Tuesday, August 05, 2014

From Ian:

The Moral Psychosis of Demonstrating for Hamas
In fact, the continual pattern of violence in the Arab world against Israel agitates liberals greatly, and makes them condemn Israel, not its foes, for having inspired Arab rage, with the assumption that only peoples with justifiable grievances are moved to violent ends to solve their woes.
This explains why the Left has regularly glossed over terroristic behavior on the part of Islamists—Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, the Al Aqsa Brigades, or others—and has romanticized this violence as “resistance.” This rationalization, that violence is an acceptable, if not expected, component of seeking social justice—that is, that the inherent “violence” of imperialism, colonialism, or capitalism will be met by the same violence as the oppressed attempt to throw off their oppressors—is exactly the style of self-defeating rationality that in this age has proven to be an intractable part of the so-called War on Terror.
Abetted by the Arab world, which has also perennially defined Israelis as European interlopers with no legitimate connection to the Levant, Israel-haters are now willing to sacrifice the very survival of the Jewish state because they feel that false charge of racism and apartheid against Israel is more incompatible with their fervent belief in a perfectible world than the rejectionist and genocidal efforts of the Arab world which, in fact have necessitated Israeli security measures—the separation wall, indeed, the occupation itself—all of which, ironically, are pointed to as indications of exactly how racist Israel’s behavior actually is against the Palestinians.
In fact, observed Harvard’s Ruth Wisse, the more hostile the Arab foes of Israel became, the more difficult it has become for liberals to absolve Israel for creating the very violent urges that emerged to eliminate it. “By blaming Israel for Arab complaints,” she wrote, “liberals anticipate a reasonable, pacific solution to the conflict . . . The democratic Jewish state is subject to ‘rational’ persuasion; not so the Arabs. The more determinedly, and by Western standards, irrationally, Arab governments and their agents pursue their anti-Israel campaign . . . the more desperately the liberal imagination tries to blame the Jews for incurring Arab displeasure.”
2006 Flashback: When Hollywood Had the Courage to Stand Up for Israel
Back in 2006, a mere 8 years ago, many of those sitting in silence today were as full-throated in their support for Israel as they were in their condemnation of Hamas. This is from a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times published in August of 2006:
We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas," the ad reads.
"If we do not succeed in stopping terrorism around the world, chaos will rule and innocent people will continue to die.
"We need to support democratic societies and stop terrorism at all costs."
A who's who of Hollywood heavyweights joined Kidman on the ad.
The actors listed included: Michael Douglas, Dennis Hopper, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Danny De Vito, Don Johnson, James Woods, Kelly Preston, Patricia Heaton and William Hurt.
Directors Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Dick Donner and Sam Raimi also signed their names.
Other Hollywood powerplayers supporting the ad included Sumner Redstone, the chairman and majority owner of Paramount Pictures, and billionaire mogul, Haim Saban.
Chloes Valdary: On the clever word bending of SJP
Often times people in the SJP camp like to ask you loaded questions which force you to accept their premise. It would be like if a Klansman asked you, “do you deny that blacks are ruining our country, raping white women, and changing the fabric of America?” Or if a Nazi asked you, “do you deny that Jewish interlopers are ruining Germany, murdering German children and stealing money from us?”
Beginning with the term “Do you deny” forces you to accept the premise, whether you answer “Yes,” or “No.”
So SJP might ask, “you deny Israel occupies the WB, has a siege on Gaza, an apartheid wall runs across the land & is bombing Gaza now?”
This is a dilemma. You cannot answer Yes because to answer yes means you are denying “reality.” You cannot answer No because to answer no means you are accepting “reality.”
You reject the premise by refusing to answer the question in a roundabout way:
“I will not be party to the rejection of my own dignity and self-worth as a Jew/Zionist by engaging in discourse tinged with racism and denial of Jewish indigenous rights, and which masks bigotry in hippy faux-human rights language which in truth you care nothing about.”

  • Tuesday, August 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
In recent weeks there have been a lot of journalists trying very hard to paste together any ridiculous bits of information they could find in order to pretend that the kidnappings and murders of the three Israeli teens were not Hamas' responsibility.

