Sunday, February 24, 2008

  • Sunday, February 24, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Haveil Havalim #155 is up at Jack's Shack.

As usual, I forgot to even think about sending anything in to this weekly roundup of the best of the JBlogosphere, but luckily two of my posts made it in anyway.

Check it out!
  • Sunday, February 24, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Arutz-7:
A Hamas website carried the following response: "The Zionist colony of Sderot, which steals our occupied land in northern Gaza, will continue to be a legitimate target for the jihad warriors of the Al-Kassam Brigades, as are the other colonies and Zionist positions surrounding Gaza, as a part of the ongoing response of Al-Kassam to the continuing Zionist crimes, which take the form of massacres in Gaza and the West Bank."

Al-Kassam spokesman Abu Ubeideh added, "The dream of the thieves of Sderot to live in peace, security and stability is a dream that is far from realization, and it will not be attained as long as our countrymen are being killed and their houses are being bombed."
You see? If only Israel would end the occupation of Sderot, and then Beersheva, and then Haifa and Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, then there would be peace!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Every once in a while I dip my toe into the frigid waters of the off-the-wall, loony left-wing conspiracy theorists who know that everything in the universe is the fault of Israel and the US. Today I read a new one: the reason that the Internet was created, among other things. By a tin-foil hat wearing Peter Chamberlin: (WARNING: According to Chamberlin, the very act of reading his words will condemn you to certain death. So be careful out there!)
The human race must learn to be more than just cattle. We move like a herd, we think like a herd, we are controlled like a herd. We are about to be stampeded into thousands of slaughterhouses, just like the end of all livestock herds.

Perhaps we are more accurately compared to industrious ants in a global ant farm? We are trapped in an enclosed environment by an unseen sadistic hand, which collapses our carefully dug tunnels and incinerates us with magnifying glasses. Many independent ants try to get a glimpse of our tormentors, spending hours speculating about the motives of those who so cruelly command our fate. It is important to our overlords that they identify who all of these free-thinking rebellious ants are, in order that they might be marked and sorted-out for termination.

The masters of our universe always follow this pattern in stamping-out resistance to their immoral plans. The American government has carefully planned for the elimination of all those who resist their master plan to dominate all things on this earth. Through covert operations with code names like Phoenix, Condor and Gladio, they have methodically used torture, terrorism and murder to identify and eliminate all potential left/liberal resistance to its ultra right-wing plans for allied nations.

...In America today, we see the same game plan being playing-out. When the liberal resistance explodes in reaction to the sight of the slaughterhouse, coming into view, then the herd will be culled, removing all the free-thinking trouble-makers who resist the stampede. To that end, lists have been drawn-up of war-resisters, in preparation for the round-up. The Internet was given to the American people for just that purpose.

The American resisters are self-identifying themselves by their Internet searches and activities, in effect, signing their names to subversive lists every time they surf conspiracy or antiwar sites, or dare to express themselves on any forum. This is the sinister motive behind the seemingly benign creation of the Internet. Every technological innovation in communications is co-opted into servicing the malignant government plans through the insertion of "backdoors" and the secret installation of government software.

Who are the conspirators? Are the principle powers behind the plot to be described as international bankers, Zionists, Illuminati, or some mysterious combination of all of them, as has been described in detail by former British spy John Coleman, in "Committee of 300"? Elements of all these subversive secretive groups are definitely the financial powers driving the New World Order, but, on another level, they are merely pawns as well, dancing to the tunes of the CIA puppeteers. All lesser conspiracies must be subject to one primary driving group of plotters. Many (if not most) of the conspiracy sites on the Internet are agency creations, serving to divide and mislead the real truth-seekers in a thousand different directions. The right-wing conspiracy against freedom is driven by leftist impersonators.

