Monday, April 27, 2009

  • Monday, April 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz:
An Iranian vessel laden with weapons bound for the Gaza Strip was torpedoed off the coast of Sudan last week, allegedly by Israeli or American forces operating in the area, the Egyptian newspaper El-Aosboa reported yesterday.

Anonymous sources in Khartoum told the newspaper that an unidentified warship bombed the Iranian vessel as it prepared to dock in Sudan before transferring its load for shipment to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

The sources said they suspect U.S. or Israeli involvement in the attack, but neither Washington nor Jerusalem have released a statement on the matter. The Israel Air Force is suspected of attacking a convoy of Iranian arms that passed through Sudan en route to Gaza in January, according to foreign news reports released in March.
The original Egyptian article didn't have any other details.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

  • Sunday, April 26, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
One reason I am not posting as much is because we are still finding more Gaza terrorists who have been counted as civilians by PCHR by scouring Arabic websites and forums.

We are up to 217 names, far more than I expected to find when we started.

(Over the weekend, a tunnel collapse killed a PalArab, so the self-death count is now at 68.)
  • Sunday, April 26, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the signature of a poster named Abu Ahmed, at the Hamas al-Qassam Brigades message boards:
  • Sunday, April 26, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
2008 was the deadliest year for Palestinians since the violent creation of Israel in 1948, the Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights reported (PCHR) on Saturday.

More than 1,000 were killed last year, including 820 killed by Israeli forces in Gaza and 40 in the West Bank. Another 143 Palestinians were killed in inter-Palestinian violence.

Presenting PCHR’s annual report to media in Gaza, the center’s director, director Raji Sourani, said, "2008 was the worst year and the deadliest for the Palestinians ... since 1948," according to AFP.
This is very interesting, since in 1970, at least 3400 - and possibly as many as 10,000 - Palestinian Arabs were killed by Jordan.

In the span of ten days.
  • Sunday, April 26, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The concluding paragraph of an article in the Palestine Telegraph by Steven Salaita:
Ultimately, when Zionists demand that you affirm Israel 's right to exist, what they are really asking for is your validation. Don't give it to them. Until Israel treats the Palestinians equally and humanely, it won't have earned the right to a celebrated existence.
Palestinian Arab law demands the death penalty to anyone who sells land to a Jew.

If you accept Salaita's argument, then an Arab state in Palestine does not have the right to existence either, by his own definition.

This is the state of Palestinian Arab intellectualism.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

  • Saturday, April 25, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iranians are freaking over seeing Israeli Jaffa oranges on store shelves. From Iran's PressTV:
Oranges allegedly imported from Israel have sparked controversy in Iran since Tehran has banned any sort of dealings with Tel Aviv.

The oranges have stickers with a sign that reads, "Jaffa sweetie Israel PO." However, they were distributed in boxes bearing 'made in China' prints.

In an interview with Mehr news agency, the head of the Fruit and Vegetable Distribution Organization in Tehran, Hossen Safaie described the incident as 'worrisome' adding that the violators of the law should be brought to justice.

Safaie said that his organization will follow the issue closely and will not allow those who want to make a profit ignore the Iranian citizens' religious and revolutionary learning.

Meanwhile, Deputy Iranian Commerce Minister Mohammad Sadeq Mofatteh presented a prize of 1,000,000,000,000 Iranian rials (USD 1 billion) for anyone who can prove that the Iranian Commerce Ministry has issued an import permit for the oranges, IRIB reported.

Mofatteh alleged that some rouge elements might have labeled the oranges as 'Jaffa sweetie Israel PO' in a bid to disgrace the ruling government.
If Israel was smart, they would take advantage of the existing paranoia that Iranian officials already have. Just slapping some Hebrew stickers around Tehran would be enough to cause Iranian officials to uncontrollably shake and sputter.

(Photos h/t Marc El)

Q=Qassam (may include Katyusha-style rockets)
QS=Qassam landing short in Gaza
F=Fatality (F=Gazan, F=Israeli)
(G)=Grad (included in Qassam count, not consistent yet)

MS=Mortar landing short
P - unnamed "projectiles"
(Paren) indicates unconfirmed Palestinian claims

* - Fatal non-rocket attack

K=Katyushas from Lebanon

April 2009
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa











Friday, April 24, 2009

  • Friday, April 24, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the funnier parts of watching the Arab world is seeing how the worst insult possible is to call someone a Zionist.

