Monday, July 14, 2008

  • Monday, July 14, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
It's been a long time since I last did a roundup of Iranian news (definition of GoozNews is here,) but today we were treated to a surplus of wonderfully stupid articles from the Iranian media.

First we have the story, published in YNet, that Iran's IRNA "news" agency is reporting that thousands of Israelis are fleeing Israel in fear of the Iranian missile exercises last week. This story went wholly unnoticed in Israel, so it must be Jewish jinn or other similar invisible people.

Meanwhile, Nefesh b'Nefesh reports that four planeloads of people have arrived in Israel in the past month from the UK and US to live.

Next up is that the FARS "news" agency reported that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused four nations of conspiring to kidnap him the last time he was in Iraq.

The nations? America, Afghanistan, Iraq - and Palestine! It seems that Iran's love of Palestinian Arabs only extends to Hamas.

Finally, we have FARS again "refuting" the doctored images from the Iranian missile launch, saying that Iran never published the doctored images. The "expert" who made this analysis is funny enough, spinning a wild conspiracy theory about how the West first tried to ignore the test and then made up the story about the Photoshopped image.
  • Monday, July 14, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I mentioned how a Jordanian man was sentenced to only six months in jail for "honor killing" his teenage daughter.

Today, a Jordanian court upheld the death penalty for a woman who murdered her husband for his own infidelities. She is slated to be hung.

Apparently, in Jordan, women have no honor.
  • Monday, July 14, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today reports that a Gazan "human rights" organization will today hold a mock trial charging Gilad Shalit with crimes.

The purpose is to compare him to the Palestinian Arab prisoners in Israeli jails.

The event will include a parade with a man pretending to be Shalit being transported to the "trial" where he is expected to be convicted and sentenced. The parade will start at the Red Crescent headquarters in Gaza City.
  • Monday, July 14, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel's "peace partners" of Fatah have added yet another terrorist group to its repertoire.

The group came out with a press release this morning claiming that they shot a "barrage of bullets" at Israelis at the Jamala checkpoint near Jenin before withdrawing safely.

And who did this group name itself after?

Dalal Mughrabi, the female terrorist hero of all Palestinian Arabs who was involved in the murder of 36 Israeli civilians in 1978, and whose body is slated to be returned to Palestinian Arabs as part of the "swap" deal with Hezbollah. We can see the peaceful reverberations of this deal already, even though such incidents are so common that they aren't even mentioned in the Israeli press unless someone gets injured.

Is there any doubt that the members of this group also draw salaries as member of the PA "police"?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

  • Sunday, July 13, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A 60-year old man is set to marry a 10-year old girl in the Hail province shortly.

Her parents, who are younger than the groom, must be so proud!
  • Sunday, July 13, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press reports that a Jordanian man was sentenced to only six months of jail after electrocuting his 16-year old daughter in 2006. She had admitted having an affair.

The sentence was light because it was assumed that the father simply lost control with his anger, plus the fact that his daughter really did have the affair.

This recent article from the UAE says that fully one quarter of all Jordanian murders are "honor killings:"
Last week, a 16-year-old boy stabbed his 23-year-old sister to death after she disappeared for a month with her boyfriend, the seventh such killing this year.Honour killings are not a new phenomenon in Jordan, a conservative kingdom whose laws are lenient to men convicted of such crimes, handing down sentences of as little as six months if they are found to have committed an act “in a fit of fury”.

Parliament has twice refused to reform the penal code despite pressure from human rights groups.

Last year, 17 women were killed in the name of honour in Jordan. The issue of honour is so central that some men have been known to drag their new brides to a forensic centre on their wedding night, believing they cannot be a virgin if they do not bleed the first time they have sex.

A study by the United Nations’ Development Fund for Women found that 25 per cent of the victims of honour crimes had lost their lives merely because they were suspected of involvement in an illicit relationship, while only 15 per cent were killed after adultery was proved.

The Jordanian National Forum for Women – a non-governmental organisation set up in 1995 – asked parliament two months ago to tighten penalties for men found guilty of honour killings and to abolish article 340 of the penal code law, which reduces the penalty for a man who kills a female member of his family found to have committed adultery. The parliament has so far refused to change the laws.

Mahmoud Kharabsheh, a member of parliament, said the media was misreporting the cases and that there were no honour killings or crimes against women.

“The crimes that are taking place are related to adultery … which has a negative impact on society. This campaign against women is exaggerated,” he said.

