Thursday, June 09, 2016

  • Thursday, June 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Usually, the Negotiations Affairs Department of the PLO tries to stick to Western-style language when spinning its propaganda.

But in its latest report on supposed Israeli violations, it repeatedly refers to terrorists killed while trying to murder Israelis as "martyrs."

Here is an example:

Thaer Abu Ghazaleh was shot while stabbing 5 Israelis in Tel Aviv.

Baha’ Mohammad Allayan, together with an accomplice, shot and stabbed 3 Israelis to death on a bus in Armon Netziv. The victims were Richard Lakin, 76, Alon Andrei Govberg, 51, and Haviv Haim, 78. when Allayan ran out of bullets he started strangling passengers.

Abdel-Muhsen Hassuneh was shot when he rammed his car into a bus stop at the entrance to Jerusalem, injuring 11 Israelis.

Mohammad Abu Khalaf stabbed a border policeman in the head in Jerusalem.

Abdel Malik Abu Kharoub was killed in a gun battle after he shot at a bus near Jerusalem. Fatah created a poster calling him a "hero and a martyr."

Mohammad Kalouti shot and critically injured an Israeli civilian at a light rail stop in Jerusalem.

Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour blew himself up as he tried to planted a bomb on a bus in Jerusalem, injuring 20.

These are the people that the PLO considers "martyrs."

Maybe some reporter will ask Saeb Erekat why his organization venerates people who murder Jews.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some Twitter reactions from oh-so-peaceful people:

Ayman Mohyeldin and Martin Fletcher took turns blaming Israel’s “right-wing” government for Palestinian “frustration.”

Mohyeldin ranted: “ terms of the context of what has been happening in the occupied Palestinian territories, the occupation, the shift of Israeli politics, including now the current government, more to the right, to what has been described by Israelis as even more of an extreme right-wing government, some of the measures that have taken place in the West Bank, the siege that continues in Gaza, all of those continue to fester.”

The "context" that these people plead for is "occupation" and "Israel's right wing government."

Context is a funny thing, though. It can be a bit more expansive than these people claim.

The Quran says twice about Jews "Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief" (2:88, 4:46). Also "you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them" (5:13). It refers to Jews and Christians by saying "may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!" (9:30).

Is that too wide a context? Okay, let's narrow it a bit,to how Muslims treated Jews in the 19th century:
In the year 1823, at the same Damascus, all the Jews suspected of having property were thrown into prison, and compelled to pay forty thousand purses or lose their heads. At Safet, in 1834, their houses were stripped, and great personal cruelties inflicted upon them, for the like purpose of extorting money; and generally in Syria they were compelled to work for the Turks without payment, being bastinadoed if they remonstrated. The lowest fallaah would stop them when travelling, and demand money as a right due to the Musselman; which robbery was liable to be repeated several times a day upon the same Jew.

The occupation of Syria by the Egyptians did not mitigate the hard condition of the Jews of Palestine' They were still defrauded and insulted; the commonest soldier would seize the most respectable Israelite, and compel him by blows to sweep the streets, and to perform the most degrading offices. The contempt indeed in which they are held by Mahometans, however difficult to be accounted for, exceeds that which they have experienced in Christian lands. In the East they are truly become a proverb, the term Jew being applied despitefully, as the most reproachful and degrading known.

In Persia the condition of the Jews is worse even than in Syria. Often whilst they are assembled in their synagogues, a soldier enters with an order from the Shah for money; they are compelled to work without payment; and their women are unceremoniously taken from them, without their daring to murmur.

