Friday, June 18, 2010

  • Friday, June 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A British author and blogger, Neville Teller, does a very nice job updating the last few days of flotilla news in one nice package, including some things I was not aware of. For example, after detailing a large number of announced new flotillas this coming summer, he writes:
It seems as though the Mediterranean will be crowded with flotillas this summer, though one Israeli official is reported as saying: “We don’t know how much of the threats are real and how much are bravado.”

One factor apparently overlooked or discounted by all these enthusiastic potential blockade busters is that Gaza’s port is not large enough to accommodate cargo ships. Even before Israel imposed a naval blockade on Gaza, no cargo ships sailed there. Historically, all goods that entered the Gaza Strip in bulk did so by land.

The head of the Palestinian Federation of Industry in Gaza, Amr Hamad, is reported as saying that the business sector has separately proposed a plan by which, should the shipping lanes be opened, ferry boats would meet the cargo ships close to the shore, and bring the cargo into the port. He said that such a plan was discussed this week with Quartet special envoy Tony Blair, who was in the region.

He stressed that the business community in Gaza at present preferred the goods to head first to Ashdod, so as to maintain a relationship with Israeli customs. The business sector in Gaza, he added, is not ready to break its economic ties with Israel.
Definitely worth reading.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Latest from Latma:

(h/t Bubbe and The Jawa Report)
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again I am honored to be nominated for the weekly Watcher of Weasels award for best (non-Council) blog post.

I was nominated by The Watcher himself, the mysterious character who changes his or her appearance every couple of years, not unlike Doctor Who. At the moment, he closely resembles Soccer Dad.

The nominated post actually has a shot, I think: "The Staggering Quality of the Very Ordinary." It was one of my better posts of the week, although I was proud of a few.

By the way, for those who are wondering how well my foray into the money-making side of blogging goes, I am now up to having earned $4.37.  If you are in the mood to order a book right now and let me have a cut, just do the Amazon search here:

Books ordered through this webpage include A Clockwork Orange, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Six Days of War, and someone who found an amazing bargain and ordered 10 copies of Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East.

I guess this is now an open thread....
When the Saudi Arabian-based Arab News wants to publish a bizarre conspiracy theory, they are careful not to use Arabs in the byline. They find one of the many nutty conspiracy theorist Westerners who write for far-left blogs and simply republish their rants, to make Arab conspiracy theorists look a bit less nutty.

A case in point: this bizarre, paranoid, anti-semitic rant by James Rockefeller:
Zionist operatives ambushed veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, a friend and a great American. When they won, America lost.

When reviewing the unedited video of her “interview,” what you see is a rabbi rephrasing her answers to a question about Israel. Her response: “They should get the hell out of Palestine.“ The United Nations long ago endorsed that stance.

It was not Thomas but the rabbi that offended the Jewish community. Language cited as “anti-Semitic” came not from her but from responses that the rabbi restated as leading questions. She simply spoke the truth: Jewish settlers should leave the occupied territories and, as she rightly said: “go home.”

The rabbi, an operative for the Anti-Defamation League, knew what he was doing when he ensnared this frail and distinguished 89-year-old journalist. The ADL and other Zionist strategists have long sought her removal from this influential position.

This operation was carried out as part of Jewish Heritage Week, a first in White House history. Nothing was said about the perils to which America has long been subjected due to its entangled alliance with the Jewish state.

The campaign to force Thomas’ removal was led by former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer. Recall that Fleischer is the Zionist insider who repeatedly insisted that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

How did those seeking recognition for their “Jewishness” repay the trust of a nation and its people? Zionist operatives targeted the only reporter who challenged Israel’s nuclear weapons program. By bushwhacking her on the White House lawn, Zionists reconfirmed that they are, in fact, in control.

No one dared mention how Zionist Heritage has ravaged America from within. Or how Zionism was aided by a series of pathetic presidents and advisers offering their unflinching support for an increasingly unstable Israeli leadership.

....[Thomas] was the last mainstream American journalist who dared question a US president about Israel’s nuclear weapons. That’s why she was ambushed. [I reversed these last two sentences to make the excerpt clearer - EoZ]

Had Zionists not removed her, they knew she would have asked President Obama: “When is the US going to pressure its ally to give up a nuclear arsenal estimated to be in excess 200 nuclear warheads?”

Zionists won this round. No remaining White House correspondent is likely to ask the hard questions about Israel’s impact on America’s national security interests. ADL operatives, acting on behalf of a foreign government, made sure of it.

