Monday, March 08, 2010

Palestine Press Agency quotes Fatah member Jamal Nazzal as claiming that Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar did not pay the electric bill for his large house in 2006 and 2007, owing several thousand shekels.
  • Monday, March 08, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the past 150 years, Muslims have learned that the threat of Jihad scares Westerners. The concern that hordes of half-crazed third-world Mohammedan zealots would go nuts is a consistent motif throughout contemporary newspapers of a century ago no less than it is today, just today it is less politically correct to think in terms of half-crazed third-world Mohammedan zealot.

From the March 2, 1899 Otago Witness:
From the Evening Independent, February 7, 1913:
From the Timaru Herald, September 27, 1876:
Over the years, Muslim leaders have learned that the very idea of a religious war strikes fear in Western hearts, because Westerners tend to be afraid of naked fanaticism. The thought that religion is enough reason to wage war seems primitive to modern ears, and being confronted with people who are fundamentally irrational is a scary thought.

Arab and Muslim leaders have cultivated this fear over the decades, to the extent that Westerners now censor their own speech to avoid any chance of offending the irrational Muslim hordes and spark a Jihad, or at the very least a murder spree.

I have called this mindset "the diplomacy of fear." These leaders have learned that their very threats can get the Western world to bend to their bidding, and the fear is based on the concept that Muslims cannot be trusted to act rationally. Leftists embrace this soft bigotry and the Muslim and especially Arab leadership exploit it.

In that context, it is telling that a conference in Cairo over the weekend called on all Muslims worldwide to initiate a religious war in defense of Jerusalem as a reaction to Israel daring to consider the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb to be "Jewish." The intent is not so much a show of strength by rioting Muslims - whose actual jihads have invariably fallen far short of the threats - as it is to frighten the West into pressuring Israel not to tick off the crazy, irrational "Mussulmans."
  • Monday, March 08, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CNN-I:
[A] small group of Jews from around the world gathered in Egypt's capital on Sunday afternoon to celebrate the rededication of a 12th-century religious school once used by one of Judaism's most revered figures, and a neighboring 19th-century synagogue built in his honor.

The $2 million, 18-month restoration project of the Rav Moshe synagogue, in an area of Cairo once called "the neighborhood of the Jews," was financed by the Egyptian government.

The school attached to the synagogue was the study of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon -- better known as Maimonides -- a 12th century religious scholar and medical doctor who led the Mediterranean Jewish world and whose patients included Saladin, the Muslim ruler of Egypt and Syria.

The Egyptian government has kept largely quiet about its synagogue restoration campaign. There were no public officials on hand for the rededication of the Rav Moshe synagogue on Sunday, and Egyptian security forces prevented some journalists from entering the building.

Al Masry al-Youm describes it a bit differently:

Newly-appointed Israeli ambassador to Egypt Yitzhak Levanon attended the celebration, along with the US and Canadian ambassadors and French embassy officials. Officials from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), however, which funded the restoration operation, did not attend.

Festivities took place amid a heavy security presence, with police cordoning off a 500-meter area around the synagogue. Local residents were banned from leaving their homes during the event and were ordered to keep their windows tightly closed. All shops in the district were shut for the duration of the event.

In advance of the celebration, Cairo Provincial Authority workers had cleaned the area, paved the sidewalks and painted nearby building facades.

Israeli embassy security personnel, in charge of security inside the synagogue, barred Egyptian journalists from entering the building to cover the event. A Jewish reporter from Israeli daily Haaretz was also denied entry for lacking an official permit.

As to why Egyptian officials didn't attend:
Egyptian officials were absent from the ceremony, and Culture Minister Faruk Hosni said Sunday's opening was a purely religious ceremony. Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt’s Antiquities Department, said that a more formal opening next Sunday would be attended by Egyptian officials.
  • Monday, March 08, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
Iran announced Sunday that it has started a new production line of highly accurate, short range cruise missiles, which would add a new element to the country's already imposing arsenal.

Gen. Ahmad Vahidi told Iranian state TV that the cruise missile, called Nasr 1, would be capable of destroying targets up to 3,000 tons in size.
For some reason, Google's autotranslate of the rocket name mentioned in Al Asharq al-Awsat calls it "Nasrallah-1."

"Nasr" means "victory," and I thought perhaps Iran intended a pun on the name of their Hezbollah leader friend in Lebanon. But it looks more like an auto-translate bug than anything else.
  • Monday, March 08, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon

Sunday, March 07, 2010

  • Sunday, March 07, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Tom Segev and Haim Watzman in their book "One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate," tell an incredible story about the infamous Mufti Husseini of Jerusalem and his hotel.

According to the book, the Mufti didn't knowingly build the Palace Hotel on top of the Mamilla Cemetery. At least, not at first. He built the hotel across the street - but the workers did find human remains.

The Mufti's reaction? Don't tell anybody about it and move the bones elsewhere.

Later, when Husseini's archrival Mayor Nashabishi of Jerusalem refused to connect the Palace Hotel to the sewer system, Husseini agreed to lay pipes to send the hotel's (partially treated) sewage - to the cemetery itself.

