Monday, April 03, 2017

You’ve all seen him: on Wikipedia, on blogs, and at the top of almost every mainstream news story that needs an image about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions “movement” (i.e., BDS).

In our lazy journalistic age when an illustration to your story is just a right click away, I’ve always wondered why this guy seems to have become Mr. Clip Art when it comes to BDS.

The one clue to his identity (or at least affiliation) is the name “FAMSY” which appears on the sign behind Mr. BDS’s Israeli flag one (the sign that beings “Gaza Children” and seems to end with “What have you done?” – presumably something terrible that must be laid at the feet of Israel alone).

FAMSY stands for the Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (their web site seems to be under construction, although their Facebook page is available).  As far as I can tell, this is a national youth group in Australia for Muslim youngsters whose agenda seems to cover more than holding signs about Israel bombing babies.

It’s not clear whether the fellow up front, who looks a bit old to be either a student or a youth, is a member of FAMSY, or just happens to be standing next to one at one of the many anti-Israel rallies that break out around the world (including in Australia) the moment Israel decides to shoot back.

Anyway, if there are some Aussie readers out there who can help me solve this mystery, I would deeply appreciate it.  If not, the image above seems ripe for meme-ifying if anyone out there has some Photoshop (or even Microsoft paint) skills and a sense of humor.

(EoZ: The rally was in Melbourne, June 5 2010. You can see a seemingly different guy holding the same sign at 7:06 of this video, so it might have been passed around.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, April 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here are excerpts from the brilliant David Collier's daily reporting from the anti-Israel and (as he shows) antisemitic Cork conference this weekend.

(Day 1)

Today I am in Cork, Southern Ireland. This is a story that began two years ago, with a failed attempt by a twisted  academic at Southampton, to place a fake academic veneer on part of the delegitimise Israel campaign. Those that suggest this is not true are simply not listening to the organisers, the speakers or even the delegates.  Activism as a central theme was ever present. There is little denying that this conference is about attempting to place additional tools in the arsenal of the anti-Israel activist. Indeed, it is clearly the primary purpose.

Two failed attempts to hold a conference in Southampton, sandwiched between legal attempts to force the hand of the university, has led us all to Southern Ireland and to Cork, where finally, Oren Ben-Dor got to hold his circus of hate. This, even though the University at Cork, distanced themselves from the event.

It soon became apparent that the conference had attracted the true haters from across the globe. The first face I saw was Tom Suarez, who had delivered a vile talk at SOAS just a few months ago. Suarez has recently written a book about ‘Zionist terror’, that completely removed Zionist actions from context, used tenuous links to build vague conspiracy and that almost entirely airbrushed Arab violence out of existence.

[Richard] Falk during his speech, referenced the Tom Suarez book. This an indication of the incestuous nature of this ideological exercise. Suarez creates a conspiracy tale, Falk uses this as a basis for his own masturbatory acrobatics and this in turn will be used by others to Barkan and Suarezfurther their own agenda with an ever increasing tale of  nonsense. From Pappe’s highly dubious historical rendition, to the latest works of those like Falk and Suarez, a small group of academics are using each other as ‘legitimacy props’ , to build an ideological argument out of little more than internal strands of twisted hatred.

One of the loudest rounds of applause is reserved for the ‘true Torah Jew’. The one who denounces the vast majority of Jews as ‘false’. The crowd love this. The hypocrisy passes everyone by. This is not a humanitarian, but rather a fundamentalist who has an entirely different vision of what should come to pass. At a coffee break, this true Torah Jew spoke to me about anti-Zionist Jews in Europe during the 1920’s. I pointed out the vast majority of those people burnt in Auschwitz. Given that, I argued, they support my argument far more than they do his.

There were moments of humour too. After the true Torah Jew had delighted the crowd by refuting the Jewish nature of Zionists, a woman ran up to give him a hug of appreciation. Two impossible world’s colliding for a brief moment of total awkwardness.

(Day 2)

Just as was the case yesterday, a vicious antisemitic question went unanswered. This one was truly vile. Be prepared to read this twice:

It suggested Zionist parents *deliberately* starve their children of affection in order to create the internal callousness necessary to do what Israelis apparently do to Palestinians.