Meanwhile, Obama’s love fest with the Jewish state continues while Zionist policies persist in undermining America’s credibility and endangering US troops abroad.
Yes, Rabbi Nesenoff took his Flip camera to Jewish Heritage Week knowing that Helen Thomas would be hanging around so he could "ambush" her, and knowing that she would answer his open-ended question "Any comment on Israel" with a bigoted, ignorant and hateful rant.

Rockefeller probably thinks that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent, too.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Suzanne
Palestinian children sing about their future: "When we get martyred we will go to Paradise" and "I am willing to sacrifice my blood for my country."

This martyrdom indoctrination song with its catchy melody was also shown on Hamas' Al Aqsa TV during the children's show 'The Pioneers of Tomorrow', April 2, 2010.
Nassur the Teddy Bear: "Dear children, when we grow up, we will become martyrs, God willing. [...]
"Yes, Saraa, the pioneers of tomorrow will liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The children, the pioneers of tomorrow, and not only in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but all over the world, my dear Saraa and dear children." [...]
"Go ahead, the audience is waiting..."
Caller: "I'm from Holland."
Nassur: "From Holland. Wow!"
Child host Saraa: "Welcome. "
Nassur: "Where in Holland, my dear?"
Saraa: "Greetings to our people in Holland. [...]
"What would you like to sing for us?"
Caller: "When We Become Martyrs."
Nassur: "Go ahead. Come on, cheer her on. Clap your hands."
Saraa: "Come on."
Nassur: "Come on."
Caller (singing): "When we get martyred we will go to Paradise.
"When we get martyred we will go to Paradise.
"No, don’t say we are too small. This life has made us grown-ups.
"Without Palestine our childhood means nothing.
"Without Palestine our childhood means nothing.
"Even if they gave us all the money in the world, it won't make us forget.
"I am willing to sacrifice my blood for my country.
"Without Palestine our childhood means nothing.
"Without Palestine our childhood means nothing."
Saraa: "Thank you very much."
Nassur: "Warm applause."
UPDATE: Reader Happy and Proud informs us that there are many versions of this song on YouTube and other sites and that this song is extremely popular in the Arab world. The Investigative Project reported on it:
This is not a song from Hamas television in Gaza, nor is it a Hizballah anthem. "When We Seek Martyrdom" is the latest hit from a production house called Birds of Paradise. It is racking up millions of hits on Arabic and worldwide websites. Birds of Paradise, which appears to be based in Jordan, is quickly becoming one of the most popular children's groups in the Arab world.
Referring to the version which you can watch above the Investigative Project explains:
"Birds of Paradise" represents a new wave in Jihadist youth indoctrination. It is far more professional, better edited, and presented in a much more kid-friendly style than previous Jihadist children's programming. The themes are easily digestible even for toddlers. Child actors portray Israeli soldiers, all wearing yarmulkes, who ruthlessly gun down other children shown playing and dancing. Minutes later, the kids exact revenge and kill the soldiers.
"When We Seek Martyrdom" encourages children not simply to throw rocks, but to carry out militant attacks and to ambush Jews. It even broadcasts clips of the children carrying out practice attacks. Violence is not only the answer for children, but it is framed in a cute, kid-friendly way.

This material has not gone unnoticed in the Arab world, where despite its popularity it is beginning to sound alarms. Saudi writer Fawzia Nasir al-Naeem expressed her concerns about the video:
"It encourages the use of arms, killing, explosives, shedding blood and terrorism with all its synonyms. Our children parrot what they hear, and it enters their minds. This data is filed away, and over time it ripens into beliefs and principles which they believe in whenever the intensity is strong, so that when the dream is achieved, an explosive belt is put on, and he begins to proclaim the Jihad, which Allah revealed as his mandate…So, mother, open your half closed eyes to the bitter reality. Look at those who share with you in educating your children, and divert them from the right path. Lose the "Birds of Paradise" and other birds you and your sons are the 'firewood of hell.'"
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Muslims have launched a Facebook campaign to convince Google to create a doodle for Ramadan this year, something that Google has not done as of yet. Here is one of their proposed doodles:

According to Al Quds al Arabi, they aim to have ten million members of the Facebook group. There are thousands on this group now.

What is ironic is that they are using Facebook to build the campaign - because only a couple of months ago Muslims were talking about boycotting Facebook for hosting the "Draw a Mohammed Day" group.

