Friday, March 30, 2012

From Times of Israel:

An academic conference planned for next year in New York will use Israel’s largely positive record on gay rights to denounce its treatment of Palestinians.

City University of New York last week announced Homonationalism and Pinkwashing, a gathering that will provide “an opportunity to examine Queer Resistance and Complicity globally” — but with a special emphasis on Israel. Hosted by CUNY’s Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, the conference will take Israel to task for “pinkwashing,” a term that accuses the country of promoting its progressive treatment of sexual minorities as a way of diverting attention from its conflict with the Palestinians. “Faced with intensifying criticism and the threat of economic boycott,” the conference website states, “the Israeli government expanded their marketing plan by harnessing Homonationalism to reposition its global image.”

Based on the list of proposed topics, conference organizers don’t plan to examine the persecution of gays in the Muslim world, except as it pertains to generating Islamophobia and to “justify military assault” in Iraq and Iran.

Coordinating the gathering is Sarah Schulman, a humanities professor at CUNY’s College of Staten Island. Schulman raised the profile of the “pinkwashing” accusation last fall in a controversial New York Times op-ed, in which she argued that Israel’s “gay soldiers and the relative openness of Tel Aviv” shouldn’t be used to distract attention from “the Palestinians’ insistence on a land to call home.”

Scheduled speakers include Berkeley professor Judith Butler, a veteran of Israeli Apartheid Week, and Haneen Maikey, the director of Palestinian LGBT group alQaws.

AlQaws, which appears to hold its recurring “Palestinian queer party“ in Israel, is headquartered in Jerusalem Open House, a gay center in the Jewish-majority part of the city.
The official description of the conference is a must-read for its pretentious tone and sheer vacuity.
The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies is pleased to announce a conference “Homonationalism and Pinkwashing” to be held April 10-11, 2013 at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in all configurations around the world have always experienced dramatic differences in representation and power. Today, after generations of sacrifice and organization, some LGBT people have won full legal rights with different degrees of implementation. Once hard to imagine, protection from discrimination, full relationship recognition, and inclusion in representation are now daily possibilities for some. In the United States, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have been invited into an equality defined, not by rights, but by the ability to participate openly in immoral wars. The co-opting of some LGBT people by anti-immigrant and in particular anti-Muslim political forces is widespread and growing. Rutgers Professor Jasbir Puar has coined the term “Homonationalism” to define collusion between LGBT people and identification with the nation state, re-enforcement of racial and national boundary, and systems of supremacy ideology no longer interrupted by homophobia. Homonationalism has spread far from its roots in European xenophobia and US militarism to become an increasingly potent tool in the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Faced with intensifying criticism and the threat of economic boycott, the Israeli government expanded their marketing plan by harnessing Homonationalism to reposition its global image. The campaign intended "to improve Israel's image through the gay community in Israel," The Jerusalem Post quoted one government supporter of the campaign. This deliberate and highly funded program is what anti-occupation activists have named "Pinkwashing."The campaign not only manipulates the hard-won gains of Israel's gay rights movement, but it also ignores the existence of Palestinian gay-rights organizations. These groups rightly note that the oppression of Palestinians crosses the boundary of sexuality; as Haneen Maikay, a keynote speaker at our conference and the director of Al Qaws:For Gender and Sexual Diversity in Palestinian Society, said in a recent lecture tour in the United States, "When you go through a checkpoint it does not matter what the sexuality of the soldier is."

Homonationalism and Pinkwashing mark a crucial turning point for Queer Scholars and Activists. This conference provides an opportunity to examine Queer Resistance and Complicity globally, in all of their complexities, with a political maturity that acknowledges the responsibility of access, the activism of necessity, the potential and impossible communities, identifications, solidarities, unities and consequential calls for action. Acknowledging these conditions make it imperative for Activists and Scholars to convene and bring together the theoretical and the applied, repositioning our resources to focus on a rejuvenated Queer future, movement, movements, efforts, actions, organizing and focus towards a vision of freedom that finally includes us all.

Do you get that? Do you see how a nation that doesn't discriminate against gays is to be held accountable by gays because some of its soldiers are gay? Do you understand how the entire concept of national boundaries is inherently immoral? Finally, do you understand that when Activists and Scholars capitalize certain Words, they show how vitally Critical their pretentious and self-contradictory Ideas are?

But wait - it gets better!

