Thursday, October 25, 2012

  • Thursday, October 25, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lots of noise but very few hard facts:
Sudan claims this is an unexploded Israeli rocket, doesn't seem likely.
Sudan said on Wednesday that an Israeli air strike had caused the huge explosion and fire at an arms factory in Khartoum that killed two people, but Defense Minister Ehud Barak declined to comment.

Sudan, which analysts say is used as an arms-smuggling route to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip via neighboring Egypt, has blamed Israel for such strikes in the past, but Israel has either refused to comment or said it neither admitted or denied involvement.

Asked by Israel's Channel Two News about Sudan's accusations, Barak said: "There is nothing I can say about this subject."

A huge fire broke out late on Tuesday at the Yarmouk arms factory in the south of the capital which was rocked by several explosions, witnesses said. Firefighters took more than two hours to extinguish the fire at Sudan's main factory for ammunition and small arms.

"Four military planes attacked the Yarmouk plant ... We believe that Israel is behind it," Information Minister Ahmed Belal Osman told reporters, adding that the planes appeared to approach the site from the east.

"Sudan reserves the right to strike back at Israel," he said, adding that two citizens had been killed and the plant had been partially destroyed. Another person was seriously injured, he said.
JE Dyer has some analysis:
Media reporting has suggested for more than a decade that Iran set up an arms factory in Sudan in the 1990s. (US intelligence suspected a Sudanese factory of producing weaponizable chemical agents in the ‘90s, and the Sudanese government of complicity in supplying al Qaeda. This led to a Tomahawk missile attack on the factory by Bill Clinton after the 1998 attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Iran was not implicated by US intelligence in this installation.) Tehran is Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir’s chief foreign patron – well suited to his penchant for atrocities against his non-Muslim population – and of course is also the main supplier of arms to Hamas and Hezbollah.

Members of the Sudanese opposition have told reporters the arms factory that was hit was Iranian-sponsored. This is very probable, and it is equally probable that the attack was, in fact, conducted by the IAF. Sudan to Egypt to Gaza is a known arms route, and during Operation Cast Lead in 2009, when Israeli forces were going after Hamas in the wake of more than 4400 rocket attacks from Gaza up through December 2008, two arms convoys intended for Hamas were attacked on the roads through northern Sudan. Another convoy for Hamas was reportedly attacked in Sudan in December of 2011. (A peculiar report from early 2009 also suggested that a ship – possibly carrying arms – had been sunk in or near a Sudanese port. While fun to analyze, the report could not be considered definitive.)

Cutting off the flow of Iranian arms to Hamas is clearly a national security interest for Israel. The 24 October attack may or may not have been launched “because of” the rocket barrage from Hamas; it was certainly planned much earlier, but was probably executable on short notice, pending the weather conditions. Perhaps a more reliable construction to put on the Yarmouk attack, however, is that Israel sees a need to accomplish something more definitive than interdicting convoys. The time has come to administer a setback from which Hamas – and Iran – can’t recover quickly.

Another consideration for Israel may be that the window for unopposed action in Sudan might close in the not-too-distant future. Getting strike-fighters into Sudan means routing them over the Red Sea and keeping an airborne tanker aloft there, with its own fighter protection. Saudi Arabia and Jordan have the means to know the IAF aircraft are there, but they aren’t likely to interfere with Israeli attacks on Iranian arms facilities or arms bound for Hamas.

Egypt, however, also has the means to know the IAF aircraft are operating – and Egypt’s posture could well be changing. Mohammed Morsi is not a naïve target for an Iranian charm offensive, but for his own reasons – Islamist ideology and his designs on Jerusalem – he will reach the point at which he will not be willing to stand by quietly for Israeli operations in Sudan.
Debka, always entertaining but only sometimes accurate, claims:
Complex of military plants near Khartoum, whicht was bombed five minutes after midnight Wednesday, Oct. 24, by four fighter-bombers, recently went into manufacturing Iranian ballistic surface-to-surface Shehab missiles under license from Tehran, DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources disclose. Western intelligence sources have not revealed what types of Shehab were being turned out in Sudan but they believe the Yarmouk’s output was intended to serve as Tehran’s strategic reserve stock in case Iran’s ballistic arsenal was hit by Israeli bombers.
Haaretz quotes Al Arabiya:
An Islamist responsible for supplying weapons to Hamas was apparently among the two people killed in a missile strike near the main port city of Sudan this week, the Al-Arabiya news network reported on Wednesday citing various sources.
And in a separate analysis:
Opposition sources in Sudan claim that the arms factory bombed overnight Tuesday in south Khartoum, the Sudanese capital, belongs to Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