In fact, Pakistan created its own Facebook ripoff, called MillatFacebook, which immediately drew hundreds of thousands of Muslim members. Its interface was an exact copy of Facebook's, and when I joined it a month ago it was horribly slow.

I just returned to it and saw that MillatFacebook was down - and they are, of course,  blaming the Zionists (including the obviously Zionist founder of Facebook with that "Zionist" name,) as well as infidels and Crusaders, for combining to defeat the Muslim version of Facebook:

USA Hosts- They are causing trouble, they everytime get under pressure of FB and technically block our bandwidth and services without any legal reason.

We have decided to move to any Islamic Country , If they provide us reliable hosting, otherwise we will move to Russia or China to get rid of FB cheap tactics of pressurizing our service providers.

FB's attempts to stop MiLLat FB

Ø Constant DDOS Attacks on Millat including from Israeli and CIA owned IP’s (YES ……… We have them logged and the proofs)

Ø Subversion Attacks on Millat

Ø Personal Threats to the Millat Administration

Ø Partnership with Yahoo resulting in YAHOO refusing to deliver any emails containing MILLATFACEBOOK.COM (YAHOO and FB recently entered in a business deal and this explains YAHOO’s actions to help FB)

Ø Yahoo Mail is BLOCKING MFB emails ....................... Yahoo is blocking our emails stating that "your website contain offensive content" They think uniting Muslims is offensive, this is their double standards. Pray that we succeed against these evil enemies and unite our Ummah as One Millat and show them "Yes We Can"

Ø This is very strange that Mark’s Facebook which allow and supports RIDICULE of Holy Prophet (SAWW) is not objectionable but which prohibits the ridicule of any faith and offers a very decent environment is” Objectionable” ………….

Ø “Objectionable” …………. Because is by Muslims and is uniting them on one platform????????

But Alhamdurlillah they have been constantly DEFEATED successfully.
All this has been phenomenal and miraculous. It is no ordinary feat and cannot
be explained just by any traditional logics.

All this is Allah’s blessings and YOUR support. So our heartily and deepest gratitude and CONGRATS goes to YOU.


Mark’s FB has gone to further lows by putting pressure on our service provider



We will show them that we are united and together we CAN and we WILL WIN (InshAllah)
Sorry, but I find paranoia amusing.  I can just imagine that joint Mossad/CIA operation meant to bring down this Facebook clone.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, Arab nations have promised much to their Palestinian Arab brethren - and delivered nothing.

Last March, the Arab League very publicly pledged to give a half billion dollars to the Palestinian Authority to combat the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

It was always unclear exactly what the money would do, exactly. Chances are the PA would have used it for whatever it wanted to. However, a Jerusalem PA official says that $50 million is needed monthly to effectively combat this "Judaization."

That is a moot point, however = because yesterday's Al Quds al Arabi (quoted by Firas) reported that exactly zero has been distributed to the PA so far by the members of the Arab League.

As usual, the supposed Arab love of Jerusalem doesn't extend beyond the anti-Israel slogan stage.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arabs are still upset over the problems with the Al Jazeera broadcast of the opening day of the World Cup, especially over Egypt's Nilesat satellite network, as well as continued problems during a Tuesday match.

Some Egyptians and Palestinian Arabs are accusing Israel, of course, for jamming the signal. From the Al Quds al Arabi article it appears that there is no evidence whatsoever for this charge, except for the conviction that they have that Israel wants to drive a wedge between different Arab countries and, apparently, jamming the World Cup would get Egypt and Qatar upset at each other.

While most officials are making these accusations by saying "we cannot rule out the possibility that Israel is behind the jamming, " Egyptian MP Mohsen Radi, who is also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, made the accusation against Israel jamming the broadcasts explicitly.

Out of sheer spite, apparently.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A letter written by a Gazan to PA prime minister Fayyad was reproduced in Firas Press.

The anonymous citizen asks Fayyad to stop sending truckloads of medicines to Gaza. According to him, Hamas takes these medicines that are meant to be freely available to Gazans who go to hospitals and clinics and instead redirects them to Hamas-owned pharmacies where they charge exorbitant prices.

The letter-writer also charges individual members of Hamas of taking the medicines and selling them privately.

He ends off begging Fayyad to stop sending the medicines, which have only increased theft and corruption in Gaza.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas' interior minister is complaining that while Egypt claimed to open the Rafah crossings, it is only allowing a limited number of people (medical cases, students) to cross. People, even if they have valid papers, are not being allowed to go into Egypt.

