Friday, July 27, 2018

From Ian:

MEMRI: Palestinian Authority TV Lauds President Abbas' Holocaust Denial PhD Thesis, Terror Attacks Launched From Lebanon
The official Palestinian Authority TV channel broadcast a bio-documentary on President Mahmoud Abbas. The show presented his Ph.D. dissertation from the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, claiming that he had "exposed the relations between the global Zionist organization and the Nazi regime." In a book, published on the basis of the dissertation, Abbas claimed that the number of victims in the Holocaust was less than one million. The PA TV program included an interview with Dr. Khadr Al-Zufairi, a personal friend of Abbas, who praised his oratory skills and said that Abbas had presented 93 documents to prove his claims. Later in the show, the channel lauded Dalal Al-Mughrabi, who led the 1978 Coastal Road terrorist attack in Israel, and other terrorists who launched "heroic operations" from Lebanon, saying that they "embodied the epitome of martyrdom in occupied Palestine." The program aired on July 20, 2018.

"When [Mahmoud Abbas] Headed The Palestinian-Soviet Friendship Foundation, He Was Working On A Ph.D. Dissertation, Which He Later Published As An Important Book, Titled: The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism And Zionism"

Narrator: "When [Mahmoud Abbas] headed the Palestinian-Soviet Friendship Foundation, he was working on a Ph.D. dissertation, which he later published as an important book, titled: The Other Side: The Secret Relationship between Nazism and Zionism. In the book, Abbas presented documents exposing the relations between the global Zionist organization and the Nazi regime, and the agreements between the Zionists and the Nazis, especially the Haavara Agreement. The Hebrew word ['Haavara'] means 'transfer.'"

Khadr Al-Zufairi: "The dissertation committee consisted of 27 professors. There was an unexpectedly large attendance. People were asking one another: How come so many people have come? That dissertation was unusual – even its title was unusual for the Russians. Anyway, the custom is that when a student defends his dissertation, he is allowed to write three or four pages of notes to read from. Abbas had only one page, with the main points, and he started speaking. The translator was from the Institute of Oriental Studies. He was fluent in both Arabic and Russian. He lectured, defending his dissertation, improvising as he spoke... Abbas is a very eloquent and capable speaker. He defended his dissertation.

"Then the head of the committee of the Institute of Oriental Studies asked him: 'Do you have any documents that prove what you are saying?' [Abbas] picked up the documents next to him and said: 'I have 93 documents to prove what I'm saying.' He read out an abstract of the first document, then the next, and so on. He even had documents that he had managed to get from Israel. Anyway, he finished with distinction, and the Institute of Oriental Studies asked to print the dissertation as a book in Russian."
UNRWA Complains About Funding While Training Children to Wage War
Over the past month, reports have circulated that members of the US House of Representatives’ Middle East Subcommittee have raised concerns that humanitarian aid is not reaching the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza.

In response, the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR) contacted 44 donor nations ​that contribute humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population in Gaza through UNRWA in order to determine if any had cut back on their donations. With the exception of the US, which has cut back on 20% of its donations, every single donor nation responded emphatically that they are not cutting one penny in aid to UNRWA.

Therefore, UNRWA currently has $1.2 billion to spend on the people supposed to benefit from its health, education, and welfare programs in Gaza, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.

Despite this, UNRWA ​proclaims ​to the media ​that it is bereft of resources to provide basic services. The organization’s media adviser Adnan Abu Hasna declared that UNRWA lacks basic food products and the people of Gaza “have nothing to lose,” adding “we don’t know yet whether school will open in the coming year. … We’re talking about 300,000 students who need to go to school.”

So why does UNRWA claim that it does not have funds for humanitarian needs?

The answer may lie with Hamas, the terror group that has controlled the UNRWA workers and teachers associations in Gaza since 1999.

It was our turn in Adam
When the gunshots rang out we didn't panic, but for the wrong reasons. Every evening the sounds of gunfire bursts and firecracker explosions from the nearby Arab villages pierce the air. These villages are trapped between Jerusalem's municipal territory and the separation fence, and no one enforces the law in them. Thus, on Thursday evening when a few friends and I were mingling in the plaza outside the local synagogue, we didn't imagine that a tragedy had befallen the community of Adam.

The person I was talking to in that moment had lost his daughter just three weeks ago due to a rare amniotic fluid embolism. The daughter died, the baby granddaughter was saved, and the entire community, thousands of people, came to mourn and grieve with him. No one was thinking of terror or anything related. Around five minutes later, when a security vehicle sped past us, we understood something had happened. Even then, and perhaps it will sound strange, I assumed it was a criminal incident.

I ran home to the kids. One wasn't home but we soon learned he was with neighbors. We locked the doors and waited for things to unfold. My phone soon began vibrating with rapidly incoming reports and updates. A long hour later, we still couldn't get any information about who had been hurt.

The minutes passed and slowly the mind shifted to the realization that we too, in Adam, had come under a terrorist infiltration attack. For years we had been very worried about it. The community guard group had run hundreds of drills to defend against such an attack; they were rushed to the fence dozens of times due to infiltrations, which later emerged as criminal incidents or just a stray animal. This time it was real.

