Tuesday, December 24, 2019

  • Tuesday, December 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last week I reported that the Supreme Fatwa Council, which is part of the Palestinian government, issued a statement opposing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as a violation of Islamic Sharia law.

The PLO acceded to CEDAW without any reservations in 2014 when they were in a frenzy to sign every UN convention they could find to pretend to be a real state. As I reported, they never actually enacted any laws to provide for equal treatment of women. Their signing CEDAW and the other conventions was a complete sham.

After the Fatwa Council issued its statement against equal rights for women, do you think there was a backlash by Palestinian feminists? Of course not. On the contrary!

A group of tribes, under the umbrella of the Supreme Commission for Tribal Affairs for the southern governorates, affirmed that any agreement that contradicts what Allah has prescribed will not be accepted by Palestinian society. (The photo of the meeting does not show any women.)

"The Islamic Sharia is above the law, and above any political commitment, or any commitment to international laws or treaties," the commission said in a statement.

The statement said that there are articles in CEDAW related to inheritance, adultery, homosexuals, and Muslim women who marry non-Muslims. "These provisions contradict the Palestinian national identity, our Islamic religion, customs and traditions, and we are not obligated to apply them in our society."

I have not seen any articles against the Fatwa Council's view of CEDAW nor from this group of tribes. Miftah, which styles itself as a feminist NGO, has not yet said a word as far as I can see.

The Left that supports Palestinian nationhood is supporting a misogynist, anti-gay, bigoted society. And it is not like any of these organizations are actually working to fix it. They are completely silent on these issues.

Groups that claim that they care about Palestinian rights don't seem to give a damn about actual rights for real Palestinian women, or gays, or Christians, or any other oppressed group within Palestinian society and under Palestinian rule.

Which means that they don't really give a damn about Palestinians or their rights.

They are hypocrites, and the only thing that animates them is the antisemitism of opposing the Jewish state rather than lifting a finger to help Palestinians.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Caroline B. Glick: A 5-step plan to fight the ICC
Last year, then MK Tzipi Livni convened senior officials from the Justice Ministry and Military Advocate General’s international affairs departments at the Knesset for a conference. The purpose of the conclave was to provide the officials with the opportunity to justify their interference with security decisions that by law are the exclusive purview of the IDF’s field commanders and Israel’s elected leaders.

As is their wont, the officials used the opportunity to proclaim, “the legal system is the IDF's legal Iron Dome against accusations of war crimes in foreign and international forums.”

Following International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s decision over the weekend to prosecute Israel – including its armed forces and elected leaders – on phony war crimes allegations, we see that their conceit was a lie. The idea that Israel’s legal fraternity is Israel’s protection against the likes of Bensouda and the lawfare gang she runs with was first concocted in the 1990s by then Chief Justice Aharon Barak. The purpose of this fantasy was and remains to justify interference by the various components of the legal fraternity – the High Court, the Justice Ministry, the Attorney General and the Military Advocate General and others – in the decisions of IDF commanders and elected officials.

As Prof. Avi Bell of Bar Ilan University Law School explained in Israel Hayom earlier this week, Bensouda’s decision exposed the colossal failure of the legal fraternity’s strategy for protecting the country from the lawfare gang. Bensouda’s decision is a horrible, strategic blow for Israel. It endangers the very lives of IDF soldiers, commanders and elected officials.

Members of the legal fraternity asserted their competence to direct Israel’s responses by presenting the ICC as a legal body. But as the Rome Statute of 1998, which founded the ICC made clear, the institution’s political nature was evident from the outset, as was its inherent hostility to Israel. Now that Bensouda’s biased ruling has exposed this state of affairs, Israel must replace the lawyers’ failed legal strategy with a political one.

Israel intends to fight back against war-crimes probe by International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced last week that at the request of the Palestinian Authority, she is opening a probe into alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the 2014 Gaza war, as well as crimes in the disputed territories of the West Bank.