You can understand how Hamas accuses Fatah of being "Zionist," after all, they actually negotiate with those hated Israelis. But can Fatah actually believe that Hamas is Zionist as well?

Apparently so.

Palestine Press Agency published a photo last August showing an Israeli flag flying serenely over a Hamas compound in Gaza City:

This caused a bit of a stir in the Fatah message boards, as poster after poster used this as proof that Hamas was cooperating with Israel and were really secret Zionists and that the Americans and Israelis were working together with Iranian Shi'ites and Hamas. Others expressed extreme sorrow that Hamas could have become such a lost cause.

Finally, one member wrote a message explaining that Hamas was creating a video about the life of one of its "martyrs" and that the Israeli flag was just a part of the scenery.

Even after that explanation, the posters kept on going, saying things like "Hamas = Iran = Israel = America" and "They are the grandsons of monkeys and pigs, they are terrorists and they belong to Israel" and "Hhahahahahahahaha we knew this for a long time. Hamas is the second incarnation of the Jewish state."

Not the brightest bunch.

(h/t Suzanne)
  • Friday, April 24, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the research we have been doing comes this analysis by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Herzliya. I wish it had more specifics but it points to some new avenues of research.

4. During Operation Cast Lead Hamas adopted the policy of concealing its own casualties to prevent morale from flagging and to reinforce the (false) impression that Israel was deliberately directing its military operations against Gazan civilians. Surfers on PALDF, Hamas's main Internet forum, were informed that it was strictly forbidden to post the names, pictures or any identifying details about “resistance” [i.e., terrorist] operatives killed or wounded until the end of the “Israeli aggression” in the Gaza Strip 3 (see the Appendix for the text of the instructions). In some instances reports were received of unofficial (and sometimes secret) and improvised burials during the fighting.

5. The policy of hiding the real number of terrorist operative casualties and issuing false reports about the number of civilians killed has continued after Operation Cast Lead . That was manifested by the creation of a false propaganda presentation of the mass killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip (the “holocaust” claimed by pro-Hamas propaganda) and the reduction or hiding of the blow dealt to Hamas's military infrastructure and its terrorist operatives. All of the above were aimed at serving the “victory narrative” which Hamas has been carefully constructing since the end of Operation Cast Lead.

6. Hamas, which controls all information originating in the Gaza Strip, issued exaggerated numbers of the number of “civilians” killed during Operation Cast Lead, while feeding the media false data and selective, biased reports about the number of armed operatives killed. That was done by lending a civilian character to security forces' operatives despite the fact that such operatives also serve in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades in unequivocally operational capacities. 4

7. The numbers of armed terrorists involved in the fighting are therefore swallowed by the general statistics, where their identity as terrorists is blurred and they are represented as civilians or innocent, harmless policemen deliberately killed by the IDF . As a result a gap has been created between the biased data provided by Hamas (which the human rights organizations base their reports on) and the aforementioned findings of the examination undertaken by IDF Military Intelligence .

8. After Operation Cast Lead the Palestinians media reported an exaggerated 1,330 deaths. 5 By the end of February the total had been inflated to 1,414 (according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights) and then to 1,452 (by a media report which originated with the Hamas de-facto administration 6). The continual increase in the numbers of the dead was not supported by reports of scores of newly-found bodies or deaths of the wounded.

9. The discrepancy between the initial and later numbers can be explained by the inclusion of those who were not actually killed during Operation Cast Lead or the addition of those who died of natural causes.
  • Friday, April 24, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone has been posting many of my articles to Cleveland Indymedia. I don't know who it is, and I appreciate it very much, but could you please include a link to my original posting when you re-post? The formatting, links and quotes sometimes get messed up and I would like interested people to be able to find the original.

  • Friday, April 24, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon

I haven't been covering the war of words between Egypt and Hezbollah in the wake of the arrest of a Hezbollah terror cell in Egypt, but this Al Khan cartoon describes liberal Egyptian fears of Islamic fundamentalism quite nicely.
  • Friday, April 24, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
This Guardian "Commentary is Free" column by Seumas Milne shows how racist some leftists are - even when they pretend to be against racism:
What do the US, Canada, ­Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy and Israel have in common? They are all either European or European-settler states. And they all decided to boycott this week's UN ­conference against racism in Geneva – even before Monday's incendiary speech by the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which triggered a further white-flight walkout by representatives of another 23 European states.