  • Friday, July 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Jordan's Minister for Information Affairs spokesperson Jumana Ghneimat condemned "the continued tampering and illegal Israeli excavations in the Al-Buraq Wall area west of Al-Aqsa Mosque," meaning the Western Wall.

In a press statement published by the Jordanian news agency Petra on Thursday, Ghoneim expressed the kingdom's absolute rejection of the Israeli authorities' removal of the stone that fell this week from the wall.

"These grave and irresponsible Israeli actions constitute a flagrant violation of international law, in particular the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the Hague Regulations of 1907 on Land War, the Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954 and the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing Illegal Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property of 1970, Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972, UNESCO Recommendations and Decisions on the Protection of Cultural Heritage and those relating to Jerusalem. These actions also violate the feelings of Muslims and their sanctities," she said.

She stressed the need for the international community to act and to shoulder its responsibilities in pressuring Israel to stop its violations against the holy sites in Jerusalem.

If examining an ancient stone violates all those conventions, then then indiscriminate digging that occurs on the Temple Mount all the time, including the destruction of literally tons of priceless artifacts and historical objects, certainly violates those conventions and more.

Has Israel ever formally complained to the UN or UNESCO about the illegal digs on the Temple Mount by the Waqf?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, July 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

From The Jordan Times:

 Activists on Tuesday organised a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Tourism to denounce “promoting normalisation of tourism with the Israelis”, demanding to sever ties with Israel at all levels.

“This sit-in is to condemn the Ministry of Tourism’s latest decisions to promote Israeli tourism to Jordan… we demand cutting the ties with the occupation forces completely at all levels,” said Mohammad Absi, head of the Etharrak anti-normalisation campaign.

“All the agreements for Zionists to enter Aqaba, Wadi Rum and Petra are to provoke the Jordanian people and to pressure them into gradually accepting the enemy,” Absi stated at the protest.

Despite several attempts by The Jordan Times, officials at the Ministry of Tourism were not available for comment.

Member of the Arab National Youth bloc Ahmad Ramahi said the protest is part of a series of events to denounce the normalisation of ties with Israel. “There is also the Israeli vegetable produce entering Jordan, which is not only unethical, but also negatively impacts the Jordanian farmers’ income,” he said.
 “All these agreements attempt to change the people’s perspective on the Palestinian cause, whether by entering Palestine through an Israeli visa or an Israeli passport. Jordanians have sacrificed their lives for Palestine. Jordanian and Palestinian blood [is]united over one humanitarian cause over the years; these decisions will turn blood into water,” claimed Rakan Hiasat, member of Etharrak and the anti-Zionism and racism movement.
Remember, when they talk about "Israelis," they mean only Jews. Because Israeli Arabs are welcome in Jordan as "Palestinians."

So the apparent error referring to the "anti-Zionism and racism movement" is pretty accurate - anti-Zionism is racism (well, bigotry, but if they define Israel as racist, then antisemitism is racism too under their own definition.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, July 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The 17 year old who stabbed Yotam Ovadia to death yesterday and injured two others, is being hailed as a hero and a martyr in Palestinian media and social media.

Palestine Today and other outlets are praising his last post on Facebook, written an hour before the murder, where he complained that Palestinians were being silent in the face of Israeli crimes in Gaza and against Al Aqsa. "Remember that the children in Gaza suffer the most suffering ...Praise the heroes, and for those who betrayed their homeland and sold their land, let them fall, cowards, with the blood of your martyrs...The time has come for your consciousness. The time has come for the Great Revolution. By your blood, honorable ones, to bring back the Muslims of Gaza, a rush to keep away the oppression of the Jews from your people, did not the time of this revolution come? Oh God, forgive our negligence towards the Aqsa and the oppressed."

People are making martyr videos juxtaposing pictures of him with the scene in Adam.

Facebook pages with the story of his "martyrdom" are filled with praise for him.

As always with Palestinian terror attacks, the story isn't the universal praise that the murderers get from Palestinian society.

The story is that it is virtually impossible to find a single Palestinian voice - not one - who can publicly says that murdering a civilian father of two is wrong. Whether it is because of fear of retribution or because there are truly no moderate Palestinian voices, it doesn't matter. The lack of a single pushback to a horrible murder and to the canonization of the murderer says all you need to know about the disgusting pro-terror and antisemitic mindset of Palestinian society.

The reason that peace is impossible is not because of Israeli actions but because Palestinians simply love their murderers - they encourage them, they pay them, they honor them, and no one speaks out against them.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

From Ian:

3 wounded, 1 critically, in stabbing attack in settlement; terrorist killed
A Palestinian terrorist stabbed three Israeli men after entering the West Bank settlement of Adam, northeast of Jerusalem, on Thursday night, the IDF said.

Magen David Adom medics treated one man who was critically injured, another who was in serious condition, and a third male victim who was lightly injured.

The terrorist was shot dead at the scene, the IDF said. According to reports, he was shot by a resident of Adam.

The critically and seriously wounded men were evacuated to the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Jerusalem. The lightly wounded victim was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center, also in the capital.

A spokesman for the Binyamin Regional Council said the terrorist jumped over the settlement’s security fence near the entrance to the community.

