Thursday, November 01, 2012

  • Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In today's Al-Madinah, Dr. Zaid Ali Fadhil says that what he is seeing today in the US is a fulfillment of the prophecy of "President Benjamin Franklin."

The purported "Franklin Prophecy" has been an anti-semitic staple since it was created in the 1930s. The version quoted in Al Madinah is similar to this:
There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain.

If they are not expelled from the United States by the Constitution, they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded within two hundred years, our children will be working in the field to feed Jews while they remain in the counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands.

I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in their graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans, even when they lived among us for ten generations. The leopard cannot change his spots.
Interestingly, he skips one other section of the "prophecy" that is contradicted by, well, Israel's existence:
For more than seventeen hundred years they have lamented their sorrowful fate — namely, that they have been driven out of their mother land; but, gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reason for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on other vampires --they cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.
Dr. Fadhil goes on to say that nowadays the prophecy has come true and the Jews are indeed ruling the US, and America has lost the ideals of its founding fathers to the evil machinations of the Jews.

A comment on the article by the author contains a correction - he found out that Franklin was never president. Everything else is accurate, though.

There are anti-semitic articles in the mainstream Arab media every day. And not once have I seen any backlash, corrections or apologies.
  • Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Much has already been written about how Gideon Levy's Ha'aretz piece quoting a problematic survey to prove that Israelis support "apartheid."

And much has already been written on how Ha'aretz' belated corrections to its mistakes will never be propagated to the many media outlets that uncritically parroted the original, biased article.

But it is not only the media that embraced this canard. Anti-Israel groups masquerading as "peace" groups have also run with Levy's flawed assumptions, and are even adding to them.

"Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East" is one such group. While they cannot seem to find a way to condemn Hamas rocket fire, incitement against Jews on official PA media or Abbas' refusal to negotiate with Israel, they revel in anything that can make Israel look bad. So this bogus survey is right up their alley.

In their gleeful press release announcing Levy's article, their president says “The Israeli government, and its supporters in Canada, rile at the term ‘Israeli apartheid,’ and have even tried to prohibit its public use here in Canada, yet, as this survey reveals, it is unfortunately all too apt.”

CJPME doesn't only parrot Ha'aretz' discredited claims - they exaggerate them. One egregious example:

Forty-seven percent favour the expulsion of Israel’s “Arab” citizens, with only 40 percent opposed.
Really? 47% of Israelis want to expel all Israeli Arabs?

The actual question was:
?האם אתה תומך או מתנגד לטרנספר, דהינו להעביר חלק מערביי ישראל לרשות הפלסטינית
"Do you support or oppose transfer, i.e., to move some Israeli Arabs to the Palestinian Authority?"

This is a very poorly worded question, as were many of the survey questions. But it is clear that most Israelis would interpret this in the context of a land swap, where heavily Arab areas bear the Green Line would be swapped with settlement blocs in a peace agreement, obviating the need to physically move people to new homes on either side. (This is especially obvious because the previous question was about Israel keeping the settlement blocs.) The word "transfer" is loaded and had a completely different meaning in the days of the Kach party, but the survey question seems to have purposefully kept it in just so people like Levy could interpret it in the worst way.

But CJPME doesn't care about the subtlety. even though the question explicitly says "some Israel Arabs" they make it sound like a plurality of Israelis want to physically expel all Israeli Arabs.

Because CJPME doesn't care about peace or coexistence. Its website makes it clear that it believes that Israel is uniquely evil and the Arabs are wonderful (their upcoming fundraiser is entitled "Experiencing Arabia" - can you imagine one called "Experiencing Judea"?) This flawed survey and bogus interpretation is right up their alley.

So thanks to Haaretz and Gideon Levy, Israel-haters pretending to be "peace activists" have ammunition that will keep them going for years, the truth be damned.

(h/t Gidon Shaviv)

Things remain the same at the Elder compound. No way for me to get to work physically so working from home with the same painfully slow Internet connection on my phone.

While I have seen the AT&T commercials touting how their iPhones allow one to surf and talk at the same time, I really never listened to them. I found it hard to believe that anyone would not be able to do that on a smartphone nowadays. But Verizon's iPhone (provided by my job) indeed cannot do both at once, so when I need to speak on the phone, I lose the Internet, even when using it for W-Fi tethering.

And my T-Mobile Google Nexus Galaxy phone, which I love, is having serious Internet issues so that is not an option for Wi-Fi tethering, at least not now.

When an average web page takes two minutes to load, it means that I simply cannot blog as fast as I normally do. It also means that  I will tend to favor stories that are easy to blog - a minimum of links and photos.

So until my home Internet provider is back online, posting will remain light.

Meanwhile, here are today's links from Ian.

The Islamists' Need to Feel Wronged by Nonie Darwish
"When anyone dares to say jihad means violence, or when violence is committed in the name of Islam, the so-called moderate Muslims are outraged but manage to look the other way. The more some Muslims terrorize, while others stand by in denial, the more they confuse, soften and weaken their victim. While one face of Islam is doing the terror, the other face tells the world, we love peace, so please don't you dare judge us by our terrorists because if you do, we will riot, kill, and burn. Both faces of Islam work together; one cannot survive without the other."

