Thursday, January 16, 2014

  • Thursday, January 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Chris Hayes at MSNBC, especially from 3:05 on:

Hayes' arguments are naive and his description of the opposing viewpoint borders on the stupid.

But beyond that, his entire thesis that any Democrats only support the bill because of pressure from AIPAC is provably wrong. In fact, AIPAC has not put any pressure on the Democratic lawmakers Hayes is upset at.

Politico reports:

Despite growing support in the Senate for Iran sanctions legislation, Democratic leaders have yet to feel insurmountable pressure to bring the measure to the floor.

One major reason: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is mostly keeping quiet.

The powerful pro-Israel lobby has not engaged in a shoe-leather lobbying campaign to woo wayward senators and push Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to schedule a vote on the bill, according to several key senators and aides. While the group supports the bill — authored by Sens. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) — it is not yet putting its political muscle behind a push for an immediate vote.

“I don’t know where AIPAC is. I haven’t talked to anybody,” said Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who opposes any vote for additional sanctions at this time.

As of now, the Menendez-Kirk bill has 59 public supporters, including 43 of 45 Senate Republicans. But dozens of Democrats remain publicly undecided on the bill and seem unlikely to cross the Obama administration and openly back the legislation at this time. And AIPAC isn’t yet twisting Democratic arms.

A number of senators on both sides of the sanctions debate said they’d heard little from AIPAC on the issue, suggesting that wavering lawmakers are feeling little pressure from the group. With its clout on Capitol Hill and ties to deep-pocketed Jewish donors, the group’s muscle could be enough to change the political calculation over how to proceed on the contentious issue.

“I don’t know what they’re doing,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a leading defense hawk and strong supporter of getting a vote on the bill.

...California Sen. Barbara Boxer, a Jewish Democrat, said she’s met with AIPAC “many times” on the issue of Iran. But asked if the group had been pressing her to support the Iran sanctions measure, she replied “not at all.”

“They respect my position, which is that sanctions are totally appropriate if this fails,” she said, referring to the diplomatic talks.

But other senators have not yet heard from the group and indicated they were entirely unaware of AIPAC’s activities on the Hill.

“I really have not talked to AIPAC about it,” said Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, a Jewish liberal and one of the few Senate Democrats publicly backing the Kirk-Menendez legislation.
Hayes is, at best, a fool. And he is now proven to not have done a modicum of research before spouting his idiocy. He simply assumed that it must be AIPAC acting as a puppeteer for his fellow Democrats.

At worst - well, what can you call someone who assumes that any Democrats who disagree with him are being controlled by a Jewish group?

(I don't watch MSNBC much, but it amazes me that Fox News gets slammed [correctly] for being partisan, but MSNBC gets far less criticism for their obvious partisanship, which this clip reveals quite obviously.)

(h/t CC)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad newspaper Palestine Today has an article about the IDF's UAV, the Heron-1, that in many ways reads  like promotional literature:

The Zionist enemy does not stop even for a moment its development of combat, technical, and technological capabilities in all fields of military, due to the fear that lives in his being; he knows very well that the Palestinian people will not give up their usurped rights, and that what was taken by force will be retaken by force eventually.

The Zionist air force recently introduced two reconnaissance-type "Heron 1" UAVs for field work, which increases the burden of the Palestinian resistance, which to this day has been able to overcome these technical modern military tactics and baffle new methods of military occupation.

An [Islamic Jihad] "Media War" reporter conducted an exclusive interview with one of the leaders of the military intelligence agency of the Al-Quds Brigades, "Abu Mohammed," to identify the new capabilities of the reconnaissance plane. He said, "The Heron 1 is an unmanned fourth generation reconnaissance aircraft which was developed by the Zionist aircraft industries (IAI), Department of Unmanned Aircraft (UAV)", pointing out that it... can have any work long hours in difficult weather conditions.

He added: "This aircraft was built with modern technology and is very advanced. It can take off and land automatically, and it covers a large area of ​​land with high accuracy."

The Quds Brigades intelligence chief said that the Heron 1 used for reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting and directing fire at any moving target with high accuracy, stressing that the Heron has the ability to fly continuously for more than 52 hours at an altitude of 35,000 feet.

Abu Mohammed continued, "The plane is loaded with electronic sensors, including infrared sensors, and it has light sensors in addition to the various radar systems."

Abu Mohammed said that the Heron is able to connect to a permanent ground control station by linking to electromagnetic data waves directly or via Zionist satellite.