Many of the sources of new conspiracy theories keep turning-out to have connections to various intelligence agencies, like Coleman, who is alleged to have been a member of MI6. This calls his veracity into question, especially considering that his work largely ignores the Zionist connection to world events, blaming everything on the super-secret "Committee," that he alone knows the inner workings thereof.

...It is obvious that Joe Vialls was correct about American and Israeli goals, to seize the oil fields of the Middle East and the Caspian Sea region, in order to pipe this strategic resource away from Russia and China, into American tankers and the strategic reserves that we maintain for Israel. His contentions about the power of "New York (Jewish) money" are also correct. The fascist ethnic-cleansing policies of the Israeli military did provide the bloody template that was to be used throughout the war on terrorism, in order to subjugate and rob the Muslim people. It seems that most of his reporting was usually dead-on, except when he relied on intelligence leaks from inside the Israeli establishment, which then proved to be misinformation.

One thing that is certain, is that the writer of these words, and all of you who read these words have been marked for "disappearance," or termination. In the end, it will matter very little about the nationality of the man who shoves the gun in our faces, for whoever he proves to be, he will surely be an immoral monster.
He can't like his readership very much if he is responsible for their ultimate violent demise.

Friday, February 22, 2008

  • Friday, February 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an (English) says:
At least 70 people were injured, including a number of children, during a non-violent demonstration against the Israeli separation wall in the village of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem on Friday.
We've already shown in the past the nature of these weekly "peaceful" events, but another Arab source today quotes Israel radio as saying that two Israeli soldiers were injured during that same non-violent demonstration.

But as long as they keep calling it "peaceful," some of the useful idiots will believe it.
  • Friday, February 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Misozionistic people, those who loathe the very idea of Israel existing in any form and spend uncounted hours coming up with ways to show their hate, have come up with a new idea:

"Let's set up an international tribunal whose only purpose will be to try, and convict, Israel, over and over again!"

Sounds silly? Think again:
A new civil court founded in Belgium by human rights organizations will convene for the first time Friday evening and discuss war crimes Israel had allegedly committee during the Second Lebanon War and war crimes the groups claim it is currently committing in the Gaza Strip.

Over the past year, human rights groups, in cooperation with Arab and European intellectuals, have been working on establishing the new court, which will be tasked with addressing different issues related to human rights violations and war crimes.

The first matter on the court's agenda will be Israel's operations in the Gaza Strip. Human rights organizations, as well as the victims of these alleged crimes, will appear before the court. The court has also invited Israeli representatives to attend the hearing and respond to the accusations.
After much searching, I found the webpage of this group, in French.

This group does not even have its own Internet domain, which means it might not even have $5 in support. It is on a blog site.

It calls itself the "Tribunal citoyen international contre les crimes de guerre au Moyen Orient", the "International Citizens' Tribunal on war crimes in the Middle East."

Its founder, Raoul Marc Jennar, makes no pretense of objectivity:
The doctrine that underpins the State of Israel was incompatible with international law.

Our initiative is independent of any ideological, religious or political affiliation. It is based on the desire to combat the impunity enjoyed by the Defense Forces of Israel. It is also based on the inalienable right of the Lebanese people to defend the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Lebanon.

... This session will be presided over by five people from every continent and around the circles of the judiciary. Victims, witnesses facts and representatives of humanitarian agencies, environmental and economic present their testimony. A lawyer of the accused could be heard. An indictment is handed down and a jury of people from the five continents, will deliver on behalf of injured humanity, conclusions.

This approach makes sense only if maximum publicity shall be granted.To this end, we have to choose the venue of the session with care and raise the funds needed to organize it. An association of fact - the International Jury of Conscience for Lebanon - has been established and a bank account was opened.
Sounds so objective!

It will be interesting to see if any major human rights organizations give this sham their approval, by attending. The Jerusalem Post writes:
Israel's position would also be represented, [Israeli Arab MK] Nafa said, but, "I don't know by whom."

