display on the front of the bus wish you a Happy Pesach.
4. #OnlyInIsrael can a secular, Jewish, female justice minister appoint judges to Shariah courts.
5. #OnlyInIsrael does the national air space completely close down for a whole day on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.
6. #OnlyInIsrael do heroes of Jewish history meet at street corners, like “Ben Yehuda corner of Jabotinsky”, “Bar Kokhba corner of Dizengoff” and “Ibn Gabirol corner of King David”.
7. #OnlyInIsrael is pork on sale but euphemistically labelled “other meat”.
8. #OnlyInIsrael do soldiers walk around with a rifle over one shoulder and a lulav (ceremonial willow branch) over the other.
9. #OnlyInIsrael can a totally non-kosher café, that even serves bacon on Shabbat, offer customers freshly-baked challah on Fridays.
10. #OnlyInIsrael is the religious beach literally right next to the gay beach.

  • Monday, May 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ammon News: (originally at Times of Israel)
An Israeli company authorized to drill an oil reservoir near the Dead Sea, recently evaluated to contain NIS 1.2 billion worth of fuel, stressed Sunday that the area is located entirely inside Israel, which it said was a response to Arab media reports that the site stretched into Palestinian territory.

Israel Opportunity Energy Resources LP said in a statement sent to the media that the Hatrurim field “lies entirely within Israel’s borders.”

The oil company said they were responding to “various reports” in the Arab media, though the statement did not specify which reports, nor the nature of their claims.

A new report released Sunday by the company and filed with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange claimed the Hatrurim oil reservoir, which covers 94 square kilometers of the Dead Sea area, is worth NIS 1.2 billion ($320 million).

The company released a map purporting to show that the field is located kilometers inside the Green Line, which runs along the West Bank border.

The report about the wealth at the oil field appeared to cause some consternation in Jordan, which controls the eastern bank of the Dead Sea.

The chairman of the Jordanian Committee for Protecting the Homeland and Resisting Normalization, Dr. Manaf Majali, demanded the Hashemite Kingdom’s minister of energy check the validity of the report on the Hatrurim field, according to the Jordanian daily al-Ghad.

In the case that oil does exist [at Hatrurim] in a commercial quantity, then it totally belongs to Jordan and not to the occupation that stole it,” Majali said.
There you go!

Here is the map from the Israel Opportunity Energy Resources site showing the field in orange next t the Dead Sea:

The article adds:
In 1995, Israeli company Delek Group Ltd. struck oil in the Hatrurim area after drilling two kilometers below the surface. But, Israel Opportunity said on their website, Delek decided to halt its operations near the Dead Sea due to the low price of oil at the time.

Along with Israel Opportunity, licenses to drill at the oil reservoir were granted to five other partners, according to the company’s website. They include three Israeli companies — Zerach Oil and Gas Exploration, LP (28.75%), Ashtrom Group Ltd (10%) and Ginko Oil Exploration, LP (28.75%) — as well as Israeli geologist Eliyahu Rozenberg (2.5%) and Cyprus Opportunity Oil & Gas Exploration, Ltd (5%), which will become the first company listed in Cyprus to enter into Israel’s oil and gas market, according to Israeli news site Globes.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, May 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From BBC Radio Twitter:

Next week, maybe they'll discuss whether women should be buried up to their chests or to their necks when they are stoned to death for adultery. It should be a fascinating debate about Islamic jurisprudence that may affect all British people one day.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Saeb Erekat: Palestinians Have Never Agreed to Establish a State With Provisional Borders
In his opinion piece “Dear Abbas, answer Kerry, and establish a Palestinian state now”, Mr. Yossi Beilin provides several assertions that are not factual, including the allegation that Palestinians had agreed to establish a state with provisional borders in the past.
While the idea of “provisional borders” was an option according to the Road Map, President Yasser Arafat never accepted this formula. Under President Abbas’ leadership, the PLO never accepted such a formula either. President Abbas never declared the acceptance of this frame to Mr. Beilin.
While we appreciate the enthusiasm of Mr. Beilin, a man with proven credentials for pursuing the end of the occupation and a sovereign State of Palestine living side by side with the State of Israel, twisting facts is not the way to move forward [not satire].