All the Mujahideen in all fields of jihad and the resistance on the blessed land of Palestine must take all degrees of caution and camouflage and follow all proper security methods to move away from the sensors and the other Zionist methods of spying and surveillance. Modern technology is used by the enemy to undermine the Palestinian resistance, so Mujahideen must comply with all security regulations to preserve their lives, so as not to be easy prey to the Zionist enemy that lurks on them day and night.
The page includes photos of the UAV that were taken off the Internet.

The Heron-1 is not new; the IDF bought them in 2005 and used them in Operation Cast Lead.

Islamic Jihad "inteligence" found nothing about the UAV that was not in the Wikipedia page about it.

Interestingly, the page shows that the Moroccan Air Force owns three of them!

From Ian:

Walt Disney’s Anti-Semitism, and Modern Day Bias Towards Israel
The irony is that while Meryl Streep was condemning Walt Disney for associating with extremists, she herself was doing the very same thing. The actress to whom she gave that award when she made her anti-Disney speech, her close friend Emma Thompson, is active in the anti-Israel boycott movement.
Streep hailed Thompson as “splendid, beautiful, practically a saint… a living, acting conscience.” Yet this ‘saint,’ together with other British actors, publicly urged a boycott of Israel’s Habimah theater troupe when it participated in a festival in England. Habimah, of course, has nothing to do with Israeli government policies or any political issues. Its only “crime” is that it’s Israeli.
Employment Law Firm: Drop American Studies Assn membership or risk Title VII liability
While over 190 university presidents have denounced the ASA academic boycott of Israel, many have decided either to keep the membership or to leave the decision to individual American Studies Departments. Some others are switching the membership listing to their American Studies Departments, rather than the full University name.
Anything other than a full termination of Institutional Membership, however, opens up the universities to legal liability for national origin discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
That potential liability is explained in a recent article by two attorneys at the Seyfarth Shaw law firm.
Has your Rep signed Congressional letter against Israel academic boycott?
I reported last Friday on the draft Bipartisan Congressional letter to denounce academic boycott of Israel.
As of Friday, there were 36 signatories. As of yesterday, the number had risen to 57.
The final signature list should be released later this week.
Pro-Israel Christians Protest Dutch Pension Giant’s Divestment From Israel
Hundreds of Dutch Christian activists demonstrated outside the headquarters of Dutch pension giant PGGM, to protest the pension company’s recent decision to divest from Israeli banks.
The protesters, members of the pro-Israel group Christians for Israel, held up Israeli flags and banners saying “Stop the Boycott of Israel.”

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
For some reason, the article I posted (copied from Simcha Jacobovici's blog) about the Deir Alla inscriptions has been getting lots of attention. Metafilter has a thread about it that is typical.

While the article said that this was a "cover-up" - as the original artifact is not displayed anywhere - I don't think Jacobovici is saying that this is being deliberately hidden by scholars. I certainly don't think so. After all, it is mentioned in Wikipedia and other places. What is interesting is that the amount of attention given to this find in the non-scholarly world seems to be disproportionately tiny compared to its significance.

My guess is that Jordanians are not nearly as interested in Biblical-era archaeology as Jews and Christians generally are. There is evidence that Muslim archaeologists tend to discount the importance of Jewish or Biblical-era artifacts (and vice versa.) This does not imply a deliberate cover-up..

Now, let's talk about its significance. Critics are saying that this is not proof of the Torah's authenticity. I agree, and never said it was.

However, this does not make the find any less significant. Right now there are headlines whenever an artifact is found that might bear the name of someone obscure mentioned once in the books of Chronicles or Kings. Anything found from the First Temple period or earlier is considered big news. The mainstream media certainly covered (much scantier) evidence of external evidence pointing to David or Goliath.

Here, though, is something that certainly refers to a major Torah figure, from hundreds of years prior to the era of the Prophets whose artifacts generate press today. The inscription was found in the same geographical area as the Biblical event. The chances that there are two famous prophets named "Balaam, son of Beor" in Jordan is essentially zero.

While it is hard to compare, one would think that this is roughly as important as the Mesha Stele, which also corroborated stories from the times of the Prophets.

(The Biblical story of Balaam is also interesting because it is, I believe, the only story in the Pentateuch from Exodus onward where the Israelites aren't the central characters. They have no idea of the drama happening near their tents. )

I couldn't find any contemporary references to the Deir Alla finds in 1967 newspapers.

So, yes, this seems to be bigger news than something that is relegated to university libraries. The popularity of the post shows this to be true. How you interpret it is up to you.

