[S]ome [European and American analysts] still see every event in the Middle East, minor or major, as connected to Israel. Many of these analysts are so preoccupied with Israel or the so-called "Middle East conflict", a term that ignores or dismisses all other conflicts in the region as irrelevant and non-newsworthy, that they have no understanding of the region beyond Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
One would think that the recent events in Tunisia, Cairo, Yemen and elsewhere would demand soul-searching and humility on the part of these talking-heads who pontificate from their comfortable think-tanks and self-appointed analyst positions in Washington, London and Brussels.
Some of these analysts have not amended their tired and outdated thinking even after the recent events, merely stating the relationship of the unrest to Israel and the peace process. They have become the dinosaurs of international affairs and foreign policy analysis and will not be shaken from their ideological foundations by facts that contradict their thinking.Many of these analysts, some who claim experience in Middle East affairs, like those who claim to have been part of a peace process negotiating team when they did little more than make the tea, lack a keen understanding of the region. They fundamentally ignored the UNDP Human Development Report for Arab states report in 2009 which was a virtual roadmap for the events that took place during the last few weeks.
This report stated that the Arab world is lacking in all areas of human development, such as freedom, women empowerment and education. In addition, nearly 40% of the Arab world lives below the international poverty line. For the Arab world to merely maintain its current position, which is at the lowest rung on the development ladder, it will need to create 51 million jobs in the next ten years.
The report, co-authored by Arab scholars was a scream in the dark for many western analysts to wake up and face the very real problems affecting the Arab world. In addition, the free Arab press relates to these issues on a daily basis. However, this patronizing and perhaps even chauvinistic approach by some analysts tells the people of the region what they should be thinking rather than learning and listening.
Nevertheless, they cling to the tired and discredited claim that building a few of apartments in Ariel is what drives the so-called "Arab street" to distraction.
Friday, February 18, 2011
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
From Danny Ayalon in the Huffington Post:
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press quotes American news outlets as saying that Paris Hilton is wearing a veil and has converted to Islam. It says she plans to open an Islamic school in Los Angeles and is changing her name to Tahirah.
Here's the photo proof:
The only problem is that this came from a spoof news site called The Daily Squib. Here's their "article":
(h/t Anna12)
Here's the photo proof:
The only problem is that this came from a spoof news site called The Daily Squib. Here's their "article":
JEDDAH - Saudi Arabia - Former American socialite, Paris Hilton has converted to Islam, her spokesman, Ian Brinkham, has revealed to CBS news.UPDATE: Apparently, her love of Islam was short-lived.
"She has been toying with the idea for quite a while now and when she was imprisoned at Century Regional Detention Facility in 2007, she encountered a few people who had already converted," Mr Brinkham said.
By converting to the Muslim faith, Paris Hilton has decided to shun her old life as a celebrity skank.
Speaking from an Islamic study retreat in Jeddah, she said: "I have now found total peace in my life. Before, I used to be known as an STD-ridden streetwalker , a 'hoe' and a person of loose morals, but now, things have changed. Allah be praised."
Hollywood Jihad
Ms Hilton plans to return to Los Angeles next week to start her own Islamic school in the middle of Beverly Hills.
"Forget Scientology or Kaballah. This is the religion to be in now. I'm not going to be wearing a piece of red string on my wrist or walk around like a robot talking to Xenu. Islam is the new must-have religion. and I'm going to spread the word of the Koran to everyone," an excited Paris Hilton said.
Paris Hilton also plans to change her name to 'Tahirah' which means 'Pure, chaste' in Arabic. Her Islamic school will open in July and is set to become a popular Hollywood spiritual haunt for many celebrities.
(h/t Anna12)
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press reports that the Al Aqsa Heritage people, having a slow news week, decided to condemn some unnamed Zionist websites that apparently show an edited photo of an Israeli flag flying on top of the Dome of the Rock. Although they say that they don't want to give the sites any more publicity, it shows that Zionist plans are to replace the site with a Jewish temple, yadda yadda yadda.
