Sunday, November 02, 2014

  • Sunday, November 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

qadoum5The Elder has a recent piece entitled, Aw, what a cute little stone thrower, which highlights the work of Reuters' photographer Abed Omar Qusini.

These examples of Qusini's work project the image of a cute, sympathetic and innocent Palestinian-Arab "David" slinging rocks with his little slingshot at... something... with the world blowing up behind him.  What that "something" might be is open to question.  It could be an image of Leon Klinghoffer with a bullseye on the back of his head or it could be a squadron of Kosher Klingon Storm-Troopers preparing to destroy an indigenous village filled with bunny-rabbits strictly for the fun of it... but whatever the child is flinging hatred at, it is Jewish.

Of that much, you can be certain.

This kind of material has at least two effects.  It inspires young Arabs to hate Jews and it inspires young western progressives to sympathize with young Arabs who hate Jews.

The eternal enemy of Jews - in the eyes of Palestinian-Arab anti-Semitic anti-Zionists such as Mr. Qusini - always seems to be innocent children.  This is what Europeans often told one another during the Middle Ages and this is what even allegedly sophisticated westerners sometimes tell one another today.

Jewish Militarist Fascistic Monsters with American-Made Heavy Weaponry versus innocent, thumb-sucking indigenous children with sling-shots.

This is what Abed Omar Qusini peddles to Reuters and what Reuters peddles to consumers of news throughout the world.  If you were an average news consumer - you're not, are you? - you might come to think that the Israeli Occupying Power is murdering perfectly innocent native children who are standing up for their family, friends, and village.

The artist is giving you an emotional choice.  You can relate to Jewish Zombie Nazi Murderers or to little, doe-eyed "Palestinian" Davids with a slingshots.

You get to choose whether you want to be a good person or a bad person.

If you are a good person you side with the child against the Machine.  If you are a bad person - such as myself, apparently - you side with the Machine against the child.

It is for this reason that, after decades of this kind of stuff, we see pieces in "liberal" venues with titles like Israeli Army Shoot Dead Another Child, This Time A 14 Year-Old US Citizen, with the clear and obvious implication that Jewish Israelis shoot Palestinian-Arab children like they are ducks in an arcade and that this needs to anger Americans against those heinous and cruel Jews, with significant consequences.

It is also for this reason that Hamas and Fatah have launched the Children's Intifada.

Essentially what we are witnessing is the manufacture of hatred, via the blood-libel, just as we see every generation.  Every generation they tell us just why we need a good beating before they go forth to deliver.  In previous generations we allegedly killed Jesus and "the prophets."  We were also apparently greedy and thus invented capitalism, which got us into trouble with a bunch of people who used the fact of capitalism as a reason for murderous rage toward us.  We also invented socialism, apparently, and were therefore responsible for whatever miseries, great and small, that came from that particular economic system.  We were also, of course, condemned for being a rat-like inferior race that feeds off of the blood of the children of the clean, dominant Aryan majority in northern Europe.

What fascinates me is that most western-progressives would agree that previous persecutions of the Jewish minority were unjust... but this time, or so they seem to think, we honestly do have it coming.

It just so happens that while previous generations of Jews were largely innocent and did not deserve the pogroms and expulsions and defenestrations and the throwing of Jews down of wells, but - Ta Da! - this generation we honestly do deserve it for being mean to our former Arab and Muslim masters.

If you follow the link at the top of the piece you will see that it goes to Qusini's Facebook page.

Reuters pays this man.

I wonder what they pay him to do?

Well, Qusini could hardly be more open about what he does because he has it splashed directly on the top of the page:

QusiniThe man, whatever else he might be, is a "Pallywood" photographer who is so utterly comfortable in his role that he even indicates it on his Facebook page and, yet, is still employed by Reuters.  After all, if you click through to that page - the page through which he promotes his work - the image above is front and center.  The clear and obvious indication is that the photographer is filming a staged rock-throwing incident by a young, righteous Palestinian-Arab child against the vicious Jews who make his mother sad... because they are mean to her.

Here is a little more of his stuff.  It might even be the same kid from the clearly staged shot directly above.  Notice also the photographer in the background snapping photos of the cute, little murderous waif.

{I have to say, there is just nothing in this world like Palestinian-Arab Murderous Cute.  It is an entirely other genre of cute that the makers of Hello Kitty would never have conceived of.  It would be as if during World War II the Japanese turned Hello Kitty into an adorable Kamikaze Kitty.}

And we are supposed to believe that this was a spontaneous act of brave and righteous push-back against an occupying power by an "indigenous" youth?