The Knesset member said he decided to attend because of a decision by the Israeli-Arab leadership's Monitoring Committee to "turn to international tribunals" to circumvent Israeli courts. "Arab Israelis have no defense under Israeli national law," he said.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch would attend the event, Nafa said, but a spokeswoman for Amnesty told the Post that members of the organization's London and Belgium branches had not heard of the event. Human Rights Watch was unable to respond to a request to confirm its participation by press time.

Asked if the conference would discuss Hizbullah's Katyusha missile attacks on Israel during the Second Lebanon War or the Kassam rockets being fired at Sderot by Hamas, Nafa said he "did not know. My personal position is that I'm against harming Sderot civilians who are innocent. It doesn't matter where the rockets are coming from."

The conference's organizers did not provide a contact number and failed to return an e-mail message asking for more details on their meeting.
In other words, it is an exercise in Israel-bashing under the name of a "court" - with handpicked, misozionistic members guaranteed to prejudge not only which cases they will hear but also their conclusions.
  • Friday, February 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli troops during an Israeli military operation in the West Bank village of Beita near Nablus February 21, 2008. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini (WEST BANK)

Which is more likely:

1) Four Arab kids happen to throw stones at the exact same time so that the photographer can capture not only the kids but also the stones in mid-air, increasing his chances of winning an award.

2) The photographer shouting to the kids after getting them in optimal position, "Wahid, ithnan, thalatha (1-2-3) THROW!"
  • Friday, February 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
AP took this picture with this caption:

A Palestinian boy prepares to throw a brick at Israeli troops operating in the West Bank village of Beta near Nablus, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008.(AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

A standard brick weighs about 6 lbs.

Let's look a bit closer at what exactly this boy is hurling:

This is no "brick," this is a concrete block weighing some 30 lbs.

There is no question that this is a lethal weapon, especially thrown from a height. The intent is to kill.

What should the legitimate response of a soldier be when faced with a 30 lb. projectile?

And why do you suppose the AP would describe this as merely a "brick?"

Many other JBloggers have been dealing with the issue of Jerusalem on the Monopoly board during this past week. As CNN summarizes:
Monopoly, the world's best-selling board game, is going global. A simple idea, substituting the iconic properties of the original game with hallmark cities of the world.

Hasbro is letting people vote on its Web site for which cities to include in the new game.

In this celebration of capitalism, would-be moguls could buy up properties in cities such as Moscow, Russia; Tokyo, Japan and Jerusalem, Israel.

Wait. Nix that last one -- at least the Israel part.

Given the white-hot controversy over Israel -- the world's most fought-over piece of real estate -- should the board game refer to "Jerusalem, Israel" even though Palestinians say Jerusalem will be the capital of any future Palestinian state? Should it say "Jerusalem, Palestine?"

Instead of rolling the dice, parent company Hasbro is taking the middle ground.

The company is letting people vote on its Web site for which cities to include in the new game -- "Dublin, Ireland" for example. It recently removed "Israel" after "Jerusalem" and then eventually removed all of the country names.

Hasbro told The Associated Press that a mid-level employee decided on her own to take out "Israel" after pro-Palestinian groups and bloggers complained -- sparking even more protests from the other side.

"It was never our intention to print any countries on the final boards and any online tags were merely used as a geographic reference to help with city selection," Hasbro said in a written statement. "We would never want to enter into any political debate. We apologize for any upset this has caused our Monopoly fans."
The BBC, when talking about the issue a few days ago in a "diary" by Tim Franks, decided for some bizarre reason to use it as a springboard to accuse Israeli Jews of racism:
Yehiel Leiter is the director general of One Jerusalem, a group that, in its mission statement, declares a single objective: "Maintaining a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel."

The Monopoly campaign, says Leiter, "puts Jerusalem on the table. It has people not avoid Jerusalem because it's contested".

The group also says it has handed out 128,000 golden ribbons on the streets of Jerusalem (the colour is because of the song, "Jerusalem of Gold").

