Thursday, November 24, 2005

  • Thursday, November 24, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The AP helpfully published a background piece on the Muslim Brotherhood after the group made gains in Egyptian elections. Here is what it wrote:
Some facts about the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned but popular Egyptian group that has inspired Islamic movements across the Arab world:

_Founded in 1928 by Hassan el-Banna, who advocated Islamic law and faith in God to rectify a society adrift and dependent on the West.

_Banned in 1954, but tolerated at various levels. It fields its candidates as independents under the slogan 'Islam is the solution,' but their affiliation is known to voters.

_Renounced violence in the 1970s, but the government continues to treat it with suspicion.

_Its welfare and charity work, done with efficiency and dedication, endears it to many, especially the poor.

_Holds 15 seats in the outgoing 454-member parliament. In voting so far it has won 47 seats and is expected to gain more in runoffs and a third round of voting.

Somehow AP improbably missed the fact that the "Islamic movements" it helped inspire include Al Qaeda, Hizbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. For some odd reason, the AP forgot to mention terror altogether in its list of "useful information."

To learn a little more about the origins of the Muslim Brotherhood, check out a Palestine Post article from October 19. 1948 that I had found a couple of months ago:

  • Thursday, November 24, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few days ago, Southern Lebanon was rocked by a bird-flu scare - from a carrier pigeon from Israel. As Ya Libnan reports (the graphics are theirs):

Kfar Tibnit, Lebanon - A courier pigeon with a love letter from a girl thanking her boyfriend for a "terrific night they spent together" has flown across the border from Israel, triggering bird flue scare throughout southern Lebanon.

postal carrier _pigeon 4.gifThe love letter which was from a girl thanking her boyfriend for a "terrific night they spent together" has flown across the border from Israel and landed on the roof of Ahmed Kamel Zaytoun in south Lebanon's Kfar Tibnit township on Friday. He found the letter concealed in an iron ring with figures identifying the trained carrier.

According to local media, the letter was written in English and Hebrew. The girl from Israel's upper Galilee panhandle speaks fondly of the night she spent with her lover, thanking him and asking him to acknowledge receiving her message to her e-mail address.

postal carrier _pigeon 3.gifShe also wrote in the message a postal address in the Kafar Qassem district in the Galilee, the Beirut daily newspaper As Safir reported. But the name of the lover and his address were not mentioned.

Scared that the pigeon may be carrying a bird flu virus, Zaytoun, who had no difficulty catching the love messenger, rushed it to the police station of Nabatiyeh town, which in turn rushed it to the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture laboratory in Al Fanar to determine whether it is clean or contaminated.

The Beirut ANB TV network, which aired a full coverage of the pigeon being seized and inserted in a big cage by Zaytoun, said the incident sent a bird flu scare sweeping across the region. The population is awaiting an assurance from the ministry of agriculture, ANB said.

But what really happened was quite different!
Why did the carrier pigeon cross the border? It depends on who you ask.

According to the Lebanese Ya Libnan News Web site, the bird was carrying a love letter from an Israeli Arab girl intended for her Lebanese lover.

But if you ask Detroit teen Rachel Greenbaum, you'll get a completely different answer: The Israeli Arab girl is really an American seminary girl, and her Lebanese lover is, in fact, the pigeon.

Greenbaum and her friend Stacey Gertz, 17, of Chicago, were part of a group of 95 mostly American teenage girls on a trip to the North led by their seminary, Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY).

On November 16, they reached Mitzpe Hoshaya, where they participated in an activity called "Kfar Kedem‚" which simulates life in Israel during the time of the Mishna.

With MMY director Rabbi David Katz leading their troop, they dressed in the clothes of the time, made pita, rode donkeys and slept in tents.

"As we left, Menahem Goldberg, who runs Kfar Kedem, asked us to let us know how we enjoyed our stay there. But since Kfar Kedem is old-fashioned, Goldberg wanted us to send a message the old-fashioned way, by a trained carrier pigeon," Katz said.

Goldberg supplied a form on which to write the message, complete with spaces for writing phone numbers and e-mail addresses. The name "Kfar Kedem" was also on the form.

Greenbaum and Gertz immediately volunteered to take care of the pigeon overnight. "All the other girls thought the pigeon was disgusting and didn't want to take care of it, but we wanted to," said 18-year-old Greenbaum.