Oh, well:
Israel has confirmed that the funding for the June kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers Naftali Frankel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal Yifrah—which set off a chain of events that led to the current war in Gaza—was provided by Hamas.
Hassam Qawasameh, a Palestinian man arrested on July 11 in connection with the abduction, admitted that the orders and financing of the kidnapping came from Gaza. Paul Hirschson, deputy spokesperson for international media at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tweeted the news this afternoon after an Israeli gag order was lifted.
Hirschson confirmed by phone that Qawasameh was arrested three weeks ago in connection with the kidnapping, and that Qawasameh admitted the Hamas connection under interrogation.
Ynet reports that money from Hamas operatives in Gaza was used to purchase weapons used in the attack, as well as the plot of land in which the bodies were buried.
Today’s confirmation refutes speculation from various news outlets last week that Hamas wasn’t behind the kidnapping, and that the kidnappers were operating as a “lone cell.”
JPost adds:
In addition, Hussam assisted Marwan in concealing the bodies by burying them on land he had bought in recent months.

Next, Hussam was attempting to flee the area and disappear across the Jordanian border with false documents subsequent to the bodies being found, when he was caught back in mid-July.

The state said that the evidence it had was at the level of near certainty, after interrogating Hussam.
Now, one must wonder, what would make some journalists want so badly to exonerate Hamas from a terror attack?
From Ian:

Smoking Rocket: NDTV Films Hamas Firing Rocket From Next To Hotel
India’s NDTV has caught Hamasholes setting up a launch site and then firing rockets from right next to their hotel.
But unlike others who may not have wanted the word to get out, the NDTV crew kept the cameras rolling, and reported it truthfully. (h/t Yisroel)
On Hamas Imagery, New Delhi Television Shows West How It's Done
While most of the mainstream Western media hasn't provided even one still photograph of a Hamas fighter, an Indian television station gets the goods. New Delhi Television broadcast and posted online intriguing video of Hamas assembling a launch site and firing a rocket from just outside a Gaza hotel in a crowded civilian neighborhood. The footage was only shared after the NDTV team was out of Gaza and safe from Hamas retaliation.
NDTV Shows How Hamas Assembles & Fires Rockets

Pat Condell Hypocrisy over Gaza

Col. Richard Kemp on Israel vs Hamas in Gaza

  • Tuesday, August 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sami Abu Lashin is a major figure of the Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades in Gaza.

Here is a video of him giving a speech at a Fatah rally, and here is a video he uploaded showing him posing with weapons as well as a photo (that is probably Photoshopped) of him with Arafat.

He is part of the Mohammed Dahlan-leaning faction of Fatah in Gaza.

On July 28, Hamas security placed Lashin under "house arrest" - and shot him in the legs in order to keep him in his house.

We know Hamas has shot some suspected "collaborators" in the legs for their "house arrest." But Lashin does not appear to be a collaborator, he has extensive anti-Israel material on his Facebook page yet is not pro-Hamas.

One of his Fatah friends expressed frustration that Hamas and Islamic Jihad were not including Fatah in their strategy sessions during the war, even though Fatah has taken credit for hundreds of rockets towards Israel.

Hamas used the war as cover to go after its political enemies. Knowing that Israel would give warnings to people to leave their houses, they used the excuse of "house arrest" and collaboration to enforce their desire to keep Fatah members in their houses, to be killed. This way they achieve two goals: indirectly killing their enemies and being able to blame Israel for killing Gazans who were unable to leave their homes!

The Western media is utterly silent about the level of depravity of Hamas in Gaza.

  • Tuesday, August 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CBN:

Catholic News reports:

The bombings are not the only thing worrying the small Christian community in Gaza, Father Hernandez said.

Hamas is very strong in Gaza, he said, "and that makes people afraid that if the conflict continues for a long time -- which it looks it will if someone does not come and stop it -- there will be popular reaction against the Christians, as they have seen happen in other conflicts in the region."