Mudi had a golden ribbon fluttering from the wing mirror of his taxi, until recently.

But Mudi is unusual, in that he is an Israeli Arab.

"The truth is," he told me, as I sat alongside him in his taxi, "Jewish people, especially religious people, won't stop any taxi driven by an Arab."

But when they see a golden ribbon, says Mudi, "they know no Arab guy would have it on his car".

Mudi has another advantage: he says he does not "look" like an Arab, and he speaks Hebrew fluently. Passengers mistake him for a Jew.

"And very, very few people are not prejudiced," in what they say to him. At least, that is the case in Jerusalem.

"In Tel Aviv," he says, "it is exactly the opposite. They don't care I'm an Arab".

When his Jerusalem passengers disembark, Mudi says he tells them that his name is, in fact, Mahmoud.

He says, though, that he has not felt "comfortable" with the ribbon. Indeed, the other day, when he was washing his taxi, he ripped it off, and so far has not replaced it.

Still, many of his Arab colleagues continue to tie a ribbon around their rear-view or wing mirrors, in order not to put off potential customers.

Some, says Mudi, even wear a yarmulke (Jewish skullcap).
Our intrepid BBC reporter, of course, bases his accusation that Jews refuse to go into Arab taxicabs based on a sample size of one, and many Israelis wrote to comment that the reporter was a bit off:
I am an Israeli Arab and I also tend to be a bit concerned when near the Palestinian controlled areas when geting into a taxi, as for the rest of Israel there are no such problems. Please don't try and make some racialist stories out of Israeli Jews, they are my fellow citizens!
Dr Moukie Fallah, Herzalia Israel

Firstly, the taxi story is obviously made up. Most taxi drivers here are Arabs, so waiting to find a Jewish one would take for ever. Also there is no way of telling if the taxi is driven by an Arab or a Jew and quite frankly we dont care! Secondly, even as a voter of Israel's most Left wing party, there is still no denying that J'lem is Israel's why not have it listed like that. Most Arabs in Jerusalem want to stay part of Israel and most are rushing to get citizenship.
Yoni, Jerusalem, Israel

I spent two years in Jerusalem and never heard of anyone avoiding an Arab taxi!
Avi, Manchester, UK

About the Mudi story: who cares who drives? In my work place most of the drivers are Israeli Arabs - and nobody cares. The story don't reflect nothing about the general situation here.
Shimon, student, Ben Gurion University, Israel

I am a non-Jewish American who lived in Jerusalem for over a year recently, and I still travel there several times a week to go to school. None of my Jewish Israeli friends has ever expressed any reservations about taking cabs driven by Arabs. We're students, and life in Jerusalem is not cheap, so we usually take the first guy who gives us a fair price. As others have pointed out, you can't necessarily tell at first whether he's Arab or Jewish or Klingon anyway.
Taybeh Chaser

The reason many Jerusalemites avoid Arab taxis is not, as you insuate by your lack of explanation, because they are racists. Most people do it out of fear of being driven into Arab East Jerusalem or Ramallah, for criminal or terrorist / political purposes. Jews in Tel Aviv are not fussed by the affiliation of their taxi drivers because there are no dangerous areas near Tel Aviv.
Shaya, Manchester, UK

I am Jewish & religious. I lived in Jerusalem for 28 years. Although I don't live there any more my parents do. I have used taxis all my life so I find Mudy's story awkward and strange. Never in my life, I checked up if the taxi driver is an Arab or not. Most recently I was sitting in a cab and the taxi driver's name was Muhamed, we discussed all the way to my parents' house and eventually finished our conversation blessing each other. So BBC, please stop this nonsense!
Joseph Elboim, Beit Shemesh, Israel

Something is not quite right in the Mudi story. All Israeli taxis have a prominent notice showing the driver's name, licence number and photograph. Consequently it would be very difficult for him to disguise his origins.
Victor Leaf, London, UK

Clearly, the BBC reporter decided to use the Monopoly story as a means to get in some old fashioned anti-semitism into a "respectable" article. It would never occur to him that "Mudi" is the one who shows the most bigotry - because the BBC doesn't want to, God forbid, accuse Arabs of racism.