As the girls boarded the bus to leave, the bus driver asked what was in the box. Worried they would not be allowed on with the pigeon, the students told him the large, white box had cake in it.

"That's how the pigeon got his nickname - Uga ['cake' in Hebrew]," Greenbaum said.

"Rachel and I became emotionally attached to Uga after taking care of it overnight," Gertz added.

The next day, Greenbaum filled out the note to send back to Kfar Kedem with the bird. "It said something like: 'We love you Uga. Thanks for last night. We had a wonderful experience,'" Gertz said. "Everything was in English except for Uga's name. We added some inside jokes to the note and wrote Rabbi Katz's phone number and e-mail, and then the bird flew away."

Uga was supposed to reach Kfar Kedem within two hours. As time rolled on, the girls grew worried. After not hearing anything about Uga for a few days, they received a phone call Tuesday "telling us to open up the newspaper," Gertz said.

Ma'ariv had published a story from the Lebanese press about a carrier pigeon sent to Lebanon by an Israeli girl thanking her Lebanese boyfriend for the wonderful night they shared.

At first, Lebanese police thought the note was an intelligence code and tried to decipher it. They then concluded that it was a love letter from an Arab Israeli girl from Kfar Kasim to her Lebanese lover.

"They mistook Kfar Kedem‚ for the Arab town of Kfar Kasim," Katz said, laughing.

Though it is not clear why, the misunderstanding was exacerbated by the belief, on the part of the Lebanese man who found Uga on his roof, that the pigeon was carrying bird flu, leading to further reports in the Lebanese press of a bird flu scare across southern Lebanon.

A Westerner in Beirut who wished to remain anonymous confirmed to The Jerusalem Post that Lebanon was aflutter with the story of the bird. "It came out in the newspaper on Sunday," he said, "and everybody was talking about it."

The girls of MMY still cannot quite believe they are at the center of the story.

"I started laughing when I first found out," Gertz said. "There was no way this could be true. It sounded like it had come from the pages of The National Enquirer."

Goldberg is dumbfounded about her identity as described by the media. "They think I'm an Arab girl sending this letter to my Lebanese boyfriend thanking him for a great night we spent together," Goldberg laughed. "The whole episode is so funny. It's like a domino effect - a whole line of mess-ups.

"Of course we were really upset that we started a bird flu scare," she added, "we wouldn't wish that on anyone."

As it stands, the girls miss their long lost friend. "We just want Uga back," Gertz said. "We want him free."
  • Thursday, November 24, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Proof #3971 that the UN is at best irrelevant, at worst supporter of terrorism:

In light of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon's (UNIFIL) failure to stop Hizbullah's attack in the north on Monday, it is time to reassess the organization's mandate, Foreign Ministry director-general Ron Prosor said Wednesday.

Prosor's comment came in a Jerusalem briefing to some 60 ambassadors or their second-in-command on the volatile situation in the north.

Harry Knei-Tal, director of the Foreign Ministry's political research department, said the fact that UNIFIL did not stop the attack from occurring raised questions about whether it plays a constructive role there at all.

According to diplomatic assessments in Jerusalem, UNIFIL must have been aware of the preparations Hizbullah was making in the area to carry out the attacks. Moreover, the IDF had provided UNIFIL with information on the group's activities over the last few weeks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

  • Wednesday, November 23, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The existence of MEMRI clearly hits a nerve with Arabs. A recent article lists many very dubious anti-Arab quotes and then says:
The Israeli translation company Memri would translate a sermon of an Imam in a desert outpost that no Muslims outside the outpost itself had heard of. But it does not translate the venom of the settlers' rabbis....
Another recent article out of Saudi Arabia reads from the same script:
Carmon is a former Israeli intelligence officer sent by Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington to establish the translation company MEMRI, which concentrates on obscure Imams of mosques in the Empty Quarter but not the racist diatribes of settler rabbis in Palestinian lands.
Clearly services like MEMRI hit a big nerve with our friends who support and fund terrorism. Not once have I seen them claim that MEMRI mistranslated them, and their critique that MEMRI only quotes "obscure Imams" are slightly contradicted by the fact that the bigotry displayed by the Arab world and translated by MEMRI is broadcast on their TV stations.