"When (the militants) see they are threatened and are going to lose, they usually go against the weaker segment of the population," the priest said.

In addition, he said, before Operation Protective Edge began, an extremist Islamic group active in Iraq and Syria had demonstrated in Gaza.

"So you can see up to what level of fanaticism there is here, and people know that and (people) are afraid," he said.

Father Hernandez described as a "cocktail" of very extreme forces present in Gaza and said the tiny Christian population was worried because of what they have seen happen to Christian communities in Syria and Iraq.

(h/t Irene)

Monday, August 04, 2014

  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Monday night and Tuesday is Tisha B'Av, the saddest day of the Jewish year where we mourn the loss of both Temples. I will not be posting until Tuesday afternoon.

Here is a (Christian) description of how Jews mourned the Temple in the 19th  as well as the first and fifth centuries, from Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem by James King, 1884.

According to this account, Jews were still allowed to visit the Temple Mount until the Muslim invasion.

The congregation at the Wailing Place is one of the most solemn gatherings left to the Jewish Church, and, as the writer gazed at the motley concourse, he experienced a feeling of sorrow that the remnants of the chosen race should be heartlessly thrust outside the sacred enclosure of their fathers' holy Temple by men of an alien race and an alien creed. Many of the elders, seated on the ground with their backs against the wall on the west side of the area, and with their faces turned towards the Eternal House, read out of their well-thumbed Hebrew books passages from the prophetic writings, such as "Be not wroth very sore, O Lord, neither remember iniquity for ever; behold, see, we beseech Thee, we are all Thy people. Thy holy cities are a wilderness, Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation. Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised Thee, is burned up with fire, and all our pleasant things are laid waste. Wilt Thou refrain Thyself for these things, O Lord? Wilt Thou hold Thy peace, and afflict us very sore

About four o'clock a Rabbin stood up, facing the Sanctuary wall, and, resting his book against the stone, read aloud from the Jewish lamentation service a kind of litany. After each petition the assembly responded in a peculiar buzzing tone, rocking their bodies to and fro, after the manner of their fathers. The following litany of eight petitions is often rehearsed :—

The Rabbin reads aloud—           All the people respond—

For the place that lies desolate: We sit in solitude and mourn.For the place that is destroyed: We sit in solitude and mourn.For the walls that are overthrown: We sit in solitude and mourn.For our majesty that is departed: We sit in solitude and mourn.For our great men who lie dead: We sit in solitude and mourn.For the precious stones that are buried: We sit in solitude and mourn.For the priests who have stumbled: We sit in solitude and mourn.
For our kings who have despised Him: We sit in solitude and mourn.

Another litany, written after the manner of an antiphonal psalm, is often repeated. It consists of five petitions, offered up on behalf of Zion; and, in response to each petition, the assembly offer up a petition for Jerusalem:—

The Rabbin prays thus :—

We pray Thee have mercy on Zion:
Haste! haste! Redeemer of Zion:
May beauty and majesty surround
Zion:May the kingdom soon return to
Zion:May peace and joy abide with Zion:
The people answer—
Gather the children of Jerusalem.
Speak to the heart of Jerusalem.
Ah! turn Thyself mercifully to Jerusalem.
Comfort those who mourn over  Jerusalem.
And the Branch of Jesse spring up at Jerusalem.

The following is an account of a visit to the Wailing Place by Dr. Frankl, a Jew, who visited the Holy City:—