..What was not said by the Sudanese authorities, who provided a plethora of confusing and conflicting reports (even regarding the number of casualties), was information regarding the factory itself. In recent years, several reports published in the Arab media said that Iran's Revolutionary Guard built weapons manufacturing plants together with the Sudanese government.

However, their military cooperation does not end with the establishment of one military plant, and even senior Sudanese officials have not denied in the past that Iran has military factories on their land.

In fact, according to foreign reports, the arms factories that Iran built in Sudan were meant to arm Hamas.
But here is one wrinkle I was not aware of, from Sudan Tribune:
Sudanese authorities shut down the opposition-affiliated Ray Al-Sha’b newspaper in May 2010 after it published a report talking about the construction of an Iranian weapon factory in Sudan as part of military cooperation between the two countries to produce nuclear weapons.

Could some of the components of a nuclear weapon or delivery system have been outsourced to this Sudanese factory? It appears to me that attacking a factory is, politically, a much riskier move by Israel than attacking arms convoys, and risking the lives of civilians nearby is also an unlikely move by Israel to temporarily disrupt Hamas arms smuggling. But if a major component of a nuclear weapon or nuclear-capable missile is being built there - away from inspectors and sanctions - then such an operation becomes well worthwhile.

It is only speculation. But then again, so is everything else.
  • Thursday, October 25, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
On September 30, Hamas announced the death of one of its terrorists, Mohammed Abdulah Hamad, who was killed "doing his Jihadist duty." But they gave no details on how he died.

According to the Gaza NGO Safety Office:
On 30 Sept., a Hamas operative died due to a tunnel collapse in Nuseirat Camp.
What is the Nuseirat camp?

It is a crowded UNRWA camp right in the middle of Gaza:

It is not near any border with Egypt or Israel.

So any "tunnel" being built there is really an underground weapons depot, where Hamas hides rockets and explosives. And they are deliberately building these terror bunkers directly under the feet of tens of thousands of Gaza civilians, in a camp that was established by the UN.

Keep in mind that Hamas controls all of Gaza, including the areas that are not crowded at all (as you can see from the photo, there is still plenty of green surrounding the camp.)  They choose quite deliberately to build their terror infrastructure in such a way that civilians are acting as human shields.

Not that Human Rights Watch will notice it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
President Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday said Egypt would do its best to support Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli occupation "without declaring war against anyone."

Morsi spoke on national television to mark Muslim's four-day Al-Adha feast, which starts on Friday.

"We will never accept any assault or siege on the Palestinian people. Egypt provides Palestine with all its needs such as food and clothing," he said.

"The blood of Palestinians is our blood, their life is our life and their pains are our pains. However, supporting Palestine does not mean that we will declare war against anybody," he added in reference to Israel, which he stopped short of calling it by name, maintaining the same pattern he has followed in his speeches since his inauguration as Egypt president.
Well, actually, food and clothing for Gaza mostly come through Israel, and some through smuggling tunnels. None of it comes officially from anything Morsi did.

And the free fuel for Gaza came from Qatar, so Egypt didn't have anything to do with that either. In fact, Egypt held up the fuel from being shipped for over two months.

So Morsi is not providing Gazans with basic food, fuel or clothing, and will not fight on their behalf. He closes the Rafah crossing capriciously and won't allow Gazans to enter Egypt at all unless they have Israeli ID cards.

But he promises to support them!
  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today there was a violent protest outside the Rami Levy supermarket in Sha'ar Binyamin. Ma'an reports:
Around 150 protestors demonstrated on Wednesday in front of an Israeli chain store east of Ramallah, the Popular Struggle Committee said.