Perhaps one day they will evolve to the point that their obvious embarrassment turns into real introspection and change.
  • Wednesday, November 23, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The United States and Europe will not seek a referral this week of their case against Iran to the United Nations Security Council, American and European diplomats said Tuesday. Instead, the diplomats said, they will allow more time for China, Russia, India and other countries to persuade Iran to stop its nuclear activities.

Iran's secret nuclear program was first discovered in August, 2002, with the revelation of the existence of two secret nuclear sites, a uranium enrichment facility in Natanz and a heavy water facility in Arak.

Since then we have had over three years of Iranian breaking promises, defiance, bravado, empty negotiations and thumbing its nose at the UN, and nothing has changed - except for one thing:

Iran is now 39 months closer to building a nuclear bomb.
  • Wednesday, November 23, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The first semester at Al Azhar University since Israel quit the land it occupied for four decades has been a bust. School has been closed for more than a month.

The problem began in October, when a dean at Gaza's largest university ejected a male student from a women's-only patio area. The next day, about 50 armed relatives of the student -- many police officers -- barged into a weekly meeting of the deans and yanked university president Adnan Al Khaldi by his shirt from the office, down the stairs, through the front plaza and off the campus before releasing him.

The university staff was promised action by Palestinian politicians and security chiefs. But nothing happened, and Khaldi has since put his 14,000 students on recess.
Of course the author of the article likes to blame Israel as much as the Palestinians for the Gaza chaos, because if he didn't he wouldn't be "even-handed."

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

  • Tuesday, November 22, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
So, Hizbollah decides it wants to shell northern Israel and kidnap some Jews - and the US calls on Israel to "exercise restraint."

And Israel is actually doing it, even though there is no indication that Lebanon has the desire or means to "restrain" the terrorists.

Makes one wonder who is formulating Israel's defense policy.

UPDATE: Thank God. Israel didn't stay restrained for that long.
  • Tuesday, November 22, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I predicted in my last post, the media latched onto the word "hardliner" when describing Likud like a pit bull. The dearth of independent thinking in the media is always fun to watch, as each "news" source mindlessly follows the lead of others in finding a shorthand way to describe people they disagree with.

"Sharon broke away from his hardline Likud Party on Monday"
pushing for a March election after deciding to leave his hardline Likud Party"
just hours after deciding to leave his hardline Likud Party"
"Israel's Sharon leaves hard-line Likud Party"
"PM Ariel Sharon quit his hard-line Likud party, saying..."
The Gaza pullout, which was bitterly opposed by Likud hard-liners..."
Ariel Sharon's final break with Israel's hard-liners instantly redrew the political ..."
when he quit Likud, the hardline party he helped found..."
"Declaring that hard-liners in his conservative Likud Party had made life "unbearable,"
" pursue plans to end the conflict with the Palestinians without having to battle Likud hardliners..."
"...what was expected to be a difficult contest with hard-line rival Benjamin Netanyahu..."

The media shapes the news as much as it reports it. Sharon is now being hailed as a "centrist" because there is a major party to his right. But a week ago, despite his political moves in Gaza, you would never have found Sharon called a centrist in the media. And keep in mind that Sharon has done things that well-known "dove" Yitzchak Rabin would never have considered.

This gives rise to the absurd situation where Palestinian terror-supporting groups are labeled consistently as "moderate" while Jews who want to live in the territories are consistently labeled "extremist." The average news reader internalizes these messages and starts thinking that families who just want to live where they grew up are equivalent to suicide bombers; and Holocaust deniers are more moderate than the party that gave Egypt Sinai in exchange for a piece of paper.

When the press applies inaccurate or overly simplified language to situations, it affects reality. It gives real terrorists carte blanche and puts people who truly want peace on the defensive. It is irresponsible and dangerous. It costs lives.

(This morning I saw the BBC report on this story and the person they felt was best qualified to comment on Israel's political earthquake was none other than Hanan Ashrawi! She tried very hard to say that Sharon's new party is "right" and that the Likud is "far right." It would be far more accurate to describe Ashrawi as a "terrorist supporter", her party Fatah as a "terror group" and Hamas as a "hard terror group.")

Monday, November 21, 2005

  • Monday, November 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The world media like to assign single words or short phrases to people and political movements. This simplifies things for them; they get out of the responsibility of actually reporting anything with any complexity and they can quickly influence the readers to think as they do.

