Tuesday, November 27, 2012

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Stand with Us: So, you think you know a lot about HAMAS?

Israel was planning to hit Haniyeh, went for Jabari instead, Kuwaiti report says

[Sorry, but Kuwaiti media simply make things up. All the time. I have never once seen a Kuwaiti "scoop" pan out. I cannot believe they still get any attention in YNet or TOI. - EoZ]

How the World Saved Hamas 20 Years Ago
"The expulsion of top Hamas leaders from Israel would have made it difficult for the terrorist group to continue its operations in Gaza and the West Bank. It would have dampened their strategic use of terrorism and made it easier to implement a peace plan. Only a madman would have objected to it.
Or so one might think."
Satire: 2016: Palestinian Diary
"Sometimes—even most of the time—being a leader means having to pretend. I had many differences with Raouf, but when he became “Arafat” he showed me and others just how far you could get by talking out of both sides one’s mouth. He was invited to the UN, and he got a Nobel Peace Prize for tricking the Zionists into thinking he actually wanted to make friends with them. He was a genius, that Raouf. And he was never even coached and trained the way the Russian KGB taught me. He was a natural dissimulator. Perhaps that is the reason he took the nickname “Abu ‘Amaar,” recalling ‘Amaar, the first Muslim to practice taqiyya, the art of Islamic deception."

Shame on Anyone Who Ever Thought Mohammad Morsi Was a Moderate
"Washington ought to have known by now that “democratic dialogue” is virtually impossible with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is now mobilizing throughout Egypt to defend Morsi’s edict. The reason is that it is not a “democratic party” at all. Rather, it is a cultish organization that was never likely to moderate once it had grasped power."

Egypt’s top Islamist expects assassination of liberal figures
"A senior member of Egypt’s former militant Islamist group al-Gamaa al-Islamiya has warned that liberal politicians and intellectuals who oppose President Mohammed Mursi’s latest constitutional declaration could face a campaign of targeted assassinations starting from December."

Americans in Israel Sue Clinton for US Funding of Arab Terror
Two dozen Americans in Israel are suing Hillary Clinton for negligence in allowing the US to fund the PA, which used money for terror.

BBC’s Donnison May Lose Press Credentials After Blaming Israel for Syrian Child Victim in Tweet
"Walla news reports that Israel’s Information Ministry is exploring the possibility of denying Jon Donnison press credentials. According to the report Donnison has been invited to a hearing on Wednesday at the Government Press Office."
[This was verified by BBCWatch.] 

CAMERA: PBS Gaza Coverage Partisan, Shoddy, Unbalanced

Huffington Post Falsely Claims More Than Half of All Gaza Victims in Recent Conflict Were Children

BBC Watch: Examining the BBC’s portrayal of Operation ‘Pillar of Cloud’ as Israeli electioneering
"In other words, the BBC’s ‘it’s all because of the Israeli elections’ theme was clearly based on its promoters’ personal perceptions of specific Israeli politicians rather than on fact-based analysis and an understanding of the Israeli political scene."

BBC Radio 4 dances with the ‘apartheid’ trope
"Instead – as we have seen happen on various BBC outlets with increasing frequency of late – it provided a platform for an anti-Israel activist, supporting what is ultimately a racist cause, to spout factually incorrect propaganda posing as an ‘opinion’ – unchallenged. "

Operation Pillar of Defense Brings Out the Crazy
Jewish communities across the globe see protests, vitriolic chants

Vienna protesters call for 'death to Jews'

Following Gaza's Ceasefire, Cleveland Rally Calls For the Destruction of Israel

Montreal radio host suspended over caller’s anti-Semitic statements
Jacques Fabi didn’t correct remark that Holocaust was a ‘beautiful thing’

Italy’s Jewish leaders denounce mounting anti-Semitism
Unusually assertive public statement takes on soaring increases in vandalism, hate speech
and outright violence

Top English soccer team investigated for anti-Semitism
West Ham fans heard hissing — imitating the sound of gas chambers — at a match against Tottenham, which draws a large Jewish fan base

Dutch TV spoofs Netanyahu speech about targeting Gaza civilians
Satirical video shows prime minister bragging to Hillary Clinton about killing innocents

Exposé: the Vatican Welcomes Iran
"Hizbullah's officials, the Shiite terrorist group based in Lebanon, were hosted in Rome by the Vatican during the recent ceremony for the election of six new cardinals. Among the new cardinals is the Lebanese Patriarch, Bechara Boutros Rai."