As it went unanswered by the panel, there were protests from two members of the audience, who demanded to know why such a question was not rejected outright. Just as with a similar question the day before, this question removed the humanity from Israelis, and by failing to respond, the panel were indirectly legitimising the question.

As the two expressed absolute outrage at the suggestion Zionist mothers deprive their children of love to ‘breed killers’, members of the audience, including I believe, Claire Short, expressed dismay that these people were vocally disrupting the event. ‘Behave yourselves’ was the cry. Not for the first time recently, I sat as a witness as Jews were expected to sit quietly and simply swallow unacceptable antisemitism and were then berated for speaking up against it. Simply horrendous. A whole room full of people, and only two people spoke up, and when they did, there was an attempt to belittle and silence them.

Another speaker used the term ‘untermenschen’ to describe Israeli attitudes towards Palestinians. A deliberate and vile reference of course to Nazi Germany and their attitude towards Jews.  During the Q&A session an anti-Israel activist spoke up suggesting such comparisons do their cause no favours. A moderating comment truly appreciated by the handful of Zionists in the room. He received light applause from maybe 10 of the attendees. This however was not going to go unanswered, and Ghada Karmi once more took to the floor. Not only was such terminology acceptable she said, it was ‘understandable’. She went on to say it was important to describe it as such, and argued it played to an ‘agenda’ if such terminology was restricted. Karmi went on to suggest there is “no other way to describe” Israeli attitudes to Palestinians.

It probably can be said without  causing surprise that Karmi’s more extreme and particularly vile comments received loud applause. This is the way such events pull people towards extremist positions. Not everyone in the room is full of hate, but it spreads like a poison, infecting previously unaffected individuals. Rather than moderation receiving the loudest applause, extremism does. And as this conversion takes place, the more moderate voices become ever more scarce in the room.

(Day 3)

It is the final comments of Independent Researcher, Joel Kovel that will no doubt take the headlines, but in truth, his entire speech could be classified as a horrific antisemitic attack. Kovel began his talk with a prophecy of doom. We are he declared, ‘at the end of days’.

He then began, as many ‘ecologists’ do, to describe how capitalism and human existence are destined for the ultimate clash, unless of course, we learn to return to ‘nature’. Which country does he see as underpinning the ‘existential’ ecological front line? Israel of course. The audience seemed to appreciate the suggestion that the world is ecologically doomed unless you can remove Israel from the Middle East. UCC cork is now pushing the idea that the outcome of the global environmental crisis centers on the destruction of Israel.

Then he actually conjured up the ‘dancing Israelis’ antisemitic conspiracy story from 9/11.  Remember, this is happening in an Irish university campus (UCC).

He was supported in his ideas, by an audience member who shouted ‘Mossad agents’, before Kovel confirmed it himself. But this is what you get when you allow these misfits to gather under one roof.  Yesterday we had accusations that Jewish mothers deliberately deprive their children of love in order to breed callous killers, today 9/11 conspiracy theories. Inside the UCC, from the front desk of a UCC lecture hall. Cork has placed itself firmly into bed with rabid antisemites.

*Important note*. Although someone in the audience did vocally oppose this horrific antisemitic conspiracy theory, there was no comment or official rejection by any of the organisers. Only antisemitism gets this type of public shrug, this air of acceptability. It isn’t as if the venues were  not warned this would happen.

The absurd and surreal continued to arrive at breathtaking pace.

Far too many incidents to mention them all. Like George Bisharat suggesting Israel ‘owes’ compensation to the Arab states for taking the Jewish Arabs away from them. There are no limits to absurdity at a conference such as this.  And of course, every time Oren Ben-Dor opened his mouth, the same words seem to reach the microphone. A story of ‘being’ and ‘denial’ and ‘Jewishness’ and ‘pathology’. He asked several questions during the three days, which boiled down to a single repetitive refrain:

“dear (insert name of speaker here), are your thoughts about Jewish ‘pathology’ as twisted as mine”?

It is difficult to express how accurate the above is, to someone who has not just sat through three days of this conference.