Unfortunately, they didn't provide the URLs of these offensive pictures.
So, I was forced to come up with my own:
UPDATE: Found the photo, at ABNA.ir. Mine's better.
Unfortunately, they didn't provide the URLs of these offensive pictures.
So, I was forced to come up with my own:
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
From Now Lebanon:
New video from Libya shows protesters in the city of Tubruq tearing down a monument to the Green Book on Thursday. The book was written by the country’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and it outlines his political views.
The YouTube site says this happened on Thursday.
(h/t Missing Peace)
New video from Libya shows protesters in the city of Tubruq tearing down a monument to the Green Book on Thursday. The book was written by the country’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and it outlines his political views.
The YouTube site says this happened on Thursday.
(h/t Missing Peace)
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
Far more Arabs have been killed by other Arabs during protests in the past month than have been killed by Israel in the past two years.
The toll so far:
Egypt 365
Tunisia 219
Libya 24
Bahrain 5
Yemen 4
Iraq 2
Total: 599 (at least)
That's more than quadruple the number of Palestinian Arabs killed by Israel since Cast Lead.
The toll so far:
Egypt 365
Tunisia 219
Libya 24
Bahrain 5
Yemen 4
Iraq 2
Total: 599 (at least)
That's more than quadruple the number of Palestinian Arabs killed by Israel since Cast Lead.
- Friday, February 18, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
The protests in Bahrain are not the same as in Egypt or Tunisia. Rather than protesting rising prices or freedom, it appears that the Bahrain protests are mostly by the Shiite majority against the ruling Sunnis.
But it is not as if Bahrain is a wasteland of human rights. It actually has one of the best human rights records of any Arab country and it has a diverse population. Bahrain even publicly called for the Jews who fled the country to come back.(It is not thrilled with gays, though.)
In fact, the major Shiite party wants to have more discrimination! From Wikipedia:
Iran is of course supporting the Shiites and denouncing the ruling government. Iran considers Bahrain to be a part of Iran proper and an Iranian takeover of the country to "redeem" it is not out of the question.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is very nervous and there are reports that it has sent its own tanks in to help Bahrain fight the protesters. Saudi Arabia has many Shiites that live in areas of the country where oil is pumped, and a revolution that spreads to the kingdom could be disastrous to the world energy supply.
The knee-jerk reaction to support every seemingly popular revolution can have far-reaching consequences.
But it is not as if Bahrain is a wasteland of human rights. It actually has one of the best human rights records of any Arab country and it has a diverse population. Bahrain even publicly called for the Jews who fled the country to come back.(It is not thrilled with gays, though.)
In fact, the major Shiite party wants to have more discrimination! From Wikipedia:
Al Wefaq, Bahrain’s main Shia Islamist opposition party, has for several years tried to introduce racial segregation, calling for the removal of third world immigrants from predominately Bahraini areas. In 2004, the head of Manama City Council, Al Wefaq’s Murthader Bader, called for the introduction of racial segregation in the city with the removal of South Asian nationals to other parts of the country.So far, this has not morphed into an anti-US protest, but Bahrain is the headquarters of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet, and concern is rising there. The Fifth Fleet helps keep the Gulf safe from disruptions of oil shipments that have been threatened by Al Qaeda - and Iran.
Iran is of course supporting the Shiites and denouncing the ruling government. Iran considers Bahrain to be a part of Iran proper and an Iranian takeover of the country to "redeem" it is not out of the question.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is very nervous and there are reports that it has sent its own tanks in to help Bahrain fight the protesters. Saudi Arabia has many Shiites that live in areas of the country where oil is pumped, and a revolution that spreads to the kingdom could be disastrous to the world energy supply.
The knee-jerk reaction to support every seemingly popular revolution can have far-reaching consequences.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
I just saw a Facebook page advertising UCLA's "Palestine Awareness Week" next week.