Four activists were detained and several injured as Israeli police and soldiers broke up the demonstration, a statement said.

Palestinian, international and Israeli protesters gathered outside of a branch of the Rami Levi store, chanting slogans and carrying banners calling for a boycott of Israeli products.
Actually, they broke into the store.

But what Ma'an doesn't report is the real reason for the protest. YNet adds:
[Activist Abir Kopty said] "This time we chose the Rami Levy store because we want to send a message to boycott the occupation and its products. As long as the Palestinians get no justice, settlers and Israelis will not lead normal lives."

She added that the protest was also meant to send a message to the Palestinian people not to shop in Rami Levy. It should be noted that the retail chain has two branches in the West Bank that also serve Palestinians.
She repeated that on Twitter.

And from the signs they carries, one could see that the intended audience for the boycott call is Arabs, obviously not the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria!

Here is what is really going on:

Rami Levy markets are islands of of co-existence in the territories. Arabs and Jews shop there peacefully together. Arabs and Jews work side by side as employees. I once made a poster based on a photo taken inside a Rami Levy market:

Arab bigots cannot stand the success of Rami Levy.

A couple of years ago, the PA mounted a concerted campaign to get Arabs to boycott Rami Levy. They intimidated Arabs by saying that they were keeping track of license plates on cars at the markets. They told their people that the supermarket's entire purpose was to humiliate Arabs. They even claimed that the meat being sold there was poisoned - although how it only poisoned Arab and not Jewish customers remains a mystery. They prohibited Palestinian Arabs from working at the supermarket.

Even with all of that, Palestinian Arabs continued to shop and work there. The boycott calls were a complete failure.

Since trying to convince Palestinian Arabs to avoid Jewish stores failed so badly, the BDSers are trying to physically intimidate the Arab customers.  They are hoping to create a gauntlet at the store that makes Arabs decide not to bother shopping there, even though they want to.

Get it? They want to force Palestinian Arabs to act in the ways they deem acceptable - in the name of freedom!

Rami Levy symbolizes everything they hate - Jews and Arabs actually living, working and shopping together. They want to create an apartheid state where only Arabs live and where Jewish products are banned. And they are willing to use force to create this situation!

Doesn't sound very liberal, does it?

The "Popular Struggle Committee" is dedicated to pushing boycott of Israeli products and stores worldwide. But they cannot even get Arabs who live in the territories to boycott a Jewish-owned store!

Rami Levy, by continuing to attract ordinary Arabs, symbolizes the failure of BDS more effectively than anything else.

  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Ahead of U.S. Election Arab News Outlets Depict Anti-Semitic Stereotypes
"Ahead of the U.S. presidential election in early November the ADL released a new report Tuesday highlighting anti-Semitic election-themed cartoons from Arab news outlets. The many cartoons portray Israel as overly influential in U.S. politics, as well as depicting candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney as catering disproportionately to the Jewish vote."

CAMERA: The ABC's of Settlements
ABC News' online "Cheat Sheet" on foreign policy issues posted before last night's presidential debate states:
“Obama's relationship with Netanyahu has been rocked by several public strains in the past four years, including disagreements about Israel's expansion of settlements in the Gaza Strip.

It’s all at the Co-op … unless it’s truth about Israel you’re after ...
"Then when it was pointed out to him that there was no consensus over whether the settlements are illegal – eg the United States does not think this so – a visibly agitated Len Wardle argued that the US's view is worthless because the US ‘occupies’ Guantanamo Bay! (The truth is that the Guantanamo Bay site is leased by the US from Cuba in a commercial arrangement).
Cooperative member and Brighton resident Daniel Matthews said: “The Co-op’s boycott is out-of–step with the opinions of many of its members here in Brighton. A number of us attended the Area Meeting and let the leading figures in the Co-op know that we are opposed to any boycott of Israeli companies."

Obama's real record on Israel By Anne Bayefsky
"The president’s move is reminiscent of a similar game played by the United Nations. The organization trashes the state of Israel 364 days a year, and pauses on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27th for an “International Day of Commemoration.”