Possible topics we would love to include but are not limited to:

-Expanding our understandings of Queer Resistance and Complicity
-Hindus, Islamaphobia and Queer Emergence [apparently some Queer Adacemics cannot Spell]
-Arab Jews (Mizrachis) and Occupation/Pinkwashing/Diaspora
-Iran, Iraq and the Use of anti-LGBT Persecution to Justify Military Assault
-Transfeminism and the Global LGBT
-Race, Sexuality and the US Military
-Queer and The Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions Movement
-Christian Evangelicals: Differing strategies for Uganda and Israel
-The rise of LGBT wings of European Right Wing Movements
-HRC, GLAAD, and the Gay Corporate Auxilliaries [Again!]
-AIDS, NGO’s and Partnering With Global Pharma
-Homonationalism, Hollywood and Popular Culture
-Pinkwashing and Israeli Queer Cinema

"Pinkwashing" and "homonationalism" as such catchy terms. We need to create a new term to describe people who want to use their sexual orientation as a means to bash states that support them and to support states that bash them.


(h/t Ian)
  • Friday, March 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Guardian letters section:
We notice with dismay and regret that Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London has invited Israel's National Theatre, Habima, to perform The Merchant of Venice in its Globe to Globe festival this coming May. The general manager of Habima has declared the invitation "an honourable accomplishment for the State of Israel". But Habima has a shameful record of involvement with illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory. Last year, two large Israeli settlements established "halls of culture" and asked Israeli theatre groups to perform there. A number of Israeli theatre professionals – actors, stage directors, playwrights – declared they would not take part.

Habima, however, accepted the invitation with alacrity, and promised the Israeli minister of culture that it would "deal with any problems hindering such performances". By inviting Habima, Shakespeare's Globe is undermining the conscientious Israeli actors and playwrights who have refused to break international law.

The Globe says it wants to "include" the Hebrew language in its festival – we have no problem with that. "Inclusiveness" is a core value of arts policy in Britain, and we support it. But by inviting Habima, the Globe is associating itself with policies of exclusion practised by the Israeli state and endorsed by its national theatre company. We ask the Globe to withdraw the invitation so that the festival is not complicit with human rights violations and the illegal colonisation of occupied land.
David Aukin producer  Poppy Burton-Morgan artistic director, Metta Theatre Leo Butler playwright Niall Buggy actor David Calder actor Jonathan Chadwick director Caryl Churchill playwright Michael Darlow writer, director John Graham Davies actor, writer Trevor Griffiths playwright Annie Firbank actor Paul Freeman actor Matyelok Gibbs actor Tony Graham director Janet Henfrey actor James Ivens artistic director, Flood Theatre Andrew Jarvis actor, director, teacher Neville Jason actor Ursula Jones actor Professor Adah Kay academic, playwright Mike Leigh film-maker, dramatist Sonja Linden playwright, iceandfire theatre Roger Lloyd Pack actor Cherie Lunghi actor Miriam Margolyes actor Kika Markham actor Jonathan Miller director, author and broadcaster Frances Rifkin director Mark Rylance actor Alexei Sayle comedian, writer Farhana Sheikh writer Emma Thompson actor, screenwriter Andy de la Tour actor, director Harriet Walter actor Hilary Westlake director Richard Wilson actor, director Susan Wooldridge actor, writer
So by Habima being willing to perform in front of a group of people - Jews living in their historic homeland -who are vilified and discriminated against worldwide, they are using a "policy of exclusion." But by asking them to be boycotted, that is "inclusiveness."

I was also unaware that performing in a theater in Ariel is a violation of international law. I'd love to see the legal citation for that one.

Especially interesting is their assertion that they have no problem with performances in Hebrew, only from Israel's national theater.

And who are they trying to kid? If the troupe was called the "Anti-Settlement National Theatre" the exact same self-righteous gasbags would write an identical letter decrying the fast that some actors served in the IDF, or don't support boycotting Israel, or something.

Here's a thought experiment. What would happen if a Palestinian Arab theatre in Ramallah would invite Habimah to perform? Would Habimah, those "excluders," accept? Would Palestinian Arabs, those "moderates," allow the performance? Would the director of the theatre get killed? Perhaps then these blowhards can figure out what "politics of exclusion" actually means. Or have they forgotten that it wasn't exactly an Israeli who killed Juliano Mer-Khamis?

There are some known actors  and filmmakers there. Perhaps people might want to visit their Facebook pages and let them know that boycotts can go both ways.

(h/t O)
How much have Muslims venerated the Temple Mount throughout history?