Residents were ordered by local authorities to stay in their homes, lock their doors and shut their windows following the attack.
Guardian op-ed by Daniel Barenboim distorts nation-state law and Israel’s founding principles
In short, the declaration enshrines equality under the law for all its inhabitants, whilst stressing, as does the new Jewish nation-state law, that national self-determination is reserved for Jews.

Barenboim then argues that this part of the law represents “apartheid” as it “confirms the Arab population as second-class citizens”, a claim completely at odds with the truth, as the law doesn’t supersede the Basic Law on “Human Dignity and Liberty” which establishes “the fundamental rights granted to all Israeli citizens, Jewish or not.”

Interestingly, as Shany Mor pointed out in his letter in the Guardian, in response to Barenboim’s op-ed, the Palestinian constitution declares that Palestine is Arab, that Islam is its official religion, that Arabic is the official language and “recognises no other people as having a linguistic or cultural or political claim” to the state.

Would Barenboim, who also has Palestinian citizenship, characterise Palestine as a racist “apartheid” state?

Moreover, as International Law expert Eugene Kontorovich explained, the law’s declaration of Israel as a uniquely Jewish state, and declaring Hebrew the official language whilst protecting Arabic’s “special” status, is not inconsistent with liberal democratic constitutions of Europe.

The Latvian Constitution, Kontorovich explains, opens by declaring the “unwavering will of the Latvian nation to have its own State and its inalienable right of self-determination in order to guarantee the existence and development of the Latvian nation, its language and culture throughout the centuries.” Latvia’s population, Kontorovich adds, is about 25% ethnically and linguistically Russian. And, the Slovak Constitution, he notes, opens with the words, “We the Slovak nation,” possess “the natural right of nations to self-determination.”

The Spanish constitution states clearly that “national sovereignty belongs to the Spanish people”, not Catalans, Galicians or Basques.

Would Barenboim, or the Guardian, ever publish an op-ed suggesting that Spain, Slovakia or Latvia have “racist” constitutions?

Of course, employing such double standards against the Jewish state, by holding it to standards not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation, can arguably be characterised as antisemitic based on the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism – a pattern of inconsistency in the expression of moral opprobrium which represents the most egregious element of the Guardian’s institutionally biased coverage of Israel.
Michael Oren: Israel’s ultimate battle: Right to exist
Asked why his forces killed thousands of innocent Arab civilians, the military spokesman replied, “When you have an enemy that uses noncombatants as collateral damage, it is difficult to completely avoid any casualties.”

Sound familiar? This could easily be the IDF Spokesman justifying our actions against Hamas in Gaza. But, in fact, the statement was recently issued by a US Army colonel fighting Islamic State in Syria. The explanations are identical, but while America’s is accepted by the world, Israel’s is almost universally rejected. Worse, it is condemned as a cover-up for war crimes.

The difference underscores one of the greatest dangers – and, to date, the most glaring failure – of our Gaza policy. The IDF is certainly prepared for any contingency, including reconquering the Strip. But Israel is not poised to win the ultimate battle – for our right to self-defense and even our right to exist.

That is Hamas’s goal. Beyond killing Israelis, its rockets are designed to get Israel condemned for killing Palestinians. For the same reason, Hamas sends children to break through the border fence and even pays them for every gunshot wound. Indeed, the demonstrator is the new rocket — cheaper, unlikely to trigger an Israeli military response, and immensely damaging to our legitimacy.

That damage is cumulative. Today, after three wars in Gaza, the vast majority of nations vote in favor of UN resolutions accusing Israeli soldiers of indiscriminately shooting peaceful Palestinian protesters. Hamas is not even mentioned. By contrast, Israel’s fundamental right to defend itself against jihadist terrorists who are hiding behind human shields is dismissed out of hand.

The erosion of Israel’s narrative certainly reflects an anti-Israel bias and even antisemitism, but it also results from our unwillingness to mount a comprehensive diplomatic campaign to convey the facts of Gaza. The result is painfully apparent, and not only in the UN.

  • Thursday, July 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
No reason the Zionist side can't be just as proud of these photos as Hamas is!

The fourth that died was not killed by Israel. He drowned. But Hamas says he's a martyr too, and that's good enough for me!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

If you read a history book or today’s newspaper, you will see certain kinds of conflicts that repeat themselves, time and again. There are economic conflicts, situations in which one group wants something – land or property – that another group has. And there are ethnic/religious/racial conflicts, conflicts based on the perception of members of a different group as an enemy, simply because they belong to that group.

Very often there is a conflict in which both kinds of motivations are mixed, but it seems to me that the ethnic part brings a special kind of viciousness and persistence that is not found in purely economic conflicts. A purely economic conflict can operate on a rational level, where benefits are weighed against costs, while an ethnic one can escalate through a kind of feedback mechanism so that even suicidal actions can seem justified if they hurt the enemy. And they can go on forever.

Sometimes the leaders of a group will encourage ethnic hatred in order to motivate their people to fight for primarily economic objectives. It’s an effective technique, but sometimes the inter-group hatred gets out of control and conflict continues long after the economic motive is gone.

