Wednesday, February 10, 2016

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency quotes Egypt's Youm7 about a power struggle within and without Hamas as to who should lead the terror group over the next several years.

Khaled Meshal, the political head of Hamas, has led the group since 1996, although he only visited Gaza once in 2012. Hamas' Gaza leaders like Qassam Brigades head Mohammed Deif and Mahmoud al-Zahar have been critical of Meshal for his position against Iran in the Syrian civil war, which cost Hamas hundreds of millions of dollars in support from Iran.

Qatar and Turkey want Meshal to remain Hamas' leader for two reasons. One is in order to counteract Iran's influence in Gaza. But the other is because Meshal is also an important player with the global Muslim Brotherhood and they want to maintain his position of prestige there. He is apparently strategizing with Egypt's MB leaders to come up with a way to gain ascendance again after the effective coup by Sisi.

In fact, Qatar already has once given Hamas hundreds of millions to discourage Gaza's Ismail Haniyeh from running against Meshal in internal Hamas elections. Haniyeh became second in command.

Now, according to this article, representatives from Qatar and Turkey have been meeting with Hamas committee members in Gaza to lobby for them to continue to support Meshal - and they are offering $1 billion to offset the loss of Iranian support.

The article makes it clear that part of these funds are going towards rocket manufacturing and terrorist tunnels.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

wrapped bandageDavis, California, February 10 - A group of activists campaigning for the boycott of, divestiture from, and sanctions against Israel reported to the Health Services Unit at the University of California campus today complaining of shoulder, neck, and upper back pain after an unusually strenuous ritual of patting themselves on the back, a student publication said today. The three activists were diagnosed with strained muscles.

Jasmine Hadid, Anthony Carlisle, and Gretchen Devries, all sophomores in the Sociology department, spent Tuesday afternoon rallying against the inclusion of Jews in several organs of student government, lest their presence imply that the student body condones Israel's policies toward the Palestinians. Holding aloft placards, chanting slogans, threatening Jewish-looking passers-by, and disrupting the proceedings of various student functions, the trio broke for lunch and congratulated themselves on standing up for morality, humanity, openness, freedom, and progressive values. However, they immediately felt pain, and decided to repair to the infirmary.

Medical staff at Health Services asked each of the moral giants to perform simple movements, and determined which muscles were affected by gauging where those movements produced pain. The staff recommended refraining from strenuous activity for several days and suggested an over-the-counter analgesic, but further medical intervention or advice was refused, as such additional treatment ran the risk of benefiting from technology or pharmaceuticals developed in Israel.
"I'd rather suffer this pain than legitimize those Zionist colonizers," declared Hadid, 20, who otherwise seems not to have a problem with Zionist technology in the smartphone she never puts down. "This pain reliever isn't generic, is it? A lot of genetics are made by Zionists," she wondered, examining the label.

"It's really important to show solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians," added Carlisle, 19, wincing as he held his neck at an awkward angle. "That's why we did the right thing and harassed Jews, who are collectively responsible for Palestinian suffering, and for using collective punishment on them."
Devries refused to answer a reporter's questions without vetting him as to his acceptance or rejection of Israel's legitimacy as a state. "I won't talk to anyone who accepts the inherently racist premise that one ethnicity should exclude others in exercising sovereignty," she intoned as if to the room.  "Violating that condition would be a microaggression and a violation of my civil rights. Give Palestinians their own state already. OW! Goddamn it! You! Nurse! Give me some [expletive] medicine! I can't lift my arm to wag my finger self-righteously in this condition!"

At press time, the students were yelling at the clinic's clerical staff not to use their software to keep records of the treatment they provided, software that might have been developed in Israel.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

From Ian:

Reconciliation, jihadi-style
Palestinian officials met in Doha on Sunday, as part of a Qatar-led initiative to cause rival factions Fatah and Hamas to bury the literal and figurative hatchet. Turkey was also in on the act, ostensibly interested in getting the leaders in Ramallah and Gaza to present a united front for the sake of an agreement with Israel.
This is amusing, to put it mildly, since the only thing on which Fatah and Hamas actually do agree is the ultimate goal of annihilating the Jewish state.
They are at odds about everything else, including the pace at which their shared aim should be carried out. But mainly, they -- like the rest of their Islamist brethren throughout the region and the world -- are engaged in a deadly power struggle.
So perpetual is this battle that the so-called unity deals the two groups signed in the past, most recently in April 2014, have unraveled before the ink on their contracts was dry. But the signatures did serve an unwitting purpose: to show those who still could not see that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was a partner for jihad, not peace with Israel.
The Yasser Arafat school of Zionist history is poisoning the Zionism narrative
Like environmental sludge seeping into the groundwater, anti-Zionist toxins are poisoning standard discussions about Zionism. The latest example of how the campaign delegitimizing Israel insidiously undermines the Zionist narrative is a serious, non-polemical New York Times article quoting nine Zionists and no anti-Zionists. Steven Erlanger’s article “Who are the true heirs of Zionism” reflects the new (ab)normal: an inability to discuss Zionist history without wrapping it around the Palestinians’ self-serving, one-sided tale of national woe. Increasingly, consciously or unconsciously, many American elites, including Jewish intellectuals, are parroting the Yasser Arafat school of (anti-)Zionist history at worst, or the equally wrong, if less genocidal, post-Zionist school at best.
Just as environmental engineers construct clay barriers to prevent seepage into the soil to protect the groundwater, we need substantive Zionist education to detect and refute these distortions. Zionism has truth and fairness on its side. American history isn’t just about Native Americans or African Americans – and Zionism isn’t all about Palestinians.
The Times article begins by charging that “Zionism was never the gentlest of ideologies. The return of the Jewish people to their biblical homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty there have always carried within them the displacement of those already living on the land.” Erlanger then provides this bizarre, distorted perversion of Zionist history: “The earliest version of Zionism based the creation of a Jewish nation on the revived language of Hebrew, to unify the huge variety of dispersed Jews. Beginning in the 1920s and especially with the Holocaust, suggests Bernard Avishai ... came the idea of ‘political Zionism,’ which required a state and a military both to protect Jews against anti-Semitism and to transform them into a modern state, to defend themselves and, if necessary, to defy the world.”
Erlanger’s crackpot chronology is like starting the history of the American republic with Andrew Jackson in the 1820s, three decades after George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Israeli, French envoys face off online
It's its not everyday that two senior ambassadors debate on one of the world's most popular social networks. But that's exactly what happened this week when the French ambassador to Washington, Gerard Araud and his Israeli counterpart Ron Dermer, exchanged barbs in front of everyone on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It all started with tweets by the senior French ambassador, who was formerly French ambassador to Israel and the United Nations. Araud retweeted statements made by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in conversations on achieving peace in Syria, which stated that "there can't be a political negotiation when one side is murdering the other."
Israel's ambassador in Washington, Ron Dermer, responded in kind to Araud's tweets, implying hypocrisy on the part of the French ambassador. "hmmm. Wonder if that wisdom will one day be applied to when Jews are being murdered in Israel," read his sarcastic tweet.
Araud waited a day and chose not to respond directly to Dermer, but his indirect response was sufficient:"Israel/Palestine. So predictable that any pretext leads one side to declare that the other one is evil."
After users responded to his tweets, including some Israelis, Araud addressed the subject with another tweet: "A tweet on Syria. An unrelated reaction on Israel/Palestine and an outpouring of one-sided tweets without any link with the first tweet." Araud later posted a third tweet: "Israel/Palestine. Feeding the passion instead of analyzing the situation from both sides is a good way to escape the real issues."

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dafaa News reports that an UNRWA office in Shuafat was torched on Monday night.

No details on why the Palestinians are so grateful to the agency that has given them billions of dollars for free.

This news of Arabs torching a UN agency has been silenced. UNRWA of course doesn't mention it (I emailed them for comment, no response.) I could not find this story anywhere else in Arab media.

How many other similar stories just disappear because no one has any interest in publicizing them?

(h/t Yenta)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
ABC Australia reports about Hamas supporting hunger striker Muhammed al-Qiq:
The Israel army told the ABC that Mr al-Qeeq was detained because he is accused of "involvement and activism" with the Palestinian militant organisation Hamas and that he poses a "danger to local security".

Mr al-Qeeq was arrested and jailed three times in his 20s and his wife admitted he was involved with Hamas as a university student, but she said he was not active now.

"I tell you no Mohammad is not a member of Hamas," she said.

"He is a Palestinian journalist. Since he got out of jail in 2009 until he got arrested in 2015 he didn't organise any activities."

