Friday, June 09, 2006

It looked for a while that the MSM might have gotten the message that the Hamas "truce" was illusory, and they had been saying things like "Hamas has largely abided by a truce" to be more technically accurate.

But it appears that the leading Reuters apologist for Palestinian Arab terror Nidal al-Mughrabi slipped one by the ever-vigilant and committed-to-truth Reuters editors:
The referendum would be the first chance that Palestinians have had to vote directly on whether they favor a two-state solution. Hamas is formally committed to Israel's destruction but has abided by a truce for more than a year.
I suppose that this week's Hamas rocket attacks are part of the "truce."
  • Friday, June 09, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Those poor, poor, poor Gazans. Starving, unemployed, no medicine, no money, an economy in ruins.

Luckily, they can always scrounge money for rockets, ammunition, M-16s and anti-tank rockets!
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s forces and Hamas rivals are expanding their arsenals as a power struggle intensifies, increasing the risk that a showdown could turn bloody, security sources and diplomats said.

New weapons and equipment can be seen on the streets of Gaza and the West Bank, while prices for black market guns and ammunition have soared in a growing arms race despite pledges by both sides to prevent civil war.

Western security officials in the Gaza Strip said members of one of Abbas’s elite bodyguard units had shown them newly issued anti-tank rockets concealed in backpacks.

In the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, where Abbas has his headquarters, the guard recently acquired four brand new US-made armoured vehicles worth an estimated $100,000 each.

The government is under a Western financial embargo aimed at forcing Hamas to recognise Israel and renounce violence. But Hamas has been able to smuggle weapons and tens of millions of dollars and euros through the Egyptian border with Gaza, Israeli intelligence sources said.

In Gaza, where it has enough guns, Hamas has been buying up bullets, Palestinian security sources said.

Arms dealers and an Israeli military source said black market bullets were now selling for $1 each - a steep price in areas where up to half the people live on less than $2 per day.

In the West Bank, Hamas has been buying M-16 rifles. Dealers said heavy demand and a lack of supply have sent prices soaring to as much as $13,000 each, up from $5,400 a year ago.

OK, let's do the math: half the people live on less than $2 a day, and an M-16 is $13,000. So the money for an M-16 could have supported 100 Palestinian Arabs for two months.

Nice to know that Hamas cares as much about the people as Fatah did!

(Other "Humanitarian Crisis" articles can be found here.)
Besides writing articles to be distributed worldwide, the AP also writes headlines. News organizations are free to use them or to change them as they please, so you will typically find that most web news sites that take the AP feed directly will re-print the AP headline directly as well, while other news organizations may change the headline while keeping the article.

Today's article by Ibrahim Barzak about Israel's killing of master terrorist Jamal Abu Samhadana is not nearly as bad and one-sided as some articles we've seen, although it has the usual errors. Of course he eschews the use of the word "terror" (besides in a quote from Samhadna referring to the US government!).

But what is striking is the headline:
Hamas Continues Resistance Against Israel
Almost unbelievably, the AP has wholeheartedly taken the Hamas side in describing its terror attacks. "Resistance" implies something heroic, akin to calling Hamas terrorists "freedom fighters." Rather than mention that Hamas' shooting rockets into Israel puts a lie to the fake "truce" that the wire services have been mentioning over the past months, the AP spins Hamas' threat to Israeli civilians as "resistance."

Interestingly, some major news organizations kept the pro-terror AP headline, like CBS , The Guardian, the Washington Post and Forbes.

Not to say that the AP doesn't ever use the word "terrorist" without scare quotes. In fact, it does so often.

It referred to Zarqawi as a terrorist in many of its dispatches over the past day.

And in this story, the AP writes:
The USS Cole is heading to the Middle East for the first time since a terrorist bomb killed 17 sailors aboard the Navy ship in Yemen's port of Aden nearly six years ago.
So, according to the AP:
  • Attacks against Iraqi civilians are terrorist attacks.
  • Attacks against US Navy sailors are terrorist attacks.
  • Attacks against Jewish civilians in Israel is resistance.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

  • Thursday, June 08, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I've mentioned before, Iran gets pretty much daily earthquakes, making it a very stupid place to want to build, oh, say, a nuclear reactor.