Study finds no anti-Semitism or anti-Israel activity at most North American colleges
Investigators report absence of incidents on 97 percent of campuses, conclude that divestment movement ‘backfired’ for anti-Israel activists

Gazan reporter aims to keep thorn in Hamas' side
"A secular, feminist Palestinian journalist, al-Ghoul, 30, has been harassed by Hamas. She's also been beaten and arrested by Hamas police for protesting its Islamist policies and suppression of human rights."

IDF Nabs PA Terrorist with 8 Pipe Bombs
Border Police prevented a large-scale terrorist attack Tuesday by nabbing a Palestinian Authority terrorist with eight pipe bombs.

France ‘botched’ Toulouse gunman investigation
"French authorities on Tuesday made public a scathing report of the country’s domestic intelligence agency, criticising its investigation into the man behind the Toulouse shootings, Mohamed Merah, as a series of failures."

Taiba inaugurates Ilan Ramon space center
“Ilan Ramon was the first Israeli astronaut in space and ‘everybody’s astronaut.’ For me, dedicating a center in the Arab community is the fulfillment of a dream. There are things that are stronger than any politics, and that is the understanding that we are here together building one society and state. We are proud that with these centers, we bring the language of science and peace to all parts of the country,” Herschkowitz said."

Europe opens market to Israeli medicines
Passed in European Parliament by vote of 379-230, pact will contribute to the elimination of technical trade barriers.
“At its core, this was not a debate on the merits of the agreement. This was about politics,” Schwammenthal added.
“Some members of the European Parliament were putting their disagreements with Israel ahead of their obligations to ensure their constituents had fast access to the best and most affordable healthcare.”

Israel Daily Picture: Rachel's Tomb
We Present a Special Album of Pictures to Commemorate the Death of the Matriarch Rachel about 3,600 Years Ago

Peter Jenkins and the Bloodthirsty Jews (JPost)
At times, however, Jenkins is not a particularly good anti-Semite. The less-stupid ones wrap usually their bigotry in modish political anti-Israel rhetoric. Occasionally, they let slip their real feelings. Jenkins, it turns out, is a traditional anti-Semite who thinks of Jews as perpetrating medieval cruelties and amassing influence and power.
Hezbollah Prepares for a Wider War Than It May Want (Bloomberg, h/t WarpedMirrorPMB)

Israel's Horses and Bayonets (history at Mostly Kosher)

PA TV parody mocks how Palestinian Arabs blame all their problems on Israel (PMW)

For Iran, no red line means green light (Ledeen)

From Adam Segal, "Rockets Keep Falling On Our Heads"

  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian law criminalizes "defamation of religion." An atheist Egyptian blogger, Albert Saber Ayyad, is now on trial for mocking Islam and Christianity, and and has been held in Egyptian jail for months where guards are said to be inciting other prisoners to attack him.

However, at the same time, Egyptian preacher Alaa Said is on TV, also mocking Christianity:

Islam will be instated, the Shari'a will be implemented, whether you or whoever is behind you likes it or not. Whether the Christians like it or not, they will learn the meaning of Islam. I find it strange that they spend all that money... Let me ask the reasonable among the Christians: Why do you approach poor people and little children with a cross in one hand and bread in the other? Kids just want a chocolate bar or biscuits... The boy wants money... [They give him] 200 Egyptian pounds every day... [They give money] to girls who have sex, and then the girls say: "We have become Christians." The [missionaries] say: "The whole world is open to us. Where would you like to go? You want to go to Germany, America, or anywhere in Europe? We will take you. Do you want to be pampered? We will pamper you."

This is your religion, and yet you dare talk about Islam?! You dare say that Islam coerces and harms people?!

Let me ask you something. It's not a riddle. The bread in the Last Supper was not actual bread. It was flesh, and the wine was blood. Do you understand any of this?

You explain this me. The bread in the Last Supper is not real bread. The bread is flesh, the wine is blood, and three is one. Three is one, get it?

They say that Jesus is the only son of Allah. He was born, but not conceived. I'd like their leader – what's his name? – to explain this to us. What does "born but not conceived" mean? Do tell us. No Christian is allowed to ask what this means.
Will Alla Said be prosecuted in Egypt for defamation of religion?