The ABC has seen video that Israel said proves Mr Al Qeeq incited others to violence.

Speaking at a West Bank University in November he praised young Palestinian attackers who had recently killed Israelis and spoke glowingly of a famous Hamas commander and bomb maker Yahya Ayyash.

Amnesty International is among the international bodies that have voiced concern for Mr al-Qeeq.

"Amnesty International has called on the Israeli authorities to release Mr al-Qeeq unless they are going to charge him with an internationally recognised criminal offence and trial him according to international fair trial standards," said Jacob Burns, Amnesty International research and campaign assistant.

Mr al-Qeeq has also alleged he was tortured by the Israeli security services.

"He says he was tied in a stress position known as the banana to a chair for up to 15 hours a day," Mr Burns said.

"And that his Israel interrogators threatened him with sexual violence and told him he would not see his family again for a long time if he did not confess to the allegations against him."

Israeli security officials have told the ABC the allegations about torture are "totally baseless".
Now, Edith Garwood, who is the "country specialist" for Israel and the territories for Amnesty USA, has written - on Amnesty's official blog - what can only be described as a love letter to the terrorist supporter.

Muhammed -What were you thinking about when you accepted the reality of your own death?

What thoughts and images went through your mind when you realized you were willing to risk permanent physical damage or even death to gain your freedom?

Were you thinking about the softness of your babies’ cheeks? How they smelled so fresh and their skin felt so soft after bath time?

Did you think of all the moments with your children, your babies, that you would miss?

Your children’s first day of school? Sending them off with their little backpacks or maybe how they would proudly walk up the aisle to receive their high school diplomas?

Maybe you imagined yourself dancing with your daughter at her wedding as your body started to shut down and you began to vomit blood.

Did you picture your wife’s face just as it was when you asked her to marry you as you were unable to resist the intravenous drip being inserted in your arm against your wishes?

Or maybe, when she told you she was pregnant, as your internal organs began to shut down?

Perhaps you were thinking of how they tortured you, using stress positions and threats of sexual violence?

Were you scared when you went on hunger strike? Hopeful?
The italicized sections of the article reproduced here are indented, making them appear to be a quote from someone else, the conclusion of the article - not set off as a block quote - shows that Garwood herself is indeed the author of this love note:
So, I wonder, knowing all this information, understanding his options – or non-options – what was Muhammed thinking when he realized that he may very well be leaving his wife and two, young children, his mother, his friends and profession at the hands of death as a last, desperate act to fight the unjust situation and on the small chance he would win his release?

What was he thinking when he chose – freedom?
Garwood is a former ISM volunteer and had written plenty of absurd, one-sided anti-Israel polemics before Amnesty decided that she is the perfect fit for that organization.

Now she writes the same things with the imprimatur of a major human rights organization.

And Amnesty has no problem with officially believing and publishing, without any disclaimer, the claims of a terror supporter about being tortured.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

This video, entitled "The Roof of the Bus Goes Flying," was released for the anniversary of the death of master bombmaker Yahya Ayyash.

The bomber approaches the "Jews" waiting for the bus
Tens of thousands of people have viewed it in just a couple of days, and there have been Arabic newspaper articles praising it.

At least 40 people were involved in the production of this video.

It is a reflection of how truly sick Palestinian Arab society is that such a video can be produced to begin with, let alone praised and popularized.

Lyrics include:

Oh bearer of good tidings, wrap the explosive belt around your waist. Oh bearer of good tidings, wrap the explosive belt around your waist. The story of the Intifada will only be told when the roof of a bus goes flying.

Oh Martyrdom-seeker, heed the call of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, make the blast of the bomb reach further and further. Make Netanyahu flee in shame, unable to count the number of casualties. Scatter them all over, strike fear among their people. Show no mercy to their settlers. Dispatch them to Hell. Nothing awaits them but the grave.

Oh martyrdom-seeker, the Al-Aqsa Mosque has called: Oh son, come to martyrdom! Blow yourself up, oh you with strong resolve. We will defend the soil of the pure Al-Aqsa.

Oh martyrdom-seeker, it is our duty to defend our people. You are the voice of honor within us.

With your explosive belt, we will defend our free women. We want the dead to fill the streets, and the blood to intensify the pain. Make the Zionist withdraw from the wrath of my avenging people.