I deeply believe in awareness for Palestine, so here is my small contribution to the cause:
I deeply believe in awareness for Palestine, so here is my small contribution to the cause:
- Are you aware that Palestine was never a country?
- Are you aware that the word Palestine is Roman, not Arabic?
- Are you aware that Jerusalem was never the capital of any Arab nation?
- Are you aware that before 1920, the area known as Palestine included much or all of what is now Jordan?
- Are you aware that practically every written history of the Palestinian Arabs starts after Jews started returning to the area in the late 1800s?
- Are you aware that practically no Arabs called themselves "Palestinian" before 1964?
- Are you aware that the first Palestinian Arab leader, Haj Amin al Husseini, originally wanted a "Greater Syria" to include Palestine and only changed his mind in the 1920s?
- Are you aware that this same Husseini instigated murderous rampages against the Jews of Palestine - including Jewish communities that had been there for centuries?
- Are you aware that this same Husseini colluded with Hitler to perform genocide on all Jews during World War II?
- Are you aware the Palestinian Arabs have never accepted any peace plan that included a Jewish state?
- Are you aware that modern terrorism was created by Palestinian Arabs?
- Are you aware that Palestinian Arabs never demanded their own West Bank or Gaza state when they were under Jordanian and Egyptian control?
- Are you aware that Yasir Arafat embezzled as much as $3 billion from his people, yet he is still regarded as a hero and no Palestinian Arab leader is trying to find his stolen money?
- Are you aware that the constitution of Palestine states that Sharia law would be the main source of legislation?
- Are you aware that Mahmoud Abbas bankrolled the 1972 Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes, and that he praised the ringleader of that attack as recently as 2010?
- Are you aware that Mahmoud Abbas' doctoral dissertation denied the Holocaust?
- Are you aware that Hamas does not want a Palestinian Arab state but instead a pan-Islamic caliphate that spans the world?
- Are you aware that the Palestinian Authority still officially states that there was no Jewish Temple in Jerusalem?
- Are you aware that the PLO wants to build a state with no Jews in it?
- Are you aware that the elected Hamas government has laws discriminating against women?
- Are you aware that Yasir Arafat was born in Egypt, but Ariel Sharon was born in Palestine?
- Are you aware that the biggest heroes to ordinary Palestinian Arabs are terrorists like Dalal Mughrabi and Samir Kuntar?
- Are you aware that the original 1964 PLO charter specifically excluded the West Bank and Gaza from the land they wanted, and their only desire was to destroy Israel within the Green Line?
- Are you aware that not a single refugee camp has been dismantled in the territories governed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas?
- Are you aware that even after signing the Oslo Accords, Yasir Arafat publicly said that a Palestinian state is simply a stage on the way to destroying Israel altogether?
Just a small public service for Palestine Awareness Week.
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
The rhetorical hoops that Israel bashers force themselves to go through get ever more convoluted. Here's a really egregious example, from Patrick Seale in Foreign Policy:
It takes a mind that is thoroughly twisted by hate to come up with such a scenario.
In Seale's worldview, Israel is, always has been and always will be the aggressor in the Middle East.
He does not seem to have noticed that in the thirty years before Camp David there were 4 regional multi-front wars between Israel and its neighbors; in the thirty years since there have been zero.
He bizarrely regards one of the single most successful military adventures of all time - Israel's bombing of Iraq's nuclear reactor, which was designed purely to help Saddam Hussein build an atomic bomb and caused few casualties - as just another example of Israeli aggression.
He similarly regards Israel's bombing of a secret Syrian nuclear site, which no sane person believes was being built for peaceful purposes, as another example of Zionist aggression....
And it is something that Israel wouldn't have dared to do if Egypt was not at peace with Israel!
I'm surprised he didn't put Entebbe in his list of how Camp David "destabilized" the region.