Poll: Israel not occupying Judea-Samaria, peace unlikely with PA
Just days before Israeli Independence Day, a new poll conducted by Tel Aviv University in conjunction with the Israeli Democracy Institute’s Guttman Center has revealed that Israelis are more pessimistic than ever about the prospects for a true peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Among Israeli Jews, only 5.7% strongly believe that negotiations could lead to peace between Israel and the PA in coming years. In total only 20.7% believe peace is possible in the foreseeable future, compared to 77.6% who do not.
A strong majority of Israeli Jews also believe that Israel’s control over Judea and Samaria does not constitute an “occupation," with 71.5% of Jews rejecting the notion Israel is “occupying” those territories, as opposed to just 22.7% who agree with that characterization.
Israeli Arabs, however, were far more likely to believe Israel is occupying Judea and Samaria, with 71.5% perceiving Israeli control as occupation, versus a mere 15.3% who disagreed.
Israelis were more divided over Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s declaration that “the Golan will remain part of the State of Israel forever," which many perceived as reaffirming Israel’s 1981 annexation of the area.
Abbas stop being a bully. Israel can’t occupy her own country
In order to keep Palestinians quiet for just a moment, like the teacher who appeases the “wicked” child, the UN, EU and USA mollify them hoping that there will be but a moment of peace and time to care for the others in need. But like all recalcitrant children who learn how to play the game, work the system, the Palestinians know if they apply enough pressure ,make enough noise that they will get the attention they want and the “cookie” that will silence them until the next tantrum.
Remember back in September when Abbas screamed
“We will not forsake our country and we will keep every inch of our land…The Al-Aqsa Mosque is ours. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is ours as well. They have no right to desecrate the mosque with their dirty feet, we won’t allow them to do that.”
Remember he screamed this after he had his bullies cowardly attack Jews over the Temple Mount.
Then later in October the Palestinians cried again about something (does it matter?) and in order to appease them UNESCO agreed to present a draft affirming “that the Buraq Plaza is an integral part of al-Aksa Mosque/al-Haram al-Sharif.”
This was done despite the fact that it is well known that the Temple Mount was built by and belongs to the Jews. Never let a fact get in the way of Jew hatred.

  • Monday, May 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Egypt Independent:
Egypt’s public prosecutor referred 67 defendants to criminal court on Sunday in the case of late public prosecutor Hisham Barakat’s assassination.

Barakat was killed on June 29, 2015 after a bomb targeted his motorcade. His assassination made him the most senior state official killed since militant attacks surged in Egypt in mid-2013.

The public prosecution's office said in a statement on Sunday that the State Security Prosecution’s investigation revealed that the defendants belong to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group and that they organised the assassination in coordination with the Palestinian movement Hamas.

The statement read that some of the defendants planned for the attack while others received combat training in Hamas camps on monitoring high-profile figures, preparing Improvised Explosive Devices and securing communication.

The prosecution’s referral order was accompanied with detailed confessions from 45 out of the 67 defendants, the public prosecution's office added in today's statement.

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar accused in March Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood group of having planned and implemented the assassination.

He added that a Hamas member in Gaza was involved in the assassination.
Hamas has repeatedly denied any involvement i terrorism cases in Egypt, but it will be interesting to find out the specific details that come out during this trial.