Israel admits to top-secret operation that killed senior Fatah commander in 1988
Special ops mission commander recounts killing terror mastermind Abu Jihad — with the help of a box of chocolate and a soldier dressed as a woman
"Abu Jihad (“father of the struggle”), whose real name was Khalil al-Wazir, was deemed a security threat. He was the mastermind of the infamous Coastal Road massacre, a 1978 attack on an Israeli bus near Tel Aviv that killed 38 Israelis and wounded another 70. As military commander of Fatah, he unified fragmented factions of the PLO, enabling the movement to better fight Israel in the First Intifada."
"Lev and another soldier who dressed up as a woman pretended they were a vacationing couple. He carried a large box of bonbons, and his other hand was hidden by the box — except that there weren’t any chocolates inside, but rather a gun with a silencer."

Dieudonné’s movie ‘L’Antisemite’ deserves our gratitude
L’Antisemite has torn away the pretextual camouflage. Now it is finally clear: cocktail chitchat against Israel leads directly to cocktail Molotovs against neighborhood synagogues and, most recently, a Jewish school massacre.

Netanyahu, Hollande to visit Toulouse killing site
Leaders to tour school where terrorist shot dead rabbi and three children; victims’ relative says he prefers debate over vengeance

Protest planned for Israel Philharmonic concert at Disney Hall

Ireland: It seems we are very selective about what makes us angry in this country
"WELL, that was a very revealing week. Had I called Uganda a "cancer" after the revelations about missing Irish Aid money there, by now, I'd be hanging from my thumbs, while the various press-quangoes consulted Torquemada on how to deal with heretics, and numerous columnists would be sharpening their blades on my ribcage.
Instead, Vincent Browne called Israel a cancer, refused to apologise, and the affair -- such as it was -- was over by the weekend. As far as I can see, neither 'The Irish Times', 'The Sunday Times' nor the 'Sunday Independent' even mentioned the story."

The Alan Dershowitz Syndrome
Prominent Jews like the Harvard lawyer have spent years criticizing Obama. So, why are they endorsing him?

Former Democrats Abroad Israel Chair: Obama Soured U.S.-Israel Relations

MEMRI: Grand Mufti of Lebanon: The Jews Orchestrated 9/11 and Were Behind Anti-Islam Film
Lebanese Priest: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Called to Destroy Christianity

BBC Watch: BBC’s Jon Donnison continues to airbrush Hamas terrorist activity

CIF Watch: Rachel Shabi has “fresh hope” that the Jewish state may cease to exist

Morsi removed affirmation of Arab peace plan from U.N. speech
“Morsi's remarks, as prepared for delivery and distributed by the Egyptian mission to the United Nations on Sept. 26, included an endorsement of the Saudi-initiated Arab plan, which would exchange pan-Arab recognition of Israel for Israel's return to the 1967 lines and a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue.
It also included a recommitment to Egypt's prior international agreements, which include the 1979 peace accords with Israel.
Morsi removed these two elements in his spoken remarks, instead endorsing Palestinian statehood without noting whether his vision would accommodate Israel.”

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says new constitution must be based on Islamic Shariah law

Egyptian night owls decry government efforts to impose curfew
State faces backlash from nocturnal Cairo residents after making move to conserve electricity

Tunisia, a Sad Year Later
A year later, we have no democracy, no trust in elected officials, no improved constitution. Human rights and women’s rights are threatened. The economy is tanking.
"Tourism is dwindling. Who wants to vacation among bands of bearded savages raiding embassies, staking their black pirate flag over universities or burning trucks carrying beer? Meanwhile, our government and puppet president watch, without arresting these Salafist extremists."

Norwegian Islamist held for offering to ‘protect’ Jews with AK-47
Security stepped up at main Oslo Synagogue after comment posted to Facebook

European Jewish Association calls for protection of Ukrainian Jews
Move follows unprecedented electoral gains of anti-Semitic, ultranationalist Svoboda party

Italy, Land of Islam
Education minister Profumo proposed that Islam be taught in public schools alongside Catholicism. Nazification of Israel ruled free speech.
"Meanwhile, the Italian judges are apologetic about hatred. Ucoii, the largest Islamic organization in Italy, published an ad in many mainstream newspapers entitled “Nazi Bloodshed Yesterday, Israeli Bloodshed Today". An Italian court ruled that the Nazification of Israel came under “freedom of expression” and was not a case of incitement to hatred."

Thousands of Texas Christians Rally for Israel
Thousands of Christian Zionists came together at a Texas megachurch on Sunday night to rally in support for Israel, the San Antonio Express-News reported.

Victim of Burgas Attack Celebrates 25th Birthday, Looks to Future
The Algemeiner spoke with Daniel on his 25th birthday, an event hosted by the One Heart One Hope Foundation. An especially sweet occasion considering that only a few months earlier he was nearly killed by a terrorist attack on his tour bus in Burgas, Bulgaria that killed seven others.

IDF Blog: Infographic: Last week, 32,800 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza

Jewish groups begin Sandy relief efforts
Union of Reform Judaism, Jewish Federations of North America establish aid funds
  • Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed Saudi Arabia's official religious police before, but in Egypt the unofficial "vice squad" is already out of control. From Al Arabiya:
The “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Authority” group , in Egypt’s eastern city of Suez has attacked a man for not allowing them to use his private toilet and ordered to cut his brother's tongue for “cursing” Islam.