Here's a video I made in 2008 that seems appropriate to repost on this day that so many are pretending to love Jerusalem.

  • Friday, March 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
The health ministry in Gaza said Thursday that 36 ambulances were offline due to the fuel crisis.

Spokesman Adham Abu Salmiya said the ambulances were parked because the ministry has run out of fuel needed to power them.

The shortage comes despite a deal announced Tuesday by the Palestine Electricity Company Egypt to provide gas to Gaza.

Palestine Electricity Company director in Gaza Walid Saad Sayil signed the agreement with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation in Cairo on behalf of the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority.

Sayil told reporters that Egyptian technicians have been instructed to conduct surveys to find the best route for a network of pipelines to transport gas from Sheikh Zweid to the Rafah crossing on Gaza's border.
First Hamas manufactures a fuel crisis in Gaza, and now it is deliberately keeping it going and causing Gazans to suffer. All because it has political and monetary goals it wants to achieve (getting a permanent supply of fuel from Egypt and being able to tax the fuel as it wants.)

And even if people die in the hospital, Hamas frames it as if it is someone else's fault.

And when push comes to shove, NGOs will bail Gaza out:
The Red Cross will provide the ministry of health in Gaza with 150,000 liters of fuel in the next few days to ease the crisis facings its hospitals, officials said Thursday.

Ayman al-Shehabi, spokesman of the [International committee of the Red Cross]. 
 in Gaza, told Ma’an that the humanitarian situation is difficult in Gaza because of the fuel crisis. Hospitals are particularly affected, he said.
Even though Gazans are grumbling and blame Hamas, it doesn't matter - Hamas is paying no real penalty domestically or internationally for treating its citizens with as much disregard for their lives as Bashir Assad has for his people. The press has been remarkably soft on Hamas' deliberate acts to endanger its citizens, and no Arab state will publicly castigate Hamas while they are hoping for a unity deal. Chances are, Hamas knew all along that it could skate through this and end up getting everything it wants because of the dynamic it created.

It's sort of brilliant in a completely sickening, immoral way.

(I have a feeling that Hamas will find enough gas to bus anti-Israel protesters to the border today, though.)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Lebanon's Daily Star:
A security source told The Daily Star that the Lebanese Army would take measures to prevent demonstrators from crossing into the area to the south of the Litani River, which is in the field of operation of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon.

The source said that security measures which would be put into effect at midnight Thursday, in an effort to prevent a repetition of last May, when Israeli troops opened fire on unarmed Palestinians approaching the border to mark the Nakba Day, killing 10 and wounding around 100.

Sukkarieh said he did not anticipate any security incidents.

“Not at all, we are fully coordinating with Lebanese authorities. We are away from the border fence and there is no physical contact with the enemy’s army,” he said.
They also say there will be no more than 5000 protesters in Lebanon.

From the Jordan Times:
According to the Public Security Department (PSD), authorities will deploy a large-scale security presence in the Jordan Valley in a bid to ensure the safety of participants and secure the border region.

“We are working with organisers and other security services to ensure the march stays peaceful and does not impact the border region,” PSD Spokesperson Lt. Col. Mohammed Khatib told The Jordan Times.
I have not found any articles about preparations for the demonstrations in Egypt or Syria.

We'll see if this is true in a few hours.
  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some lies are repeated so much that people tend to ignore them due to sheer exhaustion of debunking them. But that only emboldens the liars.

Today's Exhibit A is Mahmoud Abbas, who went in front of the Arab League meeting in Baghdad today to rail against "ethnic cleansing" of Arabs in Jerusalem.
Abbas accused Israel of carrying out a policy of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem, and said that the occupation authorities are using unprecedented and most brutal means and the most serious in the implementation of what it sees as the final chapter in the fight to remove the Islamic and Christian character of the Holy City through taxes, punitive house demolitions and land confiscation.

He stressed that the PA would not resume negotiations with Israel until it stops settlement activity, particularly in Jerusalem.
Using the term "ethnic cleansing" is now considered part of the normal discourse when referring to Israel. It is not only a lie but a deliberate slander. Yet within the Arab world it is considered as controversial as saying that the sky is blue.

Here is a chart of the Arab population of Jerusalem since Israel reunified it in the Six Day War:

There is no way you can call this "ethnic cleansing."

Not only that, but the proportion of Arabs in Jerusalem have also increased:
The proportion of the Jewish population fell from 74% in 1967 to 72% in 1980, and 65% in 2008. Conversely, the Arab population rose from 26% in 1967 to 28% in 1980, and 35% in 2008.

