Monday, October 19, 2015

From Ian:

MSNBC Admits Anti-Israel Graphics Were ‘Wrong’
MSNBC has admitted that highly controversial graphics aired on the network that depicted Israel as stealing land from the Palestinians were “factually wrong” and that the broadcast would be corrected on Monday, according to a network spokesperson.
The cable news network has been fighting off criticism after it aired the graphics and analysis, including a map linked to conspiracy groups branded as anti-Semitic, that portrayed Israel as existing on territory expropriated from Palestine.
The graphics garnered criticism from pro-Israel advocates and has now prompted the network to acknowledge that the graphics were highly misleading.
“In an attempt to shed light on the geographic context of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, we aired a map that was factually wrong,” the spokesperson said on Sunday.
Two MSNBC broadcasters, Kate Snow and Martin Fletcher, “will address the map in a segment Monday about agendas and disinformation on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” the spokesperson said.
Fletcher, a Middle East analyst, said on Sunday that the map and analyses were “dead wrong.”
MSNBC Apologizes For Palestinian Map-Gate

Sky News fails to challenge lie that Israel plans to destroy al-Aqsa Mosque
First, beginning at roughly the 4:20 mark in the film, note that Rossi falsely claimed that Netanyahu has a secret plan to allow Jews to pray at the Temple Mount / Al-Aqsa Compound.
However, as anyone who’s been following the issue would surely know, the Israeli prime minister has stated repeatedly that there is no such plan to change the status quo, where Jews can visit but not pray. Indeed, Netanyahu recently banned Israeli MKs and ministers (and Arab MKs) from visiting the site in order to prevent the possibility that a visit by a controversial political figure will ignite more violence.
Even worse, the PSC Vice Chair then claims there is a secret plan to destroy the Mosque and build a Third Temple. This also goes unchallenged by Rossi.
He further claims that Israeli security personnel have engaged in “extra-judicial executions”.
The Sky News reporter allowed millions of viewers to hear such PSC propaganda without comment or critical scrutiny.
Israel slams UNESCO vote calling Western Wall Muslim
The proposal to recognize the adjoining Western Wall as a Muslim holy site was submitted by six Muslim countries on behalf of the Palestinians, according to a Ynet news report.
The proposal also calls for the international community to condemn Israel for urging “its citizens to bear arms in light of [the] recent terror wave,” as well as for recent actions by Israel and the Israel Defense Forces in Jerusalem. The document, a copy of which was obtained by Ynet, refers to Jerusalem as “the occupied capital of Palestine.”
In addition, the Palestinians seek condemnation of ongoing Israeli archaeological excavations near the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem’s Old City, as well as of the “aggression and illegal measures taken against the freedom of worship and access of Muslims to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Israel’s attempts to break the status quo since 1967.”
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely denounced the bid on Monday.
“This shameful and deceitful Palestinian attempt to rewrite history will fail the test of reality,” Hotovely said.
The Likud lawmaker said her ministry is making every effort to see that the bid is voted down by UNESCO on Tuesday.
The proposal is largely expected to pass, as most of UNESCO’s 58 members traditionally support the Palestinian cause.

Alaa Elian is an UNRWA teacher in Gaza.

He recently posted this on Facebook:

I am not even close to running out of examples of UNRWA teachers and employees posting hate.

By the way, one UNRWA worker I exposed recently, Sohaib Fayyad, simply eliminated any mention of UNRWA in his Facebook page and keeps on posting hate.  

It seems doubtful that he was fired, because if that was the case he would just list UNRWA as a former job. Instead, he cleansed any mention of UNRWA

(Literally as I was writing this, the page was taken down again.)

  • Monday, October 19, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the Palestine Bulletin, december 15, 1931, reporting on an Islamic conference in Jerusalem.

The incitement - claims of Jews planning to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque, saying that Jews are desecrating holy places by merely being there, the support for terrorists - is virtually identical to today's incitement.