"The Jews have a firman from the Sultan, which, in return for a small tax, ensures them the right of entrance to the Wailing Place for all time to come. The road conducted us to several streets, till, entering a narrow crooked lane, we reached the wall, which has been often described. There can be no doubt but the lower part of it is a real memorial of the days of Solomon, which, in the language of Flavius Josephus, is immovable for all time. Its cyclopic proportions produce the conviction that it will last as long as the strong places of the earth. Before we reached the wall we heard a sort of howling melody—a passionate shrieking—a heart-rending wailing, like a chorus, from which the words came sounding forth, 'How long yet, O God?' Several hundreds of Jews, in Turkish and Polish costumes, were assembled, and, with their faces turned towards the wall, were bending and bowing as they offered up the evening prayer. He who led their devotions was a young man in a Polish talar, who seemed to be worn out with passion and disease. The words were those of the well-known Mincha prayer, but drawled, torn, shrieked, and mumbled in such a way that the piercing sound resembled rather the raging frenzy of chained madmen, or the roaring of a cataract, than the worship of rational beings. At a considerable distance from the men stood about a hundred women, all in long white robes, the folds of which covered the head and the whole figure—like white doves, which, weary of flight, had perched upon the ruins. When it was their turn to offer up the usual passages of the prayer, they joined the men's tumultuous chorus, and raised their arms aloft, which with their white robes looked like wings with which they were about to soar aloft into the open sky; and then they struck their foreheads on the square stones of the wall of the Temple. Meanwhile, if the leader of their prayers grew weary, and leaned his head against the wall in silent tears, for a moment there was a death-like silence. I happened to be near him, and I could mark the sincerity of his agitated soul. He gave a rapid glance at me, and, without stopping short in his prayer, said to me, 'Mokam Kodesh,' i.e., 'Holy place,' and pointed to my covered feet. My guide had forgotten to inform me that I must take off my shoes. I now did so, and was drawn into the vortex of raging sorrow and lamentation."

The Jewish Sabbath begins on Friday evening at sunset, therefore, when the sun was sinking low in the western sky, the worshippers at the Wailing Place sometimes chant in Hebrew a plaintive hymn, known as the Wailing Song. The melody is thought to date from the time of Ezra, and, consequently, is accounted to be amongst the oldest pieces of music extant. The following is a translation of the hymn :—

He is great, He is good.
He'll build His Temple speedily.
In great haste, in great haste,
In our own day speedily.
Lord, build, Lord, build,
Build Thy Temple speedily.

He will save, He will save,
He'll save His Israel speedily.
At this time, now, O Lord,
In our own day speedily.
Lord, save, Lord, save,
Save Thine Israel speedily.

Lord, bring back, Lord, bring back,
Bring back Thy people speedily;
O restore to their land,
To their Salem speedily.
Bring back to Thee, bring back to Thee,
To their Saviour, speedily.

How long the Jews have assembled for lamentation at the Wailing Place cannot be determined with certainty, although there is historical evidence to prove that they have assembled to mourn over their lost glory and desolate Temple since the time of the Apostles. After the merciless destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 A.D., the priestly families fled to Tiberias, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; and the great men of the Jewish nation found homes in Egypt, Cyprus, and other places, while only the poor and the officiating priests remained in the Holy City. Slowly Jerusalem rose from her ashes, and for sixty years enjoyed such peace as comes after the maddened din of warfare. During that period the Jews bewailed their downfall, and nobody interfered with the poor inhabitants of the city. At length, after sixty years' freedom from accursed warfare, a mighty insurrection arose among the Jews against the oppressive yoke of Rome. The insurgents were headed by Bar Cochaba, the Son of a Star, the last and greatest of the false Messiahs. After three years of warfare and butchery, Bar Cochaba, with sword in hand, fell down slain on the walls of Beth-er, near Bethlehem, and forthwith the domination of the Romans was restored. The Emperor Hadrian, filled with wrath at the insurrection, again destroyed Jerusalem, and drove the Jews from their hallowed city. He fixed a Roman colony on Zion, built a heathen temple on Moriah, on the site of the sacred edifice of the Jews, and dedicated it to Capitoline Jupiter. When the colony had increased in size, he bestowed upon the new city the name of ^Elia Capitolina, combining with his own family title of ^Elius the name of Jupiter of the Capitol, the guardian deity of the colony. Christians and pagans were permitted to reside there, but the Jews were forbidden to enter the city on pain of death ; and this stern decree remained in force in the days of Tertullian, about a century afterwards. About the middle of the fourth century, however, the Jews were permitted to dwell in the neighbourhood, and once a year—on the anniversary of the capture of Jerusalem—they were allowed to enter the Temple enclosure, that they might approach the lapis pertusus, or perforated stone, and anoint it with oil. "There," says an ancient, writer "they make lamentations with groans, and rend their garments, and so retire."