Is not violence against Jews fun?  It's good to get them into practice at an early age, that way when they are full grown anti-Semites they'll just be so much better at it and, thus, make even greater incitement, greater violence, and greater profits for whatever replaces Hamas in the next generation.

When I was a child we played baseball and sometimes we even played "war" wherein the neighborhood boys would chase one another around with long sticks yelling "BANG!  BANG!"

qadoum4Of course, we never singled out minorities for pelting with rocks... otherwise I would have been pelted, as would have my old friend Wesley Chang.  It's just not the way that we were raised in good old New England, neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Muslim, nor anybody else.  And, needless to say, if the Palestinian-Arabs want the "occupation" to end the only real thing that they need to do is tell their children that hatred toward Jews is wrong and tell Israel that what they mainly want is trade because what they desire is peace and prosperity for their children and grandchildren.

And voila, I promise you, conflict over.

That is all it would require for a two-state solution to honestly emerge or even an amicable single-state solution.

Sadly that is not what they want and, in truth, it is not up to us.  It is up to them.  What they want is Jews off of Jewish land because they think it violates the Koran and because they think that they have been historically wronged.  They honestly believe that they have been robbed of their heritage and their land because the Palestinian Authority and the PLO and Hamas and the Soviet Union and various Swedes told them this - decade upon decade - and now we have western "liberals" believing it and the facts of history be damned.

What they want therefore is to make life so uncomfortable for the Jewish minority in the Middle East that they simply give up on our ancestral home and once again we all live or die according to the whims of non-Jewish majority populations... who have shown themselves to be just so accommodating throughout the centuries.

Kerry and Obama and the EU and the UN can harass the Jews in the Middle East day and night and it will not make a wit of difference.  The reason for this is because the problem here is not the Jewish presence or behavior on Jewish land.  The real problem is highly racist Arab political and religious cultures that too often, for centuries, taught their children to despise Jews and a western media that helps them to spread those messages of hatred for ideological reasons.

It is this that Mr. Qusini does for a living, at least in part, on Reuters' dime.

qadoum1It becomes difficult, therefore, to consider prominent left notions of "social justice" seriously when so many of the left insist on harping on Israel while almost entirely ignoring the 5.5 million dead in the Congo or the ongoing atrocities in Darfur, not to mention the howling-at-the-moon head-choppers of the Islamic State rampaging throughout Syria and Iraq.

Muslims are killing Muslims throughout the world like its a video game.  Call it Muhammad's Revenge, or something along those lines, and then X-BOX or Playstation can come out with a cool new title for their current platforms.

The contemporary Arab and Muslim war against the Jews, from the middle of the twentieth-century until now, has resulted in around 50,000 dead.  Heck, current Muslim-on-Muslim violence in western Asia and Africa can probably reach that number by a quarter past next Tuesday.  When it comes to war and violence the Jews are absolutely pikers compared to their more excitable neighbors.

Also that whole head-chopping thing never became much of a fad for us.

My friends and I considered giving it a whirl when we were kids, but then along came spring-time and baseball, so we went outside and threw the ball around instead.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.
  • Sunday, November 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Sunday, November 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Rula Jebreal appeared on Bill Maher's TV show on Friday night where she called him a bigot and criticized his views on Islam. Here is the discussion after Maher explained why he will be giving a commencement speech at Berkeley despite protests at his opinions of Islam (which would not be  a topic in his address):

JEBREAL: ...These same students feel offended that your views of Islam -- the generalization, and they said it clearly in their declaration, they said the generalization perpetrates bigotry. This is what they said.

...Listen, would you accept an openly anti-Semitic person to give a commencement speech to Jewish students? I actually would not accept that.

MAHER: As I just said, even Reza Aslan says I'm not a bigot. So I rather resent the idea that I'm comparable to an anti-Semite. All I've ever done was basically read facts.

JEBREAL: What facts did you read? I'm sorry, you are comparing jihadists, Salafists, Sunni, you don't know the difference. You are comparing all Muslims in one part --

MAHER: You are Palestinian?

JEBREAL: I am actually a secular Muslim. And when you talking about Islam in a certain way, I have to tell you, it's offensive sometimes.

KING: But it's okay to be offensive. That's what free speech is all about. If free speech is only speech you like, it's not free speech.