The hate for Jews today is no different than it was in 1921, 1929 or 1931. It has nothing to do with Israeli actions, nothing to do with settlements, nothing to do with "occupation," nothing to do with Al Aqsa, nothing to do with prisoners or "refugees" or claims of organ-stealing or torture.

It is pure antisemitism.

From Ian:

Deafening Silence
Instead of recognizing the profound unrest and rise of Palestinian terrorism, many have implicated Israel. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently condemned the killings by Israeli forces of four Palestinians—three of whom carried out terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians and were killed during, or subsequent to the attacks. Ki-moon made no mention of the Israelis murdered by these terrorists. He called on Israel to investigate the incidents and “force” they used.
Force? Last time I checked, killing people as they attempt to stab you to death is not an instance of excessive force.
The world must not only condemn the horrific acts of terror; we must also condemn those responsible for inciting the violence. The Palestinian Authority is one group that we must demand be held accountable. In a recent speech on Palestinian TV, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stated: “We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem. With the help of Allah, every shaheed (martyr) will be in heaven.” He called on Palestinians to prevent Jews from entering the Temple Mount “by any means possible” and declared that Jews "have no right to defile [Al Aqsa Mosque] with their filthy feet." Days later, he declared the Oslo Accords void in a speech at the United Nations. Throughout the recent wave of terror, Fatah, Abbas’s party, has delivered leaflets in Palestinian towns praising the terrorists, and Fatah Twitter accounts have glorified the attacks. This week, a knife-wielding Gaza cleric called upon his congregants to stab Jews and “cut them into body parts.” He urged some to “restrain the victim, while others attack him with axes and butcher knives.”
The picture in Israel is grim: The country is facing mounting attacks and some Palestinian leaders are calling for a Third Intifada. Life in Israel has drastically changed over the past few weeks: Citizens stay indoors, commuters spend hours longer in their cars to take safer routes, and shops and restaurants are eerily deserted. As time goes on, more and more people know those personally affected by the violence. Nowhere is safe.
Israel is under attack and it is outrageous that the world has remained silent throughout these recent atrocities. It is time for the world to speak up.
The silence is deafening.
Fatah’s official social media promotes and glorifies Martyrdom and murder
While world media is focusing on terror promotion in private social media, the official Palestinian Authority and Fatah social media cannot be ignored. Just as the PA and Fatah leadership started this terror campaign, so too Abbas' party, Fatah, in its official social media, continues to pour fuel on the fire by glorifying terror attacks, murderers, and those seeking Martyrdom-death for Allah (Shahada).
One Fatah tweet showed the image of four terrorists who between them killed 2 and stabbed 7 Israelis, with the following praise:
"Our Martyrs [come] in droves
Our determination is [like] mountains,
it does not bow down before the despicable
and does not fear arrest"

