Thursday, August 07, 2008

  • Thursday, August 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
As my four year blogoversary is coming up, I'm hoping to find interesting old postings of mine from when my readership was much smaller.

One such posting was from going through old Palestine Post archives, about how the British tried to stop terror attacks in 1938 - by building a fence:

Nowadays, of course, building a fence is considered a terrible crime by many of the descendants of these British. Funny how one's perspective gets changed when one is the target of the terror.

Notice the last line in the first column: in 1925 and 1926, there was a problem of Arab troublemakers moving from Syria into Palestine and Jordan. These people's progeny, today, are called "Palestinian."

Similarly, a Time magazine article at the time stated:
Britain's most ingenious solution for handling terrorism in Palestine was revealed in Geneva last week to the League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission by His Majesty's Government's Deputy Permanent Under-Secretary for Colonies, Sir John Shuckburgh. Following a suggestion of mail-fisted Sir Charles Tegart, now adviser to the Palestine Government on the suppression of terrorism, a barbed wire barrier to keep out terrorists is being strung along the entire Palestine frontier at a cost of $450,000. This includes a nine-foot barbed wire fence between Palestine and French-mandated Lebanon and Syria, which border Palestine on the north and northeast. A lot of Palestine's tougher Arabs come from those two mandates. The fence will be completed in August, announced Sir John. Almost as he spoke, a band of Arab terrorists swooped down on a section of the fence, dubbed Tegart's Wall, ripped it up and carted it across the frontier into Lebanon.
Again, the grandchildren of these Syrians and Lebanese Arabs who came to Palestine in 1938 to join the "great revolt" are now known as..."Palestinians."
  • Thursday, August 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JTA:
A music CD with a provocative title triggered Israeli suspicions that nuclear secrets were being leaked.

Yasmin Sabah, a 22-year-old Israeli nurse, became the target of an undercover security probe last month after a passer-by saw a music CD in her car with the handwritten title "Jericho IV -- Nuclear Upgrade."

Israel is widely believed to have developed ballistic missiles known as Jerichos, though it is a state secret.

According to Sabah, who came forward with her account this week, two secret service agents posing as car buyers voiced interest in her vehicle and, having arranged a rendezvous, listened to every song on the CD before confiscating it.

Sabah said she was given the CD by a friend and she did not know the origins of the title. Israel's Defense Ministry confirmed that Sabah had been investigated.

  • Thursday, August 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Usually, a woman who is found to have an "improper" relationship is the one who gets killed in "honor killings."

But what if the person she is having the relationship with happens to not be a Muslim?

Things turn out slightly differently:
Local Pakistani police declared the death of a young Christian man in May to be a suicide requiring no investigation, but a high inspector has reopened the case and taken two Muslim suspects into custody.

Adeel Masih, 19, was found dead on May 4 in Hafizabad, Pakistan. His family and human rights lawyers believe the relatives of a 19-year-old Muslim woman, Kiran Irfan, with whom Masih had a one-year relationship, tortured and killed him. His family has dubbed his death an “honor killing.”

Marriage between Christian men and Muslim women is forbidden according to a strict interpretation of sharia (Islamic Law), and even social contacts such as these can incite violent reactions in Pakistan, a majority-Muslim nation of 170 million.

Local police in Gujranwala, in Punjab province, did not charge Irfan’s family with any crimes and effectively declared them innocent when Masih’s family first came to the station in May, according to the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), a Lahore-based Christian legal advocacy group.

CLAAS then presented the case to the office of inspector general of Punjab province, who reopened it on July 18. Afterwards the young woman’s father and one uncle, Muhammad Riasat, were taken into custody. The district police office is currently leading the investigation.

Members of the Masih family said that when they first tried to register the case with local police three months ago, officers did not cooperate in launching an investigation because the suspects were Muslim and the victim was a Christian, according to CLAAS.

“The police said, ‘We will first inquire whether Adeel has committed suicide,’ because the culprits told the police about the fact that their daughter wanted to embrace Christianity because of Adeel,” said Aneeqa Maria, a case worker for CLAAS. “[In] this way the police were biased and lingered on the matter, because if there is a long delay in the lodging of a first incidence report, the case becomes weak.”

On July 4 the Masih family brought the case to CLAAS, which applied to the district police in Gujranwala. The case moved up the police chain of command and went all the way to the office of the inspector general of Punjab. It was reopened two weeks later.

Masih’s friendship with Irfan began about one year ago. His mother learned of their contact six months later and warned his son to end it due to the dangers. She then told Irfan’s family about their relationship, which both families considered culturally inappropriate.