'Russia supplying arms to Syria under old contracts'
Medvedev says Moscow is neutral on Syrian conflict; Russia also printed banknotes for Syria, dispatched via Iranian airspace.

French consulate hosts terrorist who planned to kill top Israeli rabbi
Salah Hamouri, who spent seven years in prison for his part in a plot to assassinate Ovadia Yosef, was a guest of honor at Jerusalem function

Seventy years after the Donau, what has Norway learned?
On the anniversary of the country’s largest transport of Jews to Auschwitz, a Norwegian journalist ponders the history and future of a tiny, endangered minority

French Writer-Filmmaker Explores Region Where Chinese and Korean Children Learn Yiddish (VIDEO)

Cracking a codebreaker’s birthday code
Three Israeli kids — one of them just 9 — sifted through a half billion 0′s and 1′s, and came up with a birthday present that would have made master cryptanalyst Alan Turing proud

Sesame synchrotron is a flash of unity in Middle East
"The plan is for a multi-million-pound synchrotron particle accelerator, known as Sesame.
It has backing from several Arab nations, together with Turkey, Pakistan, Cyprus, Iran and - astonishingly - Israel as well."

Israel in the frame (II)
Ten of the world’s top Instagramers take on the Holy Land

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Posted, surprisingly, on the Israeli Embassy US YouTube account:

The video has already made it to Al Arabiya.

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some intriguing news items:
Egypt would consider importing natural gas from Oman and Equitorial Guinea, Petroleum Minister Osama Kamal said on Monday.

Egypt imports gas to meet developmental need targets as established by the government, Kamal said, adding that there is a growing need for gas in Egyptian power stations.
But Egypt also exports gas - to Jordan (and formerly to Israel.) The supply has been disrupted both because of Islamists bombing the pipeline to Israel and because of Egypt's own shortages. As a result, Jordan also suffers a gas shortage.

That shortage, and Jordan's decision to end subsidies on fuel, helped spark the deadly riots that Jordan has been suffering from.

And Iran might be trying to leverage this to its advantage:

The Iranian ambassador to Amman Mostafa Moslehzadeh declined the rumors about Iran's readiness to supply Jordan with free energy resources for 30 years, the Mehr News Agency reported.

The Jordanian newspaper Ammon News on November 22 quoted Moslehzadeh as saying that Iran is ready to supply free crude oil and other energy resources to Jordan for 30 years in exchange for some products which are in demand in Iran, as well as for expansion of religious tourism in Jordan.

Moslehzadeh has reportedly made the remarks during a televised interview with a local TV station. Later, the Iranian ambassador said that Jordanian media has misquoted him.

During his interview, Moslehzadeh said that Iran is seeking to strengthen relations with Jordan in the fields of economy, energy and diplomacy and will consider exporting oil to Jordan in exchange for some items.

Earlier Moslehzadeh had told reporters that Iran is interested in exporting gas to Jordan and to this end Tehran will soon send a formal proposal to the country.

In turn, previously the official representative of the Jordan Energy Ministry Mahmoud Al-Ees told Trend that Jordan is seeking to diversify its gas sources and is therefore interested in the purchase of Iranian gas.

"The Jordanian side has not yet received an official offer from Iran for gas supply to the country, but if the proposal is made, Jordan will consider this option," Al-Ees said.
The two "moderate" Arab states that made peace with Israel are both suffering gas shortages that threaten their economies.

Israel, of course, is sitting on hundreds of billions of cubic feet of natural gas in the Mediterranean.

While the fields are not yet operational, Israel could be providing gas to its neighbors.

Yet, as I discovered recently, Israel did offer to provide gas for Jordan - and it was considered politically unfeasible for Jordan to have a gas pipeline from Israel.

Egypt would be at least as bad.

And Iran is waiting in the wings, ready to rescue their Muslim brothers both from fuel shortages and from the ignominy of buying fuel from Jews (all while easing their own isolation.)

The energy story is going to be the real driver behind Middle East politics for the coming decades. Israel has to play it smart, and if it does, natural gas can do more for peace than any politician could ever hope to do.
  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today reports that billboards to "Thank Iran" for Gaza's "victory" have been popping up all over Gaza.

