Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

John Kirby, though someone I don’t like, is a darned sight better at presiding over a White House presser than is, for instance, KJP. That’s about the best I have to say about him. But the way he sneered at Fox News Chief Legal Correspondent, Journalist Shannon Bream, in an April interview, literally turned my stomach.

Ugh.  It was like he was saying, “Listen little Lady, you stay in your corner, and let the big boys handle this.”

Well, like I said, this was back in April, but the subject of that interview, covert US support for Iran, remains relevant to our current news cycle, with Israel looking at a face-off with the evil Iranian proxy, Hezbollah. Biden’s support of Iran was relevant too,  in November, when I wrote about the money trail that led to October 7. It irritated me, the way the Biden administration kept saying that Iran can’t possibly use its own money to fund its war machine. I hear that stuff and say out loud, squinting my eyes at my computer screen, “You know darned well that money is fungible, you blankety blank blank.”

Fungible. It’s not that difficult a concept. When one anticipates money coming in, they risk taking it from somewhere else. Some not of my religion might call this “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

You don’t need to be a lawyer to understand any of this, right? Yet here was Shannon Bream, a lawyer, polite, refined, asking a reasonable question, and all John Kirby does is sneer and leer at her. You can practically hear Kirby rolling his eyes.

Here's how the conversation went:

Shannon Bream: There are a number of critics, most of them on the GOP side of the Hill, who say, “We shouldn’t be in this position.”

That there are things that were done by this administration, that let Iran think it had an opening here, or others that want to go after Israel. Senator Marsha Blackburn among those, posting on X last night, she says,

“Under President Trump, Iran was broke.

“President Biden gifted them billions of dollars and then naively said, ‘Don’t.’

“‘Don’t.’ is not a foreign policy.” 

Shannon Bream: You know the conversations about unfreezing assets, about waivers on sanctions . . .

John Kirby: Yeah, Yeah. (laughs)

Shannon Bream: Could this administration [have been] tougher on Iran?

John Kirby: (shakes head) It’s hard to look at what President Biden has done with respect to Iran and . . .

Shannon Bream: (interrupts) but we’re also leaving sanctions.

John Kirby: . . . say that he hasn’t been tough on Iran, that we haven’t put pressure on them, that we haven’t—an additional 500 sanctions, additional resources in the region and let’s take a look at that ballistic missiles—okay, so they launched more than 100 ballistic missiles, and how many got through? And the reason they didn’t get through is because President Biden made sure that we pre-position forces in the region to help Israel—will shoot them down—so this vaunted ballistic missile program of theirs, last night (stutters) didn’t turn out to be so vaunted last night.

Shannon Bream: (interrupts) But why not support something that would have stopped that program or at least contained it in some way, so it’s not launching at Israel, so that we aren’t having to get involved defensively?

John Kirby: Again, Shannon, let’s look at the sanctions we put in place with Iran, the resources in the region ... it’s hard to take a look at what President Biden has done and say that we’ve somehow gone soft on Iran. It was the previous administration that promised, that promised to get us out of the Iran Deal and now Iran is so much dramatically closer to a potential nuclear weapon capability than they were before, uh, before, uh, before Mr. Trump was elected. (sneers)

Shannon Bream: Is it not fair to say though, that there have been moves by this administration that have opened up cash and other opportunities for them which we know are fungible, in ways that are not helping the Iranian people (Kirby laughs) but are benefitting the elites and people there who chant “Death to America.” And “Death to Israel.”

John Kirby: You and I have had this fungibility argument, eh, (stutters) before em, um, I obviously take a different issue, uh, take an issue with that characterization. The (gestures), the sanctions relief that has come about. . .  or it’s not even sanctions relief, but eh, (stutters) the eh, eh, additional funds which have been made available to Iran, due to the sanctions relief program that the Trump administration put in place. (shakes head) It can only be used for humanitarian goods; it doesn’t go to the regime. And the idea that the regime was somehow . . . felt like they were freed up to support these proxies because of that it just doesn’t comport with the facts that they have been supporting these proxies for many, many years.

Shannon Bream: And it comports with their language though, saying, we will use this money in the way that we want to use it.

John Kirby: They can’t (shakes head, laughs, sneers). They can’t! They physically can’t do that. 

It’s upsetting. Bream is pretty, but that doesn’t mean she is empty-headed. Rather she is fiercely smart, and a lawyer to boot, and should not be treated with so little regard. I was sickened by his insulting manner toward a lady, and an intelligent one, at that.

Aside from this, Kirby never answered her question—never managed to explain why the fact that money is fungible is something to dismiss. Why would Iran not take advantage the fact that money is fungible to build its war machine? Bream has a good question, and deserves a good answer from this administration. We all do.

But there is no good answer. The Biden administration knowingly assisted Iran in building up its nuclear arsenal, and also gave Iran the power to fuel the October 7 massacre, and the volcano about to erupt in Northern Israel and Lebanon. Shannon Bream knows this, and so does Kirby—every time he stutters, you know he’s concealing something. In spite of this, John Kirby treats Shannon Bream as though she were a simpleton. This was profoundly disturbing to me, both as a woman and as a human being.

The silky words tripping off Kirby’s tongue, brought to my mind nothing so much as the snake who used cunning words to goad Eve on to eat the apple.

In this case the snake was just another Biden hack who’d sold his soul to the highest bidder.

I think Bream did a great job of exposing Kirby for what he is, for anyone who saw the interview and noted his demeaning manner toward his host, Bream. I cannot see how any woman, Democrat or Republican, can sit through that interview and not see how slimy he is. 

And now, as June comes to a close, the United States has let slip, by way of US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown, that America will not be helping Israel fight Iran/Hezbollah this time around, not necessarily because America doesn’t want to, but because, it claims, the US doesn’t have the capability.

“From our perspective,” said Charles Brown, “based on where our forces are, the short-range between Lebanon and Israel, it’s harder for us to be able to support them in the same way we did back in April.”

In other words, those over 100 ballistic missiles Kirby referenced back in April were one thing, but not this. “Sorry,” says America to Israel. “We can’t help you with this one. Now, you’re on your own.”