One final incident worthy of comment came at the very end of the final panel. Philip Franses, who suggested he had a ‘Jewish upbringing’, was painting a utopian picture of everyone living together and sharing the land. Franses was indeed an odd one. At one point in his talk, he seemed to suggest the Arabs had welcomed the Jewish refugees as they entered British Palestine (go take a history lesson Philip). Anyway, during an exchange, he asked Dr Atef Alshaer, another panelist, whether he thought it would be possible to create a shared poetry, both  in Hebrew and Arabic together. (I know, I know, just accept it).

Alshaer had politely navigated the question. This accommodating position was far too nice to the Jews for UCC’s very own James Bowen, who felt he had to interject.  Bowen suggested that Alshaer had been ‘too nice’, and went on to repeat Ghadi Karmi’s absurd stance that Palestinians were the real descendants of the Jews. But then he went even further.

He actually  laid a claim for the Palestinian people to ‘Hebrew’, as being their language. I imagine in his head, Judaism is a Palestinian invention too. The Jews were visibly stripped of their entire identity. Zionists are fake invaders with absolutely no ties to the region at all. That Bowen’s internal issues are driving his agenda are clear. How this conference ended up at Cork should also be clear to all.

Any real academic should be horrified that the speakers are considered academics and largely have jobs spewing their lies and bile to students.

Read the whole thing. Especially if you think that those who talk about antisemitism in academia are crying wolf. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, April 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Columbia/Barnard Hillel's Facebook yesterday:

This evening at 8:00PM, Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) will present a referendum to Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) urging Columbia to join the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel (BDS). There will then be a vote about whether to put this referendum on the ballot for CCSC's general elections in a few weeks. 

Here is a series of tweets from last night by Daniella Greenbaum about the proposed BDS resolution being presented to the student council:

I have heard that Scripps College also blocked a BDS motion last night, but cannot confirm.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

  • Sunday, April 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
In an opinion piece in the New York Times, Michelle Goldberg of Slate writes about racism on the right but also tries to compare and contrast it with antisemitism.

I was struck by this section:
The president and his associates mix anti-Semitic dog whistles with frank attacks on Muslims, immigrants and refugees. The paradox is that in today’s America, coded anti-Semitism is more of a political taboo than open Islamophobia. 
 There is no doubt that the words of President Trump and his advisors are parsed to the nth degree to find the alleged antisemitic dog-whistle messages.

But the liberal side of America is completely deaf to the antisemitic dog whistles from their own.

The most egregious case this week is the almost complete silence from the Left on the promotion of terrorist Rasmea Odeh as somehow a symbol of liberalism and justice. Anyone who accepts the lie that Odeh was innocent of her role in a 1969 supermarket bombing is nothing but an antisemite, someone who will bend over backwards to justify the deaths of innocent Jews in Israel.

The Odeh case isn't a dog-whistle - it is an air-raid siren. Yet J-Street, for example, has nothing to say about it.

The Washington Times reported on Odeh's rapturous reception at the "Jewish Voice for Peace" conference:
The applause was thunderous as the 69-year-old Odeh took to the podium after a glowing introduction by Rabbi Alissa Wise, a JVP deputy director.
Ms. Wise praised Odeh’s work as a community organizer working with Arab women in Chicago and said her fight to avoid deportation was backed not only by Palestinian groups, but by “the Movement for Black Lives, the women’s rights movement, anti-torture groups, and sexual-assault survivor organizations.”
Odeh’s effort “has become one of the most prominent social justice campaigns in the entire United States,” said Ms. Wise.
“Rasmea will be leaving us within a few months, but we know that in a short period of time she’ll have another Arab women’s committee going somewhere, and her legacy of principled resistance to Israeli-U.S. crimes against Palestinians and all other oppressed communities will be honored and continue,” said Ms. Wise. “We welcome you today, Rasmea, with love, with appreciation, with gratitude for all that you are.”
Wiping tears from her cheeks, Odeh compared her situation to the “nakba” (the Arabic word for “catastrophe”) in which hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled during the founding of Israel.
“I was an infant during the nakba, but I hear many stories of pain and bitterness from my family who were forced along with 750,000 other Palestinians to leave their homes, lands, lives and memories. They had been there for generations,” said Odeh, whose remarks were streamed on Facebook live at the Jewish Voice for Peace page.
“Now I face a similar unjust nakba, forced to leave the country and the life that I built for myself over 23 years in the U.S.,” she said. “The relationships, the memories and all the people I know and love, especially the women of Chicago’s Arab communities, but I will continue my struggle for justice.
Odeh dog-whistled to terrorist supporters. "Struggle," along with "resistance," is a code word for terrorism. "Justice" is a code word for destroying Israel.