Or are Islamic leaders who pretend to care about the honor of other religions simply hypocrites?

  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The visit of the Emir of Qatar to Gaza yesterday gives PLO leaders a great excuse to show their hypocrisy.

PLO chief negotiator and liar, Saeb Erekat, responded to his visit by saying "[The visit of the] Emir of Qatar to Gaza will not delegitimize the PLO, and Hamas must realize that the legitimacy of states do not come through visits, but from the ballot boxes ... No force can take away the legality of the PLO, which gives legitimacy is the Palestinian people."

  • When was the PLO elected as the representative of the Palestinian Arabs again? 
  • Who won the last PA-wide elections again? 
  • When did Mahmoud Abbas' four year term end again?
  • When was Saeb Erekat elected to his position again?
  •  And how come he is still in the same position that he resigned from 18 months ago again?
  • And if the legitimacy of states does not come from recognition by other countries, then why does the PLO keep touting the nations that recognize it as proof of its legitimacy?

Erekat appears on Western TV often, but not once has any reporter asked him about his many lies or hypocrisies. As a result, Erekat keeps spouting nonsense without any fear that he will be publicly exposed in the mainstream media.

And this one is a doozy.
  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel's Channel 10 (via Palestine Press Agency,) terrorists taking large Grad rockets out of a truck in order to launch it. (In color!)

From Hamas, multiple rocket launches jointly done by Hamas and the PRC:

UPDATE: I didn't realize that the first video is a year old. That's what I get for trusting Palestine Press Agency as a legitimate source :) (h/t Yoel)
  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the PalDF forums, some photos of Gazans greeting the Emir of Qatar's motorcade yesterday:

They're just like us!

(h/t Gidon via Rotter)

  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
Palestinian terrorists fired 60 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel Wednesday morning, injuring five and sending local residents fleeing for cover. IAF strikes targeting Palestinian rocket-launching squads killed three Hamas operatives but did little to stem the flow of rockets.

Of the projectiles fired by the terrorists, 22 landed in the Eshkol region while 21 landed in the Lachish region, according to the Israel Police. An additional 10 rockets landed in the South on Wednesday morning. The Iron Dome intercepted seven rockets, according to the IDF. The barrage followed 10 rockets fired on Tuesday evening, making a total of 77.

Two of the victims, foreign workers, suffered critical injuries and were evacuated via helicopter to Soroka Medical Center. Two more victims were lightly hurt, and one was being treated for shock, according to MDA.

IDF Home Front command instructed residents living within 10 km of Gaza to remain indoors and take shelter.

Air raid sirens went off during the attacks and local residents fled for cover. Southern municipalities canceled schools amid the ongoing escalation. Police have heightened patrols around Gaza in the south, including bomb sappers to deal with the heightened threat.

The IAF carried out an air strike around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning following three operations overnight, each striking rocket-launching cells in the northern and southern Gaza Strip. Hamas said that three of its operatives were killed in the strikes, and another three injured. The IDF also launched tank fire at targets in southern Gaza on Wednesday morning.
The three injured foreign workers were hit while at a chicken coop - or, as Hamas calls it, a "military site."'

A number of houses were hit in Israel.

Hamas has instructed all their police/terrorists to evacuate their "security" buildings.

Palestinian Arab newspapers are quite pleased with the damage and injuries to Israeli civilians.

Hamas' Palestine Times is liveblogging, and says that 6 Gazans have been killed so far. I have verified that at least three are terrorists.
  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I excerpted an older article by JE Dyer on how important the US Navy is to national security and pax Americana as a response to President Obama's sarcastic comment to Mitt Romney during the last debate.

 Now, she wrote her own direct response. Read the whole thing, but here are parts:
What is it we are trying to do with these naval forces? Mitt Romney’s approach is to assume that we intend to exercise control of our ocean bastions – the Atlantic and Pacific – and effectively resume our position as the primary naval influence on the world’s strategic chokepoints: the approaches to Central America; the maritime space of Northwestern Europe; the Mediterranean; the chokepoint-belt from the Suez Canal to the Strait of Hormuz; and the Strait of Malacca and South China Sea. Being well briefed, Romney no doubt has in mind as well the increasingly maritime confrontation space of the Arctic, where Russia and Canada are competing, but the US – with our own Arctic claims – has in recent years been passive.