An analyst interviewed about these billboards (almost certainly paid for by pro-Iranian terror groups like Islamic Jihad) pretends that these are somehow spontaneous expressions of thankfulness by Gazans of Iran.

Specifically, Iran created "Quds Day," an annual bashfest against Israel; they provided Fajr-3 and Fajr-5 rockets to the terrorists, most of which were shot down but which they still claim is the source of their faux victory; and Iran provided training for the terrorists of Gaza.

The analyst noted that Arab countries were not nearly as helpful as Iran, and hoped that they would start actively funding Gaza's militants.
  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights wrote:

At approximately 09:00, an Israeli drone fired a missile in the vicinity of Dabbour farmland in Jabalya. As a result, Mustafa Awadh Mustafa Abu Hmaidan, 23, was killed.

They did not identify him as a member of an "armed group," meaning they assumed he is a civilian and apparently counted him as such.

Here is a photo of Mr. Hmaidan:

And here is his obituary from Hamas, where his Jihadist life is displayed and he is revealed to have been killed while in an act of "jihad." Interestingly, he joined the Al Qassam brigades while attending a UNRWA school in Jabalia.

This is the first obituary on the Al Qassam website from Pillar of Defense. Hamas does not want the world to know how many of the "civilians" were terrorists, and (as with Cast Lead) they will only reveal them in a trickle over the next few months. Their assumption is that by the time the numbers are added up and we can prove that the majority of those killed were terrorists, the damage from the lies by PCHR, the Gaza health minister and others will have already been done.
  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
After I wrote my critique of David Carr's slimy article claiming that Israel targets journalists yesterday, other media outlets cited the evidence I used to show that the "journalists" were in fact terrorists. Among them were Tablet and Commentary.

Now Carr - a journalist, mind you - is using proof by assertion to double down that the people targeted were nothing but innocent journalists themselves:
New York Times media reporter David Carr defended his Monday column accusing Israel of killing journalists in Gaza on Monday, after Israeli officials and their allies accused him of conflating Hamas operatives and reporters.

"The three men who died in missile strikes in cars on Nov. 20 were identified by Reuters, AP, AFP, and Washington Post and many other news outlets as journalists," Carr told BuzzFeed in an email. "The Committee to Protect Journalists, which I treat as a reliable, primary source in these matters, identified them as journalists. (as did Reporters without Borders.)"

"I ran my column by reporters and editors at our shop familiar with current events in the region before I printed it," Carr said. "And I don't believe that an ID made by the IDF is dispostive or obviates what the others said. Doesn't mean that I could not have gotten it wrong, only that the evidence so far suggests that they were journalists, however partisan."
Now, I posted a photograph of one of these "journalists" - Mohamed Abu Aisha - in uniform, clearly showing the logo of Islamic Jihad on his beret, from the Al Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad website, where he is described as a member of their military.

I also showed that another one was described in a Hamas forum as a "mujahid." (I am not certain that he is the one the IDF said was the leader of Hamas in southern Gaza. He might be, but Hamas is not yet releasing the names of their "martyrs" the way Islamic Jihad is. Since IDF statements are not believable according to Carr, I am sticking with evidence from jihadist sources only.) 

Carr is asserting that that the IDF is making up their accusations that these people were militants out of thin air. I show incontrovertible proof that one of them is a terrorist and evidence of a second.

Here we have a journalist whose idea of "evidence" is to cite other journalists, and willfully ignore real evidence!

Is this how a journalist acts? To ignore anything that proves him wrong and to cling to the authority of people in his profession as infallible? 

How many of these other journalists even spent five minutes to research the lives of those the IDF targeted?  

After all, they were on the ground in Gaza. If they had attended the funeral of their fellow "journalists" they would have heard the leader of the Al Quds Brigades praising Aisha as a jihadist and burying him next to his brother, Imad, who was also an Islamic Jihad terrorist. 

There is also the complete blindness to the fact that terrorists have day jobs. After all, 75% of Gaza policemen killed in Cast Lead were also members of terror groups. The same lack of logic that caused Goldstone to call them civilians is the one we are seeing here. One can argue that the IDF doesn't have the legal right to target them when they are not in uniform, but Carr isn't making that argument - he is saying that the IDF targeted them because they are anti-Israel journalists.

Real journalists are supposed to be skeptical. They are supposed to be spending their time uncovering the truth. They are supposed to be honest enough to admit when they are wrong, to revisit the story when facts indicate they are mistaken, because the real story should be more important than their egos. 