Here is the logical—the only—answer to Bream’s question, solid proof that money is always fungible, even in the case of Iran. The lifting of sanctions by the Biden administration has directly led to the current existential threat to Israel and, one might add, to Lebanon.

The Biden administration has enabled Iran, all the while doing what it can to stymie Israel. The president feeds the enemy with fungible funds while starving his ally of promised weaponry and other assistance.

Some speak of a coming world war, while people like Kirby, continue to sneer and laugh and lie to intelligent people like Shannon Bream, who see right through them. At some point, John Kirby’s act will grow old—he was never meant to be anything but mid-level management. Not to worry—they’ll find a use for Kirby somewhere. Like I said, he gives a mean White House presser.

Or perhaps they can bury him in mounds of paperwork behind a desk, hidden away from public view.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



In his absence, Ella Ben Ami apologizes to her father for being emotionless. She’s not without emotion, on the contrary – the problem is too many emotions.

Ella had to close off her heart to keep functioning, to retain her dignity during the fight of her life: liberating her father from Hamas captivity in Gaza.

As if that is not enough, Ella is also caring for her mother, who was held hostage in Gaza for 54 days. Raz had a serious pre-existing health condition and was denied treatment while in captivity. By the time she was released in the hostage deal made with Hamas, her health had deteriorated to a frightening extent.  

The knowledge that Ohad, her beloved husband, is still in Gaza does not help her heal - her beloved Ohad who proposed to her every single day.

Now Ella wears his wedding ring on a necklace to feel him close to her heart.

It was Ella’s voice that, on October 7th, made me finally comprehend that something unspeakably horrific was happening.

That Saturday, the Red Alert app on Lenny’s phone woke me up. Mine is set to go off for alerts in Haifa, where we live. Alerts are now very location-specific to avoid unnecessarily traumatizing people, but Lenny says it’s unacceptable not to know when our people are being bombed. That’s why his alerts are set for the entire country.

The warning of incoming missiles was going off non-stop. Missiles from Gaza, aimed at the south and even towards the center of the country. So many, that he turned off the alerts on the phone and turned on the TV to see what was happening.

I assumed it was another “round” like so many others before. Horrible but not something that meant I had to get up. But then he said: “Wake up! Look! There are terrorists in Sderot!”

Groggily I looked at the TV and saw the now infamous image of terrorists piled up on a white pick-up truck driving into Sderot. Six or seven terrorists? Terrible! But they would soon be eliminated… that’s what I and so many others thought. At the time no one understood that we had been invaded.

I began to understand when Ella called the news station.

Ella had already been trapped for hours in the safe-room of her house in Beeri. Frantic with worry for her parents, and because no one else was responding to her requests for help, she called the news station, hoping that at least there, she would be heard.

The invaders were in the kibbutz, butchering people, and burning homes. Ella’s parents were messaging her, describing the terrorists' rampage in their neighborhood, their home, breaking into their safe-room and then… silence.

And then Ella saw her father’s image on a Gazan news site, being dragged into Gaza in a t-shirt and boxer shorts.   

It was 11:48 when she called. The invasion had begun around 6:00 am.  

Ella told Danny Kushmaro, the newscaster, that her father had been taken hostage, to Gaza. Shocked, he carefully tried to clarify the details of what was happening. It was incomprehensible to imagine that this was happening.

“How old are you?”

“23. My father was taken hostage to Gaza.”

“Are you sure? How do you know?”

It was Ella who explained to the reporters and to all of Israel that not only were our people being slaughtered but that they were also being taken hostage.

The first time I met Ella was in the Knesset. She had come with many other family members of the hostages to explain to the Members of Knesset what they needed and ask for their help. This has unfortunately become a heart-wrenching weekly ritual because the hostages are still not home.

Exhausted but with great dignity, Ella told the MK’s and everyone else listening, most of whom were at least double her age that the chasm between the processes set in place to help victims of terrorism and the reality she is forced to deal with.

“Yes, I know there are ways for victims of terrorism to get help but there is a lot of paperwork to fill out. I can’t focus on forms. I can’t think about what happened to me... I was trapped for 15 hours and evacuated under fire. I had to walk over bodies. I was almost killed three times… but my mother is sick, and my father is still in Gaza.”

Ella isn’t alone. She has two sisters, her mother, extended family. She has her friends and a new family – the children, brothers, and sisters of other hostages. They credit her with many of the ideas on how to keep the hostages in the public eye. They find themselves looking to her, for ideas and motivation because although she is younger than them, she is a natural-born leader.

And that is just the thing – she’s not alone but what 23-year-old wants to lead this terrible battle? All she wants is to have her father back. Only then her family be able to begin to heal. Only then will she allow herself to think about herself.

Only when her father comes home Ella will she be able to begin imagining a future. What place she will be able to call home? Be’eri where she grew up and was happy? The place where she had to step over bodies, run past burned cars, and breathe the stench of death? Where every path, every house is a reminder of friends and neighbors who are supposed to be there and are not? How will she create her own family, knowing that the State didn’t succeed in protecting hers or even, after this disaster occurred, succeed in fixing the problem?    

We have to fix this.

Liberating Ella’s father isn’t enough. Every hostage is more than their individual story, more even than their family left behind, sick with worry or broken by grief. The Nation of Israel is one family. We argue and we don’t always like each other but we are still family.

Every living hostage must be liberated. Our dead must be buried. Our future must be protected. We must prove to the world that we meant it when we said NEVER AGAIN. If we do not, this will happen again and again and again. Our enemies promised us that.

Every day is October 7th until we fix this.

And Ella? Every time I see her my heart goes out to her. Not with pity, but with pride in her eloquent dignity, her unbending determination, and love of family and friends. I don’t know how I would cope were I in her shoes (and any of us could be). Frankly, worry over my soldiers, and worry for friends and family is enough to make me physically ill.

I wish I could lift the burden from Ella’s shoulders.

It was her words that began this war for me. I hope for the day that I will hear her say words that prove we are on the right track, words that will give us all hope: “My father is home. The hostages are home.”

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
For World Refugee Day, UNRWA issued a press release describing how older Gazans were being displaced and murdered by the evil Jews yet again.