Alan Baker, director of the international law program at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, told JNS: "There is no legal basis to such requests since only sovereign states may appeal to the court, and there exists no sovereign Palestinian state with sovereign territory over which the court could extend its jurisdiction. If the court accepts the Palestinian requests and opens a formal investigation, it will damage its own juridical credibility and become politicized like other UN bodies."

Eugene Kontorovich, a professor at the George Mason University Law School, told JNS that the ICC "ignores international law by inventing a Palestinian state that does not exist and creates a crime that no one in international law has ever been charged with before: the crime of people living in places. To say it is a war crime for a Jew to live in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City [of Jerusalem] is absurd. It is quite clear that the crime of people living somewhere is a crime for which one must be Jewish to be eligible."

Kontorovich noted that Bensouda "pretended, in the interest of evenhandedness, to investigate 150,000 Russians being moved into Crimea and concluded without any fanfare that is not a war crime." He noted her refusal to investigate Turkish settlers in Cyprus.
ICC to Probe 'Israeli War Crimes' in West Bank, Gaza
The chief International Criminal Court prosecutor announced Friday a probe into suspected war crimes on Palestinian territories. 'I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine,' prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said without specifying who was committing the alleged crimes as the Court wrapped up its preliminary assessment of the situation.

  • Tuesday, December 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Groups like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace are hijacking Chanukah to attack Israel. We are seeing "BDS Dreidels,"BDS Latkes" and pathetic people pretending to be candles in public places.

But that isn't new at all.

Because the Arabs whose side they are on have done this for years.

The Arab cartoonists tend to be a bit more obviously antisemitic, but the re-purposing of Jewish symbols to attack Israel is fundamentally the same.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian "ministry of foreign affairs and expatriates" has issued one of the most bizarre statements ever.

It condemned the statements of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on a radio program recently, where he reiterated: "It took us a bit to work our way through it, but ultimately after studying all sides of debate, we agree with President Reagan that the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank are not per se inconsistent with international law."

The Palestinian ministry responded:

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates consider these statements to be anti-Semitic, denying the existence and right of the Palestinians on this land is itself anti-Semitism and a denial of the truth that has been established for thousands of years. Not to mention the racist and fascist aspect, which was reflected in these declarations encapsulated by a biblical, missionary vision that forfeits the right of the other, regardless of whether this right is fixed, firm, clear and standing.

They don't explain how exactly giving Jews the right to live in their ancestral homeland is antisemitic. Chances are that they are using the old, idiotic argument that Palestinians are Semites and anything they don't like is antisemitic - a "1984" style definition whose existence is meant to eliminate the very idea of anti-Jewish bigotry as a concept.

Because they know that they are the antisemitic bigots and want to subvert the term itself for their own propaganda.

It will be interesting if they bother to translate this stupidity in the English section of their website, or if they will try to avoid being a laughingstock.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Jewish Voice for Peace NYC videoed some 30 members singing a Chanukah song with new lyrics that are hard to understand, but they seem to include stuff about Trump's Executive Order and how it attacks Palestinians, somehow.

What kind of a person attends an event like this?

They are overwhelmingly female. Of all ages. Only a couple of them seem to be really into it, enthusiastically doing the hand motions that were supposed to be synchronized.

And if we are honest, most of the demonstrations by Palestinians and their Western dhimmis are attended by people who aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. The kind of people who are happy to repeat back the chants done by a person with a microphone are not the type that think too independently. They aren't knowledgeable enough to maintain an argument with someone who knows their stuff.

But still...something attracts these not-too-bright people to an off-key singing session. It isn't ideology that attracts these people.

It is that they are lonely. They live in New York City but cannot make real connections with people. Being mostly female, they need to find spaces where they can meet people and be safe. JVP provides that for them.

Look at them. Except for a couple of the middle aged women, they aren't having fun. There are very few smiles. Why on Earth would anyone voluntarily join such a joyless event?  It is because they are desperate for companionship, and this is the best option they are aware of.

This is important - because it means that Zionist groups are not fulfilling the need that these (mostly) women have. Most Chanukah parties are fun. This one certainly isn't.