This is not just an indictment of Carr. This is a systemic problem in the entire profession. The smugness that they are infallible, and the groupthink that they can rely on others' work without double-checking it, all indicate that there is some significant daylight between how many journalists do their work and what the truth really is. 

But what do I know? After all, I am not a journalist, and real journalists apparently know that all they have to do is cite their fellow journalists' lack of research as proof and ignore what mere bloggers say. 

Because we are not - journalists.

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today has video of the "wreckage of a plane shot down by Palestinian resistance:"

In fact, these are external fuel tanks that are routinely dropped from F-16s for various reasons. This one was obviously dropped in the Mediterranean. (They come in various sizes.)

This must be part of the "fedayeen of truth" that Ismail Haniyeh praised Gaza journalists for yesterday.

(h/t CHA, Ian)

Monday, November 26, 2012

  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Robert Serry, the UN envoy to the Middle East, proves yet again what a complete waste of space the UN is.

In this case, he is doing everything he can to pretend that Hamas is a moderate, peace-loving group:

The United Nations envoy to the Middle East acknowledged in an interview with McClatchy Sunday that he has maintained quiet contacts with the Islamist group Hamas for “years,” despite the international community’s official policy to isolate the group.

Robert Serry described his office’s contacts with Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, as “quiet engagements”...

“Because we are on the ground we have our informal contacts with Hamas. How could we not?” he said. “We also have our quiet engagements with Hamas to work for a calm. In the last years I have been working to pass on messages to Hamas.”

Officially, the international community has no direct contact with Hamas. The U.N., the United States and other Western governments formally renounced any dialogue with Hamas after the Islamist group, which has never acknowledged Israel’s right to exist, won Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006.

In a statement that year, then-U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said that the international community would only accept Hamas if it showed, “a commitment to the principles of non-violence, recognition of Israel and the acceptance of previous agreements and obligations."
Everyone knows that Hamas rules Gaza and that some level of indirect communications must be maintained. Even Israel must communicate with Hamas. But Serry is obviously granting this interview in order to push the idea that the UN should publicly meet with Hamas, and that Hamas shoul dbe mainstreamed as a virtual state, effectively rewarding Hamas for firing over 1400 rockets into civilian areas of Israel.

Serry then goes off into fantasyland:

Serry noted that Hamas has still not met the U.N.’s demands that it recognize Israel and renounce violence. But he said that Hamas officials have recently made statements suggesting that they were willing to moderate their position on some key points.

In an interview this weekend with CNN, Hamas political head Khaled Mashaal said that his group was willing to accept a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders, “or 22 percent of ‘historical Palestine.’”

He also suggested that his group would be willing to recognize Israel once progress was made toward the establishment of an independent Palestinian State.
If you actually read the transcript of the interview, Meshal says:
CNN: you say that you would accept a two-state solution, but that you will not recognize Israel's right to exist.

Is that still the case?

MESHAL: ... I accept a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders with Jerusalem as the capital, with the right to return.

...The resistance is not a goal. The resistance is a means to an end. The end game is to end occupation but the international community is not enabling us to do this. They are biased toward Israel.

[NOTE: I have proven many times that Hamas calls all of Israel '"occupied,"so when he says the end goal is the end of occupation he means it is the end of Israel. CNN's Amanpour, of course, is too dense to know this.]

...Palestine, from the river to the sea, from the north to the south, it is my land. And the land of my fathers and grandfathers, inhibited by the Palestinians from a long time ago. This is my land, my right.

But because of the circumstances of the region, because of the keenness (ph) to stop the bloodshed, the Palestinians today, and in the past, and Hamas, have agreed about a program, a (INAUDIBLE) program that accepts the '67 borders. But the Israelis don't accept. So it is all about - up to the Israelis.
Nowhere does Meshal say or imply that he would ever recognize Israel. He says, explicitly, that the "1967 borders" are the initial goal, the "right of return" is not negotiable to destroy Israel demographically, and even then he says nothing about recognizing Israel afterwards, with the unspoken assumption that the two Palestines would end up combining (and, eventually according to the Hamas charter, become part of a larger Islamic 'ummah that excludes any Jewish nationalism.)

Meshal throws around words like "peace" but it is obvious he means a world without Israel. Yet Robert Serry, who knows all of this, is working overtime to humanize the Hamas terrorists and to pretend that their idea of peace is similar to what most Westerners say peace means.