Yet he even goes beyond that and blames Israel for how Arab dictators treat their people! I guess Seale pines for the good old days of Nasser and Assad and Saddam and Gaddafi pre-Camp David, when they treated their people so darn well!
Any way you look at it, the haters seem to check their capacity for rational thought at the door when bad things can remotely be related to Israel by some Rube Goldberg chain of illogic.
(h/t YV)
UPDATE: Zvi in the comments adds:
Number of Egyptians killed in the wars against Israel in the 3 decades prior to Camp David:
* 1948: total Arab casualties were 8000-15000
* 1956: 3000
* 1967: 10000-15000
* WOA 1967-1970: 6000-13000
* 1973: 8000-18500
* And more, killed in 3 decades worth of localized clashes
Number of Egyptians killed in wars against Israel in the 3 decades since Camp David:
* zero
Zero. That's right.
By a staggering coincidence, "zero" also describes precisely how much Patrick Seale really cares or understands about the real interests, freedom or happiness of Arab people in the Levant.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't care that the Camp David accords have kept tens of thousands of young Egyptian men (not to mention Israelis) from being pointlessly killed in an endless stream of senseless wars between heavily-armed nations. Maybe he doesn't care that tens of thousands of Egyptian and Israeli mothers don't have to mourn the deaths of their precious children, their husbands, their brothers, their fathers.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't grasp that the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel gave Jordan the courage to keep the peace, and kept Syria from engaging in hot wars that would have become increasingly bloody and destructive over time.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't bother to consider the historical context - the Camp David accords took place, after all, against a backdrop in which two massive nuclear-armed superpowers were still engaged in proxy wars all over the world, but even these two superpowers were becoming increasingly worried about the potential consequences should a war between Egypt and Israel spiral out of control. The world is not a radioactive ruin today. Maybe we would all have evaded such a fate anyway.
Maybe, in his haste to attack Israel, Patrick Seale doesn't feel a need to stick to the facts. For example, he claims that since Camp David there have been "massacres in the ... Palestinian territories." This claim is simply a lie.
But there have been massacres in Syria since Camp David. The Syrian government murdered 30,000 people at Hama a couple of decades ago. That didn't happen because of Camp David. There have been massacres without number in Iraq, as Syrian- and Iranian-trained terrorists infiltrated that country and slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians at a time. There have been massacres in Yemen, and the Sudan. Unlike Israel - or Egypt, for that matter - the Baath in Syria and the Islamists around the region continue to practice destabilization, horror and slaughter on a near-weekly basis.
Seale ignores the fact that what has always driven the violence between Israel's neighbors and Israel is the utter refusal of a gang of greedy and brutal Arab dictators (like Bashar al-Assad and his father), as well as sociopathic control freams and xenophobic terrorists (like the leaders of Hamas, as well as Yasser Arafat) to accept any future in which Israel exists, or to stop specifically arming terrorists to slaughter Jewish civilians.
It's really that simple.
Maybe, in Seale's dreamworld, compromising with the Assad regime on the Golan looks like be a good thing - as if anyone who has compromised with Baathists on security matters has ever benefitted from doing so. Ask the Lebanese.
Maybe, in Seale's fantasies, Syrian-North Korean nuclear weapons facilities, kept secret from the IAEA, were less "destabilizing" than a peace treaty.
Or maybe, if you wish to become a water-carrier for Syria's Baathist regime like Patrick Seale, you are required to check your conscience and love of the truth at the door. This man is Hafez al-Assad's personal biographer and is married to the daughter of Hafez al-Assad's ambassador to the US. Not that he's tied to the regime or anything... .
The Camp David accords encouraged stability and sanity in the region, preventing bloodshed and enabling leaders and citizens to plan their futures without the virtual certainty of a major war every 10 years. It is Seale's patrons who do everything in their power, as they have done for decades, to create chaos and bloodshed. They do this in the service of their own personal power, grasped and held at gunpoint and by arresting an beating down peaceful dissenters. They are butchers at home, and they are butchers abroad. They are men without conscience.