In Morocco they are equally ground down by a barbarous despotism. The Moors consider that the object of a Jew's birth is to serve Musselmen, and he is consequently subject to the most wanton insults. The boys for their pastime beat and torment the Jewish children: the men kick and buffet the adults. They walk into their houses at all hours, and take the grossest freedoms with their wives and daughters, the Jews invariably coming off with a sound beating if they venture to resist. In 1804 those of Algiers were subjected to horrible tortures, being suspended from the walls by long ropes with hooked nails at the ends, merely because they had unsuspectingly lent money to persons who were secretly conspiring against the Dey; nor were they released without the payment of a large sum. In 1827 the Dey threw a rich Jew into prison for no other purpose than to extort from him 500,000 Spanish dollars. At Tripoli the bashaw extorted a large sum from them on account of the drought, which he declared them to be the cause of. Mr. Ewald, after describing the beauty, fertility, and prosperity of the island of Gerba in Morocco, “where, if any where, (he says) every one lives quietly beneath his own vine and fig-tree,” next speaks of the Jews as the only exception, among whom he nowhere witnessed greater poverty and oppression...

Perhaps this context is still too wide for the lovers of context. Let's look only at how the Arabs in Palestine treated Jews before Theodor Herzl coined the word "Zionism."

Jews being banned from Temple Mount, 1883 painting
From James Finn, British consul to Jerusalem from 1853-6:

In times gone by these native Jews had their full share of suffering from the general tyrannical conduct of the Moslems, and, having no resources for maintenance in the Holy Land, they were sustained, though barely, by contributions from synagogues all over the world. This mode of supply being understood by the Moslems, they were subjected to exactions and plunder on its account from generation to generation ... This oppression proved one of the causes which have entailed on the community a frightful incubus of debt, the payment of interest on which is a heavy charge upon the income derived from abroad... the Jews are humiliated by the payment, through the Chief Rabbi, of pensions to Moslem local exactors, for instance the sum of 300£. a year to the Effendi whose house adjoins the ' wailing place,' or fragment of the western wall of the Temple enclosure, for permission to pray there; 100£. a year to the villagers of Siloam for not disturbing the graves on the slope of the Mount of Olives ; 50£ a year to the Ta'amra Arabs for not injuring the Sepulchre of Rachel near Bethlehem, and about 10£ a year to Sheikh Abu Gosh for not molesting their people on the high road to Jaffa, although he was highly paid by the Turkish Government as Warden of that road.
Palestinian Christians were no better to Jews:
In 1847 it seemed probable that the Christian pilgrims, instigated by the Greek ecclesiastics, were about to reproduce the horrors enacted at Rhodes and Damascus in 1840.
A Greek pilgrim boy, in a retured street, had thrown a stone at a poor little Jew boy, and, strange to say, the latter bad the courage to retaliate by throwing one in return, which unfortunately hit its mark, and a bleeding aukle was the consequence. It being the season of the year when Jerusalem is always thronged with pilgrims ( March), a tumult soon arose, and the direst vengeance was denounced against all Jews indiscriminately, for having stabbed (as they said) an innocent Christian child, with a knife, in order to get his blood, for mixing in their Passover biscuits. The police came up and both parties were taken down to the Seraglio for judgment ; there the case was at once discharged as too trivial for notice.
The Convent Clergy, however, three days afterwards, stirred up the matter afresh, exaggerated the state of the wound inflicted, and engaged to prove to the Pashk from their ancient books that Jews are addicted to the above cannibal practice, either for purposes of necromancy, or out of hatred of Christians, on which His Excellency unwisely Buffered the charge of assault to be diverted into this different channel, which was one that did not concern him ; and he commanded the Jews to answer for themselves on the second day afterwards. In the interval, both Greeks and Armenians went about the streets insulting and menacing the Jews, both men and women, sometimes drawing their hands across the throat, sometimes showing the knives which they generally earn» about with them, and, among other instances brought to my notice, was that of a party of six catching hold of the son of the late Chief Rabbi of London (Herschell) and shaking him, elderly man as he was, by the collar, crying out, ' Ah! Jew, have you got the knives ready for our blood ! '

Before any Likud prime minister, before 1967, before 1948, before the Balfour Declaration, before Herzl, Arabs and Muslims treated Jews like dirt both within and without Palestine.

The reason for modern terror attacks isn't because of "occupation" or Israel's refusal to participate in the French peace initiative that is meant to pressure only Israel to make more concessions. It isn't because of Israel's "extreme right wing government." It isn't even because of Zionism.