In international forums, it's almost unprecedented to have such an ­undiluted racial divide of whites-versus-the-rest. And for that to happen in a global meeting called to combat racial hatred doesn't exactly augur well for future international understanding at a time when the worst economic crisis since the war is ramping up racism and xenophobia across the world.
Milne predictably goes on to describe and justify how much of the (non-white) world views Israel as racist.

What is more interesting is how he himself views things. He looks at US, Canada, ­Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy and Israel as being primarily "white" nations. This is the type of statement one would expect from David Duke. He implies that it is the "white" nations who are guilty of ignoring an anti-racism conference, and not the "rest." The implication, of course, is that the "white" nations are racists - and that the Arab and African nations who agree with Ahmadinejad are the ones who are more concerned with the existence of racism!

This amazingly twisted viewpoint is a perfect example of how political correctness turns the truth on its head and ends up being racist itself. Milne somehow ignores that the "racist" US elected a black president (and his hated white predecessor chose two black Secretaries of State.) He somehow doesn't notice that every state that boycotted Durban is a democracy and is committed to equal rights for its citizens. He also ignores the small fact that it is entirely possible that a majority of Israelis today have at least one grandparent who came from a non-European country.

Boycotting Durban 2 doesn't imply that "European or European-settler states" are racist. Describing those nations as "white," however, comes close.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times writes, in an article about the internal IDF report on Gaza:
Gaza health officials said more than 1,300 Palestinians died during the war, but Israel disputes Palestinian claims that most of them were noncombatants. By the Israeli military’s count, 1,166 people were killed, of whom 295 were noncombatants, 709 were what it called Hamas terrorist operatives and 162 were men whose affiliations remain unidentified.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza put the number of dead at 1,417: 926 civilians, 236 combatants and 255 police officers. Israel says that about 400 Gazans die of natural causes every month, possibly accounting for the discrepancy in numbers.
This is an interesting possibility.

One indication that it may be true could come from the Palestinian Ministry of Health website. They routinely list "martyrs" of Gazans who have supposedly died as a result of not getting adequate medical attention because of the "siege." This list started last July and now has 325 "shahids," many of whom had cancer and other incurable diseases.

A quick look at the numbers of these martyrs by month is interesting:

November - 10
December - 14
January - 3
February - 13
March - 23

That's right - during the war, when one would expect that ill patients would be dying in much higher numbers, the sick of Gaza suddenly gained a reprieve! - Only three of them died, a much lower rate than before and after the war!

So how many of the "shahids" listed by the PCHR were really people who died of natural causes?
  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Hundreds of Jewish worshipers who arrived at Joseph's Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus overnight were stunned to find the compound severely vandalized – yet again.

Israel pulled its forces out of the compound in October 2000. The IDF disallowed Jewish worshippers from entering it for a long period of time due to security concerns; and deserted, it has been burnt down and defaced many times.

December of 2008 saw Joseph Tomb's restored and the military began allowing worshippers to visit it once more, but always at night and under heavy military guard, for their own safety.

Wednesday night's visit was approved by the proper military authorities and the IDF provided the worshippers with an escort.

The group which entered the compound was made up of some 500 people. Upon entering the tomb they found it had been defaced – the headstone smashed and swastikas sprayed on the walls, as well as graffiti of a blood-dripping sward over a Star of David, and another "trampled" by a boot.

Some reported seeing visible boot prints all over the compounds, which they claim are consistent with the Palestinian police standard issue boots.
This is how we can expect Jewish shrines to be treated when they are under Palestinian Arab control. Anyone who relies on "agreements" with the PalArabs to preserve Jewish holy places is, quite simply, a fool.

And by extension, so is anyone who relies on "agreements" with the PA altogether.

A related post from last week.
  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
I want to thank everyone who made suggestions to my draft press release as well as other ideas on how to get this information out there.

At the moment, I am talking indirectly to one major media outlet.

I am also in contact with one organization that is "definitely interested" in discussing how we could coordinate our efforts further. I would be much more comfortable finding a partner like that who would be able to verify and expand on what we have found and who already has experience in doing this sort of work. I can't speak for Suzanne or PTWatch but I would prefer that the news gets out widely by any means even if my name is not attached to it.

For now, a press release seems to be a little premature.

Side notes - I did manage to download all of the Al Qassam "martyrs" pages along with pictures. If anyone wants to go through the discussions in the messages as well as the links on the list and save the pages before they go stale or disappear, it would be appreciated.



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