The writing has all the hallmarks of propaganda, heavy on emotion and with the authors almost certainly telling their interviewees what to say:

Abu Kefah Qadih, is an 81-year-old Palestine Refugee from Khan Younis. He has weathered forced displacement not once, but twice in his lifetime. As a child, he endured the horror of the Nakba – the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.  Now he has been forced to witness the dispossession of his own grandchildren. Together they are currently living through the same ordeal he knew too well as a child. This heart-wrenching reality leaves the elderly man profoundly shaken, shattering any hope he may have held that his family could be spared such a cruel fate.

"The scenes I witnessed as a child are being repeated with my own grandchildren," he laments, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "Watching helplessly as people flee from death, forced to live in tattered tents, clinging to the desperate hope of one day returning home - it shatters my heart to witness this horrific cycle unfolding all over again, this time impacting my own family," Abu Kefah says.

 His aged eyes reflect the weariness of a lifetime burdened by unrelenting displacement and loss. "Many have been killed, their homes reduced to rubble, but still we remain steadfast, accepting God's will," he affirms as a tear escapes from his eye, a potent testament of the profound sorrow etched into his weathered face. 

Does any normal person speak this way? 

But the next "witness" is even more unlikely:

Hajjeh Zainab, 88, is another al Nakba survivor from Beersheba. Her family fled the once peaceful grazing land they called home for the Maghazi area of southern Wadi Gaza in 1948.

Before the Nakba, her family cultivated the land and lived off the livestock they raised, such as sheep, goats, and camels. Hajjeh Zainab recalls, "We used to honor guests and welcome them into our homes and on our lands from which we were forced to flee. We always used to say, 'May God grant us a guest before the sun sets,' such was our love for honoring guests. These are the traditions of the Bedouins in the tribes of Beersheba, and we, the good people of this land, lived a simple life filled with love, harmony, and happiness,” she says. “But in one night and one day, gangs attacked us, killed us, slaughtered our children, families, and men, and forced us to leave our homes under the threat of fire, killing, and massacres,” she laments.
While I see that Benny Morris describes how Zionist troops did expel residents of Beersheba in October 1948 as part of Operation Yoav against the Egyptian fighters embedded there, most of them fled beforehand. I cannot find any description of a massacre of women and children near Beersheba in 1948.  (I see reports of one alleged massacre of fourteen farmers in Al Araqib in September 1948, all of them adult men.)

This old lady is saying what she wants us to hear, not what actually happened.

And UNRWA, with a budget paid for by our taxpayer dollars,  is not publishing what actually happened in 1948, but  antisemitic lies about Jews deliberately massacring innocent men, women and children - to promote the lie that this is what is happening now as well.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

These two paragraphs in an op-ed by Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times are Exhibit A in how antisemitism has been normalized and accepted in today's America by the Left.

Goldberg wrote, ahead of yesterday's New York primary that saw George Latimer easily defeat Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary:

It was always going to be hard, after Oct. 7, for Bowman to bridge the gulf between his convictions and the expectations of many of his Jewish constituents. His district, which includes a small slice of the Bronx as well as the suburbs of southern Westchester, is among the country’s most Jewish, and many of his voters, traumatized by Hamas’s attack on Israel and by increasingly visible antisemitism in America, wanted someone who would stand resolutely with the Jewish state. Bowman was never going to do that; he was horrified by his encounter with Israel’s occupation during a congressional trip in 2021, and he’s been anguished by the mass death and suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, where he believes Israel is committing a genocide. There is something deeply admirable about his refusal to subordinate his values to political expediency.

But Bowman has also been reckless in stomping on ideological land mines. Among his greatest unforced errors was claiming that reports of Israeli women being raped on Oct. 7 were a “lie” used for “propaganda.” (He later apologized.) Though he says he continues to support a two-state solution, he’s fallen into the left-wing habit of using “Zionist” as an insult, such as when he referred to the “Zionist regime we call AIPAC.” Speaking to Politico, he complained about the “decision” some Jews have made to segregate themselves, which many saw as an insult to the Orthodox communities in his district. I suspect Bowman didn’t know that the idea of Jews as clannish is an antisemitic trope, but when you have lots of Jewish constituents, understanding their sensitivities is part of the job.

  • Calling Israel's actions in Gaza "genocide" is antisemitic. 
  • Denying that Israeli women were raped and claiming that it is a propaganda lie is antisemitic. 
  • Using the word "Zionist" as a pejorative is antisemitic.
  • Complaining that religious Jews live in their own neighborhoods, when they must all be walking distance to synagogues,  is antisemitic.
Later in the same article, Goldberg also mentions that Bowman has called Israel a "settler-colonialist project" and privately promised the far-Left to support boycotting Israel from Congress, aligning himself with those who want to see Israel destroyed.

Doing all of this while representing a large Jewish community is not simply an oversight, or reckless, or a series of unforced errors. It is an indication of Bowman's embrace of antisemitism as a key component of his own political stance. 

What, exactly, is "deeply admirable" about resolutely refusing to change his antisemitic positions? (And does that make his belated "apology" for denying October 7 atrocities less admirable?) 

Goldberg remains perplexed but still admiring at the end of the article despite her own listing of no less than six antisemitic positions that Bowman has taken:

After the rally on Friday, I asked Bowman about choices he’s made that seemed to me like political malpractice. He rejected the idea that he should cater to those who’ve already decided that he’s antisemitic, emphasizing all the other communities in the district that he’s accountable to: “The community living in poverty, the community that can’t afford housing, the community that can’t afford child care” and those who want to see the war in Gaza end. But he can’t represent those communities, I said, if he loses. “If we lose, we lose,” he said. “It’s not about that. It’s bigger than that.”  

Would Goldberg say that far right politicians who refuse to change their racist positions when criticized are "admirable"?

Publicly espousing antisemitic positions is acceptable and even praiseworthy as long as it is couched as anti-Israel rhetoric. And we can see it in the pages of the New York Times. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a survey to see how American Jews are defending themselves in the face of rising antisemitic attacks.

(h/t MtTB)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

From Ian:

Daniel Greenfield: Can Israel 'Win by Winning'? A review of Daniel Pipes' 'Israel Victory'
A week before the October 7 Hamas assault on Israel, Daniel Pipes, a longtime respected foreign policy expert, a former board member of the United States Institute of Peace and the president of the Middle East Forum, had turned in his manuscript for his new book.