Hence, Ariel Sharon was inevitably described as a "hawk" (never a "risk-taker for peace" for example), Mahmoud Abbas as a "pragmatist" (never a "Holocaust-denier"), terrorists as "militants", Shimon Peres as a "Nobel-prize winner", people who support the settlers as "ultra-nationalists" and so on. We read this appellations so often that we don't think about them but for those who are not intimately familiar with the political landscape it is easy to see that if one side elects a "hawk" as a leader and the other one elects a "moderate", then the "moderate" must be a more reasonable person and any problems are the "hawk's" fault. (

Now, the media have a few problems - if Sharon no longer heads the Likud and starts a "centrist" party, it can hardly keep calling him a hawk when there is a major party to his right. But abandoning the "hawk" label takes time because to do that means that they've been calling him the wrong label for years now. So for now they will probably try to avoid labeling him until they can find something new to hang onto him, and just refer to him as the head of a new "centrist" party.

But what do they call Netanyahu and the remaining Likudniks? "Hawkish" has been too closely associated with Sharon, so they need another name that conveys their strong disapproval for anything they stand for.

The early favorite seems to be "hardliners." Although al-Ha'aretz likes calling them "extremists," a term others like to reserve for Al-Qaeda terrorists and the Jewish religious right-wing.
  • Monday, November 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm sure that the Iranians have only "peaceful" plans for nuclear warheads.
Iranians admit receiving nuclear warhead blueprint from disgraced Pakistani expert

International suspicion of Iran's nuclear programme heightened yesterday when it was revealed that Tehran had obtained a blueprint showing how to build the core of a nuclear warhead.

Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told diplomats that his inspectors had recently obtained documents from Tehran showing that the Iranians had been given various instructions on processing uranium hexafluoride gas and casting and enriching uranium. These had been obtained via the black market in nuclear technology headed by the disgraced Pakistani scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Informed diplomats said the blueprint for casting uranium was required in making the core of a nuclear warhead, although that alone was not enough for the manufacture of a weapon.

United Nations inspectors had long suspected that the Khan network had helped Iran, but this was the first time the Iranians had come clean on the issue. They told the inspectors they had not sought the information, but that the Khan network had supplied the documents anyway.

This claim stretched credulity among diplomats and nuclear experts, and reinforced their conviction that Tehran is determined to acquire the capacity and knowhow for nuclear weapons.

Pakistani nuclear experts are always calling me and emailing me with information on how to build nuclear warheads - sounds credible to me!
  • Monday, November 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Interesting analysis out of India. It makes sense as well that the initial rioting was spontaneous but that it morphed into something that was specifically Islamist.

(The IRIS blog has been following this very closely.)

One wonders what "Hizbut Tehrir" means...


All indicators point to the involvement of some Pakistani, Algerian and Moroccan members of the London-based Hizbut Tehrir (HT) in the violence by sections of angry Muslim youth, which has rocked the suburbs of Paris and some other towns of France since October 27,2005.

2. The outbreak initially was spontaneous following the electrocution of two Muslim youth as they were fleeing away from a random identity papers check by the Police. The violence continued to be spontaneous, with no external instigation, for three days. In the meanwhile, it is reported by reliable sources, the headquarters of the HT in London saw the agitprop potential of the developments in Paris and sent some of their experts, who had participated in instigating the violence earlier this year in Afghanistan over the alleged desecration of the Holy Koran by the US guards at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba and in Uzbekistan over the allegedly autocratic ways of the local Government, to Paris to stoke the anger of the youth and exploit it for their purpose.

3. With the help of the sleeper cells, which the HT has already established in Paris and other parts of France for some months, they drew up plans for keeping the violence sustained in order to further radicalise and mobilise the youth against the French Government. For this purpose, they exploited the already prevalent anger in the Muslim community of France over the ban on the wearing of head scarves by Muslim girls in public schools and over the ruthless action taken by the Police in the past against suspected radicals. The intemperate and insensitive language used by the French Interior Minister, which is perceived as an insult to Islam and the Muslim youth, facilitated the task of the HT.