...JEBREAL: And I'm happy that he's been here and I'm here and I'm so happy to be invited here. However, if you want to have a serious conversation about Islam, and I'm sorry to say this Bill --

MAHER: Every time I tell you something you don't like it's not a serious conversation or I'm a bigot. I'm sorry, in your world either I say exactly what you want me to say or else I'm a bigot. It doesn't work that way.

JEBREAL: Look, if you're -- you don't have to say what I want because what I want is not a war on Islam. I want to win the war on terror. When you are repeating the same things that actual al Qaeda says, the same thing, you are doing the work for them. al-Zawahiri used to say, bin Laden used to say this is not a war on terror, this is a war on Islam. My father was Muslim, he was Sufi. Guess what, let me tell you something. You don't even know the difference between Sufi, Sunni, Sunni Shafi'i, Sunni Hanbali.

MAHER: Yeah, I do.
Jebreal says, twice, that Maher doesn't know the difference between different strains of Islam, and that he generalizes from one to the other, and therefore he is a bigot (more specifically, she compared him to an anti-semite and quoted the Berkeley students who said that he perpetuates bigotry. But she doesn't deny it when Maher says she believes he is a bigot.)

Guess what? By her own definition, Rula Jebreal is a bigot!

As I noted last week in my post showing the many untruths in her op-ed in the New York Times, Jebreal doesn't know the difference between religious Zionists and ultra-Orthodox (more properly, haredi) Jews:

Israel is increasingly becoming a project of ethno-religious purity and exclusion. Religious Zionist and ultra-Orthodox parties occupy 30 of the 120 seats in the Knesset, and are part of the coalition government (No ultra-orthodox parties are in the governing coalition, the NYT later corrected that.)

...Historically, ultra-Orthodox Jews did not serve in the armed forces. Today, they do — and serve in every capacity, including in the most important elite Israeli army units, such as the Sayeret Matkal special forces and Unit 8200, whose responsibilities include gathering intelligence on any Palestinian they deem a “security threat.” ("Ultra-Orthodox Jews" serve in only very specific parts of the IDF.)
And then she revealed her bigotry:
Unlike every former head of Shin Bet, Israel’s equivalent of the F.B.I., Yoram Cohen, who today heads the agency, is a religious Jew. That change is typical of Israeli society. The greater integration of ultra-Orthodox Jews clearly offers benefits to Jewish Israelis, but for Palestinian Israeli citizens, it has meant a new, religiously inspired racism, on top of the old secular discrimination.
Jebreal is saying that all religious Jews are "racist" and she damns the head of the Shin Bet based purely on his religiosity, not his actions. The (false!) example she gives to prove Israeli bigotry immediately following this section refers to Avigdor Lieberman, who is not religious at all!

So by Jebreal's own yardstick, she is a bigot. She cannot distinguish between haredim, religious Zionists and secular Jews, calling them all "racists." She generalizes large groups of people based on her perception of the actions of a few.

Too bad Maher didn't call her on this. Maybe he'll invite her back.

(h/t RCP)
  • Sunday, November 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an breathlessly reports:
Israeli forces in occupied East Jerusalem on Friday attempted to detain two Palestinian children, a two-year-old and a nine-year old, on suspicion of throwing rocks.

Israeli soldiers were conducting a raid on the home of the Jaber family in the Silwan neighborhood in order to search for an individual suspected of throwing rocks at them from the roof, the family told Ma'an.

When the soldiers ascended to the roof to detain the alleged culprit, however, they found a two-year-old named Mimati Asaad Jaber who was playing with his mother. While they were playing, apparently, a rock had fallen into the street below.

The boy's grandfather, who was in the house during the raid, said that the boy was only playing and that he did not know there were soldiers in the street below the building when he tossed the stone.

Upon seeing the two-year-old with his mother, however, the Israeli soldiers shifted their attention to a nine-year-old member of the family nearby.

Members of the Jaber family told Ma'an that once Israeli soldiers found out the nine-year-old boy's name -- Izz al-Din al-Qassam, also the name of a famous Palestinian national hero and used by Hamas as the name for its military brigades -- they began questioning him.

The Israeli soldiers attempted to detain the nine-year-old boy based on the fact that he had "colored rocks" in his pockets, presumably to throw at soldiers, but when they searched the child they found that the "rocks" were in fact candy.
In short, someone threw or dropped stones from a roof, police investigated, found nothing and left. There is not a word about abuse, violence or insults. A couple of cops checked something out and nothing happened. The family pretended to be traumatized but they couldn't actually point out anything the Israeli police did that was inappropriate or wrong..