What emerged in the final months of 2023 was Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated. The foundational thesis of Pipes' work, that Israel had spent far too much conciliating the Islamic terrorist groups that dominate Gaza and the West Bank, offering them the promise of peace and prosperity, emerged from the rubble more relevant than ever.

"Israeli leaders seek to improve Palestinian economic welfare: I call this the policy of enrichment," Pipes writes in Israel Victory, criticizing Israel for not adopting "the universal tactic of depriving an economy of resources, but on the opposite one of helping Palestinians to develop economically."

The quintessential liberal fallacy also at the root of America's failures in the War on Terror held that wars were fought against regimes, not people. Even when Israel achieved its victories on the battlefield, it still believed that peace would come through mutual prosperity and befriending foes. This vision is alien to the region and rather than bringing peace has only perpetuated generations of war.

In the months before Oct 7, Arab Muslim workers from Gaza were allowed in increasing numbers to work in Israel. And in the months since Oct 7, Israel, under political pressure, has flooded Gaza with aid. The pre-10/7 appeasement failed to prevent the massacres, rapes and kidnappings and the post-10/7 benevolence only convinced Muslims in Gaza they would win.

Israel Victory contends that Israel can't win through conciliation, it can only win by winning and that furthermore, victory is ultimately the best possible outcome for both sides. Israel's reticence to achieve a conclusive and decisive victory, and then to act like winners infused generations of Arab Muslims living in the West Bank and Gaza with the conviction that they can destroy Israel if they transform their societies into killing machines and turn over political power to terrorists.

It is as if instead of defeating Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, the Allies had left a core regime and population intact and free to plot war for another 50 years. That is what happened in Israel.

The dynamic in which we try to win over the Muslim world, only to have it reject us, to which we respond with even more concerted efforts to win it over has become all too familiar to most of us. And it's the dynamic that "Israel Victory" places at the heart of the conflict. The combination of relentless international pressure and the conviction that peace can only be achieved by winning hearts and minds, rather than by winning wars, has created a doom spiral of 'rejectionism' and 'conciliation'.

"Rejectionism, however, will not collapse on its own. It must be broken. Only one party, Israel, can achieve this. Doing so will require major changes, indeed, a paradigm shift," Pipes writes. "That means abandoning conciliation and returning to the eternal verities of war. I call this Israel Victory. More negatively but more accurately, it consists of Palestinian defeat."
Phyllis Chesler: The Only Chance for Peace in Israel
Dr. Daniel Pipes is an academically elegant as well as a bold and strategic thinker. He is the founder and President of the Middle East Forum and an historian. Pipes’s new book is titled “Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated.”

Pipes’s knowledge of Middle Eastern history and of the Israel-Palestine issue is impressive. Whether or not his carefully considered suggestions will be heeded remains to be seen. I certainly hope that leaders everywhere read this volume.

Pipes argues that Palestinian “rejectionism” can only be defeated if Israel is victorious, if Palestinians finally understand that their obsession to exterminate Israel can never be realized. They must first lose this self-destructive “hope” before they can begin to create a more stable and viable society. (READ MORE from Phyllis Chesler: Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End)

“The role of hope among Palestinians, actually inspires intransigence, extremism, and violence. Hope that the Jewish state can be destroyed keeps rejectionism alive, inspires continued murderous attacks, and motivates the international hate-campaign.”

He further notes that the massive aid donated to Hamas and to the “Palestinians fuels terror, not peace.”

Pipes is a common sense realist. He understands that “ending the conflict means that one side wins, the other loses.” Israel’s policy of “conciliation” towards Hamas and the Palestinian Authority has led to countless deaths and to the savaging of Israel’s reputation in the world. The deep funded and long-term campaign of “slander” against Israel has worked; but that is also due to Israel’s refusal to fight back or to even engage in the cognitive war. He writes:
This form of anti-Zionism (that Israel is the world’s most horrid and bellicose country) poses an existential threat to Israel no less than Iran’s nuclear weapons. Indeed, just as lawful Islamism poses greater danger than Muslim violence, so the Palestinian delegitimization threatens Israel more than their violence.

I agree. With sadness, based on my own experience, I can confirm that for more than 50 years, both American Jewish organizations and the Israeli government were indifferent to the importance of hasbara, “messaging,” setting the record straight, countering the Big Lies.
LA leading race to the bottom as America's Antisemitism Capital
Violence appears to be a feature, not a bug, of the anti-Israel movement in California. Recently, an anti-Israel group claimed responsibility for acts of arson committed on the University of California, Berkeley campus. In November, brawls broke out when anti-Israel activists attempted to disrupt a screening organized by Israeli actress Gal Gadot of the 43-minute video documenting the atrocities Hamas committed on October 7.

It is no coincidence that the one Jewish person who has been murdered so far in the eruption of antisemitism that followed the Hamas massacre of October 7, Paul Kessler, was murdered in Los Angeles.

The death of Paul Kessler did not serve as a wake-up call to the police or the politicians. Nor did any of the violence that followed. At some point, it was decided that it was ok for antisemites to target synagogues, something Mayor Bass and the LAPD would never tolerate if it was a mosque that was targeted instead.

Why shouldn’t antisemites engage in violence and target synagogues if the message coming from authorities is that violence is "protected speech"?

Amazingly, antisemitism appears to be even worse in Los Angeles than it is in New York, which has seen some of the worst antisemitic incidents and rallies in its history in recent weeks. There is also anti-Jewish violence in New York, as the assault on a Jewish woman’s family at a 5th grade graduation ceremony in Brooklyn proved, but a lower percentage of antisemitic rallies turn violent. So far.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvan Bragg’s decision not to prosecute dozens of rioters who violently took over Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall and who held a janitor hostage threatens to make New York just as bad as LA by proving that antisemitic violence goes unpunished.

The most shocking part of all of this isn’t the hate or the violence. It’s that there are those who are shocked that people who openly support Hamas, people who cheer the horrors of October 7, people who openly call for violence against Jews, might actually be violent themselves and put their rhetoric into action.