One other thing. Meshal didn't say anything about "22% of historical Palestine." This is a standard Palestinan Arab talking point, one that obviously Serry has adopted as the truth so much so that he uses the phrase on his own.

And it is also a complete lie.

Robert Serry shows in this interview that the UN is bending over backwards to reward Hamas - and to accept easily proven lies, as long as they are against Israel.
  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Pat Condell: Peace in the Middle East VIDEO

JPost editorial: Palestinian reality
"Until the Palestinian people decide to switch their energies from blind hatred for Israel and the West to self-advancement and self-determination; until Palestinian leaders give up violence and unilateral diplomacy and inspire their people with a vision of peace, prosperity and reconciliation – an end to the conflict will remain unattainable."

Family reunification? Not in Israel
Of all the Arabs involved in terror attacks during the Second Intifada, 25 had better access to their targets as Israeli citizens, thanks to the family reunification law.

Barry Rubin: Who won in Gaza?
One might better conclude that Hamas set back this timetable by showing its Egyptian sponsor that it was not a good team player.

Is Abbas About To Join Hamas? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Obviously, Abbas has now changed his policy and Hamas is no longer a threat to him and his regime. Now he will have to stop arresting -- and torturing -- Hamas members in the West Bank in the hope that the Islamist movement will forgive him for "collaborating" with Israel.
It now remains to be seen whether Hamas will forgive Abbas for his "sins," and join forces with him."

PA to Release Hamas Prisoners in 'Goodwill Gesture'
The Palestinian Authority will release Hamas-affiliated detainees and allow Hamas to attend PLO meetings in Judea and Samaria.
Hamas to free Fatah prisoners in Gaza (from Joe in Aust)

The Middle East for Expert Dummies
"But Zakaria hasn’t noticed any of it. Instead, he and other liberal “experts” continue to blame Israel for the fact that the Palestinians can’t take yes for an answer. Part of the reason for this is the delusion that someday the West will hand Israel over to them on a silver platter. Rather than writing about the need for a sea change in Palestinian political culture that will make peace possible, Zakaria blames the Israelis for paying attention to the history of the last 20 years. Too bad such a basic skill isn’t required to make a person a mainstream media foreign policy expert."

Netanyahu to Pilots: If Quiet is Not Kept You Will Return to Hitting Remnant of Hamas Weapons Stockpile

IDF Chief Assures 'Quiet Will Last – Or Else'
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz assured Israelis on Sunday there would be no more rocket fire from Gaza – “or else.”

New air defense system shoots down missile in first test
David’s Sling weapon system, with range of 70-200 kilometers, complements Iron Dome and will provide shield against Hezbollah’s arsenal

Hamas to Investigate Executions of 'Collaborators'
Hamas will establish a committee to investigate the execution without trial of seven Gazans during Operation Pillar of Defense.

New baby names in Gaza: 'Fajr' and 'Ahmed Jabari'
Gazans commemorate Operation Pillar of Defense by naming babies after long-range missiles, Hamas military commander

PMW: Hamas spokesman: We are not afraid of Israel because we love death VIDEO

Iran Tries to Choke Israel with Free Oil Offer to Jordan
Iran is trying to surround Israel on three sides with its “axis of evil” by offering free oil to Jordan.

Canadians, Americans say world can’t tolerate nuclear-capable Iran: Poll
"Nine out of ten people polled in both countries said they agreed with the statement “the world cannot tolerate an Iran with nuclear weapons capability,” according to an Ipsos Reid survey conducted on behalf of The Munk Debates. Just over 2,000 Canadians and Americans were polled."

MEMRI: Iranian Blogger Who Told Supreme Leader Khamenei 'Your Judicial System... Is Nothing But A Slaughterhouse'
Tortured To Death In Prison

Syrian rebels capture air base, Palestinian training camp
"At least 8 children dead after regime’s warplanes bombard village outside Damascus
It said rebels on Sunday captured a training base for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command near the Damascus suburb of Douma. The PFLP-GC is one of the Palestinian factions most loyal to Assad."