Only Jews.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

  • Thursday, February 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Historian Benny Morris wrote a nice letter to The Irish Times in response to an January 31 op-ed by Irish Senator David Norris and a letter by David Landy (not online for free) Here it is (hat tip Solomonia):
Madam, - Israel-haters are fond of citing - and more often, mis-citing - my work in support of their arguments. Let me offer some corrections. The Palestinian Arabs were not responsible "in some bizarre way" (David Norris, January 31st) for what befell them in 1948. Their responsibility was very direct and simple. In defiance of the will of the international community, as embodied in the UN General Assembly Resolution of November 29th, 1947 (No. 181), they launched hostilities against the Jewish community in Palestine in the hope of aborting the emergence of the Jewish state and perhaps destroying that community. But they lost; and one of the results was the displacement of 700,000 of them from their homes. It is true, as Erskine Childers pointed out long ago, that there were no Arab radio broadcasts urging the Arabs to flee en masse; indeed, there were broadcasts by several Arab radio stations urging them to stay put. But, on the local level, in dozens of localities around Palestine, Arab leaders advised or ordered the evacuation of women and children or whole communities, as occurred in Haifa in late April, 1948. And Haifa's Jewish mayor, Shabtai Levy, did, on April 22nd, plead with them to stay, to no avail. Most of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled their homes because of the flail of war (and in the expectation that they would shortly return to their homes on the backs of victorious Arab invaders). But it is also true that there were several dozen sites, including Lydda and Ramla, from which Arab communities were expelled by Jewish troops. The displacement of the 700,000 Arabs who became "refugees" - and I put the term in inverted commas, as two-thirds of them were displaced from one part of Palestine to another and not from their country (which is the usual definition of a refugee) - was not a "racist crime" (David Landy, January 24th) but the result of a national conflict and a war, with religious overtones, from the Muslim perspective, launched by the Arabs themselves. There was no Zionist "plan" or blanket policy of evicting the Arab population, or of "ethnic cleansing". Plan Dalet (Plan D), of March 10th, 1948 (it is open and available for all to read in the IDF Archive and in various publications), was the master plan of the Haganah - the Jewish military force that became the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) - to counter the expected pan-Arab assault on the emergent Jewish state. That's what it explicitly states and that's what it was. And the invasion of the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq duly occurred, on May 15th. It is true that Plan D gave the regional commanders carte blanche to occupy and garrison or expel and destroy the Arab villages along and behind the front lines and the anticipated Arab armies' invasion routes. And it is also true that mid-way in the 1948 war the Israeli leaders decided to bar the return of the "refugees" (those "refugees" who had just assaulted the Jewish community), viewing them as a potential fifth column and threat to the Jewish state's existence. I for one cannot fault their fears or logic. The demonisation of Israel is largely based on lies - much as the demonisation of the Jews during the past 2,000 years has been based on lies. And there is a connection between the two. I would recommend that the likes of Norris and Landy read some history books and become acquainted with the facts, not recycle shopworn Arab propaganda. They might then learn, for example, that the "Palestine War" of 1948 (the "War of Independence," as Israelis call it) began in November 1947, not in May 1948. By May 14th close to 2,000 Israelis had died - of the 5,800 dead suffered by Israel in the whole war (ie almost 1 per cent of the Jewish population of Palestine/Israel, which was about 650,000). - Yours, etc, Prof BENNY MORRIS, Li-On, Israel. February 21, 2008
His point that two thirds of the Arab "refugees" were not even real refugees at the time is well-founded. They were just displaced, as were many Jews during the war; many were displaced and ended up in Israel anyway and the UN did not consider those "refugees" in its arbitrary definition.
  • Thursday, February 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz:
A group of 14 Palestinian militants escaped from a Palestinian Authority prison in Nablus Thursday, Palestinian sources reported.

