Thursday, August 28, 2008

  • Thursday, August 28, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Los Angeles Times:
Western anti-terrorism officials are growing concerned Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Shiite Muslim militia Washington has labeled a terrorist group, is basing operations in Venezuela.

Linked to deadly attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina in the early 1990s, Hezbollah may be taking advantage of Venezuela's ties with Iran, the militia's longtime sponsor, to move "people and things" into the Americas, according to a Western terrorism expert.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has established warm diplomatic relations with Iran. The Bush administration, Israel and other governments worry Venezuela is emerging as a base for anti-U.S. extremist groups and spy services.

Several joint Venezuelan-Iranian business operations have been set up in Venezuela, and the two nations have formed a $2 billion program to pay for social projects in Latin America. Those ties worry U.S. officials because Iranian spies around the world have been known to work with Hezbollah, sometimes using Iranian embassies as covers, experts say.

The most concrete allegations of a Hezbollah presence in Venezuela involve money-raising. In June, the U.S. Treasury Department designated two Venezuelan citizens as Hezbollah supporters and froze their U.S. assets.

In March 2007, the ties between Venezuela and Iran led to the start of weekly Air Iran flights from Tehran to Caracas that stop in Damascus, Syria.

Agents of Iran's Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah have allegedly set up a special force to attempt to kidnap Jewish businesspeople in Latin America and spirit them to Lebanon, according to the Western anti-terrorism official.

Iranian and Hezbollah operatives traveling in and out of Venezuela have recruited Venezuelan informants working at the Caracas airport to gather intelligence on Jewish travelers as potential targets for abduction, according to a Western anti-terrorism official.

But don't call them anti-semitic for targeting Jewish targets. They are strictly anti-Zionist. They love Jews!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One of the most used weapons in the Palestinian Arab arsenal is the rumor.

Some Palestinian Arab leaders like to burnish their own images and self-importance by starting rumors - usually baseless - that they hope will result in actions that will benefit them.

Rumors work particularly well in the Arab world. While everyone is predisposed to believe rumors that conform to their own worldview, Arabs are more likely to perpetuate and amplify rumors. The Arab media, which admittedly has improved a lot in recent years, will still publish and propagate rumors without fact checking way too often.

Nothing incites Arabs, especially Arab Muslims, more than rumors that attack their honor.

The 1921 Arab riots against Jews started from a rumor that Jews had killed Arabs.

The 1929 Arab pogroms started from a pure rumor that Zionists had cursed Mohammed and had attacked Muslims in front of the Western Wall.

The 1987 intifada was sparked by rumors that four Arab victims of a car accident were in fact killed by Israelis.

The 1996 Temple Tunnel riots were likewise sparked by false rumors about Israel's digging under the foundations of Al Aqsa.

The Mohammed cartoon riots, a large part of the Palestinian Arab flight from their homes in 1948, and any number of other events have been fueled by rumors - sometimes purposefully planted, sometimes just wishful thinking (as in the Apollo 11 rumor that I had mentioned recently.)

By any measure, however, a large number of people have been killed because of the Arab propensity to believe rumors, and in many cases these rumors are started purposefully to create just such a violent atmosphere.

The most prevalent recent rumors, as had many of the past, focused on supposed Jewish desecration of the Al Aqsa mosque. Every couple of weeks, a press conference is held by some Palestinian Arab Muslim leader who warns the Arab world of Jewish plans to dig underneath the foundations, to expell thousands of Palestinian Arabs from Jerusalem, and, more recently, to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

These rumors have been growing more hysterical and more fanciful with every telling. It is hard to imagine that these are not coordinated efforts by some Palestinian Muslim leaders - possibly associated with the PA, but maybe not - to fan the flames of anger in the Arab world in an effort to start a new uprising, this time not only an intifada but an "extrafada" that would engulf the entire Muslim world.

It appears that these recent efforts have been largely ignored by most Muslims outside the territories. This has not dissuaded the rumormongers; it only makes them try to redouble their efforts to anger world Muslims by embellishing and adding to their lies, secure in the knowledge that no Arab or Muslim newspaper would dare contradict any story that shows Zionist Jews to be anything less than pure evil.

The Jerusalem rumors have hit a new level in the past few days. As Ma'an (Arabic) reports:
The Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs demanded a need to hold an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers to take necessary action to protect the city of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque; [and they also demanded] the formation of an international commission of inquiry on the "criminal" practices of the occupation in their excavations under the Al Aqsa mosque.