These are the facts. Abbas is a liar.

And it is usually not a great idea to sign an agreement with a liar.

(Ma'an didn't report his "ethnic cleansing" comments in English.)
  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Bikya Masr:
According to news reports on Wednesday, an Egyptian man and his family tied up their daughter and threw her into the Nile river as a result of a divorce to her aging husband, who mistreat her and abused the young woman.

Luckily, a fisherman saw the girl and rescued her before she died, Emirates 24/7 reported.

According to their report, the girl had initially refused to marry the elderly man, but then acquiesced to her family pressure and wed, the report, which cited local Egyptian newspapers said.

After she and the man divorced over abuse, she returned to her family, who when the girl refused to remarry the man, was tossed into the river in an “honor crime.”

Women’s rights groups in Egypt told that they are working with police currently to gather more information about the case and would soon be interviewing and assisting the young woman.

But they could give no further details on the situation, or the woman’s health.
Sounds a little fishy, no pun intended. No names were given and it came from an Emirates newspaper, not an Egyptian paper. The Emirates site said it was in unspecified "Egyptian papers."

  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from an interview with Dr. Osama Al-Mallouhi, a member of the Syrian opposition, which aired on Al-Nas TV on March 26, 2012 :
Dr. Osama Al-Mallouhi : Israel is doing everything it can to keep Bashar Al-Assad in power. It is using international lobbies to exert pressure on other countries, to keep Bashar Al-Assad in power and to keep the world on the sidelines, making do with verbal condemnations, which will never amount to real pressure on Bashar to stop the bloodshed. I have said that Israel is delighted to see rivers of blood of Syrian Muslims being spilled at the hand of that arch-murderer, and therefore, it enables him to survive to the end.

So as I said: This is strange. Maybe [there is truth] to the story, attributed by historians to Jewish books, that says that on Passover, the Jews prefer the matzos that they eat to be mixed with the blood of non-Jews. There was an incident in Damascus in the 19th century, in which a non-Jew was killed, so that his blood could be taken and mixed into these matzos and eaten. This is a Jewish tradition.

The Jews have denied this, but if this tradition really isn't true and if they really subscribe to a monotheistic religion, why do they keep silent, encourage [the massacre], silence the world, and prevent it from exerting pressure on Bashar, so that he can continue to spill Syrian blood? Do they want Syrian blood for their matzos of Zion?

Well, we've covered Hamantashen and Matzohs. When will we be accused of using gentile blood in Shavuot cheesecake?
The Al Aqsa Foundation has released statistics on how many non-Muslims have visited the Temple Mount this year, and they aren't happy.

According to their statistics, 1034 religious Jews (what they call "settlers") visited so far this year, as well as 63,887 foreign tourists, and 983 Israeli security forces to protect the visitors from being stoned to death.

Every single visit gets an angry article or two. Sometimes their bizarre press releases where they describe Jews and Israeli security forces "storming Al Aqsa" gets picked up by other media (yesterday Breitbart actually published a press release from Quds Media about it, it has since been taken down.)

More interesting is that they are expanding their vitriol to all foreign tourists. Their latest screed says
The occupation guarding the groups of foreign tourists during their collective tours of Aqsa, which is punctuated by outrageously obscene acts, such as the exchanging kisses, embraces, and other practices, which are contrary to morality. The Israeli occupation prevents any of the worshipers or even al-Aqsa mosque guards from approaching these tour groups, and threatens to arrest and prosecute anyone who tries to prevent tourists from committing such heinous acts. ...the number of tourists who broke into and desecrated the Al Aqsa Mosque in the three months are 63,887 foreign tourists.
They have photos of these outrageous desecrations:

Isn't it comforting to know that they are not merely anti-semitic, but against every non-Muslim too?

But they still are anti-semitic as well. Ahmed Qurei, former PA prime minister, announced yesterday that Jews visiting the Temple Mount are meant to divide the Temple Mount between Jews and Muslims and that their repeated visits are "provocations" that would result in "bloody clashes."

Of the hundreds of photos of Jews visiting the Temple Mount published in Arab media, not one shows the slightest inclination of violence. If anything, they show far more respect for the holy site than Muslims do.

  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
An interesting analysis by Ron Ben Yishai at YNet, after Congress released a large report on the possibilities of an Israeli strike on Iran:

The US Administration recently shifted into high gear in its efforts to avert an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities by the end of the year. The flood of reports in the American media in recent weeks attests not only to the genuine US fear that Israel intends to realize its threats; moreover, it indicates that the Obama Administration has decided to take its gloves off.