Here's the past three days or activity with the Richter scale measurement of each:

Tuesday: 3.7 and 3.6 in southern Iran
Wednesday: 5.0 in western Iran
Thursday: 4.6 and 4.0 in southeastern Iran
  • Thursday, June 08, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
There has been other notable news over the past day besides the obvious....

British Islamist brigade joins Al Qaeda in Iraq
It never ceases to amaze how some Western Muslims decide to fight their home countries.

PA refuses medicine from Israel; demands cash instead
Proving for the umpteenth time that the "humanitarian crisis" is manufactured for propaganda purposes.

PA is hiring thousands more "policemen" - from Hamas

Apparently, 90,000 "security forces" for 3.5 million people (one policeman for each 39 people) was not enough - the ratio is now approaching 1/36. When you redefine terrorists as policemen, the official crime rate goes way down!

But, 60% of Palestinian Arab civil workers no longer show up to work.

Yet somehow, they manage to find money for daily rocket barrages.

The rocket factory seems to have no problems getting TNT during this "crisis" as well.

Meanwhile, today's Rooz Gooz News: An aide to Iranian leadership, and a "historian", explains the phrase "dirty Jew" in that inimitable Iranian way. He also helpfully adds some possible evidence that Jews are behind the bird flu, worldwide epidemics and of course the Holocaust hoax.
  • Thursday, June 08, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last night, the Zionist US occupational forces performed an extrajudicial terrorist murder of 8 civilians, as well as an illegal house demolition, as they destroyed a house 50km northeast of Baghdad, in the province of Diyala, just east of the provincial capital, Baquba.

One of the confirmed martyrs is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a peaceful, pudgy middle-aged man and Internet entrepreneur who even the terrorist Zionist American forces admit didn't know how to handle a machine gun.

This is but the latest proof of the big Satan's aggressive intent as it performs genocide against the Arab and Muslim world.
  • Thursday, June 08, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The only mention of the Bir Zeit University survey mentioned in my previous article is in this dispatch from AP, by terror-apologist Mohammed Daraghmeh:

A new survey released Tuesday showed 77 percent of Palestinians would vote in favor of the proposal. The survey of 1,200 Palestinians was conducted by Bir Zeit University in the West Bank and had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Here is a textbook example of how the media manipulates the news it spoonfeeds to the world to conform to its already pre-existing script.

The script is that Mahmoud Abbas, man of peace, is pressuring Hamas to change its wicked ways and accept Israel's existence. Using the sheer will of the peaceful Palestinian Arab people, he is going to force Hamas to realize that peaceful means are the only way possible, by having the people vote directly for a peace plan that recognizes Israel and supports the idea of living side-by-side with Israel.

The reality is what I wrote in my last posting: the "proposal" is not peaceful at all, it does not recognize Israel, and it even advocates Israel's destruction under the "right of return"; the poll showed that Palestinian Arabs themselves are almost unanimous in supporting terror against Jewish civilians to some extent, and the authors of the proposal who are idolized by Palestinian Arabs are convicted murderers and terrorists.

It is not like the survey results are only in Arabic - they are in English and available to any reporter or person with a web browser. While it may be argued that the poll is not strictly scientific (the questions appear to be somewhat leading,) if the results that adhere to the MSM script are news, one would hope that the lopsided results that rip the script to shreds are at least as newsworthy. 96% of them supporting terror(with a margin of error of 3%!) is as close to unanimous as you will ever find in any survey, and at some point the world needs to look at what the Palestinian Arab people truly want.

Even if the answers may be very, very ugly.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A recent poll released by Bir-Zeit University:
19. As to funding the Palestinian National Authority, which one of these two directions do you support?
1) Hamas continues to reject recognizing Israel, while reaching out to countries like Iran and the Arab world to get funding
2) Hamas recognizes Israel and continue to receive funding from the international community
Do you support the following statement:
37. Commitment to resistance with a focus in the occupied territories.

