Sunday, January 26, 2014

  • Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Somewhat off topic, but it is funny:

Egyptian TV host Noha Abdeen was hit by her guest cook after a seemingly harmless prank got out of control.

Abdeen, who added vinegar to the dish to tease her guest, was hit on air by the chef after an argument in which the two ladies exchanged insults.

“Little girl, I swear to god I am going to pull off your hair,” the cook said.

“You are obnoxious,” she added.

"A Postcard for Palestine"  is another attempt to help end Israel's existence by hiding disgusting anti-Israel and antisemitic messages behind faux "art."

It describes itself by saying that "The objective of this campaign is to educate non-involved people into an awareness of the criminal occupation of Palestine by Israel with the collusion of Europe and the USA." They hope to send a thousands of these postcards to world leaders by the 70th anniversary of the UN resolution to partition Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state.

A peek at the "postcards" show that when they say "occupation" they aren't talking about 1967. Their goal is explicitly the destruction of the Jewish state:

They aren't above making obscene and absurd Israel=Nazi analogies:

They have no problems with invoking the Jew as "Christ-killer" meme, as long as it is arty:

Now, David Gilmour shows that Roger Waters isn't the only member of Pink Floyd whose brain activity is comfortably numb. In a remarkably egotistical addition to the gallery, he simply posts a photo of himself wearing a T-shirt that shows that he supports the lies, bias and bigotry of both his former band-mate and the project itself:

Maybe someone will submit a postcard of the Roger Waters concert pig balloon with the Star of David. It would fit right in.

(h/t Slava)

  • Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

It is awards season, and they aren't all being held in Hollywood.

This year, to keep the suspense going, I will be announcing the Hasby Award winners throughout the week,  with 2 or 3 awards given out every day. 

Here is the official list of nominees, based on EoZ reader input:

BEST PRO-ISRAEL TWEETER (Last year's winner: Avi Mayer)

Arsen Ostrovsky 
Margie in Tel Aviv 
No Camels
William Daroff 


Douglas Murray 
Melanie Phillips 
Gatestone Institute(
Charles Krauthammer
Walter Russell Mead 
Bret Stephens (WSJ) 


Caroline Glick 
Martin Kramer 
Daniel Gordis 
Evelyn Gordon 
Sarah Honig 
Khaled Abu Toameh 


Israel HaYom
Jewish Press 
The Tower 

BEST MAINSTREAM MEDIA WATCHDOG (Last year's winner: Honest Reporting)

BBC Watch 
CiF Watch  
Mideast Media Sampler at Legal Insurrection 
Huffington Post Monitor


Palestinian Media Watch 
NGO Monitor 
UN Watch 

BEST PRO-ISRAEL BLOG (PRESENT COMPANY EXCLUDED) (Last year's winners: Daphne Anson and Missing Peace)

Israel Matzav
This Ongoing War 
Jews Down Under 
Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers 
5 Minutes for Israel 


Pat Condell - Patronizing the Palestinians 
"I'm an Israeli Soldier" (Latma) 
Naftali Bennett on CNN 
Boycott Israel by Ari Lesser 

BEST PRO-ISRAEL SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE (Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Scribd, Google+, YouTube...)

IDF (idfnadesk) on YouTube 
StandWithUs (FBYouTube
Sussex Friends of Israel Facebook 
Einat Wilf's Facebook 

Bibi Netanyahu at Bar Ilan 
Bibi Netanyahu at the UN 

BEST "OWN GOAL" (Anti-Zionists acting so stupid they disgust even disinterested parties)
"Shoot the Jew" at Wits University
Iran's Fake Stealth Fighter

In addition, I will present a special award or two. And, like last year, I will put out a press release with all the awardees.

Good luck to the nominees! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

From Ian:

Daniel Pipes: Why the Middle East Can’t Modernize
Vast reserves of oil and gas have distorted nearly every aspect of life. Miniature medieval-style monarchies such as Qatar become surreal world powers playing at war in Libya and Syria, indifferent to the lives they break, as a vast underclass of oppressed foreign workers toils away and a princess deploys the largest budget for art purchases in human history. The privileged can indulge their cruel impulses, protected by connections and money. Sex tourism flourishes in poor countries such as India.
Efforts at democracy and political participation either wither, as in Egypt, or elevate fanatics, who intelligently disguise their purposes, as in Turkey. Efforts to overthrow greedy tyrants lead either to yet-worse ideological tyrants (as in Iran in 1979) or to anarchy (as in Libya and Yemen). One commonly roots for both sides to lose. The rule of law remains a Fata Morgana.
Islamism, currently the most dynamic and threatening political ideology, is summed up by a morbid Hamas declaration to Israelis: “We love death more than you love life.” Polygyny, burqas, genital mutilation and honor killing make Middle Eastern women the world’s most oppressed.
EXCLUSIVE: New York Times Slammed for Bias on Billboard in Front of Times Square HQ (INTERVIEW)
The New York Times was confronted on its home turf on Friday by a giant billboard in plain view of its Times Square, New York City, headquarters that accuses the media group of slanting its news against Israel.
The billboard was put up by CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, and will be up for the next six months.
It reads: “Would a great newspaper slant the news against Israel? The New York Times does.
Scarlett Johansson responds to SodaStream criticism
American actress Scarlett Johansson released a statement Friday about the controversy surrounding her role as the first-ever brand ambassador of the Israeli company SodaStream, describing the firm as “building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine,” and making clear that she would not stepping away from it. Her public comments were made after she came under fire for the endorsement deal — which is to include a TV ad screened during the Super Bowl — from the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.
“While I never intended on being the face of any social or political movement, distinction, separation or stance as part of my affiliation with SodaStream, given the amount of noise surrounding that decision, I’d like to clear the air,” Johansson’s statement, published by The Huffington Post.

  • Saturday, January 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:

The families of hunger striking employees of the UN agency for Palestine refugees said Saturday that UNRWA would be held responsible for any harm to the strikers' health.

Family dignitaries told Ma'an that they would "sue the UNRWA administration at all international levels" if necessary.

The hunger strikers' demands are "just," and they are supported by their families, the dignitaries said.

They urged the Palestinian Authority to pressure UNRWA to comply with the demands of the strikers.

A group of former UNRWA employees who were laid off at the end of 2013 have been on hunger strike for as many as 28 days, demanding their jobs back and a raise in salaries for Palestinian UNRWA workers.

In addition to the hunger strikers, Palestinian UNRWA employees have been on strike for nearly two months in protest of low salaries and UNRWA policies regarding employees who are detained by the Israeli military.

On Thursday, UNRWA's administration and unions met in an effort to end the strike, which has kept schools closed and severely limited provisions of basic services to Palestinian refugee camps.
The hunger strikers were not employees but contractors. The UNRWA workers on strike already make more money than PA employees.

But when you are raised in a culture that tells you that you deserve guaranteed employment, free food and medical services and education, this is how you act when you find out that it isn't quite so.

I have not yet heard any backlash against the striking UNRWA workers over closing the schools. Normal parents would be upset at the teachers, not their employers, for abandoning their kids. Apparently the parents believe that it is better to stick together with the fiction that Palestinian Arabs are special and deserve special treatment forever rather than protest against spoiled teachers who refuse to do their jobs in solidarity with even more spoiled workers.

After all, UNRWA is part of the UN and the UN, to Palestinian Arabs, is the organization responsible for their suffering by allowing Israel to exist.

Friday, January 24, 2014

From Ian:

IRS Wants Gaza Caravan-Tied Charity's Status Stripped
An Internal Revenue Service audit recommends stripping a New York-based charity of its tax-exempt status after it served as a conduit for donations for a convoy that delivered cash and goods to Hamas officials in Gaza.
The investigation was prompted by a 2009 report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that documented statements during a Viva Palestina fundraiser directing contributions to the charity, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizations (IFCO)/Pastors for Peace. Viva Palestina is the brainchild of British MP George Galloway.
Caroline Glick: Canada takes its place at the table
For instance, for years, the false Arab claim that Israeli communities beyond the 1949 armistice lines are illegal under international law has gone unchallenged. But last week, Australian Foreign Minister Julia Bishop dropped a bombshell when, in an interview with The Times of Israel, she broke from the consensus of mendacity saying, “I would like to see which international law has declared them illegal.”
Statements by Australian foreign ministers seldom receive global coverage. But Bishop’s did.
And the more outspoken Australia is in its support for Israel and rejection of the discourse of lies that characterizes the discussion of Israel, the more attention Australia will get and the more influential it will become on the world stage.
Like Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Harper’s decision to support Israel is rooted in his most deeply held convictions about right and wrong. There is nothing opportunistic about his policy.
It is therefore wonderful and empowering that by staying true to his beliefs, Harper is also transforming Canada into a force to be reckoned with on the global stage. Moreover, he is setting an example that will likely be followed by more and more countries, as the benefits of his embrace of Israel become widely recognized.
Canada's Prime Minister: A Display of Rare Courage
Stephen Harper's message to the Israelis, spoken in their parliament, did proud to all Canadians who expect their leaders to speak truthfully when it matters. In a world where the Jews have been treated appallingly just for beings Jews, where many states regularly berate Israel as a pariah state, and where the Holocaust still remains in the living memory of Jews, the appalling truth is how the denial of these truths grows and is expressed even within the UN that bears witness to it, and was responsible for the establishment of the Jewish state.
As the first Canadian prime minister to address the Knesset, Stephen Harper concluded his remarks by stating that in "the democratic family of nations, Israel represents values which our government takes as articles of faith and principles to drive our national life." This was not high praise and cheap politics, it was instead the summing up of the threads that bind the two democracies together in what rightly can be called a "special relationship." It is worth celebrating.