As long as antisemitism is consequence free, as long as violence is tolerated, hate and attacks on Jews will continue and will grow in intensity and severity. This tolerance for the intolerable has made Los Angeles the antisemitism capital of the United States, the place where Jews are most likely to be killed by Hamas supporters, the place where the supposedly ‘peaceful protests’ of the modern day Nazis are most likely to turn violent.

If LA loses its title as America’s antisemitism capital, it will probably not be because its leaders and police woke up and began treating antisemitism like the bigotry it is, but because people like Alvan Bragg made other cities safer to attack Jews than to be one.

In the race to the bottom, LA is in the lead.
Dozens protest Bragg’s decision to drop charges against Columbia protesters
Some 50 people delivered a simple plea on Monday to Manhattan’s top prosecutor, who opted not even to bargain for pleas from antisemitic protesters who occupied buildings at Columbia University.

“Bragg, Bragg, punish crime. Make sure criminals do their time,” chanted those who protested outside the office of Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney. He appeared to be in the building during the protest, as his car awaited outside.

Shai Davidai, an assistant management professor at Columbia Business School who has been one of those leading criticism of his employer for tolerating Jew-hatred, told those assembled that he was appalled as a father, a Jewish man and a taxpayer.

“We pay for that guy to do his job, and he refuses to do it,” Davidai said at the rally, organized by the grassroots movement End Jew Hatred.

The Israeli native believed two reasons to be behind the fact that Bragg dropped charges against 31 of the 46 people who occupied Columbia’s Hamilton Hall illegally, and whom police subsequently arrested after breaking into the building dramatically.

“He gets to decide for himself: He’s either a coward or an antisemite,” Davidai said of Bragg.

Bragg’s office stated last week that there was insufficient evidence to charge the dozens of protesters in question even with criminal trespassing and that they had no criminal history. The district attorney’s office also noted that there was limited video evidence since the masked protesters covered up cameras.

‘A denial of our most basic rights’

The Manhattan district attorney had visited a Holocaust center just a week before deciding to drop the charges against most of the protesters and declined to prosecute the offenders on the same day that he signed a pledge to prosecute hate crimes fully amid rising antisemitism, according to Alan Mindel, chairman of the board at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Long Island.

“The next day, to not prosecute trespass, claiming a lack of evidence when the individuals were literally arrested in the location of their trespass, is on its face, ridiculous,” Mindel told rallyers, who tended to sport American rather than Israeli flags.

“We all know this,” he said. “It’s a denial of our most basic rights, and these rights, they’re not just for us.”
From Ian:

The Truth about U.S. Weapons Shipments to Israel
In the ongoing dispute over weapons shipments between the United States and Israel, two possibilities emerge: either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is lying, or the Americans are being dishonest. After careful examination, the latter seems more likely – the Americans are obscuring the truth.

Multiple shipments of various types of ammunition to Israel have been delayed since February – that is four months. This far exceeds the single weapons shipment President Joe Biden mentioned regarding operations in Rafah.

The delayed shipments include artillery, tank and air combat ammunition – weapons Israel has already paid for – as well as thousands of JDAM kits that convert unguided bombs into precision-guided munitions. Netanyahu, not always known for strict adherence to facts, accurately describes the situation.

His unprecedented move – releasing a video directly criticizing Washington. – became necessary after months of quiet diplomacy failed to resolve the issue, effectively freezing weapons deliveries.

The actual delays stem from State Department officials who are not processing the required export permits for these shipments to Israel.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's trip to the US will address this issue, which highlights Israel's significant military and diplomatic dependence on America, as revealed during the ongoing war.

The benefits of US support for Israel are clear: $4 billion in annual military aid, continuous ammunition supply during war, and international backing against hostile entities like Iran, Russia and the United Nations. However, the drawbacks are less discussed: Israel's limited freedom to act according to its own judgment, both operationally during the war and diplomatically in its aftermath.

The logical goal is a dramatic increase in domestic production – both in volume and variety – and liberation from contractual restrictions that prevent Israel from independently developing additional weapon types.

While dependence on the US won't disappear overnight, efforts to reduce it should have begun yesterday. Israel has already taken some steps to increase its future autonomy.
Netanyahu's complaint: A decade-old US arms delivery deception
Team Obama, still playing strong in Washington, pulled out several plays when Israel was confronted with another Gaza war. At first, they embraced Israel, and then they dragged out the game and called penalties as the Jewish state took the offensive. “Don’t throw the heavy bomb! Stay in bounds!”

It’s a shame the Israeli team hadn’t viewed the 2014 game films.

In early May 2024, President Biden told CNN in an interview that he would halt some shipments of American weapons to Israel - which he claimed had been used to kill civilians in Gaza - if Netanyahu ordered a major invasion of the city of Rafah. “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah - they haven’t gone in Rafah yet - if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, that deal with that problem,” he said. Biden says he will stop sending bombs and artillery shells to Israel if it launches a major invasion of Rafah.

A coordinated media campaign against the supply of “heavy bombs” to Israel was launched in December 2023 by The New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. It was as if a political echo chamber was activated. Targeted explicitly by the publications were 2,000-pound bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) kits that provided “dumb bombs” with precision guidance, ostensibly something critics should approve of.

The latest scheduled shipment was supposed to consist of JDAM kits, eighteen hundred 2,000-lb bombs, and seventeen hundred 500-lb bombs.

Svengali Rhodes
One name was missing from the 2024 “Obama Team” still at work in the White House: Ben Rhodes, who served as Obama’s deputy national security advisor and anti-Israel play-caller during the tempestuous Iran Deal and Gaza weapons episodes. Rhodes was a political Svengali, the creator and director of the infamous Washington “Echo Chamber.”

Last week, “Svengali” stepped out from behind the curtains with a pre-election essay in Foreign Affairs titled “A Foreign Policy for the World as It Is: Biden and the Search for a New American Strategy.” According to Rhodes, Israel was a core problem.

He griped that the US administration “criticizes Russia for the same indiscriminate tactics that Israel has used in Gaza” and that “Washington has supplied the Israeli government with weapons used to bombard Palestinian civilians with impunity.”