For Syria’s new opposition head, Zionism is ‘a cancerous movement’
Mouaz al-Khatib, widely seen as a moderate religious figure, also praised Saddam Hussein for ‘terrifying the Jews’

Radio host calls Montreal Jewish population 'annoying'
Anti-semitic comments on late-night Quebec talk show
"She started by criticizing Israel for last week's bombings. Then she began to attack Jewish people and even lauded the Holocaust.
Fabi did not interrupt the woman, but continued the conversation and sympathized with her statements. "

Irish Pro-PA Protesters Hurl Eggs at Israeli Envoy
Pro-Palestinian Authority protesters interrupted a pro-Israel rally in Dublin on Sunday, and eggs were thrown at the Israeli ambassador.

Anti-Israel Protesters 'Occupy' Roof of Scottish Parliament
Anti-Israel protesters, who sought to “occupy” the roof of Scottish parliament, have been charged by police.

Low on funds and state protection, Europe’s Jews remain vulnerable
Facing constant threats and limited resources, communities across the continent are struggling to provide their own security

A bright moment in Hungary
"It therefore became particularly urgent for Israel’s supporters to show that the overwhelming majority of concerned public opinion in Hungary fully supported the Jewish state and its right to self-defense. That goal was achieved this past Thursday afternoon at a beautiful event organized by the Jewish community and the Faith Church. Close to approximately three thousand Hungarian citizens of different faiths came together, including some from outside Budapest, to show support for Israel and to express their outrage at the attacks from Gaza on Israeli civilian targets."

Suddenly, a life in green
Alon, who spoke to The Times of Israel one day after being called up, documented his week of reserves, on the cusp of war in Gaza
"Today, we are all at home and I have returned to my simple life as a video editor. There was no war to fight. I am thankful for that. But I remain with the uncertainty, the unknowing of where I might spend tomorrow night and the swirling sense of what might, yet again, be asked of me."


TOI: Cease-fire, but control the agenda

Free Beacon: NYT reporter falls for Hamas ploy

ABC: Historic Jewish Cemetery in Caribbean Fades Away

Edgar Davidson on What passes for 'expert' Israel coverage in the Jewish Chronicle and
The Evening Standard Continues its Blood Libel against Israel

Woman single-handedly drives terrorist away from family

(h/t Marten)
UPDATE: First read this absurd piece of drivel by Ed Husain at CNN from last week. Money quote::

To demand that Hamas abandon violence, change its charter, or recognize Israel is not the beginning, but should be the end results of a peace process that builds trust over a period of time.

Now, watch these from Palestinian Media Watch:

"We kidnap soldiers and kill Jews" - Hamas music VIDEO

"Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah" - Hamas music VIDEO

This last one only calls for Israel to be destroyed. So it must be proof of Hamas' moderation.

Now do you understand that Hamas actions are all Israel's fault?
  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
David Carr in The New York Times has a go at anti-Israel slander:
Three employees of news organizations were killed in Gaza by Israeli missiles. Rather than suggesting it was a mistake, or denying responsibility, an Israeli Defense Forces spokeswoman, Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, told The Associated Press, “The targets are people who have relevance to terror activity.”

So it has come to this: killing members of the news media can be justified by a phrase as amorphous as “relevance to terror activity.”

The good news is that, unlike in 2008, foreign correspondents were allowed to enter Gaza and see for themselves. The bad news is that they were entering a place where some journalists already there were considered targets, making a dangerous situation all the more so.

Mahmoud al-Kumi and Hussam Salama worked as cameramen for Al-Aqsa TV, which is run by Hamas and whose reporting frequently reflects that affiliation. They were covering events in central Gaza when a missile struck their car, which, according to Al-Aqsa, was clearly marked with the letters “TV.” (The car just in front of them was carrying a translator and driver for The New York Times, so the execution hit close to our organization.) And Mohamed Abu Aisha, director of the private Al-Quds Educational Radio, was also in a car when it was hit by a missile.

A distinction needs to be made. The battle over ideas — over who owns the truth in a given conflict — should be fought with notebooks and video cameras, not weapons of war.

...The more important principle at work is whether governments in the Middle East and elsewhere will succeed in shaping or silencing different points of view by training missiles and bullets on journalists. If they do, the battle for the truth will disappear into the fog of war.
Carr is making a really sickening assumption: that when the IDF targets so-called "journalists" that they are trying to stifle the free exchange of ideas. It doesn't even cross his mind that the "journalists" themselves are actually militants.

In the case of Mohamed Abu Aisha, he clearly was a uniform-wearing member of Islamic Jihad:

Islamic Jihad doesn't describe him as a journalist, but as an instructor for the Mujahideen of Al-Quds Brigades in Deir al-Balah Battalion Brigade.