Ethnic conflicts are found throughout history. I think of the Hebrews and Amalek, the Armenians and the Turks, and of course the Jews and the Arabs in the land of Israel. In fact, it seems to me that nothing is more characteristic of humans than inter-group suspicion, hatred, and aggression.

Human attempts to change this fundamental behavior have consistently failed. The South African reconciliation process was intended to short-circuit the continuation of conflict associated with the end of apartheid by rehabilitating the victims, exposing the abuses, and punishing or in some cases giving amnesty to the perpetrators. While it seemed to have had a certain degree of success, recent events suggest that racial animosity is welling up there again.

In the US, 50 years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, the last major legislative achievement of the civil rights movement, feelings of animosity between blacks and whites are as strong or stronger than they were in 1968.

Need I add that antisemitism has reached levels throughout the world unmatched since the period prior to WWII? Or that conflicts between Muslims and non-Muslims have broken out almost everywhere there is an interface between them?

It’s time to stop treating this kind of behavior as an aberration and to realize that ethnic, religious, and racial hatred and aggression is normal human behavior, probably biologically based. So how can we act to minimize the damage it does?

The liberal and social-democratic establishment in the world thinks it has a solution: it is to increase diversity; that is, to mix ethnic, religious, and racial groups in every possible environment so that the members of the various groups will get to know each other and understand that they are all humans. Once they understand each other (the theory says), animosity and mistrust will dissipate. At the same time, the economic status of all groups should be improved so that none will be worse off than the others. If people understand each other and don’t envy other groups, the argument goes, there will be no room for conflict.

Unfortunately, this same establishment has also been at pains to promulgate a world-view in which certain groups are defined as oppressed by other groups. They believe that “oppressed” groups should be compensated by being given special advantages over the “oppressors,” or even (as in South Africa) by being given property confiscated from “oppressors.” Naturally, any improvement in relations brought about by diversity is immediately overwhelmed by the resentment this creates – among both the “oppressed” and “oppressor” groups).

There’s a fundamental problem with diversity itself. In a diverse environment, each group tries to maximize its power and ownership of common resources. This expresses itself as political divisiveness along ethnic lines, the situation so familiar to us in the Middle East. These political groups then provide a focus for conflict. Thus the presence of Arab members in Israel’s Knesset doesn’t serve to improve relations between Jews and Arabs, but rather brings about political conflict as those representatives look for issues with which to set themselves apart from the Jewish Knesset members – and become even more extreme in order to distinguish themselves from the other Arabs.

Promoting diversity, in other words, increases tensions, which leads to conflict. But there is an opposite approach, which is to move in the opposite direction from diversity, and reduce conflict by separating antagonistic groups.

How does this apply to the situation of Israel and the Palestinians?

Ze’ev Jabotinsky understood the inescapability of ethnic conflict between Jews and Arabs. His solution was that the creation of a Jewish majority and the establishment of Jewish sovereignty should be carried out despite Arab opposition, by force if necessary. Once those things were obtained and it was clear to the Arabs that they would not be given up, it might become possible to reach a modus vivendi with them.

Meir Kahane also understood. But he believed that it was impossible for a sovereign Jewish state to contain a sizeable Arab minority and survive. According to Kahane, coexistence is not an option.

Both Jabotinsky and Kahane disagreed with the liberal conventional wisdom that diversity, dialogue, and economic improvements could end ethnic/religious/racial hatred. Recent history, in Israel and other places, has borne them out.

We must understand that we will never make the Palestinians like us, or even stop wanting to kill us. Understanding won’t help, and neither will generous aid. Separation from them is the best way to reduce conflict.

What that would mean in practice is a hard question. The Left wants us to chop off part of our homeland, find some unspecified magic solution to the security nightmare that this would create, and everything would be fine. Except there is no magic solution, and the nightmare would be a deadly reality.

Martin Sherman has suggested (Part I and Part II, also FAQ I and FAQ II) that we incentivize emigration of the Arabs from the territories to third countries, financially and otherwise. Perhaps the only truly rational answer, and one which would probably produce the least misery for everyone involved, Sherman’s ideas have not gotten any traction among decision-makers in Israel or the US, and certainly not among the Palestinians.

Why do they hate us? It doesn’t matter. It’s not worth arguing about who started it and who’s right or wrong, except as an academic exercise. What is important is that the conflict is not amenable to solutions that don’t involve one or the other party stepping aside. Let it be them.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

David Horovitz: Hamas, the murderous neighbor that demands Israel give it the gun
A few years ago, an awful new neighbor moved in next door. An ex-murderer, unreformed.

Life became a nightmare. He claimed we were on his land. We weren’t. There’d been a dispute before he arrived, but we’d actually conceded.

He vowed alternately to force us out of the neighborhood and to kill us. He told anyone who’d listen that we had no right to be here and that he hated us. Unbelievably, some of the other neighbors supported him.

There were fights at the fence. We were scared to go outside. Life became a nightmare.

He tried to get a gun. He had friends who we knew would give him one. He said that if we didn’t let him get the gun, he’d keep on harassing and attacking us.

So we said okay. We let him get the gun. He killed us.