Indeed, in recent weeks the Administration shifted from persuasion efforts vis-à-vis decision-makers and Israel’s public opinion to a practical, targeted assassination of potential Israeli operations in Iran. This “surgical strike” is undertaken via reports in the American and British media, but the campaign’s aims are fully operational: To make it more difficult for Israeli decision-makers to order the IDF to carry out a strike, and what’s even graver, to erode the IDF’s capacity to launch such strike with minimal casualties.

The first and most important American objective is to eliminate potential operational options available to the IDF and the State of Israel. I have no intention of detailing or even hinting to the options which the US government aims to eliminate by exposing them in the media. A large part of the reports stem from false information or disinformation, and there is no reason to reveal to the Iranians what’s real and what isn’t. However, it is blatantly clear that reports in the past week alone have caused Israel substantive diplomatic damage, and possibly even military and operational damage.

Another Administration objective is to convince the Israeli public that an Iran strike (including a US attack) will not achieve even the minimum required to justify it; that is, a delay of at least 3-5 years in Iran’s nuclear program. A lengthy postponement would of course justify the suffering on Israel’s home front, while a six-month delay – as argued by a US Congress report – does not justify the risks.

The six-month figure was meant for the Israeli public, so that it would press Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to avoid a strike, whose futility the Americans are trying to prove in every way possible. At the same time, the campaign aims to erode the validity of demands voiced by many members of Congress and Senate – both Democrats and Republicans - who criticize the American president’s inaction.

The Congress report published Wednesday is maligned by several inaccuracies, in terms of both analysis and information. However, this makes no difference. The aim was to make headlines in the Israeli and Washington media, rather than an in-depth analysis, which isn’t possible as Congress researchers in Washington do not have access to all the relevant information, fortunately.

The third objective of the recent publications is to scare the Israeli public via an apocalyptic account of possible retaliation by Iran and its “clients.” This effort also aims to press Israeli decision-makers not to act (including the mention in the Congress report of the accurate fact that Israel’s home front is not adequately prepared to sustain a blow.)

...The damage has to do with the revelation of secret information and assessments that would require an expensive, risky intelligence effort for the Iranians to acquire. Indeed, the Iranians already realize that the West and Israel possess plenty of up-to-date information on Iran’s nuclear project, including centrifuge workshops in Tehran homes. The Ayatollah regime can also predict possible attack routes and methods by Israel and the US.

Any Iranian intelligence analyst who reads the latest US Congress report or the Foreign Policy report will find invaluable information there. The overwhelming majority of the information has already been published, yet instead of forcing the Iranians to piece together all the assessments themselves, the Congress report offers them everything in one place, including detailed analysis.

To sum up, the American publications caused the following damage:
  • Iran now has a decent picture of what Israel’s and America’s intelligence communities know about Tehran’s nuclear program and defense establishment, including its aerial defenses.
  • The Iranians now know about the indications that would be perceived by Washington and Jerusalem as a “nuclear breakthrough”. Hence, Iran can do a better job of concealment.
  • The reports make it more difficult to utilize certain operational options. These options, even if not considered thus far, could have been used by the US in the future, should Iran not thwart them via diplomatic and military means.

Needless to say, this is not how one should be treating an ally, even if this is a relationship between a superpower and a satellite state.
Some evidence for this comes from today's Ha'aretz:
According to a war simulation conducted by the U.S. Central Command, the Iranians could kill 200 Americans with a single missile response to an Israeli attack. An investigative committee would not spare any admiral or general, minister or president. The meaning of this U.S. scenario is that the blood of these 200 would be on Israel's hands.

The moment the public dispute over whether to attack Iran is put in those terms, Israel has no real option to attack in contravention of American declarations and warnings.
It does indeed sound like a deliberate US plan to use any means to stop an Israeli attack, including by "bribing" Israel with more missile defenses - whose effectiveness will be somewhat less than 100%, not the most comforting idea. (The Patriot missiles meant to dissuade an Israeli attack on Iraq in the beginning of the Gulf War were essentially useless.)

Today's article in Foreign Policy from the not-very-reliable Mark Perry saying that Israel is going to use Azeri airfields in an Iranian strike might fit under this campaign as well.

(h/t Joel B)
  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel's Reshet  reports:
Thousands are expected tomorrow morning to march on Israel's borders and the Lebanese army has been threatening against Israel in response if the IDF will act militarily against the demonstrators at the fence. "The military was prepared to deal with any Israeli aggression," said the Lebanese army chief of staff and Walid Salman.