Hamas is requesting clarification from Egypt as to the reasons for the new restrictions.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI quotes Arab newspapers Al-Hayat and Al-Safir:
A stormy argument broke out yesterday, June 15, in the Lebanese parliament over several bills calling for expanding the civil rights of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. One bill concerned the refugees’ right to purchase property in Lebanon.

The dispute was between Muslim MPs, who supported the bill, and Christian MPs – from both the opposition and the coalition – who vehemently opposed it, claiming that it would promote the naturalization of the refugees in Lebanon.

During the meeting, Lebanese Prime Minister Sa'd Al-Hariri, who supported the bill, called the issue a humanitarian one.

Al-Hariri warned that the day would come when the entire world would come to Lebanon to remove the siege on the Palestinians in Lebanon,just as today they are sending flotillas aimed at removing the siege on Gaza.

In the end, it was decided to postpone the vote for a month.
In fact, the Lebanese treat Palestinian Arabs far worse than Israel ever did. The Lebanese literally keep the Palestinian Arabs in camps, they allow paramilitary groups to rule over the PalArabs there, they severely restrict their civil liberties and rights, and they steadfastly refuse to allow generations of Arabs born on Arab soil to become citizens of the only country they have ever been in.

In Lebanon, however, party politics are incredibly complex, and the people who vote for or against rights for PalArabs could easily switch sides in an instant based on other alliances and considerations. Chances are, in this case, that the Christians are most concerned over the possibility of hundreds of thousands of new Muslim citizens further diluting the balance of power in Lebanon between different religious groups more towards Sunnis.

All Lebanese political parties agree that naturalizing Palestinian Arabs is anathema to the country, but some seem to be realizing that one day the West will wake up to their institutionalized bigotry. Right now they use Israel as a misdirection to keep the heat off, but all the world needs to do is ask a very simple question: Why do the Lebanese treat their Palestinian Arab brethren worse than Israel does? Exposing that hypocrisy is one of the many dangers to Lebanon.

(h/t Islamo-nazism blog)
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Suzanne
You might have read about the Dutch parliamentary elections which were held this month. Many newspapers focussed on the Netherlands shifting to the right and the politician Wilders.

One of the parties participating in these elections and winning some seats in the parliament (10 out of 150) was the progressive, left-winged party GroenLinks (GreenLeft). Personally I deeply appreciate its party leader, Femke Halsema, whom I trust to be seriously progressive and left-winged. E.g., concerning the Islamic headscarf she said:
(...) When I come to my children’s school it’s difficult for me – I really come straight out of the feminist movement – that I then sit among all types of veiled women. I will not attack their rights in there. But I can’t wait for the moment when they’ll freely fling off their headscarf. I prefer each woman in the Netherlands to be headscarf-less. And completely free. I don’t believe that any God has clothing requirements too. It was the men who expounded faith.
You don’t coerce women’s emancipation from the top. It must come from the woman herself. I have said that police agents should be able to wear headscarves. I have quarreled with Ciska Dresselhuys [a well-known feminist, Suz.], who did not want to accept any woman with a headscarf for Opzij magazine. That that doesn’t alter the fact that I have difficulties with the headscarf.
I notice it in my neighborhood: Naturally Islam is a problem. Indeed, especially Islam in combination with illiteracy. It is: having few opinions of your own about the good life. Not having much foothold in education and work, fearing our society and thereby being very receptive to what the imam thinks. Who is often very conservative.
Currently the biggest parties (liberal (VVD), Christian (CDA) and the party of Wilders (PVV)) are trying to form a coalition so that they can govern the country. If that fails however, it might be that there will be a more left-winged coalition which might mean that the GreenLeft party will be in the government as well.

As a concerned Dutch citizen, I believe it's my duty to unveil some background information on one of the new members of the Dutch parliament connected to this sympathetic small GreenLeft party: Arjan el Fassed.

Arjan el Fassed was born in the Netherlands to a Dutch mother and a PalArab father (Walid el Fassed). He had lived for a while in ar-Ram and in Nablus (The boring truth, Jerusalem Post, Aug 21, 1998). He is best known for his book "Niet iedereen kan stenen gooien" (Not everyone can throw stones) and being an editor for and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada. He worked as a program manager for Oxfam Novib, an organization which he himself considers not impartial.

El Fassed is not in favor of a two state solution, contrary to what GreenLeft stands for!