Oden also invoked other dog-whistle codewords as she called for "the right of return" - the destruction of the Jewish state, "self determination": - for everyone but Jews, "the establishment of a democratic state on the historic land of Palestine” - using pseudo-democracy to deny equal rights to Jews but not pushing for democratic elections in the areas under Palestinian Authority and Hamas rule.

Of course, there are plenty of other antisemitic dog-whistle terms in the vocabulary of the left (and some on the Right.) The "Israel Lobby" is of course a restatement of the idea that Jews control the US, or the world. "Non-violent resistance" means hurling rocks and firebombs at Israelis.

Where are the liberals who are suddenly so sensitive to antisemitism during all of these calls to eliminate the Jewish state, to deny Jewish self-determination and to support terror attacks against Jews in the name of "resistance"?

Their silence is as loud as the standing ovation for a murderer in Chicago on Sunday.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, April 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
A guest post from long-time EoZ reader L. King:

Here are some interesting research results from University of Washington assistant Professor Kate Starbird on the propagation of fake news memes.   Starbird noticed a disturbing trend in the use of conspiracy theory terms such as “false flag” and “crisis actors”  staring with the 2013 Boston marathon bombing in social media, but  only began researching it seriously in 2016.  She and her students traced some 58 million Twitter comments using such terms and found that large numbers of them referenced the same alt-left and alt-right sources; she noted 81 of the most frequently recurring.  Some of these such as Global Rresearch, Veterans Today, BeforeItsNews, Infowar,  RT, Sputnik News and PressTV will be familiar to readers –  she catalogs the last 3 three as foreign news services though she recognizes them as propaganda outlets.  Canadian antisemite and Holocaust denier Jim Fetzer does show up on her list.  Surprisingly Al-Jazeera does not.  While antisemitism was not the focus of the study she mentions it as a significant factor in the sample. 

In the pictured diagram the alt media that promotes these conspiracies are in blue, mainstream media that deny them in red and sites used to confirm conspiracies are shown in green, the thickness of the links denotes the frequency in which these sources reference each other, the size of the bubble indicates frequency of use.    That Alex Jones’ heavily referenced Infowars stands largely apart seems significant but since I haven’t had cause to follow it I don’t feel that qualified to comment.   It is a conspiracy site, but I haven’t noticed myself that it comes up in anti-Semitic/antizionist discourse. 

Starbird only looked at shooting events. What she found was that those who promoted conspiracy theories would use multiple sites to confirm their position, likely without realizing that they all referred back to the same source of the rumor.  Additionally, she concluded that while most rumors die out naturally when details of the events become better known, conspiracy theories were being kept alive long after the events by a combination of true believers and automated bots using  anonymous or faked  accounts.   Crowd sourcing of information can autocorrect some false rumors, such as in the Boston Marathon case where the wrong suspect was initially identified, but the persistence and volume of conspiracy theory advocates acts as a counterargument to the Brandeis dictum that sunlight is always the best disinfectant.  We hope that it is, but it’s an article of faith.

Another key finding is that advocates of conspiracy theories behind the shootings were motivated not by a left/right agenda but by their position on nationalism and anti-globalization.  She writes in her paper:  “Likely due to the nature of our underlying data, many of the alternative media domains in our graph contain considerable material referencing various anti-globalist conspiracy theories, including ones that claim high-powered people (Illuminati, bankers, George Soros, Jews) are manipulating the media and world events for their benefit.”  

Central to the problem of identifying fake news is notion of perceived trust and the authority of social gatekeepers.   To be media savvy implies that one is capable, based on the evidence presented, of discerning truth from falsehood and part of that is based on trust of one’s sources.  Wikipedia earns a low degree of trust in political matters because of its malleability but paradoxically Google search is highly trusted even though its Page Rank algorithm isn’t a reflection of truth and only of popularity.  I cannot count the number of times I’ve been presented with search links like "Zionism+evil+holohoax” as “proof” of the writers’ insights and beliefs. 

Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire algorithm for either humans or machines to distinguish between truth and falsity in the online world, which is not to say the task is completely impossible.  Propagandists can use the exact same phrasing style as truth tellers so words alone are not enough.  Recording previous corrections and making them easily available is one strategy that is being explored though potentially that too may be gamed.   Pointing out a logical inconsistency sometimes works but won’t easily undermine a true believer.   The reason for this is fairly simple – someone who is new to a scenario may be swayed either way.  Someone who truly believes in a conspiracy theory has incorporated it in to their belief system – it’s now something that is part of their education, a learned framework of knowledge to which confirming anecdotes are as easily added as nonconforming evidence is discarded.   , As Mark Twain once wrote, “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” 

Obviously there are similarities here to fake news about Israel and the conflict with the Palestinians.  In the case of Palestinian stabbings the CT rumor mills routinely claim that the attacker was an innocent victim and that the knife was planted. The USS Liberty is treated as a false flag operation and Israel is blamed for created Hamas and ISIS just as the US is blamed for ISIS and Al-Queda.   Mainstream journalists will also repeat narratives without question built around common buzz phrases and ultimately from the same sources, and this gets repeated and reinforced in the comments of their readers.   As a result the readership becomes fragmented into tribes and discussion rather than moving things forward is simply a contest of which voice is loudest either by number of votes or number of advocates for one side or the other. 

The story first came to my attention on, which pointed to this article in the Seattle Times.   That lead back to her original paper.   A 6 minute streaming interview with her on this topic can be heard here.    I also came across this related article by Robyn Caplan on detecting fake news  and an article by danah boyd on the self segregating nature of e-media  that contains the useful observation that until recently both the army and the US college system were strong social forces for national community and promoting diversity, which not coincidentally one of the functions of other militaries such as the IDF.   boyd’s article on the perils of skepticism in the modern age also contributed what I wrote.  All references retrieved April 2, 2017.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Following the terror attack in London there was an outpouring of sympathy. Suddenly there was extreme media focus, a wave of articles and “hate will not divide us” statements. People worldwide, including Israelis, expressed their solidarity with London, using #IamLondon type hashtags and lighting up buildings.

How pretty.
It is truly sad how while time goes by and news stories change the underlying lessons remain unlearned. Looking back, I could not help but think of what I wrote following the horrific terror attacks in France (in 2015) the only difference is the location. Replace the word “Paris” for “London” and you have the message that needs to be said today.

It needs to be said over and over. Maybe, eventually people will learn.

I am not London and neither are you. Here’s why.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Following the horrific terror attacks in Paris there has been an outpouring of solidarity.

The Israeli Knesset (parliament) flies Israeli flags at half-mast and lights up in solidarity with France.

World landmarks have been lit up with the French tricolor, including the Israeli Knesset and the Tel Aviv city hall. Facebook is full of tricolor tinted profile photos, memes about praying for Paris and the hashtag #WeAreParis.

How cute.

While the enemies of liberté are busy terrorizing people into submission we are busy playing with colors.

According to the Islamic State: “Soldiers of the Caliphate set out targeting the capital of prostitution and vice, the lead carrier of the cross in Europe — Paris.” The entertainments of Paris are abhorrent and immoral and part of their duty to God is to shut them down. And in a single night 8 individuals succeed in doing exactly that. No more Eiffel Tower. No more Louvre. No more Disney Land. People afraid to go sit in the cafes or stroll down the Champs Elysées.

What a stunning victory for the Caliphate!

In stark contrast to the single night of horror in Paris, Israel is constantly bombarded by terrorism and attacks on the personal liberty of her citizens: freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom to live… Interestingly our nation is never brought to a standstill. While under attack Israelis continue to search for cures for cancer, find ways to irrigate the world and maintain our status as a cultural hub for the world on par with New York, London, Rome or Berlin.