[There were reports] earlier in the media that Israeli extremists are preparing to rocket shelling of the Al Aqsa Mosque in the month of Ramadan. Palestinian sources said that Jewish settlers had already brought rocket launchers to the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.
And the Ma'an story is illustrated with a picture that appears to be a stereotypical Israeli settler in front of an array of rockets, taken from an Israeli newspaper but obviously way out of context (not to mention probably Photoshopped.)

It is no coincidence that this rumor arose on the anniversary of the 1969 arson attack of the Temple Mount by an Australian Christian, an event that itself was falsely rumored - and probably still widely believed - to have been done by Jews.

This rumor that Jews are planning a rocket attack on the Temple Mount, as many before it, is simply incitement to murder Jews.

Whether this rumor will gain traction is yet to be seen, but the fact that there has been a clear escalating pattern of rumors over the past few months - all centered on the Al Aqsa mosque - indicates that some group is consciously trying to start a new conflagration in Jerusalem.

And neither the PA nor the PalArab media is doing anything to stop it.
This guy is too much.

Anis, the guy who wrote the "Free Gaza" song that I parodied and who threatened legal action against me, has a section of his website called "The Faked Interviews." These are a must-read for their sheer cluelessness.

What Anis does is he creates a dialogue between his "faked" self and a "faked" opponent, where Anis gets to write both sides of the argument and therefore manages to make his opponents look like fools. As anyone with a high-school education knows, this is called a "straw-man" argument and it proves nothing, except perhaps the ignorance of the debater about his opponents' positions.

His arguments against Zionists, for example, are pretty much dedicated to the idea that Zionists have no legitimate arguments and they therefore tirelessly evoke "anti-semitism" to shut up their opponents.

Well, he has now honored me with a "faked interview" with Elder of Ziyon.

Cluelessness seemingly has no limits.

For example, he completely misses the point of the Rachel Corrie song I just wrote:
Faked Anis: Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube.
FEZ: It is my freedom. You are for freedom, aren't you?
Faked Anis: You are not free.
FEZ: Of course I am. I called Rachel Corrie an idiot and a tool of terrorists.
Faked Anis: She was killed by an Israeli tank when she defended the human rights.
FEZ: Her death was a victory.
Faked Anis: I saw that you wrote that on your blog.
FEZ: Her death has been the best thing since the SS Liberty!
Faked Anis: You wrote that, too.
FEZ: Yes! And I am proud of it.
Faked Anis: This is your level.
FEZ: I think you meant that as an insult.
Faked Anis: I said: this is your level.
FEZ: You won't get away with insulting me, you bastard.
Anis (sorry, "Faked Anis") reads the Corrie satire - written from the perspective of an Arab terrorist who partners with the ISM to mislead idealistic college students into conflating "resistance" with peace - as if these are words I believe!

Who can deny that Rachel Corrie's death was the best thing to happen from the pro-Palestinian perspective since the USS Liberty? The tragic death of a misguided student is not something Israelis or Zionists celebrate, but it was a propaganda bonanza for those who want to see Israel disappear. The words "Rachel Corrie" are used in arguments in much the same way that Anis accuses Jews of using "anti-Semitism" - as a club to end all arguments. (And she was not "killed by an Israeli tank", either.)

And those who read this blog would know that I would never insult my opponents as crudely as Anis imagines.

Let me be clear: No, I do not believe that the Free Gaza movement would be so stupid as to bring bullets and guns to the Gaza shore. That was exaggeration for the purposes of the parody - that's how humor works. But like all humor, it must have a grain of truth, and the ISM, with which Free Gaza is closely associated, has in the past actively aided terrorists.

From perusing Anis' blog - not an easy feat in itself as it is difficult to navigate without a map - I do not believe that Anis himself is a terrorist or even very sympathetic to terror. But a surprisingly large number of NGO members and his fellow"peace activists" are on the record as supporting "armed resistance", "by any means possible" - including suicide bombing. (Sources upon request.) To publicize that fact in a humorous way is in no way "hate speech." Anyone who thinks it does simply does not understand what hate speech is. (As far as "copyright infringement" goes, read the comments by erkwit on the YouTube video page.)

The attention is flattering, I must say. The only part I feel bad about is that I pride myself on being fairly precise in what I write and I am astonished that someone can read my blog and misunderstand what I am saying so badly. Perhaps I overestimate the intellect of a small portion of my audience.
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
There are rumors that the kidnapping of a 60-year old Israeli businessman in Nigeria might have been from Hezbollah in revenge for the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh.