Arjan el Fassed is the one behind the Mandela-Hoax. He, himself, made up that Mandela had said the following:
“Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Israel has deprived millions of Palestinians of their liberty and property. It has perpetuated a system of gross racial discrimination and inequality. It has systematically incarcerated and tortured thousands of Palestinians, contrary to the rules of international law. It has, in particular, waged a war against a civilian population, in particular children.”
Jimmy Carter even cited the letter. But Mandela never said, wrote or endorsed those words. Nevertheless, this quote started to live an own life and Israel-haters continue to use this fabricated Mandela-quote. Thanks to Mr. el Fassed.

Arjan el Fassed is connected to the organization al-Awda (The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition). That Mandela-memo he published on al-Awdas mailing list.
A "lovely" organization which talks about "Israel" rather than Israel:
Al-Awda's 2004 convention adopted by an overwhelming consensus a number of "points of unity", among which were included Al-Awda's vision, objectives and strategies. The "points of unity", which were later adopted by Al-Awda, advocated, first, the establishment "of an independent, democratic state for all its citizens in all of Palestine ... which encompasses present-day 'Israel', the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
And last, but definitely not least. Arjan el Fassed worked for LAW: the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights, the PLO legal advocacy lobby:
Ascherman identified the LAW organization, the PLO legal advocacy lobby. Yet a call to LAW revealed that LAW does not deal with the question of uprooting of trees. The LAW spokesman, Arjan El Fassed explained, that while LAW is not a humanitarian organization per se. He mentioned that monies that they receive from the Rabbis for Human Rights go to the families of the "martyrs" who have been killed over the past ten months. Asked to define what he means by "martyrs", El Fassed described the various attacks in which Palestinians have died in attacks on Israelis. In other words, the Rabbis for Human Rights have been providing funds for the families of Suicide Bombers.
  • Thursday, June 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ya Libnan reports on the women's "aid" ship that is supposed to sail from Lebanon to Gaza this weekend:
An aid ship transporting medical supplies to Gaza will leave Lebanon in the coming days with dozens of women activists on board, one of the organisers told AFP on Tuesday.

“We are all independent women who believe in breaking the siege on Gaza and are committed to the enmity of the Zionist entity,” said Samar Hajj, who is coordinating the trip.

She stressed the women were not affiliated with the militant group Hezbollah, or any other political organisation.

This has nothing to do with Hezbollah even though it is an honour for us to be supporters of the resistance,” said Hajj, whose husband Ali Hajj was one of four generals detained for nearly four years in connection with the 2005 car bombing that killed then Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri and 22 others.

Ali Hajj, who was domestic security chief, was released from prison in April last year after a UN-backed tribunal said there was insufficient evidence against the generals.
As I reported yesterday, the Palestinian Arabic media was reporting that Hezbollah was behind the ship. For for more direct proof, just go to the Syria Truth website.

In one article, written back on June 6th, it describes how Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly said he will be supporting many ships to be sent to Gaza, and hinting that Turkey was coordinating its efforts to break the blockade by coordinating with Hezbollah, saying that "the red flag is making decisions based on the yellow flag."

That article also quoted sources saying that Nasrallah was planning to hide Hezbollah's actions by pretending that the ships are being sent by NGOs - some pre-existing and some to be invented by Hezbollah. For example, one of the weekend's ships is sponsored by "Reporters Without Limits" but it is not, as some reported, Reporters Without Borders, rather an organization completely made up by Hezbollah and employing Hezbollah reporters!

These deceptions are being made, according to that article, "in full coordination with Damascus and Tehran," in order to embarrass Israel.

More worryingly, the article says that Hezbollah was dismissive of the Free Gaza organizers of the "Rachel Corrie" ship, saying they were naive and silly for giving up meekly without a fight. This gave Israel a propaganda victory by contrasting their actions against those of IHH. The implication is that Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors plan to provoke another Mavi Marmara response.

A later Syria Truth article states that Samar Hajj, the spokeswoman of the women's ship, came up with the idea for that ship after hearing Nasrallah speak at a rally for the victims of the flotilla raid saying that he wanted to send ships from Lebanon. She contacted Hezbollah leaders who quickly coordinated the logistics of what she referred to as  a ship of "Women's Resistors" - something that an individual could not possibly do in such a short time period (it takes Free Gaza months to arrange even a single boat.)