Which brings us back to zero. By another astonishing coincidence, "zero" is the sum total of Patrick Seale's credibility.
Israel has been unnerved by Egypt's revolution. The reason is simple: it fears for the survival of the 1979 peace treaty - a treaty which by neutralizing Egypt, guaranteed Israel's military dominance over the region for the next three decades.Yes, Patrick Seale is really trying to argue that Camp David caused wars, regional instability and somehow caused Arab regimes to mistreat their people.
By removing Egypt -- the strongest and most populous of the Arab countries -- from the Arab line-up, the treaty ruled out any possibility of an Arab coalition that might have contained Israel or restrained its freedom of action. As Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan remarked at the time: "If a wheel is removed, the car will not run again."
Western commentators routinely describe the treaty as a ‘pillar of regional stability,' a ‘keystone of Middle East diplomacy,' a ‘centerpiece of America's diplomacy' in the Arab and Muslim world. This is certainly how Israel and its American friends have seen it.
But for most Arabs, it has been a disaster. Far from providing stability, it exposed them to Israeli power. Far from bringing peace, the treaty ensured an absence of peace, since a dominant Israel saw no need to compose or compromise with Syria or the Palestinians.
Instead, the treaty opened the way for Israeli invasions, occupations and massacres in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, for strikes against Iraqi and Syrian nuclear sites, for brazen threats against Iran, for the 44-year occupation of the West Bank and the cruel blockade of Gaza, and for the pursuit of a ‘Greater Israel' agenda by fanatical Jewish settlers and religious nationalists.
In turn, Arab dictators, invoking the challenge they faced from an aggressive and expansionist Israel, were able to justify the need to maintain tight control over their populations by means of harsh security measures.
One way and another, the Israeli-Egyptian treaty has contributed hugely to the dangerous instability and raw nerves which have characterized the Middle East to this day, as well as to the sharpening of popular grievances, and the inevitable explosions which have followed.
It takes a mind that is thoroughly twisted by hate to come up with such a scenario.
In Seale's worldview, Israel is, always has been and always will be the aggressor in the Middle East.
He does not seem to have noticed that in the thirty years before Camp David there were 4 regional multi-front wars between Israel and its neighbors; in the thirty years since there have been zero.
He bizarrely regards one of the single most successful military adventures of all time - Israel's bombing of Iraq's nuclear reactor, which was designed purely to help Saddam Hussein build an atomic bomb and caused few casualties - as just another example of Israeli aggression.
He similarly regards Israel's bombing of a secret Syrian nuclear site, which no sane person believes was being built for peaceful purposes, as another example of Zionist aggression....
And it is something that Israel wouldn't have dared to do if Egypt was not at peace with Israel!
I'm surprised he didn't put Entebbe in his list of how Camp David "destabilized" the region.
Yet he even goes beyond that and blames Israel for how Arab dictators treat their people! I guess Seale pines for the good old days of Nasser and Assad and Saddam and Gaddafi pre-Camp David, when they treated their people so darn well!
Any way you look at it, the haters seem to check their capacity for rational thought at the door when bad things can remotely be related to Israel by some Rube Goldberg chain of illogic.
(h/t YV)
UPDATE: Zvi in the comments adds:
Number of Egyptians killed in the wars against Israel in the 3 decades prior to Camp David:
* 1948: total Arab casualties were 8000-15000
* 1956: 3000
* 1967: 10000-15000
* WOA 1967-1970: 6000-13000
* 1973: 8000-18500
* And more, killed in 3 decades worth of localized clashes
Number of Egyptians killed in wars against Israel in the 3 decades since Camp David:
* zero
Zero. That's right.