The reason that Arabs attack Jews is because the very idea of Jews acting as equals, with the right to self-determination and the right to have a land of their own, is an insult to Arab honor. Jews are meant to be wretched, second-class citizens bowing and scraping and paying extortion money to their Muslim masters, and there has never been a greater humiliation to the Arab people than seeing these despised Jews beating them militarily.

Arab psyche is driven by insistence on honor and fear of shame, and everything done since 1948 has been meant to erase the ultimate humiliation of Jews controlling land that Arabs consider their own. Do I really need to catalog the many terror attacks before 1967, before 1948, before 1917?

Yes, let's put the Tel Aviv attacks in context. The context is that Arabs (both Muslim and Christian) believe that Jews are a cursed people and that the existence of proud Jews not acting as proper dhimmis in the Middle East is an affront to Arab honor.

Everything else is apologetics.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

  • Wednesday, June 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Fatah

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah issued a statement justifying the murder of Jews, although they didn't take credit.

Fatah said in a statement that the Tel Aviv "operation" is a natural response to the "occupation and violations against our people everywhere."

Munir Aljagub, a spokesman, said: "Israel must realize very well the consequences of what they are doing from the continued push towards the option of violence and house demolitions and forced displacement of Jerusalemites and successive intrusions by the settlers to the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinians killed in cold blood in the territories occupied in 1967 ".

At the exact same time, Fatah issued another statement strongly condemning the shooting attack in Jordan that killed 5 soldiers, saying "it is a crime of terrorism par excellence, not only because of a desire for bloody barbarism that drives these shedders of blood, but also to violate the laws and principles of values ​​and ethics of humanity altogether, and the Islamic principles especially, this is the holy month when Islamists slaughter their victims with the idea that it would bring them to paradise."

The moderate Fatah also compared the Muslim Brotherhood, whom they blame for the Jordanian attack, to - you guessed it - Jews, saying "The Brotherhood is characterized by a mentality of revenge and this attribute it identical with its Talmudic twin." (Palestinians may have been responsible for the attack so Fatah wants to blame the Muslim Brotherhood to take the heat off.)

Quite a contrast between how they condemn an attack on a military target and condone an attack on civilians eating dinner.  But, you know, those civilians were "Talmudic" and therefore deserved it.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

3 killed, 5 badly injured, in central Tel Aviv shooting attack
2 Palestinian terrorists, dressed in suits, open fire in restaurant at popular Sarona center; arrested gunmen are relatives from Hebron area
Three people were killed in a shooting terror attack in Tel Aviv’s popular Sarona Market Wednesday evening.
Three others were seriously hurt, with another person said to be in critical condition.
Police said two Palestinian gunmen were involved in the terror attack.
One shooting was said to have occurred inside the Sarona complex while another was reported on the adjacent Ha’arba’ah Street.
Officials said one gunman was arrested and another was shot by security forces and taken into custody. Police later confirmed they were Palestinian relatives from the Hebron area in the West Bank.
Some unconfirmed reports spoke of a third gunman who escaped, but police and soldiers deployed in the surrounding streets called off the search after an hour.
Terror alert in central London as police carry out controlled explosion of suspected car bomb outside Israeli embassy just 100 yards from Kensington Palace
A controlled explosion has been carried out on a 'suspicious package' left inside a car parked outside the Israeli embassy in central London.
Hundreds of commuters were evacuated from Kensington Palace Gardens and High Street Kensington this evening after a 'suspicious vehicle' was discovered outside the embassy.
There were reports of a loud explosion and people running as the incident unfolded.
Following the controlled explosion it turned out the 'suspicious package' was in fact personal belongings left in the back of the silver Volkswagen Passat.
A police cordon was set up and dozens of police officers remain at the scene.
A Met Police spokeswoman said: ‘A controlled explosion was carried out after a suspicious vehicle was found parked opposite the Israeli Embassy.’
An eyewitness told MailOnline: 'There was one car with its rear windshield blown in although the rest seems intact.
IsraellyCool: The Failing Independent Takes A Shot At Israellycool And Me
Yesterday the failing Independent “newspaper” in the UK decided to weigh in on the Leanne Mohamad story. In a shocking (not shocking) display of so called journalism, they canonised the little liar and her speech, in the process demonising anyone pointing out the problems with her Israel hating screed.
Articles on the Israellycool website called it an “Isis recruiting video” that amounted to “blood libel”.
Other critics said Leanne did not give evidence for some of her claims, particularly on children’s deaths, and failed to balance her argument with information on terror attacks against Israelis.
The Wanstead High School pupil received widespread support on Twitter but was also labelled an “antisemite” and “advocate for suicide bombers”.
“If the Islamist scum is old enough to be on Twitter and spout lies she’s old enough to be ridiculed,” one person wrote.
As hundreds of people continued to tweet about her speech, Leanne said she had reported online abuse to police.