Jewish Zionist groups in New York and elsewhere should be doing some outreach to find the unaffiliated and the lonely - and create fun events that can attract the Jews who are lost.

Like these people.

(No sing-alongs please unless they are ironic, and if you are going to play dreidel, make the stakes more interesting than chocolate gelt.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, December 23, 2019

  • Monday, December 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Nice, original song.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Prof. Phyllis Chesler: Is it too late to clear the antisemitism swamp?
There is no end to what must be done, beginning with funding, distributing, and doing whatever it takes to compose new textbooks on racism that include Jew hatred and that make them mandatory reading; new courses in anti-Semitism and Israel, new courses in the history of Islam and then doing whatever it takes to make sure that they, too, are mandatory; forging anti-indoctrination curriculums that will take 50-100 years before they can begin to exert some influence over the media, human rights organizations, government leaders, leftists, and the Muslim world, etc.

This is trench warfare. This is clearing the swamps, inch by inch. There is no one quick fix.

What about our Jewish leadership? Where have they been? Most have spent the last twenty years focused on white, right-wing Nazi Jew haters, have been too politically correct, and overly sensitive to the sorrows of recent immigrants, to note from whence the danger cometh. How do we re-educate our leaders? Failing that, how do we replace them, and in time to make a difference? How do we insure that this time round, we do not give up our religious brethren or our Israeli brethren? And that we do not surrender ourselves?

Finally—finally, even some left-wing American Jews are a bit frightened, on edge, and are asking the kinds of questions that we all should have been asking fifteen or twenty years ago—maybe seventy years ago if we hadn’t been living in such a “goldene medina” at such a golden time in history.

Now, a few more of us can hear the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at full gallop.

This just in from a very liberal friend who was born in hiding in Europe and grew up in a DP camp. “Now I’m really getting frightened. My kids and grandkids all look very Jewish. Black hats. Payes. Sheitels. The works.”

This, from another non-religious friend. “This is wild. How can we stop this?”

This, from a former shul mate: “How did you know this would be happening? Are you some kind of psychic, a prophet, maybe a witch?”

Ah, you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing...

Hannukah Sameach—our holiday which celebrates both military might and divine intervention. We need both.
America’s Failed Jewish Leadership Must Resign
On Tuesday, December 10, 2019, in a premeditated attack, two shooters opened fire inside a kosher deli in Jersey City, New Jersey and murdered four people. The killers included a former member of a notoriously antisemitic group and, reportedly, a follower of Louis Farrakhan.

It’s becoming obvious to most Jews that we are living in a state of siege. Practically every Jewish institution in America now needs significant security. College campuses have become hostile territory for Jewish students. Jews are murdered in Pittsburgh, San Diego, and Jersey City, beaten on the streets of Brooklyn, bullied and harassed in the universities, defamed by The New York Times and CNN, and now maligned in the US Congress.

There are many reasons for the current situation. Many are not within our control, but one thing truly ought to be: Jewish leadership.

The abolitionist leader Fredrick Douglass understood the consequences of failed leadership. He wrote: “Find out what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact … measure of the injustice and wrong … which will be imposed upon them.”

It’s hard to ignore the simple fact that Jewish leaders have failed to stop or even slow down the accelerating epidemic of Jew-hatred in America. Good intentions and doing their “best” is not good enough. It’s irrational to continue with the current policies and leaders and expect different results.

Part of the reason for their failure is that many mainstream Jewish leaders, with a few exceptions, most significantly Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), have failed to fully understand the new threats we face. Like failed generals fighting the last war, they focused on Nazis and the political right — and ignored the changed battlefield for as long as they could. They deliberately, out of political consideration, minimized the assaults coming from “progressives” and Islamists.
French justice protects criminals
The Paris Court of Appeal declared that the young man's discernment - 27 years old at the time and under the influence of illicit substances - was abolished at the time of the facts and that he is therefore criminally irresponsible. The civil parties have five days to decide whether they can appeal to the Court of Cassation.