The prisoners, members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, had been involved in fighting against the IDF in recent months and were hiding in Nablus' old city, the Kasba. Some six weeks ago, the group turned itself in to the PA, following a comprehensive IDF operation in the Kasba.

The IDF agreed to let the militants, who are wanted by Israel, stay in the Palestinian prison on condition that the Palestinian security forces keep them incarcerated and deny them weapons and contact with terror organizations until Israel pardons them.

So far, however, Israel has refused to include the men in the pardon agreement for Fatah fighters, under which Palestinians give up their arms in return for an Israeli amnesty.

Thursday afternoon the entire group broke out of prison, apparently with the help of their Palestinian wardens. One of the escaped prisoners is Mahdi Abu Ghazale, commander of the Al-Aqsa Brigades' Night Horsemen.

Ghazale announced Thursday that the group had decided to leave after the prison authorities reneged on the conditions they had agreed on when they turned themselves in. Ghazale and his group were set to hold a news conference in Nablus but apparently canceled, fearing for their safety.

Palestinian journalists who visited Jneid Prison recently reported that the militants had been kept in real prison conditions. They had mobile phones but were not allowed to contact militant organizations and their calls were being monitored.

Among the other fugitives are Omar Akub, Ala Akub, and Sufian Kandil. PA officials have tried to persuade the militants to turn themselves in.

An Israeli defense source said that as far as Israel knew, only nine militants had broken out of the prison. The IDF warned the PA that if it did not capture the escapees within 24 hours the army would take action against them, as at least some of them are seen as a risk to Israel's security.
So, Palestinian Arab prisoners can pretty much decide to leave whenever they want, they keep their own mobile phones, and get all the help they need from their guards.

And, of course, these were from Nablus, where the PA announced months ago that they had gotten rid of all terrorists and the US rewarded them with $1.3 million.

Do you think it came with a money-back guarantee?
  • Thursday, February 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed the bogus statistics of blaming Israel for roughly one death a day of sick patients in Gaza - and, indeed, the number of patients who do cross from Gaza to Israel daily is not insignificant:
Across the street at the Rose Flower Shop, two young women, one dressed in a black Islamic robe and head scarf, bought a bouquet of roses, a rare sight in Gaza. The shop had managed to bring in 500 roses from Israel, using Gaza medical patients treated in the Jewish state as "mules," and had about 50 roses left.
To think that a single flower shop knows enough medical patients to bring back 500 flowers in the days before Valentine's Day indicates a brisk underground economy in Gaza based only on daily patients going to Israeli hospitals, a story that is ignored in the world media as they talk about the "siege."

But today, once again, Palestinian Arabs have blamed Israel for the death of a child. And once again, the story is a lie.

Palestinian medical sources announced on Tuesday evening that one child died at a Gaza hospital after the Israeli Authorities barred his transfer to a hospital abroad for further medical treatment as the siege on Gaza continued to cripple all hospitals in the coastal region.

The child was identified as Sa’id Al Ayidy, 2, from Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. He suffered from a kidney infection. His death raised the number of Palestinian patient who died due to the siege to 98, including 17 children.
So why did Ayidy die? Let's see that PCHR has to say:
On 19 February 2008, Sa’id Mohammed Sa’id al-‘Aaidi, 1.5, from al-Junaina neighborhood in Rafah, died as his health condition deteriorated. He had not been able to travel to an Egyptian hospital to continue medical treatment. The child had received medical treatment in December 2006 at Nasser Institute Hospital and Abu al-Reesh Hospital in Egypt. He was suffering from an inborn failure in his liver, and the lack of testicles in the scrotum, inflation in the abdomen and delayed growth. He came back to the Gaza Strip at the end of the first stage of medical treatment, and he was supposed to start the second stage in 6 months. However, he had not been able to travel to Egypt due to the closure of Rafah International Crossing Point. His health condition had deteriorated since 7 July 2007. He was repeatedly admitted into the Gaza European Hospital.
So he was already a patient in an Egyptian hospital and he expected to return there for treatment - and was stopped by the Egyptian authorities, not Israel.