Jordanian justice!
  • Sunday, July 13, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA Director of Operations John Ging was interviewed by Palestinian Arab Ramattan TV where he revealed yet again the absurd amount of bias that the UN has against Israel.

The director general of UNRWA operations in Gaza, John Ging, stated that despite the commitment of the Palestinian side to calm and to stop firing rockets at Israeli targets, Israel still did not open the crossings needed by the population , and the situation is getting worse.

Jing said in a televised interview with private news agency Ramatan Today / Saturday / "The situation in Gaza is still frustrating to people. We have a calming-This is good, and there is a cease firing rockets - This is also good, but Israel has not yet opened the crossings to the extent that we need, so residents still Gaza Strip are suffering here. "

The director of UNRWA operations hoped to open Gaza crossings quickly to introduce all the necessary things, not only food and medicine, but also other things needed by the people to be able to live in Gaza.

He said, "Last October when they were firing rockets there was more fuel being transferred than is entering today", and expressed the hope that the Palestinians in Gaza have the ability not to launch rockets at targets in Israel.

He called on residents of the Gaza Strip to raise their voices high to lift their blockade, and take their human rights, stressing that the Palestinian people basically did not take their humanitarian, stressing that UNRWA would continue its support for the Palestinians despite the difficulties they face and will stand alongside them in every adversity.

He said: "I am quite sure that there are beautiful days to come for the Palestinians, and the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital coming, God willing," saying that despite what he described as "a mountain of difficulties" faced by the Palestinian people, however, it must continue to climb this mountain.
First of all, he is a liar. Israel's shipments to Gaza since the "cease-fire" has increased 44%, and fuel increased by 30%.

Secondly, he is also a liar when he claims that Gazans are holding by the cease-fire, as there have been numerous instances of rockets and mortars including six events in the past six days.

Thirdly, as far as I am aware the official UN position on Jerusalem is still what it wanted in 1948, namely to make it an international city. It appears that Ging is going against UN policy in his zeal to support everything the Palestinian Arabs support. It is quite hypocritical to say that Jerusalem cannot be Israel's capital because of UN resolutions and then to say that Jerusalem will be Palestine's capital.

Par for the course.
An apparent honor killing in Hebron.

A man tortured to death in a Hamas prison. Fatah claims that Hamas injected gasoline into his blood.

Hamas continues to abduct Fatah members in Gaza.

Egypt shot and killed an African trying to get to Israel and his Bedouin guide in the Egyptian side of Rafah.

Three church bells were stolen from the Greek Orthodox Church in Tulkarem in the West Bank.

Egyptian police arrested a man trying to smuggle a kangaroo and other animals into Gaza.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 110.

An Arab taxi driver was murdered by another PalArab in Salfit. 111.

A Jericho man was found stabbed to death. 112.

Friday, July 11, 2008

  • Friday, July 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Of course part of the entire 1979 Camp David agreements between Israel and Egypt was to begin establishing normal relations, but Egypt still collects billions a year from the US as its "peace dividend" while acting like any normal relationship with Israel is a horrendous crime.

YNet mentions:
Despite struggles, boycotts and threats, the acclaimed Israeli feature film “The Band's Visit” will finally be making it to Egypt this week.

The film was rejected by the Cairo International Film Festival, and later on the Egyptian Actors’ Guild threatened to boycott the Abu Dhabi Film Festival for accepting the film. This eventually resulted in the latter dropping the film in the last minute. Despite all that, a special screening of the film will be held in Cairo this coming Thursday.

After tallying the supporters versus the objectors, the Egyptian premiere of "The Band’s Visit" will be held Thursday at the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel’s auditorium, owned by no other than the billionaire Saudi Prince, Al-Walid bin Talal.

The film, depicting the Alexandria police band's visit to Israel’s remote southern town, was screened a few times in private homes in Egypt and won praise. Egyptian Culture Minister Faruq Hosni has even told Yedioth Ahronoth, “I saw the film and it’s excellent.”

However, despite his compliments, Hosni firmly objected to having "The Band’s Visit" or any other Israeli movie screened in Egypt, claiming that “it’s unadvisable to have the anti-peace opposers burn down our movie theaters because of an Israeli event.”

