Israelis Mark Yom Kippur With Prayers for Peace and Life
On the eve of Yom Kippur, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu returned to Israel after speaking to the international community at the United Nations this past week.Michael Lumish: Obama's Veiled Threats
“I went out on a national mission on behalf of the citizens of Israel,” recounted Netanyahu. “I told our truth on the UN podium, at the White House and at other meetings that I held,” he said after landing at Ben Gurion Airport on Friday morning.
The prime minister also wished a “Gmar Hatima Tova to all the citizens of Israel,” the traditional blessing for the successful sealing in the “Book of Life” during the days leading up to Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people that entails praying and fasting.
The Obama administration just keeps doubling-down, again and again, on precisely the very same mistake that it failed to learn out of the gate in 2008. He still thinks that peace is dependent upon making sure that Mahmoud Abbas gets a veto over where we may be allowed to live on the very land where our ancestors come from. Not only is Obama's policy racist toward Jews, and not only does it justify Abbas' insistence upon ethnically cleansing Jewish people from Judea and Samaria, but it also plays directly into Arab settler intransigence.While Refusing to Support Hong Kong's Democracy, Obama Strongly Condemns Israel
If Jews insist on living in Judea, and if Obama agrees with Abbas that they should not be allowed to do so, then naturally Abbas can refuse a negotiated conclusion of hostilities and blame it on those Jews with Obama's blessing.
From a strategic standpoint, the Obama administration's obsession concerning where Jews live in Israel was a monkey-wrench in the works from the very beginning and is partly responsible for the failure of the peace process during his tenure.
For him to continue to throw the very same monkey-wrench into the very same gears year upon year is beyond foolish.
What do you suppose accounts for it? While I do not believe that Barack Obama is half so intelligent as they kept telling us he is, he certainly not dumb. He is at least of average intelligence, and probably above-average, so how could he not comprehend that trying the same thing over and over again, and failing each time, might indicate counterproductive policy?
Hong Kong's pro-democracy demonstrators protesting China’s attempts to quash their rights to self government appear to be only the latest pro-Western group forsaken by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, its high volume criticism of Israel continues unabated.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was again forced to downplay harsh criticism against the Jewish state leveled by President Obama and other members of the administration during their White House visit Wednesday. Media reports claim that Obama harshly condemned the recent issuance of building permits for 2,610 apartment units inside the Israeli capital city, without seeming to understand that those decisions are made at the local, not the national level.
A Jerusalem real estate developer recently purchased seven apartment buildings in the predominantly Arab neighborhood of Silwan and purchased advertising to encourage Jewish families to buy them.
Netanyahu pushed back hard against the President’s condemnation. He told Spanish language Univisión TV that “Jews buy apartments in Arab neighborhoods. Arabs buy apartments in Jewish neighborhoods. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with that, and couldn’t even if I wanted to." "It is a municipal issue,” he said.
Pointing out President Obama’s hypocrisy of siding with those who seeking to prevent Jews from certain neighborhoods in Israel’s capital city, Netanyahu pointed out “there would be an uproar” if neighborhoods in the US, Mexico, or anywhere but Israel tried barring Jews from moving in. In comments that also appeared aimed at the Obama Administration, Netanyahu seemed to chide the White House and State Department for thinking they were empowered to micromanage the Jewish state down its most granular bureaucratic level: “It would be worth at least learning the correct information before jumping to take a position like that.”