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
While Hassan Rouhani puts a (sometimes) friendly face on the Iranian regime, its state-controlled media is still filled with the worst kinds of antisemitism (and anti-American rhetoric), including Holocaust revisionism.

In English.

Here are excerpts from a not atypical PressTV article today:

Zionist perversion of history threatens world peace

The planet is being held captive by two rogue terrorist states: the United States and Israel.

Behaving like rabid dogs on the world stage, these two enormous threats to world peace are content to spread their imperial hubris throughout the globe, invading weaker countries and laying siege to millions of defenseless innocents while condemning those who resist Israeli-American imperialism as ”terrorists,” “threats to peace” and “rogue actors.”

..The creation of Israel was a war crime in and of itself, wherein at least 750,000 indigenous Arab Palestinians were either massacred or ethnically cleansed by Zionist gangs such as the Irgun, Haganah and Lehi.This murderous colonial project was sponsored in large part by Britain and the United States. The latter country was itself a by-product of British colonialism and harbours a damnable legacy even worse than that of Israel.

Less known is the role of Nazi Germany in helping the Zionists gain a foothold in Palestine. ...The German SS even provided the Haganah with weapons to do battle with Palestinian Arabs. ..This fact of history illustrates the farcical nature of Zionist-controlled Hollywood’s depiction of Hitler as a villainous demon, when in fact Zionist Jews themselves were Hitler’s most enthusiastic collaborators.

Upon close inspection, the official story of the holocaust crumbles into pieces. Anyone who has even a mild understanding of the facts cannot continue to believe in the myth of the “six million.” ... It turns out the Zionist fixation on the magical number of six million originates with Jewish religious mysticism in the Kabbalah.

...The “new world order” vision of the Zionist elite and their sinister collaborators is a world filled with tyranny and death, where unwanted thoughts and ideas are ruthlessly extirpated, and dissent is crushed with an iron fist. Those seeking truth and justice will be deemed “enemies of the state” and will be promptly executed or relegated to concentration camps, as per the Bolshevik method.

Nothing gets published in Iranian media without government approval.

From Ian:

Left Foot Forward forces Oxfam climbdown over homophobic speaker
The ‘Gaza: Through my Eyes’ exhibition was due to be hosted by Oxfam and Ibrahim Hewitt, a trustee of Hamas-linked organisation Interpal who has called for the killing of apostates and homosexuals.
Mr Hewitt has previously referred to the “so-called Holocaust” and has demanded that homosexuals suffer “severe punishments” for their “great sin”.
The event was scheduled to take place at the East London Mosque, notorious for hosting a number of extremist speakers.
Speaking to Left Foot Forward, Oxfam said it was “strongly committed to upholding universal human rights” and would therefore be cancelling the event.
Abbas applauds after Minister calls for Jihad in Jerusalem
Jihadi fighters should not be fighting in Syria but should go to Jerusalem. This was the message of PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash, in front of Mahmoud Abbas:
"Whoever wants resistance, whoever wants Jihad, the direction for Jihad is well-known and clear... Those who send young people to Syria or elsewhere to die for a misdirected cause must stop and understand that Jerusalem is still waiting. Jerusalem is the direction, Jerusalem is the address."
Al-Habbash was criticizing those who have sent Jihadi fighters from around the world to Syria to fight against Assad's forces. The Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk has been the scene of some of this fighting. Abbas, who was in the audience, applauded when Al-Habbash said that Jihadi fighters should not be sent to Syria but to Jerusalem.

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is an excerpt of an interview with Barino Barsoum, on Spiegel TV, from 2009:

(h/t Andrew Bostom)

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Celebrations broke out in the Philippines Wednesday after a Filipina caregiver working overseas became the winner of Israel's first "X Factor" television singing contest.

Rose Fostanes, one the millions of Filipino overseas workers who are lionized back home and form a crucial pillar of the country's economy, won the competition late Tuesday with a rendition of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" that delighted fans in both countries.

Local television, news websites, and social media were filled with praise for the unmarried 47-year-old caregiver, who relatives said had worked abroad for more than two decades to support her family.

"We know the situation she was in and we are very proud that she has again given the Philippines pride in the showcase of her talent," President Benigno Aquino's spokesperson Edwin Lacierda told reporters Wednesday.

"The Filipino has an innate advantage when it comes to the arts...It clearly shows that the excellence of the Filipino can be expressed anywhere, everywhere, when they are given the opportunity to show their talent."