They mentioned the petition in blind support of Leanne Mohamad and completely failed to mention the petition asking the school to institute some balance (which has gained over 700 signatures).
Yesterday I actually tried to contact the police in the UK myself to see if they want to talk to me. I’d be happy to talk to the police: I would like to explain to them the child abuse going on in their borough.

  • Wednesday, June 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Shehab News Agency, which is pretty much a pro-jihadist site, published Gazans celebrating the terror attack in Tel Aviv tonight.

It also complained that the original headline at Al Arabiya about the attack referred to the murdered Israelis as "victims."

Many of the commenters at Al Arabiya echoed that complaint, some asking sarcastically why they don't just refer to the Jews as "shahids." Most of the commenters say that only Arabs can be victims, and  a few added antisemitic comments for good measure, calling the victims "descendants of apes and pigs" and the like, and calling Al Arabiya a prostitute for supposedly accepting Jewish money to report so favorably on civilians being mowed down.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, June 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Tonight there was a horrific terror attack in Tel Aviv:
Three people were killed in a shooting attack in Tel Aviv’s popular Sarona Market Wednesday evening.

Four others were seriously hurt, with another person said to be in critical condition.

Police said two gunmen were involved in the apparent terror attack. One shooting was said to have occurred inside the Sarona compound while another was reported on the adjacent Ha’arba’ah Street.

Officials said both gunmen were shot and disarmed by security forces. One of the gunmen had reportedly fled the scene and was then shot and neutralized.
If this photo is accurate, the weapons used were locally manufactured in the West Bank; we've seen Israeli forces confiscate weapons like this before.

The official Fatah Facebook page betrays its view of Israel by calling all of the victims "settlers."

Because the "moderate" Fatah party headed by Mahmoud Abbas considers every Israeli to be an illegal "settler."

Hey, it's Ramadan - a time for the traditions of being with family and murdering Jews.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory
 Check out their Facebook page.

Naomi and RuthBethlehem, Judah, June 7 - The widow of the late tribal leader Elimelech came back to her hometown today after ten years in the land of Moab, marking the final time for about three millennia that a Jew will enter the city without need of an armed escort, local sources are reporting.

Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth, also widowed from Naomi's son Mahlon, returned to Bethlehem this morning now that the famine that drove her and Elimelech away has subsided, and hunger no longer hovers over the land. The pair entered the town by themselves, causing a stir, both because the people were shocked to see how Naomi had aged and that they were witnessing the last time a Jew would be able to enter Bethlehem safely not in the company of several men carrying weapons to fend off Arab attackers, at least for three thousand years.

"Is that Naomi?" the townspeople were heard to exclaim, surmising that the withered old woman, once so vigorous and youthful, had decided to come back into the town while it was still possible to do so unaccompanied by soldiers. "Don't call me Naomi," she responded, according to witnesses. "Call me embittered, for the LORD has made it exceedingly bitter for me," presumably referring to her dire economic circumstances and the fact that for many centuries hence, a Jew would need serious protection upon entering her beloved hometown, lest he or she be attacked by hate-filled Palestinians bent on making Bethlehem judenrein again.