  • Friday, January 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ya Libnan:
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Friday denied his country had sent Hezbollah militants to fight in Syria, saying the Tehran-backed Shiite extremist group was making its own decisions.

The usually smiling Iranian diplomat, who has been seen as the new face of the Islamic republic since coming to office in August, was unusually combative in a tense panel session held in the Swiss mountain town of Davos.

Under constant questioning about Iran’s role in shoring up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Zarif said it was “preposterous” to suggest that Tehran was supporting extremist groups fighting in Syria.

“We are not sending people, Hezbollah has made its own decision,” Zarif told the audience, adding that Iran had also suffered at the hands of Sunni Al-Qaeda extremists.
No wonder the West loves these new, moderate Iranians - they have such a great sense of humor!
From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Mabrouk to Abbas on Tenth Year of His Four Year Term!
The only way to find out what Palestinians really want is by allowing them to head to the ballot boxes. Palestinians representing all groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, should be allowed to run in such an election.
A victory for the radicals would mean that a majority of Palestinians do not want peace and continue to dream about the destruction of Israel. If Abbas and his political allies win, that would be great news for the peace process and Kerry's efforts to achieve a two-state solution.
Yet Kerry does not seem to care whether Abbas is a "rightful" president or not. He is so desperate for a diplomatic achievement that he is prepared to ignore fundamental facts.
How can Kerry expect Abbas to sign any document declaring the end of the conflict with Israel when many Palestinians are already pointing out that their president does not even have a mandate to act or speak on their behalf?
Sarah Honig: Patent-medicine Messiah
In truth, though, we Israelis are capable like no other to take care of ourselves if would-be messiahs like Kerry – be he a credulous dupe or a grandstanding megalomaniac – would only let us be.
However, we’re often wary of using the force at our disposal. We’re deterred by our reputation as the universal killjoy who provokes global displeasure. When the world courted Saddam, we destroyed his nuclear reactor and were roundly condemned for our good deed. Invariably, the international community delights in restraining us and rescuing villains.
Those who genuinely wish to secure peace need only abstain from coercing Israel to appease aggressors – not to beguile us with promises of foreign troops and messianic tidings.
Our unwavering message to the wannabe messiah must be that we have had our fill of officious earthly redeemers. The hardly beneficent blessings he seeks to force on us are unwelcome and unwanted here. His unsolicited magnanimity would render us helpless. We’d rather not be in his debt and retain the ability to help ourselves.
Lebanese TV invited to Israel Air Force base to film a message to Hezbollah
In unique use of public media, IAF allows Lebanese TV network to film inside secure base and interview Air Force commander in bid to send Hezbollah a clear, direct threat.
The air force unit commander – who like all IAF pilots and commanders must remain unnamed and masked – said in the rare interview that “We are closely following attempts to smuggle arms from Syria to Lebanon and attempting to prevent it from reaching Hezbollah.” (h/t MtTB)

  • Friday, January 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Expressen shows us a page from a textbook that is being used in a ninth grade class on religions:

Student Worksheet:
Judaism - was the first but is the least.
Who has the right to the land?

Imagine you ask a Jew and an Arab about who has right to the land now called Israel. Write what you think they would answer and how they would justify their opinion.
Why is the girl going to blow herself and others in the air?
With pictures of a "Jewish man" and "Arab girl."

The textbook, which was published in 2004, is asking kids to justify terrorism which hit its peak around the time it was written.

The person who found this was an Arab Swedish girl named Sara Bessa when she saw her younger brother bring this home from school.

She's upset because it stereotypes Arabs as terrorists.

"There is such Islamophobia here. It's almost like she'll defend her exploding with a Qur'anic quote that does not exist.... At the same time, they chose to use a girl instead of an Arab man. It says 'check out how dangerous Arabs are, even their small children are dangerous and satanic.' There is no room to discuss about how this girl might want peace."

She has a point - the textbook was stereotyping Arabs, but it wasn't saying that Arab terrorism is wrong. It was sympathetic to their suicide bombings. It was not trying to demonize the Palestinian Arabs, but to understand and justify their hate!

I found what appears to be the textbook online, along with a similar section on Islam. That version does not appear to have this page in it, so maybe they took out the terrorism reference in newer editions.  (Any Swedish speakers that want to analyze this textbook, please do so.)