By a staggering coincidence, "zero" also describes precisely how much Patrick Seale really cares or understands about the real interests, freedom or happiness of Arab people in the Levant.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't care that the Camp David accords have kept tens of thousands of young Egyptian men (not to mention Israelis) from being pointlessly killed in an endless stream of senseless wars between heavily-armed nations. Maybe he doesn't care that tens of thousands of Egyptian and Israeli mothers don't have to mourn the deaths of their precious children, their husbands, their brothers, their fathers.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't grasp that the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel gave Jordan the courage to keep the peace, and kept Syria from engaging in hot wars that would have become increasingly bloody and destructive over time.
Maybe Patrick Seale doesn't bother to consider the historical context - the Camp David accords took place, after all, against a backdrop in which two massive nuclear-armed superpowers were still engaged in proxy wars all over the world, but even these two superpowers were becoming increasingly worried about the potential consequences should a war between Egypt and Israel spiral out of control. The world is not a radioactive ruin today. Maybe we would all have evaded such a fate anyway.
Maybe, in his haste to attack Israel, Patrick Seale doesn't feel a need to stick to the facts. For example, he claims that since Camp David there have been "massacres in the ... Palestinian territories." This claim is simply a lie.
But there have been massacres in Syria since Camp David. The Syrian government murdered 30,000 people at Hama a couple of decades ago. That didn't happen because of Camp David. There have been massacres without number in Iraq, as Syrian- and Iranian-trained terrorists infiltrated that country and slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians at a time. There have been massacres in Yemen, and the Sudan. Unlike Israel - or Egypt, for that matter - the Baath in Syria and the Islamists around the region continue to practice destabilization, horror and slaughter on a near-weekly basis.
Seale ignores the fact that what has always driven the violence between Israel's neighbors and Israel is the utter refusal of a gang of greedy and brutal Arab dictators (like Bashar al-Assad and his father), as well as sociopathic control freams and xenophobic terrorists (like the leaders of Hamas, as well as Yasser Arafat) to accept any future in which Israel exists, or to stop specifically arming terrorists to slaughter Jewish civilians.
It's really that simple.
Maybe, in Seale's dreamworld, compromising with the Assad regime on the Golan looks like be a good thing - as if anyone who has compromised with Baathists on security matters has ever benefitted from doing so. Ask the Lebanese.
Maybe, in Seale's fantasies, Syrian-North Korean nuclear weapons facilities, kept secret from the IAEA, were less "destabilizing" than a peace treaty.
Or maybe, if you wish to become a water-carrier for Syria's Baathist regime like Patrick Seale, you are required to check your conscience and love of the truth at the door. This man is Hafez al-Assad's personal biographer and is married to the daughter of Hafez al-Assad's ambassador to the US. Not that he's tied to the regime or anything... .
The Camp David accords encouraged stability and sanity in the region, preventing bloodshed and enabling leaders and citizens to plan their futures without the virtual certainty of a major war every 10 years. It is Seale's patrons who do everything in their power, as they have done for decades, to create chaos and bloodshed. They do this in the service of their own personal power, grasped and held at gunpoint and by arresting an beating down peaceful dissenters. They are butchers at home, and they are butchers abroad. They are men without conscience.
Which brings us back to zero. By another astonishing coincidence, "zero" is the sum total of Patrick Seale's credibility.
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
For the next seven days, I am reducing the price of my Hasbara 2.0 lecture video from $12 to only $5.
Check it out!
Check it out!
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
- helen thomas
From Commentary's Alana Goodman:
From Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic:
Although the Helen Thomas defenders in the CNN site run the usual gamut.
(h/t DM)
During an interview with Joy Behar last night, Helen Thomas made it clear that she was standing behind her statements that Israeli Jews should “go back” to Germany and Poland. However, she did make a couple of additions to the list of countries that Jews should “return” to, such as Russia and the United States.
“They’ve been free ever since,” said Thomas, referring to the Jews after the Holocaust. “They didn’t have to go anywhere really, because they weren’t being persecuted anymore, but they were taking other people’s land.”