Stop the presses!

Saturday, November 01, 2014

  • Saturday, November 01, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have never seen a kosher wine being advertised to the general public before.

I noted three years ago that Bartenura was featured in a hip-hop video by DJ Khaled, who is in fact of Palestinian Arab descent!

And two years ago Bartenura made this TV commercial:

I don't think that the target audience for these ad campaigns are going to be interested in knowing that the wine is named after a rabbi.
From Ian:

Ezra Levant with Melanie Phillips - Anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe

Chloé Valdary: Pride & Privilege
At that moment, I understood what was really meant in academic circles by the concept of “privilege.”
There is a type of Palestinian-Arab privilege which exists today that makes anti-Semitism "okay," acceptable in academic discourse, and even politically correct. It enables college students of the anti-Israel persuasion to question a Jew’s very identity, to reduce him or her to a monolithic creature which exists solely for the purpose of living in a dejected, victimized, dehumanized state. It divorces them from their past in their native land, and thus strips them of their history, and therefore allows them no future.
This type of prejudice must be fought against. It is not enough to fight lies and slanders in the media if we do not understand that these are variations of the old European libels that manifested themselves in racist anti-Jewish laws for centuries in Western Europe, and which culminated in the Holocaust. They undermine a people’s dignity and sense of belonging. Our endeavor to educate others must be coupled with one crucial element, one which speaks to not only the logic and rational basis of a movement, but the heart and soul of a people: Pride.
The Palestinians’ genocidal logo
There is something particularly revolting about ostensibly civilized, modern nations giving both official recognition and massive funding to terrorist organizations with a clearly expressed genocidal goal.
Sweden is the latest country to officially recognize “the state of Palestine”.
But to put Sweden’s embarrassingly amateurish, vote-grabbing domestic politicking move into a proper international perspective, one has only got to look at the Palestinian Arabs’ national symbols. Just to see how “peace-loving” they really are.
But here’s the salient point: We must all – bloggers, the media, local politicians, national politicians, the diplomatic corps, the EU, the UN – insist that both Fatah and Hamas change their official logos (which show their wished-for state of Palestine as replacing ALL of Israel). Their “national symbol” actually predicates the destruction of UN member state Israel.
And in case the map itself is not enough, there are also swords in the official “national logo” of Hamas to drive home just how this Palestinian coalition government partner intends to destroy Israel and replace it with Palestine.

Friday, October 31, 2014

From Ian:

Alan Dershowitz: A Challenge to Ed Miliband: Would You Protect Great Britain Against Terrorism?
My challenge to Ed Miliband: What would you have done if you were the Prime Minister of a country that faced comparable threats? It is easy to criticize the British Prime Minister for not having opposed Israel’s incursion into Gaza but, as the New York Times reported, (10/23/14) Miliband “did not outline an alternative security response.” Now he must. Would he have waited for dozens of death squads with hundreds of terrorists to enter Israel and wreak havoc on cities, towns and kibbutzim near the Gaza border? Would he have tried to attack the tunnel entrances from the air, despite the fact that many of them were located in mosques, schools, hospitals, private homes and densely populated civilian areas?
The question British voters should ask is: What would Prime Minister Ed Miliband have done? What would he do if Britain were faced with comparable threats? His country, unlike tiny Israel, is an island separated from its traditional enemies by bodies of water. But one can imagine Scottish independent radicals digging tunnels into northeastern England. Or Irish radicals firing rockets into English cities on the West Coast? As opposition leader would Miliband criticize the current prime minister for trying to stop these attacks against British civilians? As Prime Minister would he do nothing and simply call for a cease fire and the resumption of talks, as he did with regard to the Israeli-Hamas conflict?
Miliband also rebuked Cameron for his “silence on the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians caused by Israel’s military action.” But Miliband himself has remained silent on Hamas’ deliberate use of human shields that has been the main cause for why Palestinian civilians were killed. As British military expert Richard Kemp said,
“No army in the world acts with as much discretion and great care as the IDF in order to minimize damage. The U.S. and the UK are careful, but not as much as Israel.”
Melanie Phillips: The academic intifada
The supposed crucible of knowledge, reason and enlightenment has turned into an incubator of hatred and bigotry, falsehoods and incitement, intellectual terrorism and physical violence. What we are seeing is an academic intifada. Yet in the face of this monstrous onslaught on Jewish students and perversion of scholarship to poison young minds against Israel, the leadership of Diaspora Jewry has done precious little.
Campaigners like Benjamin or groups such as Stand- WithUs (at whose meeting I spoke in Toronto this week) have been doing invaluable work countering the lies and helping support the beleaguered Jewish students. But they are doing it virtually alone and unaided. Given the nature and scale of what is going on, the silence from the Jewish community as a whole is quite astonishing.
Jewish leaders should be shouting from the rafters about what is happening on campus. They should be naming and shaming these bigoted lecturers for the hatred and lies they are spreading. They should be calling to account the university vice chancellors for failing to protect their Jewish students. They should be taking legal action against them for betraying their duty of care or allowing incitement of hatred, intimidation and discrimination on their watch. They should be jumping up and down over the way states such as Qatar or Saudi Arabia have twisted university curricula into hate-fueled or extremist propaganda outlets by pouring funds into university coffers.
But Jewish leaders aren’t doing any of this. Too timid to rock the boat, or maybe because they themselves don’t know enough to realize just how heinous are the lies being told about Israel, their instinct is instead often to try to marginalize, isolate or shut down some of these heroic folk trying to combat the falsehoods and intimidation on campus. This is shameful. A huge effort is needed to counter this evil with the hardest of home truths. Time our leaders woke up and smelled the coffee.

  • Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Prominent Saudi scholar Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi tweeted this yesterday:
The Umma (the Islamic nation) will not be victorious as long as it is afraid of the Jews, because Allah described them (i.e. the Jews) as cowards, and whoever is afraid of them (of the Jews) is even more afraid of others. [As the Quran says]: "They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he is talking about "Zionists."

So the entire Muslim world is preparing for a religious war against Jews. Sounds like a useful thing to know.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

  • Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The supposedly moderate Fatah party headed by that man of peace Mahmoud Abbas called for a "day of rage" on Friday. It appears that this specific one mostly fizzled out, probably because of rain, but here is what Abbas was inciting his people to do:

Saturday night a rally is being called by those "right wing Jewish extremists" in Jerusalem calling for prayers for the recovery of Rabbi Yehufda Glick:

No rock throwing, no Molotov cocktails, no burning tires, no calls for Jews to riot in Arab neighborhoods, no attempts at forcibly entering the Temple Mount.

Maybe those radical Jews should become more "moderate" in order for people to take them as seriously as they take the Arabs.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Being safe while isolated
Before formulating a strategy for dealing with Obama over the next two years, Israelis need to first take a deep breath and recognize that as bad as things are going to get, nothing that Obama will do to us over the next two years is as dangerous as what he has already done. No anti-Israel Security Council resolution, no Obama map of Israel’s borders will endanger Israel as much as his facilitation of Iran’s nuclear program.
As unpleasant as anti-Israel Security Council resolutions will be, and as unpleasant as an Obama framework for Israel’s final borders will be, given the brevity of his remaining time in power, it is highly unlikely that any of the measures will have lasting impact.
At any rate, no matter how upsetting such resolutions may be, Goldberg’s article made clear that Israel should make no concessions to Obama in exchange for a reversal of his plans. Concessions to Obama merely escalate his contempt for us.
Bearing this in mind, Israel’s required actions in the wake of Goldberg’s sources’ warnings are fairly straightforward.
First, to the extent that Israel does have the capacity to damage Iran’s nuclear installations, Israel should act right away. Its capacity should not be saved for a more propitious political moment.
The only clock Israel should care about is Iran’s nuclear clock.
As for the Palestinians, whether Netanyahu’s willingness to stand up to Obama stems from the growing prospect of national elections or from his own determination that there is no point in trying to appease Obama anymore, the fact is that this is the only pragmatic policy for him to follow.
The proper response to the assassination attempt on Yehudah Glick is to allow Jews freedom of worship on the Temple Mount. The proper response to Obama’s nuclear negotiations is a bomb in Natanz. Obama will be angry with Israel for taking such steps. But he is angry with Israel for standing down. At least if we defend ourselves, we will be safe while isolated, rather than unsafe while isolated.
Sarah Honig: Zissel means sweetie
No squawk was raised anywhere about the fact that Abbas’s Fatah movement officially exalted Zissel’s murderer as a ‘heroic martyr.’
Oftentimes what is barely mentioned – if at all – by the world’s media is (or ought to be) as thought-provoking as what the talking heads focus on with undisguised relish.
The fetching face of three-months-old Chaya Zissel Braun, for example, was missing from front pages around the globe and it was never featured on any foreign TV news outlets. She was murdered (as was 22-year-old student Karen Yemima Mosquera) last week by an Arab terrorist who homicidally rammed his vehicle into a crowd of passengers waiting at a light rail stop in the capital. But to observers abroad this amounted to dog bites man.
Uninteresting. Been there. Heard that before. Jewish whines. Who cares? Newsroom groupthink doesn’t only trickle down to conformist reporters on the scene who quickly figure out what the chiefs want to hear and what they shouldn’t be bothered with. The signals from atop the journalistic hierarchy determine for news consumers what constitutes news and what does not.
Media linchpins put together the current-events agenda and they shape mass awareness. Perforce they dictate public opinion. What doesn’t pass through their selective filter will forever remain esoteric knowledge – even in these days of social networking on the World Wide Web.
The cruel fate of little Zissel – whose name means “sweetie” in Yiddish and who hadn’t yet cut her first tooth – won’t be discussed by most Facebook users or by Twitter addicts. Nothing will make Zissel a cause célèbre in the Land of the Free, not even her American citizenship.
The abduction and coldblooded execution of another American citizen this summer, teenage schoolboy Naftali Fraenkel, equally failed to elicit extraordinary sympathy in the Home of the Brave.
Hezbollah operative targeted Jews, Israelis in Peru
Peruvian authorities arrested a suspected Hezbollah operative in the capital of Lima earlier this week on suspicion of planning attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets.
The man, Mohammed Amadar, a Lebanese citizen, was apprehended in the street by anti-terror police, Haaretz reported Thursday, citing the local La Republica newspaper.
A search of his apartment discovered TNT, detonators and flammable substances.
The suspect had been gathering intelligence on places frequented by Israeli hikers and on Jewish institutions. Authorities said they were questioning Amadar to learn more about his intended targets.

  • Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A guest post from "Jewish Peoplehood:"

Summer 2014 marked a dramatic increase of anti-Semitic incidents is Europe. In July alone, anti-Semitic attacks rose by 400% in the UK and doubled in France. The atmosphere in Europe could be likened to those of the 1930s. Thousands marched the streets yelling "Hitler was right! Jews to the gas!" Synagogues and Jewish schools were firebombed. Those who appeared to be Jewish were physically assaulted, including rabbis and elder women.


Throughout all of these escalating attacks, I was struck by the silence and inaction of European Jewish organizations, the various groups sworn to protect, support, and represent European Jewry. Groups whose primary tasks include combating anti-Semitism, an issue that after thousands of years, prompts a need for preemptive measures.

But the groups' response to anti-Semitism could only be described as lackluster. In a time when the European Jewish community must call on their elected leaders and institutions, little was done in response. Which did in fact lead to grassroots action from younger generations of Jews, but also highlights the shortcomings of diplomatic Jewish groups.

A few examples would be the European Jewish Congress, Coordinating Committee of Jewish Organizations in Belgium (CCOJB), and the Board of Deputies in the UK.

The European Jewish Congress did little more than release very occasional statements of condemnation in response to anti-Semitic attacks, despite their diplomatic status. Although it seems that recently they have been more in touch with their communities.

In Belgium, as Jews were attacked and refused basic services, the primary group CCOJB were either unable or reluctant to become involved in the struggle.

In the UK, which had an extremely high rate of anti-Semitic attacks, the Board of Deputies was able to do little to combat the steady tide of hate. Perhaps they were simply ill prepared, but anti-Semitism is not a novel issue in the UK, preventive planning is expected. The Jewish community took to the internet to speak out against the Board, claiming them to be impotent.

Even people from outside of Europe and heads of Muslim communities came to these events! That's a serious absence on the part of the EJC. They seem to be missing the mark on many fronts,

The scope of Jewish groups' impotency can also be seen on Twitter, where they have few followers and post very occasional tweets that seem quite abstracted from the real world fight Jews are going through.

Twitter is known to be the social media front-line of the anti-Semitic battle. Any engagement referring to Jews or Israel is immediately hijacked into an anti-Semitic rant, and that’s not to mention the countless original posts stating that Jews drink children’s blood…or calling for the gassing of Jews.

It is of grave importance that Jewish groups have a strong presence, and use that presence to combat the ever-present tide of anti-Semitic hate.