Romney thus sees the Navy as a core element of our enduring strategic posture. For national defense and for the protection of trade, the United States has from the beginning sought to operate in freedom on the seas, and, where necessary, to exercise control of them. We are a maritime nation, with extremely long, shipping-friendly coastlines in the temperate zone and an unprecedented control of the world’s most traveled oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific.

We have also chosen, since our irruption on the world geopolitical stage a century or so ago, to project power abroad as much as possible through expeditionary operations and offshore influence. Indeed, seeking the most effective balance between stand-off approaches, temporary incursions, and boots-on-the-ground combat and occupation has been a perennial tension in our national politics and our concepts of war throughout the life of our Republic. We have always naturally favored offshore influence and quick-resolution campaigns, from which we can extricate ourselves just as quickly.

The character of these preferences and military problems has changed with the passage of time – but in comparison to the United States in 1916, they are all bigger today, as well as faster-moving and more likely to be our problem than, say, Great Britain’s.

...If you want to control the seas, you still need surface combatants. And since the seas are the pathway to most of what we do outside our borders, there is no such situation as one in which we will only need to do what aircraft carriers do, or only what submarines do, or only what minesweepers or oilers or merchant ships do. If we do not control the seas, we do not control our security conditions or our strategic options.

...In the end, the difference between Romney’s approach and Obama’s isn’t a difference between buying a 328-ship force and having no Navy at all. It never is; the difference is always between one policy and another. Obama’s policy is to cut defense spending, even when that leads to the decommissioning of some of our best ships. Yet in 2010, the Navy could only fulfill 53% of the requirements for presence and missions levied by the combatant commanders (e.g., CENTCOM, PACOM). Cutting this Navy will reduce further its ability to fill warfighter requirements.

Given the constraints of Obama’s budgetary priorities, DOD envisions eventually sustaining a Navy whose size averages 298 ships through 2042. Romney has articulated a national-security policy that emphasizes building faster and having a larger Navy, one that can better meet the requirements of US policy and the combatant commanders for naval power. Obama has used sophomoric sarcasm to imply that Romney’s approach is ignorant and outdated. That pretty much sums up the choice the voters have between them.
When reading things like this analysis, you realize that most so-called "experts" that we see in the media have no clue of what they are talking about.

Maybe there are good arguments against Dyer's position, but all we have heard so far is dismissive, not substantive.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, the IDF responded to rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, as well as a serious bomb attack earlier today, and once again, both of those killed were terrorists - both from Hamas.

Which is interesting, because the IDF says that it hit terrorists about to shoot rockets into Israel - and Hamas claims that they don't fire rockets.

The IDF says that three were killed, but as of this writing I cannot find out the affiliation of the third one killed. The Hamas Al Qassam site seems to imply that those badly injured were theirs as well, so chances are that the third was also Hamas.

Interestingly, Palestine Times says that eyewitnesses said that the Hamas members were indeed about to shoot rockets into Israel.

UPDATE: The count is up to four. The third was with the PRC, the affiliation of the fourth is still unclear.
  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
It just is.

And I think I forgot to post this video from a couple of weeks ago, even though its been seen all lover the place by now....

Also, the UN thinks that the world might be ending within two months. Please bring your own lunch.
  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The ridiculous controversy in Egypt over a standard flowery language in a diplomatic letter that accompanied the new ambassador to Israel continues unabated.

Sheikh Hafez Salama, commander of the "Suez Popular Resistance," is using the letter to slam not only Morsi but his Muslim Brotherhood rivals.

He said "It can not be that President Mohamed Morsi could have signed a letter sent with the Egyptian ambassador in Israel without reading its contents....This text exposes the relationships that link the Muslim Brotherhood to the United States of America and Israel....How can a Muslim Arab president give such praise to the Zionist enemy, who raped the Islamic and Arab world, and yanked Jerusalem and its environs from us, and killed hundreds of thousands of Egyptians and her brothers?!"