That ridiculous story is essentially the tale of what’s going on between Hamas and Israel. Except for the last part. That’s not going to happen.
David Singer: David Singer: Trump exposes UN hypocrisy on PLO, Hamas and Israel
President Trump has challenged United Nations (UN) member States to put their money where their mouths are in a hard-hitting speech delivered by US Permanent Representative to the UN – Ambassador Nikki Haley – at a UN Security Council Open Debate on the Middle East on 24 July.

Following Trump’s dressing down of NATO – Haley attacked UN member States who are full of words but short on money when it comes to supporting the Palestinian Arabs.

Haley did not mince her words:
Here at the UN, thousands of miles away from Palestinians who do have real needs, there is no end to the speeches on their behalf. Country after country claims solidarity with the Palestinian people. If those words were useful in the schools, the hospitals, and the streets of their communities, the Palestinian people would not be facing the desperate conditions we are discussing here today. Talk is cheap.

No group of countries is more generous with their words than the Palestinians’ Arab neighbors, and other OIC [Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – ed.]member states. But all of the words spoken here in New York do not feed, clothe, or educate a single Palestinian child. All they do is get the international community riled up.

Haley used members’ contributions to UNRWA to prove her case:
Last year, Iran’s contribution to UNRWA was zero. Algeria’s contribution to UNRWA was zero. Tunisia’s contribution to UNRWA was zero.

Other countries did provide some funding. Pakistan gave $20,000. Egypt gave $20,000. Oman gave $668,000.

Haley did not spare non-Arab and non-Islamic countries from similar naming and shaming:
Other countries talk a big game about the Palestinian cause. In 2017, China provided $350,000 to UNRWA. Russia provided two million dollars to UNWRA.

Haley contrasted America’s generosity:
Last year … the United States gave 364 million dollars… And that’s on top of what the American people give annually to the Palestinians in bilateral assistance. That is another 300 million dollars just last year, and it averages to more than a quarter of a billion dollars every year since 1993.

Israel Should Seek More from Hamas Than a Return to the Status Quo Ante
The fighting between Israel and Hamas has not yet abated, but it’s possible that this round of conflict is coming to an end. Yet even if Israel succeeds in deterring Hamas from further attacks, writes Amos Yadlin, the result will be what he calls an “asymmetric strategic tie.”

Hamas has been able to erode the Israeli deterrence that was established since Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014, to breach the calm that prevailed in [Israel’s] south, and to try to define new “equations” and rules of engagement. To be sure, Hamas did not plan the March of Return or the kite- and balloon-based arson attacks, but it found in them attractive tactics and turned them into two central operational efforts. . . .

Israel has undoubtedly scored impressive achievements: its borders were not breached and its citizens were not harmed. Hamas weapons factories, training camps, and storage facilities were wiped out by the air force. Yet Hamas still has a sense of achievement. It has once again put the Gaza issue—both its humanitarian and political aspects—on the international agenda, damaged Israel’s image, undermined the sense of security among the Israeli population in the communities near the Gaza border, and challenged Israeli sovereignty in the Gaza environs.

In order to break this ongoing tie, Israel must adopt a proactive rather than a reactive strategy. It must take an approach designed to change the reality and not sanctify the status quo. . . . [First], efforts can and must be made to promote more modest understandings, namely, a limited hudna [Arabic for a temporary truce]. A fundamental condition for such an arrangement is a total halt of terror from Gaza and the return of Israeli civilians and bodies of the fallen soldiers held by Hamas. . . .

  • Thursday, July 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the official Fatah news site:

The Fatah movement confirmed that Israel has prepared and has been implementing a plan to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque through continuous excavations under Al-Aqsa Mosque and tampering with its foundations and weakening it to make it a matter of time.

Spokesman for the Fatah movement, Osama al-Qawasmi, said in a press statement that the fall of a stone two days ago from the Islamic Wall of Buraq is a dangerous indication of what is happening in Al-Aqsa mosque and its surroundings. "We declare and affirm that the space of Al-Aqsa Mosque, above and below ground, and Jews have no right to it. What they do in the courtyard daily and continuous excavations underground  is a crime against all religions, a blatant violation of the Islamic religion, and the promotion and encouragement of extremism and blind religious fanaticism and malicious planning by the Government of Israel to destroy any possibility of coexistence in the region.

Al-Qawasmi stressed that all Jerusalem is a purely Arab Palestinian state and that there is no peace or stability without an end to its occupation by Israel.
I recall Islamic clerics routinely making the charge that Israel has plans to demolish Al Aqsa, but I do not remember Fatah - the political party headed by Mahmoud Abbas - ever saying this before 2018. But this is the second time I have seen that al-Qawasmi has made this absurd claim - a claim that is pure incitement for Muslims to "do whatever we can to defend Jerusalem" and al Aqsa as Mahmoud Abbas himself said shortly before the car and knife intifada of 2015.

Claiming that Jews are destroying Al Aqsa is a reliable way to get Palestinian Muslims to riot and attack Israeli Jews, and it has been since 1920. It cannot be regarded as anything other than hate speech and incitement.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, July 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

In the wake of Turkish leader Erdogan's insulting Israel for its nation state law, it is worth recalling some history.

Turkey pretends that it has always been tolerant to Jews, welcoming those fleeing from Spain in 1492. But its record id not quite as good as it pretends.