Disclose your secrets to the Compassionate. Oh martyrdom-seeker, the Lord has chosen you. Our Prophet Muhammad will be your neighbor. In Paradise, your home has already been built. Step up and take revenge on behalf of your religion. Blow it up – may you be successful. Oh you who wears the explosive belt, your head is held high, when we bring the good tidings.

Oh Martyrdom-seeker, put on your explosive belt, and blow it up. This is your finest hour. How sweet are your bombs and explosives. Blow up the shameless Zionist.

Of course, one cannot find any Arabic language disavowals or criticisms of this video coming out of Palestinian media or social media. I would love to find a single Palestinian in the territories who is unabashedly anti-terror and against such incitement arguing with the masses of Arabs who praise it - but so far I have not found that single person.  I have not even seen a single example of anonymous criticism.

The only conclusion is that the apologists are wrong - there is broad support for the most heinous terror attacks across all levels of Palestinian society. The disavowals of terror are said in English to the gullible idiots of J-Street and the White House. The polls that show reluctance to use terror show not that the people are against terror for moral reasons, but that they don't believe that blowing up Jews is tactically wise at this time.

Yahya Ayyash is a hero in Palestinian society. Period. Not a terrorist, not a flawed hero, not a product of his times - but a role model.

Make no mistake - the vast majority of Palestinians support the depraved message of videos like this, both explicitly and implicitly, by refusing to say a single negative word about them. And that is a message that Western media and politicians simply refuse to acknowledge.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

UNRWA opened a girls' school this week. Nothing wrong with that.

But there is something very wrong with the Arab bank that funded this school.

Watch the details in the latest edition of EoZTV.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

From Ian:

Israel and the Apartheid Narrative: 2 South African Student Leaders Weigh In
About two-dozen people file into Dodd 175 at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus on a Thursday night, scouting out seats and picking at the kosher pizza in the back of the lecture hall.
Miyelani Pinini knows the drill. A former student president of the University of Cape Town in South Africa, she’s attended and even organized her share of free-pizza events.
But now she and a fellow South African student leader were the stars of this one, brought to campus by StandWithUs, a pro-Israel education and advocacy organization, and Students Supporting Israel, a national network of pro-Israel campus groups.
Having traveled to Israel and the West Bank on the inaugural trip for the South Africa-Israel Forum (SAIF) in January 2015, she and law student Jamie Mithi undertook a whirlwind southern California speaking tour, weighing comparisons between Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and the South African apartheid regime.
“Our apartheid narrative is literally being stolen right under our feet just as our resources have,” Pinini told the lecture hall at UCLA on Feb. 4.
1975 anti-Semitism speech to UN even more relevant today, UK historian says
In 1975 Chaim Herzog gave a firebrand speech to the UN General Assembly vehemently rejecting its resolution that equated Zionism with racism. Today, 40 years later, prizewinning historian Simon Sebag Montefiore describes the address as “one of the great speeches of the 20th century.”
He speaks from knowledge: A 2013 book Sebag Montefiore edited, “Speeches That Changed the World,” features Herzog and his speech, alongside figures ranging from Jesus to Churchill.
1975’s infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 had been promoted by the Soviet and Arab blocs as part of a diplomatic campaign to isolate Israel. Although the anti-Israel resolution was denounced by the Western, democratic states which opposed it, it was adopted on November 10, 1975, by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions) following a furious debate.
Herzog, who refused to be put on the defensive during the debate, declared, “For us, the Jewish people, this is but a passing episode in a rich and an event-filled history.” He further stated that the resolution’s supporters were motivated by the “two great evils” of “hatred and ignorance.”
Seth Frantzman: Israel’s dangerous anti-strategic game
Israel has a difficult strategic problem. In the long term its support in Europe is eroding. Its support in America is likely to erode as a new generation takes the reins of the Democratic Party. It has new allies in Asia and the disintegration of the Middle East is both a benefit and a threat. It is so entangled in the West Bank its ability to withdraw is in doubt.
The worst thing for Israel is the constant abdication of responsibility by its political elites. “They hate us” is not an answer to a strategic goal. Israel chose to conquer the West Bank. It chose to export a half million citizens into the West Bank. It chose to annex east Jerusalem. In all these choices the local Palestinians were not asked their say in the matter. All of the choices are Israel’s. Yet the rules of the game are such that the media and international community are biased against Israel or hold it to a higher standard.
Israel abdicates responsibility by deciding that despite knowing the rules of the game, it will continue to play by the Palestinian timetable, waiting for peace and love to breakout, managing the conflict and complaining that the rules won’t change.
Someone needs to remind Israelis and their supporters: The rules are never going to change. The international community and media will continue to be biased against the country. Most Palestinians will never change their overall views of Israel. Brand Israel will continue to be toxic in the West. You have more to lose, and time is probably not on your side. There is dire need for a long-term strategy to address that. It’s time to ask the right questions, rather than just feign irresponsibility.