1) Yes
2) To some extent 12.6%
3) No
42. Do you support or oppose that the (Prisoners’ Declaration) be the basis for a national unity program?

1) Support
2) Oppose

Now, one might be surprised that the same people who do not want to recognize Israel in question 19 overwhelmingly support the "prisoners' declaration" which the media has portrayed as "implicitly" recognizing Israel in question 42.

The answer is obvious - nowhere does the "prisoner's declaration" recognize Israel except in the fevered minds of wire service reporters. As has been very well documented by Honest Reporting and Israel Matzav, the entire initiative is a smokescreen that the wishful thinkers of the West are more than happy to pretend is a breakthrough.

The poll result that will not make the mainstream media at all is the fact that only 4% of Palestinian Arabs reject terror altogether. The question is ambiguously worded, but what is entirely clear is that the vast majority of Palestinian Arabs want to see continued attacks against Jewish civilians (what is euphemistically called "resistance.")

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A scary piece of real reporting, from City Journal:
The Wrath of Ka

Black anti-Semites storm Paris’s old Jewish quarter.

by Nidra Poller
6 June 2006

On the last Sunday of May, 30 angry black men stormed into the heart of the old Jewish quarter, terrorizing residents, shopkeepers, and Sunday strollers. The self-styled militia of the Ka Tribe, a black separatist group originally connected to the no-longer funny black comic Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala, embodied the worst fears of a Jewish community exposed, since January 2006, to a new rise in anti-Semitic attacks.

Three months after the torture-murder of Ilan Halimi, the intimidating incursion of the Ka militia into the narrow “Jewish” street of the Marais looks like an ominous sign of worse to come. The Ka Tribe is the lunatic fringe of a broad anti-Semitic movement originally inspired by Dieudonné, who has become a hero to a segment of black French society by focusing resentment on Jews. But Dieudonné, with a French mother and Cameroonian father, was not black enough for Stellio Capochichi, the Tribe’s leader, whose origins are Haitian and Ivoirian.

A self-serving interview with the college-educated leader, who calls himself Fara (pharaoh) Kemi Saba, appeared on the Ka website until the government shut it down two days after the rue des Rosiers incursion. Deftly manipulating the terms and gestures of French intellectual discourse, Kemi Saba, flanked by two husky bodyguards, lays out his latter-day ideology of “negritude,” a rehash of the worst of Cheikh Anta Diop, Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, born-again Africanism, and Malcolm X, served up with the nastiness of the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam. Though Kemi Saba preaches total separation from leucodermes (anything less than 100 percent pure blacks) and rejects both Christianity and Islam, he has a soft spot for Islamism. In a communiqué attacking “Sarkkkozy the Jew,” the Fara’s spokesman lashes out at “[whites] who make caricatures of the prophet of Islam.”

Kemi Saba’s resentment is all-embracing: the injustice that rankles him began with the very origins of humanity. The kémites (the term replaces leucoderm words like blacks, Africans, or Antilleans) are the true chosen people, destined to rule the world. Victims of oppression of mythical proportions, they will liberate themselves by returning to original sources of spirituality and social organization. Ka males—medzatones—are noble warriors; the females—Aset—are sublime beauties and perfect mothers; the children learn to be true kémites in the “School of Hor” (Horus).

Eyewitnesses concur about the incursion: 30 men in paramilitary formation stormed into rue des Rosiers, shouting threats and insults against Jews. Some wore boxer’s mouthpieces and leather gloves with brass knuckles. They burned with anger and itched for a fight. Frantic calls to the police met with laconic replies: “Yes, we have been informed.”