Here is one of her songs:

Last year, an Arab Christian woman won Israel's "The Voice," and ersatz "journalist"/Israel-hater Max Blumenthal - in an astonishing display of stupidity even for him - tweeted "Tokenism works!"

I guess he thinks that Israeli voters again colluded to vote for a non-Israeli, not because of her talent but because they don't want to be seen as the racists that he knows Israelis really are.

"He might not speak Hebrew but he does visit Israel often, convinced the only reason he is allowed into the country is because of his "top-grade Ashkenazi Jewish sperm."

(h/t Yoel)
  • Wednesday, January 15, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I noted that an Islamic Jihad terrorist was killed in Gaza in what every Arab newspaper called an Israeli strike, either from a drone or artillery. I cannot find a single report that gives any other possible reason for his death.

The IDF denied any activity in Gaza at the time.

Here we have a clear case of "he said, she said" - Israeli spokespeople versus Gaza's health ministry spokesman and other Gaza witnesses.

From years of watching the region, I was quite certain that the IDF was telling the truth and the Arabs were lying. Yet there are plenty of people out there who assume that every Israeli statement is a lie and they believe every single Arab claim, despite years of evidence showing the exact opposite.

So who was telling the truth this time?

PCHR publishes a weekly report of supposed Israeli crimes. If they don't mention something, it didn't happen.

They don't mention anything about anyone being killed on January 8.

(UPDATE: Neither does OCHA.)

This is hardly the first time that Gaza's health ministry was found to lie. Maybe one day the world's media will know not to believe a word they say.

Aw, who am I kidding?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:

Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim Ibn Hamad Al Thani has given orders to grant work visas to 20,000 Palestinians, the Palestinian ambassador to Qatar told Ma'an on Monday.

The move comes after 20 years in which Palestinians were prevented by Qatari authorities from acquiring visas to work in the prosperous Persian Gulf emirate, according to the ambassador.
You mean, for 20 years Qatar actively discriminated against Palestinians and no human rights organization mentioned it?
  • Tuesday, January 14, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

One of the very best resources on keeping track of the truth behind the BDS lies, Divest This!, has returned after a long hiatus.

It is a very worthwhile website.
From Ian:

Douglas Murray: What the EU Does with Your Money
There are many ways in which the EU displays a casual disregard for its distribution of taxpayers' money. But one of the most outrageous ways by far – with some very stiff competition – is the way in which the EU wastes taxpayers' money by giving huge lumps of it in aid to the Palestinian Authority [PA]. The laxity with which this is done and the uses to which much of that money is put highlights a problem which ought to make even the EU blush – and any decent taxpayer rebel.
Ignorance can be no excuse. In recent years a number of organizations and individuals have persistently highlighted the manner in which EU funding has been used to facilitate hate-materials and hate-teaching in Palestinian schools. Foremost among the organizations that have highlighted this has been Palestinian Media Watch [PMW], which has systematically and carefully collected and translated for wider English-speaking consumption the sort of language that is used routinely in the education sectors in Palestinian society. And as in the schools, so in the media. For EU money is also used to fund various Palestinian media outfits. And the diet of hatred they spew out is the stuff of legend. For instance, there is the aid money that goes to television stations such as that which PMW recently showed to be broadcasting material describing Jews as "rats" and "crows."
The Ideology and Rhetoric Behind the ASA Boycott
For many radicals in academia, Israel has become the scapegoat of convenience on which they heap all the alleged sins of West: imperialism, colonialism, sexism, racism, apartheid and whatever else an offended group can dredge up. For some that is not enough. Several of the ASA boycott advocates deny that Israel is a democracy and even apply the term "totalitarian" to Israel, implicitly lumping it with other totalitarian states, like Nazi Germany. As Cary Nelson, concludes, "The fundamental goal of the boycott is not the peaceful coexistence of two states, one Jewish and one Palestinian, but rather the elimination of Israel." The academic boycott attempts to provide intellectual cover.
US lawmakers rail against academic boycott of Israel
Over four dozen members of Congress have signed a bipartisan letter blasting a decision earlier this month by the American Studies Association to participate in an academic boycott of Israel.
In the letter, circulated by Reps. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Doug Collins (R-GA) and Bradley Schneider (D-IL), the representatives stated that “while ASA has every right to express its views on policies pursued by any nation or government, we believe that the decision to blacklist Israeli academic institutions for Israeli government policies with which ASA disagrees demonstrates a blatant disregard for academic freedom.”


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