Similarly, Hamas message boards refer to Hussam Salama as a "mujahid." That is not a word used to describe civilians.

I can understand how journalists may be sensitive to others who are purportedly of their profession being targeted. But Israel was clearly aiming at terrorists, not at "journalists." Carr's dismissive attitude - and his very biased assumption that the IDF's message really meant that the army was targeting those whose opinions it disagrees with - is quite reprehensible.

It is also notable that Carr, supposedly so sensitive to the safety of journalists, cannot find a bad word to say about terrorist organizations who were clearly using the building housing journalists in order to try to shield themselves from attack. Apparently, that is not worth a comment from this defender of journalists. I wonder why?

It is also important to understand that the broadcasts of terror organizations are not considered protected under international law. As NGO Monitor notes:

Under international law, there is no restriction on targeting communications infrastructure that are part of the “military command and control system” or that because of their “nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.” These include “the installations of broadcasting and television stations of fundamental military importance as military objectives.”

In an analogous case, the prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia found that NATO’s targeting of Serbian Television was legal during the 1999 operation in Kosovo:

Insofar as the attack actually was aimed at disrupting the communications network, it was legally acceptable ... NATO’s targeting of the RTS building for propaganda purposes was an incidental (albeit complementary) aim of its primary goal of disabling the Serbian military command and control system and to destroy the nerve system and apparatus that keeps Milosević in power

Moreover, under international law, there is no international legal protection for incitement to violence or hate speech. Most countries have laws criminalizing this speech. The Nuremberg Tribunals found that incitement can constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. Article III(b) of the Convention Against Genocide criminalizes "direct and public incitement to commit genocide and several people were prosecuted at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the basis of using the media for incitement and hate speech.

Are these media outlets in fact part of the military apparatus of the terror groups? Today, Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniyeh answered this with a resounding "yes," characterizing the Hamas media as "Fedayeen (commandoes) of truth." He never says that he considers them as independent; he considers them soldiers. While this in itself is probably not enough to target the terrorist "reporters" themselves, it shows how Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the profession of journalism as a cover for their own terror aims.

Again, David Carr does not seem to be so bothered by this perversion of the profession he pretends to be defending in this piece.

No, his vitriol is only against the nation who sees through the lies and tries to defend itself from people practicing the war crime of perfidy. It is a shame that this job isn't being done by real journalists who should be spending their time uncovering the truth rather than running interference for those who use their profession so cynically.

(h/t CHA)
  • Monday, November 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Chief Lebanese terrorist Hassan Nasrallah betrays his fears - and overcompensates for them by using bluster and threats:

As reported by Ya Libnan:
Nasrallah warned Israel that any Israeli attack against Lebanon would be met with far-reaching retribution.

“How will Israel, which was shaken by a small number of [Palestinian] rockets, be able to sustain the thousands of rockets that will be launched over Tel Aviv and other cities, in the event of an attack against Lebanon?” Nasrallah asked.

He was referring to the war in Gaza during which Hamas fired hundreds of rockets including the Iranian made al Fajr rockets which reached as far as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv .
But this threat was meant to cover up his fear, as shown elsewhere in his speech:

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned the Arab countries during the commemoration of the Shiite holy day, the Day of Ashura , against “befriending” Israel and regarding Iran “as an enemy.” A possible reference to the growing distrust of Iran by the Arab community over its behavior towards the uprising in Bahrain versus the Syrian uprising.
Nasrallah knows that if Syria falls, so does his supply line of missiles and other weapons from Iran. It would also significantly injure Iran's own hegemonic plans, of which Hezbollah is a key component.

If Syria falls, Hezbollah's perceived power in Lebanon would also be greatly diminished.

So, yes, Nasrallah is very nervous.

Similarly, Hamas' reaction to Israel's decision for a cease fire rather than a ground war is nothing more than machismo. Check out this poster on the Al Qassam site:

It says "Gaza won! They (the Israelis) are weak and delusional, they don't have resolve in war, they are like a spider web when faced by a gallant/noble(man)."

If you know you won a war, why do you have to work do hard to convince your people that you won the war? It should be pretty obvious, shouldn't it?

The harder Arabs try to appear strong, the weaker they really feel.

(h/ t MEMRI, Al Gharqad)


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