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  • Monday, May 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Shuafat is one of the tragedies of Jerusalem. Jerusalem ambulances, garbage trucks and fire trucks cannot enter the neighborhood without being stoned. Much of it is officially an UNRWA camp where services are supposed to be provided by that organization, but UNRWA all but ignores it as well. As a result, Shuafat is a crime-ridden, drug-infested, dangerous place with open sewers, huge piles of trash and little hope. While most of it is in the Jerusalem municipal boundary, it lies outside the separation barrier - it is a failure of Zionism as well that the Israeli authorities, after many years, simply gave up on trying to control this part of Jerusalem.

Into this vacuum stepped a young man, Baha Nababta.

By all accounts, Nababta worked tirelessly to help the residents of his neighborhood. He founded a number of social institutions in Shuafat to help troubled youth. Nababta was also the head of a local, volunteer fire department that worked with tools as crude as hammers to rescue people from burning houses. He created an emergency response team with over 50 volunteers to respond to all kinds of local emergencies from snowstorms to a team of motorcyclists who could protect Israeli emergency teams who must enter the camp. He helped pave roads, get rid of garbage - essentially every service taken for granted by residents of every other urban area

Nababta was not shy about asking for help from Jerusalem authorities or from liberal Israeli organizations, asking for basic medical and firefighting equipment. His local groups received training from Jerusalem municipal firefighters and from Jerusalem medics, and from all accounts they were happy to help. His main contact on the Israeli side was Dr. Meir Margalit, a Jewish member of the far left Meretz party.

This is probably the reason he is no longer alive.

Haaretz reported last week:

Baha Nababta, a well-known social activist in the Shoafat refugee camp in northern Jerusalem, was shot to death on Monday by an unknown assailant.

The murder occurred at about 11:30 P.M. on Monday, while Nababta stood with a large group of local residents near the paving work they had initiated. Witnesses said an unknown person riding a motorbike was looking for Nababta, and when he found him he shot 10 bullets at Nababta, seven of which hit him. Nababta was rushed to hospital but died a short time later.

Camp residents said on Tuesday that they did not know who the murderer was, but thought the murder was connected to his social activism.
We don't know who executed Baha Nababta but it seems likely that Palestinians who are against "normalization" were behind the murder.

This is the one week anniversary of the murder. The story was covered, barely, in Israeli newspapers (Jerusalem Post buried it on page 10, for example.)

Palestinian media ignored the story completely. Outside of social media I couldn't find one news story about this murder of a prominent social worker.

His death did not receive the headlines of those who are killed while trying to murder Jews. Nababta did not have a huge funeral. His Facebook page - which was quite active - does not have one person expressing condolences after his death.

I'm sure I wouldn't have agreed with Baha Nababta's politics, but he deserved a huge amount of respect for actually working to help his people instead of choosing to spend his life complaining and protesting. His work was heroic and his death is a tragedy by any measure for Arabs and Jews alike.

But perhaps the bigger tragedy is that his murder has been so roundly ignored by his own people.

The Palestinian leadership and media do not want to publicize anything that cannot be blamed on Israel, because their entire existence is based on "resistance," not on doing anything positive for their people. Nababta was guilty of the cardinal crime of "normalization" with Jews who wanted to help him and his fellow Arabs, and to Palestinians, that is unforgivable - and his murder is understandable if embarrassing to mention.

The execution of Baha Nababta, and the silence about his murder from not only Palestinians but from so-called pro-Palestinian activists, sends a message to all Arabs that working even with left-wing Jews is an unforgivable crime.

A person who should be hailed as an example to all Palestinians has been relegated to one of the many piles of garbage that he worked hard to eradicate.

Peace is impossible with a society that treats a true hero like Baha Nababta as a villain.

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  • Monday, May 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
This may be the actual Talmudic ritual!
Arabic media on Sunday warned of a new way that Jewish "settlers" are "defiling" the "Aqsa Mosque."

They are visiting the area - and being silent. 

Apparently at some point in their circumnavigation of the site, on the east wall, the evil settlers stop and stand silently, which is according to the media a Talmudic ritual. But a witness says that the tour guide uses this time to spin a tale of lies about how there used to be two Jewish Temples on the site of the mosques that everyone knows has been sitting there for thousands of years.