A visibly uncomfortable Behar then asked Thomas whether she considered herself anti-Semitic – and got something less than a clear answer. “Hell no. I’m a Semite. Of Arab background,” said Thomas. “[The Jews are] not Semites. Most of them are from Europe.”
The former White House reporter then launched into a tirade against the Israel lobby. “We have organized lobbyists in favor of Israel,” she said. “You can’t open your mouth. I can call the president of the United States anything in the book, but if you say one thing about Israel … you’re off-limits.”
Asked whether she had any regrets about making her controversial statement last spring, Thomas said her only regret was that “everybody misinterpreted it.”
“You have the Ari Fleischers and the Abe Foxmans distorting everything,” said Thomas. “So I certainly knew that and I should have kept my mouth shut probably.”
After insisting that her statements weren’t insensitive, the journalism veteran launched into a rambling diatribe about Palestinians being “pushed from their homes” in the middle of the night.
Watch the full clip here if you wish. Though you could probably hear a more rational and pleasant perspective on Middle East policy from a ranting homeless person at a bus station.
From Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic:
Nir Rosen, the journalist who infamously mocked Lara Logan (and who was completely dismantled by Anderson Cooper last night), has been saying hugely outrageous things for years, as I've documented here. He is sympathetic to the Taliban; he thinks al Qaeda poses no threat to America; he wishes Americans would "get over" 9/11; and he thinks Israel is an "abomination" that should be destroyed. After I posted about his previous statements, I was flooded with e-mails from Goldblog readers who told me I missed the nuttiest thing Rosen ever said. It came in an article about his Israeli origins, in which he called his homeland a place of "bloody nationalism, paranoid identity and violent religion." In reading this treatise on Israel and its sins, it becomes clear that Rosen (who attended an Orthodox Jewish day school in New York) feels the sort of hate for Israel and Judaism that one associates with the hardest core of Hamas.No comment necessary - these haters speak for themselves.
The truly revealing part of this treatise comes at the end, when Rosen discusses ways to convince Israel to behave in a way he thinks is just: "I find myself in the unique and painful position of calling for international sanctions against Israel and wondering if a punitive bombing of Tel Aviv, the city I love, until it complies with international law, might be a good (albeit quixotic) idea."
Yes, Rosen is calling for the physical destruction of the world's largest Jewish city. I wrote yesterday that I would try to avoid armchair psychoanalysis in this matter, but sometimes these things are fairly obvious. Rosen, an American of Israeli origin, has spent his career rationalizing the actions of Israel's, and America's, most bitter enemies, and he envisions a day when the world community will conduct a bombing campaign of Tel Aviv. Nir Rosen seems to be engaged in a ferocious attempt to shed his identity to the point where he aligns himself with Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Taliban, and argues for the literal destruction of the city from which he came. It is deeply pathetic.
Although the Helen Thomas defenders in the CNN site run the usual gamut.
JOY: You owed Helen some respect. And you didn't show it. And now I have no more respect for YOU. For someone who claims to be Catholic, you sure are a Zionist and your antagonistic Jew-loving one-sided brutality towards this journalism hero who speaks nothing but the damn truth, just shows you're either really a JEW or you're bought and paid for by your JEW MEDIA CORPORATE EVILThat's me- Jew Media Corporate Evil!
(h/t DM)
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
From OnIslam (verified by Al Arabiya in Arabic):
Qaradawi has been banned from his native Egypt for 30 years.
As thousands of Egyptians are preparing to celebrate their successful revolution against long-standing president Hosni Mubarak on Friday, February 18, prominent Muslim scholar Yusuf Al-Qaradawi will deliver the sermon of the weekly prayers from Tahrir Square in Cairo.Hundreds of thousands are expected at tomorrow's rally, so Qaradawi - who issues fatwas mandating suicide bombings against Jews in Israel - will have quite an audience.
Qaradawi, the present of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) will deliver the sermon at an invitation from a coalition representing the youth of the Egyptian revolution, OnIslam.net has learned.