"She doesn't look too good, she and that Moabite woman," said a bystander who asked to remain nameless, but who described himself as a relative. "They're going to have a tough time of it now. I imagine they'll have to sell some of the family's ancestral holdings, which will eventually be taken over by Arabs as if it had always been theirs, and then those Arabs will resort to violence to keep Jews from reestablishing their presence here. Also, that daughter-in-law of hers is from Moab, and that's not such a popular thing around here. At least not with me."

Other observers had a more favorable assessment. "That takes guts, coming back here under such embarrassing circumstances," said an elder named Boaz. "I imagine that many, many years from now, the descendants of these fine women will similarly disregard the physical dangers of reestablishing their presence in their ancestral homeland. Of course, it can't hurt to to have a few strong youths, like my field hands, for protection."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Pro-Palestinian activists storm former IDF officer's speech at DC museum
Former IDF lieutenant-colonel and current director of the American Jewish Committee Jerusalem office, Avital Leibovich, was bombarded by some dozen pro-Palestinian activists while giving a speech about social media on Tuesday afternoon in Washington, DC.
Leibovich, who formerly served as head of the Interactive Media Branch of the IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit, was five minutes into her talk at the 'Newseum' when the activists stormed the stage bearing signs with anti-Israel phrases and shouting pro-Palestinian slogans, such as "free, free Palestine!"
Leibovich calmly responded saying anyone who wanted to hear what she had to say were welcome to stay, and welcome those who didn't to use the "big red exit sign."
Two of the most prominent activist were Max Blumenthal and Rania Khalek. Security officials later ushered Blumenthal away from the address.
BDS: No Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech? They wouldn't even let Avital Leibovich of the AJC and former IDF spokesperson speak. Code Pink and other BDS activists disrupted her speech on "New media During War" in the Newseum in DC

Janna Jihad Unmasked: 10-Year-Old Media Darling Is a False Heroine
A 10-year-old Palestinian firebrand “journalist” who sent social media into a frenzy recently over her bravery for documenting Israeli “injustice” in Palestine can be unmasked as an anti-Israel propaganda tool – a child being used by a family of terrorists.
This murderous clan, responsible for a restaurant bombing that killed eight children, used a then seven year old Janna to demand for the murder of Israeli police officers in Jerusalem.
They have been exploiting the child for terror propaganda since she was just five.
Janna “Jihad” became a digital sensation after Vice Magazine and the Al Jazeera TV network dubbed her “the youngest journalist in Palestine”.
Living in the village of Nabi Saleh, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, she apparently personally produces video reports from the centre of protests against the Israeli government – despite being a child.
But Heat Street can reveal that behind the supposed bravery and passion of “her” films, Janna is just another exploited child, used by an anti-Israel propaganda machine responsible for spreading fear and loathing.
How Isolated is Netanyahu?
After the much-anticipated French-sponsored Middle East peace conference ended last Friday with a whimper rather than a bang, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s critics were quick to point out that he shouldn’t be celebrating. They were right in that the event may be just the prelude to more such initiatives whose sole intent was to isolate the Israelis and perhaps set up one more climactic confrontation with the Obama administration this fall after the presidential election. It’s possible that at that point the United States might not oppose a new push for recognition of a Palestinian state without requiring it to first requiring it to make peace with Israel. If so, any satisfaction of the clear failure of the Paris conference would be premature. But as Netanyahu soon proved with a visit to Russia that highlighted Israel’s increasingly warm ties with the Putin regime, his nation is not as isolated as the prime minister’s domestic critics and foreign foes think.
Despite the French boasts about their plans to convene a conference that would establish a framework for Middle East peace without the presence of Israel or the Palestinians, nothing was accomplished in Paris. Nothing, that is, other than the usual bloviating by the French hosts and various Third World foreign ministers that were allowed to make speeches. If critics of the Obama administration can glean any satisfaction from this farce, it is that Secretary of State John Kerry was forced to sit through all of it for the sake of amity with Paris even though he was clearly put out by the futility of the effort and the indignity of having to attend. The platitudes issued at the end of the gathering could have just as easily been put out without the expense and inconvenience of the summit which left the world farther from a resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians than it had been before it started. The only thing it accomplished was to encourage the Palestinians to continue to refuse to negotiate directly with the Israelis because such conferences make them think the international community will bludgeon and isolate the Jewish state into concessions at no cost to themselves.
Moreover, those counseling that danger lies ahead, specifically from an Obama administration that, despite only having seven months left in office, still feels it has a score to settle with Netanyahu. The Palestinians torpedoed every administration Middle East initiative over the past seven and a half years even though each one sought to tilt the diplomatic playing field in their direction. But the White House continues to rail at the Israelis while largely giving the Palestinians a pass for their ongoing refusal to make peace.