Irfan’s family began to harass Masih’s parents and threatened to kill him if they ever again heard that their son was contacting their daughter. They said they “would not allow a Christian man to disgrace Islam this way,” according to CLAAS.

Masih disappeared on May 1 while en route by motorbike to visit Irfan. Her father, Mohammed Irfan, and her two uncles, Muhammad Amjad and Muhammad Riasat, reportedly followed him. They then abducted him and threw his motorbike into a nearby canal, a local resident told CLAAS.

Two hours after Masih disappeared, Irfan’s family called his relatives, claiming he had committed suicide near a canal 40 kilometers (25 miles) south of Gujranwala. The family searched for two days with the assistance of divers but failed to find him. Police found Masih’s body on May 4 in a canal in Hafizabad, 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Gujranwala.
  • Thursday, August 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another busy day at work, so here are some links to tide you over.

Worries of rocket attacks against US from offshore boats - 70% of Americans in range

You still can't write stuff about Mohammed - Random House pulls a book even before the first death threat

Good article on Gaza's smuggling tunnels in Der Spiegel.

Soccer Dad's posting on the Gaza Fulbright kerfuffle, which I didn't cover.

Two articles about the failings of UNRWA and the real reason there are so many "refugees":
Palestinians are not the world's first refugee population, but they may be the first to lament their perpetual refugee status while resisting any effort to resolve it.
  • Thursday, August 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al-Jazeera actually apologized to Israel for its coverage of child-killer Samir Kuntar's release, saying that they violated their own code of conduct:
Egypt says that it has found 20 smuggling tunnels this week. AP manages to write the entire story without using the word "weapons" once, and implies that each of the 20 were only to give fuel to poor hungry Gazans.

The PCHR complained that Hamas is not allowing lawyers to see clients in Gaza prisons, and explains that the reason probably has to do with reports of torture in those prisons.

One of the deported terrorists that used the Church of the Nativity as a place to shoot Israelis from was the object of an assassination attempt in Ireland. The shooters were a Palestinian Arab and a Moroccan.

Two rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel last night, no injuries. There were also three fired on Saturday.

Egypt opened the Rafah border briefly. Was it to take sick or injured people to the hospital? Not quite - it was to send Abdul Ghani Yassin across the border into Gaza. If the name sounds familiar, that's because he is the son of the Hamas founder Sheikh Yassin.

Members of the PA's Ministry of Education were arrested for stealing a million shekels from their employers. Nice to see Fatah's finances are so much more transparent. (Then again, there would never have been an arrest under Arafat - he would have been doing the stealing.)

A Palestinian Arab group is accusing Israel of threatening its Arab female prisoners with rape. This pack of lies will spread like wildfire, as usual.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

  • Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last night I tweeted about a Nissan ad in Israel that upset the Saudis.

As Ha'aretz reported it (and they have their own video report:)
Saudi Arabia's MBC TV began its Sunday night news edition not with Syrian President Bashar Assad's trip to Iran, nor with Palestinian infighting in Gaza - but with an outraged report on an Israeli TV commercial.

The advertisement shows wealthy Arab oil barons enraged that a Nissan car is so fuel efficient.

MBC proceeded to interview a Saudi representative, who was asked why he thought Israel would broadcast the commercial. He warned of a boycott of Nissan by Persian Gulf states, and demanded the company apologize.
Here is a version on YouTube that has Russian subtitles, but it is pretty clear what is going on.

  • Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Sudan Vision:
President Omer Al-Bashir, has appreciated the stance of the Palestinian Hamas movement in rejection of the allegations of the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudan and its sovereignty. During his meeting Tuesday at the Republican Palace with the delegation of Hamas, led by Khalid Mishaal, President Al-Bashir reiterated Sudan support to the Palestinian people and their right to establish their independent state with Quds as its capital.

In a press statement after the meeting, Mishaal affirmed Hamas solidarity with Sudan and its leadership against the foreign plots, especially the unfair allegations of the International Criminal Court (ICC). He said that the Palestinian people are facing similar imperialist and Zionist targeting.
Sudan is still ahead in their body count, but Hamas manages to endorse genocidal aims and still gain support from a significant number of Westerners. So they have a lot that they can learn from each other.

More on the love story between Sudan, Hamas and Iran can be seen here.
  • Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Others have blogged or written about the recent "Physicians for Human Rights- Israel" report that accuses the Shin Bet of forcing Gazans who require medical treatment to act as spies. In particular, check out NGO Monitor's critique of the report.