But that doesn't stop Palestinian Arabs, who value the life of Ayidy far more for its propaganda value in his death than in his actual life, from using him to score political points against Israel - something that no reporter on the planet will bother to research or mention.
  • Thursday, February 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
Wild boars released by Israeli settlers have attacked and seriously wounded a Palestinian man in the northern West Bank, Palestinian security sources said.

53-year-old Hikmat Abdul Mu'ti from the town of Beit Rima was hospitalized ten days ago after the animals attacked him while he was walking to his fields. According medical sources at Yasser Arafat Hospital in the city of Salfit, the man sustained a 'deep wound,' and is still in the hospital.

The security sources said that settlers from the Ariel settlement deliberately release wild boars, especially in Kana valley fields which belong to the West Bank village of Deir Istiya. In the past these boars have been known to damage crops in that valley and frequently attack farmers.

The Palestinian police reported about another similar attack by a boar against a woman and her child from the village of Sarta near Salfit.
The evil Zionist geniuses have managed to breed wild boars that specifically can distinguish between Jews and Arabs, and between Jewish and Arab crops, only attacking Arabs.

And, of course, they give these wild animals to "settlers" who domesticate them until they are ready to release them to attack random Arabs.

One wonders why the IDF doesn't use these weaponized pigs, as they are effective and deadly.

Ma'an reported on a similar phenomenon last year, proving yet again how gullible and biased the most objective of Palestinian Arab media is.
  • Thursday, February 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press reports, in somewhat broken English (slightly cleaned up):
Local sources in Gaza Strip said that unidentified gunmen broke in to the Baptist School in Gaza Strip late last night.

The sources pointed out that the assailants broke into the Baptist School hit and opened fire against its guards, resulting in the injury one of the guards in his leg.

The assailants destroyed a number of classrooms and warned the guards not to resume their work at the school once again, the sources added.

It is noteworthy that the library of the YMCA in Gaza Strip was subjected to a similar attack two weeks ago, the attack resulted in destroying some eight thousand school text books.

In a similar attack un identified gunmen attacked the Campus of the American School, northern of Gaza Strip.

It is note worthy that the Christian places and properties in Gaza Strip are being exposed to a fierce attack since Hamas took over control of Gaza Strip last June , assailants who claim affiliation to Al Qa’eda organization announce their responsibility over such attacks in attempt to terminate the Christian existence among Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

Hamas Spokesman in Gaza Strip Ehab Al Ghsein announced earlier that a number of the assailants who attacked the Christian Library were under arrest, pointing out that the assailants belong to ‘Al Islam Army’ led by Momtaz Doghmush.

However, the sources revealed two days ago, that the defendants have been set free after Momtaz Doghmush threatened Hamas to attack a security position under their control .
Yesterday they reported on an attack from the Army of Islam against Hamas, saying that the Dagmoush clan threw a grenade at Mahmoud Zahhar's house that didn't explode.

The National Post yesterday elaborated on the fear that Christians live under in the Palestinian Arab territories - and not only in Gaza.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

  • Wednesday, February 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From This Is London:
A prestigious Islamic school in London was forced to shred 2,000 textbooks used to poison pupils' minds with lessons of hate, a former teacher claimed yesterday.

Colin Cook, who taught English at the King Fahad Academy for 18 years, told a tribunal how "incompetent" Ofsted inspectors reported that the school's teaching of Islamic studies was "mostly good".