As we saw from the "freedom flotilla' incident, while Free Gaza and others offer de facto support for armed "resistance," they had no intention to start a fight with the IDF - it was the IHH, in almost certain coordination with Turkey, that planned a violent confrontation. Hezbollah is no less violent that IHH. Given the fact that Hezbollah views these ships as military, with the sole goal to provoke another Mavi Marmara incident, a women's ship may be the perfect way to accomplish that. We already see that the media even today refers to the flotilla as an "aid" flotilla when even its own organizers admit that the aid is a ruse to gain a political victory.

Nothing would make Israel's enemies happier than to see women being killed aboard this ship. I don't know how they might try to provoke the IDF into violence - maybe explosive booby traps on some areas of the ship that the women will lead the soldiers to. Or maybe equipping the "humanitarians" with paintball guns or toy guns that look real to provoke a deadly response.

The "reporter" ship might be an even bigger problem, with Hezbollah fighters and members masquerading as reporters secure in the knowledge that the media will be naturally sympathetic to their own people. The people on that ship must be identified and exposed immediately.

Hezbollah already has a history of trying to imitate and outdo other successful operations against Israel. Their kidnapping of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon, provoking the 2006 war, came only weeks after Gilad Shalit was kidnapped in Gaza - a major embarrassment for Israel at the time. The first Syria Today article indicates that Hezbollah has the same itch again.

Let's hope that the cameras are rolling from many different angles when the ships are intercepted.

UPDATE: YNet Hebrew reveals the ties between the "Free Palestine" movement that is organizing the weekend's ships and Hezbollah - and publishes a picture of Samar Hajj with Hassan Nasrallah:

Added paintball scenario above.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

  • Wednesday, June 16, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by a Hamas-affiliated preacher from Jabalya, Gaza, on June 11, 2010, and aired on Al-Aqsa TV.
Preacher: Whoever believes that our battle with the Jews and the Crusaders has subsided or is dormant is living in delusions. Do you know why, oh distinguished people? Do you know why the conflict continues and will continue until the Day of Judgment? Because the Communist East and the Capitalist West fear nothing as much as they fear the proclamation that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. They fear nothing as much as they fear the words “Allah Akbar.”
The Jews are convinced that their annihilation and the destruction of their state will never be accomplished by secular, reactionary, pan-Arab, or Ba’thist regimes. Their annihilation and the destruction of their state will only be achieved through Islam, by those who bow before Allah.

This is what I mean when I say that political Islam is truly evil.

And the political dimension as an integral part of Islamic belief. That will never change. Even so, I believe that the West can fight Islam as a political philosophy while not fighting it as a personal belief system.

In this case, the sheikh is not acting as a religious figure in the modern Western sense; rather he is a political activist inciting against Jews, Christians, Israel and the entire Western world. He is engaging in hate speech and he is inciting to genocide. He shows no more love for Western leftists than he does for Jewish Zionists - they are all the same enemy to him.

Supposedly, a mere 7% of Muslims worldwide are considered "extremist" even by Islam's biggest fans - which comes out to over 100 million people.  The same poll found that 300,000,000 Muslims consider 9/11 "mostly or fully" justified.

Who is more dangerous to world peace - 6 million Jews in Israel who hold every possible political and religious opinion, or 300 million Muslims who fully agree with this preacher?
  • Wednesday, June 16, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
 Muslim states said on Wednesday that what they call "islamophobia" is sweeping the West and its media and demanded that the United Nations take tougher action against it.

Delegates from Islamic countries, including Pakistan and Egypt, told the United Nations Human Rights Council that treatment of Muslims in Western countries amounted to racism and discrimination and must be fought.

"People of Arab origin face new forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance and experience discrimination and marginalization," an Egyptian delegate said, according to a U.N. summary.

And Pakistan, speaking for the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said the council's special investigator into religious freedom should look into such racism "especially in Western societies".

Acting for the OIC, Pakistan has tabled a resolution at the council instructing its special investigator on religious freedom "to work closely with mass media organizations to ensure that they create and promote an atmosphere of respect and tolerance for religious and cultural diversity".

The OIC -- and its allies in the 47-nation council including Russia, China and Cuba -- dub criticism of Muslim practices and linking of terrorism waged under the proclaimed banner of Islamism as "islamophobia" that pillories all Muslims.

Diplomats say the resolution, which also tells the investigator to make recommendations to the Human Rights Council on how its strictures might be implemented, is bound to pass given the majority the OIC and its allies have in the body.
The UN Human Rights Council, already a cesspool of hypocrisy, is now turning into a rubber-stamp body for the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

And, as usual, they are accusing the West of crimes that they are far more guilty of.



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