Ahmed Gharib, this week told the online newspaper, al-Mowjaz, that the problem started as he was in his shop, in the El-Arbeen area in Suez, when a “bearded man” rushed inside to use the bathroom.

“I told him that he needs to ask for permission to use the toilet,” said Gharib, “but he just responded with ‘we do not ask for permission,’” he added.

A few minutes later, a group of 30 “bearded” men reportedly came to Gharib’s shop and said they wanted to “discipline him for insulting a religious figure,” reported the newspaper.

“They tied me down and assaulted me,” said Gharib. “They tried to cut off my hand for reaching for one of them,” he added.

They were unable to cut off his hand, however, as passersby intervened to stop the fight. But Gharib sustained deep cuts.

Gharib’s brother, who had reached the shop later, angered with what had happened to his brother insulted the men so the “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” group ordered the cutting of the young man’s tongue as they claimed that he cursed Islam.

“They tried to catch him to carry out the order but he managed to escape with the help of neighbors,” said Gharib.

The father of the two men had to report the incident to police after the group refused to leave and remained waiting for the brother outside his home’s doorstep.

A political activist, Fawazi Abdul al-Fatah, also confirmed the incident and said that the group remained in search of the young man and members of the neighborhood had to guard the man’s house.

The incident is the latest in a series of events where extremist groups, mainly Salafis, have carried out attacks against Egyptian citizens to prevent them from carrying out what they say is the “vice,” prompting fears among human right activists and liberalists of the deteriorating status of personal freedoms.

In July this year the same group stabbed to death university student Ahmed Hussein Eid for walking alone with his fiancée.

“We see groups of them [Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice commission] roaming the streets of Suez but authorities insist on denying their existence,” said Fatah.
  • Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jordan is having serious problems with shortages of both water and natural gas.

From AFP, October 1:
Many ordinary Jordanians, as well as others in government circles, complain that tens of thousands of Syrian refugees who have fled from the conflict at home are draining the country’s meager water resources.

In recent weeks, people have demonstrated in southern and northern villages for not receiving water for the past two months, burning tyres, blocking roads and seizing a Water Authority tanker.

Their only alternative is to buy from private suppliers at grossly inflated prices, or even steal it.

“This summer has been tough and hot, and the increasing Syrian refugees and sometimes tourists have added pressures to water resources,” Water Authority Secretary General Fayez Bataineh told AFP.

And Asharq al-Awsat talks about how Egyptian supplies of natural gas to Jordan have been interrupted many times this year. They spin a conspiracy theory of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood wanting to destabilize Jordan, which is far from convincing - it appears that there were technical problems as domestic Egyptian demands caused a shortage, and Egypt is even now importing gas just to be able to re-export it according to agreements.

Buried in an article critical of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty at Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad, we see something very interesting:
Months ago, Israel supplied Jordan with three million cubic meters of water beyond the annual quantities agreed upon in accordance with the Treaty; this water went mostly for the consumption of Syrian refugees residing north of the Kingdom.

Months before that, Israel also offered to sell the Kingdom natural gas at cost in the face of the disruption of the supply of Egyptian gas....But this offer requires a pipeline from the territory of Jordan towards the network that supplies Israel with natural gas, and could trigger an internal political storm.

So while Jordanians are protesting against peace with Israel, Israel is quietly working behind the scenes to help Jordan with its two most pressing needs.

This makes it crystal clear how much that right-wing hawkish satanic Likud government of the Zionist entity  wants peace and stability in the entire region.

Maybe if journalists would do their jobs, we - and the Arab people - would know these things.

(The article also notes how Israel is negotiating with Jordan to allow them to sell produce to European markets through Israel's ports on the Mediterranean. In addition, some 30,000 Israelis - mostly businessmen - crossed the Allenby Bridge to Jordan in 2011. Israel exported over $209 million of goods to Jordan last year, most of which gets relabeled and resold to Gulf Arab states at a profit.)

(h/t Zvi)
From the Wall Street Journal:

A report by Palestinian Media Watch recently revealed that British taxpayers have been paying salaries to terrorists. It revealed that £3 million every month is paid by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in salaries to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The salaries come from the PA's general budget. That "general budget" is kindly provided by the U.K., among other EU countries.

Many British taxpayers, struggling to pay their family's way through a recession, might rightly wonder why their money is going to pay as much as £2,000 a month to people serving the longest sentences—those who have targeted Israeli buses and other civilian targets with suicide bombers, for instance. That is higher than the average wage in nearly all of Britain. You might be forgiven for wondering, if you were a struggling teaching assistant in the North of England, why failing to tick "suicide bomber" on your careers form should have left you so much worse off than a terrorist in the Middle East.

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, where students from Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority learn together, may not open its gates in the next academic year.

Located in the southern kibbuz of Ketura, the institute was established in 1996 as an engine for the vision of Israeli-Palestinian peace. This is the only place in the Middle East dealing with the common environmental problems of Israel and its neighbors.

“From my point of view it's a severe blow,” explained Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, director of the institute's Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation. “We won’t have partners on the other side, the environmental problems won't go away and it will be increasingly difficult to solve them.”