I do not know exactly what is meant by "Judaism was the first but is the least." My guess is that it was the first of the major monotheistic religion but it has the least adherents nowadays. Maybe I'm being charitable, but textbooks do try to be politically correct.

(h/t aaahconcept)

Both these videos were released in the past day.

One is John Kerry on Al Arabiya saying why he is optimistic about peace talks. Gosh, he just can't imagine why people wouldn't want to live in peace with each other.Everyone wants the same thing, right?

The other is a MEMRI video of a Hamas youth camp graduation. These are the thousands of Gaza high school kids that underwent paramilitary training and anti-Israel brainwashing over the past several months.

I thought the two videos complement each other.

From Philosémitisme Blog, translated by Antisemitism in Europe:

Charles Ducal is Belgium's new 'national poet'. In this position, he will be expected to write poems which concern Belgium. Which might be new to him. Ducal has not written one poem on the atrocities committed by Belgians in their former colonies. However, he had time to dwell on the crimes of the Jews.*

Together with Lucas Catherine, Ducal co-authored "Gaza - The History of the Palestinian tragedy". The book includes his poetry titled "After Auschwitz", a group of poems with names like "Tel Aviv 1948–2008", "Nakba" and "A Poet in Sderot". Lest you think he might actually be sympathizing with the Jews who are constantly being bombed by their Gazan neighbors, rest assured: the song has a little note that Sderot was "formerly Najd", and is all about how 'we' kicked out the rightful owners.

The poems do not mention Jews, Israel, Nazis or Holocaust, and yet they're full of accusations against the Jewish people.
His poems are reprehensible, and (like the antisemitic play Seven Jewish Children) they are written from a grotesque caricature of a "Jewish" point of view - how a twisted Jew-hater imagines that Jews think. So while the themes are the same lies that we are used to hearing from antisemites (Jews are bloodthirsty killers who use the Holocaust as an excuse to act as monsters, Jews are quite happy making Arabs suffer, Jews use the Torah to justify massacres and ethnic cleansing) - the faux first person perspective makes the poems that much more powerful, and that much more disgusting.

Here are some of them.

for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand;
and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

(Exodus 23:31)


One does not scrawl fate in the wind.
We seek sanctuary behind
the wall, full of words on our side,
stamped with the holy number, this

stubborn plurality of a faith, in search of a voice
that can unite us in a common song,
a hymn and history to which we belong,
from the ashes of a tongue we rejoice.

The other side of the wall is ours too,
though scarred by signs of enmity.
We simply wipe it clean, unread.
Those who find a hole are blown back

into the void.

First, we will bury you in the sand,
with your head free to speak
about mutual understanding, about peace;

first, we will make your field our own,
station soldiers between mine and thine,
direct the camera from our side;

first, we will count our dead
from the past two thousand years
and justify the beating,

and wipe the spit from our hands
and declare – it's clear as day;
you want no peace in this land.

Most readers of poetry don't have the same filters they might have when reading or watching the news. Poems need to be interpreted and understood, and that extra effort makes it easier for the reader to trust that the poet - whom he learns to respect during the interpretation process - is being truthful.

Very few casual poetry readers would be able to distance themselves from these works enough to realize how bigoted it is for a man to put himself in the minds of people he hates and relay their supposedly disgusting thoughts. Ducal is an antisemite, and these works prove that beyond a doubt. Saying that Jews are religious fundamentalists who enjoy acting like Nazis is no less offensive and no less a lie when it is written as poetry.

 Like fiction and film, poetry can be a powerful tool for brainwashing, and that is Ducal's goal in these examples. Belgium should withdraw this honor; Ducal should be shamed, not feted.


Ducal, or his lawyer, wrote me a letter. A followup post on January 27. Link when it is available.

UPDATE: The Forward mentions this poster but says it is inaccurate.
In fact, the company’s own estimate of how many Palestinians it employs is now 500 out of some 1,300 total workers — up from 160 Palestinians in December 2010 as a result of the growth in sales.

And the poster’s grandiose claim that the company “built a mosque on site” appears to be based on a company video during which an Arab employee displays a room that he says is “dedicated to prayer.” The space shown is actually a locker area with a small eating table, some coat hooks on the wall, a coffee machine and a couple of large garbage cans. The workers are shown spreading thin prayer mats on the bare floor during their prayer times — far from a customized prayer room, much less a mosque.

However, I took all the information from a JTA article last year that The Forward published itself on February 10, 2013. It said:

"Some 500 West Bank Palestinians work at the site, in addition to 400 Arabs from eastern Jerusalem and a mix of 200 Israeli Jews and foreign workers, including refugees from Africa........The Maale Adumim factory has an on-site mosque and a synagogue."


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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