Now, on a positive note, we can and should expect these groups to rise to action. Their lack of preparedness this summer serves as a wake-up call. If they don't heed it, they will become obsolete.
  • Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

I find it striking that even during what so many people want to consider an unprecedented crisis in US-Israel relations, Israeli leaders still go out of their way to emphasize how much they consider the US a friend and how much Israel has in common with America.

I once illustrated this with a series of posters:

The question has to be asked: why has Israel been the recipient of more vitriolic insults from US political leaders than the many nations who hate America? Why have we never heard any such insults of the leaders of Russia or Iran or Saudi Arabia - or France for that matter?

  • Friday, October 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times yesterday corrected an article by its journalist Robert Mackey, who had approvingly relayed a misquotation by anti-Israel extremist Ali Abunimah.

Shortly after three Israeli teens were kidnapped in the West Bank, Mackey shared on his New York Times blog Abunimah's allegation that a popular Israeli Facebook page called for the arbitrary murder of Palestinians. "Kill a Palestinian ‘every hour,' says new Israeli Facebook page liked by 18,000," Abunimah claimed on Twitter.

...The Facebook page's tagline actually states, in Hebrew rhyme, "Until the boys return — every hour we shoot a terrorist."

After CAMERA informed New York Times editors of the mistranslation, the newspaper published the following correction:
Correction: October 28, 2014
An earlier version of this post referred imprecisely to an Israeli Facebook page demanding retribution for the abduction of the Israeli teenagers that was cited by Ali Abuminah, a Palestinian-American activist, in a Twitter post. The Facebook page urged Israelis to kill a Palestinian prisoner held on terrorism charges every hour; in his tweet, Mr. Abuminah referred to the proposed victims as simply "Palestinian."
It took four months for the New York Times to figure out what the Facebook page actually said?

At the time, I noted that Vanity Fair made the same accusation, and that it also seemed to be sourced to Abunimah. Yet Vanity Fair at least issued a correction within a day or two.

And as I mentioned then, the English-language "About" description of the Facebook page said explicitly that it was referring to terrorists. The NYT didn't even need to find someone in New York City that knows Hebrew to find out that Ali Abunimah's assertion was a lie.

So why did it take four months for the New York Times to get this corrected, way past the time that anyone would read the original article?

Even Haaretz issues its many corrections in a more timely manner than the Times.

It seems likely that Robert Mackey, whose NYT blog this was written on, resisted the change. Because the truth is not exactly what interests him - the story of Jews wanting vigilante justice in killing innocent Arabs was too good to check.

On Thursday, the same Ali Abunimah who was caught in this lie published a bizarre conspiracy theory to exonerate the shooter of Yehuda Glick. It puts 9/11 conspiracy theorists to shame, but like them, it of course blames Jews for the shooting. Check out this part:
According to “eyewitnesses” quoted in Haaretz’s Hebrew edition, the assailant asked Glick “Are you Yehuda Glick?” before firing three shots.

The four words in Hebrew are “Ha’im ata Yehuda Glick?”

The assailant also reportedly said, “Yehuda, you annoy me” – in Hebrew, “Yehuda, ‘itsbanta oti.”

Except for one instance of the letter ‘ayn, these two phrases do not contain any of the consonants whose pronunciation easily distinguishes a native Arabic speaker of Hebrew.

“If indeed a pharyngeal ‘ayn was pronounced, that could indicate an Arabic accent,” Uri Horesh, linguist and assistant professor of Arabic at Northwestern University, told The Electronic Intifada. “But it could also indicate the accent of a Jewish Israeli of Arab descent.”
Wow! Some Israelis come from Arab countries, and have similar accents, so it could have been an Israeli that shot Glick! What more proof do you need? (The motive, of course, is a false flag attack. Really.)

Yet even though this post is only one among many that prove that Abunimah is an unhinged hater whose grasp of reality is worse than tenuous, reporters who write for the New York Times and Vanity Fair and many others believe him implicitly.

Anyone who swallows Abunimah's idiotic ramblings can only do so if they have a similar bias to begin with. And that, in short, is why it takes four months to get the New York Times to issue a simple correction that anyone who bothered to visit the actual Facebook page could have done in four minutes.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

  • Thursday, October 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The latest insanity from Jordan:
Jordan on Thursday accused Israel of "state terrorism" after it closed Jerusalem's flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.

Jordan's Islamic affairs minister, Hayel Daoud, denounced the Jewish state for "closing the gates of Al-Aqsa mosque and preventing the faithful from entering", state news agency Petra reported.