The institute, Abu Hamad says, doesn't only promote international cooperation, but peace between peoples as well.

We need $1.5 million to begin 2013. Some donors promised us hundreds of thousands of dollars over a span of years, but those contributions have shrunk or vanished."

Yes, the terrorists get paid far more every month than a real example of cooperation and peace needs to start its academic year.

No one in the "pro-Palestinian" crowd supports the existence of real peace programs between Israel and the Arabs. Because they aren't "pro-Palestinian" at all - but anti-Israel.

Both those stories are worth reading in full for other reasons.

The British story notes how Britain's International Development Minister Alan Duncan adamantly refuses to accept the evidence and insists that paying these prisoners - whose payscale increases with the time they are in prison - is really "social welfare."

The Arava story notes that the institute has to hide the fact that it is in Israel when recruiting students from Jordan.

(h/t Ian, Zvi)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ha'aretz has a food column called Modern Manna. This week it scored an interview withe the White House chef, asking him if he makes any foods that could be considered Jewish or Israeli, presumably because that critical information would help President Obama get more Jewish votes.

The entire column is written from Ha'aretz' viewpoint, even saying in a tongue-in-cheek fashion:
So, if Obama loves hummus it must mean he loves us Israelis too! Israelis, self-acclaimed hummus connoisseurs, prefer their hummus with fresh pita bread, but even they have learned to accept the American usage of hummus as a dip for veggies.
Enter Ali Abumineh, famous Israel-hater and blogger at Electronic Intifada. Apparently, the very mention of Obama together with hummus in an utterly vacuous Haaretz article is enough to make him foam at the mouth:

Notice how Israelis are positioned as the “connoisseurs” and arbiters of how hummus should and should not be correctly consumed.

There is absolutely no mention of the Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian or other indigenous Arab origins of these foods in the interview, where hummus, its key ingredient tahini, and the flat bread Palestinians typically eat with them are easily subsumed into “Jewish foods” used to celebrate Zionist occasions...

Is this 2000 year old olive press "Palestinian"?
He then rails against how he thinks Israelis have stolen "Palestinian" foods and culture, and how the Obama White House is complicit in that awful activity of Israelis stealing foods that are all generically Middle Eastern.

Keep in mind that the chef didn't say a word about how these foods were Israeli. Only the Ha'aretz writer did.

Abuminah links back to this equally ridiculous posting where he claims that these foods are "Palestinian" - they aren't  - and that Israelis are stealing olive oil cultivation from Palestinian Arabs as well, even though Jews were cultivating olive oil in that exact spot way thousands of years before any "Palestinians" existed.

To wrap it all up, Abuninah tweeted his magnum opus about a stupid Haaretz columnist saying that White  House hummus is somehow Israeli this way:

Yes - Israeli pride in their Middle Eastern food is a war crime!

The mystery isn't that Israel-haters are this stupendously idiotic. The mystery is why so many people in the real world seem to regard them as anything less than stupendously idiotic.

  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From UPI:
Jihadists are becoming increasingly active in Jordan, already gripped by political crisis and buffeted by a growing spillover from the 19-month-old civil war in neighboring Syria that could threaten the Hashemite throne.

On Oct. 20, the kingdom's General Intelligence Directorate reportedly arrested 11 men, all Jordanians, it said were part of a plot by a cell linked to al-Qaida to bomb shopping malls in Amman and assassinate Western diplomats.

At least two major malls were targeted, Information Minister Samih al-Maaytah said. Another target was the upscale Abdoun quarter in the city where many foreign embassies and diplomats' homes are located.

Officials said the group called itself "11-9 the Second," after the last major jihadist attack in Amman on Nov. 9, 2005, in which suicide bombers hit three top Amman hotels, killing 63 people.

The new plot included suicide bombers, whom the group was seeking to recruit, and car bombings against hotels, nightclubs and other public places, security sources reported.

Had the attacks taken place, hundreds of people would have killed, officials said.

Although there's skepticism about the latest jihadist plot, there's little doubt the kingdom faces a threat from Islamic militants, one magnified by the bloodletting in Syria.

"This kind of threat could have happened with or without Syria," a Western diplomat in Amman observed.

"But if you've got a worsening situation in Syria, structures continuing to breakdown and extremists going around with more and more weapons, of course it's a worry."

Some 300 Jordanians are reported to have gone to Syria to jihadists fighting the Assad regime.

Two of Zarqawi's cousins were arrested this month when they returned to Jordan from five months of combat in Syria.

"If the regime falls in Syria and radical Islamist groups become influential there, it'll be easier for these extremist groups to work in Jordan to destabilize the country," warned former lawmaker Hazem al-Awran.

  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, one of the most prominent Islamic leaders who supports suicide bombings but it considered a "moderate," is in a hospital in Jeddah for undisclosed reasons.

His aide asked that his followers pray for him.

Qaradawi, 86, is the president of the World Federation of Muslim Scholars and his Friday speeches are televised to tens of millions of Muslims. He has called to "cleanse Palestine" from Jews.

One of his most famous fatwas was this one:

Question: I would like to ask about the ruling of Palestinian women carrying out martyr operations. Fulfilling this mission may demand that they travel alone, without a mahram,[5] and they may need to take off their hijab, the matter which may expose part of their 'awrah.[6] Would you please comment on this? I'd prefer Dr. Qaradawi to answer this urgent question, if you please.