What caused the current conflagration, according to the former White House speech writer? What lit “a fuse that detonated” the war? Rhodes lists the pro-Israel actions of the previous Trump administration as catalysts:

“Moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing the annexation of the Golan Heights, and pursuing the Abraham Accords.” Rhodes continued, “The Palestinians were cut out of Arab-Israeli normalization, [and] Israel’s far-right [were] emboldened, lighting a fuse that detonated in the current war.”
Elliott Abrams: U.S. Should Never Stop Transferring Arms to America's Closest Ally
Elliott Abrams, who served as a senior official in previous Republican administrations whose last role was enforcing sanctions on the Iranian regime during the Trump administration, opposes delays in US arms shipments to Israel.

"I don't know what and how much has been held up, but it shouldn't have happened. The level of delay should be zero," Abrams tells Israel Hayom in an exclusive interview in the wake of the recent clash between the Biden administration and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"At the end of Trump's term, Iran was facing bankruptcy. The Biden administration's abandonment of the sanctions policy led to a significant strengthening of the Islamic Republic." He added, "If Trump had received four more years, the regime would have faced a choice between economic collapse and mass uprising, or halting the nuclear program. But then the Biden administration came and essentially stopped enforcing the sanctions, to the point that today Iran's currency reserves stand at about $50 billion. Therefore, what needs to be done is to return to the sanctions policy and enforce it."

He emphasized that "America's closest friend in the Middle East suffered a terrible attack, so we should never stop transferring weapons to her." Abrams currently serves as chairman of the Tikvah Fund and will participate in the 21st Herzliya Conference at Reichman University.

According to Abrams, "At the end of Trump's term, Iran was facing bankruptcy. The Biden administration's abandonment of the sanctions policy led to a significant strengthening of the Islamic Republic." He added, "If Trump had received four more years, the regime would have faced a choice between economic collapse and mass uprising, or halting the nuclear program. But then the Biden administration came and essentially stopped enforcing the sanctions, to the point that today Iran's currency reserves stand at about $50 billion. Therefore, what needs to be done is to return to the sanctions policy and enforce it."

Q: In your opinion, will sanctions be enough? After all, this has been tried for many years, and it has never stopped Iran.

A: "I think we need to start with enforcing sanctions. Also, Britain and France need to activate the snapback mechanism [eturning the UN Security Council sanctions that were lifted under the nuclear deal], but this needs to be backed by a credible threat of force. All recent US administrations, including Joe Biden's and Barack Obama's, said they would not accept a nuclear Iran and threatened to use force if necessary."

According to Abrams, Iran has indeed halted the advancement of its nuclear program on rare occasions. "This happened when Bush invaded Iraq in 2003, and when Trump eliminated Qassem Soleimani in 2020. The US needs to be ready to use force in Iran, but credibility is critical here. Only if they are convinced that the US is willing to act will they stop."

Q: What is the significance of the Hamas attack and everything that happened afterward from an American and global perspective?

A: "For many in the US, particularly on the Republican side, this is a wake-up call that Biden's policy has failed, and he's trying to push off the problem and quiet it until the elections."

Abrams claims that the US president tried for two and a half years to revive the nuclear deal with Iran until he realized they weren't interested. "Iran has benefited from this situation, and everyone outside the administration sees it as a failure. Moreover, for the last hundred years, the US has viewed keeping the Red Sea shipping lanes open and safe as one of its most important missions, and the Houthis have pretty much managed to end that. The Suez Canal is almost completely closed, as is the Red Sea. The US is currently in a defensive posture. We're intercepting the Houthis' missiles, but we've come to terms with them doing what they're doing. In my opinion, the US needs to punish the Houthis and Iran for this."
  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Creator Recognition in TTRPG (Tabletop role-playing game) Awards, CRIT, issued a Code of Conduct:

 1. Inclusivity and Respect

1.1. No Racism: We do not tolerate any form of racism, racial discrimination, or xenophobia. Treat all individuals with respect and fairness, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or cultural background.

1.2. No Homophobia: We embrace diversity and do not condone any homophobic behavior or discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

1.3. No Ableism: We are committed to being accessible and accommodating to all individuals. Avoid ableist attitudes or behaviors and strive to make the CRIT Awards inclusive for people of all abilities.

1.4. No Sexism: Gender-based discrimination, stereotypes, or harassment will not be tolerated. We promote gender equality and a supportive environment for all genders.

1.5. Individuals who identify as Zionists, promote Zionist material, or engage in activities that without a doubt support Zionism are not eligible for nomination. 

They even issued a tweet to make this very clear:


But wait - they really do care about creating an inclusive community! They have a morality clause!
3. Morality Clause
3.1. Social Responsibility: Participants of the CRIT Awards are encouraged to consider the social implications of their actions and strive to make positive contributions to society through their work and behavior.

3.2. Community Engagement: Engage with and support local communities, initiatives, and organizations that promote social welfare, diversity, and inclusion. Encourage collaboration and cooperation to address social issues and promote positive change.

3.3. Diversity and Inclusion: Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the CRIT Awards community and beyond, fostering an environment where individuals of all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute.
Everyone is welcome and respected! All backgrounds! Neo-Nazis - sure! October 7 Hamas groupies - welcome! 

Don't believe me? Well, in 2022, it was discovered that one of the legends of RPGs, M. A. R. Barker, who died in 2012, had written a neo-Nazi novel under a pseudonym (that is very popular on Stormfront) and was on the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Journal of Historical Review which denies the Holocaust. (M. A. R. stands for "Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman," He converted to Islam in 1951.)

Now, look at the comments on an RPG forum upon discovering the news. They are so tolerant! 
People are not perfect and on our daily news water is wet and grass is green.
What an train wreck some of the comments in the Reddit are " what do you mean an rpg author I liked is not perfect. How dare he not be"

Get over it we are flaws and imperfect as human beings.

Crying shame ain't more people whining about the anti-white stuff from things like ADL and SPLC and MURDER bigotry from BLM. What, some kinds of bigotry okay but not others?
While some people were upset over the discovery that Barker was a white supremacist, there is nothing in the CRIT Code of Conduct that would exclude him from being nominated if he was still alive.

Only "Zionists" are excluded.

Since this became news yesterday, Gencon, the show that was going to host the CRIT Awards kicked them out, which they claim was for "safety concerns:"

Because we all know how violent Zionists are. 

Anti-Zionism is today's socially acceptable form of Jew-hatred.  And this debacle proves it. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last Wednesday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to invade northern Israel.