He urged the international community to help Jordan put pressure on Israel "to raise the terrorist blockade" imposed on the compound.

"This is a dangerous escalation by the authorities of the occupation and state terrorism that we can neither accept nor keep silent about," Daoud said.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas called the unprecedented closure tantamount to a "declaration of war".
The constant exaggeration of Arab leaders in coming up with new insults for Israel is a very serious crime and we can no longer remain silent.

Jordan's and Mahmoud Abbas' statements are rhetorical genocide. They are truly a critical case of verbal terrorism which violates all norms of human decency and international law. To trivialize the very meanings of words purely in order to demonize a single state is definitely the worst case of verbicide in recorded history. Words and phrases are being slaughtered en masse, and exaggerations are being expounded by the trillions, in what can only be called a language holocaust, or logocaust if you will. These highly tendentious accusations hurled daily at Israel are truly the worst thing that humanity has ever done, or is ever likely to do, in all recorded time. In the name of all that is decent, human and just, it is well past time to demand that all UN members unanimously declare these discourse criminals to be in direct violation of all international laws, treaties, agreements and customs since the beginning of recorded time.

Without every one of these things being done, many times, decent people cannot be held responsible for the natural, visceral responses they might have to being confronted with the most heinous acts ever done by human beings. And you know I am right, because it says it right here, in words, available for billions to see online.

From Ian:

International Law is Not a Suicide Pact
It is always tempting for those who know absolutely nothing about international law to lash out viscerally at Israel. Yet, trained legal scholars do understand the profound jurisprudential significance of context. Correct judgments under international law are never made in isolation.
It is apparent, then, that any seemingly disproportionate use of force by the Israel Defense Forces during Protective Edge was the outcome of prior perfidy committed by Palestinian terrorist forces in Gaza. Also noteworthy is that in any careful comparison to the current U.S. led war on ISIS terror, Israeli counter-terrorist operations have remained substantially limited.
International law is not a suicide pact. Faced with Palestinian terrorists in Gaza who still make no secret of their genocidal intentions, Israel still displays persistently marked restraint. In contrast to the witting indiscriminacy of Arab terrorists in Gaza, and to undisguised Palestinian perfidy, Israel takes very great care to minimize civilian harms. This self-imposed Israeli limitation on armed force is codified and followed as IDF "Purity of Arms," even when the consequent risks to Israel's soldiers are multiplied and enlarged.
In the manner of every other country in world politics, Israel maintains an unqualified right under international law to protect its citizens. Until now, in exercising this fully "peremptory" right, Jerusalem's use of military force has remained closely measured and controlled. It follows that the international community should finally begin to shift its allegedly jurisprudential concerns from the crudely deceptive mantras of "lawfare," and focus instead on the still-escalating criminality of Palestinian terrorism.
5 Facts That Prove Jerusalem Was NEVER A Muslim Holy City Or An Arab Capital!
Let’s play a game of association.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say JERUSALEM?
If your answer was “Holy City”, then you are either Jewish or you believe in the Jewish connection to the city of Jerusalem. If you are Christian, Jerusalem is holy to you because Jesus, who was a Jew, lived there. Therefore, it is holy as the Jewish capital and the home of the two Jewish Temples that stood in Jerusalem.
If you are a Muslim, I am sure you are probably offended by the mere suggestion that Jerusalem was NEVER a Muslim holy city or an Arab capital of any kind, but since you cannot hurt me or blow me up, you’re going to have to face these historical truths and be content with writing violent reactions in the comments section below.
While Threats to Israel Surge, So Does Christian Zionism, Says CUFI’s Hagee
While anti-Semitism in Europe and anti-Zionism on U.S. college campuses are on the upswing, how is American Christian support for Israel trending? Stronger than ever, says the founder of the country’s largest pro-Israel organization.
“I can assure you that the evangelical Christians of America support Israel right now in a more aggressive mood than at any time in my lifetime,” Pastor John Hagee, national chairman of the 1.8-million member Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said in an interview with
Hagee’s assessment of the pulse of Christian Zionism came one day after 5,000 people attended the 33rd annual “A Night to Honor Israel” at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. CUFI’s goal is to facilitate that same program in every major U.S. city.
“We want to send the message to the world and to the Jewish people that Christians are standing up for the state of Israel and the Jewish people at home and abroad,” Hagee said. “It’s not conversation. It’s action.”
Christian priest tells UN: "Israel is the only Mideast country not persecuting Christians"


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