Dr. Qaradawi answers: The martyr operation is the greatest of all sorts of jihad in the cause of Allah. A martyr operation is carried out by a person who sacrifices himself, deeming his life [of] less value than striving in the cause of Allah, in the cause of restoring the land and preserving the dignity. To such a valorous attitude applies the following Qur'anic verse: "And of mankind is he who would sell himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah; and Allah hath compassion on (His) bondmen." (Qur'an, 2: 207)

...Martyrdom is a heroic act of choosing to suffer death in the cause of Allah, and that's why it's considered by most Muslim scholars as one of the greatest forms of jihad.

When jihad becomes an individual duty, as when the enemy seizes the Muslim territory, a woman becomes entitled to take part in it alongside men. ...A woman should go out even without the consent of her husband, a son can go too without the permission of his parent, a slave without the approval of his master, and the employee without the leave of his employer....I believe a woman can participate in this form of jihad according to her own means and condition. Also, the organizers of these martyr operations can benefit from some, believing women as they may do, in some cases, what is impossible for men to do.

As for the point that carrying out this operation may involve woman's travel from [one] place to another without a mahram, we say that a woman can travel to perform Hajj [pilgrimage to Mecca] in the company of other trustworthy women and without the presence of any mahram as long as the road is safe and secured.

Concerning the point on hijab, a woman can put on a hat or anything else to cover her hair. Even when necessary, she may take off her hijab in order to carry out the operation, for she is going to die in the cause of Allah and not to show off her beauty or uncover her hair. I don't see any problem in her taking off hijab in this case.

To conclude, I think the committed Muslim women in Palestine have the right to participate and have their own role in jihad and to attain martyrdom.
Hamas sent out women suicide bombers after this fatwa.

So prayers might indeed be in order - to finally rid the world of this evil man.
Power has returned to the Elder Manor, but not phone/internet/cable. As a result, I am surfing and blogging with a very, very slow connection through a cell phone, so blogging will remain lighter than usual - especially since I need to do my regular day job through that same slow connection.

Here's one tree that fell nearby. There seem to be at least one or two trees toppled on every block.

Meanwhile, here are today's links from Ian:

Israeli strike on Iran would be a relief to the Middle East, Netanyahu tells French paper
Prime minister in France to discuss Iranian nuclear threat, attend memorial ceremony for Toulouse shooting victims
“Iran is not popular in the Arab world, far from it, and some governments in the region, as well as their citizens, have understood that a nuclear-armed Iran would be dangerous for them, not just for Israel,” he said.

The storm that united a nation by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
We are capable of being positive and unified, even while we contest some of the great political issues of our day. We can be one people while we entertain vastly different opinions. And we can have one heart even when we are of a different mind.
May G-d watch over America always, and may those who have suffered in Hurricane Sandy find solace and a blessing.
Meanwhile: Hurricane Sandy a ‘divine slap on the face of U.S. arrogance,’ Toronto Islamist website declares
'Heroic' Iran, 'resistive' Syria behind Sandy, pro-Assad group claims

Washington’s Failure to Rein in UNRWA
General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, offers two options, repatriation and resettlement, to achieve the reintegration of the Palestinian Arab refugees “into the economic life of the Near East.” Yet, U.S. Department of State documents from 1949 through the early 1950s reveal that despite the lip service paid to repatriation, Washington and its allies effectively equated reintegration with the resettlement of the refugees in the neighboring Arab states.

Ha'aretz Poll roundup:
The Haaretz Poll Travesty, NIF Funding, and the Durban Strategy
Journalistic Sham: Haaretz Acknowledges Misleading ‘Apartheid’ Survey Report
Haaretz changes tack on major story that alleged widespread ‘apartheid’ attitudes in Israel

The case for President Obama’s reelection By Alan Dershowitz
The Obama administration has strongly supported Israel’s security by helping to construct the Iron Dome, by backing Israel’s responses to rocket attacks from Gaza and by coordinating closely with its military.

[I think I made my thinking clear! - EoZ]

Lévy: Jews of Diaspora and Israel are under attack
Prominent French-Jewish intellectual says the Jewish people are facing a twin threat of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

UK Jews complain to Church of England over ‘anti-Semitic’ vicar
"Reverend Stephen Sizer is “an avid reader and publicizer of websites that are openly and virulently anti-Semitic, and Rev. Sizer has himself descended into making anti-Semitic statements,” according to the complaint, lodged by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the community’s main representative organization."

CIF Watch: Glenn Greenwald admits that “anti-Semitism plays a role in some hostility toward Israel”.

PMW: PA TV visits family of terrorist prisoner Ibrahim Hamed, responsible for murder of 46

'PLO leader backs Jordan annexation of W. Bank'
New proposal suggests establishment of a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation, Kaddoumi tells 'Al-Quds Al-Arabi.'
A repeat of 1985? The Hussein-Arafat Accord, 11 February 1985

Gaza Rocket Attacks Close Beersheba Schools for a Day

Economist reporter: GAZA economy fastest growing in the world
For example in 2011 the Gazan economy grew by a whopping 27 % , that makes it the fastest growing economy in the world.