From Yekta Uzunoglu, written earlier this year:
The world seems to have woken up after the events of the last five years and is asking what the real secularity of Turkey is like.

Nearly all of the “analysts” from Europe, but also from a part of the United States, unanimously attribute the “current” situation in Turkey, connected with the Turkish-Islamic ideology in relation to other kinds of religion, to Erdogan, which is a fatal mistake stemming from lack of knowledge of modern Turkish history. On top of that the ignorance is also caused by more than a half of a century of massive propaganda of the West regarding Turkey, but exclusively for the sake of the Turkish membership in Western political and military institutions.

It is impossible to believe that European and US experts really do not know much about the uncompromising and often inhumane attitude of Turkey towards their minorities of different confessions, which has been practiced since the establishing the Turkish “republic” up to the present. To understand the current Erdogan’s policy aimed against the transatlantic civilization, it is sufficient to have look at the modern history of the country and their discriminatory policy of persecution against non-Islamic, non-Turkish minorities.

So let’s take a short look at the modern history of  “modern secular Turkey” and first of all the fate of the Jews in Turkey.

It will not be just one short article which cannot embrace all of the atrocities the Jews were exposed to in the “secular, democratic” Turkey, But I can assure you that you will not regret that you have read it.

The Period of Atatürk, chronologically:

May 10, 1934

The main ideologist of Turkish Islamists in Turkey of those days, dominated demonstratively by one party, one nation, one language, one religion and one leader, Cevat Rifat Atilhan. With the aim of attracting greater favour of Nazi Germany, he distributed the Hitlerian Crosses to all students of the University of Istanbul, he passed them out himself, together with his followers, and ordered all of the students to wear them. You should not forget that the University of Istanbul was the most important Turkish university of those days.

May 22, 1934

Some of the Jewish intellectuals were too naive. They wrote an official application addressed to the Turkish government asking to stop the hateful campaign against Turkish Jews, run by the pro-governmental or even governmental magazine “The National Revolution”.

May 25, 1934

The Jewish community in Turkey, in despair and fear of the coming pogroms, approached the Prime Minister Ismet Inönü himself and to the Minister of Interior Affairs Sükrü Kaya and appealed for protection provided by state authorities, against the attacks by crowds, goaded by mysterious forces… The appeal was never answered.

June 14, 1934

The Turkish government responded in a special way, by approving a shameful fascist law aimed especially against the Jews and their properties.

The law begins with a quotation: This law has been approved to make sure that one language is spoken in the country, there is one thought, one and identical feeling and consciousness, especially for the Islamic homeland, and therefore:

a) The areas where Turkish culture represents a minority are nationalized
b) All of the areas and regions, where representatives of Turkish culture could be relocated, are nationalized
c) All of the buildings, facilities, including houses and factories belonging to those who are not Mohammedan, are nationalized. They will serve for our health, culture, politics, army and civil guard.
Section 11 of the same law states:

 “Those who do not speak Turkish as their mother tongue have no right to set up new neighbourhoods, new villages, new workplaces, artistic groups or societies, new schools, and they have no right to cede their trade, their professions or companies to their descendants, relatives or people of the same origin.”

June 21,  1934

The Turkish Government issued the Surname Act

All minorities living in Turkey were obliged to accept the Turkish surnames they were assigned etc. They were the Jews, Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Roma, simply all of them. A new wave of forcing minorities to become Turks began and it continues until now. Just exceptionally, a member of such a minority succeeds in making the Turkish authorities to approve the change to the original surname. Well, in recent years some of them may have succeeded in claiming the original surnames back but it happened only due to bribes, but the ban is still in force. The order was not related just to peoples’ names but also to the names of mountains, rocks, streams, animals, plants or even flowers.

Immediately, after the law was passed, a lot of Jews dwelling in the European part of Turkey, i.e. near the borders with Greece and Bulgary, were relocated to the steppes of Central Anatolia, under the pretext of intelligence activities.

June 21, 1934

In the City of Dardanelles, where nearly 1500 Jews lived at that time, attacks were started against Jewish shops. “Unofficial” guards were standing in front of the shops and did not let citizens enter. They placed notices on Jewish house doors, with a threatening appeal saying that the people must leave the city immediately to avoid being murdered.

June 25, 1934

All of the Jews of Dardanelles and the city of Gelibol left the cities and they were allowed to take just personal belongings with them… On the same day, “purely by coincidence”, the city was visited by the Turkish President Atatürk, the Father of all Turks, accompanied by the Iranian Shah Riza Pehlevi… they came as conquerors. And they were greeted by applause and cheering by the fanaticized crowds…

One of the witnesses described the arrival of “the Father of the Turkish Nation” Atatürk, just on the fatal day when the Jewish residents were forced to leave the city, saying:

“… the crowd cheered at Atatürk’s arrival, shouting “May he live forever!” and Atatürk’s car stopped among the cheering crowds, he got out of the car, more self-confident than ever, his appearing put the crowd to the top of ecstasy. Atatürk enjoyed the feeling of being admired, as the person giving wealth to his pears, he walked among them, stopped for a while, and at that moment a citizen broke away and ran towards him. The guards tried to stop him but Atatürk, believing that the man is one of his admirers, ordered the guards to let him come and they had to obey.