This excerpt from the book (pp 278-279) is fascinating, and exposes yet again the hypocrisy of Arab Muslims concerning the supposed sanctity of Muslim graves in Jerusalem (click to enlarge):
  • Sunday, March 07, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon

Translation, courtesy Annie:

Nobody told me there's going to be a party
If I'd have only known, I'd also have come along
From one minute to the next it all becomes clearer
Everyone was there besides me, it seems.

You thought you could keep it from me, a big secret
But "naive" Dahi has a big mouth and he's got cameras
All the world and his wife saw how you flew off without me
To the crazy costume party in Dubai.

Cheese... cheese... cheese

Only me they didn't invite to El Mabhouh's party
Wow, if I'd have been there I'd have sat him on a low chair
Also naive Dahi was there, found some bullets
And since then, from morning till night he's eating movies.

From one press conference to another he rattles on
From all that smoke he can't see the fire.
"I'm on to you, you killed Mabhouh"
DJ Dahi is in his groove, and whoever isn't jumping is suspect.

Cheese... cheese... cheese.

Straighten up your glasses, your wig's a little crooked
Straighten your mustache and smile at the camera
Put on the tennis cap and call the elevator
Because Mabhouh is coming in a minute and we'll put a pillow on him.

Golan Hen - lyrics, melody and coffee
Avihai Porat - vocals, sound and beer.

Open thread time!
  • Sunday, March 07, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
A 5,000 year old city is the focus of a UNESCO, Nablus and Dutch government initiative seeking to boost the Palestinian Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage's resources and technical experience, a statement said.

A 300,000 euro donation from the Netherlands to UNESCO will support continued excavations and preservation at the Tell Balata Archaeological Site. Under the initiative, students from the University of Leiden will participate to provide technical expertise, officials said at the signing ceremony on Monday.

The Tell Balata site is listed by UNESCO in the Inventory of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites of Potential Outstanding Universal Value in Palestine, and is located in the city of Nablus. According to experts, the area includes towers and buildings from the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age dating back 5,000 years.
There is nothing objectionable about archaeological research, of course. What is curious is the reason given by the Dutch for doing this:
Dutch representative to Palestine Jack Twiss Quarles van Ufford called the initiative a step in support of caretaker Prime Minster Salam Fayyad's plan to build state institutions ahead of the declaration of a Palestinian state in 2011. "The creation of institutions can only be sustainable if it goes hand in hand with the strengthening of the cultural identity of the Palestinian people," Twiss said in a statement.
Hold on...if the "Palestinians" have been a unique people living on their land for thousands of years, why do they need outside help to strengthen their cultural identity? Do the Chinese or Greeks or Egyptians need help from Europeans to remember who they are and where they came from?

Not only that, but it Twiss seriously thinking that the residents of the region in Chalcolithic times have any cultural or historic ties to the Palestinian Arabs of today?

Deep down, Twiss and his ilk knows that "Palestinian" culture is a recent and mostly artificial phenomenon driven more by politics than anything else. But since they want another Arab state to exist so badly, they are willing to throw Dutch government money at an initiative that is apparently meant not so much to do serious scientific research but to create a fake history and culture where virtually none exists.

(And, yes, I have looked for years for examples of this ancient Palestinian Arab culture. The closest I have found have been some unique clothing styles and crafts that more reflect normal local and tribal custom than anything that could be remotely called "Palestinian." Palestinian Arab art, music and literature was virtually non-existent a century ago.)
  • Sunday, March 07, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Bethlehem University’s student senate accused the university's guards of assaulting 17 students on campus on Friday, following a brawl.

Anan Jawabra, president of the student senate, told Ma'an that the attack followed an attempt to allow a visitor on campus. The senate president said BU's vice president, Mussa Darwish, refused to permit the visitor entry and university guards took the guest to a room and began beating him.

Students were then attacked by guards wielding batons during a 40 minute brawl, Jawabra said, with two students left bleeding for two hours before being transferred to hospital.

The student senate further accused the university guards of brining knives and fire extinguishers to the fight, and calling on friends to assist them in the brawl. The senate says the incident was re-instigated at 2:30pm, despite the campus being cleared of students.
Call the Human Rights organizations!

Oh, that's right - they don't get involved when Israel can't be blamed.
  • Sunday, March 07, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tragic accident near Ramallah:
Five [now six - EoZ] Palestinians were killed on Friday evening and two others were injured when their vehicle accidentally slammed into a military hummer at the Silwad Bridge, by the entrance of Ofer near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

The Public Affairs Department at the Palestinian Police in Ramallah said that all of the deceased residents are family members; a husband, his wife and their children.

Israeli sources reported that four Israeli soldiers, who were in the military hummer, were lightly wounded and were airlifted to an Israeli hospital.

The Israeli police said that the Palestinian vehicle was speeding, and that one of its tires exploded leading the vehicle to slide into the opposite direction of the street to slam into the military vehicle.
But that's just what you would expect the lying, genocidal Zionists to say, isn't it? In fact, this is a new chapter of Zio ethnic cleansing via car accidents.

At least, that's what a spokesman for the "moderate" Fatah movement says in Firas Press:
Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi condemned the killing of six Palestinians from the same family in a collision with an IDF vehicle, saying that the incident was deliberate.