4. The HT has the same objective as Al Qaeda, namely, the restoration of an Islamic Caliphate, but denies any link with Al Qaeda and claims that it intends achieving its objective through overt political agitation and not through resort to terrorism or other forms of political violence . While there is no evidence of its involvement so far in any act of jihadi terrorism anywhere in the world, it has been involved in many instances of political agitation in the streets in some countries and in attempts at subverting the armed forces and the intelligence agencies in Pakistan and other Islamic countries.

5. It is reported by reliable sources in Pakistan that the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) in Pakistan has instructed its cells in France to assist the HT clandestinely as best as they can. Similarly, the Jamat-ul-Furqa (JUF), which has some followers in the community of Caribbean origin in France, has also asked its followers to assist the HT. Richard Reid, the so-called shoe bomber, was suspected to be a member of the JUF.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

  • Sunday, November 20, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
A website (in both Arabic and English) supporting the Saudi teacher who was punished for praising Jews has gone up, with many interesting details about the case:

After the Saudi authorities captured the terrorists who perpetrated the may 11, 2003 tragic terror bombing in a residential area in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Muhammad al-Harbi made a public announcement to his school’s students praising the Saudi police and supporting anti terrorism actions waged by the Saudi government. He explained that that terror acts are against Islam and do not represent the faith nor its followers. This announcement was not received well by some of the other teachers in the school who adopted some extremist views and conservative ideologies that did not agree with Mohammed’s thoughts. They started plotting against Mohammed for his sincere efforts in spreading the message of tolerance and support for anti terror acts.

Some strange and violent things started happening to Mohammed in the school and also outside the school: one day he posted a newspaper article about anti terrorism, but Mohammed was surprised to discover that some teachers who had been witnessed by students took down this article , he found his car vandalized, and he was shot at while working in his office in the school. Then, he discovered that one of his students filed a case against him and he was charged by the following: admiration of the US and the west because he says “OK”!, adopting unreligious thoughts, teaching students about alcohol, performing magic/witch craft, and making a mockery of beard. This case was filed in a different town and Mohammed had to commute to court to meet a religious judge who told him in the first hearing that he was not fit to teach inside or outside Saudi Arabia. The judge did not give much attention to the fact that Mohammed had to teach about alcohol since this was a chapter of the government chemistry curriculum and that he was performing chemistry experiments and not which craft as this student was claiming; he also never made fun of beards and/or religion.

The teachers of this school started taking some students to camps and secretly meet with them. These students and others later showed up in court as witnesses against Mohammed. Mohammed felt that he was powerless and had no one to turn to so he contacted some Saudi journalists (their articles published in the Arabic version of this website) who immediately started writing about his case to support him and make his issue a national concern. More Saudi writers, Saudi newspapers, and some Saudi online forums began a supportive campaign for Mohammed. The renowned Saudi lawyer Abdul Rahman Al-lahim volunteered to represent Mohammed in court. Mr. Al-lahim discovered many violations made by the judge and asked to review other files but the judge refused to grant him with any access or formal representation of his client. The judge was furious that the case leaked to the media and quickly made his ruling on Nov. 12, 2005 to imprison Mohammed for three years and four months and lash him 750 lashes in front of the people to see: 50 lashes each week.

Muhammad’s lawyer is currently trying to appeal this harsh and unjust verdict. Many are still also waging a supportive campaign for Mohammed and his family (his mother and two sisters).

It is important to note that this website is made by Saudi citizens feeling for Mohammed and whole-heartedly supporting his cause for a peaceful world. Muhammad al-Harbi does not know about his website and we voluntarily dedicate this space to him, his family, and all who support him. We are praying that Mohammed's innocence will prevail and that those who falsely accused him will be punished.
He invented an instrument that produces a sound before the fall of rain. He put this machine at the school's gate to help students know if the rain was coming in order to avoid getting wet in their way home. this machine produces musical sound; so his fellow opponent teachers accused him of legalizing music, which is banned in the Wahhabi sect of Islam, and when Muhammed's case went to court, the judge accused him of using witchcraft to operate this instrument!
Another article with details at

I noticed this site because of a link from it to mine, which surprised me, to say the least.

The stories seem somewhat fractured and contradictory, but any reading of the articles shows that the Saudi court system and society as a whole is a joke.

UPDATE: They seem to have finally looked a little closer at my site and took down the link. So much for my new Saudi and Egyptian fans who read my blog as a result (about 20 hits.)


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