"The issue here was neither the fight against this scourge which is anti-Semitism nor the desirable criminal policy against cannabis, but only the question of the discernment of Kobili Traore at the material time. However, it was clearly abolished," said the suspect's lawyer, Mr. Thomas Bidnic, who said he was "satisfied" and "relieved. "

Mr. Francis Szpiner, Lawyer for the three children of the victim, denounced the outcome as "an outrageous decision".
Speaking to the press, Mr. Francis Szpiner, lawyer for the three children of the victim, denounced the outcome as "an outrageous decision".

"A man whose experts said that he had had a delusional puff as a result of a deliberate intake of drugs was therefore granted impunity," he added. "We have just created in our country a Sarah Halimi jurisprudence, that is to say that any person who will suffer from a delirious drug addiction because he will have taken an illicit substance that is dangerous for health will be exempt from criminal responsibility ."

This inadmissible and incomprehensible decision shows the dilapidated state of French "justice", incapable of punishing the criminals.

Laws and justice are the foundation of any decent society, in fact for every decent life.

France has lost this moral foundation

  • Monday, December 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Archbishop of Sebastia of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, Atallah Hanna, fell ill over the weekend.

So he blamed Israel for poisoning him.

Speaking to what appears to be dozens of reporters at a hospital in Jordan, Hanna changed the original story of his illness, when he claimed that Israel shot some sort of shell into his church in Jerusalem, a claim that was obviously not corroborated.

He now says that it is possible that the alleged poison was hidden somewhere in his library.

Hanna says "I hold the occupation authorities responsible for the serious health problem that has afflicted me for this day."

He says that he is having difficulty speaking, even though he gave a 13-minute statement without any seeming slurring or stuttering.

But he also said, "I cannot be certain that Israel is behind this incident, but indications are that it is behind it...I believe that if Israel was implicated in this incident, its goal was not an assassination, but rather an attempt to harm me."

Because it makes so much sense for Israel to put poison hidden in his library, not knowing if or when he would be exposed, and only wanting to get him sick but not seriously harmed. It's so obvious!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Divest This will be taking a break for a while to focus on work and family. 

Before going on a previous hiatus, I paused to reflect on what the whole BDS project and the fight against it meant in the context of the wider war against the Jews and their state.  This ended up a nine-part Bigger Picture series that should still be relevant to anyone fighting the good fight who wants to better understand what we’re up against. 

Since knowing who you are fighting only gets you so far, I used that understanding after returning from hiatus to look at the strategies and tactics needed to defeat not just BDS but the militant movement BDS is simply one part of.

Those are both longish series/documents, and I never expected everyone to read them in full and act accordingly.  But the principles they lay out are still relevant and can be summarized as:

·         Far from being a peace movement, BDS represents the propaganda arm of a war movement, one designed to weaken the Jewish state so that others can do the dirty work of eliminating it. 

·         The war movement of which BDS is a part relies on language carefully selected to convince progressive-minded individuals and groups that the anti-Israel cause is a virtuous fight against racism, imperialism and other contemporary sins.

·         Because the societies that back BDS represent the greatest enemies of the progressive values listed above, BDS advocates must militantly police the left end of the political spectrum it is trying to coopt in order to ensure everyone stays in line.  This is why, for example, feminist groups must bow down before the (mostly male-dominated) Palestinian cause, but anyone pointing out the inherent sexism and homophobia within that cause is immediately hounded out of “the movement.”

·         BDS itself is not a movement, but simply a tactic designed to paint the Jewish state as the inheritor of South Africa’s mantle as the world’s worst human-rights abuser. So even when BDS loses this or that battle, even if the Israeli economy tripled in size during the BDS decades, the campaign continues since its propaganda goals are met every time people are exposed to the Israel = Apartheid narrative (especially young people who were not even born when South African Apartheid existed).

·         The fight against BDS is stymied by debates over whether we are “just playing defense” vs. “going on the attack.”  Missing from this binary choice is an analysis of how offense and defense represent different aspects of a military strategy – each required at different times.  But because we do not treat the fight against Israel’s detractors as a military campaign (rather than an argument to be won or lost), we end up fighting with each other over which ineffective defensive or offensive tactics everyone should be using.