The disillusioned citizen knelt down on the ground and raised both arms towards heaven, saying in despair,

“-My Pasha, for the God’s life, are they driving us out of our own city? Where are we to go? What shall we do, oh my God?”

Atatürk understood immediately who the man was and what he expected from him, nevertheless he asked him ironically and in a mocking way, “-Who are you?”

“-My Holy Pasha, I am a local Jew from Dardanelles, Avram Palto.”

“-And who is driving you out? The Government? The Laws? The Police? The Gendarmerie? Go ahead, tell me”!

The Jewish citizen of Dardanelles, who was to lose all his property on that day and to leave his own city, replied in despair,

“No, my Almighty Pasha, the people are driving us away!”

And Atatürk started laughing and then said with a strict look,

“Well, if they are the people, nothing can be done, if the people wished, they could drive away even myself,” and he returned to his car where there was his guest, the Shah of Iran.

June 29, 1934

The US Ambassador Robert P. Skinner reported to his Minister’s office in Washington saying, “all of the Jewish residents of Dardanelles, Silivri and the European parts of Turkey have been expelled to places outside their region, the Turkish Government keeps giving no respond to our inquiries regarding the exile, Turkey is probably also ready to send  troops to the area.

The Jews were expelled from the Cities of Dardanelles and Silivri, on June 25, 1934. On June 28 the expulsion continued. They were being expelled from cities in the European part of Turkey, having high Jewish population, the cities Edirne, Keşan, Uzunköprü, Babaeski, Lüleburgaz and Kırıklareli (they are Turkish names for towns that used to be ancient in the past).

They had to leave some cities within 24 hours, somewhere within two days, and, exceptionally, in the case of Uzunkprü, they had three days available… They were leaving with personal belongings only and they left behind everything that many generations had built up, hoping that their lives, their existence would be tolerated in exchange for the superhuman devoted work…

 The pogrom was described by Hayim Begar in his book of memories like this:

„Every time I walked home from school I was attacked and beaten up so much that I was bleeding. They greeted me, ‘Salam al, Jew!’ I greeted them in their manner, but they continued beating me and ’a box with nails’ used to be added…”

 June 2, 1934

The hysterical crowd in the city of Edirne where the Jews used to live for centuries, attacked the Jewish shops, workshops, doctors’ offices and they beat up everyone they met. The ones who were rich and owned cars set for a journey immediately, in the direction to Istanbul, those who were less well-off walked towards the Greek or Bulgarian borders… And what about the ones who were not strong or courageous enough to leave the city? The bakeries stopped selling bread to them, they could not buy food even if they had money,  they could not get water,  and some of them tried to contact the authorities after all, but they were driven away and got a frightful advice to leave the city like the other had done…

The story of Rabi Kiriklareli is one of the scary, monstrous events that came down to our times.

The crowd, goaded by the state, motivated by robbing “wealthy Jews”, attacked all of the Jewish shops, including many doctors’ offices, and then even the house of the local Rabbi Moshe Finza. They stripped him naked, shaved him with a razor, tied him to a rope and walked with him around the square through the crazy crowd, whoever could beat him. In the meantime, a part of the state-controlled bandits raped his wife and daughter and stole everything the Rabbi had at home and they left him somewhere on the ground when he could not walk after all the beating. And they caught some Jewish girls in the streets and cut off their fingers to get gold rings. In the evening all of the 400 Jews that were still left there were sent to the station. They found out that there was a train with 16 carriages waiting for them since the morning to deport them to Istanbul. And the city was finally “clean”…  Let me add the information that trains for Istanbul used to have only four carriages at that time but on that day there were 16 carriages and the train was even waiting from morning till late evening at the station…

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  • Thursday, July 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Iran's consistent message in its state-approved news media and diplomatic statements has consistently been that Israel has been helping ISIS in Syria.

The most recent charge came on Wednesday, where Iran's official FARS news is quoting an unnamed analyst at Russia's Sputnik news:

 The Syrian Sukhoi had not entered the occupied Golan, a military analyst said on Wednesday, adding that Israel shot down the jet intentionally to give a chance to the ISIL terrorists to capture the pilot or breathe during the pause in the army's military operations for starting the rescue operations.
The Arabic-language website of Sputnik reported that the Syrian Sukhoi fighter jet that was downed by Israeli Air Defense Units' missiles on Tuesday never entered the Israeli-occupied Golan airspace.
The unnamed analyst further told the Arabic Sputnik that Israeli air defense intentionally shot down the Syrian jet East of the de-escalation line with Israel near the town of Saida, where ISIL is active in a bid to give ISIL terrorists a chance to capture the pilot to have an advantage for some negotiations with the Damascus government over ending the military operation in ISIL-held regions in Southwestern Dara'a.
For some reason, though, FARS is not reporting this other story published in Sputnik News:
The Russian Defense Ministry said that an Israeli counterattack on Wednesday on Daesh positions in Syria killed terrorists and destroyed rocket launchers.

The Russian ministry said that a strike on Israeli territory on Wednesday was made from Daesh* positions and that the response from Israel had hit terrorists' missile launchers in Quneitra.