Jerome, the eminent Latin Father, who founded a convent at Bethlehem, and for thirty years led an ascetic life in the Holy Land, when commenting, about 400 A.D., on Zephaniah i. 14, "The mighty man shall cry there bitterly," draws a vivid picture of the wretched crowds of Jews who in his day assembled at the Wailing Place, by the west wall of the Temple, to bemoan the loss of their ancestral greatness.

On the ninth of the month Ab, might be seen the aged and decrepit of both sexes, with tattered garments and dishevelled hair, who met to weep over the downfall of Jerusalem, and purchased permission of the soldiery to prolong their lamentations, el miles mercedem postulat tit illis flere plus liceat. The perforated stone, called lapis pertusus, is probably the Sakkra or sacred rock of Moriah, originally the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite, and now covered with the elegant sanctuary called Kubbet es-Sakhra, or Dome of the Rock.

After the Moslem occupation of Jerusalem in the seventh century, the lapis pertusus, or sacred rock of Moriah, was invested with a sanctity second only to the Kaaba of Mecca. This sanctity was afterwards extended to the whole of the top of Moriah, and, consequently, the heretic Jews were driven outside the Temple enclosure. In course of time, however, they approached the outer walls, and there continued to celebrate their lamentation service. Thus for above twelve centuries have the Jews assembled outside the walls of their ancient Temple; but it would be difficult, with our present knowledge, to prove that the present Wailing Place has been the identical spot of lamentation throughout the many generations that have lived and died since the Moslem occupation of Jerusalem under Khalif Omar in 637 A.D.

Here are my previous Tisha B'Av posts:

2005: A sad anniversary
2006: A reason to keep mourning on Tisha B'Av
2007: Tisha B'Av, 1948
2008: Weeping over the ruins of Jerusalem
2009: The Kotel, 1912
2010: A reason to cry
2011: Judaism's holiest site is being desecrated today
2012: Documentary on Israel's disengagement of Gaza
2013: The Churban underneath the Mount

I wish everyone observing Tisha B'Av an easy and meaningful fast.

From Ian:

IDF BLOG: Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields
IDF forces in the Gaza Strip found a Hamas manual on “Urban Warfare,” which belonged to the Shuja’iya Brigade of Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades. The manual explains how the civilian population can be used against IDF forces and reveals that Hamas knows the IDF is committed to minimizing harm to civilians.
Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has continuously used the civilian population of Gaza as human shields. The discovery of a Hamas “urban warfare” manual by IDF forces reveals that Hamas’ callous use of the Gazan population was intentional and preplanned.
This Hamas urban warfare manual exposes two truths: (1) The terror group knows full well that the IDF will do what it can to limit civilian casualties. (2) The terror group exploits these efforts by using civilians as human shields against advancing IDF forces. (h/t Yenta Press)

CNN Guest Rips Media For Being 'Used As Dupes' By Hamas [slightly different content at the link vs CNN YT clip]
In a surprising segment, CNN’s New Day discussed the role of the media in the Israel-Hamas conflict and whether they are providing proper context regarding the two sides. In an interview with co-host Kate Bolduan, guest Lee Habeeb, columnist for National Review, slammed the media for its biased coverage of the issue, going so far as to suggest that they have acted as “co-conspirators to Hamas.”
When Bolduan asked where Habeeb believed the media was lacking, he argued that “the point of the spear is the media and dead children and dead women...and I don’t believe the media is covering it.” Toward the end of the segment, Bolduan cited Hamas political leader Khaled Mashal, who claimed that the U.S. has now adopted the Israeli narrative. The New Day co-host wondered how it could go both ways. Habeeb blasted the media again: (h/t dabney)
Columnist: Media is enabling Hamas

  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Algerians have started a Facebook campaign to cancel a planned August 22 concert by Jamaican rapper Sean Paul.

The reason? Because his paternal grandfather was Jewish.