Qawasmi said that Israel's ruling authorities have been trying to push the region into violence, pointing out that a resolution annexing the Ibrahimi Mosque and the vicinity of Bilal Ben Rabah mosque and the walls of Jerusalem to the list of so-called list of Israeli heritage sites, as well as deliberate shooting on the Shalaldeh family in the Bethlehem area and the continuing incursions of the holy places, particularly in Jerusalem, and other unilateral actions are in creating new facts on the ground.
You see how insidious the so-called "Israelis" are? To support their claim on "heritage sites" in the West Bank, they target and murder entire Palestinian Arab families by forcing them into car accidents!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

  • Saturday, March 06, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jerusalem Dispatch:

“I will always support Israel, guardian of the world’s capital, Jerusalem,” Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli told President Shimon Peres during a welcoming ceremony on Tuesday at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.

In his opening remarks, President Martinelli said he “preferred to speak from the heart. As a citizen of Panama I say with great honor and joy: I will always support Israel, guardian of the world’s capital, Jerusalem.” He added that “Panama is a country of immigrants, which includes our thriving and active Jewish community. I am proud that three of the ministers in my government are Jewish, and that there are several Jews in other important positions in our government.”

Naturally, the fact that a tiny country supports Israel amid a sea of anti-semitism is too much for Palestinian Arab leaders to bear.
Fatah Central Committee Member Nabil Sha'ath sharply condemned on Saturday President of Panama Ricardo Martinelli's remarks in which he referred to Israel as the "guardian" of the holy city of Jerusalem.

"Martinelli’s comments did not only insult the Palestinian people, the Arab, Islamic, and Christian world, but also insulted international law," Sha’ath said in a statement.
To people like Sha'ath, being the "guardian" of Jerusalem means to guard against any Jews visiting or living there.
  • Saturday, March 06, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Early Friday morning I reported that Hamas attacked a Red Crescent headquarters in Gaza, expelled staff and doctors, and stole files. I predicted that Ma'an wouldn't cover the story until some official commented on it, because they fear Hamas reprisals when they actually do any real reporting from Gaza that makes Hamas look bad.

And that is exactly what happened.

Human rights organizations have yet to comment, however.

Friday, March 05, 2010

  • Friday, March 05, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The National (UAE):
The chief of police yesterday gave the 26 people whose identities are alleged to have been stolen by the killers of Mahmoud al Mabhouh one month to file legal actions over identity fraud.

If they do not, they will be considered by the Dubai police to have collaborated with the alleged assassination, Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said.

“Those who claim that their identities have been stolen by the squad who murdered al Mabhouh, have to file a law suit against the perpetrators to their respective countries or arrest warrants will be issued against them,” he said.

“If their claims are correct then they should report the offense, otherwise in our eyes they are collaborators with the squad and thus they will be wanted for the authorities,” said Lt Gen Tamim. “We will give them one month to file lawsuits after which we will put them on the wanted list.”

Dubai police have said the innocence of these people should not be taken for granted on the basis of that claim alone.
Who, exactly, must the victims file their lawsuits against?

As if we needed any more proof that the Dubai police have no clue.

In other Dubai police news, their previously most sensational murder case, that of Lebanese singer Suzanne Tamim, has suffered a setback. The people they accused of the murder are getting a retrial, possibly because the evidence provided by the Dubai police was inconsistent and incomplete.
  • Friday, March 05, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
A Human Rights Watch spokeswoman told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday night that its embattled senior military analyst Marc Garlasco resigned nearly three weeks ago....

HRW suspended Garlasco with pay in September, “pending an investigation,” after allegations surfaced that he was an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia.

...As for the “pending investigation,” Daly repeated that Garlasco had resigned and said, “We are not commenting on it any further.”

Garlasco’s collection was initially revealed by Omri Ceren on his blog “Mere Rhetoric” in September, when he wrote that Garlasco was “obsessed with the color and pageantry of Nazism, has published a detailed 430-page book on Nazi war paraphernalia, and participates in forums for Nazi souvenir collectors.”

The subsequent media coverage sparked controversy and condemnations from groups such as NGO Monitor, which released a statement saying that Garlasco’s background, “when combined with his central role in the condemnations of Israel under false banners of ‘human rights’ violations and ‘war crimes,’ show that he is entirely inappropriate as a human rights reporter.”
One of my readers had tipped me off to Garlasco's hobby,and I emailed Omri and other bloggers about it, letting him run with the story. (I also found the Garlasco quote "The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL", which I also told a number of other bloggers about and they posted it before I did.)

During the days afterwards I was involved in exposing both Garlasco's picture with his daughter while wearing an Iron Cross sweatshirt as well as the fact the HRW sent out sockpuppets to various blogs to defend Garlasco.

The problems with HRW are not limited to Garlasco, of course, but this was one of the increasing number of cases where we mere bloggers manage to break news as well as any reporter.
  • Friday, March 05, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another episode from an Israeli satirical review. Most of it is great, with the bonus that many of the stories I covered this week are also mentioned:

h/t Mohammed the Teddy Bear


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