[Fatah Twitter account, Oct. 13, 2015]
The terrorists pictured are Muhannad Halabi, who killed two in the Old City of Jerusalem, Fadi Alloun, who stabbed one, Amjad Al-Jundi, who stabbed one, and Thaer Abu Ghazaleh, who stabbed five. (More details about the attacks below)
Fatah urges Palestinians to seek Martyrdom-death, as often documented by Palestinian Media Watch, presenting it as sweet and desirable.
Netanyahu: Palestinian incitement is 'Osama Bin Laden meets Mark Zuckerberg'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Likud faction Monday that the current wave of Palestinian violence is the result of social media web sites, singling out Facebook.
Netanyahu said Israeli security officials were aware of the significant impact of incitement garnered from social media, because of what terrorists who attacked Jews over the past few weeks have written on their private Facebook pages.
"What has been going on is due to the combination of the Internet and Islamic extremism," Netanyahu said. "It has been Osama Bin Laden meets [Facebook founder] Mark Zuckerberg."
Netanyahu said Israel was in "a lengthy struggle" and expressed full confidence that the Jewish state would win. He urged citizens to respect the law and not take it into their own hands, as happened Sunday night when Israelis attacked an Eritrean who was thought to have been a suicide bomber.
Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett criticized Netanyahu for enabling the construction of security barriers between the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Armon Hanatziv and Jabel Mukaber. At a meeting of his faction, he slammed the international community for not showing Israel enough support as it fights terror.
"Part of the world is morally confused and unsure who is the aggressor," Bennett said, purposely speaking in English. "I call upon our friends around the world to support us. Those around the world who gives us grades and advice: Wake up. We might be on the front lines now, but this war is also in your country. Don't find yourselves on the wrong side of history."
Deputy Foreign Minister Blames Abbas for 'Culture of Death'
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) laid the blame for the current terror wave in Israel on Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal Monday.
The latest surge of Arab terror attacks against Jews, she said, immediately followed a "well-orchestrated campaign of violence" and "explicit calls by the Palestinian leadership to 'spill blood.'”
She quoted Abbas, who said on PA television on September 16: “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah. With the help of Allah, every martyr will be in heaven, and every wounded will get his reward.”
Two weeks later, she noted, terrorists murdered a Jewish couple, Eitam and Naama Henkin, in front of their four children.
The PA made clear that it approved of the murder.

  • Monday, October 19, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA is officially a non-political organization. As its director said in a 2009 speech:
UNRWA is non-political in nature and orientation. Our mandate rests on humanitarian and human development work and is underpinned by core United Nations precepts of neutrality and impartiality.

Last week, UNRWA students in Lebanon held a rally "supporting the Jerusalem intifada and supporting the Al Aqsa Mosque":

They were saying things like "With our blood and soul we will redeem you, oh Al-Aqsa" and "Million martyrs marching towards Jerusalem."

This rally was ostensibly organized only by the students of an UNRWA school, not the staff, even though it seems unlikely that students themselves could organize such a rally without logistical help from adults.

It also is difficult to conceive that these students that happen to go to an UNRWA school decided on their own to do something that contradicts the supposedly non-political nature of their lessons.

Moreover, this article indicates that a similar rally held yesterday in Lebanon was organized by UNRWA itself.
On Sunday, UNRWA schools in Lebanon organized a rally of solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle for freedom, return and independence, and in condemnation of the "Israeli" aggression and the repeated incursions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

UNRWA's pretense to be non-political is more and more absurd every day.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Monday, October 19, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
File photo
This news is all over Arab media this morning.

The Director of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Omar Kiswani, told the Anatolia news agency that that the number of Jewish "intruders to the Al-Aqsa Mosque" in Jerusalem, has significantly decreased during the last two weeks.

Kiswani said in a statement, "We saw over the past two weeks a clear decline in the number of incursions of the "Al-Aqsa Mosque," and we do not see Israeli political figures among the intruders."

He said that 29 "settlers" "stormed" into the "Al-Aqsa Mosque" Sunday, adding: "There is a decline in their numbers, usually on {Sundays] there are close to 100 invaders."

The subtext is that the Palestinian Arabs who are being killed while trying to stab Jews are being vindicated in that they have managed to scare some Jews from ascending to the Temple Mount during this terror spree in Jerusalem.

When Arabs claim that Israel treats their lives as cheap, remember that they view the lives of their children as far, far cheaper.

  • Monday, October 19, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
You know how the media keeps saying that Mahmoud Abbas is trying to stop the current terror spree from becoming a full-blown intifada?

Here are some photos posted on Fatah's official Facebook page over the past couple of days.

Today, support for an armed uprising:

Yesterday, glorification of an armed uprising:

Yesterday, incitement with a cartoon from an antisemite:

Caption: "Making the life for the occupier as hard as possible is the duty of the occupied. It's anti-colonialism!