·         Treating our fight as a military campaign requires recognizing the nature of the battlefield, the relative strengths and weaknesses of each side, including the fact that one side (ours) does not want to ultimately see our enemies destroyed.  Given this, we should adopt tactics associated with siege warfare, switching to pitched battles and other tactics only when they are militarily prudent (or required). 

This is just a quick summary of what is contained in the material linked above, the bottom line of all of which is that patience is the most potent military and political force in the universe.  While it is painful to see Israel smeared from coast-to-coast, and the rise of anti-Semitic movements and parties (especially in the West) is enormously frightening, we should also look at and learn from positive long-term trends. 

For example, one need only compare Israel, which has thrived and grown richer and more powerful since 1948, with the chaos and decline that characterized her enemies during this same period.  While there is always the chance that his chaos will expand to engulf far more than just the Middle East, the best defense against this trend is an Israel that is militarily powerful, economically independent and allied with others fighting the same fight.

Please reach out via the contact form at Divest This if anything comes up while I’m taking a break from blogging, and enormous thanks to Elder for letting me participate in his fabulous site over the last several years.



We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, December 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Another (secular) year is over and we have again done amazing things for what is essentially a single person operation.

We brought attention to the antisemitic TruNews network and prompted reassurances from the White House that they will not get getting press credentials as they sometimes had been. Other smaller victories came from our publicizing things we discovered - like having Dictionary.com change its sources on defining Zionism, prompting the Israeli government to drop a recommended film for high schoolers after the director was discovered to have said he wanted Israel to drown, getting Haaretz to change a photo caption, and more. 

EoZ has been quoted and/or cited about 90 times this year in news media. Some of our tweets have gone viral, being seen by literally millions of people. 

The site  continues to create videos, cartoons, posters and more besides our original analysis. EoZ is truly one of the most influential pro-Israel websites and Twitter accounts out there. 

Plus,. EoZ hosts some amazing columnists - Divest This, Daled Amos, Judean Rose, PreOccupied Territory, Vic Rosenthal, and some others that have added their unique perspectives. And Ian has continued to put together the best linkdumps and synopses of articles, videos and tweets, twice a day during the week, an invaluable resource that is for some people their main source for all news about Israel, the Jewish world and the Muslim world.

All of this isn't free. 

So please, donate to EoZ and help make this site even better in the future!

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Either way, I appreciate your friendship and support.

I wish all of my Jewish readers a very happy Chanukah, and for my many Christian readers may you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Israel Does Not Commit War Crimes
Israel does not intentionally harm civilians in Gaza or anywhere else. Yes, civilians are harmed in Gaza by IDF actions, but they are not the target. In 2015, a panel of former top military leaders and generals from eight democratic countries investigated the 2014 Gaza War. Their conclusion: Israel's conduct in the conflict "met and in some respects exceeded the highest standards we set for our own nations' militaries....The IDF not only met its obligations under the Law of Armed Conflict, but often exceeded these on the battlefield at significant tactical cost."

Furthermore, Jews living at the site of the biblical Shiloh, or in the shadow of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount, are not committing war crimes. To say that a Jew living in Judea - the cradle of Jewish civilization - is a war criminal is ridiculous. As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Cabinet on Sunday: "To turn the fact that Jews are living in their land into a war crime is an absurdity of unimaginable proportions."

What starts with Israel will not end with Israel. If today Israeli politicians and soldiers will be charged with war crimes for the unintentional death of innocents during a military campaign, then tomorrow the politicians and soldiers of other countries will also find themselves so accused.

Syria intentionally commits war crimes. Iran intentionally commits war crimes. Turkey intentionally commits war crimes. Israel does not.
The Hague vs. Israel: Everything you need to know about the ICC Palestine probe
7. Does the ICC unfairly single out Israel for censure?