Speaking of Hezbollah, a popular Lebanese singer named Haifa Wehbe was reported to have said that she would like to join that terror group. She had previously voiced her support for Hezbollah during the Lebanon war, saying that Hezbollah's rockets were only aimed at military targets. Nasrallah responded to her overtures by saying that she needs to cover up more and act more modestly.

There are reports that Egypt plans to partially open the Rafah crossing at the beginning of Ramadan for some sick people.

Hamas arrested a trusted insider on suspicion of spying for Israel. This has happened a number of times and the paranoia is getting more acute.

A Hamas member was seen carrying a bomb at Al Azhar University. A couple of days ago another bomb exploded there, causing damage but no injuries.

Egyptian forces found another cache of explosives near Rafah, this one 100 kg. They claim to have closed 140 tunnels in recent weeks.

Fatah has come out against the strikes in Gaza held by teachers and civil servants unions. They are saying that it is not in the best interests of Fatah! See my earlier post on this topic.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of "moderate" Fatah, says it will refuse to ever hand over its weapons.
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I asked the moonbat Anis, who was threatening to sue me for my song parody of his Free Gaza absurdity, a question:
I'm considering a parody of Simon and Garfunkel's "Richard Cory" as "Rachel Corrie," calling her an idiot and a tool of terrorists. Would that pass your muster or would you try to find a reason to take that one down as well? Just wondering what your definition of "free speech" includes, Anis!
His response was "This is your level." I think he meant it as an insult.

Anyway, the idea stayed in my head, so this morning I wrote the song:

I hired Rachel Corrie to help bring Israel down
She was young, she was stupid, didn't know her way around
She was the perfect patsy, do anything I asked
But even I didn't know how well she'd perform her last task

Yes I – recruit peacenik wannabes
And I brainwash them for terror
Teach them to hate Israelis
And I wish they all could be
Oh I wish they all could be
Yes I wish they all could be
Rachel Corries.

“Peace and terror are the same” is the lesson that I taught
I told her that the underdog was right no matter what
Killing Jews in Israel is demanded by my god
The ISM is just another arm of my jihad

Yes I – recruit peacenik wannabes
And I brainwash them for terror
Teach them to hate Israelis
And I wish they all could be
Oh I wish they all could be
Yes I wish they all could be
Rachel Corries.

She learned to hate America, the freedom made her gag
She was thinking she was peaceful as she burned her country's flag
The bulldozer came slowly but I'm glad she hadn't fled
As good as Corrie was in life, she's worth much more when she's dead

And now she's a propaganda factory
Her death has been the best thing since the SS Liberty
And I'm glad she didn't flee
Her death was a victory
And I wish I had ninety
Rachel Corries!

If anyone wants to sing and record this, I will be happy to make an appropriate accompanying video.
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas crushed its armed opposition in Gaza but it may now face a tougher challenge.

Earlier this week, the teachers' union in Gaza decided to strike to protest Hamas' politicizing their jobs. Hamas responded by arresting and torturing union heads and replacing them with Hamas loyalists.

Now, the medical workers are starting an open-ended strike in Gaza and civil service workers are threatening to strike as well to protest similar heavy-handed Hamas tactics against them.

The medical workers will continue to work for free in non-Hamas hospitals.

This is a very interesting development that has flown under the MSM radar. It may be the most significant threat that Hamas has had to face, especially since the PA continues to effectively but indirectly bankroll Hamas using money from the rest of the world. Hamas simply does not have enough qualified people to staff all of these positions and the people of Gaza will blame Hamas for their loss of services.

Hamas may be forced into the sort of pragmatic decision making that many thought Hamas would have to deal with when it took power, that was stupidly cushioned by its supposed rival's bankrolling of Gaza's infrastructure.

As usual, the Palestinian Arab people (for all their failings) show far more common sense than their leaders who care more about staying in power than about helping their own people.
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's ever-amusing Press TV:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has blasted some 'Zionist drug cartels' that develop new diseases to sell their pharmaceutical products.

“Some multinational companies and Zionist cartels produce new kinds of diseases to export their drugs to other countries,” Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with Iranian pharmacists arragned to mark the Pharmacy Day.

“Contrary to the commercial approach that is prevalent in the world drug markets, our approach towards the production and export of drugs is humane,” Fars news agency quoted the president as saying.