Yesterday, a typical call for peace:

Yesterday: Antisemitism and incitement

Saturday, glorifying the firebombing of an Israeli bus which they brag injured the driver:

And, yes, Abbas' Fatah party officially glorifies stabbing Israelis as well:

Abbas is the head of Fatah and he is encouraging violence, not trying to stop it.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Monday, October 19, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran's Mehr News reports:

Russian jets forced Israeli fighter-bombers to change their course when trying to enter the Syrian airspace.

Russian Aerospace Force warplanes operating in Syria forced Israeli fighter-bombers to change their course when trying to enter the airspace of the Arab nation on espionage missions.

The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth daily quoted Lebanese diplomatic sources saying that the event took place yesterday after Russian radars detected various Zionist fighters flying close to the Syrian territory.
Now, Mehr News isn't exactly the most reliable news outlet. but it is quoting Yediot Aharonot, and Yediot has some standards.

So what did Yediot say?
Russian forces warned Israel over IAF flights in Russian controlled airspace near the Syrian–Lebanese border area after Israeli jets were detected nearby, according to a report Friday in the Lebanese media outlet As Safir.

The report comes a mere day after Russia announced that it had established a "hotline" with Israel in order to coordinate aerial activity over Lebanon and Syria.

As Safir quoted Lebanese diplomatic officials who were "in the know," as saying that the warning was issued after Russian radar identified Israeli aircraft approaching Russian-controlled airspace two weeks ago.

"Russian aircraft immediately blocked the Israeli jets' path while they flew above the Akkar region in northern Lebanon. The Russians immediately sent a clear warning to the Israelis that entering Syrian airspace would be a pretext for opening fire," the source said.
How would a Lebanese source know what messages are being sent between Russia and Israel?

The answer is in the next paragraph:
According to the paper, which is considered loyal to Hezbollah, the Israeli aircraft quickly heeded the warnings and changed their course. 
Iran instructed Hezbollah to "leak" a story to make Zionists afraid of Russia, an Israeli news outlet reported it with somewhat proper skepticism, and Iranian media now uses the Israeli report as proof that it is true.

News laundering.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hummus Bar, a family restaurant in Kfar Vitkin, Israel, has an intifada special.

On their Facebook page they write:

Afraid of Arabs?

Afraid of Jews?

No Arabs with us!

But there are also no Jews...

What we do have are human beings! Our Arab hummus is excellent! Our Jewish falafel is praiseworthy! And refills are free! (I think that is the translation...)

Special: 50% discount on hummus dishes for tables where Arabs and Jews sit together!
Valid Sunday-Thursday.
The restaurant is kosher, which means that it is Halal as well

Except for the Heineken beer they serve.

There are hundreds of comments, some from around the world, and most are positive. But I don't know if anyone has taken the restaurant up on the offer yet.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

UNRWA's "youth ambassador" and former Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf has released a music video that shows that he supports violence.

The video includes romantic scenes of rock throwing and firebombs.

The lyrics also indicate that Nazareth is "occupied," meaning that Assaf is singing to destroy Israel, not just end the "occupation."

The headline in Palestine Press Agency about this video says that it shows that Assaf is involved with the "Al Quds uprising."

The UN, when asked about UNRWA employees spreading hate on social media, claims that "it remains to be seen" if the people posting this hate are really employees at UNRWA.

Because, you know, when people say they work at UNRWA, display UNRWA certificates that they received, show photos of their schools and classrooms, it could all be a big Zionist hoax.

UN Watch issued a statement about this:
"This is absurd — the UN is trying to stick its head in the sand,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the world body.

“We have presented Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with new and unequivocal evidence of at least ten self-described UNRWA officials engaged in racist incitement, so it’s simply outrageous for the world body — which famously makes snap condemnations in situations when it has seen no evidence — to ignore what everyone can see with their own eyes,” said Neuer.

“UN Watch’s report includes archived screenshots as well as live links to antisemitic incitement by UNRWA officials, many of whom post pictures of themselves teaching in UNRWA classrooms,” added Neuer.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was another horrific attack, this time at the Beersheva bus station.