One of the things that was striking about this episode is that many of the news reports about the accusations made little attempt to give Israel's side of the story. If they contacted any Israeli spokespeople the comments were buried way after the accusations, and often they weren't even mentioned except in very general terms.

What is interesting about this is that the PHR-I report itself, available to anyone over the Internet, includes the Israeli responses to the report, both from the Prime Minister's Office and from the IDF. It would have taken zero effort for any reporter to open the report, look at the table of contents, turn to page 71 and find the Israeli government's (and Defense Ministry's) answers to these and other accusations in the report, often showing PHR-I's facts to be completely wrong and sometimes finding contradictions.

So without even a phone call, any writers could have seen Israel's response. Of course, the reporters didn't bother to look at the report and only parroted the PHR-I's press release, showing once again that the number of reporters who actually report is diminishingly small.
  • Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press just published a gushing tribute to Yasir Arafat that seeks to elevate him from being merely the symbol of PalArab nationalism into virtual sainthood, together with miracles.

It is a little hard to interpret in autotranslation because the author uses very poetic imagery but some of the more nauseating points he makes include:
  • The stones and trees are mourning Arafat
  • His birth was a miracle that highlighted the "cosmic struggle"
  • He was miraculously born during the Arab riots of 1929, when Arabs wantonly slaughtered dozens of Jews throughout Palestine, and the implication is that he was the reincarnation of some Arab "hero martyrs" who were hung by the British for their terrorist activities
  • The author tries to relate Arafat to the 1936 Arab riots as well (when he was seven), not sure I follow the logic there
  • He was friends with all the other "great leaders," like George Habash, and he had an "intimate relationship" with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
  • "Leader of liberation movements throughout the world"

A couple of days ago there was an article about a new push to name lots of Palestinian Arab boys "Yassir Arafat." It might get confusing when they get to school.
  • Wednesday, August 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Masked men attacked a tourist village north of Gaza City, setting fire to the village, stealing property, and handcuffing and beating security guards on Wednesday.

The powerful Dugmoush family, after seeing Hamas massacring the Helles family over the weekend, decided to start a dialogue with Hamas. They started a joint committee to resolve issues between them. (The Dugmoushes are associated with the Army of Islam.)

Hamas started allowing the Al Quds newspaper to be distributed, but it still bans Al Ayyam and Al Hayat al Jadida.

Hamas raided another PA office in Gaza, stealing all its supplies, after "torturing" a Fatah official attached to it.

The summer camp named for terrorist Dalal Mughrabi participated in the opening of a mental health center in Salfit. Sounds like they need it badly.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

  • Tuesday, August 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Kuwait Times:
It is funny how it takes a foreign entity to repertoire and sample numerous clips that were aired on public TV here in the Middle East, and to further add subtitles to them; clarifying them for every one's viewing pleasure., better known as "The Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project," albeit could be claimed to be biased with the explicit aim of pin-pointing the outrageous comments made by certain individuals. This is nothing more than showing actual clips that were aired, nothing more nothing less.

For instance...we can perhaps turn to a Friday sermon made by a Palestinian Sheikh, whereby he claims, "With the establishment of the State of Israel, the entire Islamic nation was lost, because Israel is like cancer that spreads through the body of the Islamic nation. This is because the Jews are viruses that spread like AIDS, the which the entire world suffers from." This is only an excerpt of the sort of rhetoric that is not unfamiliar in our part of the world, and is a rhetoric that only proves our inherent weakness and lack of self-esteem.

When we place our very own miseries in the hands of others, we are externalizing our problems that we are not able to solve, not because we cannot with some will and desire do so. Rather, we put our problems in the hand of foreigners because as such we can allow ourselves to do nothing about it for whatever reason we wish to ascribe to such act.

It is an undeniable fact that we in the region, have a great potential to create an Arab Union, which would mimic the European Union and would ensure that every country gets a chance to prosper and develop. It is unlikely to happen if we are unable to be honest with ourselves. We need to reform our respective countries; we need to stop externalizing our troubles, and to take a deeper look at our malaises, noting that we will not be able to fix them in a year or two. If we start a process of self-examination, in the near future, we would be able to start bringing forward solutions. One solution that has served many Arab States is the external threat, and that will only work for a short period.
It is fascinating that for this Arab writer, the outrageous things said daily on TV in Arabic don't make an impression on him, but seeing them in English - where such rhetoric stands out so much more - allowed him to be more conscious of his own culture and its shortcomings.
  • Tuesday, August 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Terrorists who participated in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, led by Palestinian Arab heroine Dalal Mughrabi, were interviewed on Al-Manar TV:
Fatah terrorist Hussein Fayadh: We spent two days in the dinghy, with all the [bad] weather. Before that, we spent two days aboard the ship. For four day, we didn't eat, drink, or sleep. In addition, I must say for the sake of history that a fish was our guide after we got lost. On the second day, when we had no idea which way to go, along came a dolphin fish and said to us: That is the right direction: Palestine is there. We set the compass to the direction of the fish. We sailed the entire day, and on the second night, we knew we were on our way to Palestine.