The men stomped and shouted for what seemed an endless 20 minutes. People who had seen the interview with Kemi Saba on the Ka website recognized him, protected by his bodyguards and visibly directing the operation according to plan. Some shopkeepers lowered their metal shutters as soon as they saw the hostile group round the corner at rue Vieille du Temple and march into rue des Rosiers. Others took people into their fragile boutiques. Men, women, and children felt totally defenseless, delivered up to a storm of uncontrollable rage. Some witnesses report seeing baseball bats, sticks, knives; others suspected their presence under thick black jackets; all believed that these men were capable of committing a massacre. The police did not come until the militia had left. They did collar some members of the group later, close to their Belleville headquarters; they questioned and released them.

The capture of Youssouf Fofana—leader of the gang of barbarians accused of the torture-murder of Ilan Halimi—and his extradition from the Ivory Coast had provoked the Ka’s wrath. They sent a message to various Jewish groups and individuals, threatening to kill other Jews if anyone dared to touch a hair on Fofana’s head; it has circulated on the Web since late February. Another communiqué warns interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy of dire consequences if Fofana does not get a fair trial. Can he possibly get a fair trial from a “leucoderm” court? Can he be guilty in the eyes of kémites?

Veiled threats led to aggressive action even before the incursion as the Ka went after real or imagined members of Betar (a group that provides security for Jewish events) and the Jewish Defense League, accused of persecuting blacks and Muslims who penetrate their turf—rue des Rosiers—and beating up kémites during the memorial march for Ilan Halimi. On May 19, the Ka militia stormed a gym in the 9th arrondissement, looking for Betar and Jewish Defense League “strongmen.” There they terrorized kids (non-Jewish ones, as it happened) who were learning an Israeli martial art. The Ka packaged the rue des Rosiers incursion as a pre-arranged showdown with the “Zionist extremists” and announced a knockout victory—because the “extremists” didn’t show up.

This fantasized warfare is no less outlandish than the esoteric Ka mythology, built around worship of Aton, a smattering of hieroglyphics, and imitation of Jewish identity. The French government has tolerated the Ka for years, but their hero worship of Fofana, the increasingly vehement threats against Interior Minister Sarkozy, and, now, this show of force in the Jewish quarter has provoked signs of severity. The interior minister visited the rue des Rosiers this Wednesday to show his support and promise results. He has called for a criminal investigation and eventual dissolution of the group. Greeted in Montfermeil with shouts of anger, he found himself welcomed to the Marais with hurrahs and “Sarkozy for President.”

Outside the ORT school, where the minister met with residents, a dapper gray-haired shop owner said, with dignified regret, “It’s over for Jews in France.” And added, “The police told me . . . they said it’s over for us . . . they can’t handle this problem. . . . It’s too late.”

  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

Seven Kassam rockets hit Sderot yesterday and, miraculously, no one has died in the latest barrage, even though some hit houses.

It is inevitable that one day the miracles will run out and people will die in Sderot from Kassam attacks. And it is inevitable that Israel will respond with a small-scale ground operation to Gaza followed by a quick withdrawal. And it is inevitable that there will be more rocket attacks, and soon Kassams will be replaced with Katyushas. And it is inevitable that Israel will have to go back into Gaza more permanently to stop these inevitable attacks.

The only problem is, Israel seems to want to wait until some of her citizens are dead first.

Even though the motives of the scum launching the rockets are identical to the motives of suicide bombers - to kill as many Jews as possible. Even though the PA has not the slightest interest in stopping the terror.

Still, Israel is responding with the occasional assassination and lots of tough words, rather than taking care of the problem in the only way it will be taken care of anyway. Inevitably.
  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon (notice the spelling!) is a new aggregator page like JRants and Jewish Blogging. One nifty feature is the ability to mouse-over a posting and read part of the post.

Of course, the bad news is that some people can read this post without going to my site and I don't get any hits...
  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
During Israel's War of Independence, the Palestine Post published occasional dispatches from Dorothy Bar-Adon called "Emek Diary" showing the human side of the war from her perspective.

In this amazing article, Bar-Adon describes the close relationships between her village's Jews and the Arabs of Zer'in (now Jezreel), who lived in a town overlooking much of the valley. The town's strategic position made it ideal for shelling and sniping at the Jewish villages below, and for months the Jews lived in fear of being shot in their houses or fields.