One person was killed and six wounded after two terrorists carried out an attack at the central bus station in Beersheba on Sunday night.

Israel Police said that the two suspects entered the bus station, where one of them fired shots while the other stabbed.

The wounded were brought to Soroka University Medical Center where one person who was initially critically hurt eventually died of his wounds. One person was in critical condition, four were moderately wounded and one was lightly wounded. One of the terrorists was killed while the second terrorist was shot and apprehended.

ABC News producer Nasser Atta tweeted this description of the video below:

The video he linked to also described the scene as "Palestinians wounded are tortured and humiliated by the Israeli army."

This occurs seconds after the attack, and clearly the terrorist is being held in place by a chair to make sure that he cannot get up and kill some more. It is true that one Israeli appears to angrily throw a row of seats at the terrorist.

But Nasser Atta and the Arab who posted the video  are far more concerned about the humiliation suffered by this terrorist in his moment of glory than about the actual victims.

The same thing happened with the Arab world angrily sharing video of the child terrorist who was apparently harshly insulted by an Israeli with the camera, heard calling him a "son of a whore" multiple times, right after he stabbed a 12 year old Israeli boy leaving a candy shop on his bike.

Apparently, humiliating Arabs is a war crime. There is nothing worse.

Murdering Israelis is a natural reaction to the humiliation Arabs feel all the time. And here's proof - Israelis are humiliating these intifada heroes!

Nothing shows the difference bwteeen the West and the honor/shame society of the Arab world better than these. It is a world where murdering Jewish kids or old people is honorable, but insulting the murderers is an affront to the entire Palestinian Arab society - at least the majority that wholeheartedly supports the murders.

(UPDATE: Apparently the person beaten in that video was an Eritean who was mistaken as another terrorist.)

From Ian:

PMW: Fatah: Kick the Jews off the Temple Mount
A cartoon posted today on the “official Facebook page” of Abbas’ Fatah movement shows a Palestinian child kicking a long-nosed, terrified, ultra-orthodox Jew off the Temple Mount. The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock appear in the background along with the words "leave our skies." A line from a poem by the Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish, calling for all Jews to leave Israel, is posted with the cartoon:
“Leave our country, our land, our sea, our wheat, our salt, our wounds. Everything."
[Official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement, Oct. 18, 2015]
The cartoon joins numerous statements by Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials that Jews should not be allowed on the Temple Mount, which they call the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza, because it is Islamic and Jews “defile it.” As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, PA Chairman Abbas has stated this several times, including last month:
"The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours... and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem."
[Official PA TV, Sept. 16, 2015 and official website of PA Chairman Abbas, Sept. 16, 2015]
Abbas has also justified the current Palestinian violence and attacks as “protection of the holy sites.”
PMW: Al-Aqsa preacher: Jews worship the Devil, will be exterminated by Muslims
In his lesson in the Al-Aqsa Mosque this week, Palestinian preacher of Islam Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi taught that Jews are destined to build a Temple outside the area of the Temple Mount, where they will worship the Devil. At the End of Time, Muslims will seek out the Jews everywhere and exterminate them all. The Sheikh also referred to the well-known Hadith foretelling that one day Jews will hide from Muslims, but the rock and the tree will call out: "O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him":
Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque: "The Children of Israel will be forced - they will not concede - they will be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque... A Temple of heresy to worship the Devil. Why? Because the Anti-Christ won't appear unless this Temple is built and the Devil is worshipped there... [At the End of Days] we will follow the Jews everywhere. They will not escape us. They will not be able to escape us. The rock and tree will speak, according to the Hadith (tradition) of the Prophet [Muhammad]... and it is a reliable promise from the Prophet according to which the tree and the rock will speak and say: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time." [Al-Msjed Al-Aqsa YouTube channel, Oct. 16, 2015]