The People's Voice conspiracy theory site (still catalogued as a news source by Google) has an article by James Petras where he alleges that Hilary Clinton is a Zionist spy:
But it is Clinton’s long-term, large-scale commitment to Israel that goes far beyond her public speeches of loyalty and fealty to the Jewish state. Hillary Clinton’s entire political career has been intimately dependent on Zionist money, Zionist mass media propaganda and Zionist Democratic Party operations.

In exchange for Clinton’s dependence on political support from the Zionist power configuration in the US, she would have become the major conduit of confidential information from the US to Israel and the transmission belt promoting Israel-centric policies within the US government.

The entire complex of Clinton-Israel linkages and correspondences has compromised the US intelligence services, the State Department and Pentagon.

Secretary Clinton went to extraordinary lengths to serve Israel, even undermining the interests of the United States. It is bizarre that she would resort to such a crude measure, setting up a private e-mail server to conduct state business. She blithely ignored official State Department policy and oversight and forwarded over 1,300 confidential documents and 22 highly sensitive top-secret documents related to the ‘Special Access Program’. She detailed US military and intelligence documents on US strategic policies on Syria, Iraq, Palestine and other vital regimes. The Inspector General’s report indicates that ‘she was warned’ about her practice. It is only because of the unusual stranglehold Tel Aviv and Israel’s US Fifth Column have over the US government and judiciary that her actions have not been prosecuted as high treason.
Petras is a retired Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

And when Petras says "Zionist power configuration in the US," he means Jews, as he said explicitly in this interview with a Uruguay radio station in 2008 that is on his website:
It’s never explained to a Uruguayan audience how all the [U.S.] presidents are on their knees before Jewish power in the United States.... And it’s one of the great tragedies that we have a minority that represents less than 2% of North American’s population but has such power in the communications media....There’s one thing that one should ask and that is why the North American public doesn’t react against the manipulations of this minority. It’s because the Jews control the communications media.

Last year he doubled down:
What turns comfortable, prosperous American Jews into vindictive bullies, willing and able to blackmail, threaten and punish any dissident voices among their Gentile and Jewish compatriots who have dared to criticize Israel?

What prevents many intelligent, liberal and progressive Jews from openly questioning Israel’s agenda, and especially confronting the role of Zionist zealots who serve as Tel Aviv’s fifth column against the interest of the United States?

There are numerous historical and personal factors that can and should be taken into account to understand this phenomenon.

In this essay I am going to focus on one – the ideology that ‘Jews are a superior people’. The notion that Jews, either through some genetic, biologic, cultural, historical, familial and/or upbringing, have special qualities allowing them to achieve at a uniquely higher level than the ‘inferior’ non-Jews.
That article goes on to become indistinguishable from Stormfront as Petras lists rich and powerful Jews for proof that Jews are driving the nation and the world into the ground.

In fact, David Duke is a fan of Petras.

And this guy is still employed as a professor!

The irony is that if any academic would say racist statements against blacks or Hispanics or women or LGBTs they would be fired and blacklisted by their employers without any question. Publicly complaining about supposed Jewish power, however, doesn't affect a career as an academic one bit.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, June 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Park Day School in Oakland, California is very progressive. For example, children celebrate Pride Day and learn about famous LGBTQ people.

One of their initiatives which began over ten years ago is to write a magazine, called Children Without Borders, together with the Ramallah Friends School as a way for them to learn about Palestinian children.

How do the teachers prepare the Oakland kids before they start communicating with their Ramallah counterparts?