Tel Aviv city hall lit up like the French flag

Égalité is certainly a noble sentiment. All people are born equal. All lives should be equally valued. Should, but are not. The current outpouring of solidarity with France sends a message not only to the victims of the attacks on Paris but also to the victims of all other acts of terrorism around the world. It seems that French lives matter more.
Nigerian lives don’t matter. It couldn’t possibly be because the victims of Boko Haram’s terror are black, could it?

Yazidi lives don’t matter. Who are those people anyway?

The extermination of Christians in the Middle East doesn’t matter. American Christians are too busy arguing about what’s printed on Starbucks coffee mugs.

Jewish lives certainly don’t matter. Especially not the lives of Israeli Jews. Our very existence is somehow wrong. Judea was named after the Jews that originally lived there but today Jews living in Judea are, according to Europe, according to France, illegal and thus the murder of Israeli parents in front of their children is somehow acceptable.

The Western world likes to differentiate types of Islamic terror and excuse it. “Over there” terror originates from poor living conditions / political motivation / who cares what happens in Africa etc. It is only when terror hits close to home that it becomes something inexcusable that must be fought. There is no égalité.

Except in the eyes of the Islamic State. All kufar, all infidels are equal. All must submit or die. It is true that not all terrorist groups agree with the Islamic State. Some even fight each other (for example Hamas and IS). There is the historical doctrinal argument between the Sunni and Shia and the strategic arguments between different terror organizations on which enemy to fight first and correct battle tactics. The end-game however is the same. The desire to live under sharia law is the same. And they all shout “Allahu Akbar” before killing their enemies.

Égalité. There can be no equality without fraternité. That is why brotherhood is such an important ideal. Without the understanding that all lives matter, no life can truly matter. It’s very nice for all of us to announce that #WeAreFrench or #JeSuisCharlie. It’s sweet. But when, for example, there is no equal fervor for #JeSuisJuif the gesture becomes meaningless. There is no solidarity when the sentiment is one sided.

The people of Israel truly ache when someone else suffers. We know suffering. We feel for the bereaved Parisians. We pray for the swift and complete healing of the wounded. We wish that no one experience the terror and misery that we know so well.

We also wish that someone cared about our suffering.

We do not need anyone to protect our liberté. It would however be refreshing not to be condemned for protecting our liberty. We wish to be treated equally – Israeli lives are just as valuable as French lives. True fraternité would solve everything. We must stop announcing #WeAreFrench or whatever the hashtag of the day is. We are all kufar.

If the nations of the world, those who believe in freedom, united against our common enemy, stopped finding excuses for terrorism and acted on the belief that all lives matter, people worldwide would be much safer.

Colors as a sign of solidarity are very nice. Cute but nothing more. Playing with color filters on Facebook or lighting up buildings has absolutely no impact on the people planning to fundamentally transform our culture and/or exterminate our very existence.

Without fraternité there is no égalité and we will all lose our liberté.

Without unity, those that are unified against us will win. It’s as simple as that.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: April 17 will be day of terror and killing, Fatah students threaten Israel
Hamas cleric: Allah gathered Zionists in one place “so it will be easier to slaughter and kill" them
Hamas cleric, Sheikh Muhammad Salah Abu Rajab in Friday sermon:
“Here are the Zionists, who have gathered from all around. They occupy and usurp Jerusalem and its environs, and so the promise of Allah is realized: 'We will bring you forth in [one] gathering' (Quran, Sura 17:104) so that it will be easier to slaughter and kill you. O Zionists, you know this for certain. You know this because you are here temporarily.
You live here, but your eyes are set on the airports [to escape]... Know that Jihad for the sake of Allah does not rely on any individual. Otherwise, the death of the Prophet Muhammad would have ended the call [for Islam]. However, after his death, the light of Islam reached the borders of France and the borders of China. Our Jihad does not rely on any individual.”
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Aug. 22, 2014]