Sister Dalal Al-Maghrabi had a conversation with the American journalist [Gail Rubin]. Before killing her, Dalal asked: "How did you enter Palestine?" [Rubin] answered: "They gave me a visa." Dalal said: "Did you get your visa from me, or from Israel?" I have the right to this land. Why didn't you come to me?" Then Dalal opened fire on her. We must recall these issues as cases... as human experience.

Hearing the word "human" come out of the mouth of such filth is especially nauseating.

But maybe I'm just jealous that dolphins speak to him.

(Video clip here.)
  • Tuesday, August 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Palestinian Arabic Ma'an news, auto-translated by Google:
Infanticide Club in Green Valley Fukui, honors students excelling and successful in high school

Bethlehem - Ma'an - Systems Club Infanticide Verde - The Phuket, in observance to honor the excellent students in the classroom and successful in high school, so during a celebration rally held at the Plaza Club, attended by a wide audience of students and families of the sons of the village and the faculty and headmaster Professor Ashraf Lashkar, And representatives of local institutions in the village.

Opened the festival, took the customs of both Ahmed sugar supervisor's cultural club, Mohammed advocate cultural committee member.

Bassam gave a speech advocating the club, a speech welcoming and congratulating the students and their parents and teachers on this success and excellence, calling on them to continue to achieve these results supervising, and praised the management of the school and the teaching staff and their role in access to these results.
I know they celebrate death, but an entire infanticide club brings things to a whole new level!
The current Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, is (based on apparently no evidence whatsoever) accusing Israel of building cattle stables on top of Muslim cemeteries:
Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, General Mufti of Jerusalem warned that in some quarters of the Israelis they are converting Muslim graves in the territory of the 1948 into stables for cows, stressing that the occupation authorities that the attack violated all heavenly religions that prohibit interfering with the sanctities.

Al-Tamimi in a statement today called on the occupation authorities to stop these aggressive practices against the dignity of the dead after having touched the dignity of neighborhoods.

He pointed out that occupation authorities were destroying the holy sites and cemeteries and transformed into stables for cows or stores or clubs, stressing that such practices are incompatible with the laws and international norms and traditions.

He stressed that the Islamic cemeteries are the property of Muslims alone may not be for non-Muslims interfering in their affairs, and called all organizations, international bodies and local communities need to act to stop such practices which harm the holy sites and cemeteries.
Making baseless accusations is nothing new for the Mufti; he issues press releases like this every couple of weeks to make sure that he stays in the news and that he can keep a constant stream of incitement against Jews flowing among his constituency.

The hypocrisy, of course, is to remember what Arabs were documented to have done to Jewish cemeteries when they had the chance:
On the Mount of Olives, the Jordanian Arabs removed 38,000 tombstones from the ancient cemetery and used them as paving stones for roads and as construction material in Jordanian Army camps, including use as latrines. When the area was recaptured by Israel in 1967, graves were found open with the bones scattered. Parts of the cemetery were converted into parking lots, a filling station, and an asphalt road was built to cut through it. The Intercontinental Hotel was built at the top of the cemetery. Sadar Khalil, appointed by the Jordanian government as the official caretaker of the cemetery, built his home on the grounds using the stones robbed from graves. In 1967, the press published extensive photos documenting that Jewish gravestones were found in Jordanian Army camps, such as El Azariya, as well as in Palestinian walkways, steps, bathrooms, and pavement.
Elder's First Rule of Arab Projection lives!
  • Tuesday, August 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Not a bad day's work. from Firas Press (autotranslated):
Egyptian security forces discovered today 8 tunnels on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egyptian territories that were used for smuggling into Gaza. The Egyptian security official explained that these tunnels were discovered north of the Rafah border crossing during the last 24 hours and that they arrested Egyptians.

In another incident police opened fire on Egyptian smugglers near the Egyptian-Israeli border in Sinai. The smugglers fled from the scene leaving behind five hundred kilograms of hashish.


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