I am continuing my viral poster series to combat "Israel Apartheid Week," which is spread out through Febrary and March, with actual facts.

The entire series is here. It has received over 200,000 hits so far.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Reginald Neale Shutte (1829-92) was a Cambridge-educated Anglican clergyman who spent some time in Morocco, whence so many of north-western Europe's present day young male immigrants derive, contributing his impressions (distinctly unfavourable ) to the local newspaper in Exeter, Devon, where he had spent ten years as rector of St Mary's Church.  His six "Letters from Western Barbary" appeared in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette over half a dozen consecutive issues during 1865.  I happened to stumble across them, and thought the following extracts might interest Elder's readers.

'.... A few years ago a Ramadan was not considered complete unless a Christian, or at least a Jew, was murdered by the frantic population.  I am happy to say that this custom has fallen into disuse.* But though motives of policy restrain the murderous propensities of the Moslems, their tempers suffer a good deal from the fast .... I have seen more fights during this first week of Ramadan than during the whole of my residence in Barbary.... The fast certainly gets into the head of these people, and it is well to carry a thick stick, or give them a wide berth, particularly when they happen to be "saints" ...
They ["saints"] tramp about in rags which are odoriferous beyond all belief, and demand alms pretty much in the fashion of Dick Turpin [a notorious eighteenth-century British highwayman]....

..... "Saints" in Barbary are of two kinds.  The first are those who, by frequent acts of devotion and extraordinary asceticism, have acquired a reputation for special holiness.  These ever may be known for their filth, emaciation, and insolence....  The second class are idiots and madmen, who are supposed to be under the special influence of Heaven.  As there are no lunatic asylums in this country, where madness is very common, protection is in this way ensured to those poor wretches. who would otherwise be treated with great cruelty.

.... Occasionally they strip off all their clothes and run about the streets, assaulting everyone they meet.  A friend of mine saw one of these saints split his own head open with an axe.  Knowing the peculiarities of these people, it is just as well to keep one's eyes upon them when out for a ramble....

.... When a man wants a wife he goes to his mother, or, if he is dead, to the nearest female relative, and declares his intention of marrying ....  Off this good lady goes to all her friends ... and enquires among them for the most eligible lass.  The age selection ranges from 9 to 15.  At 25 a woman is old, and at 30 she is utterly unpresentable.  Long before this age she has usually made way for another and more attractive wife, and quietly subsides into the condition of a servant....

When the happy day has been fixed, an ox is killed before the bridegroom's door, and another before that of the bride ....

This slaughtering of animals on the public streets is a very nasty operation.  The gutters run with blood ... to say nothing of the quivering victim lying all across the [narrow] street... The Moors regard the sight very complacently, and seem to take pleasure in the sufferings of all kinds of animals....

.... The four days of feasting being ended, the man goes to fetch his bride.  She is placed in a box about three feet high by two-and-three-quarters wide  ̶  just large enough, in fact, to allow of her being huddled together all of a heap inside.  The box is covered with gaudy muslin and is surmounted by pieces of coloured silk.  When the bride has been snugly caged, she is placed in her box upon a mule, the nearest male relatives walking on either side and holding her on.... 

She cannot see much, I should fancy, through the muslin ... these poor creatures remain in the box for several hours, and it need hardly be added, are often taken out more dead than alive....

.... Let is suppose the bride not to have been absolutely frightened out of her senses, or to have arrived in safety at the house of her future husband.  The box is taken down from the mule's back, and deposited in one of the rooms... The male relatives retire, and the lady friends take the bride out of her box.  Her husband is not permitted to see her until four days afterwards.... Nothing can exceed the strictness with which the Moors guard their women.  To be seen on the streets without permission of their lord would be followed by instant divorce....