He threatened to shoot rockets at every part of Israel.

He threatened to attack any Israeli shipping in the Mediterranean.

He threatened to attack the entire country of Cyprus.

How did EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell respond to explicit threats to expand the current fighting to become a region-wide conflict?

European foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Monday that the Middle East was close to seeing the conflict expanding into Lebanon just days after Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah threatened EU member Cyprus.

The risk of this war affecting the south of Lebanon and spilling over is every day bigger,” Borrell told reporters ahead of a foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg. 

“We are on the eve of the war expanding,” he added.

 Nothing about the war expanding from Hezbollah-held areas to the entire region - but from Israel to Hezbollah areas.

Borrell's statement after the meeting mirrored what he said before, with the implication that only Israel is the aggressor:

What is also a serious concern, is the spillover in the region. We support the active mediation efforts, especially by the United States and France, in order to avoid a confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah. Lebanon can count on our support, and also [can] Cyprus. 

But not Israel.

The fight against Hezbollah can bring the whole region into a serious crisis. And that is why, we have to continue our diplomatic efforts in order to provide humanitarian assistance in Gaza and stop the spillover of the war in the region.   

It isn't aggression started by Hezbollah. It isn't even a conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. It is a "fight against Hezbollah" - and Israel is the only party attacking.

Who started attacking who on the Lebanese border again? Based on Borrell's statements, the aggressor is always Israel.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times reports:

Gaza is at high risk of famine and almost half a million people there face starvation because of a catastrophic lack of food, a group of global experts said on Tuesday. The experts stopped short of saying that a famine had begun in the enclave as a result of Israel’s war against Hamas.

The analysis by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, or I.P.C., carries considerable weight. The group is a partnership of U.N. bodies and major relief agencies, and global leaders use its determinations to gauge the severity of hunger crises and allocate humanitarian aid.  

 The full IPC report has not been released, but they did publish a graphic of the current situation and their predictions, much as they did in February..

Here is what they said the situation was in February:

Here was their prediction at the time for July:

Here is their updated analysis of the situation today:

Not only is it much, much better than their dire predictions - but things are much better today than they were in February! The numbers that they measure as being in Phase 5 have been cut in half since February, and Phase 4 has been reduced as well, despite Israel's actions in Rafah, no more aid coming through Egypt and accusations that Israel is blocking and impeding aid.

Yet, the IPC insists, things are getting worse despite their own observations.

AP, which saw a draft of the report, quotes them: “The humanitarian space in the Gaza Strip continues to shrink and the ability to safely deliver assistance to populations is dwindling. The recent trajectory is negative and highly unstable. Should this continue, the improvements seen in April could be rapidly reversed.”

And their predictions for September are on the site:

Yet even their dire predictions show that things will be better in September than they were in February. 

There is a more fundamental problem here, though. The IPC definition of Phase 5 says 

Even with any humanitarian assistance at least one in five HHs in the area have an extreme lack of food and other basic needs where starvation, death, and destitution are evident.  

For the rare and extreme case of classifying Phase 5 (Famine), there must be evidence of all three outcomes of mortality (in particular CDR > 2/10,000/day), wasting (GAM > 30%) and food consumption (near complete Food Consumption gap for >20% of the population) according to the IPC Reference Table for Area classification. 

The IPC said in February that 676,000 people were in famine - meaning that we should expect to see two  adults or four children dying per 10,000 people every  day. So based on February figures, there should be well over a hundred people dying of starvation every day in Gaza; according to the current figures the number should be between 70-140 a day.  

By now, we should have seen about 18,000 Gazans starved to death, based on 100 deaths a day.

The latest Gaza health ministry report says that the total number of people who died from malnutrition  in Gaza in eight months is 34.

So not only is IPC terrible at predicting the future, but they are hugely unreliable in describing the present. Even though they tried to justify their classifying hundreds of thousands as being in Phase 5 based on what they described as credible reports months ago, by now it is obvious that practically no one is in Phase 5, or else there are many thousands of deaths that are inexplicably being hidden. 

An organization like IPC depends on accuracy and impartiality. These reports prove that it has neither. There is no way that there are currently 340,000 in Phase 5 today because there are simply almost no deaths - which is their own definition. 

 The only reasonable explanation is that they care more about slandering Israel than about saving the people of Gaza.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

i24News reports:
Reports from Palestinian sources indicate that the Kerem Shalom crossing will open for Palestinians from Gaza, marking the first access since the conflict's onset. 

This decision, requiring stringent security checks and coordination with Civil Administration officials, primarily aims to facilitate medical treatment abroad for Gaza patients, in collaboration with Egyptian authorities.

Sources within the IDF's Southern Command have confirmed this move, portraying it as an initial step towards enabling essential travel. Additionally, individuals with specific humanitarian needs and special permits will be permitted to exit Gaza through Kerem Shalom.

Military officials emphasize that while security protocols remain stringent, there is a proactive stance within the security apparatus to facilitate Palestinian departures under rigorous scrutiny. 
Times of Israel adds that, according to reports,  the initiative was coordinated between Israel and the World Health Organization.

For six weeks now, Egypt has refused to allow patients to leave Gaza, no matter how desperate the need, because, something something, Israel. Essentially, the Egyptian government was comfortable dealing with Hamas at the Rafah crossing and considered dealing with Israel instead to be an affront to its honor. Arab terrorists are much better partners, apparently, than any Jews. 

Everyone in the world sees Egypt's refusal to save Gazan lives, which has been the case since the beginning of the war. And yet the criticism of Egypt - outside from Gaza residents themselves - has been quite muted. 

Because criticism of Egypt would shame them. And everyone knows that you must never shame Arabs, because that is worse than letting child cancer patients in Gaza die.

That is the exact calculus of the world refusing to say a negative word about Egypt. It's okay to occasionally criticize Hamas, and Syria, because they are criticized by moderate Arab states as well. But to criticize Egypt or Jordan or Lebanon? No, that cannot be done publicly.

Even when that criticism can save thousands of lives.