Collier: Cork day two – breeding Zionist monsters and untermenschen
Today, 01st April 2017 was the second day in the three day anti-Israel conference in Cork. As I arrived in the morning, I was still feeling somewhat bitter over the events of the day before. This the central difference between the usual anti-Israel events and a conference such as this. There is simply no recovery time. Speech after speech, panel after panel, and then day after day. It is as difficult to digest as it is relentless.
In my mind I was still going over the twisted talk by Oren Ben Dor as I had breakfast. And was replaying the outrageous comments by Ghada Karmi as I walked towards the venue for the second day. When you go to anti-Israel meetings you become accustomed to ludicrous comments, but these people are academics. What on earth was Kharmi doing suggesting Palestinians are the real descendants of the Jews?
Three central pillars of Cork
Just as was originally intended at Southampton, Ben-Dor had split up the conference into three areas of discussion. Legitimacy (showing Israel has no legitimacy), Exceptionalism (showing Israel is an Apartheid Settler colonial state) and responsibility (the ‘what to do about it’ section).
The first day had seen the discussion of legitimacy, so today was all about how disgusting a nation these anti-Israel activists think Israel is. Each of the papers were rancid, none more so than the one by Shalhoub-Kevorian, that dealt with children and what were described as ‘death zones’. It was little more than a desperate and despicable attempt by an activist to use children as an academic sympathy toy.
IsraellyCool: WATCH: Israeli-Arab Muhammad Kabiya Castigates Leftist Israeli For Dissing Israel
A few days ago I posted a video of Israeli-Arab Muhammad Kabiya defending Israel on a US campus.
Another video of him in action has surfaced, with Muhammad this time schooling a leftist Israeli (hat tip: Yoel).

It's very sad, really.

I am watching my former political home, the American progressive-left, rip itself into ideological pieces.

In an apparent effort to reconcile the irreconcilable - i.e., the multicultural ideal (as represented by Sharia) with universal human rights (as represented by western feminism) - it is throwing Enlightenment liberalism, and with it the tradition of rational discourse, directly into the toilet.

Things have gotten so bad that in the universities the very notion of rational discourse, as we received it from Enlightenment, is increasingly viewed as a racist, sexist, heteronormative social-political construct designed to serve the white patriarchal power structure.

Here, for example, is an uncomfortable truth that illustrates the tension between multiculturalism and universal human rights within the progressive-left, but which they refuse to even discuss:

You cannot favor Sharia and be feminist both at the same time.

Sorry, Linda, but this is one of those reasons why I call my Elder of Ziyon blog "Acknowledging the Obvious."

I have no doubt that since Linda Sarsour recently sprang into the national spotlight off the political corpse of Hillary Clinton that there have been any number of people trying to square this circle. If someone can point me to a source wherein that was accomplished - where Sharia law and feminism were intellectually reconciled -  I would like to learn of it because maybe I am wrong.

What do I know? I make no claims of expertise in Sharia.

All I know with certainty is that the Jews who refused to allow themselves to be chased out of Israel by the Romans faced thirteen centuries of oppression and persecution under that juridical philosophy in the centuries between Muhammad and the Ottoman defeat in World War I.

A mere thirteen centuries.

Although the rules of "dhimmitude" varied from place to place and century to century within the Islamic world, Jews, along with other dhimmis, like Christians and Zoroastrians, could not build homes on land above those of Muslims. We could not ride horses. We could not carry weaponry and had no rights of self-defense, nor access to courts of law. While the Byzantines may have used the area around the Western Wall for a garbage heap, the Muslims simply built a mosque above what was the Hebrew Temple and declared the holiest site of the Jewish people as forever non-Jewish.

And it is not as if this is merely some abstract, irrelevant, historical detail from the past.

It is not as if I am merely holding a historical grudge.

It is ongoing.

It is at this historical moment, like every other for century upon century, that popular Islamic preachers regularly call for the murder of Jews. Yet much of the left provides them with cover by portraying the Jews in the Middle East as the oppressors of the innocent "indigenous Arab" population.

Thus, if an American Jew, such as myself, so much as suggests that keeping jihadis out of the United States is a good idea we are subject to progressive-left contempt. Who are we, after all - we grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Jewish immigrants from the Pale of Settlement - to deny succor to Arab children of war? Who are we beneficiaries of American generosity to deny that generosity to others?

These would be terrific questions were they not entirely otherwise.

Most Jews do not want to see jihadis move in next door because Sharia is a political theory that spells violent Jewish subjugation. Opposing the Jihad is no more prejudicial toward Muslims than opposing Nazism was prejudicial toward Germans. We do not have a problem with Muslim immigration into the United States. We do have a tremendous problem, however, with the importation of the Jihad into the United States as we are seeing currently in Europe.