The days of feasting being over, the husband makes his appearance, and sees his wife for the first time, and henceforward she becomes first a plaything and then a household drudge.  The old age of these poor creatures is something tremendous.  It makes one's heart bleed to see the poor rejected wives, no longer veiled, but ragged and dirty, carrying loads of wood from the country, large enough to make a donkey groan.  Such is matrimony in Morocco.'

*'An old Moorish proverb runs "To the hook with the Christian, to the spit with the Jew"  ̶  a principle which has not been put into practice, at any rate not these many years.' 

Dundee Evening Telegraph, 8 September 1908.  

(Note Reuter's Telegram, Aberdeen Journal , Tuesday, 17 November 1903: 'Marnia  [Maghnia](Algeria) Monday.  Moorish Jews from Taza state that the Sultan's troops during their occupation of the town, massacred a large number of Jews, violated women and girls.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Ma'an reports that sources in the PFLP terror group have confirmed that Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled will meet with Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament, in its headquarters in Brussels next Wednesday.

There will also be PFLP meetings with Sinn Fein (Ireland), the Socialist Party (Portugal), AKEL (Cyprus) and the Workers' Party (Belgium) and other "progressive" parties.

Khaled is famous for hijacking planes in 1969 and 1970, which is what is considered "progressive" nowadays.

Papadimoulis is a member of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left party.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Syria and the real demographic threat
Unfortunately, despite the collapse of Syria and Iraq, and despite the rising threats to Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, for the most part, Israeli analysts continue to base their view of Israel’s options moving forward – particularly in relation to the Palestinians – on a regional map that is no longer relevant.
Sunday the Labor Party endorsed party leader Isaac Herzog’s plan to unilaterally withdraw from much of Judea and Samaria. Given the regional population changes, the notion that Israel can transfer more land along its eastern flank to the chronically unstable, and hostile Palestinian Authority today is reckless at best. For all their weaknesses, both the Jordanian and Lebanese regimes are far stronger than the PA. And they have been unable to stop the refugee flows across their borders.
It is impossible to imagine that a Palestinian state on the western side of the Jordan River could block refugee flows from the east, particularly when the Palestinians demand the free immigration of millions of ethnic Palestinians from Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
The demographic transformation of Jordan and Lebanon in recent years shows that the greatest demographic threat to the remaining states in the region is not natural growth, but refugees from states that have collapsed. The integration of Palestinians into Israel is far less dangerous to the long-term survivability of Israel than the influx of millions of refugees from neighboring states into a Palestinian state on the western side of the Jordan River.
In the hopes of keeping the Syrians displaced by the war in their country from turning to Europe for refuge, last week Western countries held a donor conference for Syria in London.
Speaking at the conference King Abdullah warned that Jordan is at a “boiling point,” and told the West to commit to donating $1.6b. over the next three years before the “dam bursts.”
Unfortunately, the dam is already leaking. And if Israel doesn’t want to be flooded as well, the time has come to understand that old thinking about demography – and just about everything else – is no longer relevant.
3 Arab MPs suspended from Knesset following PMW report
3 Arab MPs suspended from Knesset after PMW exposed their meeting families of terrorists and their standing for "a minute of silence for the souls of the "Martyrs"
Two Israeli Parliamentary committees met yesterday in response to Palestinian Media Watch's report on Thursday, which exposed that three Arab MPs from the Balad Party met with families of terrorist murderers and stood for "a minute of silence for the souls of the "Shahids" (Martyrs). A video of the father of Baha Alyan - murderer of three Israelis, was posted by the Balad Party on its Facebook page, where the terrorist was referred to as "The Shahid (Martyr) Baha Alyan."
The Knesset House Committee met first and invited PMW director Itamar Marcus to present the information documenting the meeting of the Arab MPs. The Committee passed on its recommendations to the Knesset Ethics Committee which voted to suspend two of the MPs, Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas, for 4 months each, and the third MP, Jamal Zahalka, for 2 months.
As part of his testimony, Itamar Marcus stressed the severity of the Balad Party's referring to the murderers as Shahids. He first explained the Islamic meaning of the words, citing a sermon from PA TV in which the PA Minister of Religious Affairs explained that: "The Shahid has merit with Allah, a merit that no one else has..."
PMW report triggers political storm in Israel
Palestinian Media Watch sparked a political storm in Israel on Thursday by releasing a report in Hebrew that documented that three Arab members of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, met with families of terrorists who recently attacked and murdered Israelis.
The meeting with the terrorists’ families was condemned all across the political spectrum from Prime Minister Netanyahu who said “those who comfort terrorists’ families don’t deserve to be Members of the Knesset,” and other heads of government, to leaders of the opposition parties (Their statements appear below). PM Netanyahu also asked the Attorney General and the Parliamentary Ethics Committee to investigate the Israeli Arab MPs.
As the political storm continued, PMW Itamar Marcus was invited to speak today in the House Committee of Israeli Parliament, which met to discuss different courses of action to take regarding the Israeli Arab MPs who met with terrorists’ families. Marcus showed committee members the original documentation exposing the meeting and showed additional documentation of Arab MPs defending the meeting.
Israeli TV interviews Itamar Marcus - PMW report sparks political storm in Israel