The heroic Muslims defending the Al Aqsa Mosque from such extreme forms of provocation as silence make sure that they scream non-stop at the Jews so their evil schemes are thwarted.

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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Seventh-rate academic Juan Cole writes that anti-Zionism cannot have anything to do with antisemitism, and he has five "intellectuals" to prove it, quoting an article in TeleSUR.

One of the towering examples of intellect is David Palumbo-Liu, who I've shown can get an astonishing number of facts wrong in a single paragraph.

On that very same day, that towering intellectual Palumbo-Liu tweeted this:

The article he links to, at conspiracy-theory hotbed TruthOut, says this:
According to a source briefed by US intelligence analysts, the Saudis have given Israel at least $16 billion over the past 2 ½ years, funneling the money through a third-country Arab state and into an Israeli "development" account in Europe to help finance infrastructure inside Israel. The source first called the account "a Netanyahu slush fund," but later refined that characterization, saying the money was used for public projects such as building settlements in the West Bank.
So the "intellectual" that academic Juan Cole thinks is so trustworthy believes that Saudi Arabia sends far more money to Israel and the US does - $6 billion annually - in order to build Jewish settlements (and turn the "Israel Lobby" to their advantage, of course.)

And the source is impeccable: "a source briefed by US intelligence analysts." How much more reliable can you get?

It's fun looking at how easily anti-Israel "academics" can not only lie but also believe the most absurd things, as long as it fits with their pre-existing biases of Israel being the world's most evil regime. Any pretense of academic rigor is not only missing, but actively discouraged.

It is a wonder that colleges employ these quacks.

Meanwhile, I need to ask the Saudis to send me a few hundred million, because I am very influential, as Electronic Intifada admits.  As the US head of the Jewish Electronic Media Lobby, I can definitely help the Saudis achieve their political aims.

For a price.

UPDATE: Another "alternative news" site is claiming that Saudi Arabia gave $80 million to Netanyahu's re-election campaign, pretending that this was a Panama Papers revelation. Can't wait to see which intellectual giants will retweet that one.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, May 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Ahram, the most widely circulated Egyptian daily newspaper, has an op-ed today by Ali Gad called "Jewish Talmudic Plans":

We read about the many plots that revolve around us, and we follow the views of politicians and specialists and analysts on the Middle East to understand: Why we are in conflicts that do not end, losing many lives and paying a heavy price economically, socially and psychologically? Why are we lacking security and safety in our countries? Why are all the wars of the world concentrated in the Middle East? Why are our societies spending more for weapons than for food? Why are the Arab peoples and us alone the lowest and poorest and least secure and with the least progress? Many questions revolve in our heads

A convincing answer to some of these questions are found in how the Jews plan to control the world. It is worth mentioning that the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and the intervention of Iran and Russia make the region politically divided, and that Israel is using this to implement the plan and achieve the teachings of the Talmud, where it instructs them to turn conflicts from political to sectarian. This is the secret of their attempts to ignite sectarian strife between Sunnis and Shiites to drain the Muslims' strength.
He goes on to "quote" Talmudic passages that supposedly prove it is a recipe for world domination, but I couldn't understand the examples well enough to translate.

Jewish Talmudic plans and their desire to enslave the world are written in the Talmud...The goal of the hidden conspiracy of the Jews is the actual control of the world, having has economic control and flood the world with their financial loans. America is living under a debt of $ 15 trillion, and France, hundreds of billions more, and like England, Italy, Spain and others, the question is: who lent these countries this money? Actual control does not come from conventional military occupation, but by placing all the existing governments and peoples under a unified global government.

If there was a crime against humanity don't look to the Arabs, but find the dominant force capable of moving the world between left and right, good and evil.
This is similar to the article last week we published a much smaller Egyptian publication, but this one concentrates on the Talmud as the reason for Jewish control.

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