One of the activists wrote, "Does it make sense to think of greeting a singer with Jewish origins in Algeria after all the massacres committed by the Israelis in Palestine our brothers?"

Another wrote, "This is a great shame and we must stand up against this farce immediately."

Even worse, one of them dug up this photo of Sean Paul at "the Wailing Wall in Tel Aviv" back in 2007.

There ya go.

The promoters seemed highly unlikely to cancel the concert, since they already paid for everything.

I wonder if the BDS crowd will support this.
  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), which has close ties to the IDF, has been keeping its own tally of those killed in Gaza.

As of August 3 at noon, they counted:

1,438 Palestinians killed is as follows:
1) 407 terrorist operatives:
A. 222 Hamas operatives
B. 123 PIJ operatives
C. 62 operatives from other terrorist organizations
2) 452 non-involved Palestinians
3) 589 Palestinians whose identity is not yet known

This comes out to 47% of the known casualties being terrorists, which tracks exactly to what the IDF said yesterday. Chances are these are the same figures the IDF is using, though it may be a coincidence.

At roughly the same time, the UN counted 1,717 Palestinians killed.

The difference in count of over 270 is fairly significant.

The UN doesn't publish a list of the dead (neither does ITIC) so it is not easy to identify the sources of the discrepancies. But we do have a few educated guesses.

During Cast Lead, the number of people who were reported of dying natural deaths in Gaza plummeted. It seems likely that many people who died naturally in Gaza over the past month were moved over to the "martyr" category.

There have been reports of Hamas killing collaborators. Also unverified reports of Hamas killing demonstrators. Beyond that, there are clearly people who were killed by Hamas rockets or explosions.

We have also seen quite few people double-counted, or even triple-counted, although I don't know if the UN list includes those. (The UN count is about fifty fewer than the Hamas Health Ministry count.)

Once the actual names are released, it seems very unlikely that any journalist in Gaza would endanger him- or herself to research the circumstances behind every disputed death. It also seems unlikely that the IDF figures, which have been found to be accurate (as much as could be determined) in the past, will be given the same attention as the UN or Hamas figures.
  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Earlier this year I reported on (and gave samples) of the antisemitic poetry of Belgium's Poet Laureate  whose pen-name is Charles Ducal.  His poetry includes equating Israeli Jews to Nazis, invoking the idea of "chosen people"  as meaning that Jews think of themselves as better than everyone else, and frequent references to the ashes of the crematoria against the lives of Palestinian Arabs today.

Joods Actueel reports that Ducal has just written another similar poem for what is happening in Gaza, and is being criticized by another popular Belgian poet:
Benno Barnard picks up on the derogatory way his colleague Charles Ducal writes about Jews. Below is a poem of Ducal's that appeared in in the newspaper De Morgen and on the website of the communist Labour Party. According to Barnard, the content is not only "offensive and hurtful" but involves "aestheticized hatred".

"This poem hurts me deeply, and I'm not even a Jew, let alone an Orthodox one. It is unacceptable that a Poet Laureate, who basically is the poet of all Belgians, in such a fashion antagonizes thousands of compatriots, not only on an extremist left-wing website but also in a national newspaper which is read by more than one Antwerp Jew," writes Barnard.

"Ducal may not understand well how deeply insulting this poem is for every ordinary Belgian Jew , even a Jew who is possibly an opponent of Netanyahu. He probably doesn't understand how humiliating it is to hear Jews as thinking they are "better", which is not the meaning of that infamous word "chosen" (forgive me, Charles, but I know a little Hebrew, and "chosen" means "designated as volunteers", which equates approximately to 'chosen to be damned.')

"Why doesn't Ducal write a poem against young Muslims in our streets, who wave ISIS flags in a frenzy against Israel?

"I quote the Dutch writer Leon de Winter: "Since 1950, eleven million Muslims were killed, excluding "ordinary" murders. Slightly more than 0.3 percent of them died in the conflict with Israel, or 1 in 315 Muslim fatalities. . 90 percent of the total number of fatalities died in conflicts with other Muslims (...)