Senior Bahrain official to visit Gaza, open new schools
Royal Charity Organization head Mustafa al-Sayed to lead delegation to Strip this week; visit follows Qatari emirate’s visit last week

End of the Line for HLF
The United States Supreme Court has decided not to accept appeals from the five Holy Land Foundation officials convicted of illegally funneling more than $12 million to Hamas, essentially concluding the case.

Syria Rebels 'Clash with Army, Palestinian Fighters'
Fierce clashes broke out before dawn Tuesday in a major Palestinian refugee camp south of Syria's capital, pitting rebels against troops backed by pro-regime Palestinian fighters, activists and a watchdog said.

Egyptian court dismisses suit against president to amend peace accord with Israel
Complainants had claimed Egypt’s revolution obligates leaders to review all previously signed agreements
Three members of Egypt’s revolutionary youth movement filed a lawsuit Monday against President Mohammed Morsi, Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, and foreign minister Muhammad Kamel Amr, demanding the leaders amend the Camp David Peace accords with Israel. But the case was swiftly dismissed in an Egyptian court on Tuesday.

Women's council demands authorities find girl 'kidnapped' in Matrouh
Egypt's National Council for Women calls on Interior Ministry and security forces to locate missing 13-year-old who was allegedly married off; denounces child marriages

Somali comedian shot dead after poking fun at al Shabaab
Gunmen assassinated a well-known comedian and musician who poked fun at al Qaeda-linked Shabaab insurgents in the Somali capital Mogadishu, police and colleagues said Tuesday.

Rome provincial council calls to ban websites promoting Jew-hatred
Move, in cooperation with Jewish community, follows anti-Semitic attacks on neo-Nazi website

‘Forward’ Cartoon Mocks Zionism Through Anne Frank DNA Experiment

Dutch soccer fans to be punished for anti-Semitic songs
FC Utrecht director says racism will not be tolerated; ADO Den Haag banned eight fans banned in April for ‘Hamas, Jews to the gas’ chants

A would-be new leader of Israel’s Arabs urges full integration with Israel
Bedouin politician Aatef Karinaoui launches a Knesset bid, slamming Arab MKs and calling for an ‘Arab Spring’ to provide a fresh direction for his community
It is hard to envisage an Arab Knesset member declaring that “if something were to happen to Israel, this democracy that protects everyone, the whole Middle East would be doomed.”

Israel's Technion, iCreate to jointly incubate start-ups
Having signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), Israeli university Technion and the International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology (iCreate) of India are now set to jointly incubate few start-ups from both the countries.

High-tech diplomacy puts Israel and UK on the same page
The UK is very keen to promote relationships between Israeli start-ups and British entrepreneurs, ignoring the politics that usually frame the relationship between the two countries

  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:

Celebratory gunfire at a wedding party in eastern Saudi Arabia on Tuesday night brought down an electric cable, killing 23 people, a local civil defense official said.

"At the wedding, the cable fell on a metal door and the 23 people who died were all electrocuted," Eastern Province official Abdullah Khashman said by phone.

A photograph of the aftermath of the accident, published on local newspapers' websites showed a large courtyard strewn with fallen chairs and a pole in the middle supporting cables carrying lightbulbs.

All those killed were from the same tribe, Khashman said. Thirty others were injured in the incident near Abqaiq, a center of the Saudi energy industry.

Saudi Arabia banned the shooting of firearms at weddings, a popular tradition in tribal areas of the conservative Islamic kingdom, last month.
Guns only kill one or two people at a time at Arab weddings, so they are clearly not the problem. Non-bulletproof electric wiring is obviously the real danger to people at weddings.

(h/t Ian, Ronald)
  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Addustour, a mainstream Jordanian newspaper, has an op-ed today that accepts the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as an established fact and states that Israel is following it to achieve world domination.

Rashid Hassan writes:
I spent the holiday [Eid al Adha] reading "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" edited by the Arab thinker Ajaj Noueihed, for the second time, to discover that without exaggeration, what is happening in occupied Palestine and in the world at the hands of the Zionists are pronounced by these Protocols. The Jews control the financial markets and banks and media, etc., and they seem to exert control over many of the decision-making centers in America and European countries and others.

The [Jews] "create a spirit of intrusion and revenge, and this means blood and sword, destruction and bodies of confidentiality etc., hence terrorism carried out by Zionist gangs during World War II and onwards, starting from the massacre of Deir Yassin through massacres Qibya and Dawayima and Kafr Kassem .. etc, following through on the doctrine of [Protocols author] Ginzberg" (pp. 56.) In this regard, we find a clear difference in the proposals of Herzl, founder of Zionism and Ginzberg, who created the idea of assembly and intrusion, which led to the crystallization proposed in the idea of "return to Palestine" as a place to gather and receive incoming Jews from all over the world, which means waging wars of genocide and a holocaust and the massacres against the Palestinian people, and for over a hundred years.

Still this Zionist ideology is dominant on the Zionist mind, which led to the massacres, and which is embodied today in the trinity of terrorism "Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman" as an embodiment of theses protocols of Zionism by Ginzberg. The main idea of the protocols is based on the Jews controlling the world from behind the scenes, and this will only happen through sex and money, and hitting at the system of morals and values, and distorting Islam and Christianity. A review of the suffering of the Islamic religion today through smear campaigns confirms what we have referred to, and confirms that the Zionists are behind the constant campaigns of incitement and hatred that are against Islam and the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him.