It is certainly possible to argue that getting dragged into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a good look for the court. A bloody civil war has been raging for years in Syria with hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced; there are massive human rights violations in China, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea and elsewhere; and The Hague does nothing.

Instead, the ICC, which seeks to prosecute only the “most serious crimes of international concern,” is gearing up to investigate a Western democracy that insists it is fighting defensive conflicts against brutal terrorist organizations, and building homes on disputed territory captured in a defensive war.

“Who are they accusing here? Iran? Turkey? Syria? No — Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. This is terrible hypocrisy,” Netanyahu said Sunday.

On the other hand, this “whataboutism” argument isn’t entirely straightforward, either. The aforementioned states, like Israel, are not members of the ICC and the court thus does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed on their respective territories.

The ICC did not choose to get involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It did not initiate the process. Indeed, it is reasonable to assume that the court, with its limited resources and already poor reputation, was hoping to stay far away from it. However, it was dragged into it by the Palestinians. Frustrated with the lack of progress in the peace process, Ramallah viewed The Hague as a convenient arena to score potent points against Israel.

However, it can be counter-argued, the prosecutor could have easily rejected the case by determining that the ICC does not have jurisdiction because Palestine is not a state. Whether she chose the opposite path out of purely legalistic or political-ideological reasons we may never know definitively. But we will find out soon enough whether the pretrial chamber agrees with or reject her arguments.

In the meantime, it is worth noting that the prosecutor’s announcement last week did not come as a surprise to Israel. For the last five years, senior politicians, including those on the right, were keenly aware that Bensouda was watching Israel’s every step. Netanyahu’s vocal support for expanding the settlement enterprise, including his recent repeated vows to annex significant portions of the West Bank, self-evidently did not help convince her to close the case and let it be.
ICC to Open Probe Into War Crimes in West Bank, Gaza
Israel's ministerial cabinet on Sunday decided to classify its discussions of the International Criminal Court’s expected investigation of alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank, local media reported.

ICC reportedly spurned Israelis, met Palestinian group before probe decision
The International Criminal Court’s top prosecutor reportedly met with a Palestinian group, but avoided meeting with Israeli organizations, before the court announced Friday that it was preparing to probe alleged war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians.

The Israeli organizations sought to present prosecutor Fatou Bensouda with information on alleged crimes by the Palestinian Authority, Channel 13 reported on Sunday.

Despite avoiding the Israelis, Bensouda met several times with Palestinian organizations ahead of the decision, with the most recent meeting occurring roughly two weeks ahead of the announcement.

One of the pro-Israel organizations that tried to meet with Bensouda was the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, a human rights group with representatives in Israel, the US and the UK.

The head of the organization, Meir Linzen, told Channel 13 that “for about a year we contacted the prosecutor several times, and didn’t get an answer.”

Linzen said the organization had prepared documents with its legal opinion that the ICC lacked authority to investigate the case, as well as information on the Palestinian Authority’s financial compensation of those involved in carrying out terror attacks against Israelis. The group reached out to Bensouda via both email and phone calls to no avail.

Bensouda met with representatives of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, who criticized the ICC for being unfairly biased toward Israel in a tense meeting earlier this month. The center posted footage of the meeting on its Facebook and YouTube pages on December 8.

  • Monday, December 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

For the first time, Saudi Arabia will officially welcome the secular New Year this year.

Official Saudi social media announced a fireworks show, a countdown to 2020 and music with a DJ.

Last year, private New Year's parties and events were allowed but nothing official from the Kingdom.

Up until now,  the Kingdom and its Muslim clerics refused to celebrate the New Year because it is forbidden in Sharia law.

A member of the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars, Dr. Saleh Al-Fawzan, said on many occasions and fatwas that "participation in New Year's celebrations is forbidden by Sharia," describing it as a "legal innovation."

Things are definitely changing in Saudi Arabia, and the reason is probably the desire to attract tourists as oil is becoming less and less stable as the major source of the kingdom's income.

(Photo above was for the Saudi National Day celebrations.)

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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