Channel 1's authentic report
But those who watched the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Channel 1 current affairs program, "Yoman," were able to see what is really going on in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An authentic report, presented by journalist Riad Ali, told the story that most clearly illustrates what has been going on here in recent decades and in recent weeks. In the broadcast, Ali went into a village in east Jerusalem and revealed the authentic opinions of Arabs who oppose our right to live in our homeland. We didn't hear them complain about any violation of the status quo on the Temple Mount. Not a word about settlers. No complaints about sewage in the streets or ramshackle roads, and no claims of discrimination in anything related to environmental development -- as the two private TV stations would have us believe.
There was only one crimson thread weaving through the comments again and again: We, the Israelis, have no right to live here. "No, I don't believe so. They should go back to where they came from," was the response from one Arab asked about whether there is room for the Jewish people in his country.
Mohammed Abu Oudah, a Fatah member integrated into Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' system, claimed that he and his family are originally from Al-Barriyya, a village that existed between Ramla and Lod. "I am a refugee here in this camp," he told the reporter, "Of course we want to go back." The yearning to remove us from our homes still fills the hearts of the elderly in Qalandiya, who bequeath their faded memories to the younger generations. "This land will be returned to us in a bloody [struggle]," a man named Hamza said. When asked what would happen if Israel agreed to return to the '67 borders, he replied, "We will agree in principle, but the next generation will demand more." We can only guess that if the reporter were to continue wandering through the Arab villages of east Jerusalem, he would find those dreaming to kill me and my family just to return to Tel Qatra, an ancient hill in northern Gedera -- the town where I live -- which until 1948 was home to the village of Qatra, conquered and destroyed in the War of Independence.
Why is Amnesty International Sponsoring a U.S. Tour for a Palestinian Promoter of the Blood Libel?
In April, Amnesty International came under fire when it rejected, by a vote of 468-461, a resolution calling for the organization to combat anti-Semitism in Britain. This refusal led many to question Amnesty’s commitment to fighting anti-Jewish prejudice. Now, the group’s American arm has added further fuel to the fire by sponsoring a U.S. speaking tour—including a stop in a third-grade classroom—for a Palestinian activist who promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
On his website, Bassem Tamimi is described as “an internationally recognized Palestinian human rights activist from the West Bank farming village of Nabi Selah” and “a beacon of hope and an inspiration to all who believe in freedom.” Detained repeatedly by Israeli authorities, Tamimi has been dubbed a “prisoner of conscience” by Amnesty, which subsequently co-sponsored an American speaking tour for him that began in September. Since then, Tamimi has spoken in 10 states, including multiple stops in New York and California and a plenary appearance at the annual conference of the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation, where he advocated the boycott of Israel.
Tamimi’s tour and its sponsorship by Amnesty have already drawn substantial criticism, given his radical views. In particular, objections were raised when Tamimi was brought in to address third-graders at the Beverly J. Martin School in Ithaca, New York. Luvelle Brown, Ithaca’s superintendent of schools, later denounced Tamimi’s remarks as “politically skewed, inflammatory, and not endorsed by the Ithaca City School District.” Amnesty, however, defended Tamimi’s appearance, dismissing the criticism as a “smear campaign” and “bullying and intimidation.”
But while perhaps that controversy could be chalked up to differences of political opinions, the latest one swirling around Tamimi cannot. On Wednesday, as reported by Cornell’s William Jacobson, Tamimi reposted a viral anti-Semitic meme on his Facebook page, alleging Israelis detain Palestinian children to steal their organs, and that Zionists control the media to suppress this information:

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

intifada quds aqsa qudspressIt is unacceptable that Israel maintains prejudicial policies toward Jews at the holiest site to the Jewish people.

Benjamin Netanyahu keeps assuring Barack Obama, and the American Department of State, that Israel intends to maintain the status quo at the Temple Mount.

EOZ columnist, Vic Rosenthal, proprietor of Abu Yehuda, has a few thoughts on the matter.

