Sunday, August 28, 2011

  • Sunday, August 28, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sometimes, you can't trust your own eyes.

From Syria's SANA agency:

SANA reporters on Saturday denied existence of any gatherings or demonstrations at al-Abbasiyyin, Umayyad and Kefr Souseh Squares contrary to what some provocative satellite channels have aired this morning.
Notice the photo they use to prove that things were normal at that town square on Saturday morning?

Here's that same photo - in a SANA article from April:

In fact, that photo is all over the Internet.

Now, why did they use an old photo to prove that things were normal in the square today?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

  • Saturday, August 27, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sunday is Gilad Shalit's birthday.

  • Saturday, August 27, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Don't know if I'll be able to blog at all during the hurricane and possible power outages, as I'm pretty much in the path of the storm.

Meanwhile, here's an open thread!

Friday, August 26, 2011

  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
First Hamas rips me off, and now this!

Lebanon's Hezbollah scouts parade as they carry a Star of David symbol with a spider on it during a rally marking "Quds (Jerusalem) Day'' in Nabatieh town, southern Lebanon, August 25, 2011.

This looks suspiciously like the logo of the International Zionist Web, my nefarious organization created in 2006!

I gotta find a Lebanese lawyer.

It is  refreshing to see that Iran makes it very clear that their annual Qods Day demonstrations are not meant to show support for Jerusalem or support for Palestinian Arabs nearly as much as they are to show unbridled hate towards Israel. Such a difference from Western "pro-Palestinian" rallies that are anti-Israel hatefests.

Here's the description of the Iranian rally from FARS News Agency:

Iranians across the country alongside other people around the world held massive anti-Israel rallies on the last Friday of Ramadan in opposition to the continued occupation of Palestinian land by Israel.

In Tehran, millions of people gathered for the march, chanting 'Death to Israel' and holding anti-Israeli and anti-American signs.

The International Quds Day was started by the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, in 1979 as a way of expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and underscoring importance of the holy Quds to Muslims.

International Quds Day is an annual event opposing Israel's occupation of Beitul-Muqaddas. Anti-Zionist rallies and demonstrations are held on the last Friday of Ramadan in Muslim and Arab countries around the world, and especially in Iran.

Protesters unanimously condemned Zionists' crimes in the Palestinian occupied lands.

The fasting people carrying placards chanted 'Down with the US' and 'Down with the Israel' and other anti-Zionist slogans.
But in one way the Iranian and Western haters of Israel do have one thing in common in their fake love for Palstinian Arabs:
Many demonstrators were also wearing Palestinian keffiyehs, a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, to show their solidarity with the people of Palestine.
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat says that a declaration of a Palestinian Arab state would not affect the status of the PLO as "the sole legitimate representative for the Palestinian people."

He says that the PLO is the only party that can negotiate for "Palestine" - even after "Palestine" is established.

According to Erekat, the statehood demand next month will be submitted by Mahmoud Abbas to the Security Council in his capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization as well as President of the State of Palestine, but the PLO will remain the mandate-holder in the final negotiations, including all final-status issues like "refugees," water, land and Jerusalem.

It is far from clear that he is saying that the PLO would be dissolved after negotiations.

So any Palestinian Arab state that would be declared next month would be perhaps the first state ever recognized that was run by a private organization.
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone with a camera challenges anti-Israel protesters, including some Jews, in Harvard Square earlier this week.

The first person being asked questions is Nancy Murray who is a Director of Education at ACLU-Massachusetts.

(h/t Anna)
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestine Press Agency:
Palestinian sources revealed on Friday instructions issued by the political echelon in the Hamas movement which controls the Gaza Strip to prevent other factions from firing rockets at Israel in response to the military escalation in the Gaza Strip.

The sources said that Hamas had given strict instructions to prevent any resistive elements from trying to launch rockets at Israel.

The sources noted that the forces of Hamas have begun to spread in the streets of the Gaza Strip, especially in the border areas, to prevent resistance fighters from firing rockets, saying that the orders issued by both the political and the military was to prevent rocket fire by force.

I did not see any reports of Hamas actively enforcing the Sunday night truce, which never really took effect.