  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Xinhua reports:
A senior Palestinian official said on Tuesday that Israeli and Palestinian officials will hold a security meeting in Jerusalem this week to discuss the security situation in the West Bank.

Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), who was speaking to Voice of Palestine Radio, did not give further details about the meeting.

However, a senior Palestinian official told Xinhua on condition of anonymity that the Palestinian delegation will convey a clear message to the Israeli side on the Palestinian commitment to agreements and treaties signed in the past between the two sides.

But, "if Israel kept storming the Palestinian-controlled territories, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) would soon reconsider all these agreements," the official said.
But the message being given in Arabic is different:
Secretary of the Executive Committee of the PLO Dr. Saeb Erekat confirmed that a meeting will be held this week with the Israeli side in order to start the implementation of the Palestinian Central Council decisions.

The Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization decided to halt security coordination with Israel and move forward in international efforts to achieve all the Palestinian rights, as well as to continue the process of reconciliation with the "Hamas" movement.

The Central Council of the PLO is the second highest decision-making body of the Palestinians, after the National Assembly.

Erekat told the official Voice of Palestine network on Tuesday morning that the Palestinian delegation will meet with the Israeli side in Jerusalem in order to inform them of the start of implementation of the decisions of the Central Council.
These two reports are seemingly based on the same radio interview!

Notice that the decision was made by the Central Committee of the PLO, not the PA, even though supposedly security is under the PA. It just shows once again that the idea that the PA was "democratically elected" is a joke, since it reports to and follows decisions of the self-appointed PLO.

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  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
TOI reports:
A Palestinian teenage girl armed with a knife was detained outside the West Bank settlement of Carmei Tzur.

The girl, said to be around 13 [other reports say 16] was arrested by the security guard at the entrance of the settlement in the Etzion bloc.
Here are photos of the girl, wearing a shirt with a cute bunny on it that seemingly says "I Love You", and the contents of her school backpack.

Teens! Who can figure them out? Some girls are fans of One Direction, other girls want to stab Jews. But deep down they are all the same, aren't they?

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  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The President of the Arab Parliament, Ahmed al-Jarwan, has written a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon thanking him for his justification of Palestinian terrorism in his New York Times op-ed entitled "Don't Shoot the Messenger, Israel."

Arab media reports the PLO's representative to the Arab Parliament said that that Jarwan praised Ban Ki-Moon's article for asserting "the right of all peoples of the world to resist occupation, including the Palestinian people" and that this "right" cannot in any way be taken away.

Ban's article did not say that, but it is telling that this is how the article - which the UN insists was a condemnation of terror - is being interpreted by Arab leaders.

According to the reports, Jarwan's letter stressed to Ki-Moon's that "the frustrations and the growing sense of injustice has become entrenched in the minds of the Palestinian people especially with the growing frequency of [Israel's] infringing on Islamic and Christian holy sites and increase of settlement businesses, which lead eventually to undermine efforts to negotiate in order to reach a two-state solution."

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Monday that Ban “stands by every word he has used.”

Dujarric said the secretary general has repeatedly condemned “terror and has said that absolutely nothing, nothing, justifies terrorism.”
Not one Arab source that I have seen has quoted Ban Ki Moon's condemnation of terror attacks. The only message that the Palestinian Arabs and their leaders have read from Ban Ki Moon's words is a green light for more terror attacks - with UN support.

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