“We should try to produce drugs that are needed worldwide to help the humans,” he noted.

Earlier this year, Iran successfully mass produced Angipars, the world's first herbal medication for the effective treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.
So you see, the Jews - oh, sorry, Zionists - are creating diabolical new diseases just so these capitalist pig Jews - oh, damn, I meant capitalist pig Zionists - can profit from the drugs that only evil Jewish minds - evil ZIONIST minds - can develop antidotes to.

(I cannot find a single non-Iranian reference to Angipars on the Internet. Must be really popular amongst those humans that Ahmadinejad says he cares about.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

  • Tuesday, August 26, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports that Jeff Halper, the moonbat from Israel who sailed on the Free Gaza boat, travelled through the Erez crossing to Israel where he got detained by Israeli police. They are considering charging him with breaking the law.

What is the law they want to charge him with? Incitement? Sedition? Treason?

No, nothing like that. The law that he broke was that Israel has made it illegal for Jewish citizens to enter Gaza.

So here we have a law that is clearly bigoted, as it discriminates against Jews only. Yet it is a law that Jeff Halper would normally support, because otherwise thousands of Gush Katif expellees would be trying to return to their homes.

If Halper is charged and contests the charges, he will be on the side of the settlers who he passionately fights every day, fighting against a law that portions of "Palestine" be Judenrein - his normal, bigoted position.

By the way, here is a screenshot from a video of Halper with two other members of the FGM in an amateurish press conference, imitating the monkeys in the famous "see no evil" picture. He's the monkey on the right, in a video ironically called "3 Wise Men."

Listening to their words for half a minute would convince anyone that wisdom is not an attribute that anyone would ascribe to these people.
The wonderful, peace-loving, guitar strumming and terror-supporting "activists" of the "Free Gaza" movement have taken exception to my satirical take on their "Free Gaza" song contest.

I just got an email from "Anis" himself, the lead singer and lyricist for the moonbattery-filled original song:
AnisinMainz has sent you a message on YouTube:
Beyond the line
This video violates the YouTube Community Guidelines and infringes my copyright. It is not a satire, but defamatory hate speech. I flagged it and will pursue legal consequences shortly. Anis
Firstly, there is no copyright mentioned anywhere on the web pages that host the original, piece of junk song.

Secondly, even if there was, Anis happily endorses YouTube videos where other moonbats are trying to sing the same song, and they are not complaining about "copyright infringement" there.

Thirdly, even though they are claiming that my parody is "hate speech" I conveniently show proof for my statements in my version of the video itself. Calling terror supporters by what they are is not exactly hate speech.

But the funniest part is that the aptly-named Anis titles his screed "beyond the line." My parody was so tame compared to what it could have been - the ISM and its associated groups' record for terror is quite well documented.

Threatening to sue anyone whose opinion differs slightly from the politically-correct pro-Palestinian terrorism line by moonbats is so typical.

The political Left - where "free speech" only applies to the like-minded.

More in the comments section of YoiTube between Anis and myself:

You are infringing my copyright

Look up "parody" and "fair use" with your copious amounts of free time.

This is not a parody, you stole my video and my song and this is not legal. Moreover, you attached comments that clearly violate the YouTube Community Guidelines (read them) and this video will be removed. The defamatory and insulting character of your "work" prevails over satirical elements. This is a clear case. Sorry you spent so much time with it.

Oh, don't worry, I didn't spend that much time on it. Your concern is touching!

I'm considering a parody of Simon and Garfunkel's "Richard Cory" as "Rachel Corrie," calling her an idiot and a tool of terrorists. Would that pass your muster or would you try to find a reason to take that one down as well? Just wondering what your definition of "free speech" includes, Anis!
  • Tuesday, August 26, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Illustrated with this interesting old Kool-Aid ad from pre-Ayatollah Iran:
  • Tuesday, August 26, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
More stuff you won't see reported in the Western media:

Islamic Jihad terrorists are training to kidnap Israeli soldiers, saying that they are convinced that this is the best way for more terrorists to be freed from Israeli prisons. They "are taking advantage of the current ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to carry out serious military training."

Israel responded to the story yesterday that Jordan was upset over excavations near Mughrabi Gate, saying that every move they are making is in coordination with Jordan and UNESCO.

Fatah is accusing Hamas of seeking to destroy education in Gaza as Hamas continues its crackdown on teachers and to replace pro-Fatah teachers with pro-Hamas teachers.