Jihadism is a theo-political philosophy, an aspect of Islam, that calls for the spread of Sharia throughout the world. People who oppose the rise of political Islam are constantly told that all Muslims are not Jihadis.

Let me assure you that we know this, already, but that is not the point.

We also know that this rhetorical tactic is a diversion. It is a method of evading the necessary national conversation around immigration policy. But, if anyone thinks that opposing the Jihad is the same as opposing Muslims, in general, then it is they who think of all Muslims as crazed head-choppers seeking the reinstitution of the Caliphate, not their political opponents.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party and the progressive-left are basically telling their Jewish constituency that if we wish to remain in good-standing we must embrace the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people from a culture that despises us and harasses our kids on university campuses throughout the West.

These are the same universities that turn a blind eye, or - as in the case of San Francisco State University - actually support and defend student groups calling for the murder of Jews. When the anti-Zionist contingent at SFSU confronted the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, on that campus, they cried out, "Intifada! Intifada! Long live the intifada!" This is nothing less than shouting for the racist murder of the Jewish people directly into the face of a prominent Jewish leader among Jewish students and staff at an allegedly "liberal" college.

The irony is rich.

Nonetheless, SFSU president Leslie Wong believes that the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) "is the very purpose of this great university."

The reason for all of this ideological chaos and inconsistency is because the progressive-left is increasingly anti-liberal and thus increasingly in opposition to its own professed values.

We see it at UC Berkeley when leftists beat the holy crap out of Trump supporters or pepper-spray them in the streets.

UC Berkeley (2017)
We see it when they demand ideological conformity over free speech and, thus, undermine not only the honest interrogation of ideas, but the very foundation of social justice, to begin with.

Ultimately the tension between multiculturalism and universal human rights is undermining Enlightenment liberalism. In the ongoing, but largely unspoken, tension between these twin progressive-left ideologies multiculturalism is slowly devouring universal human rights and liberalism along with it.

This decline in significance of universal human rights led, in recent decades, to the progressive-left and Democratic Party betrayal of women, Gay people, and minorities throughout the Middle East, the emergence of the new politically-correct racism at home, suppression of freedom of speech on the campuses, and the rise of left-leaning antisemitic anti-Zionism throughout the West.

The progressive-left has, in fact, betrayed us all, particularly those of us who counted on it the most.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.


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  • Sunday, April 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From JTA:
City workers dislodged and relocated a postcard-sized memorial plaque from the entrance to the former home in Amsterdam of a Holocaust victim following complaints by residents.

The plaque – a brass cobblestone bearing the name of Joachim Elte that was embedded into the sidewalk of Nicolaas Maesstraat 3 in 2014 – was moved to a location “as far away as possible from the door” of the two residents, who have recently sued the city to have the plaque removed altogether, Sebastiaan Capel, the director of Amsterdam’s southern district told Het Parool daily on Friday.

The two residents, who were not named, recently filed with a preliminary relief judge a motion for an injunction ordering the memorial cobblestone’s removal because Capel had ignored their demands that it be removed from anywhere in front of their residence, the daily reported.

In their motion, the two residents said they found the cobblestone too confrontational because it constantly reminded them of the deportation and murder of Elte, a 51-year-old accountant who died at a Nazi concentration camp in 1945. They also argued it “compromises the atmosphere” of their upscale neighborhood and their privacy because it attracts onlookers.
As the photo shows, the plaque does not interfere with anything.

The idea of putting plaques in front of the homes of Holocaust victims came from a German artist, Gunter Demnig, who began placing 10 cm square plaques in 1997. Demnig's motto is  "A man is only forgotten if his name is forgotten."

Clearly, some Amsterdam residents want the world to forget the name of Joachim Elte.

Don't let them.

Here is Elte's passport:

According to Google, here is the building where Elte used to live, at  Nicolaas Maesstraat 3.

Just in case you want to visit, and perhaps knock on the door to ask what they remember about Elte.

UPDATE: The couple that sued dropped the lawsuit, see here.

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