Here we see Israel cares more about the lives of Gaza children with illnesses than Egypt does. It is quote obvious. And it will just as obviously go unreported in the media and by Western officials. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, June 24, 2024

From Ian:

The U.N.’s Latest Insult Against Israel May Be Its Worst
Sympathy for Israel has long been in short supply at the United Nations, but the world body has outdone itself this time.

That’s really saying something, considering its disgraceful treatment of Israel over the past eight months. After the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas resulted in over 1,100 deaths and hundreds raped and taken hostage, Israel rightly declared its intent to destroy those responsible and rescue the hostages. Yet virtually every day since, the U.N. seemingly has done everything possible to protect Hamas from the consequences of its barbaric acts.

Now U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has listed “Israeli armed and security forces” alongside repressive governments and terrorist groups guilty of “grave violations affecting children” in conflict in 2023.

Yes, in the immediate aftermath of October 7, the United Nations condemned the attack in the “strongest terms.” But before the calendar turned to November, the secretary-general was saying the attacks didn’t happen in a “vacuum,” U.N. experts were voicing alarm at the plight of ordinary Palestinians in Gaza, and the General Assembly passed a resolution calling for a “sustained humanitarian truce.”

After that came U.N. accusations that Israel was causing starvation, accusations of war crimes, giving the Palestinians elevated privileges in the General Assembly, echoing Hamas’s false casualty data, and a U.S.-sponsored Security Council resolution designed to pressure Israel into supporting a cease-fire that would ensure the survival of Hamas.

Through this process, the U.N. member states refused to adopt resolutions condemning Hamas for its terrorism. Over and over, U.N. officials have neglected to properly place blame for the conflict and suffering on Hamas. For instance, a U.N. commission of inquiry report just declared that both Israel and Hamas have committed war crimes since October 7, but that Israel also committed crimes against humanity against the civilian population in Gaza.

Ignored is the fact that Hamas instigated the conflict, uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, steals aid meant to relieve suffering, and perpetuates the fighting by refusing to release the hostages. The report from a U.N. commission of inquiry even outrageously blames Israel for not stopping the October 7 attack and protecting its citizens.

While the death toll in Gaza is tragic, it is the intent of Hamas to place civilians in harm’s way. Hamas military leader Yahya Sinwar recently stated his belief that more civilian casualties help Hamas undermine Israel internationally and considers them “necessary sacrifices.” Where is the U.N. condemnation of this callous disregard for Palestinian civilians?

Indeed, Israel can do nothing right in the eyes of the U.N. Even rescuing hostages from Hamas is deemed lamentable. Just see the reaction of U.N. Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese to the June 8 rescue of four hostages. She said that the rescue “should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck.”

And now we have the latest insult, with Guterres, for the first time, listing Israeli armed and security forces alongside the armed forces of Burma, Russia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen, and terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, the Lord’s Resistance Army, and the Taliban as parties that “commit grave violations affecting children in situations of armed conflict.”
In San Francisco, Doctors Feud Over ‘Do No Harm’ When It Comes to War Protests
Dr. Kanal has dozens of relatives living in Israel, including one who hid from Hamas for hours at a music festival on the day of the attack and another who works in forensics and had to identify the bodies of dead children. His grandfather survived the Auschwitz concentration camp, with his forearm branded by the Nazis.

Soon after he sent the email questioning a cease-fire resolution, Dr. Kanal learned that someone had forwarded it to another U.C.S.F. doctor, Rupa Marya, who practices internal medicine and said she focuses on how history and power affect health. She criticized his email on X multiple times over several months without naming him.

But later, in a Substack post, Dr. Marya did refer to him by name and called his email an “expression of anti-Arab hate” that prompted doctors of South Asian and North African descent “to say they do not feel safe in his presence.”

Dr. Kanal said that he was shocked a colleague with whom he had never spoken had blasted him so publicly. He met with university leaders multiple times, but he said they took no action. He then filed a complaint with the school’s Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, which responded that Dr. Marya’s speech was protected and closed the complaint.

“It’s not the words of my colleague that leave me feeling unwelcome and frankly unsafe here at work,” Dr. Kanal said. “It’s the persistent unwillingness of my leaders to clearly denounce them and ensure my inclusion in this broad community here at U.C.S.F.”

The university did respond to a different post by Dr. Marya. In January, she said on X that “the presence of Zionism in U.S. medicine should be examined as a structural impediment to health equity” as she shared another person’s post about being “terrified” for “Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, South Asian and Black patients” being treated by Zionist doctors and nurses.

The university, without naming Dr. Marya or quoting her post, said in a statement that the notion that Zionist doctors are a threat to their patients was both antisemitic and “a tired and familiar racist conspiracy theory.”

In a written response, Dr. Marya said the statement by U.C.S.F. that addressed her post was “a disingenuous attempt to silence perspectives they don’t like” and that she has never felt, in her 22 years on the job, “the kind of repression” that she has since Oct. 7.

She said she called out Dr. Kanal because his email was the first time she had heard “a doctor put forward an argument to continue the killing of innocent people.”

“It shocked me to see this and it is a violation of a fundamental ethical cornerstone of our profession to do no harm,” she wrote.

If the doctors can agree on anything, it is that the university administrators have done too little to quell tensions and address complaints.

A U.C.S.F. spokeswoman, Kristen Bole, said the university and medical center are working hard to ensure a healing environment for its patients and respect the free speech rights of its employees. She said that Sam Hawgood, the chancellor who oversees both the school and hospital, has convened meetings with faculty to hear their concerns and has issued public statements denouncing intolerance several times.

She declined to address the specifics of how U.C.S.F. has addressed particular complaints. Mr. Hawgood declined a request for an interview.

Rick Sheinfield, a Jewish lawyer who has seen doctors at U.C.S.F. for 30 years, said that he filed a complaint with U.C.S.F. in January over Dr. Marya’s posts. He was told in April that his case was closed with no action taken.

He said that he and his family have received excellent medical care there — from heart surgery to the births of his two children. He is unsure if he will remain a patient, but said he was certain of one thing: If he was starting to look for medical care in San Francisco now, he would strike U.C.S.F. from his list.

It was not so much the posts of one doctor that bothered him, he said, but what he saw as indifference from the larger community.

“I don’t think they would tolerate this if it were medical conspiracy theories alleging such hateful things about other groups,” he said. “But they are tolerating this.”


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