The invitation was extended in gratitude to Qaradawi’s role in mobilizing support for the Egyptian revolution.
Thousands of Egyptians are set to gather in Tahrir Square to celebrate their success in ousting Mubarak.
Qaradawi has been banned from his native Egypt for 30 years.
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Israel's economy picked up in the last quarter of 2010, chalking up 7.8 percent growth and a higher-than-expected annual growth rate of 4.5 percent, official figures show on Thursday.I guess that the BDS movement didn't manage to boycott enough Israeli hummus last year.
The figure took analysts by surprise, outstripping expectations of a fourth-quarter growth rate of around 4.0 percent.
Central Bureau of Statistics data show the economy grew by 5.2 percent in the second quarter and 4.4 percent in the third.
Earlier this week, the Bank of Israel (BoI) had predicted fourth-quarter growth of between 4.3 and 4.6 percent.
The annual growth figure far outstrips the 2.8-percent average registered in 2010 by countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the club of developed nations which Israel joined last year.
It also exceeded OECD estimates, which showed Israeli GDP growing by 3.9 percent in 2010.
Last month in its annual report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the Jewish state had emerged "relatively unscathed" from the global recession, and praised the "resilience" of its economy.
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
On Monday I posted a video of a demonstration by Islamists in front of the Great Synagogue in Tunis.
Al Ahram reports today that Tunisia's interior minister strongly condemned the rally:
Al Ahram reports today that Tunisia's interior minister strongly condemned the rally:
We strongly condemned strongly the militants and the advocates of extremism who deliberately demonstrated in front of some religious monuments and chanted slogans against the religions; it was incitement to violence, racism and discrimination.This is a good sign.
It is unacceptable for them to undermine the very values of our republican system based on respect for freedoms and beliefs, tolerance and peaceful coexistence between all factions and ensure the exercise of civil rights.
We will spare no effort to preserve these values and respond to anyone trying to incite violence or sedition among the people of Tunisia...
- Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Elder of Ziyon
From NYT:
From Asharq al-Awsat in 2006:
Now, why might that be?
Funds belonging to the family of Hosni Mubarak, the former Egyptian president, or his senior ministers have been discovered in Switzerland, a Swiss government official said Wednesday. But the official declined to specify how much money had been identified or who controlled the account.SoccerDad via email points out that Yasir Arafat, who embezzled as much as $3 billion himself, was never subject to such scrutiny.
“The first traces have been identified,” said the Swiss official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At the end of the week, we might have a better picture.”
The disclosure came as the new military-led Egyptian government confirmed that it had asked countries across the Western and Arab worlds to freeze the assets of senior former government officials. But the statement from the government did not say whether the list included Mr. Mubarak and his family members. Egyptian opposition members said they feared that the military would shield Mr. Mubarak, a former air force chief, and his relatives from an investigation.
From Asharq al-Awsat in 2006:
Yasser Arafat shared his secrets and thoughts mainly with the small notebooks that he filled and kept in places unknown to members of the Palestinian leadership, even those who were close to the late Palestinian leader. Even after his death, the causes of which are still unknown, nobody dared to open these notebooks, or even open the boxes in which they were kept. There is no indication as to who is in charge of safekeeping them or the nature of the information noted by Arafat. However, all sources agree to the importance and seriousness of these notes, especially as the late leader, since the launch of the Palestinian revolution, would make note of every detail in a small notebook that he would keep in the pockets of his military uniforms that he wore for over fifty years during his leadership of the Palestinian revolution. Yasser Arafat, also known as Abu Ammar never parted with his notebooks. When they were full, he kept them in special envelopes and boxes in his office, allowing no one access to them.Those notebooks of course are the key to where Arafat squirreled all his money. While the PA begs for Western money, they don't seem to be spending too much time trying to find the money that was embezzled by their great leader.
Now, why might that be?
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