"'Every death is one too many - especially when it comes to children,' we hear enlightened and educated Westerners saying.

But there are many Muslims (especially in the Arab world) who think differently. In their tribal honor-shame culture the extermination of the enemy and his family is an accepted principle. The young fighters of ISIS proudly show the severed heads of their victims.

Here is the poem, translated by a couple of email correspondents:

You're now better. It's written
in The Book. It can be seen in your eye
when you see them approaching: in fanatical clothes,
dusty, their IDs ready in their hand

You look at them as a creator of water
in a world of sand. They live [here] by chance
without promise, can be swept away
like withered leaves. This is your land.

You have learned to keep the fear of persecution
alive without fear, arrogant as the man who chose his enemy for himself.
You knock him down. You are threatened, the outstanding debt gives every bulldozer,

every tank the right to safety
without borders. Your eyes saw the Temple
destroyed, the paving stones bleed under the hooves

of the Crusaders. You're two thousand years old
was there in Treblinka, Schirmeck and Dachau

Though you have stolen their water, shot their children, trapped
them behind barbed wire, you are simply God's people, chosen exactly on
[this ground/these grounds]. Those who still hear the old village screaming
under your woods, your roads, your cities , get ashes in their mouth.
In short: You Jews have become your oppressors because you think you are hot stuff. We liked you better when you were being slaughtered.  Boo, Jew.

Not only is it offensive - it is unoriginal, as these motifs have already been covered by Ducal in his earlier antisemitic poetry.

Ducal was offended when I called him an antisemite in January. So I will couch my criticism of him as a poem, since who can be offended by a poem?

Charles Ducal

Hidden behind his pseudonym

as if he is ashamed
of his sickness

yet he conceals it
with sanctimony
a facade of piety
that none other can approach

his target is chosen
his pen at the ready
to mask his own depravity

the choice
reveals the ugliness hidden
within his heart
within his "art"

(h/t Rudi, including updates on translations)
From Ian:

Brendan O’Neill: This anti-Israel hysteria is the opposite of a peace movement
There is nothing remotely progressive in today’s myopic, disproportionate Western fury with Israel. On the contrary, it is a profoundly ugly phenomenon, masquerading as a peace movement but actually devoting its energies to drumming up hatred, sanctions and possibly even intervention against a state that it has found guilty in the kangaroo court of liberal opinion of being a ‘rogue’. It is always concerning when Western activists and institutions try to have foreign states written off as ‘criminal’ and ‘insane’, for such judgements further moralise and destabilise international affairs, resurrecting the divide between the civilised nations and the savage nations and making war more rather than less likely. But it’s particularly concerning to see Israel branded a ‘rogue state’. For whether you like it or not, Israel is intimately bound up with the Jewish people. Recent outbursts of anti-Semitism in Europe suggest it could be a short step indeed from labelling Israel a rogue state to looking upon the Jews themselves as rogues.
Douglas Murray: Hamas censors British journalists. Why don’t we care?
Before the 2003 war in Iraq, for instance, reporters broadcasting for television or radio from inside Iraq nearly always made reference to the fact that they were reporting under restrictions imposed on them by Saddam Hussein’s government. This often meant a Hussein goon was standing nearby checking that nothing untoward was said.
In the same way, Hamas takes great care to ensure that the ‘wrong’ message does not come out. Indeed they recently expelled a reporter from the Putin propaganda channel Russia Today because he mentioned that Hamas were launching rockets from Gaza.
Yet I can think of no example during this conflict when reporters for any major broadcaster have told the truth – which is that if they stay in Gaza they are only able to tell Hamas’s account of this conflict (complete with ‘deliberate’ Israeli targetting and only ever ‘innocent’, never ‘guilty’ victims). There will be those who think this a small technical point. But I suspect this is one major reason why some surprising Western observers seem to have become so rancidly pro-Hamas during this conflict.
Times of Israel Blog: Man killed in J’lem tractor attack; soldier shot near Mount Scopus
A unilateral humanitarian window declared by Israel takes hold Monday morning. The IDF death toll stands at 64, as it partially redeployed in and around Gaza, nearing the end of its work demolishing Hamas tunnels. A Palestinian delegation held talks on ceasefire arrangements in Egypt. Israel was condemned for hitting a UN school, killing 10, and said it was looking into the incident. Gazan health officials put the death toll there at some 1,800. Israel says many of those are Hamas fighters.
The Bolt Report - Gaza