But the bottom line is that the status quo in Israel toward Jews, and all non-Muslims, in the Old City, on the Temple Mount, is entirely prejudicial.  I am not a particularly religious person, but I am offended at the idea that only Muslims are allowed to pray on the holiest place to the Jewish people.

Israeli policy on this question is unethical and unjust toward Jewish people, toward all non-Muslims, and it must change.

It is, in fact, a policy grounded in al-Sharia because Moshe Dayan, who obviously should have known better, made a very big mistake.  But now this mistake needs to be corrected.

Understand this:

At one time all the religions in the Middle East were political in the sense that they were total social systems.  

Throughout the great majority of human history there was no distinction between the dictates of the faith and any aspect of the life of the individual.  The same, of course, was true for Judaism and Christianity until the European Enlightenment of the 17th century.  Thankfully, both religions embraced the Separation of Church and State.

Islam has yet do so and, in fact, is moving in the opposite direction.  European Muslims - with their screeching and their stomping and their violence and their religiously grounded hatred - do not seem all that different from their Jew-Hating Middle Eastern counterparts.

So as the world burns, my natural question is, "what should Israel do?"

If you look at the scope of Israeli history the general tendency has been to defer to the West.

It was primarily due to the western governments that the United Nations acknowledged the existence of Israel to begin with.  Sometimes people will say that the UN created Israel, in order to imply the illegitimacy of the Jewish State.  This is false.  Israel was created via the blood and sweat and deaths of many thousands of Jewish people - Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardim - who built the necessary infrastructure for the emergence of the state.  All the United Nations did was take a vote.  It was the Jewish people in the Land of Israel at the end of the 19th century and through the 20th century who did the work and who drained the swamps and who built the roads and who created the schools and developed the political leadership, that made it so that the UN almost had to recognize it.

But the UN did not do the work, nor did they die in the fields.  That was Jews.  You know who else it was, of course?  It was also untold numbers of Arabs who migrated into Israel because of increasing economic possibilities.  Israel is the Jewish State, but Arabs helped build it for simple, human, economic reasons.  They may have thought of the Jews as the children of swine and orangutans, but they still needed employment for the purpose of feeding their children.  Their Koranically-based anti-Jewish racism did not override their basic social need to provide for their families.

This has changed.

The Narrative and the Temple Mount

Due to the Muslim Brotherhood, Yassir Arafat and his heinous side-kick, Mahmoud Abbas - and all their little off-spring like the PLO and Fatah and Hamas and Islamic Jihad - they have succeeded in raising an entire generation of Israeli Arabs who believe that they have a religious-political-moral imperative to stab Jewish people in the neck or run us down with their vehicles.  They have been fed on the Narrative of Pure Palestinian Victimhood and thus honestly believe that they every right to take any Jewish life as a matter of social justice.

If we object we are spit upon by ideological morons, mainly in the western-left, who call us racist.

What Israel needs to do is take charge of the situation.  If the Israelis back down it will give the Arabs good reason to advance.  By handing the Temple Mount over to the Jordanian waqf it gave the Arab world reason to claim it as their own.

As we know, Arab-Muslims do not so much venerate Al-Aqsa as a place of religious contemplation, but as a violent political site in their never-ending hostility toward the Jewish minority in that part of the world.

The very last thing that is needed is maintenance of the status quo.

As Rosenthal writes:
I’ve been thinking about status quos (stati quo?) lately.

There’s the one on the Temple Mount, the absurd one that says that Jews may visit but may not pray. Lately Muslims have been trying to prevent Jews from visiting altogether. When you consider that this is and always has been the holiest site in Judaism, that Muslim colonialists built a triumphal shrine atop the ruins of the Jewish Temple – which those Muslims now say wasn’t really there anyway – the absurdity is even more manifest.
It is one thing for Arabs to discriminate against Jews, that is to be expected. It is another thing entirely for the Jewish State of Israel to discriminate against Jews. That is simply unacceptable.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Daniel Gordis in the New York Daily News:
We have a young language instructor at Shalem College in Jerusalem, where I work. She's a religious Muslim who wears a hijab, lives in one of the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem and is a graduate student at Hebrew University. She's fun and warm, and a great teacher — the students like her a lot.