Salama added that the letter is incompatible with the doctrine of every Muslim towards the "Zionist entity."

He ended off by saying that "Morsi has forgotten the words of God, that 'Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion.'"

The flack for a similar letter sent last July wasn't nearly this bad - but then again, Morsi denied sending it.

(h/t Lachlan)
  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Why Palestinians Want Israeli Citizenship by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Many of those who have applied for Israeli citizenship are are Christians from Jerusalem who are also afraid of ending up under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.
Ironically, obtaining Israeli citizenship has become a way for Palestinians to ensure their social, economic, health and education rights in the country.
There is no denying that applying for Israeli citizenship, in defiance of PLO and Hamas warnings, is also a political statement on the part of the applicants. They are actually making clear that they would prefer to live under Israel than any Arab rule."

Knesset speaker invites family of slain Bulgarian bus driver to visit
Meeting with Bulgarian president in Jerusalem, Peres praises Sofia for standing by the Jewish people during the Holocaust and today
"During his meeting with Plevneliev and Mladenov, Rivlin invited the family of Mustafa Kyosev, the Bulgarian bus driver who was killed in the bombing, to visit Israel to show “the connection and shared fate” of the Jewish and Bulgarian people.
Kyosev, 36, who belonged to Bulgaria’s ethnically Turkish, Muslim minority — which constitutes 8 percent of the country’s 7 million people — was survived by his wife Emine and 10-year-old daughter."

Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns Egyptian president for attending anti-Semitic sermon
Group calls on Obama to cut ties with Muslim Brotherhood, says incident is ‘a slap in the face to America’

BBC Watch BBC interviewee’s support for Greta Berlin’s anti-Semitic videos
“I would be very interested to hear whether Julian Worricker really thinks that anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial constitute “criticism” of Israel (or anything else) and if he still stands by the decision to give air-time to a man who thinks they have a place in the pro-Palestinian movement. Mr Worricker is invited to contribute his thoughts to the discussion in the comments below.”

IDF Officer Severely Wounded on Routine Patrol at the Gaza Border

The Attacks on Israelis You Won’t Read About Anywhere Else, October 13-17

New Arab Party to Address Arab Israelis Rather Than Palestinian Arabs
"Arab public officials and activists have been working recently to establish a political party that will focus on Arab communities in Israel and their relationships with the government, rather than on promoting Palestinian Arab nationalism."

Israel Aids Palestinian Authority Amid Severe Money Crisis

Terror suspects 'plotted bombings worse than 7/7' and 'raised funds posing as charity collectors'
"The trio raised thousands of pounds to fund the plot by posing as street collectors for the humanitarian charity Muslim Aid, the jury was told. Two of the men are alleged to have travelled to Pakistan to attend a terrorist camp and received training with explosives, weapons and poisons. They are said to have recorded ‘martyrdom videos’ explaining their actions which were to be released to the media after their deaths."

French Users Flood Twitter With Anti-Semitic Tweets
Switch From 'Good Jew' to 'Dead Jews' Hashtag

In first, Jordanian soldier killed in clash at Syrian border
Casualty comes as Amman prevents armed militants from crossing into Syria

Egypt TV host gets jail term for insulting president
An Egyptian talk-show host faces a four-month jail term after a court convicted him of insulting President Mohamed Mursi, state media reported on Monday.

Vandals overturn gravestones in Connecticut Jewish cemetery

Tel Aviv deemed one of world's three 'Most Innovative Cities'
Tiferes Yisrael dome on the right
Tel Aviv, New York, Medellin voted as world's three "Most Innovative Cities" in Wall Street Journal-Citibank online poll Final winner to be determined on Dec. 31 Cast your vote on the Wall Street Journal website, link in article.

Israel Daily Picture: Picture of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem also Shows Grandeur of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue -- Destroyed in 1948
"With the outbreak of the 1948 war, the synagogues were used as refuge for the Jewish residents of the Old City as well as military positions for the Jewish defenders. When the Jewish Quarter surrendered to the Jordanian Legion the two synagogues were blown up. The Jewish Quarter and its religious institutions were razed."

Ha’aretz Creates Non-Existent Apartheid State (Honest Reporting)


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