The Israeli Embassy sent out more than 200 invitations to businessmen, scholars and Egyptian intellectuals, but it remains to be seen who of the local invitees will muster up the courage to attend the screening and risk entering his name into the media’s “black lists.”
Sure enough, the Arabs are freaking, and an article in Palestine Today not only complains about the film being shown but also about some T-shirts that were found in a far northwest province that said the horrible words "Tel Aviv" in English, prompting 5 groups to condemn them.

Yes, all of Egypt may collapse if some people mention the name of an Israeli city without being threatened.
  • Friday, July 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the ever-brilliant Iowahawk:
Hello, valued Al Qaeda associate! Welcome to the inaugural issue of Vistas, the new electronic newsletter designed to keep you informed on all the fast-paced comings and goings within our Total Quality Jihad family.

In a dynamic marketplace characterized by rapid change and unexpected missiles, even the most disciplined adaptive organizations can find it challenging to keep the lines of communication open. Without understanding the strategic "big picture," associates will sometimes be confused by misleading rumors they read on unreliable infidel blogs and websites like "F*cked Insurgency" and "Jihad Deadpool." With Vistas, you will learn the real story -- of how we are attacking the competitive casualty gap with a paradigm-changing tactical adaptive strategy focused on paradise value optimization. Yes, there will be some changes, but our core leadership mission remains the same one established by Chairman Emeritus Osama Bin Laden when he founded Al Qaeda in his family goat shed nearly 15 years ago: to create a robust, cave-centric, best-of-breed strategic organization for global caliphate management solution services. If we all pull together as accountable subteams, we are on-track to rebuild momentum after the Q4 Infidel elections!


As a commitment to our spirit of goal-oriented adaptive martyrdom innovation, I am proud to announce the launch of Qaedant, our new corporate branding identity.

Read the whole thing.
  • Friday, July 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Even though the "truce" was broken at least five times this week, Israel has not suspended sending supplies to Gaza. Firas Press reports that 146 trucks went through the Sufa and Karni crossings yesterday, including food, paper products, and building materials.

Also, today Al Aqsa Brigades said they shot a rocket to Israel, but they said that this wasn't a cease-fire violation, just a reaction to Israeli activities in the West Bank. Not quite sure what the difference is.
  • Friday, July 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a list of Palestinian Arab violations of the "cease fire" that I am aware of since June 19, with links.

(I have no idea why there is so much white space below this; I simply couldn't debug it.)

R = Rockets

M = Mortars

S = Shooting





3R, 1M
2930July 12345




1M, 1S 1M
1415 16171819


A Hamas member was killed in an "internal explosion" this morning.

Egypt found another large cache of ammunition and explosives in the Sinai already packaged up to be smuggled to Gaza.

Hamas abducted two Fatah members in southern Gaza and three others in Beit Hanoun.

Fatah denied that the Al Aqsa Brigades shot two Qassams at Israel yesterday, as opposed to the Al Aqsa Brigades who actually took responsibility. This is how Fatah maintains deniability - every statement attributed to Al Aqsa is just some people who are pretending to be Al Aqsa, you see.

Hamas and Fatah are meanwhile increasing their rhetoric about each other; each accusing the other of collaborating with Israel and saying how the others' actions help the Zionist enemy. Mahmoud Abbas called Khaled Meshaal a "liar."

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 108.
  • Friday, July 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The official Israeli report on "journalist" Mohammed Omer's allegations of brutality is here (h/t Soccer Dad.)
Mr. Mohammed Omer al-Mughaier (hereinafter "the Complainant") arrived at the Allenby Crossing on Thursday, 26 July 2008. Due to suspicion that he had been in contact with hostile elements and had been asked by them to deliver items to Judea and Samaria, both he and his baggage were searched. In contradiction to his claims, at no time was the Complainant subjected to either physical or mental violence.

The investigation revealed that the search of his baggage was conducted in the presence of four people and not eight, as he noted. The search was conducted, according to regulations, in a public place and in the view and presence of the Complainant.

The body search, which took several minutes, took place in the presence of two security personnel (a policeman and an ISA official) and was conducted according to the relevant regulations. The Complainant's claims to the effect that he was threatened at gunpoint are baseless.

Regarding the Complainant's collapse, as it were, it should be noted that the paramedic who attended to him found no evidence of a physical cause of collapse. The Complainant's behaviour raises doubts as to the sincerity of the situation. In any event, the Complainant was sent to an infirmary and an ambulance was ordered for him.