The ministry also expressed gratitude to the Israeli Defense Forces for the counterattack.
"Russian armed forces’ command in Syria used the existing communication channels to thank the IDF leadership for killing terrorists and stopping a massive provocation," the ministry said in a statement.

The Russian military said the Daesh terror group tried on Wednesday evening to draw Israeli fire onto Syrian army positions by launching rockets into Israel.

"A precision strike by jets and IDF artillery operatively destroyed Daesh terrorists and their rocket launchers," the Russian ministry stated.
The Russian Defense Ministry goes way beyond Israeli claims in saying that Israel killed ISIS (Daesh) fighters and in saying that ISIS deliberately shot the rockets at Israel in order to make Israel attack Syrian positions.

This is so far out of the Iranian mythical narrative of a connection between ISIS and Israel that Iranian media cannot report the story, until perhaps it finds another "unnamed analyst" to deny the episode - which would implicitly impugn Russia's Defense Ministry.

I can hear the gnashing of teeth in Iranian newsrooms from here.

(h/t Yoel)

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

From Ian:

CAMERA OP-ED: The Media Is Not ‘Pro-Palestinian,’ Just Anti-Israel
Many major Western news outlets are accused—often correctly—of bias against Israel. Yet, this does not mean that their coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict can be described as “pro-Palestinian.” In fact, many in the media—and the policymakers and pundits that they influence—tend to ignore internal Palestinian issues when Israel can’t be blamed. And recent events prove it.

Since the beginning of June 2018, hundreds of Palestinians in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) have taken to the streets in protest of their government’s policies toward the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority, dominated by the Fatah movement, rules the West Bank. Under PA President and Fatah head Mahmoud Abbas, the authority has enacted punitive measures towards Gaza in an attempt to apply pressure on Hamas, Fatah’s rival that rules the Strip. Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist group with a fiercely antisemitic ideology, has controlled Gaza since besting Fatah in a short but bloody civil war in 2007.

Abbas has attempted to regain control of the coastal enclave ever since.

Among other actions, the PA has cut salaries to its employees living in Gaza, suspended social assistance to hundreds of families residing there, forced the retirement of thousands of civil servants, and reinstated the collection of taxes from previously exempt Gazans. The PA also quit paying Israel for the electricity and fuel that it provides to the Strip—resulting in severe power shortages for Gazans.

For its part, the misery endured by the average Gazan—misery that is not shared by their leaders, many of who live in luxury in Qatar —is a frequent media topic. Many journalists, however, blame Israel’s security blockade for Gaza’s troubles, often failing to note that it exists only because Hamas expends international aid and resources on rockets and terror tunnels to attack the Jewish state.
SPLC Ignores Muslim Anti-Semitism, Warns About Danger to Muslims From Holocaust Denial
On Saturday, the left-wing smear organization the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) attacked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for suggesting that some forms of Holocaust denial could be acceptable on Facebook. Tragically, the left-wing group did not mention a key source of Holocaust denial: anti-Israel sentiment, and anti-Semitism among Muslims. Instead, the SPLC expressed fear that Holocaust denial might hurt American Muslims.

While Nazis were the first to start crafting lies rejecting the reality of the Holocaust, Holocaust denial is most mainstream among Muslims in the Middle East. A 2014 survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found that 63 percent of people in the Middle East and North Africa said the Holocaust was "a myth or an exaggeration. A full 65 percent said "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars." A whopping 74 percent of those in the Middle East and North Africa harbored anti-Semitic views.

When asked directly about the Holocaust, 61 percent of Muslims under age 65 said it was a myth or an exaggeration, while Christians were consistently the least likely to deny the Holocaust (followed by Buddhists and non-religious people). Hindus also proved surprisingly likely to deny the Holocaust.

After preliminary notes about Nazis founding the practice — pushing "the deeply offensive lie that the Holocaust was a fraud concocted by Jews" — the SPLC noted that it monitors 10 active Holocaust denial groups in the U.S., four of which have a minor presence on Facebook. To its credit, the SPLC does have two pro-Palestinian groups on that list: two chapters of Der Yassin Remembered.

At the same time, after a brief mention of "the resurgence in antisemitism online," the SPLC went on to lament the plight of American Muslims — some of whom are spreading Holocaust denial in an effort to slander the State of Israel.
Poll: Israel not an important partner for US Democrats
A recent Pew Research poll indicates an overwhelming divide between American Republicans and Democrats over perceptions of the importance of the US-Israel relationship.

The poll primarily dealt with comparing American and German perceptions of one another, but also touched tangentially on American perceptions of other countries.

According to the poll, 12% of Americans said that Israel was the “first or second most important partner for American foreign policy.” Israel tied in third place with Germany, also at 12%, coming behind China at 24% and chart topper Great Britain at 33%.

Dividing responses to the same question along party lines, the poll found that 24% of Republicans found Israel to be a top foreign policy partner out of eight countries listed, in second place behind Great Britain at 42% and ahead of China at 18%. Russia closed the list for Republicans, at 5%.

On the other hand, Israel did not make the eight-country list for Democrats, for whom Great Britain topped the list at 32%, China came in second at 26%, and Canada closed the list at 6%.


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