An Iraqi general and his troops arrived in Zer'in and built up fortified positions to attack from. It is unclear when exactly the residents of Zer'in left the town; most of them apparently left when the Iraqis arrived and before the Jews conquered the hill. But as this article makes clear, the Israeli soldiers could hear the Arab women of the village - neighbors and friends of the Jews in years past - shout out war cries during the first unsuccessful attempt to take the town.

Bar-Adon shows that she is in a position to be far more sympathetic to the Palestinian Arab refugees of Zer'in than the international community who were (and still are) insisting on allowing the Arabs to return: she knew them intimately, she celebrated happy times with them, she ate with them. But, as she explains, to allow Arabs to go back to Zer'in is unthinkable, knowing that they chose their sides, they waxed lyrically hoping and expecting the deaths of hundreds of Jews around Zer'in, and that they would choose sides again against the Jews if they are given a chance.

(See Palestine Post-ings for a larger version of the article.)

  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

A Palestinian child holds a weapon during a a demonstration in support of Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

A very large list of similar photos can be found at LGF.
  • Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just another link to send brain-dead reporters and editors who insist on claiming that Hamas is holding by a truce:

From Ha'Aretz:
Hamas operatives in the West Bank have experimented with adding toxic chemicals to their bombs, security sources told Haaretz Monday.

The organization also is amassing large stocks of explosives so operatives will be ready to launch attacks immediately should its leadership decide to end the security "lull," the sources added.

Currently, Hamas' West Bank cells are focusing mainly on buying arms, training operatives, setting up explosives factories and conducting experiments. However, a few cells - mainly in the southern West Bank, around Hebron and Bethlehem - are continuing to carry out small-scale attacks. These cells are only loosely connected to the organization's leadership in Damascus and Gaza, and as long as they keep a relatively low profile and do not claim responsibility for their attacks in Hamas' name, the leadership does not interfere. One such cell was arrested early this year after murdering six Israeli civilians near Gush Etzion and Hebron.

In Gaza, Hamas operatives often assist attacks carried out by Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees. The rockets fired at Sderot last week, for instance, were made by Hamas, and "rebellious" members of the organization helped launch them. The Shin Bet security service also accused senior Hamas operatives of having helped the Popular Resistance Committees prepare a attack in April at the Karni crossing between Gaza and Israel. That plan was foiled by PA security personnel.

There is also one type of attack to which Hamas' leadership has given its unequivocal blessing: attempts to kidnap Israeli soldiers or civilians for use in negotiations over the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

The Shin Bet and police arrested a senior Hamas operative in Ramallah two weeks ago who was responsible for planning several "mega-attacks." The arrest was made public Monday.

Ibrahim Hamed heads Hamas' military wing in the West Bank. His planned attacks included attempts to blow up railway tracks and an attempted bombing of the Pi Glilot gas storage facility.

Monday, June 05, 2006

  • Monday, June 05, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Prosecutors launched a criminal investigation Monday of two Azerbaijani newspapers that published collages featuring the heads of Iran's spiritual leaders placed on the bodies of two dogs.

The collages appeared just weeks after a caricature published in an Iranian newspaper, depicting Azeris as cockroaches, sparked deadly riots among Azeris in Iran.

The images, published in the newspapers 'Gun' and 'New Fakt' last week, also prompted an official protest from the Iranian Embassy, which called them offensive and blamed the United States and Israel.

'Such a move serves the dirty intentions and unlawful goals of America and its Zionist allies and is intended to promote division between religions, faiths and ethnic groups, as well as in the unity of the Islamic world,' the embassy said in a statement.
The Cartoon Division of the World Media Section of the International Zionist Web was once considered a place for slackers to relax and shoot spitballs at the Sports and Hollywood divisions, but ever since late last year the Cartoon Elders have stepped up to the plate and done their fair share around here. Kudos!


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