Islamic astronomers are worried that the crescent moon due this weekend to mark the start of Ramadan might be mistakenly recognized early because Venus is too bright and near the moon. Evidently, in past years people mistook Venus for the moon.

The "Chief Justice of Palestine"'s Sharia courts announced that the divorce rate for Palestinian Arabs is 8.37% (meaning that 8.37% of marriages end in divorce.) He claims that this is the lowest divorce rate in the world. Not surprisingly, he is lying: India's divorce rate is a fraction of that, for example.

An Egyptian cleric has come up with a solution for Muslim bigamists who move to Western countries where bigamy is illegal: divorce one of the wives in secular court and keep her around as a "mistress."

UPDATE: Supposed clan clash in Gaza, one woman dead. The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 154.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The "Free Gaza" movement has a song contest. Yes, moonbats with guitars are gathering to put together unbelievably bad crap they pretend to be music in support of the rights of terrorists to kill Jews with impunity.

The video announcing the contest, along with a pathetically bad "Free Gaza" theme song, can be seen here.

Since I cannot resist a contest, you can see my version of their song here. Most of the video and all of the audio is taken from the original but the lyrics and annotations make it a bit more...accurate. (If embedded video doesn't work, click here.)

  • Monday, August 25, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have mentioned before the fact that Hamas is much stronger and Fatah much weaker in the West Bank than the world realizes.

Well, many PA leaders agree.

Firas Press is reporting that a large number of PA leaders are sending their kids to school - in Jordan. They anticipate that sometime during this school year there will be widespread fatal Hamas/Fatah violence of the type that shook Gaza last year and they want to keep their kids safe.

Moreover, they are scrambling to get jobs for the PA diplomatic corps abroad so they don't get caught in the crossfire when Hamas starts hunting Fatah leaders in the West Bank. They are taking Hamas' recent threats to conquer the West Bank very seriously.

Perhaps the rest of the world should, as well.
  • Monday, August 25, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
It seems that one cannot just buy Olympic medals by throwing millions at sports federations. It would also help if someone in the Saudi delegation had a calendar:
A state of anger dominated Saudis over the poor results of their representatives in Beijing Games.

Some claim that officials of the five federations should give reasons for the poor show of their representatives, especially with the financial support for these federations.

“Why did they go,” Ibrahim Al-Ghamdi, a teacher, asked the Saudi Gazette. “Hasn’t the government spent millions and millions of riyals on these players to keep Saudi Arabia in the front line of international sport? We need to be transparent and see where the problem lies,” he added.

Ghamdi suggested that if we continue to perform like this “We’d better refrain from participating”.

Sultan Al-Dawoodi and Sultan Al-Hibshi who participated in shot put failed to put up a good performance.

Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that pay great attention to equestrian, since it is the sport of ancestors. Arabs have been known for their love if this sport.

In Beijing, Saudi riders too disappointed their supporters. Prince Abdullah Bin Mot’ib Bin Abdullah, Fasial Al-Sha’alan, Ramzi Al-Dahami, Kamal Ba-Hamdan and Adnan Al-Baitouni are globally known for their achievements. Saudi fans expected that this team could win a silver medal or at least a bronze.

None of the Saudi representatives in Beijing would get much attention than Ali Al-Dohaili, a weightlifter who claimed that he was misinformed about the day of his participation. According to him, the team’s administrator had informed him that the event would be on Tuesday.

I was surprised to know that it was on Monday,” he told the Arabic daily Al-Riyadiah.

Saudi sport columnists and writers insisted that such incident ought to be investigated officially to see who was responsible for depriving the young man from representing the country.

The only Saudi swimmer in the competition, Badr Al-Muhanna, also failed to at least prove himself as a professional swimmer.

Badr Al-Mutair, the sole Saudi representative in shooting was no luckier than his friends.
I especially like the sentiment that if Saudi Arabia is not going to win medals, why send any representatives at all?

By the way, Saudi Arabia excludes women from their Olympics team, which didn't stop the Washington Post from pretending that their allowing a woman to attend the Olympics as a member of the staff for the first time this year was a huge breakthrough. (The WaPo did follow up with an editorial calling to ban Saudi Arabia from the Olympics in 2012 if it continues to ban women athletes, based on an earlier op-ed by an Egyptian woman.)

August 2008
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa












8/16 - YNet reports three rockets over the weekend, I could only find specific mention of two so I don't know when the third was fired.

Previous "cease fire" calendar here.


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