As to the Complainant's allegation that he was compelled to stand on his feet for twelve hours, we point out that according to our records, the Complainant arrived at the Allenby Crossing at approximately 11:00, and the entire incident ended at approximately 14:00. Thus, this claim is also baseless.

We should point out that there are numerous additional contradictions in the Complainant's allegations. For example, in the media he reported that he was humiliated, stripped and that a gun was held to his head. And yet, in his complaint filed with the IDF Spokesperson, the Complainant claimed that two uniformed personnel sprayed his face [and nothing about a gun - EoZ]

In conclusion, the Complainant's grievances were investigated and found to be without foundation. At no time was the Complainant subjected to either physical or mental violence; he was treated fairly. We can only regret that his allegations received publicity and a platform without being properly investigated.
Omer didn't claim to have stood up for 12 hours in Pilger's report; but he did say:
I had now been without food and water and the toilet for 12 hours, and having been made to stand, my legs buckled. I vomited and passed out. All I remember is one of them gouging, scraping and clawing with his nails at the tender flesh beneath my eyes. He scooped my head and dug his fingers in near the auditory nerves between my head and eardrum. The pain became sharper as he dug in two fingers at a time. Another man had his combat boot on my neck, pressing into the hard floor. I lay there for over an hour. The room became a menagerie of pain, sound and terror."
This is not a description of facts; this is a fantasy of a fanatic Israel-basher tailored to an audience of those who will believe anything evil about Israel.

Honest Reporting (UK) notes:
As in many previous cases (see HonestReporting's "The Big Lies" interactive presentation for some of the most infamous), a Palestinian claim has been taken at face value by a media keen to fit the story to a preconceived narrative that portrays Israel as a serial human rights abuser.
Soccer Dad notes that calling Omer a "journalist" is stretching it; he is a propagandist who will vilify Israel on the flimsiest testimony.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

  • Thursday, July 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This example is small, but telling.

Saudi Arabia's Arab News states:
Israeli soldiers kill unarmed Palestinian lad
A 17-year-old boy who crossed into Israel in search of work was killed by Israeli troops yesterday.
Ma'an says:
The Israeli army killed a Palestinian on Thursday near the Kissufim crossing southeast of Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

Medical sources from Al-Aqsa hospital in central Gaza named the dead man as 18 year-old Salim Jum'a Hamidi from the village of Az-Zawaydeh in the central Gaza Strip.

Local sources in the Gaza Strip believe he was attempting to cross the border into Israel to look for work, and maintain that he was a civilian.
Al Jazeera is the most accurate of the Arab news sources:
Israeli troops have shot dead an unarmed Palestinian man in the Gaza Strip, marking the first fatality there since a truce between Israel and Palestinian armed groups took effect three weeks ago.

"At around 3 o'clock an army force identified a suspicious person crossing the fence from Gaza into Israel near Kissufim," an Israeli army spokesman said on Thursday.

"The force called on him to stop and fired warning shots but he did not stop and the soldiers fired at him and killed him. When they approached his body they saw he was unarmed," the spokesman said.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, which is linked to the Fatah party of Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, said the man was one of its members.

Muawiya Hassanin, head of Gaza's emergency services, said the man was Salim Jumaa al-Hamedi, aged 18.
So now we know an 18-year old member of a recognized terror group attempted to infiltrate Israel, and Israel stopped him after warning him. The only truce violation here is from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who seem to have cynically used the young man as live bait to force an Israeli reaction. It is not a breach of the truce for Israel to kill someone who is attempting to break into Israel, apparently for violent purposes, at 3 AM.

The Arab News, whose publication time is midnight Saudi time, had 15 hours to get the story right, and completely fabricated the age of the man as well as calling him a civilian after the Al Aqsa Brigades already claimed him as a fellow terrorist. This disregard for facts has been a consistent pattern with Arab News.

Ma'an English has a more subtle way to show its bias. It will report the initial, unreliable Arab accounts of any event fairly early (this story had a timestamp of 9:33 AM) and it will never correct it, even after other Arab sources admit that the initial facts are wrong. Moreover, it will even leave that story as its main headline all day, even after it adds other stories much later (as of now, it has articles written as late as 22:04 on its front page, but the main headline is still the inaccurate and uncorrected 9:33 story.)

Such is the state of the English-language Arab press - a combination of lies and purposeful omissions. In this case, Al Jazeera has shown that for all its problems it is usually more reliable and careful about reporting facts.


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