  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

In a Friday sermon in northern Italy, Sheik Abd Al-Barr Al-Rawdhi prayed to Allah to "count [the Jews] one by one and kill them to the very last one." Al-Rawdhi, leading the prayers at Al-Rahma Mosque in San Donà di Piave, the Province of Venice, called upon Allah to "turn their food to poison and make the air they breathe blazing hot." The sermon was posted on the Internet on July 29, 2014.

Following are excerpts:

Sheik Abd Al-Barr Al-Rawdhi: What can we possibly expect from [the Jews], whose hearts are harder than stone? What can we possibly expect from people whose hands are soiled with the blood of the prophets, not to mention the blood of defenseless, innocent people? What can we possibly expect from people who lost all respect for Allah, saying to Moses: "Show us Allah outright"? What can we possibly expect from people who said: "The hand of Allah is shackled"? "May their own hands be shackled, and may they be cursed for what they said."
Oh Allah, bring upon them that which will make us happy. Oh Allah, count them one by one, and kill them to the very last one. Do not spare a single one of them. Turn their food to poison, make the air they breathe blazing hot, make their slumber full of grief, and make their days black. Oh Allah, plant fear in their hearts.

Now, what would make you think Muslims are antisemitic?

He is clearly referring to the "Zionists" of thousands of years ago who killed the prophets!

UPDATE: He is being deported from Italy. (h/t Ori)

  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is very entertaining, as an anti-Israel rally goes down the wrong street in Manhattan.

Notice the "peace protesters" with the dollar symbols, seemingly to show how those "Zionists" (wink, wink) control all the money.

  • Monday, August 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lots of photos of the UNRWA school yesterday in Rafah feature this seemingly tragic little girl.

We see her being picked up by a man with a striped shirt, presumably to get her help...

Here's the same striped shirt guy. We see him again here, with the girl in a somewhat different position than she was in Photo 1:

It doesn't look like he is reaching down to pick her up.

He is putting her down and arranging her next to the dead jihadi!

Wouldn't it be great if we had video of that?

They put her down, another looks like he wants to pick her up but he waits for more photographers to take their shots.

I don't know if the girl is a ghoulish prop or if she is alive, but this shows that no one seems very concerned about getting her to an ambulance.

After the obligatory photo shoot, then a man can start running with her for more good shots, presumably, to get help:

Once he is a bit further away, his urgency in running seems to flag a bit:

There is also clear evidence that the bodies of the jihadists who were killed by the Israeli airstrike were moved to be closer to the school for that photo op - even the drag marks are visible, as Thomas Wictor shows.

The Gazans know that photos are worth more than bullets. Yesterday's hysterical condemnations based on Pallywood photos proves their case.

And the photographers are in on the scam.

The question is, are the journalists?

Sunday, August 03, 2014

  • Sunday, August 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
H.J.Res.76 was "A joint resolution making an emergency supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, to provide funding to Israel for the Iron Dome defense system to counter short-range rocket threats."

The Senate Amendment to H.J.Res. 76 appropriates $225 million in supplemental emergency funding for the remainder of FY2014, to provide additional funding to Israel for the Iron Dome missile defense system to counter short-range rocket threats. Any funds that remain unobligated at the end of FY2014 will remain available until September 30, 2015.

The bill passed the House, 395-8.

Three of the eight who voted against the bill were Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D, CA-19), Rep. Keith Ellison (D, MN-5) and Rep. Walter Jones (R, NC-3).

All three of those are currently endorsed by J-Street.

Pro-Israel? No.

Pro-peace? No.

J-Street a hypocritical organization that goes out of its way to support those who hate Israel? You betcha.


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