The book shows that the protocols were written at the end of the nineteenth century, and describe the evils of Zionism, as shown by the Talmud, and presented to the First Zionist Congress in 1897, and during the conference Russian secret police attacked the venue, and seized all the documents including these protocols, where they were translated into many languages ​​then, to publicize to the world the Jewish conspiracy, and the seriousness of what is happening in the invisible world.

We call the Arab reader to read this book, It answers a lot of heretofore unanswered questions.

As much as the West likes to sweep it under the rug, Jew-hatred is mainstream in the Arab world, and ridiculous articles like this can be published without even a hint of dissent from other newspapers, politicians or pundits.

(h/t Lachlan)

  • Wednesday, October 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

The Gaza camp in Jordan, near the northwestern historical ruins of Jerrash where the Greco Roman Empire once flourished, was set up by the UN as an emergency measure in 1968.

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli War war, about 12,000 refugees fled from Gaza to this area. It now has a population of about 30,000 Gazans.

Hidden in the outskirts of Jerrash, connected to the rest of civilization by a single neglected dirt road, most tourists have no idea about the camp. Locals are known to respond to visitors' inquiries with a suspicious: "Why do you want to go there?!"

Some tourists wonder if Jerrash municipality wants to keep foreigners out, to hide the dilapidated squalor that is so close to a bustling tourist attraction and well kept city.

Living conditions at the Gaza camp have been described as the worst in Jordan.

Surrounded by an empty desert, its streets are filled with children playing near sewage and trash. The pathways are cluttered with discarded food, old recyclables and other materials, which are burned frequently because garbage collection is unreliable.

It is a wonder that children playing football across sewage drains do not seem to notice the offensive smell.

The solution is expensive. Residents pay exorbitant fees in comparison to other Jordanian cities to have this sewage intermittently dumped outside of the city.

Water for bathing and drinking is also sporadically available every two weeks, and sometimes mixes sewage and drinking water as a result of the scarcity of functioning modern pipes.

Further, the living quarters are squalid, antiquated with cracks in the concrete walls, and teeming with residents. Sometimes 10 people can be found in a room of a windowless metal-roofed apartment. There are known cases of 25 residents living in one house.

Others live in roofless apartments or outside in tents where they are exposed to the challenges of the extremely cold seasonal weather. The infrastructure also lacks recreational areas like parks for children and a functioning road system.

Most camp residents possess neither an ID nor passport. Like visible ghosts, after five decades of living and giving birth in Jordan, their families are not recognized. They cannot work, receive government benefits, have full access to education, own a car, nor travel freely. Unemployment tops at 50 percent, school dropout rates are high and life expectancy is much lower than regional averages.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, has tried to remedy these conditions. It provides education at four schools up to the 10th grade, as well as a food distribution center. Some of these displaced Gazans receive financial assistance from the United Nations.

The health conditions of the residents is horrifying. Volunteers report the presence of many diseases that are easily preventable with access to Western medicine. There are instances of diabetes, nervous disorders, cancers, high blood pressure and others, which go untreated.

Amid the huge flow of curious guests looking for enlightenment at Jerash's ancient ruins, the Gazan refugees living next door feel forgotten.
The article doesn't mention some crucial facts.

Israel did not drive anyone out of Gaza in 1967. Tens of thousands of Gazans (and many more West Bankers) chose to flee to Jordan voluntarily because they did not want to live under Jewish rule. They are not refugees according to any definition, even UNRWA's.

Jordan used to automatically give citizenship to any Palestinian Arab, but they did not do so for Gazans who fled in 1967. So they are the victims of a deliberate Jordanian policy of discrimination.

This discrimination includes barring Gazans from many jobs. As in Lebanon camps, it is illegal for Jerash residents to build new buildings.

In other words, ordan is practicing apartheid against Arabs born in Gaza as opposed to citizens of any Arab country.

Many of them would like to return to Gaza, and were hoping to do so after Israel's withdrawal. Even though Arab governments and the PA and Hamas all insist that the "right to return" is sacred, not a single one is lifting a finger to insist that these Gazans in Jordan return to Gaza!

There is nothing stopping Jerash residents from deciding to travel via Egypt to Gaza. Except the laws in Jordan, Egypt and Gaza!

So the residents of Jerash teach us that the "right of return" is not anything Arabs really care about - when the "return" is not to territory that Jews live in. It is a facade for the eventual destruction of Israel disguised as a "right." G

Gazans in Jordan can rot away - the Arabs don't care because they cannot contribute to the relentless campaign to delegitimize Israel.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

  • Tuesday, October 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
UPI Arabic quotes Tunisian media sources as reporting yesterday that Tunisian security authorities managed to break up what was described as a 'dangerous terrorist cell that was aimed at kidnapping Jews in the city of Zarzis in the extreme south-east of Tunisia.

The weekly newspaper Al Hassan reported that they learned and confirmed from sources that units of the Tunisian Guard managed to dismantle this terrorist network. Sit said that their aim was to kidnap of Tunisian Jewish nationals living in the city of Zarzis to demand ransom and to force the Jews or Zarzis to leave Tunisia.