During a tour Salman made along the Israeli-Lebanese border, where he visited the military forces deployed there, the Lebanese chief of staff declared: "We are on full alert, due to the harsh conditions suffered by the region. We are coordinating with the international forces to foil any conspiracy of the enemy."

Salman said that the Lebanese army set what he called "silent procession" which is expected to be held tomorrow at the borders of Israel. "Our goal is to defend the nation," he said. Lebanon noted that Salman's comments come after Israel sent warnings to Lebanon and other neighboring countries, saying it does not intend to exercise restraint if its sovereign borders are breached.
A few days ago the Lebanese organizers of the march denied that they would approach the border:
Despite previous announcements that a planned Land Day march at the end of the month would go to the Israeli-Lebanese border, the Lebanese branch of the Global March to Jerusalem will instead head to Beaufort Castle, east of Nabatieh.Sources close to the march told The Daily Star that the route change was due to a desire on the part of organizers to prevent friction on the border.

Last spring, the Israeli army killed around 10 Palestinians and injured nearly 100 more when protesters split off from the route of a Nakba Day march and rushed to the border at Maroun al-Ras.*

But another source from the committee organizing the march told The Daily Star that the group had submitted three possible end-points for the protest to the Lebanese Army for approval, none of them on the Blue Line: Beaufort Castle, Bint Jbeil and Naqoura. “Given what took place last year, we needed to choose a place that was not so close [to the border] so we don’t repeat last year’s experience,” they said.
*Israel did not kill the protesters at the Lebanese border last year - the Lebanese Army did.

It looks like the Iranian contingents and their proxies are the ones to watch out for, as they seem to be the ones who are most interested in bloodshed tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Arab News reports that ordinary Palestinian Arabs are not too keen on these events:

This year’s planned massive demonstration is coming at a time when the Palestinian issue has fallen off the political table and may quite possibly not generate much support from the Palestinians themselves who live in the West Bank and who prefer the current economic prosperity and security calm to renewed violence with Israel.

In the West Bank, organizer Said Yakin said there were two main marches: One at the Qalandya crossing between Ramallah and Jerusalem; and one at Rachel’s Tomb, separating Jerusalem from Bethlehem. Smaller demonstrations were also expected in surrounding villages.

“We are against violence,” Yakin told The Media Line. “We do not choose to clash with the Israeli soldiers and are calling on them to be careful because we are without weapons. We are under occupation and we look to live in peace without settlements and checkpoints, blood and discrimination.”
Here is the website to get all the latest information on the seamy underside of the Global March to Jerusalem.

(h/t Yoel)
  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
A Palestinian court has extended the remand of a journalist arrested Monday over allegations of slander and defamation, officials in Ramallah said Wednesday.

The Palestinian Authority will continue to hold Yousef al-Shayeb, who was arrested Monday, for another 15 days, the court ruled. He has not yet been charged with a crime.

The journalist was first questioned in late January over his reporting on allegations against the Palestinian diplomatic delegation in France, the Palestinian National Fund and the foreign minister. Al-Shayeb's arrest on Monday followed a complaint filed by Foreign Minister Riyad Malki and Hael al-Fahoum, the envoy in Paris.

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate on Wednesday organized a sit-in strike to protest the arrest.

The union also expressed astonishment at the government's demand that al-Shayeb pay $6 million in restitution.

Reporters Without Borders ranked Palestine 153 out of 179 countries on its latest press freedom index, down three places from last year.

This latest arrest came days before the Palestinian Authority was set to unveil a prize called the "Press Freedom Award." The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate is calling on journalists to boycott the award.
Hey, cut the PA some slack. The definition of Arab moderation is comparing it to Syria, so by that standard they are stellar.

More seriously, the danger of governmental clampdown on press freedoms has serious ramifications. The world is deprived of any objective news from the "moderate" PA, which means that the public perception of the dictatorial gang that runs the PA is completely at odds with the truth. This false perception filters through the public and Western governments. Since Israel has a robust free press, all its warts are revealed and amplified (and, often, fabricated - see a classic example from yesterday at 972mag.) At the same time, the PA's corruption and crimes are largely unreported. The cumulative effect is that people think that the PA is a modern democracy that treats its citizens with respect and the rule of law - when it is in fact a dictatorship run by a corrupt, unelected liar and his handpicked cronies.


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