Late last spring, when things here were quiet, some of the students mentioned to the department chair that as much as they'd spoken with her over the past couple of years, they'd never discussed politics. They were curious what someone like her thought about the conflict in this region, especially now that she was teaching at an unabashedly Zionist college, had come to know so many Jewish students and had developed such warm relationships with them. How does someone like her see things here? How did she think we would one day be able to settle this conflict?

"So ask her," the department chair said. "As long as you speak to her in Arabic (she's on staff to help our students master the language), you can talk about anything you want."

They did. They told her that since they'd never discussed the "situation" (as we metaphorically call it here in Israel), they were curious how she thought we might someday resolve it.

"It's our land," she responded rather matter-of-factly. Stunned, they weren't sure that they'd heard her correctly. So they waited. But that was all she had to say. "It's our land. You're just here for now."

What upset those students more than anything was not that a Palestinian might believe that the Jews are simply the latest wave of Crusaders in this region, and that we, like the Crusaders of old, will one day be forced out. We all know that there are many Palestinians who believe that.

What upset them was that she — an educated woman, getting a graduate degree (which would never happen in a Muslim country) at a world class university (only Israel has those — none of Israel's neighbors has a single highly rated university) and working at a college filled with Jews who admire her, like her and treat her as they would any other colleague — still believes that when it's all over, the situation will get resolved by our being tossed out of here once again.

Even she , who lives a life filled with opportunities that she would never have in an Arab country, still thinks at the end of the day the Jews are nothing but colonialists. And colonialists, she believes, don't last here. The British got rid of the Ottomans, the Jews got rid of the British — and one day, she believes, the Arabs will get rid of the Jews.

That is one of the many reasons that this recent wave of violence, consisting mostly of deadly stabbings carried out by Israeli Arabs (not Palestinians living over the Green Line) and Arab residents of east Jerusalem, has Israelis so unsettled.

Yes, the reality on the ground is frightening. People are being stabbed on the street, on buses, in malls. Those being attacked are elderly men and women and young boys on their bicycles. No one is immune, and unlike the last Intifada, when suicide bombers sought high casualty counts so you felt safe away from crowds, now nowhere feels definitely safe.

But even that is not the most debilitating dimension of this new round of attacks on Jews. What's most sobering is the fact that this new round of violence has made it clear, once again, that this conflict is simply never going to end.
Read the whole thing.

I have had a series of articles over the years describing why peace is impossible. But that idea is so hard to accept by optimistic, can-do westerners, that they simply refuse to see the truth.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
MSNBC's Martin Fletcher sort-of partially apologized for the outrageous use of The Map That Lies on the air on Friday. But his comment indicates that he is far from a Middle East expert and really doesn't get what he did - his own words on the air were almost as bad as the map itself.

From Facebook:

I replied on the thread:
The outrage was far more than the first map. The second map is deceptive as the plan wasn't implemented because of Arab hate; the third map calls land that was controlled by Egypt and Jordan "Palestinian" even though no one called it that before 1967; the fourth map doesn't note that it would look almost exactly like the third had they accepted Israeli peace plans.

Moreover, your comments that Israeli settlements are continuously expanding and taking up more and more territory are highly misleading; Israel has approved only a handful of new settlements since Oslo (in response to court rulings) and the amount of actual land the settlements are on has barely budged although far more people live in them.

See here and here.

So no, no excuses for the entire segment and both you and MSNBC must apologize, as well as investigate how notorious anti-Israel propaganda ended up on the air to begin with.
The last point is important; MSNBC staffers grabbed The Map That Lies  from an anti-Israel site, edited it to adhere to MSNBC style standards and used it as if it had a shred of legitimacy.

(Edgar Davidson also has a very nice debunking of the map.)


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