The Tunisian mastermind of this plot is works as a security guard for Tunisian Jews in the south of Tunisia, where he recruited some young people to do the job. He acquired a car and weapon to get the plan going before he was caught.

The plot was to kidnap Jews as they take their weekly stroll on a seaside promenade every Friday night.

Members of the Jewish community in Tunisia have been concerned with the growing Salafist influence there who have been known to chant "kill Jews."

I have not yet seen this reported anywhere in English.

(Slight update with promenade details 10/31)
  • Tuesday, October 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I am still without power and without my T Mobile hotspot on my phone that would allow me to blog on a laptop. Blogging on an iPhone, as I am doing now, is painful.

And I can't easily get to my job.

So it looks like this blog will be on a hiatus with only occasional updates.

So for now, here is the Tuesday link dump, unformatted, from Ian:

IDF Blog: Hamas Terrorists Firing Rockets on Israel from Houses in Gaza
"The terror group Hamas benefits from using its own people as human shields. When the IDF refrains from firing into densely populated areas, such as neighborhoods or suburbs, the terror organization becomes less vulnerable by default. Most of Hamas' military infrastructure is purposely placed in the middle of Gaza City and scattered throughout crowded refugee camps, further putting civilians in the direct line of fire."

UK academic union faces claims of ‘institutional anti-Semitism’
Severe anti-Israel bias ‘makes Jews feel uncomfortable and unwelcome,’ lecturer charges in landmark tribunal
"The UK’s trade union for academics, the University and College Union, is “institutionally anti-Semitic,” a London employment tribunal heard Monday.
The claim was made on the opening day of a potentially landmark case, which partially revolves around UCU’s resolutions concerning an academic boycott of Israel."

CIF Watch: Six more Palestinian ‘building inspectors’. Again, no context.
“The caption failed to mention the attack against Israel which precipitated the IDF operation – a grad rocket launched from Gaza that morning which destroyed a house in Netivot and injured several Israelis – nor that the building in Nuseirat was reportedly a weapons manufacturing facility.

Seumas Milne, antisemitism and “the usual internet suspects”.
“Milne wasn’t condemning Holocaust revisionism. He was merely defending Stalinist revisionism.
Those of us among “the usual internet suspects” need not offer an ounce of gratitude to those who cynically champion the cause of dead Jews but seemingly remain indifferent to the aspirations of living Jews.”

BBC Watch: BBC report on Jews in Tunisia tainted by agenda-driven addition
"So, despite numerous examples, including the massacre of Jews in Baghdad in 1828, mass forced conversions in the Persian city of Meshed in 1839, the Damascus blood libel in 1840, the pogroms in Morocco in 1905, the 1929 Hebron massacre and the Farhud in 1941, the BBC once more returns to the simplistic narrative of contextualising prejudice and violence against Jews from Arab lands solely as a reaction to Israel and Zionism."

PMW: PA TV teaches children paradise is reward for martyrdom
“PA TV music video featuring Muhammad Al-Dura, the boy who was killed in a televised crossfire (apparently by Palestinians). Al-Dura calls other children to follow him to joyous child-Martyr Paradise. Al-Dura is shown frolicking joyously on the beach, with his kite, and even going to an amusement park.”

IDF busts Hamas cell in Ramallah, arrests 30 members
Suspects allegedly sought to rebuild Islamist terror cells in Hebron and Bethlehem

Jewish Leaders Blame Hillary Clinton For 'Legitimizing' Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Party
"Israel has expressed “deep concern” at a political breakthrough by an extremist party in Ukraine that is well known for its attacks on Jews and foreigners, and which managed to win a large number of parliamentary seats for the first time on Sunday thanks to an election pact with controversial opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko’s Fatherland Party. The opposition was also boosted by the tacit support of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

Sherrod Brown's Controversial Comments on Obamacare, Iran, Israel
"The senator refused to affirm Jerusalem as capital of Israel, merely stating the following:
I understand the symbolism of it, I’ve been to Jerusalem a number of times. I understand the importance of it, I understand the volatility of it. The Dome of the Rock is the center in many ways of three religions, at least three religions say that. So I understand all that."

Anti-harassment activist “depressed”
In Cairo, at least 87 harassers were arrested; most of them in Downtown where many people go to cinemas, restaurants and other public places to celebrate Eid, which represents the peak season for harassment.

Angry mob bars church goers in Beni Suef (Egypt)

Iranian warships dock in Sudan, days after alleged Israeli airstrike
Naval commanders of two states to meet, as Tehran conveys ‘message of peace and friendship’

Anti-Semitic flyers distributed in French town
Notices call on locals to ‘drive out the Jews’ from small town near Lyon

Their brother's keepers, Schalit and unit tour US schools
“On the one-year anniversary of his release, Gilad Schalit embarked on a speaking tour in New York City and Connecticut, accompanied by 17 soldiers from his old unit. The unit as a whole was affected psychologically by the abduction. Many still suffer from forms of post-traumatic stress disorder, survivor's guilt, insomnia, anxiety attacks, and anger. “

Israeli tech firms raise $488 mln in Q3 from VCs
Israeli high-tech firms raised $488 million in venture capital in the third quarter, up 8 percent from the second quarter, the Israel Venture Capital (IVC) Research Center said on Tuesday.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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