This truce was announced for 1 AM. It held for about 14 hours, before a Grad was fired south of Ashkelon.
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Larry Derfner, columnist for the Jerusalem Post, has come under a lot of criticism for the vile article he wrote on his blog recently justifying Palestinian Arab terror and saying it was a "right."

He has now apologized in what is clearly an attempt for him to keep his job:

I have an apology to make for “The awful, necessary truth about Palestinian terror,” which I posted here and on Facebook on Sunday. I didn’t mean to say anything “good” about Palestinian terror against Israelis – I see nothing good in it whatsoever, and I thought I made that clear, but I see now that I didn’t.

I wrote that because of the occupation, Palestinians are “justified” in attacking, even killing Israelis, that they have the “right” to do so. Later on I stressed that I didn’t want them to kill my countrymen, and that I would do anything necessary to stop it. I meant those two points to show that I wasn’t “for” terrorism, that while I thought the occupation justified it, that didn’t mean I supported it. But I see now that the distance from “justified” to “support” is way, way too short – and I am as far away as anybody can be from supporting attacks on Israel and Israelis.

Writing that the killing of Israelis was justified and a matter of right took a vile image and attached words of seeming approval to it. This, I’m afraid, produced an “obscene” effect, as one critic wrote. I don’t want to write obscenity about Israel. I didn’t mean to, and I deeply regret it.
These three paragraphs are emphasizing that he does not approve of terrorism. But he did make that clear in his original disgusting article. The offensive part was that he said very clearly that terrorism was a "right" and it was "justified" - even if he personally disapproves.

Then he backtracks completely:
My intention was to shock people into recognition, but I ended up shocking many of them into revulsion, and twisting what I wanted to say into something I didn’t and don’t mean at all.

What I mean is this: The occupation does not justify Palestinian terror. It does, however, provoke it. Palestinians do not have the right to attack or kill Israelis. They, do, however, have the incentive to, and part, though not all, of that incentive is provided them by the occupation.

This is the exact opposite of what he wrote before:
If those who oppose the occupation acknowledged publicly that it justifies Palestinian terrorism, then those who support the occupation would have to explain why it doesn’t.

Palestinians have the right to resist [the occupation] – to use violence against Israelis, even to kill Israelis....But while I think the Palestinians have the right to use terrorism against us, I don’t want them to use it....Whoever the Palestinians were who killed the eight Israelis near Eilat last week, however vile their ideology was, they were justified to attack.
His attempt to reconcile the two makes it clear that his apology might be sincere in that he didn't mean to upset people so much, but he has not really changed his opinion. He's just suppressing it.

And one day in a couple of years he'll write an article complaining about how the horrible Israeli system forces people to self-censor their true feelings.

One can be sure that his compatriots in the anti-Zionist Left will not look at this apology critically at all. In fact, they are breathing a sigh of relief at being off the hook from having to publicly say whether they agreed with his original article or not.

(I'm not even going to bother to expand on the racist assumption that Palestinian Arabs have no free will to decide whether to attack Jewish civilians or not, that somehow Israeli actions "force" them to murder. Well, a small percentage of them. For some unexplained reason 100% of PalArabs aren't attacking Jews every day, as racists like Derfner expect them to.)

(h/t Noah Pollak)
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestine Press Agency:
Egyptian sources in El Arish report that in the coming days we will witness a huge Egyptian military campaign for the destruction of all smuggling tunnels in the border area with Gaza.

Major-General Mohamed Farid Khamis, Hejazi, commander of the Second Field Army, said during a meeting with sheikhs and tribal leaders in northern Sinai that the Egyptian armed forces have taken an irreversible decision to destroy all tunnels.

The move aims to prevent the infiltration of extremist groups through the tunnels to Sinai to carry out terrorist operations.
Egypt has been very concerned over Gaza groups' influence on fomenting terror in the Sinai. I have my doubts over what percentage of tunnels they will actually find and shut down, but even destroying 50% would have an impact.

The amount of goods and people that can cross through the official Rafah crossing is still quite small. Inevitably, this will affect the amount of goods available in Gaza, especially construction materials.

How will the Egyptian government spin this action in a way that doesn't make them look like Zionist stooges?

Will they demonize the Gaza terror groups and describe them as enemies of Egypt? Will Hamas react angrily and start insulting the "new" Egypt? Which side will Egyptian media support?

Things might get very interesting.
  • Friday, August 26, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon


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