But their report was wildly inaccurate, he said, because pupils as young as five were being taught by rote from Arabic textbooks describing Jews as "monkeys" and Christians as "pigs".

Colin Cook outside the Saudi school which sacked him for misconduct

Mr Cook said that when he exposed the racist teaching, the school's head Dr Sumaya Alyusuf lied on television, insisting that hateful passages had never been taught.

Under public pressure the Academy eventually agreed to destroy 2,000 books but photocopied them first for future use, he told the tribunal.

The school, in Acton, West London, opened in 1985 for the children of Saudi diplomats and is funded and controlled by the Saudi government.

Its 1,250 pupils have included the five children of jailed claw-handed cleric Abu Hamza and those of Abu Qatada, who was said to be Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe.

Mr Cook, 58, said that when he queried how the preachers could be paying school fees when they were said to be on state benefits, he was told to mind his own business.

Giving evidence to the hearing in Watford, Mr Cook claimed the school was seen as an extension of the Saudi Embassy rather than part of the UK, with Saudi teachers even enjoying diplomatic immunity.

He said some pupils made "inappropriate" remarks about killing Americans and praised the 9/11 attacks.

"When I heard such nonsense I challenged and tried to reason it through with the pupils," he added.

He said that misbehaviour by Saudi pupils was sometimes overlooked.

A school trip to Arsenal Football Club's museum in December 2005 ended in chaos when some King Fahad pupils chanted "Saudi, Saudi, Saudi" and fought with non-Saudi pupils, Mr Cook told the hearing.

"Apparently we were the first school ever to be thrown out of the museum, which was humiliating. None of the Saudi pupils was challenged over their behaviour by management."

Mr Cook, of Feltham, South London, is claiming unfair dismissal, race discrimination and victimisation, which the school denies.

He was earning £35,000 a year and is seeking £135,000 in compensation for lost earnings, injury to feelings and aggravated damages.

The school has vigorously denied encouraging any form of racial hatred. It insists that the offending passages in the books were "misinterpreted".

After Mr Cook's allegations in February last year, Dr Alyusuf went on BBC2's Newsnight and told presenter Jeremy Paxman that she was aware of the books but refused to withdraw them because they had "good chapters that can be used by the teachers".

Mr Cook told the hearing: "Dr Alyusuf simply lied about her knowledge of the contents of the books and tried to pretend that the books were not taught in the school. She failed to repudiate the racist views expressed in the books.

"The truth is she cannot go against the Saudi ministry of education. She is their puppet."

Mr Cook said the Ofsted inspection in March 2006 failed to identify major issues including parental complaints, unqualified teachers and indiscipline.

He added: "The Ofsted report was very inadequate. This is partly due to what the Academy did not tell the inspectors and partly due to, at best, incompetence by Ofsted."

He says he was sacked on trumpedup grounds in 2006 after he blew the whistle on the school for covering up cheating by pupils in a GCSE exam.

"In any normal workplace, an employee would not be sacked for whistle-blowing or indeed treated as a second-class citizen for not being Saudi Arabian," he said.

"However, as the head of human resources put it, 'This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia'."

He said he had to teach 28 lessons a week when Saudi colleagues had between three and 12. He said that when he realised the school was not going to carry out a proper inquiry into the alleged GCSE cheating, he took his complaints to exam board Edexcel.

The school claimed Mr Cook failed to observe proper procedure and fired him for gross misconduct.

The hearing continues.

  • Wednesday, February 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Maan (Arabic) has a story about a ring of counterfeiters making Israeli 10-shekel coins. They can be identified by the sound they make when clanged together.

Since they are not worth much, the main victims have been the poorer Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank, and children, who get paid with these coins and then find out that they are worthless.

Ma'an notes that Hamas had counterfeited other currencies to pay Egyptians for products when Rafah was breached last month, and beyond that some sources say that the Gazans paid the Egyptians literally with Monopoly versions of Israeli currency that the Egyptians were not familiar with.


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