The latest issue of the magazine, from 2013, describes it what fourth graders wanted to learn about Palestinian children before the project started:

Before actually speaking with the Palestinian kids, all they knew about them was "checkpoints" and a "giant wall."

The Park Day School progressively indoctrinated the children to hate Israel.

Sure enough, the kids learned their lessons well:

Does Park Day School have a similar program with Israeli schools so they could learn that there may be an actual reason for the checkpoints and a separation barrier? Do they learn that if Palestine would become a country, there would be even stricter checkpoints to travel to Israel?

So why are the fourth graders so conversant with the idea of checkpoints? One good guess is their third grade teacher, Mona Halaby, who publishes things that sound strikingly like what the fourth graders are parroting:

Imagine you lived in San Francisco and weren't allowed to drive north to enjoy a hike in Point Reyes, or south to enjoy fresh seafood in Half-Moon Bay. Why does an occupying force have the power to deny the civilians it occupies the freedom of movement and the pleasure of enjoying their land? Don't tell me it's for security reasons. All these checkpoints do is separate Palestinians from other Palestinians, disrupt their lives and confine them into Bantustans. The checkpoints do nothing to improve Israel's security and we all know it.

This is the anti-Israel propaganda that the kids are learning in Oakland. And there is no desire by this progressive school to teach their precious children that perhaps Israeli children are afraid of being blown up, run over and stabbed - or that, Goddess forbid, Jewish children who live in Judea and Samaria have the right to live without fear of being murdered by their neighbors, as they were before those useless checkpoints were erected.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, June 08, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas issued a video for Ramadan, with religious and spiritual imagery and music juxtaposed with terrorism activities like tunnel building and rocket deployment.

On the Qassam Brigades website, they wrote that "Ramadan is the month of jihad, fortification and victory over the enemy."

The importance of honor and shame comes through from this sentence: "Jihad for the sake of Allah is the pinnacle of Islam, and it allows one to gain honor in this world and the hereafter; it is one of the best tasks and acts of worship, and Muslims are only humiliated when they abandon the jihad."

Hamas also announced their summer camps to train teenagers in the finer arts of jihad, starting June 10. They are asked to register at the nearest mosque belonging to the al-Qassam Brigades.

The announcement states that "the camps will include training and military skills, shooting ammunition, the skills of civil defense, as well as sermons...the aim of these camps to ignite the flame of jihad for the liberation generation."

The video and articles make clear that when they say "jihad" they don't mean the peaceful, inner jihad that Muslims love to tell Westerners is the more important one. Hamas (and, indeed, Islam) does not distinguish between the military, political and religious aspects of jihad. Which is why apologists will never condemn Hamas' interpretation of jihad as wrong. (They'll condemn IS, but that's only because they attack other Muslims, not because they are against violence - and their silence on Hamas using Islam to justify its violence is the proof.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

From Ian:

Daniel Pipes: Israel’s new enemy — the international left
Since the creation of Israel, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims have been the mainstay of anti-Zionism, with the left, from the Soviet Union to professors of literature, their auxiliary. But this might be in process of change: as Muslims slowly, grudgingly, and unevenly come to accept the Jewish state as a reality, the left is becoming increasingly vociferous and obsessive in its rejection of Israel.
Much evidence points in this direction. Polls in the Middle East find cracks in the opposition to Israel, while a major American survey for the first time shows liberal Democrats to be more anti-Israel than pro-Israel. The Saudi and Egyptian governments have real security relations with Israel while a figure like (the Jewish) Bernie Sanders declares that “to the degree that (Israelis) want us to have a positive relationship, I think they’re going to have to improve their relationship with the Palestinians.”
But I should like to focus on a small illustrative example from a United Nations institution. The World Health Organization churned out report A69/B/CONF./1 on May 24, with the enticing title, “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan: Draft decision proposed by the delegation of Kuwait, on behalf of the Arab Group, and Palestine.”
The three-page document calls for “a field assessment conducted by the World Health Organization,” with special focus on such topics as “incidents of delay or denial of ambulance service” and “access to adequate health services on the part of Palestinian prisoners.” Of course, the entire document singles out Israel as a denier of unimpeded access to health care.
This ranks as a special absurdity, given the WHO’s hiring a consultant in next-door Syria who is connected to the very pinnacle of the Assad regime, even as it perpetrates atrocities estimated at a half million dead and 12 million displaced (out of a total pre-war population of 22 million). Conversely, both the wife and brother-in-law of Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority, whose status and wealth assure them treatment anywhere in the world, chose to be treated in Israeli hospitals, as did the sister, daughter, and grand-daughter of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Gaza, Israel’s sworn enemy.
Alan Dershowitz: New York Is Right To Counterboycott Anti-Israel Boycotters
If properly interpreted and enforced, Cuomo’s executive action would not undermine freedom of speech. The law would only impact those companies that refuse to do business with Israeli or pro-Israeli institutions and individuals. BDS activists would still be free to advocate bigotry—and that’s what singling out the nation state of the Jewish people for boycott is—in the marketplace of ideas. But in much the same way that businesses today are not allowed to refuse to serve someone because of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion, so too would businesses that engage in BDS activities face economic consequences for discriminating on the grounds of nationality or political expression.
In some ways, Governor Cuomo’s anti-BDS executive action mirrors those of several states which refused to do business with North Carolina when that state passed legislation that discriminated against the LGBTQ community. It also emulates the counter boycotts of the 1930s against the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.
Moreover—and contrary to the shrill claims of the pro-BDS punditry—there is longstanding precedent for anti-boycott regulations. Since the mid 1970s, for example, the U.S. has enforced a number of anti-boycott laws through the Export Administration Act (“EAA”) and the Executive Administration Regulations (“EAR”). Among other provisions, the EAA and EAR penalize individuals and companies that participate in boycotts based on race, religion, sex, national origin or nationality. They have been repeatedly applied to companies participating in the now-defunct Arab League boycott of Israel, and to boycotts targeting other U.S. allies.
To call such regulations McCarthyite is to insult the victims of real McCarthyism who were punished for their ideas, speeches, and associations, not for their actions in refusing to do business based on national origin. Yes, there will be a list of companies that discriminate against Israel, just as there are lists today of store and building owners who refuse to do business with, for example, African-Americans, LGBTQ, or Muslims. There will have to be proof that a business engaged in a discriminatory boycott by singling out Israeli entities, or individuals based on their national origin, or political convictions, and a process for challenging inclusion on any list.
The only McCarthyist blacklist is that which has been complied by BDS enforcers—a list I am proud to be on—of supporters of Israel and of those who seek to “normalize” relations between Israelis and Palestinians.
Zionism: An irrational and misunderstood fear
Today, anti-Israelism under the guise of anti-Zionism has become the main expression of anti-Semitism, of enmity to Jews.
An entire nation is targeted, for verbal or physical violence, women, children, elderly, innocent and oppressed alike – simply because of their Jewish nationality, and their demand to be seated at the table of nations with all of their peers. Despite the presence of 22 Arab countries, tied to a single ethnic origin, only the desire of the Jewish people to establish its own sovereign state has been subject to fierce opposition.
Nevertheless, Israel is concurrently a safe haven for millions of persecuted people, those who fled the Nazi genocide, Soviet brutality or violence in many other countries.
Nearly one million Jews, leaving all of their assets behind, were forced to immigrate from Arab countries in the aftermath of the 1948 war.
Yet, Jewishness is not understood in racial or traditional ethnic terms in the State of Israel, unlike its counterparts. It is a country of multiculturalism, one which hosts varying faiths and diverse ethnic backgrounds, in contrast to its Arab neighbor countries. One-fifth of the Israeli population is Arab, while the overall, majority Jewish population is comprised of over 70 cultures speaking 35 languages and dialects. Additionally, Arabic is an official language, alongside Hebrew, in the state of the Jews. The sacred places of all faiths are protected: There are nearly 400 mosques, all safeguarded since the declaration of Independence of the State of Israel.
Despite this fact, Zionism is equated in ever widening circles with a conspiracy to control and exploit the whole world.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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